The Oshawa Times, 7 Nov 1960, p. 2

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| Kennedy Ahea ELECTION EVE In Homestretch By FRED 5, HOFFMAN senbower's last-stage barnstorm WASHINGTON (AP) -- On the! ing might have had on Nixon's eve of the election, Democrat! political fortunes John Kennedy evidently bas, a abi opened a healthy electoral dole Th TIDE Sex a Republica " i , Wil : ead over Mien Richar tion of Ohio (25), the le d Acid Victim 'Threatened NIPIGON (CP) -- Police said Sunday that Dr. E. BR, Somer leigh, severely Injured in acid attack Priday, ned received at least one threatening letter They poid the attack on the excep town councillor, whose wile is ex- three days, police sald, urvey did pecting their sixth ehild in about 'Death, Horror In Typhoon Wake | CHITTAGONG, Fast Pakistan 160 - mile winds that wrecked (AP)--~An old man huddled in a Chittagong Oct, 31 dark corner by the body of a The first vicious storm Oct, 10, dead child raised a grimy face sccompanied by tremendous ti- Pull extent of his! injuries, or to & paskerby and walled "is this dal waves, was believed to have " pt gw A (rd ight Ue last day of the world?" killed more than 6.000 nersons in whither be known for twk of, Around him the stench of dead East Pakistan The second bodies -- humans and eattle-- storm, three weeks later, was arose from the smashed remains estimated to have killed af least nose and|throal are eck dark man's lips badly swollen and his ened Inspector Martin Erickson said Nixon. in 2a g ¢ ai. Bot produce any clea ins of oa week, was carefully planned, uk In gauting ihe dection bat ide turning in Nixon's favor, as, Dr, Semerieizh is in "gener- found. that many stales--several|ihe vice-president said happened ally condition" in a Port of the bigger ones among them after his fourth TV debate with William hospital following the at remain in doubt, A number of |Keonedy on Oct. 21, In Ohio it tack which oeeirred a8 be left a them are believed inelining to|%V. there was doubl that any council meeting. Kennedy, a couple to Nixon Nixon gains had wiped out nl Several have been The survey--encompassing the| earlier Kennedy edge, questioned, but police said no ar- judgments of AP political observ What did emerge was a PICIUFe rests had heen made, of the religious fesue rising anew. provincial police officers said ol an expert from the Toronto de- tachment's eriminal investigation - Ywaneh will be sent here within! the next three days. Provineial erime laboratories at Toronto are to examine the ping bottle found in Dr, Somer. leigh's station wagon, The bottle is believed to have contained sulphuric acid, The assailant was believed fo was a link between the threats ove pidden in the back of the MPs he will invite to have their car, He fled when Dr, Somer. leigh stopped the car, NOT IN SQUABBLES | The doctor has been a council: lor for one year. He had been expected to run for re-election in three weeks, Friends sald he was not an outspoken councillor and was not involved in any political! squabble, A similar incident oceurred at the Lakehead in 1987 when the late Charles Cox, mayor of Port Arthur and Liberal member of the Ontario legislature, was | of this darkened port city. The 4.000 more. The totals could be electricity had failed in the first! far higher --r-- Chittagong, a hoon town of 500,000 pooulation, it is composed mostly of shacks, which went Dief To Honor | Two Backbenchers the firs slashing winds OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Min. SHIPS SWEPT AWAY ister Diefenhaker probably willj Utility poles fell, railway sonounce today the names racks Were swept froin the Su t [¥ t kbench|Dankment slong the of two Conservative hae gR rains vere dered, moment of glory at the Nov, 17/Sixteen hips, ine two opening of mens an ja-| 10,000 tons, were torn from river formed source sald Sunday, | moorings The selection of the two mem- Huge cranes that had made bers is a prime ministerial pre- Chittagong one of the ma rogative. will move and ports of the East, serving the 48, second the address snd reply in/000 people of Fast Patstan, the Commons to the speech from| were twisted and wrecked, the throne read by the governor. Desd bodies were strewn general at the opening seremony . through the wretkage. Some per» Backbench MPs, either newly ons drowned, some were elected or who have not yet made| crushed by falling debris and a major mark on the {some were burned te death in scene, are usually selected for! fires which swept the ruins, The the