The Oshawa Times, 5 Nov 1960, p. 17

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440--Rooms For Rent 45--Real Estoto For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale 47 --Automobiles for Sale one spacious bed - sith A with modern farniture in ng oom: ooking {aetiities x i. en min Fermi Bove HA Sr, | ONE Mice turn furnished room for rent. | Avly u Koysl Strest or phone KA FORNIARGD bedroom, quiet comfort tie hae, ds two bath owe north dis Priva tranes, near Bl, a Petits oH 61 Hilleroft Street, equipped housekeeping rl eentra!, Phone RA Ld sau Street first floor EARGY, fully 792% or ply B SINGLE clean ri or SG, bus at A 5128, [45--Reol Estate for Sale ving room. en. | dining room, modern kitchen, full Tphse. door, Totephor distance of Pr VOR sale or vest, 97500, Eightroom frame house, heavy wiring, town water, very low down Dayment, Call Port perry, | Vouon $7765 ts ACRE ot with chicken coop for {sale in Taunton. Will take car In trade Phone RA 56648, $560 DOWN, one mortgage for balance, immediate selon, seven - room brick, VVa-storey, family or income Bome fully decorated, four bedrooms, ,|threeplece tile bathroom ment, oy Dest, private drive, nice gar age 14,509 WITH § $400 "down payment, val. ance as rent, eight room home, all con veniences, hot water, oil heating, imme- diate possession itor, 2% Prines 165 "storey house, Rarnge, LARGE | two-hath rodms, Sunroom, LARGE, well furnished bedroom, spring filled mattress, continuous hot water parking, 65 Eigin East, RA 56146, ATTRACTIVE 3 single room near Mo-| wentigmen a antiaman, aise , private and _entranee, parking space, Ap y 150 Division Stree! FURNI ne oy bed - cooking facilities, ferred. WA 8.5507, pe room, two single beds, suit able for two ladies or gentlemen, enok ing privileges. Apply nue, central, girl pre i room, full! ¥ Warren Ave-| 15-0782 after 6 acres, $10.000, on paved voad, near |Caesares, Fred Cook, Restor, Marvin} | Nesbitt, Blackstock MRI preferred. Telephone! Oxy ¥ #895 down --one mortgage for bal- , 'earries $67 monthly, mew, dee- d, large lot, private drive, sodded back and front, buses, schools, sewers shovping, sll conveniences, Yes, oil {heat oH shania Ww. T. Lamson, Real IA =~ ranch bungalow, mt: PRIVATE sale tached garage, finest residential a Ind tion room Owner transferred. Call RA [53006 DOWN, Hear north GM, seven nV ane Ny Seniors with five SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE OF BUILDERS MODEL HOMES IN WHITBY TYPE OAK-$295 DOWN TYPE MAPLE-$375 DOWN TYPE ELM-$545 DOWN # CADILLAC FEidorade, convertible, black and , automatic, power sleer- car windows, power seats, Wonder- ber Fadio, wire wheels, beautiful condi. tion, 39,500 miles. Never winter driven, Taka trade, con finance, PF price i eve 46 FORD an fon pick p truck, with '54 motor, in good J condition, $100, Apply 63 Fickson Road North, W AN SPRITE, accessories, radio, 50--Articles For Sale FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, "Moffat offat White | electric range, good 989 Rit-| son Road Morin, second house ia drive. | way. USED tires, most sil sizes, 93 and up. | B, ¥, Goodrich Stores, BA 54543, B, ¥, GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bal | teries, Slvinater refrigeratoris, tele-| vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, BA 54543, WHITE 1 ed converiable baby ecar- Isrge maple erib, MO! windshield washers, tool kit, ete, $1250, WT condition, Phone RA 56927, FICKOY 780 5 Chev, ton, This truck Must be seen to be a 2% TYPE PINE-$299 DOWN TYPE BIRCH-$600 DOWN TYPE SPRUCE-$600 DOWN TYPE CEDAR-$1,000 DOWN BLAIR PARK WHITBY ESTATES Location Just South Highway No. 2 5 Blocks East of Brock and Dundas Sts. NORTHVIEW CONSTRUCTION CO. 0 CHEVROLET Bel Ai Tour sedan, v. Mitomatic. added d ONGE se ompletely recondi. tioned and repainted, turquoise and white, new tires and snow tires, pri- vate sale, MO 85152 '45 WORD eustom four-door sedan, me- chanieally good, $175, 73 Ontario Street, RA 81345, '% AUSTIN ®prile, good condition, Fhone RA 82194 after 6 p.m. pol Tow mileage, | 50624 57 NASH Metropoli in, economical, best offer, Call RA after § Lda i 195 DODGE sedan, $125, Call RA I woe ea s------ 's5 CHEV, V8, two door hardtop, radio, very good condition. Apply 246 Adelaide oil makes, #, KuUaran- Estimates free, VACUUM cleaner repairs parts, attachments, b teed rebuilt machines, condition, | Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Sery- preciated, Will | (eadowyale, 1 anytime, : carriage, J; "Twin stroller, Wi hy A , elephone BA "80161, # _ [50--Adticles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Movember 5, 1960 1 GE television, $50; and one binet, $40. RA ONE 17" blond corner china $28 i (LADY'S lack onl cont, oie e 42, #15; | man's top cost, black, size 40; man's (grey frieze wool coat, sie 42, $10; all in good condition. Chesterfield chair, wine, $5 RA 6-1802 5 CRIB and mattress, leo blue Gendron cheap, Phone RA 55672 GOOD violis, half size, large Jirdrohe, with two 4d; ers, good condition, Tele-| phone BA 8 good condition; aby earriage, | t new and both ited N. single shot, snow shoes, filled mattress Mo most new; | and Market, Hampton, CO 3 COLEMAN apace Deaton, oo "condi. tion Telephone RA 88079, NION / A (a division of Beatty Bros.) now sold at Paddy's SINGLE bed, chesterfield apd chair, Sy tarpaulin and rack for half ton - truck RA 65-4957, A GIRLY dresses, sizes 19 12, almost new, 411 reasonable; evening gown, blue nylon net, matching stole, size 14. RA 50367 after 7, e condition; | § ton pickup! SPACE "heater, 0 2 oil ih forigood, A sale cheap, Tel Market, aopliances at gi to beat ihe oe co Interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon, Guaranteed, it, gloss, 2nd Electric, 8] PAINT, Al colors. Oshawa Hardware SKATE exchange, new i used, Jari |; est selection, and lengthwise ag +A 1 ing, Sportsman's Corner, 105 Byron Street South, Whitby, Open until § vm i GET cash for your baseball hats, boats, tennis rackets, lawn equipment you aren't using by selling them quick ly with an Oshawa Times Wapt Ad Dial BA 53-3492 to place four ad. Buyers i with cash want those thin m BL Seeordion Tr new, with |Reunsdy was gaining on his op- 200, Phone RA 5-400 or "maltress, valued " $59.50, away bed and spring Senator Kennedy In Tuesday's 4277, {presidential election, and Vice - President Nixon en- him a. six-per-cent margin over Nixon. This confirmed reports 'Landslide' Talk For Kennedy By JOHN HEFFERNAN WASHINGTON (Reuters)--Ob- alk in terms of a victory pos- "ibly of landslide proportions for, The senator was reported to be ired and growing hoarse as he ered the final days of the gruel ing campaign trail, But the news of the Demo- cratie eandidate was nearly all country-wide poll refleet- ng opinion in late October gave vhich had been coming in for the pst three weeks that Senator If translated into popular votes margin would well servers here are beginning to|which Pr th the purchase of any hed-'on election day, this six-per-cent ""% Party Stands In N. Z. Election | LETTS, Barons' Home yo By "24 Blmeoe Street South, "Where Prices are By J. C, GRAWAM dents' meeting recently that 4 y di y FY} i mea ( Press Corvesy nt roduction, ri Lower!" FIVE single malivesnes, Marshall, two Imperial Loyalist red maple beds, single, two springs, two bed lamps, the means of AUCKLAND (CP)~In theory, bution and exchange, [the basic issue in the New Zea-\NO TAKEOVER {land general election Nov. 26 is a| 'That has always heen Jon of straight clash between sociali Som size Weyele, all reasonable, 845 the Labor p it is the favored by the Labor gg¥ty, and TWO furnished "housekeeping rooms, room brick, attached garage, oil heat- bedroom and kitehen with refrigerator,|®d, immediate possession, 10-year parking space Apply 156. Agnes Btrect, |oPen mortgage, RA 56165 or RA 53454 FURNIRED ---- milale 4 to {evenings Ristow and Olsen Realtors, while for 0 girls, share phone, electrically equip. 1X room bungalow, three plece bath, ped, Kitchen if housekeeping desired, [2% acres garden, 5 miles from town, Apply #7 John Gtreet Telephone RA 3-285 FURNISHED bedroom on frond floor | P° WER fools you i sren't_using bring in new me, light housekeeping, TV cash fast with an Osha and living room privileges, close to fied Ad. Phone RA 33492 today to place school and transportation, suitable for Your 8d Indy or gentleman, Apply 216 Chad | (OF for sale, burn Street, x 100, RA 54907 TWO rooms and Kilchen, heavy wiring, |§Ti60 DOWN, Charming split level bun infu hed, No children, please, Park |gaiow, with attached garage, Needs ing Phone RA 86-5617 after 4 p.m painting. Only $11,800, Joseph Bosco, ONE large furnished room with private Mesltor, HA 50870 bathroom. centrally located, woman SW thin lean five room. 1 storey only 163 Warren Avenue, BA 81756, prick home, centrally located, ideal ONF, large furnished front room, ground