Q Q =. Se m 0 > 8 MEET © 3 ie orl hathhinteair | EL 8 orrElasEecEEled Erol, iflensiimlpe eeibonl} 4 wescvialing Ia J aad Saar Sa phar © Jamandaaier Jbl 3 Jaa aanaiie 3 | 1 i : ! seraderny Ey 3 off | ¥ ww By Te Gomiien Drove Bi 4 Ld "a the ne name ils "ek Losies oh Volume (or the week was 9560009, from the AoA LA il SHIRE AR HHS J § 2 SI * Ee al $ eyiNe Week's date Pr dd , warked §.) WEEK'S NOSE ACLIVE TOROWIO SPOCK x ¥ L] cebsboben sak snd ww = su «1 a Ys Bpmlyppeepiicly er IF i B ® +S Senile; nebo ed] «ls £53 3H = : "FE i ES SS yesteeder epioyeenpani=tag PL IR 55 ® - * 3 Rb | Sncpnteinapteaged ELH LF 5 a FLIES INS = be F - § - | £3 LH Tw » 3 Epeigprpeepptaediyppteny i 1 itu Ra a a J ari id - Sif TLE Pe gp Sil 4S REE NE La a Fp TE & E3 8 3H - - ETRE aa spgsirciaaaiiapes & 25 = # 5 £3 bet hae ® eo - ~~ E23 eS § perETrmc. bee seclegleg i CLABKE ~ len snd Cleudls (mes 4 evs Hits U.S. Business i Friday, October 3, 19, A beby bro seesawed this week under the| A survey of manufacturers) thar for Joni weight of election campaign showed they look for inereased| DEATHS The stock market apperently| However, the First National . felt it had digested enough pos-|City Bank of New York seid it It found encouragement in ante 8 moderate downturn, SPECIALIZING IN nouncement of private and gov-| A majority of leading econs- Monuments, Markers, views of what is ahead, struction and marketing statisti 1435 KING ST. E General Motors chairman cel agency, said they foresee a Ph, RA 8-311) or RA B-BB76 We V5. shin {ot 0% ppyin LoapinGs A , A dec) in fre floral requirements for oll , This would occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING E Manning) are assed Lo announce the i Shirley thes dulled by steel and | NEW YORK (AP)--Businessyesr were 1 Colby) announce the arvivel # be n and divergent views on orders, billings and profits in the i { found economic trends have OSHAW, sibilities of the election's outcome e ernment spending plans but also mists, responding to an inquiry Memorials, Comerstones, Prederic G, Donner disclosed mild recession between now and LOCKE'S FLORIST A ang Looking in 1961 for rail and truck industries re: 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA B/6555 gree a Te FEF of S = 3 2 2 ¥ We ) : 18_THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sotwrdey, Movember 8, 1960 porival of Shel Krline, welhing 7 ibs. ot the Oshaws General Hospitsl the United States copper strikes | the economic outlook, ifirst half of 1961, A and mounted a moderate rally [shifted from a lateral movement MONUMENT COMPANY took notice of some rather dimfrom F, W. Dodge Corp, 8 con- Stotutory of oll types. plans to spend $1,250,000,000 in|the end of 1961 Funeral grrengements ond he $5,000.00) shove the 1900 out: flected a slowing business trend, 3 33 3 ¥ 2. P85 of; > 3 2 33325 E) £3 jar " 31.0000 would Steel output dropped to an esti: Donner predicted passenger |Mated 51,7 per cent of capacity car sales would reach 7,00,000/Tom last week's 54.2, Auto pro- in 1961, Sales this year are ex-|duction tapered off for the Hrs . time since production started op pected to run about 6,700,000 1961 models CORPORATE EARNINGS UP The treasury reported that the Corporate earnings for the first 1060 outflow of 0.5, gold passed pine months of 1960 exceeded the $1,000,000,000,000 mark with a 1959 by about two per cent, and/loss of $450000 in the last profits for the fourth quarter|week. That left the treasury-- may come close to the 1959 per- with $18.417,00, in gold, How: fod, 8 survey showed, However, ever, the rush to buy gold on the the third and fourth quarters las! [London market subsided. NET