job, Their motion is for adop-| emerged brought the danger of pestilence, THREE DIE IN MALTON CRASH the car went out of control after dropping off a four-inch shoulder on the road 5 (CP Wirephoto) Toronto men were killed when | their car collided with an air. line bus (left), No ope in the bus was injured. Witnesses sald | | Churches Must Not Compete |On Radio Police removed bodies from the crumpled wreckage of a small sedan near Toronto's Malton airport Sunday. Three 35 eekend Takes Terrible Toll I near his Aurora yspaper analysts and pariy leaders us well 88 cortain|after seemingly receding in (he hey did not know whether there poll findings ~-- turns wp this middie weeks of the campaign breakdown Kennedy's Roman Catholie and the sitack, They sald Dr, 1. Kennedy rated out in front faith was mentioned in Yeports gomericigh received the threats in 15 states with 197 electoral| from state after state and the attack They said Dr voles--72 short of the 260 min It was believed possible this Somerleigh received the threats imum needed fo win. In all |factor had strengthened Nixon's! co the last year or two, there are 537 electoral votes, lead in Minnesota, for example, | 2 Nixon credited with setting The religious question was also SUFFERS BURNS the pace in 18 states totalling 123| ME ntioned as contributing to the, The physician suffered burns to electoral votes--74 behind Ken.| doubtful status of Bu h states as (he head and face. A hospita dy and 146 short of the min | Texas (4), North Carolina (14) spokesman sald the 43-year-old needed for election on] Missouri (13), and Kentucky (10) am J iy " In some of the big industrial - : : . up class, 17 states with hefty Catholic popu Old M D Li Je Pid ghd lations there was ground for an 1€$ ltoral votes -- more than either thinking religion was a plus for . man had to his secount, Kennedy After Beating ENNEDY GAINING ' ' ] "his represented a substantis' Another 'Unloaded pickup for Kennedy over an Ar 1 ey three weeks ago whe survey three weeks ag shel Gun Proves Fata states with 141 electoral votes. ST. THOMAS (CP)--Allan Gor Kennedy in 14 slates with 120 don, 14, died in hospital here Sat electoral votes and 17 states with yrday night shortly after he was 27 votes were listed as doubl- accidentally shot by his brother ful, Gary, 16, Kennedy's bound ahead could] Aja, con of Mr, and Mrs, Cur Ihe attributed to his gaining 80 4s Gordon of RR 5, St. Thomas, apparent lead in New York hod was shot in the stomach while he and California (32), uth of which and his brother were out walking were considered highly whe Ken.|On their parents' farm, last time, Even now, as con.| Police said a 22 calibre rifle hedy edge in California was Con-|_ ." occidentally discharged as sidere * imoassia | Allan handed it to his brother to Meanwhile. Minnesots (112 200 be loaded, not realizing the gun ful group into the Nixon column, WAS ready to be fired, But Ninois (27), Wyoming (3 and Hawaii (3) slipped from the Nixon roster into the undecided 2 Char ed | eategory. g This latest AP checkover was (conducted during the last watk d perhaps does not fully mir and ov nfiuence President Ei- In Robbery F NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP) Good News or Two men were arrested early » Saturday apd charged with The Hairless armed robbery of a city couple TEANECK, NJ. (AP Wie were left bound in their Nick St. Angelo, a barber Whe. las Sherwood and Alexan has decided tht " nt dole der Wilson were charged in the for & mn air to pay the [$320 robbery of Mr, and Mrs Re er a haimattl 8 Cecil Whitehead, Jame pris for (2, Haren " Police sald the Whiteheads his one Helo has ranged (Were held up in their home by the. prices in his barber shop |IWo men who came to the door from $1 to $1.75--depending |Wearing stocking masks and car- on the amount of hair he "VINE a gun, About $70 in cash "8 was taken and jewelry valued at cu $260, Their car was stolen but i 4 splashed with acid and lost an BRANTFORD (CP) Harry car Miss Eileen Flanagan, for- Fdmunson 7 died Bunday In mer Port Arthur teacher, pleaded ospital after lying all day Bat aig to causing grievous bodily who lives in Hamilton and alse jor o year, maintains a trailer home near Wilsenville close to Simcoe, was k by a neighbor, Fred Joh F I 1 yy a neighbor, Fr nson, Police sald Edmonson had told) or n 1d | his landlady in Hamilton, Mrs. | animals and birds, hooks into India each year for When found the vietim was un. 