THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, Movember §, 1960 3 COMMUNITY CHEST CANVASSERS pain ad List Awards For OCCI ! Industrial Arts in Grade 12 ~ ($10 to the student who hes done | ships' presented at the 10th an-ithe best practical work in Grade {nual commencement exercises! 12 Industrial Arts: wos by John held in the auditorium of the Zedie 8 (Oshawa Central Collegiate Insti-| {tute Friday night, STEPHEN G, SAYWELL THE BUSINESS AND PROF |, ot nsanion WOMEN'S CLURB {to Music), to the student whose Twenty dollars to the student oroovecs "in the instruments) in Grade 13 who has done (help, io cource and participation in iA oid i ogith ih ing He the muse activities in the school K. A. LOVELL AWARDS [have best outstanding: won by OF COMMERCE French: $10 to the student who JR, CHAMBER TROPRY for PUBLIC Following is & list of the prizes,| diplomas, , awards and schola TED BASSETT er of Pickwick Cleaners and Ted Bassett, leading the clergy canvass and 8 Bas. setts (Oshawa) JOE PUSKAS motels and restaurants division of the canvass; Joe Puskes, chairman of the launderers and dry cleaners canvass and own HEADING THREE canyasses for the 1060 Greater Oshawa Smnity Chest in Ben afley, proprietoy alley Foods, " Is chairman of the has dome the best work in French In Grades 9 ad » wou by ynda Panter; $10 fo the student who has done the best work in SPEAKING AND DEPAIING French In Gratis 11 and 12; WON. tributed the most to discussion Latin: $10 to the student who! #4 Sevite 18 Stiident Covell: has obtained the best standing ny" PY ne ' [tits In iran In ana 20: "wom 0 8 Bi Her avma | "General Proficiency; $30 to the! " student in Grade 13 having the|, Commuretat Obtion " Jen a". highest aggregate mark in any nr to the students having the nine subjects and proceeding to Mghest standing In commercial | Members of the Oshawa Lions MAYOR GIFFORD OPENS LIONS PEANUT D Worship Mayor Lyman A, Gif- | two members of the club, Been thelr annual peanut drive which ford oficlally opened the ap- | here at left is Lion Bill Mor. will be held Nov, 7 to 24, His | he purchased the first can from | Committee | RIVE | and Alex Smykaluk, chairman | of the club's peanut drive com- | mittee, with Mayor Gifford Oshawa Times Photo further education: won hy Caroll Phipps by rev, to Jeanetie Keary, | THE KINETTE CLUB HOME ECONOMICS PRIZES | {Home Economics during [$10 Won by the following stu-| dents, Dorise Bllenduke; Grade work during the year: Grade 9 | Carole Haber; Grade 10, Caroll Stallibrass; Grade 11, Connie Johnston | Industrial Arts -- Ten dollars! Awarded to the girls who have! to the students who have done the apich, Leona Cheski, Merle Cole, done the best practical work inbest practical work in Industriel Dorothy Crawford, the! Arts: Grade 9, William Frankiw; | ter, Donald Cullen, Terry Delves, year, Each prize is a cheque for| Grade 10, Paul Dorko; Grade 11, Paul Dorko, Richard Doyle, Hea Douglas Sargeant, Mathematics and Beclence ~ | Peter Brown, Shirley Bryans, Elaine Burgess, ! Glenna Cathmoir, Branks Char- nie Crou-| ther Durno, Lloyd Filiott, Marian Ellis, Sydney Evelyn, Kathleen peal for funds this week when | rison, chairman of the Lions' CAPSULE NEWS Pleads Guilty | | 10, Keiths Mosier; Grade 11, Ban-| Fifteen dollars to the student ob- Fogal, Paul Gibbens, Baralyn las Monigomery, Suzanne Par kin, Urd Rohn, Heidi Bchulze, Betty Btezik, Isabel Thex Craig Williams, Buth Yeo, Options -- Letixia Bussan- feh ONTARIO SECONDARY SCHOLL, HONOR GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Raymond Besse, Marilyn Bil ABOVE TORONTO TORONTO (CP)~The port of 1 samilion 1s expected to estab lish cargo records in oversess . trade this yesr hut the port of Toronto may leg behind last year's tonnage, statistics re leased