The Oshawa Times, 5 Nov 1960, p. 5

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MR, DAVIDSON, RIGHT, MAKES PRESENTATION Hon. W. K. Warrender Opens New Town Hall Whithy's new municipal build. ing, replacing a more than cen tury-old musie hall as the site of the town offices and police station, was officially opened on Friday afternoon in a smooth-running ceremony whieh ran right to schedule, Hon. William K, War: render, Minister of Municipal Af. fairs, declared the building offi cially open during a short ad- dress, The building has in fact been in use for some weeks now. Following invocation hy Rev, Stanley, Armstrong, Rector of All Saints Anglican Church, Council. Jor Mrs. Joyce Burns addressed the packed council chambers, She recalled the history of the build ing of the new hall, a projeet in which she had held a leading role a8 chairman of the building com mittee, The new building and its site, she sald, had cost nearly $300,000, PRESENTS KEY Following her address, she resented the key of the build ng to Mayor Stanley Martin n his address of acceplance, His Worship paid special tribute to Mrs, Burns, who, he said, had been personally responsible for the decor and layout of the coun: ell chambers and the building He also paid tribute to the council of 1980 which had begun work on the new hall Mayor Martin indulged in re- miniscence about the old hall, so recently vacated, He recalled that the late Arthur Allin, who had left the residue of his estate to be used for a new municipal building, had lived east of the old hall. His window from his siek room, said Mayor Martin had lookelt out on the rear of the old building In those days, prior to 186 he said, the hall had been us as PUC office, board of works depot and town office, Its yard was cluttered with hydro poles, WHITBY PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs, A. C, Bmith visit. ed with Bister Mary Valerie at Bt. Gregory's Convent in Picton, Sister Mary Valerie is Mrs, Smith's sister, Dr, Aileen Vining, Medical Mis- sionary of India, will be the guest speaker at the Whithy Baptist Church Women's Mission Circle meeting to be held at 8 p.m, on Wednesday, Nov, 9 Bonnie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hicks, Dunlop street west, is celebrating her fourth birthday today, Her friends wish her many happy re- turns of the day, Mrs, John Ladenius, of Hols land, is spending a few months at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr, ad Mrs, Ted Vandermeer, of 704 Centre street south, Mrs, J, Wharrie, Falrview drive, is opening her home on Monday to the Fourth Scouts and Cubs mother's auxiliary for a 'work afternoon', Mr, and Mrs, George DePratto, of Lee avenue, entertained at their home for a Hallowe'en cos. tume party, The winners for cos. tumes were: Mrs, Hilda Rich. ards and Mr, Bill Bowden, After a very enjoyable evening refresh. ments were served, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Sales have returned after spending a few days In Scarbore as the guests of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Sales Jr, Mr, and Mrs, J, E, Speers, of Lions, and a member of council; Presentation of the speaker's rostrum, by the Rotary Club of Whitby, made by president Ter. ence M, Moore; cement mixers, wheel barrows and all the paraphernalia of the town works department Mr. Allin, he sald, observed this maze at the rear of the hall and often commented that "this was Fergus, are weekend guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Jack Wilson, of Green street, Mr, and Mrs, Donald Wood and {daughters Janis and Marilyn, were recent guests of Mr, and {Mrs, Ronald Jackson of Bolton, a poor place for the town of Whit by to do its business", And he had done something about this prob lem by leaving part of his estate for a new town hall, WAS MUSIC HALL The old hall, he sald, was built as a music hall and, since he had Presentation of a flag pole hy| the Chamber of Commerce, made| pie i daughter hi ME: And by Fred Weaver; |drive, celebrated her first birth. President of the Union Jack, by(day on Friday, For the