'he 7280000 adult diana whol der three concrete blocks police| *% potenti: readers, hut only Canadian Bible Society said the 4 blem is nol to persuade peo- ing robbery as the motive, They|P'® the rv said a watch owned by Edmon. ple to read "the World of God son was found inside the trailer, they were hatching and on one occasion shot a pregnant doe, Mrs, Eaton's daughter-in-law, She sald Edmonson was getting ready to retum to Hamilton for the winter, He had visited the beater Friday night or Saturday! Louise Eaton, that he was hay-| ST. CATHARINES (CP)---Mos- believe were thrown into. the 1:330,000 copies of the Bible were | but to provide Bibles In the lan. the interior of which was not ran. Mrs, D, G, Eaton, sald three Wilsonville property this week- | sored by the 8t, Catharines Minis. terial Association CALLS FOR UNITY Another call for church unity was made in a report to the council on religious teaching in publie schools, Religion in the schools will 'go by the board," the report said, unless the Christian churches can A sign in his window reads: "Need a hetter halreut? Come in and gel a written estimate." Some of his fellow barbers have branded St. Angelo's conduct 'unprofessional.' "What difference does it make how much hair a man has," says one. "To a skilled | | | urday in a ditch near Simeoe 101 parm to Mr, Cox. She was given lowing a savage beating. a suspended sentence and placed Police sald Mr, Edmunson, in $1,000 bond to keep the peace morning and lef in a shallow| diteh, ie was found Saturday night ing difficulty with poachers com. Cow's. foreign language publish-| ing on his Wilsonville property, "8 house is sald to be pumping) a game sanctuary, and killing More than 4,000,000 Communist] itch distributed there in 1959, ditch In a written report to the Ca- DISCOUNT ROBBERY nadian Council of Churches, the Police sald they are discount guages and quantities they are needed and at a price the people sacked can afford to pay, Mre, Eaton sald Edmonson told|-- vor lier that men killed ducks while men had told the victim this summer that they 'would get him! recovered a short time later, end to close it down, 'Satisfactory' hot tropical sun that tion of a formal thank you to the governor-general and forms the! Some of the offshore islands, basis of the first general debate with a fotal of 10,000 population, of the session, were believed to have heen en- The legislative program was Bulfed for as long as 45 minutes reported to have been at the top "y Waves sweeping over their of the government's agenda flat, sandy soil, when the cabinet met for nearly six hours in sn unusual Satur. day sitting, Mr, Diefenbaker made no announcements follow: | ing the meeting. | More Education Money Sought TORONTO (CP)--Senator Don- ald Cameron of Banff, Alta,, Sun- day urged more spending of more money on a broader type of edu- {cation as an alternative to de- feat by the Communist nations, | "Without education and under- standing, democracy cannot work and will inevitably fail as ether government systems have failed in human history before," Sen- atory Cameron sald at a function marking the opening of Ontario Education Weel: The week Is sponsored annu-| ally by the Ontario Teachers'| Federation and groups represent. ing government, industry, busi- GOOD FOOD BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNE REASONABLE PRICES HOTEL LANCASTER FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL & & & CONFIRMS You ON THE spoT ALSO ALL OTHER TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS ness, labor and private organiz-|" th 'Hit Cruiser Driver Charged | TORONTO (CP) --- Raymond |Buntin, 18, of Toronto, was charged with criminal negligence Saturday after a police cruiser wis damaged in a hit-and-run ac- cident, Buntin was also charged with driving while his licence was BROADLOOM DRAPERIES INTERIOR DECORATING COMPLETE SERVICE get together in inter-church com. mittees in each province to de cide what they want taught By THE CANADIAN PRESS |Highway ST, CATHARINES (CP) -- A Nine died Sunday 18ght when|home, member of the Board of Broad a loaded bus and a station wagon John Jon, M, of RR 4 Jarvis, cast Governors Saturday night collided near Templeton, Que. |who died in hospital Sunday from called for churches to stop using 10 miles east of Ottawa, injuries suffered Saturday night|, omer wooo tor denominations) It was the worst of four mul-|when a car struck his bicycle on|o,m petition, tiple-fatality accidents during the|Highway 6 north of Jarvis, Rev. Emlyn Davies told the weekend which combined to pro-| Mary Patricia Lees, 18, of canadian Council of Churches duce almost half of Canada's| Toronto, when a car crashed into both: the television and yadio weekend highway death toll of two (toes ad 3 re pole In| odia will be lost to the Chris Fast Toronto Bunaay, tian chure ess denol tions oi died in a two-car crash| A 14-year old St, Thomas youth pi Surch ul "s Baminatioss pear Truro, N.5., and three died|in a hunting accident in the St ters "submit to the discipline of in each of two head-on colli IThomas area Sunday ; techical training' sions in Ontario, One of the two| Douglas Myers, 22, of Toronto.