Friday, show Hamilion's total tonnage handled was 7.023, 138 to Oct. 31, compared with 6,941,922 at the same date last year, The port of Toronto had {hondled 574,058 fons as of Oct 31 compared with 578,850 last yer, {dra Lesenko; Grade 12, Jeaneite|taining the highest standing in|Gutsols, | Dyriw, {Mathematies and Science in| Brenda Haight, David Hanna, é a Grade 10; won by Paul Dorke, Ben Hanowski, William Hender-| i. 4 | GOLDEN JUBILEE. CHAPTER |Fifien dollars to the student ob |derson, Robert Henry, Patricia fie, Rony. Bond, Ling, ay | : end ODE AWARDS {taining the highest standing In Hickey, Douglas Higgs, William |, ' IN ENGLISH AND ow Tony [Mathematics and Belence in|Huzar, Robert Jackin, Sharon! Yo Maly. Elizabeth Monches. Fifteen dollars bo the student| Grade 11; won hy Marcus Esmits| Jackson, Lena Jakimowltz, Terry) "oo FU abion ae ae Pollitt {obtaining the hig beat Standing. and Theodore Monchesky (a tie), | Jalasjan, Donna Jermey, eth pier potoenik. Wilms Schon. ' | ae Yi tv the suum dite nk Ten dollars to the student ohtain-| Johnston berger, Romald Tozer, Charles (the steond highest. 9 nding ing the highest standing in two| Irene Kawzenuk, Joseph Ki-|Tuson, Robert Walker, Daniel bor land 10, Leita Smith and Keitha | 0 thematies and two sciences in wior, Sandra Kozak, Robert Wyrozb Aj an , Leila Bmith il Grade 13; won by Carol Phipps . | Kram, Elizabeth Krawetz, Peter ; FIRST . CLASS PUBLISHER HONOR GRADUATES Your Book can be published, (Mosler; Grades 11 and 12, W i Y rile . Krawetz, James Lang, Brian liam Dotko;: Files bet dp THE MODFRNE DEPT, Laxdal, John Lindsay, Stuart Lo Version 'o a AA THE CCI gan, Michael MacKay, Wilfred| Lawrence Clarke, William Dor promoted, distributed by sue German -- A hook to the stu-|y ko, Douglas Edwards, Anne Jalas- cessful, reliable company an, Jeanette Keary, ¥ ilee nlnoted for Wg personal KIWANIS CLUB AWARDS fann, Henry Maynard, Karen | FOR MATHEMATICS AND [dent who has done the best work| Melnychuk, Robert Miles, Gall A perianal {in German in Grade 11; won by Medd, Flizabeth Monchesky, Bo. [ier AL Siblee Vaniage 120 W. SCIENCE | Millar, Angela Minacs, Dian Mit Ten dollars to the students who Judith Broad ehell, Peter Moffatt, Keitha Mo-|zanne Parkin, Carol Phipps, Heidi Press, Dept, C23, obtained the highest standing wm DP. E, Stewart Memorial Medal | sier, Sandra Myers Schulze 31, New York |Grade 9 Mathematics, Grade 9 -- To the student obtaining the| Donald Nikiforuk, Auroral - Science, Grade 12 Mathematics, highest standing in Grade 13|0'Boyle, Lawrence Ocenas, Lyn-| and Grade 13 Sclence; Grade y|French; won by Ane Jalasjas, [da Panter, Donald Jarker, wil-| Mathematics, Marie Bavinac 9 liam Parks, Dona aterson, | Grade 9 Selence, Belly Mc: | THE CLASSICS DEPT, OF CCI\ Douglas Perkins, Sandra Pether-| Fachern: Grade 12 Mathematics], Latin -- A book, to the student|ick, Valentina Petrowsky, Gary } to|!n Grade 12 who has done the porayko, Norman Powers, Rob in Latin: won by ert Rankin, Walter Rudy, Anita St. Louis, Danlel Semne-| uk, Errol Shane, Patricia Shar low, Beverly Shortt, Lelita Smith, Munroe Smith, Bonnie Solomon, Carol Sorochan, Eva Sprenglewska Carol Sialli- brass, Ronald Starr, Thomas) Steen, Rainier Stimming, An thony Stones, Shirley Strumbiski. | David Taylor, Irene Thaczuk,| Alvin Tilk, Beulah Trotler, Mar grit Uehele, James White, Gary | Wilkins, Bandra Wilson, Thomas] Wright, Thomas Yates, Anthony Zarowny, GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Three Options -- Barbara Bul: dyke, Judith , Robert Gow, Bonnie Haines, enduke, Douglas Vdwards, Ron ald Jackson, Anne Jalasjan, Jean. Three Years [ned¥l For Car Theft ler was fined the mini mum of $100, when he pleaded GETS THREE YF TORONTO (CP) Je guilty to practicing as a public asecountant