IN LAGOS city of 365,000, for Oct, 1 Indep MODERN BUILDINGS MODERN SQUARE - New | green-and-white nations! flags spent Wrecked Tomb $600 000 | the Day |} buildings and a fountain grace | flutter on top of building at this eity square in central Le- | right and modern cars drive monwealth country, gos, capital of Nigeria, New | along in foreground, Lagos, a | decorations in the new Com- ~(CP from National Defence EMERGENCY MEASURES How Deadly Is An A-Bomb? ~ Theoretically, it is pos the scope of the but there is muci done to blunt it, nuclear detonations Mauy questions are raised on| A, Q. -- Is it true that the of devastation which would be © wrought would make it useless to want to live after attack? "studying CAS Revenue Insufficient TORONTO (CP)~The board of | the Ontario Association of Chil- dren's Ald Bocieties said Fridey societies' revenue is barely ing pace with the increase in Ontario's child population, A statement issued following a board meeting said the board is ways apd means of quate medical and rescue facil- maintaining basic services to ities available, We do recognize! children though the proportion) resent threat, of tax revenue devoted to pro. that can be tection of children from neglect jsdeciining and Community t Cuest ec ! are falling short f their objectives," | f Nagasaki and Hamburg were de- A, = It is true that the devasta- stroyed but they have been re- tion which would be caused by built, Additionally, there would be would be extensive areas great, However, the physical ef-|which would be unaffected hy the in the country the subject of civil defence, Bomesible to kill everyone, bul 8s 8/7..." r the explosion are limited attack and which will ensure a of the most common ones will AP practical endeavor it is an im- ty the immediate ares of th ex- capability of surviving under rea: pear in this week's and next week's columns, possibility, The practical capabil-|plosion, Cities such as Hiroshimalsonable conditions, Answers to these questions are|ity of an enemy is limited by rovided by your I Emergency|the number of weapons he has, [ easures Organization the number of carriers he has to T E l Q. = Will a Nuclear explosion) geliver them, the effectiveness of kill everything within a specified! gach weapon delivered and the| CHCH/TY Channel 1l~-Hamilton CBLZ-TV Channel 6~Toronts| range? A Nuclear weapons, like any the situation, There Is not one action of the people attacked | WGRTV Channel Z--Buffale WBEN/TV Channel) 4~Buffale explosive device, are limited Inisingle effect of a nuclear detona- | WKBW/TV Channel 7-Buffale WROC/TV Channel S-Rochester| what they can do. Unless some-|tion which cannot be counteracted one specifies a specific yield of alto a degree by some form of de-| gan URDAY EVE, weupon, Do one can predict|fence, Not all of these will be suc- 5:00 P.M. exactly what will happen, In dis-|cessful, but their individual con-|yi--outside Broadcasts cussing nuclear weapons and tributions ensure that large num- 8-The Lang Haul their effects, generalities are fre- hers will survive, Protection can| 37rulicht Theatre quently false. For example, in the he afforded against all the im- 5:3 P.M case of a five megation weapon, mediate effects such as blast, |11-6-Cartoon Party the range of extreme blast dam- heat and immediate radioactivity | 43 ut uae prom age is in the order of fifteen ang fallout, The long-term prob 6:00 P.M, miles, but this does not mean jem of radiation fallout can be ii--Tennessee Ernie Ford that everybody within that range lessened by adequate control | &-Speaking French will be killed, In fact, with rele measures such as decontaming | ¢~jeff's Collie tively