| "ny, "ngyies cu agested that most was a crash between an air|killed when his sports car went| joi, programm i n g leaves transport bus and a small carjout of control on a curve inl. ons he desired. pear Toronto's Malton Airport, [Highway 401 near Pickering and! "ire oo" 0" ws "have in our A Canadian Press survey of{carcened down an embankment. yo, qe tho gecret to save the world accidental deaths from 6 p.m. |A passenger in the car was In gom nuclear destruction it is the local times Friday to midnight Jured. most exciting thing in the world," Sunday listed 50 victims of road he said, "but listening to the ra hunting and shooting accidents YO {dio one gets no Impression of A 51st Canadian died when he Unqualified urgency." was accidentally electrocuted | "We give the impression that NTARIO HAS 12 | we are killjoys dull, irrelevant ONIANY led the srovincey-| NUTSES For and almost anachronistic," province count with 19 dud, Op. . The Welsh-born minister of tario was next with 12, Nova P t C Yorkminster Baptist Church, Scotia third with nine, ONLY rva e ases Toronto, was guest speaker at a Prince Edward Island and Mani © ; i Fm toba were without fatalities. Al TORONTO (CP) Concern at dinner for council delegates spon. berta counted five dead, New the increasing number of unqual Brunswick and Saskatchewan ified persons entering private two each and Newfoundland and nursing was expressed Saturday British Columbia one each, by Mrs. Blanche Duneanson, di- Altogether 46 persons died on rector of the Nightingale School the highways. Another three ~--|of Nursing, one each from Ontario, New| Mrs, Duncanson, addressing a Brunswick and British Columbialdinner in connection with the! ~gled in hunting mishaps, One second annual meeting of the As man died in a shooting accldent|sociatio of Certified Nursing As- in morthern Ontario, while the|sistants of Ontario, sald 'there electrocution took place near the must be complete accord" be- scene of a car accident in Que- tween the registered nurses and| bec, {the certified nursing assistants to| £ The Ontario dead: {eorrect this situation, | Ross Malton, 51, and Agnes It was too early yet, Mrs, Dun. McBride, 40, both of Toronto and canson sald, to predict the ef Fred Grainger, 88, of Keswick (fect of the new Nightingale Ont,, in a two-car head-on erash school's two-year course, which near Keswick, {replaces the traditional three. Three Toronto men, John Bar| year training period, | hacs, 32, James Veszpremi,| Ella 'M, Howard, president of ahout 30, and Miklos Gyory-Kiss,|the Registered Nurses Associa also about 30, when their smallition of Ontario, outlined a new foreign car was crushed and| statutory body for the nursing dragged under an airport trans-|profession, She sald the body, This is another in the ser. port bus in a head-on collision which would be known as the] Jes on key wiates In the near Malton airport, | College of Nurses, would he sim: United States presidential Henry Ingram, 63, of Dean|ilar in concept to the College ofl election, Lake, killed when struck by alPhysiclans and Surgeons, It By ART PARKS bullet fired from a high-powered| would be based on the principle] COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) His- rifle police sald was fired by Al-|that nurses should have the right tory Indicates the presidential bert Le Croix, 47, of Blind River.