EARNINGS |Wheat Crop dear duughte TORONTO ' (CP)--The stock Estimated market Friday scored its fifth Asin tha har' che peseed sway, (successive advance In moderste| OTTAWA (CP)--Canada's 1960 =Lovingly remembered by mother ané|(pading, (wheat crop was estimated al On index, industrials were up 480,624,000 bushels hy the bureau BATEMAN ~ In loving memory of | 87 at 402.25, base metals 1.24 al|of statistics Friday, a slight dear sialer, Hazel, who passed WAY | (5481 and western oils 47 al downward revision from the last She lives with us In memory. 182.50, Golds eased 05 at 95.42, |[orecast Sept, 50 of 490,624,000 =Alwars remembered by sisters Zeta | volume was 2,252,000 shares bushels = compared with 1,792,000 Thurs-| The prairie wheat crop was put BATEMAN - In loving memory of day | at 470,000,000 bushels, up sharply our dear sister, Hazel Bateman, who| Bane were strong. Bank of from last year's 809,000,000. pasted ee 1 [Nova Scotia gained two points at bushel crop and only a shade un- «Always remembered by sisters and |63 and Bank of Montreal 1% at|der the 10-year Menage of 471, brothers 55%. [300,000 bushels in the 1050-50 per- Among steels, Dominion Foun- ied dries and National Steel Car Onlario's wheal crop was esti- to see again, (eased '%, Atlas gained % mated at 17,968,000 hushels--an Shawinigan paced utilities los- upward revision from Sept, 30 of ers, off %, CPR and Interna- 130,000 hushels (tional Utilities both improved, The indicated 460,624,000-hushel Abitibi scored one of the few wheat crop for the whole coun. plus signs among papers, up % try 1s 18 per cent larger than last |while Eddy and Anglo-Canadian year's 413,620,000 and one per Pulp both eased %. cent below the 10-year average of FT IT ae -a = i iad EJ LES + * 53m So = ay by - 1 1as wo | LLED €E€E SEE rr E ig = 3 shee 3833343 ES ES 3h we RET EY s GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all, RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM BATEMAN In loving of 8 dear daughler, Hazel, passed away TE | 1 3 = 3 Sad i3 Teed FF > = FF PRES DSCE SEIS SI SES Je SEINE SN a a) © wggeee ar E5% Alls Gas Alg Cen p 75 Alg Cen w B20 Algoma nd Algon B 109 Alumini 12431 829% 60 Son 1H aeliniahtein 4 ~efg FC 2 > 2%, ar iad i Set st > = T = . te 8 > Analog Ang Pulp p Anthes A Anthes B p 8 Argus LL Argus 2.50 p 300 Ashdown B 366 Atlan Acc 106 Atlas Bleel 1580 Auto Ele 615 Bank Mont 4560 ank NS £568 86 id 4 £3 ts > a site itp Sob * 1 Be 3 12 ha Bad had 1 «e iss 1 28. Es - > = i F = I bia SR = £3 Fo = Boor = TE > Sslrrgsyes a a nt at 2 Ae haa Beatty Bell Phone 1544 Bowler 17% Bowel Sap 190 Bowler ] Bowater rts 18164 Brazil 961 Br Tank BA Ol BCE 44 pr BCE 4% pr BCE 4% pr BCE b pr BCE bie pr 667 BC Forest 5620 BC Pack B 178 BC Pow 10646 win 748 BEER EZ = =F inh 152 1 1006 A] ¥ Ean I Pe stent Bano hs | POC eae he SE == = 3 = 3 3h 77h 4 " 4440 LL] 1 160 Lope - SE Jov Corp reminm Pres El N Gas QN Gas w uinte Com Lelchhold Bellman leitman A +1 6000 LS BIW rR Io : 3 £3 2" i 5 - = TSE SF 55 sSrlprpe tte te tte Te Flee br to FEB cord Ent Tiber oan Rp ey i " 1 2% ahs 90 ; I [i] [TT | - 42% 86 ] 3 867 801 #0 % Ld y 467 4 } al 5 TF ew = = a aa] laaary] eleliiesailielels a - ¥ FEIT i 3 ng F3== F +See 8a® F > 11 FF a BATEMAN ~~ In ever loving memo) of # dear wife, Hazel, who passed awa) November 6, 1058 Her loving face | hope Though the days have passed away Sleep on. dear wife, and fake your BC Phone Brown Bruck B Build Prod urng urrard A BET FES ons FF wa wa --- & Ss Bs aa 3a Toler ToRS er SRR. t= - ---- . ' sb by 200 220 475 201 1668 NS sEsmgeressy =o rest, They miss you most who loved you t best, ~Always remembered