simple precautions such as tjon, eating uncontaminated foods, 6:30 PM, sufficient whrning to enable the and so on, Additionally, the in- (1--Father Knows Best population of an area to get Into iensity of radiation fallout decays ny Toxae ordinary basements, a large num- rapidly with the passage of time ber of people would survive these so that it becomes steadily less blast effects who woud ising on dangerous as time passes, be killed, However, one does If Canada Is attacked by 00 P.M, pe Bw 11-6--Dennis The Menuee survive the Immediate effects of, ion, "weapons would millions| 7=Matty's Funday blast, he still must be prepared le be killed? Funnies . diy of people be killed? s--Highway Patrol to contend with the effects of N a vedict with | Smt a honad Table radigtion fallout, but the means A, ~ No one can predict with) gop Midnight of protection against this hazard Accuracy the total numbers of 130 are surprisingly simple, people who could be killed or in-|yy_ seq Hunt wt ot { { unquali- jured, However, If a [ive-megaton| 7-- Expedition Jo quotations of ung . i S--Red River Jamboree fled casualty figures prove any- bomb was detonated over each ol | {glu Filey thing" the thirteen major cities in Can- Sa~-Bonanse " A, = When dealing with esti. ada in daytime, with ho warning LLB . mates of casualties: which are 6nd with no civil preparations, |=GUnsnoke 0 war made by civil defence planners, more than 3,000,000 people could! g_Aquanauts one should realize that the start. be killed, by the ihadiate o 8:30 PM. p est tes Is to fects ol the explosion; bu Ven 11~Jambores ing point of these os a io , any reasonable amount of warn.| 7---leave it To Beaver @eslgn to the enemy every pos y A 5.2-The Tall Man sible advantage in his attack de. Ng, anu with such preparations | ¢Zeneckmate livery, to permit the maximum 8s are being recommended by the 9:00 P.M, er i 0 «| 11-6~Hockey Night In explosive effects to take place, to government, in effect these num i16~Hockey put the civil population in the|bers could be reduced very great-| ,_; JUTE wep worst possible state of prepara-|ly. The toll of human life under) s3-The Deputy tion. In laying down such assump. 80¥ m, circumstances would be) 9:80 tions, some pretty grim casualty Breat, but it is not necessarily $a Campaiin and totals can be developed, However, Hue that on would die, Mush hue Have Gun, Will this 1s the planner's starting been made 0 he casualties ravel point, from whe programs can which resulted from the atomic] 10:00 pM, be designed to alleviate these re-|expiosions in Hiroshima and| 1--Law and Mr sults, Unfortunately, the ill-in- Jones # | #=Gunsmoke Nagasaki, to try to make a case 10:15 P.M, ) prgency plan. |iy.6--Juliette formed take these estimates with. foi the futility of emerge ney p Ju . out knowing the conditions under MDE Study of He effects of Hoye rca ¥ Rds which they were formulated, and |cacastrophes inc icates that 0 if] S--Play of the Week then go on to show that prepara. total who died, 30 per cent died | (Grand Jury tions would be next to useless Within the next day, and the re. iliinde when, In fact, preparation of var. mainder In a period « up i. ie 11.6--King fous types will decrease the num. months, I'he point of hope here is | 11:00 P.M, hers oi casualties considerably that to all intents and purposes | Weather s people of there p tack Sporty Q Will all the people of [there was no warning ol a *l SAAR Theatre America be killed in a nu. the population was totally unpre- | 1:15 P.M, clear war? pared, and there were no ade: ;;.News and Weather | T=Late Show | 6=Man Hunt | d=Bports 11:30 P.M, 1l=Late Show 6-Feature Panarama =Playhouse S=Award