for North GM worker, owner leaving 5 . will also sell furniture, RA 8.5571 for use of phone and parking, house. city, NORTH EAST = seven - room house, eeplng if desired, Call RA 3-410 large [two - piece bath downstairs, four-piece past rooms with "private bath, bedroom and kitchen, vacant now, $45 Upstairs, nice large rooms, wall to wall broadioom and dra es, Must he seen monthly. Apply 246 Bruce Street to be apprecisted. Full price $17,000, LARGE furnished housekeeping room, «|For quick sale and more information, 502 Roger St, 6 rooms, 2-storey, lovely condition, paved with refrigerator and cu boards. Ap-loai RA #6479) d Asking $14.20( 0 ply 867 Ritson Road South drive and garage. sking ,200 it FURNISHED room, available immed A intely, Bus at the corner, 474 Lake 402 Division == 3 bedrooms Avenue West, . "60 CORYAIR deluxe sedan, fully WILSON Realtor inl A i execulive driven ear, Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 > VORD fu new ear warranty, Sea way Motors, Whithy, TAKE A LOOK AT THESE WILSON EXCLUSIVES ON THE OUTSIDE 6 METEOR fordor light blue finish, A real buy, 493 King St. East S-room bungalow with double garage, large lot, finished natural fireplaces end way Motors, Whithy, recreation room, 2 2 bathrooms nable down payment Thursdays and F ridays. uip-| TENTS, camp stoves, camp cobs, sacrifice at $2195. | pauline, sleeping bags, lanterns, and rentals, Oshawa Hardware ang Electric, 8 Church Street, RA 37624, TV TOWERS, 40 fi, sell-supporting hot dipped galvanized with all channel head, installed and guaran feed for one yeor, $57.95, Trio Televi i RA #6781 ay highest prices e city used furniture, Preity's Used Fumi ture Store, RA: 33271, 444 Bimeoe South GUNS ammunitio nd hunting sup: plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent down, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond |= Street West, RA 5.6511, station wagon, $795, Be sewers and water. 48 54 PONTIAC sedan, excellent mechan ically, good tires, Sale price $345, Bea: Asking $16,900 with reas one mortgage for balance way Motors, Whitby, "56 FORD tudor, immaculate blue and 295 French St 4 storms and screens, white finish, perfect family car, at tre. mendous savings, $795, Seaway Motors, Whithy '84 FORD tudor, beautiful tutone finish, custom radio, A really good car, Seaway Motors, Whithy '5% BUICK hardtop, automatic iransmts- B84 Jarvis 5t sion, radio, wheel covers. A good, see. 284 Jarvia 3, ond car for any family, $205. Seaway make o Motors, Whithy 'Sh OLDS, Super B88, clean ear, very reasonable, RA 3.7550 after 5 p.m, 'S% MERCURY panel, four extra side windows, new brakes, motor, radio, | |erings, many cheerful designs, reduced 12 GAUGE single shotgun, "good condi {for quick sale, 25c per foot, 6 x 9 $495, | Lion $12; Filter Queen Joo polisher, |horderiess rugs $3; canvas back inlaid {hardly used, $5. RA 3-90 linoleum, half price, 99¢ a yard, Wil UNDERWOOD type ii sandard, [son » Furniture, 20 Church Bireet, 0 ctrie scale, 24 Ibs, Uke new, SKATES, new and used, sold and ex J Brigg' §35 chatwriter, $25; | changed, Largest selection in town ad " hine, $25; National cash reg-| Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond Street East, ater i, in Hite dive South, BA (Nw Jungle carbines, 303 calibre 4 wn $20 95, terms $5 down, $2 weekly, Spe YEAR old Viking gas range, very rea-|cial 12 gauge shotgun shells 81.20 per sonable. Phone RA 8.6091, 10. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond 4] LL length Muskrat coat, aimost new, | Street West merville Avenue UNPAINTED bookcases, only We with! the purchase of any piece of unfinished | frniture Students' desks, $10.99; chest of drawers, $17; bookca $5.99; van! objective now," he said, "But # private enterprise, favofed hy the does not mean taking over thes | National party, things. hI means the Willzation ol But, in practice, the contrast is|the national resources to ensure much i. clear 'out, that they are available to every ity dressers, $26, Wilson's "Purniture, 2 The National party, for tn-" "Nash has not explained the dif Church Street stance, favors maintenance of the| go 00 hetween ft is and mation | DISC ONTINUED patierns of floor cov- aluminum welfare state at a level which yi 0000 new forced air furnace, Asking $8,000 rooms, T.V. antenna ~~ 6 rooms and garage, immediate possession ww 0 A large kitchen, finished recreation view Avenue Telephone RA 8.6097, ONW furnished housekeeping room, also one single furnished bedroom, at 77 Ontario Street TWO Iarge unfurnished rooms, second floor, sink with hot and cold water, cupboards, closets, storage space, on bus line, fA 3.9401 ONE farge furnished housekeeping room, sult two gentlemen or couple Apply 194 King Street West ONE ge unfurnisi room, reason able re rent, 26 Prince Street ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail: able in private home. #2 Park Road North, 57 p.m. RA 8.8071 TWO furnished rooms, suit bachelor or couple, also two boarders wanted, park ing, 580. 