PED WWalGn B CULE 18 BE Coll War (IER a) ERE B BUNGLE WE WakE Bae OL Lae Biss, mon cold, and may seve industry of the gate to the city, FRENCH SCHOOL, : thousends of pounds in lost work SOUTHAMPTON, Engand--The headmaster of the King Edward! ! ee a i i ' Major Merger In Electronics By M. McINTYRE HOOD SEVENTH ATOMIC PLANT sion for Spesiai | London, Knglond, LONDON -- The Central Elec The Oobows Times tricity Generating Board hes re London -- The Pye television, ter ceived the consent of the minis [ter of power to build & 50.000 Ostorio, is|tershire, This is the seventh pu- | . K, Cole Com-\clear power station for which leader ip the bosrd bes received consent, It , The combined valua-|expected (0 be pleted and is into operation in 1966, a ndio| | BECORD OF INCREASES gate ond Remegate, ONDON e fl eight 0 imillion British workers were, CITY WANTS OLD GATE | "| given wage increases in the first) PORTSMOUTH, England--One ors stepping of the street and Pine monthe of 1960, According to of the old town gates of Ports with & theodolite run io the ministry of labor, 8,153,000 mouth, the Landport Gale, is be-| Because : ered to ing Gis from the motor ear indusiry, ls week the point at 1 . meeting in London, recommend-| The index of wages at the end ceremony of handing the keys tol A fowl \ ed thet an advisory 1 A x By 120.7, falking|the town to the vising sovereign mented: ANICOLOR I) : the union be set up to report quar-| the January, 195 figure as 100. In place, 1t is now the gatev =v ground , \terly on the sole of the indus. |Seplember, 19%, the index was to the United Services Men's Re- Apert from ADDED ATTRACTION try, The proposal was sent op|117.2. On the other hand, the in cresiiva Ground, The council of much traf |to the union executive for consid- dex of retail prices was 110.5, Ld he k i wade Male task of the coMMM| (iy OR INFLUENZA vised on the state of the indus-! A Lew drug which is claimed try, and would also strengthen to he effective against five dis- tl : hetw, the work. eases, notably influenza, will be ie dashes J pits |available to doctors and chemists i Dancing Tonite AT CONFERENCE AGENDA ada are attending the fiveday meeting. Left to right; Rev, Er- nest E, Long, chairman of the department of ecumenical af- fairs of the Anglican Church of Canada; Rev, Dr. W, J, Gallag- ST. CATHARINES, Ont, Toronto churchmen look over the a a and report at the Canadian Council of Churches meeting at Bt, Catharines, Ont, Churchmen from across Can BIG ALUMINUM MILL J CARDIFF, Wales -- The larg. est aluminum rolling mill in Eu rope as just gone into production retary for department of ecu- ot kis 0 wh Mousiovt menical affairs and Rev, L, ¥. |Aloan Industries, Limited, By Hatfield, Anglican secretary of expansion and modernization of Canadian social services, all of [their continuous strip mill st & Toronto, (CP Wirepholo) | cost of £7 million, Alean Indus her, general secretary and see. New Books Capture Spirit U. S. Professional Two recent books that give an|books distributed in Canada by insight into the colorful world of|Longmans, Green and Co, The first book tells about the U.S. professional foothall haves" iq and woolly seasons of the been published. Each in its own San Francisco 49-ers from owner way is invaluable as a penetral-| Tony Morabito's first efforts to ing chapter in the story of 8 establish the pro game on the most fascinating sport that has West Coast, to a preview of the captured the fancy of millions of 1960 season, including behind-the. sports fans across the border. |seene stories of manoeuvres that The books are "SAN FRAN: set up and disbanded the All- CISCO 4b-ers" Dan MeGuire| America Conference, the chang: and "NEW YORK GIANTS" by|ing of coaches, the controversial Don Smith, both of which are|player trades, Tony Marabito's tries have increased the mill's nominal capacity from 50,000 to 70,000 tons & year, The mill is now equipped to produce a grest-| er diversity of products, including aluminum plate up to 11 feel in width, Provision is made for an eventual increase ' to 175,000 Football |: "mass: a, Tossed in for good measure are! TOP HOMES FOR TEACHERS | revealing, intimate sketches of EAST SUFFOLK, England --| the players who helped to make pg help recruuit school teachers, the club great, There are also 30\the Kast Suffolk education com! pages of pictures, exciting ac- mittee plans to build houses for complete section of Individual ning centres and on a bus route, and team records, The committee is concerned over There is a touching description |the shortage, which has become of how Maribito died in October so acute that at some schools the of 