Theatre Jnion Official Broke Promise QUEBEC (CP) -- A former|"If someone is lying, to whom | union stewart testified Friday alshould I say you're a liar?" | geChristian Soience union official broke a promise' Arsenault sald Sauve replied 8:30 A.M. for outside suphont to the Valet "To me." tHerald of Truth Siveiworkers: of America in its or the Nor . RO S--Bar4-Ranch bitter seven-month strike against iy tie Rosalie soltract boi : TT " Gaspe Copper Mines Limied injgn oo 8:45 AM, Mu. dochville, Que,, in 1057, bi : 5 2-Man To Man You're the biggest liar in| 3 Abraham Arsenault, 41, sald| ooo 0 Quebec," 9:00 Marcel Sawve, USWA represent id A ative at Noranda, Que., promised For this, he said, support to the Murdochville Kicked out of the union Popeye Playhouse strikers, saying the Noranda lo: Earlier Arsenault quoted union| g--vour Church y labor con. repiesentative Roger Bedard as Invitation cal would not sign a labor con ' h oe th 015 AM. tract until Murdochville had saying the strike was given the Sarning Soa} go-ahead by the USWA head. A signed one. ' ; 9:30 AM. A ult, a month| quarters in Pittsburgh, Pa 11=This Is The Life But, sald Arsenault, Murdoch. |. He said that at the meeting on '7"The Bible Answers after the start of the Murdoch-iyy.rn "1s 1057" when the strike| 3=Tim MeCoy ville strike, the Noranda local. co aor 0q"™ Bedard said he| 3=Public Service representing workers at Novanda \ogq cor "ine "approbation" of 10:00 A.M, Limited, signed a cons ot 11=The Christophers Mines, | Pittsburgh and a guarantee of y--The Living Word tract, Noranda Jags 1a the pe full support." 3--Christian Science ent company of Gaspe COPPeT! "yroion hovers maintain that $-hamp Unio My Fs Mines, . . : in| Acts committed during the strike "10:15 A.M Arsenault's 00.000 8 U {1 were decided and carried out at| g_mmaustry un Parade the COMPANY SWA. One of the local level and therefore the par-| 10:30 AM. against the ' Whe parent|®0t union is not responsible for|i--Brave Theatre issues 1s whether the BEN amages. Company lawyers =The Answer jon is responsible for its locals pin Mine "USWA directed the| on Tk dk VO ies, . aolvities, a company witness, Strike and is responsible. | 8=Follow the Children said he had asked Sauve earlier: ee -- od Sauve People ire Ma al Boports Rutos Ee eck Still Nice 6=~Church Service TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian ILDERTON (CP) -- Farmer y-matty's Funday 4=Film Featurette neighbors 12:30 P.M, S~Million Dollar Movie | SUNDAY 8:00 AM, f=Chureh In The Home 8 M, t1=Rev Oral Roberts he was 7=The Christophers Se-Bar-5-Ranch 4=Lamp Unto My Feet SThis Is The Lite 4~Morning Worship 2=The Big Rascals 11:30 AM YChampionship Bridge 5-0 To Adventure 12:00 YOON Bugs Bunny jole production is esti: Donald McLellan decided he! Funnies oe yo 7,587 this week com: would have to forget about the §--iear Russian red with 7,102 last week. {fall plowing this year when an| &-News Pris week's total was made up|attack of diabetes seat him to tee ATM and 991 trucks com- (hospital and then kept him con. ! . of $,308 cars 6.338 cars and 776 valescing at home. S=Dateline. UN previous week. But his decided 12:3 P.M wusks, the to date this year is otherwise. Early Friday. tractors \=Family Playhouse phy compared with 337.350 in/hegan converging on his farm Rooks a Hi mn ding period last/from all ports of this district' 5 Reading Out Loud 397 cars north of Lendon --Lha By nightfall all the plowing (was done, | UN Review S~Newsreel 00 PM, 11--~Adventures of Robin Hood 7---Roy Rogers 6--Good Life Theatre S--Star Bowling S~Family Playhouse 1:16 PM, &~U of B Football 1:30 PM, 11-6~Country Calendar 7-Premier Playhouse 