306 Pacific Avenue = good clean comfortable beds, central, $6 weekly East, RA 3.4882 ONE furnished room Apply | 620 Stmcoe North SINGLE room for one gentleman, very central niral, Apply 182 Athol East SINGLE furnished room, use of kilch en and washing machine, central, clean quiet home, 0 Roo in pv attre ring Street Fast INGLE furnished room, iso two fur. ed rooms with light Sooking privil eges, use of phone, central location Apply 180 Bruce Street, 45---Real Estate for Sale $11,000 ~~ Ajax, 6-room, 4-bedroom, oll heating, on quiet Jo schools and shop: , carries $79 monthly taxes "ot 2-4803 0 lots in Grandview Gardens Your oprortunity to be located in this desirable area, Priced to sell, Call Henry Stinson, daytime, Schofield In Associates Ltd, RA 3.2265; ¥ ome, sult very central gentleman, 102 243. NEW MODERN 6 ROOM Ranch-style house Close to school, shopping and bus service. North west sec, tion. Owner leaving city Telephone RA 5.6271 for gentleman Full Price $4 850 Two side storey frame house, in- plumbing, basement, large garden, Uxbridge, Phone Dunbarton TE 9-1458 THREE-BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW In choice north-west district, excellent for schools, 5% % mortgage, carries $80 month. ly, $12,300. RA 5.9801 WHITBY MO 8-3337 Bowman & Gibson 111 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY PHONE ANYTIME MO 8-352] FOR RENT 3 « 3 Bedroom Bungalows | -- 5 Bedroom Apartment, heated | == 7 Room House & Garage FOR SALE Store (nearly new) in a good business section, $12,900 3 bedroom bungalow on nice corner lot, Shrubs, shade trees. $12,000 N.H.A, HOME OWNER APPLICANT Country living with city con. veniences, Large bungalows on nice bush lots, Close to Whitby and highway WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR SALE ~ Private. Rest offer takes |ONE a sparkling family home near St John's Catholic Church, Will give im. mediate possession or let you take ad.| Yamage of winter low price, Enclos od | 4928 ROOM and board for gentleman. Apply | 901 Walnut Street, Whithy, FOR SALE w Two FES Dloycles like | new, 26" wheels. Phone MO 8.5116, Whitby RIDE WANTED -- Leaving Whitby to Toronto at 6 a.m. Kindly call MO 8.8427 thy, APARTMENTS for rent: central, heat.| ed, self contained - four rooms; | B- oms, ground Jloor, {mmed. | lon. MO 89715 ROOMS TO RENT p= Two furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms, and one single room. Adults enly, MO 84252 FOR RENT -- Modern apartments, one and two bedroom suites, $90 to $120 per month, Several modern houses, three bedrooms, $90 to $113 rental, A, J. | ata Real Estate. MO 8.3337. Contact| D MO La A773, FOR NT -- Two room apartment, Biiyate entrance, clean, heavy wiring, sink, oards, partly furnished, $40 hori 1137 Brock Street South, MO 8-53467. "= Apartment. two nipely onms: bedsitting room and Kitchen, frig., stove, heat, light anc water supplied, private entrance. Apply 01 P Street, z FOR RENT -- Spacious two-bedroom a , mew bullding, frig, stove, RY owiet individual thermostat, bal. equipped laundry, adults, MO FoR RENT -- Three med self-con. tained ely ee immeriate ng, $45. 209 Rrock Street South 5-471 evenings, NT FOR RENT -- Ono bed ArduTE: close to sehools and shop , heated, ping, ' parking. OL 35-3611, Brooklin CASH prices hid for used furniture, 0 ves, skates, and almant article. Midtown Furniture, Brock Sure Street North, MO 8. ATTENTION hunters! For oabiy : traflers, 'ents, Coleman staves aleepl! bags, 303 rifles, shot dha, teeing» x an' trallers Wilde Ren tal Service, MOD 83226. | Lanolin enriched) From sterful shaping, sham. Se styping by Ken. Please call MO AIM for r appointment. J IN use FOR the best t in INSULATIO! and install it] PALO.PAK. Save . money and Install i H. H, Goode and k North. MO &2017 NITOR and appliances, wep VOR sell. exchange anything Tamilten Used Furniture, 103 Byron rest South, MO 