and sadly miss ed by husband Harold, CAMPBELL - In javing memory of # dear C | who passed away Nov. 5, 1087. God saw you getting weary, So He did what He thought best, He came and stood bi And whispered "Ci You wished no one Ner even sald goodbye, You had gone before we knew if And only God knows whi ~Ever remembered by wil SEF F ¥ Fyesw #lesrsan was Cal Pow 7448 Can Cem 135% Can Cem pr 208 SR6% 26% CCC Stone 245 Cl Fodry Can Malt fa 86 Can Malt pr 110 # C Pack 125 C Pack B #30 Can Ferm 234 Csly 240 18% gee ih' 3 mde Sm te a. * +1" 4% saaen - pt i Bele center onne = Bele... Bs anise a +1 = i mPpsORs later ater Bamville p Jouthim partan partan w aboh Blaftora aan t Pav 780 Bt Radio a0 Bleel Can ane Bleinbg A LiL] Sieinbg p Slerlg Tr ¥ 8 Fropane : * Betw a > 3 ~Frg = "3 F -- aad ody wn 4 Mo #6464 Fs F uit Rn unker Hil Cable Cadamet Cmp Chip 1 Lesats 1 - Bl = Bra 2. aSe, F SUR CR F232 C8L pr Cdn Baks 400 k= = =z FF = = sald - t farewell, 450 §hd 840 25h 250 4 $14 13% sage 2li4 4% #92 EH] i ¥ > FF 23 -Eg3Ton --- i=! Cdn Astria € Dhyne C Malart CN Cdn Thor Candare Can-Erin Captain Cavinnn Cassiar Cayeor Cent Pat 7800 Cent Pore 80707 Cheskirk A500 Chester Chih-Kay Chime Chrom Coch Win Coin Lake © Mel Coniagas Caonlaurm 1800 © Hellekena 18800 © Beta 6 1i66 [] © Callinan 7680 7 [] Con € Cad 8667 § |] € Discover B4650 #85 368 © Fen 3670 18 Con Gillies § CG Arpow 115088 © Halllwel #6268 © Marhen 340800 4 neal 0 11435 $10% a0 61 Ma Tee on, CAMPBELL = In loving memory of # dear father, Matthew Campbell, who passed away November §, 1857. Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of his nd Bd cups B. FF 8 Prop w Buptest ord Bwilson a a = F Ss - py $i 6 200 160 $14 6% 9% 7 F El Benen en = ¥ 'amblyn Tamblyn p Tayler PCp wxaen € 4] Tres Et EppEsiis seleeree Sines. days} Sincere and kind in heart and mind, hat a beautiful memory he left hehind Ever remembered by Matthew, Mar. garet and family L450 18660 ! Drawn 200 ! Dredge LH] [ [s © Curt ( C € Fairbks A 1550 { { |! £ ( { ( w F St Se = +444+]e st pane 1 +a re) aT FF 0% 'exaen i 860 1344 she. 5x FF -- - slow 86h 400 Slil4 2 F = Fairbks B 850 gis i710 0 1710 360 LE] 1100 433 aii 8475 0 18474 it ]: > jis #ssalas]es gg : CAMPBELL » In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Matthew E. Campbell, whe passed away Novem: ber §, 1957 So many things have happened Since you were called away, So many things to share with you Had you been left to stay Every day In some small way, ¥F Prod F Prod A ¥ Prod p I Gas Inp G Bec A Husky Husky w C Hydra Cy Cdn Loco Cdn Ol} Cdn OI § cP a = =. for Dom Bk or Eley Gen Tr or tren A Fin A SE $ S2=BuaBrzE 28ST El Be = gS TT Es 0% FF won -- r,s... = ERE ES IT TNS - £538 ESC. ow = =o F BB aman t I. =e = Fox 410 41708 7800 ani > ° - at Memories of you come our wWayj Though absent you are ever near, Still missed, loved, always dear «Sadly missed by daughter Florrine goin law Russ, grandsons Luckie and Taig, CARD OF THANKS BLOHM--We sincerely wish to thank our friends, relatives and neighbors for their kind sympathetic condolences dur: Ing our bereavement In the loss of a wife and daughter; special thanks to Hev, Cross, Armstrong Funeral Chapel for their kind, efficient management of the service Ra thanks to the ladies of Sunnyside Park Association for their kind thoughts Husband, George Blohm, and mother, Mrs. 8. Crowells £388 ES = fn Hee Eni 32 JD > naan oR sw FEF Cdn Pet p Cdn Tire Cdn Tire A € Vickers CWN Gas H Vanadium Viceroy A Vie 6 Tr SRITE Cockshutt Cal Cell Camb Ent Conduits Con Baks Con Gas Con Gas B Corby vi Carhy B Cosmos Craig Bit Crain RL Crown Trust Crush Int Crush p Dist Seay D Bridge D