occa: the Viscount Greenwood Chapter gion a small birthday party was of the 10DE, made by Mrs | arranged, first trod its boards 33 years ago, | of Whithy, made by Ted De Jong; it had many pleasant memories| Presentation of a new town for him. Now, he said, the high-|erest by Ronald Armstrong, est priced entertainment in the Robert C. Fairfield, of the firm world is available In every living|of architects, Rounthwaite and room at the flick of a switeh and | Fairfield, addressed the couneil the hall has ceased to have the and guests. They were the per: part in the town's entertalnmentisons who had designed the new {as It used to In years gone by. | huilding {Now, he sald, there are assem: Ronald Deeth, a partner in {bly halls, strategically located Mel-Ron Construction, the general throughout the town, which can|cantractor, also addressed the be put to use, | gathering There then followed 10 presen tations, all to Mayor Martin on WHITBY HISTORY behalf of council Following an introduction by | Reeve Everett Quantrill, Hon PRESENTATIONS W. .K Warrender recalled some Th were: {of the history of Whitby, He said Presentation of a robe of office that the founder of the town was for the Mayor, from Couneil, really John Scadding, who, in made by Councillor Harry Ink 1819, was given a 1000 acre pen; grant, covering the land where Presentation of the Mayor's Whithy now stands, Scadding, he chain of office, by Branch 112 of| said, mapped out a town which he he Canadian Legion, Whithy, called Windsor and in fact three made hy branch president Ver sipeets of the town bear names {non MacCarl; of his sons, John, Charles and Presentation of a decanter for|Henry, council, by the Kiwanis Club of| Mr, Warrender said that re {Whithy, made by president Rob-/ cords show that a town meeting ert Cawker; as early as 1808 indicated there Presentation of a decanter to|were traffic problems in Whitby, IMavor Martin, by the Kinsmen He sald that the meeting ruled Club of Whitby, by Kinsmen|ihat fast moving little pigs should president, Murray Silver; he kept off the roads Presentation of a clock for the] Maybe, he said, these were the council chamber, by the Lions|first road hogs, lub of Whitby, made by Paul| Coath, charter president of the HRECAME TOWN a -- [ In 1836, he said, Peter Perry came to Whitby and the town be Now Playing 'BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9 pm, Feature Starts at 7 and 9:40 p.m. gan to grow, It now became known as Perry's Carners, In 1852, he said, Lord Elgin, in a proclamation, named Whitby the | county town and in 1854, Whithy was incorporated as a town, with out ever having been \#h incor porated village Thanking the speaker, Couneil Phone MO 8.3618 WHITBY him with a set of gold cuff links F, W, Brown; | pe -------- Presentation of the Red nd sign, by the Boy Scouts and Cubs Week Of Remembrance . By Legion Vernon R, MacCarl, president of the Whithy Branch 112 of the | Canadian Legion and the officers have arranged a Week of Re. membrance from Nov, § to Nov, During the Week of Remem- brance the Legion Hall clubreoms will be open to the public and several activities are planned, The following Is a list of some of the events that have heen planned for Remembrance Week, Friday, Nov, 4: Presentation of the Chain of Office to His Wor ship Mayor Stanley Martin at the opening of the new town hall, Saturday, Nov, §: Poppy Day. Sunday, Nov, 6: Church Pa. rade -- Legion members will fall {in at the Legion Hall at 2.30 [pm, for the Remembrance Serv. ice in the Henry Street High School Auditorium at 3.00 pm, Friday, Nov, 11: Annual Vet. erans' Parade and Service at the Cenotaph, Legion members will form at the Legion Hall at 10:30 a.m. Remembrance Day Banquet, 6.90 p.m, WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY CO-OP LADIES GUILD The Whitby Co-Op Ladies Guild met at the home of Mpa, F Adam, King street, for their lor William Davidson presented) monthly meeting. The annual do-| Roberts, A solo was sung by pation to the Rritish Seamen| ED, WESTFALL Niagara By CLIFF GORDON Niagara Falls Flyers (formerly Barrie