8431. w and used, low FYPRWRITERS, - up. Desks, filing achines, cash regis. Whitby, MO 8-0431. NT -- Box, boat end TOR REN chain saws, skill saws, cement mixers, point _ sprayers, shotguns, rifles, eo aot RENTAL Service ond Sales 1415 Dundas & MO 8-3226 A! imate aa on's Lad 80 | Must '|brand new foup-room apartments close {elf pontained apartments, newly decors «| ployment, application forms available in and 8-49 Green Street, of Dutch bulbs. bedroom apartment, with kitchen, room bathroom, parking, $45 a month, 209 Brock Street South, Whitby, Phone OL 5.4471 after 5 p.m FOR small Ajax manufacturing firm have following qualifications; Bookkeeping, typing, payroll and gen. eral office work, Write Box 790, Ajax OR RENT - Will you be apartment hunting this spring? Call me ahout living {in Whithy location. Available March 1 MO 8.4928 FOR RENT ~ One large and one small ated, heat and hot Available immediately | 8.4426 SALENLADY water Phone supplied, MO fed for full time em. tore, All applieations will he consider. ed confidential ary Whithy, log front' FOR RENT «December 1, Two bed. room apartment, in apartment building. Adults _prefe rred MO 8 )1_ Whitby ROOM and board, or room for rent, centrally located, Phone MO 8.2613 anytime ATTRACTIVE bed-sitting room and hoard washing done, $18, Whithy, MO #525) ROOM and hoard Dutch home, 1001 Phone MO 8 5383 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Dutch gir) wants housework by day, Live out Phone MO 8.3674, ALUMINUM siding, pastel Jolars, free estimates, will go anyw Phil Harper, 225 Green Street, Whitby. MO Experience not neces. Mercantile Department Store, Ontario, "The store with the for gentleman in MeCullough Drive ron RENT -- Furnished room with pHv @ entrance, in respectable hone, 'hone MO Ly A357 FOR BALE -- Well rolled manure, why room with extra stool and fireplace, nicely landscaped hedged lot with fruit trees and goroge 93 Chadburn =~ Brand ready for occupancy 165 Elliott Ave 6-room frame, $600 down, balance of $5,000 on one mortgage -- payments $65 per month, Asking $12,250 leaving this lovely 3. new S-room bungalow, all finished, 991 Hortop ~~ 5-room bungalow 449 Fernhill Blvd, -- Owner promoted, bedroom bungalow on large lot PHONE TO INSPECT Open Evenings and All Day Saturday After hours please call RA 3.2537 Dick Young RA 5-6588 Wes Elliott RA 5.7183 RA 8.0581 Loyd Corson Bill Norris PRIVATE sa wile, y, 811,600, $1500 down, at- tractive six - foom home, storey and h Avenue |47--Automobiles for Sale '88 PONTIAC sedan, two tone, body work and paint joh newly done, Come and make a deal. Phone Port Perry, YUkon 57765 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save 20 per cent. Six months to pay For ve bFsonal service at your home call RA 2802 57 OLDS, fully equipped, radio, power Meuring and brakes, two RA 0471 rge "stock, Jockers, business, owner not Bo $10,900, Fred Cook arvin Nesbit, Blackstock ™wo acres land with fruit troes, "two: storey three bedroom house, spacious kitchen, new garage, For more infor-| mation, apply 817 Bloor Street East, | «room frame house, with oil fur. bathroom, hot cold water| 7 PONTIAC sedan, § cylinder, auto: matie transmission dio and heater, under pressure, Small barn, garage, #'4 » acres of land The property of the late o | 14,000 miles, RA windshield washer, seats five adults Real nice shape, RA 55027, 61 TRIUMPH Herald coupe, futone, | window washers A. real buy for an| economy minded person Smith's Sports, opposite radio station on King | West, | 5% WILLMAN station wagon, reason | #bly priced, good running condition, RA 85571 alter pm 48---Automobiles Wanted WANTED -- A one-owner, undercoat ed '51 or "S51 GMC; also Go Kart less motor, Dave, RA 65-2856 A LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers have cars dor wrecking, Highest prices pald, RA 51181, SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down. Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §, RA 3:9421 CASH For any choice clean cor MACKIE MOTORS KING ST, E. VARCOE'S RD, slze 20, Telephone RA 52444, | CASH registers and adding machines for all types of business. New and used, Phone Peterborough, Riverside 3.3672, BEABREEZE single record player, portable, in excellent condition, $30 or best offer. Phone RA 5.5193 TWO snow lires, 670 . 