Dairles Dom Eles Pam Elee w D Fodry D Magnes Doseo Dom Stores Dom Tar Dom Tar pr Dom Text Dover Dow Brew EK Wash pr 180 S158; 10% 13% 185 804 A dW 25 82% 26% 26° Eddy 50 $6344 834 Eddy A 0 854 i Emp Life 50 861 61 Fam Play 2085 $19 19 Fanny F Aa $1744 Fed Grain EVI LY Fed Grain pr 173 838 GL Paper 1340 840 GL Power 460 $24 Glo Power w 220 30 GN Gas #00 Salk GN Gas wt 8350 7a GN Gas Bw 3100 Great West 300 950 G Woe Gas 78 30% G Wak G vt 378 Sil OG Whi a8 wi 200 300 Greening 135 300 Greyhnd 2008 $12 Guar Tr 184 S40 H Catton 110 $18 Hardee 12650 $114 Hara COrpt 7 5104 Hees 200 150 H Daueh 43 $50 Horne Pitid H Smith i Smith pr fur Erie » Exe = = RG TET So - de Lie i > = = Con Neg © Northld C Persh Red Pop 8754 Regeourt 8000 Sanorm 6000 Conwest a0 Cop Corp 18484 18800 Cap Man # Coprand 26030 88 Fie) a 10600 80 Coulee A830 B30 000 -- W Copper N West (irae { |] ¢ Ww Plywd LL 4 [§ Weston A © Weston B West d4p Sea SESE F - = slightly easier, On the municipal market Metropolitan Toronto came to the market Wednesday with 0,850,000 par value §%- ar =F FF] sda. I+jsss cal rec fl Blu 10615 10644 -- W Ha i tin Ai -W 18 LLL i +1 Mo iH + Ww ( $04 4 SiS 84% Hi $0 4 4 480 $04 870 -- 5 = 3 = SEE SEE 2 E iv 70 $100 8405 $30 1350 817 2465 8134 625 Shl4 75 45 MA 2643 Mi 04 a 8 i} PREW. | wish to express sincere thanks to the many kind neighbors and friends for acts of Kindness and heauti: ful floral tributes shown me in my recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear father-in-law; and a special word of thanks to the 25-Year Club of Gen: eral Motors and UAW Local 223; also Dr. Jaciw and Dr. Hobbs, The W, € Town Funeral Home for their kind ef: ficient management, and Rev. John Smith for his consoling words. Dw Ra IDE IEP ER RE ST Cawieh Cralgmt Crestany Crainor - E58 = wo re = = 5 Wiwd A w wal Comb nith Curb Ani Cdn Angle Nid Ashestos CD Sug DG Inv } Ingersall & s -- E3 a =5=S -5 = SES. & ® fs F, - Trams eoyffrzusrronsine = Bo art eat 33:3 I a "ss === * - add | = = LIE) $60 6% ntl Bd at | F 5 ErEsafo snes: ae ad SE2-3E ails rT FS af ssel Danalda Ban DuvAn -- - Econ lav Eddy Mateh =F » EH : tl fis 5 = 22: b~ - EH] a + aaa & 5 a A ee Se Ems se Ps 5 5° STRAUGHAN 1 We wish to express aur thanks and appreciation ta our many friends and relatives for acts af Kindness, beautifal floral tributes and expressions of sympathy in the loss of 4 loving hushand and father, George Straughan: alsa thanking Rev, Allen, Sam Jackson and Som, and Armstrong Fuperal Home =Mrs Hose Straughan and family iI =e > FE a aah ant "Sh "Shue \] 60 $38 MM 0M + F 44d Stas F 25% sex SA Saad slsasljng 5 "se a ;. "las as §+ z "z Ea FSB F 1 F i+ - #1 Bae F rt == Beni MH =z 2 = Fi +i F3 Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column: Births, Memoriams. Thanks -- ? AM SAME DAY DEATHS «- = 2 pv = E+ F3 zs ZF Golds eased behind Dome and 495,100,000, Giant Yellowknife--both off %. | Preliminary estimates indicate Noranda found support among(the area seeded to winter wheat hase metals with a gain of % in Ontario this fall is 560,000 at 41%. Hudson Bay went ahead acres, up 85,000 acres from las! at 46%. Senior uraniums were year, a a Bela SURE. 4 ¥. narrowly mixed, | Cdn Brew hBld i» Mary, Great Plains was the big win:| . CHAL A wie 708 ner among western oils, up 45 Cuba Will CHALLE wie pd cents at 10%, Cdn Celan 8316 Canada Malting Co, Ltd., com Sul inp Ho mon 50 'cents plus 50 cents ex-| Buy Our © Chem wt 8100 tra, Dec, 15, record Nov, 15, | Collieries 8610 Canadian Tire Corp, 1d, oom) Li ; Coli pr mon 18 cents, class A 18 cents, t k Dee, 1, record Noy, 21, | ves oC Catelli Food Products Itd,,| TONONTO (CP)---Cuba Is pre