Flyers) of the Jr, A league will invade the Whithy arena to night at 8.00 pn for a Jems with the Whitby Hillerests, It will he the sixth exhibition game for the Hillerests as they make ready | for the up and coming season, Pictured above are two of the Flyers' top performers, ED WESTFALL, their captain and Bobby Wright, Westfall is a brother of Whithy's Stan Westfall, Kd is In his last year of Jv, and is rated by the Flyers as a tre- mendous defenceman and the backbone of the defence core, He is a native of Belleville but play. ed all his minor hockey in Osh. awa, He stands 6' 1" and hits the scale dt 170 psunds, BOB WRIGHT is another de- Meet Hillcrests | "MONDAY, Nev. 7, g (Co - Operative Credit Union| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Movember §, 1960 § CLUB CALENDAR | ~ United Church YPU Whitby Baptist Church' Explorers banking night, ! All Saints' Anglican. Chureh) Evening Gui HAMILZON (CP)~A panel of United Church Benior Evening delegates to the Ontario Tourist Auxiliary WMS Courts Association convention Whithy Ontario Hospital Nurse's seid Priday the federal and Alumnae vinelal governments and sharks" are choking the lourist TUESDAY, Nov, ny industry to death Whithy Red Cross work voom. Four panel members agreed Faith Baptist Chureh YPA |the governments, by refusing 10) Salvation Army Cubs {extend loan services lo alors BR. A, Hutchison H | oper of tourist facilities, have forced Whithy Baptist Churel many of (hem to resort to how- rowing from "loan sharks," onan Butter, 4 an Shaws mo tel operator, #8 industry faces "serious ation" wn less government action Is forth. coming, Robert Giles, chairman of the (Joint board of Ontario Travel As $ Assoc, Ladies' United Church WA Evening Group Bt. Andrew's Preshyterian Church Helen Marshall Soe, All Saints' Aniiesn Church Al ternoon Gui BOB WRIGHT Flyers at French River, sald insurance United Church Afternoon WA taild banks will not even con work meetin bree | HOG Whithy Baptist Church Women's Unity Club Past Noble Grand TORONTO (CP)-Ontarle hog Ruth Group St, John's Anglican at 926 a hundredweight this week {ending Oct, 20 were 45,678, This Sinclair H and 8 Association (through the 44 marketing of the Ing 2,013 hogs which went inte Senior Citizens Group Congratulations te Mercantile ing the section hy one point going Wiithy Chapter Order Eastern sociations and a resort operator Star No, ; companies consider those in the tow industry poor risks, He WEDNESDAY, Nev, 9 Bt, John's Anglican Church WA: of Bt, Andrew's Pric Hillcrest H and 8 Association es ' Mission Circle Show Incr ase Kinette's Club £ (Hebekah). producers report the sales of Kathleen Rowe H and § Assoc, €r8de A hogs opened and closed Canadian Legion Ladies Aux, 8 the Toronto livestock yards, | Total gradings for the week THURSDAY, Nov, 10 Salvation Army Women's Home "28 4007 more than last week, League The number of hogs going Whitby Garden Club Ontario Hog Producers C v tive last week was 41,425, Inchud. FRIDAY, Nov, 11 Quebee, WHITBY MEN'S MAJOR Dept, Btore on winning the first! section, Burtinsky Florists lead! into the last night ran into a red| hot Bud Cooke's Esso team and 'Loan Sharks' Kill Tourist Trade sider the ton of Aerm for Ques ong ki i d £ py fe siis hi if § SMOKELESS OIL FURNACE RON CUSTOM Markl Users report % sovings on oll... cots service costs... gives ideol home comfort Aa. Randall & Sona. Lid. 102A BYRON 5, MO S299) failed to take a point, Mercantile eked out one point from Hillerest Dairy to tie Burtinsky Florists on points but managed to have a igher pinfall for the section Courtice Pharmacy took two points from Hambly Tire and Wil- son's Food Market took Basset!'s Jewellery for two points, This week we have 156 men over 700, Top shooter was Dick Adams with 828 (300, 286), Earl Jordan #12 (360), Bill Jordan BOD (208, 200), Doug, Rowden 708 (819, 206), Manny Swartz 700 (204, 267), Jim Cassells 706 (268, 256), Sel Himes 750 (330, 278), Ed Bris. bois 748 (314), John Wootton 720, Mickey MeMaster 720 (276), John Bruechle 718 (324), Ernie White THE WHITBY ALL SAINTS OHURON Afternoon