while pot licensed in the Oshawa Magistrate's wich, who pleaded gull charges of ear theft of stealing \dentity Court, Friday obtain automobiles Clifford. Doughty, the Public Aceouniant firms, Friday was sentenced three vears in the of Ontario, sald Mr, Bchajel houmen not leensed, He sald several complaints had heen received that the accused vas practicing in the Oshawa area ! slhoume al CHARGE MAYOR MONTREAL (CP)~Aluminum| studied. accountancy mn Holland MONTREAL (CP)~Mayor Ad-|Company of Canada Limited an: Then, when he arrived in Can leo Remillard of suburban nounced Friday that twe potines sds. he said he studied further Jacques Cartier Friday was com- at its Arvida works will be with a correspondence course mitted for voluntary statement! closed "in the next week or 80." from the United States. He sald Nov, 10, charged with exiorting The announcement sald about 500 he got papers from the course $100 from & demolition company | pe; of the total Arvida works and demanding a 20 - per - cent employment of more than 6,500 rake-off on company bu he afected, Over-all ingot Voluntary statement is a stage of production will be kept about 80 Quebec legal procedure at which|per cent of capacity the defence may submit evi dence to avold trial PRIMATE RESIGNS BRANDON, Man, (CP)--Most he took and didn't realize he needed to be licensed. He satd| he was sorry and he had turned| over all his accounts to a Toron to firm of accountants COLLAPSE KILLS § Rev, Walter FF, Barfoot has re BUENQS AIRES (Reuters) ned as Anglican archbishop) Three workers were killed, 30 metropolitan Rupert's| seriously injured and hundred diocese efective Dee at. | trapped Friday near Sania successor will be named in| City, about 250 miles northw Archbishop Barfoot, 67.| of here, when an automobile to the of Ru-| P plant collapsed while under con: peri's Land In 1053 | BELFAST, Northern Ireland struction, The plant heing SET UP FUND » (Reuters) ~The Intensification of | bullt for production of West Ger the space race between the S¢ man Cars TORONTO (CP)~A fund was viet Union and the United States et up Friday to meet the heavy has meant bhrisker business for DEVELOP 3-WAY VACCINE medical expenses of John FEll./Tom Forsyth of Belfast MOSCOW (AP) Soviet re: woud, critically Injured in a high| Forsyth is Britain's--and pos searchers have developed a|school fosthall game Oct. 25. F1l.|sibly the world's three-way vacelne against diph (wood, a player for North Tor: bookmaker therla, whooping cough and sear-lanto Collegiate Institute, suffered| . RS rospital infections is being : hipped free to every hospital in hy a Montreal labora Bristol Laboratories say It wnbat staphylococcus bad which has bullt up a re to other anti-bloties ARVIDA MINES RETRENCH registrar of A $e Connell nada three (ory tol will ¢ tal teria and APE from ¢ Istance penitentiary [TET al Tender EAT'N TRUE -TRIM BEEF 12 KING E. -- RA 3.3633 Meat Specials! Mon. & Tues, PORK CHOPS 2 Ibs. 89¢ Breakfast Bacon 2 lbs. $1 NOMA SPEAKER John Richard Walden, region. al supervisor of the field serv branch, Ontario Hospital Services Commission, Ottawa, who will be the speaker at the meeting of the Lakeland Chap ter of the National Ofice Man. agement Association In Hotel | | Genosha next Thursday night | CITY AND DISTRICT ROTARY | ons | | reversion Bort: Werk 1 y Jes 0 Grade Heh Eileen Medd Mrs, E, J, Reed Prize In Senlor Art -- A book, The Story of Art,| to the student who has done the hest work in Grade 11 and 12 Art: won hy William Derke, The Sketching Club of the CCI A hook, to the student who has contributed the most time and service to the Bketching Club: won hy Barbara Buldyke and Sandra Wilson GIRLS' ATHLETIC ASSOC, RDS AWARD Five dollars and a bar to the girl who obtained highest stand. ing in