4~Football 2:00 P.M, 11=OHA Junior "B" Hockey S-Junior Magazine 5-4-3--Foothall 2:15 PM, 2~Football 3:00 P.M, 11~0OHA Hockey 6--Recital 3:30 PM, #82-Cleveland Browns 4:00 P.M 116-Twentieth Century T~Premier Playhouse S---Bengal Lancers 2~Hour of Adventure 11.6~Citizens Forum 6-=-Why Is It So 5100 P.M, 11-6-News Magazine T==Famous Tales 5~Youth Confidential d~Amateur Hour--Ted Mack 2~Huckleberry Finn i M, 11=The Rifleman 6~Why Is It So B=News - Bports 4~GE College Bowl 6:00 P.M, 11=Tiny Talent Time 6=Disney Presents B=Meet The Press 4~Face The Nation 130 PM, 11Stories of the Century 7:5=Walt Disney Presents 4-Twentieth Century Walter Cronkite 2-~Harbor Command 100 P.M, 11:6--National Velvet Lassie @~8hirley Temple Show 10 M, 11:6-Hatful of Musie Te=Maverick SU 8, Marshall &=Dennis The Menace 8:00 P.M, 11.6:4-Kd Sullivan 6: 3=National Velvet 7---Lawman 68=Tabh Hunter Show 9:00 P.M, 11:6-GM Presents 7=The Rebel §:8--Chevy Show GE Theatre 0:30 P.M, 7=The Islanders d=Jack Benny Program 10:00 P.M, 11-6 Angel §-3--Loretta Youn d=Arthur Godfrey 10:30 P.M 11--8aber of London 7=Two Faces West Encounter 8Phil Silvers Shov 4=What's My Line 2-Lockup 11:00 P.M, 11.7:6:-5:4-3~Neows; * Weather: Sports S=Award Theatre 115 P.M, ¥=Late Show Night Metro S=Movie S=News 11:30 P.M, late Show 6-~Background 4==Theatre S--Award Theatre oday &=Newsi Roundup 8:15 AM, Captain Kangaroo 100 AM, 11--Romper Room T--Deputy Dawg §-Topper 4=Popeye's Playhouse #~My Little Margie 130 AM, 11=Maovie T=Romper Room Home Cooking &=Life af Riley 2-Susie 10:00 AM, 52--Dough Re Mi 4=Docember Bride 10:30 AM, ¥--Dr. Hudson §3-Play Your Huneh 4=Video Village 11:00 AM, t--Morning Court 83-Price Is Righh 41 Love Luey 11:30 AM, ¥--Love That Rob 5-2 Woy 4.8 Yama 0O0ON The Tegan $2 Truth or Consequences 1=-Bugs Bunny | 4~News; Weathey f 12:15 P.M, | 6--News | 4~Bpeaker of the House | 12:30 P.M, T=Queen For a Day 6~Movie Matinee 63-1 Could Be You 4~Bearch for Tomorrow 12:46 P.M, | News - 4~Guiding Light | 100 P.M, 11~Movie Matines T=About Faces S~Feature Movie Meet The Millers 2-Mid-Day Matinee 130 P.M, T=Divorce Hearing ~The World Turns 7=Day In Court 6---~Chez Helene S2-~Jan Murray Show 4=Drama Beries 2:15 11:-6--Nursery School Time 2:30 P.M 116-0pen House 7--Road To Reality 36 Loretta Young House Party 3:00 P.M, 11-6~Reflections 7-~Beat The Clock 83~Young Doctor Malone 4~Millionaire 11=Public Service Guide | 7=Who Do You Trust | 64-The Verdict Is ours I §3~From These Roots | 4 MM, 11=Popeye With Capt, dy n T-American Bandstand 6---Eve Arden Show 83-~Make Room For Daddy d~Berials 4:30 P.M, G--=Junior Roundup S--Here's Hollywood ATON'S unity Day Specials, Monday' ECONOMICAL "GLEN ARDEN" Continental Beds Re Motching box springs 19 give correct 4 support { Headboards extra. Handsome Damask Tablecloths Reg. 2,98 -- End-of- line clearance 39" Size... low priced to clear ® Resilient coil spring construction gives medium firm support, ® Sisol insulation plus layers of cotton felt. ® Sturdy cotton cover with toped rolled edges, turning S, EATON Opportunity Dey Speciol, complete 4745 Sevier om: S08 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 271 PHONE RA 5.7373 Rayon and cotton blended . . . fine combed yarns woven into a tablecloth of distinction; quality "Resilacrete" Concrete Plus Long-Handled Applier Specially priced, Monday ! damask in a classic design. Completely washable; colours of white, yellow, pink, turquoise or beige. Size opprox. 