1057 while watching the 49-ers | specialist masters and mistresses in 8a game with the Chicagolare having to teach other sub. Bears after a priest nearby ad-|jects shout which they may have ministered the last rites of the only a limited knowledge, The Coward-McCann Sports Library| feuds with San Francisco papers, Spend Carefully On Furniture She advises putting more TORONTO (CP) ~~ Furniture, like a car, is not a lifetime in-| money into upholstered furniture vestment, says Phyllis Stagg. +|which can be recovered at As the income of the family inv|later day, Some less expensive ereases, the family is likely to|pieces would not be worth recov: want better furniture, says Miss ering and would have to he re. Stagg, who 1s in charge of dec. placed, A good mallress was orating services for a large Tor-|also a necessity onto depariment Sore. SMALL RUGS FIRST ant, furniture styles Afr A Accent rugs can be used at first and colors change, and the av- erage homemaker will want to|and replaced later with broad- loom, she says, Area » sized rugs change the furniture over the years, can be made from remnants, Color and fabrics can be used HOW TO BUY to advantage in decorating a Miss tSagg doesn't think it is|room, A wallpaper mural or a wise to invest too much money in|wall-papered wall creates a cen. one piece of furniutre, having the|tre of interest, rest of a lesser quality, A basic. color, a secondary "That's like putting all your|color and an accent color should eggs In one basket," she said in|be chosen, advises decorator con: Church -- death, hovering about|provision of good houses is ex- him for five years as he battled pected to be a big attraction with a heart ailment, had come for new teachers for the final installment, + BARRACKS TO GO STORY OF GIANTS ALDERSHOT, England --~ An The story on the New York|Aldershot army barracks in Giants, known to millions which thousands of Canadian sol- through their television appear-\diers were billeted during the ances, is equally as fascinating, | years of the second world war is It tells how on an August after-(to be demolished to make way noon in 1025 a sportsmanifor a 600-bed hospital, It will be named Timothy J, Mara sudden-|the principal hospital in the Farn- ly discovered that, for the sum ham group, Surrey, serving of $500, he had bought a profes-| Farnham, Aldershot, Camberley, sional football franchise, That|parnborough and Fleet, The $500 was the beginning of the|painaoks to be demolished is the New York Football Giants, butiwilems Barracks, adjacent to far from the end of Mara's In| ine site of a proposed new Al vestment in the team, dershot Civie Centre, within the next month, DNIPRO HALL EDITH ST. One block Fast of Corner Ritson & Bloor DINE AND DANCE to the music of "THE CAVALIERS" ® EVERYONE WELCOME @ A DANCE counts of cruleal games, and & them on selected sites near shop. & Murray Davis, of the Crest Theatre, Toronto, will be In Bowmanville, Thursday, Nov, 10, to speak to members of the Durham County Drame Work: shop. In 1064, Murray, Donald and Barbara Davis started the Crest Theatre, as a private en- terprise, Three years ago, it was handed over to the Crest Theatre Foundation, which is a charitable institution, and at that time, Murray and Donald alternated as producer, Murray has been sole producer at the Crest for two years, and Is currently directing, with Alan Nunn, 'The Long And The Short And The Tall , He has done a great deal of acting, both in summer stock and In the first four years of operation at the Crest, but since taking | over as producer, he has not | had any time to act in the plays, | TO THE MUSIC OF Mitchell Zaleski's Orchestra ot the POLISH NATIONAL UNION HALL Oshawa's Lorgest Public Dance 168 BANTING AVE, DOOR PRIZES FOR LADIES FUN FOR ALL---EVERY SATURDAY--8:30-12 4 pennennrST, ANDREW'S BALL~wnnrne ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM Friday, November 25, 1960 ® DRESS OPYIONAL MUSIC BY BILL BURNETT'S ORCHESTRA Tickets May Be Obtel S BOOK STORE, SINGLE TICKETS $2.80 From King 51, East, LUNCH SERVED '] Ee RT Author Don Smith, the team's publicity chief, tells of all the troubles that beset the Mara franchise, He tells of the medi. ocre seasons and the total col lapse, when even the weather seemed to he conspiring against the club, Cash-and-Carry Pyle who tried to choke off the Giants while putting teams of the outlaw league in Brooklyn and Yan- kee Stadium gave the club quite a scare; also, competition from By CYNTHIA LOWRY | Television Doesn't Affect Fashions NEW YORK (AP) -- It is one/ 800d idea to wear skirts at least "On television it is always a SQUARE DANCING nosy oY; DEBBIE REYNOLDS that gives mystery a special meaning! an interview, Sultan oy Rnd She has 'ound that quiet people usually wud, le adv grodogins T prefer less color than vivacious This avoids the danger of having| People. of the paradoxes of television|@n inch longer than you would that, while it has heen used ef.