the annual Physical Edu. cation examinations in Grade 9 or 10; won hy Emily Mitchell; Ten dollars and a bar to the girl who obtained the highest standing In the annual Physical Education examinations In Grade 11, 13, or 13: won by' Barbara Buldyke, BOYS' ATHLETIC ASSOC, AWARDS Eileen Medd by Cralg Williams; ence, Elleen Medd by n to William Dorko by reversion to Suzanne Parkin W, L, DIBBON MEMORIAL MEDAL FOR GRADE 13 CHEMISTRY To the student obtaining the| highest standing in Grade 13] Chemistry on the annual Depart. | mental examinations; won by | Elizabeth Monchesky |THE MILIS MOTORS AWARDS [FOR GENERAL PROFICIENCY Fifteen dollars to the student standing first, and $10 student standing second work of Grade # and Grade 10, iness, | will lees ' A' N dni" nd of Land Fela est] January vas elected HEE was SPEAKER Douglas Carman, a Rotary Foundation Fellow from Lan first § | eashive, England, who Is study-| Grade 8, Carole Haber, Valen. HL SPACE -nge {ing for a year In Canada, willitina Sidorow; Grade 10, Peter &% i \ | De the speaker at the meeting Moffat, Norman Powers t began when bettors rubbed of the Rotary Club of Oshawa o let fever, Tass reported Friday. a serfous head injury. SUI in|iheir eves one morning as eyiot te I iy J Suih $f Oshawa, on The agency sald the disease raleloritical condition, he has under looked at his lists of horse race meeting marks the observance of children treated with the new gone two brain operations and is|odds and saw that they could het! of Rotary Foundation Week bY vaccine was cut 93 per cent being tended to by three specials parlay on Die Hard for the (he local club. ' George Hester, | Donna Mitchell, Olga Muzyka, | Carole Northey, Paul Robinson Vera Rudniski, Anthony Sara: | mak, Donald Simmons, Suzanne Smith, John Strawbridge, George Zinklewich, | Four Options -- John Beamish, | Darlene Chrisite, Lawrence ROTARY CLUB OF OSHAWA FOR GENERAL PROFICIENCY Fifteen dollars to the student standing first, and $10 to the stu- SLICED FRESH MADE {wildlife syn Ki e FUNERAL, MRS, J, ALLIN PENFOUND OF | ack Al, D, | MISSING CAT Mrs, Finley Dafoe, the wife of the alderman, Is anxious to re cover a black Persian female cat answering to the name of "Dinah", which was left in her care hy the late Miss FElsle Stevens, of 194 Celina street, sev eral weeks ago, The cat strayed away and anyone knowing Its whereabouts should eal RA| 3-2088 dent standing second in the work of Grade 11 and Grade 12, Grade 11, Roberta Jeyes, Judith Broad; Grade 12, Eileen Medd, Willlam Dorko MARY E, DIGNAM AWARDS IN ART AND ENGLISH (Established by the Oshawa Branch of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association), $10 dollars to the student who has done the best work in Art in TRIO REMANDED Grades 9 and 10: won by Peter | Three 18 - vear - old Oshawa Moffat; $10 to the student ob {vouths appeared in Oshawa Mag-|taining the highest standing in istrate's Court, Friday, on a pub ¥ nglish in Grades § and 10: won 1é mischief charge, The charge| bY Leta Smith was laid after a plate glass win ry dow at Les Eveniss Sales Lid Jama ADIN Laid ARDS was broken on Hallowe'en, The "FOR GEN "IMPROVEMENT window was valued at $125, All Thirteen dollars to the student [three accused pleaded innocent.) "e oq0 9 and 819 to the stus| {They are: Herbert James Olev,| qo in"Grade 10 whose work dur: 763 Ritson road south, James Wil. ing the school year has shown the [liam Walker, 23 Elgin street east, | oct imnravement. Grade 9, John and Carl Thompson, 199 Harmony | gay. Grade 10, Robert Kram, | road south, Magistrate F. §, Ehbs remanded the three to Nov, 14, THE PRINCE PHILIP CHAP, SRI OF THE 10DE AWARDS a 18 FINED $100 General Improvement & Ten Sidney Brayley, | 304 Farewell 4ol1avg to the student in Grade 11 |avenue, was