Guild ANNUAL BAZAAR & HOME BAKE SALE Tues., Nov. 8 - AT THE PARISH HALL 2:30to 5 p.m, 717, Jack Moore 708 (275), Myrle fenceman, he has one year left, He stands an even six feet, hits the scale at 170 pounds, He is no stranger to the district fans, hav. ing played on the Oshawa all: Ontario Juvenile Champions of 1067.58, The Flyers are handled by their (Hap) Emms, who has a fine rec: ord In Jr, A hockey, In 14 years he has had two Memorial cup champlons, three Eastern Canada champlonships and five A titles, He has as his understudy assistant coach Bill Long, The Flyers are connected with the Boston Bruins of the NHL and the setup at Niagara Falls ap: pears to be a natural for the Bruins, who hope to bring hockey back to Niagara Falls In big league style, The Canadian Leglon is a na: tional organization, Over 2000 branches in Canada and the Unit. od States make up the Canadian Legion, The branch then, is the foundation, next comes the 10 provincial commands and five state commands, The Dominion Command at Ottawa is the head Quarter of the national organiza. tion, The branch, generally speaking, is responsible for the local prob lems of veterans of the commun: ity, Increasing membership, the promotion of good public rela. tions and conducting. the local Poppy Campaigns, The Whithy Hranch 112 has an enviable ree. ord in these endeavors, It was formed hy a group of World War One veterans in 1920 and since that time has progress. ed steadily each year, The early years led into the troubled times of the thirties when assistange was granted to many veterans and their families -- thus easing the load of the nation, On Nov, 27, 1985, the Legion came into being at the Unity Con ference of Canadian Veterans Or Men To Cook For Home League Salvation Army Women's Home League held its weekly meeting on Thursday evening at Br. 112 Formed 34 Years Ago ganizations in Winnipeg, The fol. lowing year, 'Branch 118 was formed in Whitby, The Charter Members were a group of faithful workers, whe had been active in the Great War Velerans' Assoclaiton, Some of the original charter members are still very active as Legion members, The first president of Branch 112 was John MeLelland who at the present time resides in Belle ville, Since then each president has held a two-year office, The present president, Vernon MaeCarl, and his executive have planned a full program for Le. glon Week, which starts today and ends next Saturday, Nov, 12, OUT TO WIN LONDON, Oat. (CP)=London Lords, beaten in the playoffs every year since hey Joined the senior Ontario Rughy Football League in 1056, will be out to win thelr first championship when the meet Port Huron:De. trait Raiders tonight in Port Huron, Opener of the, total + points series was posts poned from last Tuesday because of the muddy condition eof the London field, The second game wit ve played here Monday night, owner - manager - coach Leighton Reeson 704 (267), George Olliffe | 1708, Good singles were rolled. by Dave Bremner 818, Jim Kirk. white 277, Jim Sutherland 250 and Bert Mewelt 250, Whithy Church 6s Hospital Plan Employes Not Civil Servants TORONTO (CP)-The Ontario legislature's select committee on organization of government was told Friday that some employees of the Ontario Hospital Serviees Commission would resign rather than be classified as civil serv: Let's All Go To Church This Sunday! ants, : Health Minister Rymond, through whom the OHSC reports to the legislature, sald he thinks employees of government boards and commissions should be eivil servants, But OHSC chairman Dr, Ian Urquhart indicated he 1s relue: tant to have the commission em. ployees' status changed, When the ONSC was formed there was a definite commitment by the legislature that it would be inde pendent, Dr, Dymond replied that he would hate to think that such a view prevails in other boards and commissions which do not come under the publie service aot, If it did, it would create the impression that elvil servants were second-class citizens, Dr, Urquhart sald he will pre: pare a brief on the question for submission te the committee next