|Wear them for street wear," con: fectively to sell everything from|fided Polly, "You can't control breath purifiers to pickup trucks, every movement of the camera TV has yet--even incidentally and if they shoot from a bad the All-American League, player raids from the Canadian League and the wartime break-up of a great Giant squad cast dark C.R. A. starting from scratch, one good plece emphasize the| When lower quality of the others, Careful planning and bargain shunting can add up to an attrac. tively-furnished home, A list of the necessary items should first be made, and when the buyer knows what is wanted, sales of such items can he watched for, Miss Stagg advises doing as much work as possible yourself, Sewing your own drapes is a big saving, she advises buying a bed, chest of drawers, first, This gives you a place to sleep, eat and put your things, Next comes the sofa and a chair or pair of chairs, From there it's end lamps, comes first -- rug, television or hi fi set, It really depends on a person's interests," Miss Hynes table and chairs, tables, coffee tables and "Then, I don't know which sald, Hints On Buying A New House THE EXPERTS SAY By EDNA BLAKELY Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO (CP)=A man looks a a new house and wonders about construction and financing Ris wife is interested in the con. veniences It has to offer, This Is the opinion of Maurice Lamond, general sales manager for a large Toronto firm of real: tors, "Most women know as soon as they walk into a place Whether) or not they want it, It's the men who have to be sold." The three main considerations in buying a house, he said, are whother the working, sleeping and living areas are adequate for your needs, OLD OR NEW? The location should be consid: ered for its Proximity to employ: ment, schools, shopping and trangportation, A quiet street with no through traffic is ideal for children, Whether it's to be an old home or a new one Is usually a pen sonal preference but Mr. Lamond listed some advantages and dis advantages of both, An older home in an urban area indicates an established peighborhood where 'you know you're thinking of an older house be prepared to put up a larger homes can go as high as 80 per cash payment, Financing of new cent of the value through NHA loans, LATEST DESIGN The obvious advantage of a new home is that all the mater lals are new, It is of the latest design and Is equipped with the newest facilities, oe "it's not likely the roof will leak next year." New subdivisions are usually populated with people of the same age group and in similar financial circumstances and so they are likely to become a so: clal group, The size of the house wanted Is often dependent upon the num. ber of children. A one - storey bungalow is convenient for daily living as well as h ! | shadows overhead, Despite all of these setbacks, the Glants' reverses were all over » balanced by their accom: plishments, There was, for in. stance, the enormous crowd that came to see Red Grange in 1026, the advent of Steve Owen, Mel Hein, Ken Strong, Tuffy Lee- mans, Ward Cuff and many oth. ers, There was 'a fair share and more of world championships, Then Jim Lee Howell arrived to end a tailspin and shepherd the Conerlys, Huffs, Robustellls and Giffords Into the era of special ization and the wide-open offen. slve, Included also are vivid de- soriptions of key plans and key names; colorful vignettes of coaches, players and owners; and all.time star teams chosen hy Howell, Steve Owen and Welling. ton Mara, These are important books for those who find fascination and entertainment in the U.S, profes. sional game, Fabulous Fall Fur Fashions MONTREAL (CP)~ You can't tell one fur from another without la program in Else Schiaparelli's fall collection of fashions, Feature of the showing here of the Paris « designed, Canadian. manifactured creations was the design of one fur to resemble another, | There were pleced black and white milk gills. looking lke spotted cat and muskrat sheared to look like beaver, and maintenance, One disadvant. age, however, is the close prox: Lighter shades predominated at the show although one French imity of the bedrooms where children sleep to the living area where parents might wish to en lertain, Two-storey homes provide more living space for the size of