fined $100 or three and $10 to the student in Grade months in jail for assaulting A113 whose work during the. school peace officer, by Magistrate F, 8 year has shown the most im Ehbs, Friday, In passing sen [provement, Grade 11, Joseph tence, Magistrate Ebbs remarked| Jackson; Grade 12, Kenneth [that the accused had alveady| Hickey, [spent a week in jall. Brayley was| Grade 13 History -- $10 to the charged after a policeman was giudent obtaining the highest called to remove him from the standing In Grade 13 History: Oshawa Geneval Hospital where|won by Douglas Edwards, Com. he was "causing a disturbance. mercial option: $10 to the student When he first appeared in court, | ohtaining the highest standing it was testified he had also slap-(lnp the Grade XII Commercial {ped a nurse at the hospital, How | option: won by Betty Stealk, Five dollars to the boy who ob: tained the highest standing in the annual Physical Education exam. {nations in Grade # or 10: won by Donald Calder; ten dollars to the hoy who obtained the highest standing in the annual Physical Fdueation examinations, Grades 11, 12, or 18; won by Wesley Misiaszek THE STUDENT COUNCIL OF TRE CCY Awarded to studets having the hest achievement record based on five consecutive years' work in Girades 9 to 13: won by Douglas Edwards ($30); Anne Jalasjaa ($20) HONOR PINS Awarded to students having the first class honor standing in four consecutive years: William Dorko, Jeanette Keary, Eileen Medd, Suzanne Parkin, Carel Phipps. Heidl Schulze, The following students, who re ceived honor pins last year, ob. tained first-class honors for the fifth consecutive year: Douglas Edwards, Anne Jalasjaa, Eliza. beth Monchesky, SERVICE MEDALS Presented to those students who in the opinion of the staff and students' council, have con. tributed outstanding service to the | Central Collegiate, Medals may not be awarded to students in Grades § and 10, ~ Richard At. kinson, Barbara Buldyke, Ronald] Ang, Eileen Medd Robert Porayko, Geraldine Skinner, John | Ledie, Darlene Amey, Grace Arkle, lever, before the Magistrate pass. -- ed sentence, Friday, Hrayley's| go saw a deer ambling south on {counsel told the court the nurse|pivision street, near the intersec:| | sald she had not heen slapped, or! on of Adelaide avenue. The deer| {disappeared when Mrs, Dilla! hough went to telephone, [if she had she was sure it was hy accident Nell Armstrong, Willlam Ayles- worth, Karen Barnes, Sharron Bohm, Jusieene Bell, lan Rel lingham, Raymond Bennett, Marie Bernard, Cameron Bowes, Doreen Braund, Erie Brown, NOT SAME PERSON The David Haynes fined for a! liguor control act infraction in Oshawa magistrate's court, is not the David Haynes, of 74 King/ street west, Oshawa MIGHT SAVE ! A In 4 municipality such as Osh. | DEER IN OSHAWA 5 . : |awa, where motorists have | Mrs. Dillabough, 164 Elgin already realized the dangers of [iret east, had Quite a surprise; slippery gradients and where cols at about 10.80 am, Friday whenlislon accidents are more than | "= lardinarily numerous, great inter | SAYS 'JOBS FOR ALL nurses each day Derby and am American-manned | Friday Australia has taken in dell Moore, 63, retired advertis.|the space race. is the invitation every one of them." In that per Company Limited, died Friday At every point, the Soviet Un vearily £200,000,000 ($450,000 Moore had been associated with woman travelling into space and { FRANCISCO (AP)---Rear a Soviet woman alone; and 6 to 1 SAN FRANCISC ear FALLS, UNHURT y ™ my own Idea, 1 worked out the for failure to pay import tax on edly tn a erib in Children's Hos: W y r " States rier, It was the maximum fine c.g falling from a third: | TORONTO (CP) A depart- day from the apartment of his day more than 5,000,000 acres of Don Erickson, were visiting