week, Family Monuments | poy Individual | Reauirements STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works 318 Dundes East MO 8.3552 the Citadel, Mrs, Captain Roberts introduced the guests for the evening: Mrs, Brigadier Buckley, Mrs. Brigadier Dummerton, Mrs, Captain Taylor and a friend, all of Toronto, The devotional period was led by Mrs. Brigadier Buckley, pray- ers were sald by Mrs, Santa Brigadier Dummerton, PE WHEN LOVING CARE COUNTS , . . Your Fine Clothes Deserve Our Extra Care EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH REV, GERRIT REZELMAN Th Ga ot =o Whitby, 2:30=English hip of B a Vila {in Yantecoots Encren, : day Scheel at Bowmen: 7i00==tnglan Worship of Whitby, Everyone Heartlly Welcome ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FAITH BAPTIST 419 BROCK §T, N,, WHITBY Paster: Rev, E, C, Corbett, B,Th, REV, D, MARSHALL, Byron St, §, at Sn John St, 9:45 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS 11:00 AM, REMEMBRANCE SERVICE WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH REV, J. M, WARD, MINISTER MRS, W, E, SUMMERS, A. T.C.M 9:18 AM, Radio Broadeast, CKLB 9:45 AM, Bible School Hour NAM &T7PM At both services our Paster Speaking ' Special Music Everyone Welcome 10:00 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM~REV, J, M\, WARD 7:00 P.M. ~~COMMUNION Coming=--McMaster Divinity College Quartet Keep these dates ni Friday, November 11th, Saturday, November 12th and Sunday, November | 3th, WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rev. John M. Smith, B.A, B.D, Mrs, J. Beaton, ART.C, Minister Organist Rev. A. M, Butler, Assistant Minister MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM, 134th ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Rev. M, C, Fisher, Guest Minister SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM, Girls and Boys under 9 vears 11:00 AM, Infant Care Junior Worship 2:45 AM, Girls and Bove 9 years and over PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Councillor Burns presented Mr. was voted to be sent, Dec. 8 was @ announcements were given Warrender with flowers for Mrs. [planned for a Christmas party(by Mrs. Frank Locke, secretary, Warrender who could not be and a supper, A draw was donated reminding everyone of the turkey present, 4 by Mrs, Adam, won by Mrs, A. [supper to be held on Thursday, Also extending congratulations) Ashton, Refreshments were serv: Nov, 24. Anyone wishing to attend to the town on their new hall was) ed hy the hostess assisted by Mrs. [could contact members of the Hon, Matthew B Dymind, Min Burges. Home League for tickets, ister of Health, and « Thom: ¢ . The meeting closed with prayer as, MLA : RED CROSS MEETING by Mrs. Locke, A delicious rayer| Town Clerk John Frost report-| The local Red Cross work room was served by Mrs. Horswell, | fed on telegrams received by 'hejis re-opening in its new quarters| Mrs, Donnithorne and Mrs, | {town and addressed the group onlin the All Saints' Anglican ChurehiLocke, At the next week's meet: | behalf of the town hall stall ald parish hall, The work day!/ing there will be a "Food Aue: The public was then permitted has been changed from Wednes-/tion Sale" the food being baked to tour and inspect their new town day to Tuesday at 1.30 p.m start:|by the husbands of the Women's hall. i ling Nov, & Home League We're particular about your clothes , you'll know this is fact when you see the results of our thorough, meticulous dry cleaning, Send us your cleaning ® The newest, most modern plant in the ares, © Group or individual tours on complete processing at any Hme, Cardinal Cleaners CORNER THICKSON'S RD, AND HWY, NO, 2 PHONE RA 8.5611 Free Pick-Up and Deli Ll 307 BROCK, N. MARK TWAIN'S REV, JOHN SCARR, Pastor Phone MO 8.5772 The Adventures of 8:45 A.M. --Radio Broadcast CKLB Oshawa 9:45 A M.--Sunday School 11:00 AM. --~COMMUNION SERVICE 7:00 PM THE PASTOR PREACHING SPECIAL MUSIC YOU ARE NEVER A STRANGER IN FATHER'S HOUSE METROCO 2 a SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 PM.

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