15, new re-caps, $25. Phone RA 33869 after 6,30 pm RECORD player combination; single bed; bedroom suite; furnace. Reason. able, RA 8-1773 NORGE washing pump, good condition, 8-3194 Whithy, SINGER sewing machine; six dining chairs; antique walnut chest of draw: ers; jewel cabinet; pige cupboard china cabinet; oval walnut table, white marble top; hall chest with brown marble top, 45 Adelaide Avenue West, 17" RCA television; one three-speed record player with automatic changer; one Westinghouse radio, MO 88134, $1 BUYS a 6 plece chrome set, an up- holstered chair or two table lamps and a trilite, valued at 850.50, with the pur. "machine, full skirt, $45, Phone MO PIANO, upright, 55" high x 26 x ook. reconditioned, new felts, $200 wa t 1 "washing machine, $20 1 diller Avenue { ONE combination wardrobe, full length f mirror, hat section, five drawers; one chest of drawers; one pink winter suit, 18 months, very good condition. Apply 237 Athol Street East TABLE lamp (turquoise); hall rug (green); desk; two wicker chairs; hall mirror and clothes tree; hoy's hieyele and skates, size 4; Phone RA 65-3276 FRIGDAIRE, 40 inch Sleotrie automatic oven, tim ate er. utility drawers, sa RA 5-367 ONE 30-30 rifle for sale or vent, munition, discount prices. Phone 65-2400 after 6 p.m EIGHT piece walnut dining room suite; Frigidaire table top electric stove, with deep fryer well, good condition, Call RA 32128 after 6. i I range, | gE Warm ifleing at $100 i am- RA' chase of any chesterfield over $150, This amazing offer is good until De. cember 3, Kasy terms, Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South, "Where Prices are Lower!" WEATING! Forced Air Ol Furnace, complete $250, Use your own burner, $150. Free delivery, 10-year warranty Write Heating and Air Conditioning, 3330 Danforth Avenue, OX § ORDERS taken for storm or aluminum, free estimates, Phone RA 3-4989 4 8 ROOMS of only 200, This h wood erme "furniture, John Stone, on the Os! awa road south 1s TON Chev, pick-up, $128 cash, Apply of Columbus. Ray Medd, Executor, Port 605 Somerville Perry, RR 1, Fhions YU 5-20, after 5) 73 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, black, 15,000 p.m any evening {miles, good condition, $023, Phone RA $199 FULL down payment, 81732 after 5 p.m, : brick bungalow, 6 per cent NHA, two|'se MONARCH two door hardtop, auto: years old, 22' lving room, full base: matie transmission, radio, whitewalls, ment, fully decorated, immediate pos A.1 condition, private, 240 Burk Street session, priced for quick sale. Mr Lau. RA 3.9601 hy 0 istate Cr RA 8.402 Brethour Real Estate ig ONTIAG, fourdoor deluxe, auto: matic, radio, windshield washers, white. HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP ANP GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST, W, RA 3.7822 walls, new snowtires. One owner, cellent condition. Phone RA 5.9734, 1900 KARMANN Ghia Volkswagen, 1500 original miles, Apply Fina Station, 160 Simeoe Street South, NOTHING down Take over pay ments on '58 Olds, four-door hardtop Must sell. RA 55683, '51 PONTIAC in A-1 condition, custom radio, heater, all new tires. Phone RA 3.7043 "57 BUICK, four door hardio clean car, Will sacrifice for quic! Cash needed, Trade accepted, Phone MO 8.4517, 3 CHEV, conch, Va, in ex cellent condition. Phone iN Vind AUSTIN, mechanic's opportunity, . Phone RA 5-7430. '5 CHEVROLET Powerglide sedan, xX: -|eellent condition, hest offer, 15 Mill Street "st CHEVROLET, mechanically Al, owned by mechanic fully Sauibped, new paint, RA 5.5704 or RA 5.0812, "50 PONTIAC, radio, heater, whitewalls and chrome dise §, very reasonable, Call RA 5-8775, PUBLIC DON HOWE REALTOR--INSURANCE 67 KING ST. E RA 5.7732 LOW DOWN PAYMENT $),000 DOWN == Large two storey 6 room brick home, complete with 2 haths Ideal for large family. Located close to schools and shopping Immediate possession. Please call Mrs. Loreen Kellett at 3.3770 deluxe, JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 NORTH OSHAWA $7,500 With low down avrieht. Five-room home in top loca. tion. Hardwood and tile floors, large modern kitchen, good size lot, Must 'be sold, Call now, ask for Bill Swar- brick at RA 5.6544 or 5.8342 oar auction, every Saturday, 10 a.m, Approximately 100 cars offered for sale by auction, Free admission, Ushuwa Car Auction, 25 Grenfell, RA 817 59 PONTIAC Laurentian, Va, tudor, automatie, fully equipped, ane owner, 13,000 miles Phone RA 8.5 'i PONTIAC evlinder, powerglide transm shade-lite windshield, two speed iH trie winer and windshield washer, back up lights, outside rear mirror, two tone