I PL With One Pledge You Give a Helping Hand To So Many! BETA SIGMA PHI INITIATION CEREMONY ® Initiation ceremonies for five ( Cole, the president of the Chap | old Ball, Mrs. John Beaupre, | bt the home of Mrs, Kenneth pew candidates was held at the recent meeting of the Oniario Gamma Epsilon Chapter of the Bets Sigma Phi. Mrs, Brysn ter is seen presenting the Sorority Pledge Pin to the new members, ¥rom left to right; Mrs, John O'Driscoll, Mrs, Har. Mrs, Cole, Miss Doreen |nugh- lin, Mis, M w Perkin, vice-president and Miss Doreen Kennedy, The meeting was held Young, Hunter street, al whose home the next meeting will be held on November # ~Oshawa Times Pholo | They Desperately NEED Your HELP i | PERSONALS Several members of Ritson| Daniel Dineen, Mr, and Mrs, | : | & Home and School Association| Peter Dineen, Messrs, Terence, ly met recently at the home of Mrs, Timothy and Daniel Dineen, Mr William Paynter, Central Park and Mrs, James Lindsay, and boulevard south, to discuss plans family, and Miss Ola Leaf, : for a special meeting to honor 5 fat teachers who have recently| Teas, birthdey parties, wed. | retired from the staff of Ritson ding anniversaries, coming and) Jo Aldwinekle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3.3474 school, Miss Muriel Oke, Miss Boing of guests and your own | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Movember 5, 1960 7 Alice Harston, Miss Maud Ram. holiday Blane are always of inter: say and Mr, J. C, Fetterly, prin-|est in this column, Write tele. | cipal for the past 14 years, It|phone or visit the social depart: | was decided thet all former pupils| ment with your item of news for| and teaching associates would be which there is no charge, Tele asked to attend on Tuesday, De-| phone RA 3-3474, cember 6, to pay tribute to them Those responsible for the ar |Minacs and Mrs, Willlam War REDUCTION nica, \rangements are Mrs, Carl | Creamer, Mrs, Erie Cooper, Mrs {Garth Gillespie, Mrs, Laverne Ii | Mrs, David Dineen and Mr {and Mrs, William Sorochan, Osh » awn, and Mr, and Mrs, Daniel ' Dineen and Mr, Terence Dineen, We are overstocked in Cold Wave Supplies In thousands of towns and cities across Canada . , . the solicitors ! for the United Community Chest Campaigns are again asking for support, It would be hard to imagine our Canadian Way of Life without our volunteer organizations , . . services that benefit our children, youth and fami- lies . + » the blind, the crippled and the handicapped . . , hospitals, clinics and medical research, There is a saying that he who gives is twice blessed, and this is certainly true of those who contribute to the Greater Oshawa Com« munity Chest, For the spiritual warmth and satisfaction of generous giving is matched by the fact that in helping our fellow citizens , .', we are building better, safer, more decent neighborhoods for ourselves and our child- ren, This year the NEED is greater than ever before so... | Mrs, John Kewin, Mrs, Stephen IL THESE 18 WORTHWHILE RUENOIES NEED YOUR HELP! ® BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION CANADIAN ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATIC SOCIETY CANADIAN GIRL GUIDE ASSOCIATION CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY OSHAWA & DISTRICT CEREBRAL PALSY SCHOOL & CLINIC CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OSHAWA & DISTRICT COMMUN. ITY RECREATION ASSOCIATION JOHN HOWARD SOCIETY OF ONTARIO CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND SALVATION ARMY ST, JOHN AMBULANCE SOCIETY VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES WOMEN'S WELFARE LEAGUE YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY OF CANADA OSHAWA & DISTRICT ASSOCIA- TION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN NAVY LEAGUE OF CANADA (Oshawa Branch) cpgpTeey Please GIVE Generously! "we have a gift for you , , , u 2,00 Travel Kit* with your purchase of Juliette Marglen's Incomparable new lipstick XXX = Todeduningd to keep your lips softer, sweeter, fresh and fragrant 2.50 your chalce Mondrian Coral , , , Rousseau Rouge , + Cézanne Cerlse , , , Degas Mauve , , , Lautrec Orange . 