52 x 82, Hardener PENETRAY, 1 gal. Resilacrete plus applier . End dusty concrete -- indoors or out ! Applied to cement 'Resil- acrete" soaks into pores, acting as a binder, bonding concrete particles firmly together, Resists wear and abrasion, dries quick- ly, Coverage: one gallon, about 400 sq. ft. Colours: Red, Green, Honey clear, Medium grey, Grey, Sand, Light green, White, EATON Opportunity Day Special - Q.15 NS LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 275 EATON Opportunity Day Special, each 69 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 236 PH PHONE RA 5.7373 NTA S77 4 Edge of Night Big Rascals S=Junior Round-up ONDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M, 11=Family Theatre 7=Captain Gallant B--Playhouse 4=Fun To Learn 8~Three Stooges 5115 P.M, 4=Mischief Makers Herb Sheldon 5 M, T--~Early Show 6=News : | 4=Western I S--Highway Patrol | 1 WM, 6~Father Knows Best H WM, 11=News §8-~News | 6:45 P.M, 11:6:4:2~ Weather; News | B= Huntley- Brinkley | eport f=--Seven.o-one S=Ivanhoe 4=Death Valley Days The Vikings 16 P.M, P=News: Weather 7:30 P.M 7:00 P.M, { 11==The People's Choice | 11-6--Don Messer Show Cheyenne -Ta Tell The Truth §3~Riverhoat 8:00 P.M, 116---Danny Thomas 4=Pete and 5 iad 116--Jack Kane Show T--Surfside Six $23-Wells Fargo 4=Comedy Series 9:00 P.M 11:6--My Sister Eileen §3-Klondike Danny Thomas 9:30 2m 1hLord Arthup Savill's Crime T--Adventures in Paradise Festival '61 Stage 7, Drama §3-Dante 0:00 PM, §3-Barhara Stanwyck Theatre Republican National 10:30 P.M, 16 Inquiry F=Peter Gunn S--~Tambhstone Territory | &=Presidential Cam. | algn | #=Manhunt 11:00 P.M, 7-6-5-4-2 News; Weather, Sparts 1:15 PM, T-Late Show &=Viewpaint Sports Reel 11:30 P.M, 1-Late Show Movie $3--Jack Parr =Mystary Theatre OUTSTANDING SPECIAL PURCHASE! Special selling ! Men's Spun Nylon Ankle Socks Ordinarily higher priced ! Good quality spun nylon socks with elastic tops; attractive shades of beige, light grey, charcoal, navy or brown with eye-catching Sizes 1002 to 12 in the side patterns aroup EATON Opportunity Day Special, pair 98 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEP PHONE RA 5.7373 54" Brushed Rayon Hand-washable spun loden with a fashionable brushed finish, Makes into attractive dresses and skirts; in a choicé of basic or bright shades , . , black, red, grey, charcoal, beige, brown, EATON Opportunity Day Special, yard 2.19 54" Novelty Wools Exciting group of wool-and-rayon tweeds and novelty checks at a price marked. for savings, Choice of muted colourings as well as darker tones; collection contains a pleasing variety of patterns and weights, EATON Opportunity Day Special, yard EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 233 EATON Opportunity Day Special, each ,......000.. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 222 Men's Fitted Toile Cases Purchase one or more of these for gift-giving -- at not able savings! Handsome plastic case, approx, 612" x 3", with zipper closing. Contains toothbrush, comb, nail clippers, mirror, and containers for soap and shav= ing lotion, Navy, maroon, green or tan, PHONE RA 5.7373 » Create Your Own Original Designs #i-» With These Fashion-Wise Fabrics! 45" Suede-finished "Arnel" A soft, supple material with a luxurious appearance. Washable, with soft handle and easy tailoring quali= ties, Wise choice for dresses, 'weskits', sports outfits, children's wear, Colours of red, brown, purple, moss, and winter white, EATON Opportunity Day Special, yard White Cotton Flannelette In two widths A much-in-demand weave that serves a multitude of purposes -- from infants' wear, diapers and children's underwear, to scores of needs for the home, Medium weight; two widths, EATON Opportunity Day Special: 33 36" width, \ yard vo @ PHONE RA 5.7373 27" width, yod ..... EATON'S Telephone Order Service Opens at 8.45 a.m. ... Phone RA. 5-7373 REE