|to set thelr own minimum educa-| candidate who sells himself to John New, about 50, killed Sat:|{t ion al requirements, practices ohio probably will be the next urday when struck by a car onland standards. occupant of the White House, = -- EE " Only once in this century--in {1944--~has Ohio missed the hoat on the presidency, With that one exception in the last 15 presidential elections, Ohio voters have cast the state's 25 electoral votes for the na. tional winner, This year's presidential race In Ohio is different from any in the memory of anyone now lving, It {will provide a classic test of na tional candidates and issues alone because it is uncluttered by state contests, Because of a recent constitu. tional change, there is only one statewide political contest this year, Other state officials are in the middle of four-year terms, FACTORS IGNORED william Coleman is claiming the state for Kennedy despite: 1. The fact that President Eis. enhower carried Ohio for the Re- publican party by a record 823, 000 votes 1956, the only 'prev lous R Catholic inat for the presidency, was snowed under in Ohlo in 1928 by nearly to), Some Democratic leaders ad. mit privately that they are being hurt in the southern Ohio areas they term the "Bible belt," The Top Cuban 13 Others Arrested HAVANA (Reuters) -- The presidential palace has an nounced that the former chief of the Cuban Workers Confederation and 13 other persons were inter and arrested when they tried to flee to Miami on a yacht, David Salvador, ex-secretary- general of the confederation, and 13 others were arrested when the halted at underground station Sache at intercaptod oy a tu 3 Panket pan naval vessel off Santa Fe, in heart of New York's Harlem, 10 miles west of Havana, the an. ~(AP Wirephoto) !nouncement said, wy SUBWAY BOMB New York City detectives in spect hole in floor of subway car which was ripped by dyna. mite explosion today. Two persons were killed by the blast, DAMAGE which occurred when train was Ohio The Key To Election barber, every head is a chal- lenge." HOLLYWOOD (AP) = Movie actor Clark Cable, struck by a . (heart attack that might have been much worse if he hadn't called off a hunting trip, was resting satisfactorily today Gable suffered the attack Sun day at his suburban Encino home hospital, Doctors and his wife ald the quick use of oxygen un doubledly prevented more seri ous, or even fatal, damage to his the same leaders say they are heart, " confident th at normally deme. 'TV's a miracle," sald Mrs, cratic, heavily populated indus. "ay Gable, expectant mother trial areas in northeastern Ohio{and fifth wife of the 59-year-old will more than offset the south./King of the movies. "He had ern volte, planned a weekend hunting trip | Republican State Chairman|al his duck club near Stockton {Ray C. Bliss says: There are no phones there and "1 believe Nixon will carry|il's miles from a doctor, {Ohio by a comfortable margin, 1| "Then Friday night he said: 'l try to be honest in my predic think I'll spend the weekend tions, but it's hard to appraise/home with you and the children, this campaign in depth, I don't/I don't think I should go up want to be pinned down to an ex-| there,' [act figure, We will lose some of pLAYED WITH CHILDREN {the industrial counties, but If we| «on Saturday night he seemed wrestling with my two chil lose some of them by a narrow... 3 : "YY ifine, {margin, it really will be a vie: tory. TORONTO (CP) CCF Na . Polio Cases - Decreasing cP) Polio cases tional Leader Hazen Argue ham reported in Canada i the week- mered at the policies and lead OTTAWA ended Oct, 29 were down from ers of the other national parties the previous week and less than during a pre-convention confer corresponding week in 1050 Federation of Labor, Figures released Saturday hy Mr, Argue said Prime Minis the health department showed 23 tor Diefenbaker had to be Can cases reported compared with | ada's "hest salesman," because {the previous week and 59 in the "he's trying to sell the worst comparable week last year, produet----his own record." | Since the beginning of the, Purpose of the conference was have been re to provide unofficial re-endorse- | year. 629 cases ported against 1,711 to the same ment of the New Party, date in 1959, Ontario had 29 cases| wre Argue said Liberal Leader compared to 190 for the same poarcon is "Just not capable of period last year, [cleaning out the decadence of a Claims Pilots' party, under the nflence of men Fees Withheld wood and Ross Thatcher," PORT DALHOUSIE (CP) Mr, Argue threatened to fills [buster government attempts to) Capt. Norman 8, Johmston of the) {increase workers' unemployment | | International Or gan lzation off {Insurance contributions, and any| return to dominion-provincial tax rental agreements Masters, Mates and Pilots Sun. | day accused the federal govern-iness agent for the Great Lakes ment of withholding $120,000 in|, {fees from pilots in the Port Wel 4 . 