9) Watteau Rose , , , new Rembrandt Ruby This Appeal Is Sponsored by the Following Oshawa Firms: "OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES LANCASTER HOTEL vo cor OMMISSION W. F. BOWDEN & SON 54 BURK ST, OSHAWA RA 5.5533 SUBWAY LUNCH 735 ALBERT ST, "OSHAWA RA 3.7974 H. M. BROOKS LID. 240 ROLSON ST, OSHAWA RA 5.3033 RA 3-4624 TONY'S REFRESHMENT SERVICE LTD, 253 BLOOR E. OSHAWA RA 5.4598 IDEAL DAIRY LTD. 390 RITSON RD. N, OSHAWA RA 8-624) i ------------ | De vitt, Mrs, William Paynter, Toronto, were in London, On. tario on October 28, where they attended the fall graduation when Mr, David Dineen of Osh: AWA was among those who re celved the bachelor or arts de and Mrs, David Dineen, Clover: dale street, were hosts st a party for members of their family from Oshawa were Mr, and Mrs, Wil-| liam Borochan, Mr, and Mrs, | Hanley Mozewsky, Mr, William 0 ¥ rom Toronto were and Mrs, OHN MACKO HOUSEHOLD HINT " 8, J ) MR. AND MR on the lower part of a pleture No 10,00 Cold Weve 1 sol . frame, will prevent the frame J NOW : Tex [] Oshawa Friends Honor Couple from making a dirt line on the i . wall (| Wave = NOW Celebratin 25th Anniversa Never thump a toaster or shake(] MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT g it violently to remove crumbs, as RARLY | AAAS hiand avenue, were honored George Macko, Mr, and Mrs, | Instead, use a soft brush, oy on the occasion of thelr| Stephen Macko and Mr, and Mrs, P RE. ready. . 4 i A a I ress ng 25th weding anniversary, Seven:| Andrew Macko, The master of| Fresweetened ready . to » eal| gathered at the Fleetwood Room Macko, who on behalf of the crunchy topping for ioe cream, of the Hotel Genosha for a surs|guests presented the honored| : ® prise dinner and dance party,(pair with a gift of money and a ---- S------ - Macko were greeted with the|orate the occasion, Anniversary Walls played on the] The remainder of the evening accordion by thelr nephew, was very anjovaniy spent dane. was presented with a corsage of|led by George Macko Jr, red roses and Mr, Macko a boutsl mie guests were: The Rev. onnlere, The head table was deol ng Mpg Carl Kartechner of of carnations, roses and white Stephen Rausa, Mr, Steve Macko ciirysanthemums and a sllverigy "np "and Mys, Steve Clglan, | anniversary cake, Mr, and Mrs, John Penicka, Mr the former Anne Rausa during al and Mra, Paul Lojka, Mr, and trip back to his home Pliesovee,| Mra, Alex Vajda, Mr, and Mrs, | Crechoslovakia in 1095, Walter Patterson, Mr, and Mrs, | ter of Mrs, Stephen Rausa and|A, E, Jones, Mr, and Mrs, An:| the late Mr, Rausa, who also em. drew Vasko, Mr, and Mrs "John | igrated to Canada shortly after|Turlansky, Mr, John Turlansky Mackoe had one sister, Zuna, the| Mrs, William Mitchel, Mr, and late Mra, John Cincurak of Osh-/Mrs, Robert McCallum, Mrs awa, Mr, Macko Is the eldest son| Oliva Petley, Mr, and Mrs, John who recently celebrated his 83rd|Frollick, Mr, and Mrs, George! birthday, and the late Mra, |Semeniuk, Mr, and Mrs, Nicholas | Katarina Macko, Semeniuk, all of Oshawa, From | home In Oshawa since thelr mar: ecky, Mr, and Mrs, Steve Rausa, | riage, Mr, Macko was employed| and Mr, and Mra, Paul Hruska for a number of years hy the/Sr. and Mr, and Mrs, Paul several years he and Mrs, Macko| Greeting and gilts were also were the proprietors of Macko's| received from Mr, and Mrs, John Garage on Bloor street east and| Titra of Chicago, Mr, and Mrs, | rest, and Mr, and Mrs, John Hybeky| The sliver wedding celebration of Dresden, Ontarlo, | | | | *charming new TRAVEL KIT and marvelous JewelSeal SCHOOL OF DANCING fo protect your manicure from water, weather, wear D.E.A.--M.D.A, ' Ballet, Tap, Toe, Acrobatic, Kinderdance and Pre-School, at the 91 CENTRE STREET, OSHAWA ceremonies of Western University gree, On Sunday, October 26, Mr Oshawa and Toronto, Those from | Kalynko and Mr, Hi, Borochan, | A tiny cork, tacked or pasted Rew, 15.00 Cold : 12,60 Mr. and Mrs, John Macko, was arranged by Mr, and Mg, |this may damage the fine wires ty-two friends and relatives ceremonies was Mr, Stephen|cereal makes an interesting} 396 PINE AVE, = RA 5.5363 Upon arrival, Mr, and Mrs (signed guest book to commem:| George Macko Jr, Mrs, Macko ing to the music of a peppy trio! orated by a beautiful centrepiece Grace Lutheran Church, Mrs, Mr, Macko met and married and Mrs, Andrew Ponlcky, Mr Mrs, Macko 1s the elder daugh:| John Chescrewskl, Mr, and Mrs. | their daughter's wedding, Mrs, (Jr, Mr, Martin Lacko, Mr, and| of Mr, Steve Macko of Oihawa, (Cohan, Mr, and Mrs, Andrew The couple have made their Toronto: Mr, and Mrs, John Sel General Motors and for the last! Hruska Jr, from Listowel, Ont, ave now enjoying a well-earned] Bove i Fusak of Whiting, inlos | Jillian Mae. Marsh | contains Juliette Marglen's, Nall Olaed to match your lipstick Character, Baton, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Information: RA 3.7253 28 KING ST. E RA 3.4621 - an