ANDREW RITZIE Jwners were either mismanaged, Owners v oot [governor - general Vincent Mas |Oshawa General Hospital Wed. |sey WILL ATTEND OPENING College, shortly after the! Funeral Home at 1:30 pm honorary ) general, will attend the opening HOPE FOR 8 MORE John's Ukrainian Greek Ortho Government House of Governor. |e Whioping eranes have made Union Cemetery nadian Wildlife Service reported P Ritzie; and D. Crawford, J TORONTO (CP)-A new WEATHER FORECAST | The funeral service far Mrs Oshawa General Hospital, Wed- Home at 8 pm. Friday, Nov, 4 conducted the services Inter TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasis Winds northwest 10 to 18 today attended and the many floral + Light rain occurring/mins + Kapuskasing regions The pallbearers were J mainly cloudy across most of little change In temperature aby, and Frank Walter, aidnight Sunday: Lows tonight, highs Sunday: als today and Sunday, a litle St. Thomas ..i.ivee, Lake Wingham 3 ew sunny intervals today and Toronto 1 , MRS, MITENEL » 15 Killaloe mn Bay, h Sudbury: Cloudy Sudbury Minister Robert Menzies sald] TORONTO (CP) John Wad.| "Have a heavenly flutter on and had found employment "for ager of the Maple Leaf Milling|satellite odds, in Augtralla has doubled to a; Canadian Advertisers, Mr. [to | against a Soviet man and FINED FOR SMUGGLING until he retired in 1056 the United states; 3 to 1 against tired, was fined $15,000 Friday| 4 nanny Erickson lay content Sald Forsyth: "It was purely Guam ahoard an aircraft car; wanna vantly unscathed cons fie Soviet Union and: the United CLAIMS MISMANAGED The 27-pound child fell Wednes visor H Rae Grinnell sald ¥Fri.while he and his mother, Mrs FUNERAL OF Southem Ontario we've being KINGSTON (CP) Former (drew. Ritzle. who died ai the grading thelr woodlots, he said ey Library at the Royal Mil.|was held at the Armstrong Vin. college sent Massey, former governor doctor of laws degree.| Rev, D. Luchak, pastor of St Ottawa, he will be the guest at : Twenty: |yvices, Interment was in Oshawa refuge in Texas the Ca:lsons, W, Ritzie, 8. Ritzle and SHIP NEW PENICILLIN wiother ht will she titflouit germs that cause many up lin boulevard, who died at p Melntosh Anderson Funeral Wi Northminister United Church ith Some Cloud tery, The service was largely | am, EST: | Northern Kirkland Lake, Tim. Which the deceased was held arly this morning, Skies will be|today, Cloudy with snow Sunday, | Stevens, Gordon Jeffrey, R Regional forecasts valid uatil Forecast Temperatures fdoudy with a few sunny inter |Windsor 3 oto 15 Kitchener ,. 3 Lake Huron, Niagara, on and Toronto: Cloudy with a/St. Catharines smperature. Winds westerly 10/Treaton outher {rkland Lake regions North Bay . ay and Sunday, Kapuskasing TORONTO Christmas in th PN a Toronte to Glesgew Toronte to London Toronte te Manchester ., $310.40 return Toronto te Dublin Donald Travel Service Over 33 years' experience selling travel WHITBY OSHAWA -BROOKLIN-~Ph, MO 8.3304 est attaches to the automatio! skid-defler machine. This ma | chine puts slots in the treads of automobile tires so that a oar can start up an ley slope without | wheel spin or traction diffienlty | With front tires alsa treated with the slots, the car has maximum [stopping ability, The device has| {heen praised as an important | safely measure, | Cars which have their tires de. | skidded will provide up to 20 per | cent better starting traction and up to 30 per cent stopping ability on any type of hazardous road) surface. The value of this is not] only appreciated in traffic on the level, but also in navigating that e Old Country NEW, Low EXCURSION FARES case $3304.00 return vase $330.00 return $315.00 return IM 3.8958 | garage where several times each MELBOURNE CP) Prime MANAGER DIES satellite 1,500,000 