class A 12 cents plus 25 cents, pared to spend some $1,000,000 Nov, 81, record Nov, 16, {for Canadian livestock, a young East Sullivan Mines Lid, 10/Cuban agricultural official said cents, Dee, 15, record Nov, 25 [here Friday night Eddy Paper Co, Ltd,, common| Estuquio Alvarodiaz, 27, sald e 87% cents, class A 25 cents, Dec. [he had been sent to Ontario four 15, record Nov, 15, (days ago to act as purchasing Hudson Bay Mining and Smelt-| agent for his government, No ing Co, Ltd, 75 cents, Dec, 19,|purchases have heen made as record Nov, 18, iyet, he sald, but negotiations are George Weston Lid., 6 per cent |proceeding pid, $1.50, Dec, 1, record Nov,| Mr. Alvarodiaz said his job is 15; class A 17% cents, class B|io investigate possible deals and 17% cents, Jan, 1, 1961, record Make recommendations to the Dee, 10 {Cuban Agrarian Reform Insti: Canadian bond markets slipped tute, slightly this week after scoring| The Cuban move is apparently good gains Thursday and Friday, [In response to the recently im- I'he Canada conversion loam|Posed United States embargo 4%-per-cent bonds due Sept, 1,(0n exports to Cuba 1088 were quoted at $90% to $01%, down from $92 to $0214 lasi week, Government of CAnada §'%-per-cent bonds due April 1, 1068, were quoled al §104'% to) 10465, down from $104% toland 6% - per - cent non-callahle $104.80, The CNR five-per-cent|debentures, Yields based on the bonds due Oct, 1, 1087, were sell-|offering ranged between 5.81 per ing at $96 to §06'%, down % over|cent on the five-year maturity the week, and 5.60 pr cent on the 20-year The Bl-day treasury bills were maturity, {being sold at an average yield of| Corporation bonds were rela: 14.22 per cent, while the 182-day|tively Inactive and somewhat : i hills averaged a yield of 3.51 per easier, The CPR 3la-per-cent ls A ~Gertrude Drew, | ant sue due Oct, 1, 1066 were quoted MAY OY RR ye Phu po] The provincial market was at $01 to $02, down about % ars fav eards, visits, fralt and quiet throughout the week andipoint, ers received during my stay in hos " . A ir thy. Hhreed aim ma se de br BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Mrs, E, MeAvoy | - Election Doesn't By JOHN PICTON new low after its third-quarter Canadian Press Staff Writer earnings dropped ta five cents a Uncertainty on the Ua ited share, : {States presidential election failed] Among utilities, Bell Telephone Ilo dampen the stock market this and CPR were strengihened by |weekend and all sections moved verporation news: indicated earn [higher in the wake of a buoyant |ings for Beli for the first nine Wall Street, months was $1.87 a share - On index at Toronto, slightly higher than for the same trials were up 8.75 at period last year--while CPR's 5 = ; zz = = F dX | een -~ od 2; "5; Seen. B F3 7 3 a £ iF a S58 800 80 + $10 10 18g 800 82 Al 8M + {1+ Zs 2x Cards of = > = a ~Exby > Be? FF indus 492.25, fines tz ES ---- wow © amd B ala 1000 ritalta 10100 £2 z 3 = 2. = Lc 11 AM. SAME DAY 'golds wer 3 42, p DIAL RA 3.3492 golds were up 3.11 at 95.42, base metals were up 4.45 at 154.81 and Western olls gained 2.32 at 82.530 tive issues came to a sudden end, as was suggested hy the volume --less than 2,000,000 a day--and golds lost the favoritism that has been their hallmark in the last few weeks, Prominent among industrials was the offer made to sharehold ers of Chartered Trust, whieh caused the stock to jump $18.25 Long Distance Liberal Talk VANCOUVER (CP) -- Liberal Leader Pearson's voice will be chrried over a telephone link-up ta partly meetings in 14 other cities across Canada when he afidresses a British Columbia Young Liberal Association ban. guet