4 ller-Sarnia district, from a former transport depart He said in an interview that jn ment official which states that pi. 1939 the government collected]\®!s In the Port Weller - Sarnia about $120,000 more in fees from | istrict do not come under the shipowners than it paid out to pi. Civil Service Aet or the eivil lots in wages. He said that salie.(STVice regulations. The itors from the IOMMP are inves employees tigativg, and hope to collect $3, {800 a pilot, ] eglon, added that he has a letter men the government ad employees of the shipowners at the same time, he Capt. Johnston, IOMMP busi-|said. could not be of and was rushed by ambulance to| dren all the floor, over | (sick and went to bed at 9 p.m, About 4 am, he awakened and {complained of chest pains, {was perspiring and he fell leclammy, "At 8:16 am,, he got up and tried to dress but the pains in his chest were too much, He just sat there helpless, 1 called the doctor immediately," Dr, Fred V, Cerini said Gable "couldn't be better at this stage of the game, His condition is {very satisfactory," Friday, Gable wound movie with The Misfits, Illiterate Immigrants 'Questioned | CHATHAM (CP) = A citizen ship court judge Saturday ques. tioned the wisdom of admitting thousands of immigrants into [Canada without ensuring they {measured up .to the minimum standards set out in the first Ca. {nadian Citizenship Act of 1946, | Judge C, C, Carrothers, of Lon. don, sald one-third of the 1,500, 000 inmigrants who entered the country after the Second World War were illiterate and have little hope of every acquring the up, a Marilyn Monroe-- Ohio Dem ¢ratic Chaleman yar the number reported in the ence Saturday of the Ontario knowledge of basic English and French fundamental to Canadian citizenship, "One can't help but feel that something went amiss," the |judge told delegates to a Chat. ham Jaycee immigration confer. ence, A survey in Metropolitan Tor onto showed that two « thirds of the immigrants have never been in English language schools, In London, said the judge, newcom. {ers questioned about their lack {of English provide specious rea {sons for failing to study the {language of their adopted coun. try, Guy Fawkes Biggest Bang LONDON (Reuters) ~~ Thieves made the biggest bang during Britain's firecracker night when [they blew open a post office in suburban Aylesbury Satur night and made off with $160, 000 worth of stamps and cash. Police believe the noise of the hlast probably was covered or imnored because thousands of irecrackers and skyrockets were being fired at' the time by child ren on Saturday Guy Fawkes {Day, living room "Later he sald he felt a little He suspended; illegal possession of liquor, and purchasing liquor while under age. The car was demolished but the cruiser received only $50 damage, PHONE RA 8-468] NU-WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY STREET | ADMIRAL RAEDER U-Boat Wolf Raeder Dies {eel, and was fined $5 for cruelty-- KIEL, Germany (AP)--Erich to the eel, Raeder, the grand admiral who|™™ ---- built Hitler's navy into the ter. vor of the North Atlantle, died| Sunday in this old port city where he was in hospital as al mental patient, He was 8, f Raeder, released from war| crimes prison in 1955 because of poor health, fell mentally ill last year, A court ordered him laced under the legal guardianship of former admiral Werner Fuchs, The stif, Prussian admiral headed Germany's navy for 15 years, During that time he led the development of the pocket battleship and the U-boat subma-. rine fleet, Raeder fell from favor in 1943, when the ubmarine campaign was going badly, Hitler wanted to build more U-hoats but Raeder| wanted to build up the surface fleet, He also quarreled with Hitler about the invasion of Russia, pressing instead for an invasion of Britain while Germany still held mastery on the continent, He was replaced by Grand Ad. miral Karl Doenitz and given the powerless post of "admiral: inspector," After the war Raeder was con- | vieted by the Nuernherg war| crimes trial of aggression and) war crimes and sentenced to a life term, \ EEL COMES FIRST GOTEBORG, Sweden (AP)--A {fisherman in court here admitted he spanked his wife with a live 54 SIMCOE NORTH Sensational Meat Features Tuesday and Wednesday Only! SLICED 35 Breakfast BACON 29 av WIENERS 3 Ibs. $1 C Ib ¢ Ib | TENDER CLUB STEAKS LEAN MINCED BEEF You can borrow $50 fo $5000 Without endorsers or bankable security THE FASTEST GROWING ALL.CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY CALL AL REKUSH AT RA 5.654) Branch offices throughout Ontario. 17 SIMCOE ST. N

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