immigrants since 1946 jg und sales promotion man accompanying his current list of iod foreign capital being invested past president of the Association|lon is shown as the favorite: § 000), he sald the milling company from 1921/returning alive; 8 to 1 against Admiral Willlam Erdman, re: winNIPEG (CP) Tooven against an American woman 504 bottles of liquor brought from VIEL tolav ot decile na relid odds on performance to date in for a non-commercial smuggler fioar window ment of lands and forests super-| grandmother, Mrs, Viela Slack, OBITUARIES privately owned forest land In OPENS LIBRARY Thc Iasi Smear far Ab. overcutling, undercutting or high Friday opened the new Mas: nesday, Nov, 2, in his 78th year, itary OTTAWA (CP)-Rt, Hon conferred upon him an) Friday, Nov, 4 of Parliament Nov, 17. While in| oovianamon (ep dox Church, conducted the ser General Vanier, his successor {it safely to the Aransas national! The pallbearres were three iday. Widiife authorities arc Cherkas and B. Michaud hetie penicillin whieh can hopelhul {J Allin Penfound, 39 McLaugh: S nesday, Nov, 2, was held at the Sunny Today Rev, H. A. Mellow, minister of {ment was in Mount Lawn Ceme- ssued by the weather office at westerly 20 Sunday. | tributes indicated the esteem in o the Lake Erie region will end Cloudy with a few snowflurries| George, W. Whittington, tarie today and Sunday, Winds light, Lake Erie region and Windsor: | a older tonight. Winds northwest|London «38 mtario regions, London, Hamil. | Hamilton 8 wunday, wot much change in Peterborough x Geor, Haliburton, Muskoka ... { brief showers or|Earlton ge in temperature. White River ONE HOUR OF YOUR TIME YOUR LIFE winter the car has customarily | heen left outside, Every motorist | knows, too, how slippery the pavement is during the Spring | or Summer when it has rained) for the first time in several days, | The de - skidding'machine grooves tire treads about one. eight of an inch deep in most| cases and the grooves are spaced | around one and one-quarter) inches apart. When the slitting is | done by one of the straight, vagor-like hlades, no rubber is re | moved. The tire remains Perfect: ly effective for ordinary driving! on dry pavement, The de-skidding machine has| heen installed at several Service! Stations and Garages in the Osh. AWA area, Unlike most snow tires, . they are not noisy on pavement, Look on the sport page for the last little grade to the home Dealers who deskid tires. Adwvt, Clarke, Doris Corbman, Stanley Dalidowicz, Jeanette Dyriw, George Fuller, Lynda Hatfield, Joan Hercla, Kenneth Hickey, Patricia Hraynyk, Melvin Kru. ger, James McConkey, Julius Minacs, Victooria Mitchell, Vern Mossey, Larry Nancekivell,, Mar. shall Nlcholishen, Adele Planeta, Robert Porayko, Jan Purdy, Marian Ritzie, Patricia Sholdra, Geraldine Skinner, Ronald Smith, William Vekasi, John Zedie, Five Options -- Myrna Britton, Fay Broad, Willlam Dorke, Irene Dyl, Bonnie Gaynor, Helen Jan- chevsky, Gall MacDonald, Wan. da Marchut, Eileen Medd, Doug: Veal Patties 3 Ibs. 1 LAMB STEW 5lbs.S1 FR EE! Buy 6 Ibs. Sausage Meat §/ GET 5 LBS. FREE! | A : a x A MENU FIT FOR A KING . . . Royale Egg Soup Bar-B-Q Ribs Honey Ribs Egg Rolls Shi We Duck Butterfly Shrimps Moo Goo Gai Pan (Veg .) Subgum Fried Rice Almond and Fortune Cookies : Tea Coffee WAS ENJOYED BY MR, AND MRS, R, PORTEOUS, 28 GRANDVIEW N,, AND GUESTS MR, AND MRS, C. RITCHEY, AT CHOW'S LAST THURSDAY, Spiraled Oranges Next Draw to be Made SATURDAY, NOV. 12 You may be the lucky winner of a FREE Dinner. THIS WEEK'S WINNER;=~ MR, F, MARKUS, 68 Central Park (TICKET NO, 2008) Auto-Magic Wash Lid. (Your FINA Service Centre) 116 BOND ST. WEST With each purchase at AUTO- MAGIC you receive a ticket for the weekly draw of a .| FREE DINNER FOR 4 we) RA 5.0322