the lot, The sleeping areas are sep. arate but housekeeping and main. tenance are more difficult, which way it's going and what] Whatever type of home is of nelghbors you will have." chosen, it ia usually the biggest ucational facilities are estab. investment of a family's lifetime. lished and transportation and|And since "e ave Rally are in existence, Imoves every five years, s ime WhOBing ae can be a problem portant to maintain landscaping, most lending institutions |painting and © on 8 truction to do. mot finance older homes to'command a high price when sell: he same extent as new ones, Ifling, Mr, Lamond says. lapin fulldength, cut and belted [in trench coat style, was shown {In bright red and could also be {had in green or vielet, | Miss Universe, 18 .year- old Linday Bement of Salt Lake City, modelled furs from several coun tries to emphasize what sponsors described as the "universal char acter" of the show, Miss Bement claims French « Canadian origin and says the original spelling of her name was probably Beau: mont, Many of the coats modelled! were designed and cut like cloth ones. A brown Persian lamb, for example, had sleeves set in a stimulated cape, (like a deformed barrel, to influence women's fashions, angle, it Is most unattractive," In the heyday of motion ple. tures, during the late '208 and early '30s there were a lot of great women stars who single. handedly launched fashions, But television, reaching vast audiences preponderantly femin- ine, has had no such effect, In| fact, it is probable that Perry Como, with his sweaters, and Jack Webb with his sports jack- ets, have had more influence on men's fashions 'than any woman stars of TV have had on their| own sex, "How can television do any: thing for women's clothes?" asked singer-panelist Polly Ber. gen, "Ninety-nine per cent of the women who appear on television aren't well-dressed," IT'S A MAN'S WORLD One reason for this, well: dressed Polly suggests, is that TV is run largely by men, "And most men think that women's clothes are a joke and a financial hazard a hushand must meet, Most of them have DANCE TONIGHT Modern-Square TO THE TORNADOS CHATEAU RECORDS) CALLER, BOB FOWLER ADMISSION $1,00 RED BARN ONTARIDS FAVORITE FUN SPOT an idea that money spent on women's clothes is squandered on| something that looks silly." | Polly, a slim, pretty girl with| excellent quiet taste In clothes, | observes that the main reason TV has failed as a fashion-starter Is that the small.screen medium cannot do Justice to a woman performer and her clothes at the same time, "On those big specials, most of |! the gowns would be absolutely unwearable for the average woman," she continued, "As a matter of fact, the performers|t have a hard time with them," SHE's CAREFUL GAL TV clothes with great care. "I know that the less stuff on a dress, the smarter it is," ane continued, "I seem to spend my|, life taking bows and sashes off}, clothes, That's one of the biggest problems on television -- sashes, bows, accessories and----this var. ticularly--jewelry." The TV camera has an wn pleasant magnifying quality--it invariably adds 10 er 15 pounds to every performer, always in the wrong spots, It catohes 'a dis creet rhinestone and blows it up to a hig blob of light, It can dis. tort a draped piece of material 50 that it makes the wearer look| lesson for , . and join 11134 Simeon 80, §, SATURDAY -8.30 P.M. Caller R. TAYLOR ® ADMISSION ~ $1,00 PER PERSON o Orchestra 0. SELLICK FEATURE TIMES: 2:00 - 4:25 - 6:50 - 9:15 Never did greater music flame from the fires { NOW PLAYING SMOKING LOGES PLAIA a tow y= A GIFY ene in a white car PLAYING ¥ di 8 sid The film that jolts the heart. .s Shocks the Emotions... And slashes with its stark realism! ) "a cry'S | cep ADULT Rh) | ENTERTAINMENT You are invited to accept a rial private ¥2 hr, CERRY Yes, for a limtied ime Arthur Mur» ray is offering a half « hour Polly herself chooses her own ones. = trial only Here's ur chance to ee how quickly easily you an become an xpert dancer, A hance, too, to that gay kb roup of popular |partners who al ways have good times, But don't waiste=come in now and get started. | ARTHUR MURRAY W. Marks, Licenses Open Daily | to 10 pm, Air-Conditioned RA 3.160) \ FRIDAYS RECORDS UNLIMITED Canada's Top Record Hop STUDENTS . , . Presenting Identification Cards Receive 259% Off Regular Admission MONDAY! * "TREASURE OF PANCHO VILLA" ® "GREAT DAY IN THE MORNI * LAUREL AND HARDY Las? Day SPECIAL POLISH SHOW ONE DAY ONLY, THURS. NOV. 10th "WRAKI" (Wrecks of Gdynia) wPLUS-- "KRAKOWSKIE WESELE" ALL IN COLOR AND CINEMASCOPE DOORS OPEN AT 1:00 PM, ADULTS $1.00 CHILDREN 25e o 1