here Dee, & Association President C, M. $85.35 a share. J sald Friday night the re is unique In Canadian OWL, REFINERS ACTIVE political history. Oll refiners were amy peech will be carried ( oh in A John's, Charlotte- (Perial and British-American scor- joffer had been made to pur fax, Fredericton, Que: ing good gains, the latter run-'at 56.22, town, Hal Que, hing a higher crude capacity at/137.7, industrials up 2.8 at 623.1, pec City, Sherbrooke, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, bury, Hamilton, Winuipeg, atoon and Calgary refinery 3 But the recent run on specula | in one day. The stock had been| a slow trader during the year brought them to prominence two but turned over a fair quantity|Weeks ago, but most senior pro- when it became known that an ducers managed modest gains, {chase outstanding capital at/most ! ¢ the a solution to the imereased use ta Mest active industrials, with Im- of Canadian-produced crude oil Sud. it: Bu Steels ran into a weak spell, up 3.2 ai 411.8 and golds up 3.09 {Montreal Locomotive touching a'at %.43, revenue for September was higher than for the same month last year, Papers scored a production record for the first nine months and a number of stocks re sponded favorably while, among assorted favorites, Canada Malt: ing scored sharp gains on news that the company intends re deeming its preferred stock and also declared the vegular divi dend of 50 cents plus an extra 40 cents, Golds that lacked the shine Base metals were strong in sections throughout the week, while Western oils were al heir best for a few months on hopes that Ottawa will produce Index changes: utilities banks up 1.45 down 08 ai combined up 1.3 ar 221.3, papers it $9% 1) ™ SW 5p 315 SW S60 S80 17603 34% 1795 313 $3% fav ny Life oul Imp Tob Imp Toh pp Ind Agoep 1 Ac 480 p Ac 385 p leet MI "lee two 'ard US ard com aundin Taser rosst A Fruehaut Gatineau Gat a p Gat Rin Gen Bake G Dey Gen Danam GAC Gr 1300 o Lill Goodyear Gosdyr G Mackay A G Mackay B Graton A Lambien L 1 a Soe Lob Co A Loh A wis Lib Cy B Lob Co mr Wx 080 M5 180 a8 Sil M0 08 Wi es Ea I Ey Pn - "a pow SEE IF FES ¥ a Puy Pynamie Fargo Fr Pete pr Gr Plaind A me Ol ome Ol Aol G mp Pad Jupiter LI Pele Long Point Maitrans Marigold Mayiaiy Medal iis. Ha an 3 030 Mu we Ha 1500 we 300 000 300 ana 4000 "wa BSE.5E 5. Bat $ } ey a Exes aE 2 a Serbs i dy CURRELER LL 13 38 M4 <2 z=B2 = £ "las dat] istss shez ets E823 = 1 s2paal Es 333 a radial = 2:85.58 %2:28 28.22 Eos _-- a Tey £.5:% iN L) --g i > 3 a ry MM ne LL] siz 4 55s = aaa EesE.d Z.% 3 SI) 3 £% - > F 36 3 Eels F yo Jr: a SF 5 FR so z roe REE RK sul 11 ad cone 7 oi Ben et dbs peer su wad Don't Believe In Cheap U-235 OTTAWA (CP)-Canadian seh entista are skeptical of reports that West German scientists have developed a centrifuge pro- cess that will slash the cost of producing enriched uranium, Dr, John Convey, director of the federal mines branch, and dorado Mining and Refining Lim: lted, sald in interviews Friday that production of enriched wran: ium by the centrifuge method is not as easy as the German re: porta indicate, Canada will use natural wran: lum as a fuel in atomic power stations now being bullt because of the tremendous cost of pro- ducing enriched uranium in gas eous diffusion plants consuming huge quantities of eleetrieity, Natural uranium metal with approximately $2.00 pound for enriched uranium, Natural uranium consists of 7 W, M. Gilchrist, president of El. COsis] about $18 a pound, compared/the Wesi German government The LU iy A SOOree | the G {method excess of $300,000, wd § | g 7 i i.3r frszili Sates das 4 4 5 y label on the erman cen i