copper and beige, #500 miles, original owner, RA 82100 after 6 pm 1038 FORD Consul sedan, one owner, 100 miles, Phone RA 8.0522, § a.m, 5 pm, 0 BLACK deluxe Volkswagen, iow mileage, Phone MO 8.2272 after 6 p.m, '61 CORVAIR station wagon, automatie, white walls, many extras; only 300 miles, under one year guarantee. Will take $700 under list, Phone RA 8.5374, ATTENTION sport car enthusiasts! '59 MGA convertible, radio, whitewall tives, sliding windows, Sacrifice $1595, Seaway Motors, Whitby, 51 AUTOMATIC Studebaker, body beautiful, recently overnauled motor and transmission, up to 34 miles per gallon. Waytough, Trull's Road North, one mile wa Sto plok-up, perfect pondls tion ati, Orpwood Texaco, RA 86011; after 7 p.m. RA 5.9678 Laurentian he ix MUST BE SOLD $1,000 down, no reasonable offer will be refused for this six-room home located on Taunton Rd. East Partly modernized, nicely decorated, heated with oil, all convenis ences, Inspect and name your rice, Call now, ask for Bill warbrick at RA 5.6544 or 5-8342 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board wait tll spring. $8 per load delivered. IMO 8.2077 FOR SALE -- New Kelvinator ap: pliances, We are clearing all our stock, at so prices below cost, Come in early as there is a limited quantity, Ajso Simplicity washing machines with year warranty from $99, Man Harniture, 111 Brock Street North, MO | WooFING siding, eavestroughing and blown rock wool insulation. Free esti. mates anywhere. Phil Harper, 225 Whitby, MO +4558 FOR SATE -- Riack loam. manure for gardens, Call MO 8-4514, Whitby, SEP ANKS cleaned the sanitary ni new tanks installed Walter Ward, Wl CHEVROLET station wagon, Va, automatie, clean in and out, Accept trade. Can be financed. MO 8.5670. ['S1 CHEV, good condition, best cash offer, Phone RA 88200 between § and 8 pom 46--Real Estate "Wanted two - storey low downpay. RA Seas WAITING Out of town client would like to purchase a 3 bedroom home, west end preferred, down payment about $1,200, If you con help call Lloyd Ayers, Realtor, RA 3.2254, ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES - 8ENZ DKW SALES AND SERVICE 408 KING W., OSHAWA RA 3.7132 Chestnut West, Phone Mo 4.2563. PLANT YOUR BULBS NOW We have a large variety Nursery Stock, Landscaping BEVERWYCK GARDENS 47--Automobiles for Sale CHEV. Impala, two door hardtop, white, one owner car, reasonable. CO 32280, BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Read) __RA 3.4494 Res. 85-5574 . SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. 1960 ENVOY, 4000 miles, perfect condi | Phone RA 80813 after § p.m | FROLET Belair two-door hard with overdrive, ve-built, "6 power brake, 383 truck engine, new | tires and brakes. RA 5.3652, SH FOR YOUR CAR HIGHWAY 12, 3 miles north of Whithy PHONE OL 5.3570 Residence MO 8.4735 VAN HEUSEN | MOTORS STUDE BAKER VOLKSWAGEN SAL 1 SFRVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH 50--Articles For Sale greyi bah n, reasonable; Tin oll burner and attachments. Apply 78 adillac Avenue North, OAK double bed, ivory inlay on head and footboard, complete with cable springs and mattress, Reasonable, RA 80834 car LADIES' coats, suits and knit wear for sale, sizes ranging from 16 to 18, plus other items, 32 Heber Down Crescent, Brooklin CHRISTMAS TREES PRUNED OR SHAGS Scotch Pine and Red and White Pines, Any size, Ab- solutely lowest prices, Fowler Forestries, 306 King W., RA 5.1688, SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed, Double hung windows enly $18. Call now. Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDCWS We Sell the Best and Repair the Rest Replacing Glass, Screens, ete, FOR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE JIM ELLIOTT RA 3-2866 CLEARANCE SALE Fine Furniture -- Floor Sam- ples -- Vilas - French Pro- vincial - Sklar Chesterfields; Chrome Suites, Bedrooms Suites, Occasional Furniture; Washers, Dryers, Freezers, Ranges All at 309% Discount Free Delivery-Budget Terms "The County Fair' MILLBROOK OPEN DAILY EXCEPT THURSDAY EVENINGS WED, FRI, & SAT, Sale Ends Nov. 12 "ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS! Special Reduced Price, or We Sell, Cash and Carry' CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE ALEX VAIDA OSHAWA, ONT . '149 KING ST, W, Tel: RAndolph 3-3461 n BIG bedding sale, chal chrome hd bedroom suite, mattre: spring, step and coffee table, boudoir and table lamps, pillows, ete, $25 down delivers | "Guaranteed Best Value" Barong' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe, Street South, NIAGARA Thermo Cyclopad Vibrator, almost new. Fhone MO 83646, Whithy. FOR SALE or rent, three cabin trail: ers, sleeps five, equipped with gas stove and lights oo Aoi hydro, Wilde Rental ) pas "saw, v, Wasoline, extra Blade, file, 800 cash, 605 Somer: ville Street lowest prices in town, bunk beds, eight pleces com: plete, our slashed price $56; spring: filed mattresses, branded names, dis. continued tickings, close out from $14.88; continental beds, springfilled, single size, eight only, out they go, $23; Roll-away cots, complete, special, LI flake foam pillows, cash and carry, 99 cents, Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street, WAREHOUSE clearance of odds and ends, some slightly marked, Many famous hrand lines, costs forgotten, ar horite top desks, regular $20.95, sale $10.05; space saver davenport, smart coverings, regular 850, special $36; walnut and blond end-tahles, plain and fancy, values to $29.67, out they go from $4; tri-light floor lamps, regular shed to 87; '60 model metal jes, values to 848,95, reduc. ed for quick sale, $36; lovely assorted coffee tables, regular to $34.50, five only $8, Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street AWNINGH, plain colors or gay 8Iripes. Prompt service, Free estimates, Order now for early delivery, Chair and table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, fore 4 pm, RA 8.0308, SELLI furniture? We'll | it, frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, ete, For top cash offer, con. tact 19 Prince Siroet, Phone RA 81131, RLECTROHOME, RCA Victor, Ad. mirval, The finest in TV, Hi-fi and serv ice, highest trade-in allowance at Park: way Television, 018 Simooe Street North, Color TV on display, THREE beds, complete, % size, Phone RA 5.8336, TWO new bridesmaids' dresses, Marina bite, hats to mateh, size 12 and 14, cost $55 each, reasonable, MO #408: #0 RIFLE for sale, with Bc = good lon Phone RA 85202, SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA All aluminum products == Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving, One contract, nothing down, For free estimates call Aluma Seal Co. RA 5.9365 ANYTIME ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS DIRECT FACTORY PRICES MANUFACTURED LOCALLY FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION Colonial Aluminum Sales RA 8.4614 , WESTINGHOUSE FREEZERS SCHNEIDER'S FOODS A double-barreled combina tion that's hard to beat, Being very sincere about this food service, we should like to mention to you that it may not work for your family, But if it does you will ap- preciate tremendous savings immediately: No down pays " RET e Economart MO 8-5381 Mayo or Mr, ne t out Mr, behalf, Phe and find Ask for [& 51---Swap & Barter EXCHANGE 1050 Morris Minor, top condition, for 1055 sedan or up, or will swap and take over payments, Phone RA 32710 OIL tanks, pressure systems, three. piece hath sels; sump pumps; stainless steel sinks and cabinets; vanity basins; lawn mowers; outhoard motors; piping and fittings of all kinds, H, Chinn, Park Road and Hillside, RA 3.7088, 52---Legal i will not be responsi ontracted in my ni y Rose Ternawski, on or tier this date, | November 3, 1060. without my written | consent, rl Ternawskl ¢ ( i A for any dehis wile, OSHAWA, ONT. would Minister Nordmeyer a willingness to take risks and|® horrify many econserva- ives elsewhere, And Labor in recent months as heen talking in the language lof died-in-the-wool capitalists, example, Labor Prime Walter Nash told an conference recently: For ndustrial 'The time has come to lift t emphasis from security and sta- lity and to direct efforts toward boy's Cub suit { growth," And Finance Minister A, H. told Parliament that o provide incentives for skill and enterprise was a factor assoei- ated with rapid economic growth, LURE CAPITAL Most of the concessions in this year's budget were designed to meourage industrial expansion, assist industry in raising mere apital and give incentives to werseas companies to sink eap- tal in New, Zealand, All this sounds like a private enterprise government rather than a Labor regime devoted to socialism, land Labor eliminated classic aim y pie of the means ol Indeed, the New Zea- arty some years ago rom its platform the ublie owerabip production, tribution and exchange, The Lahor party sounds like a thorough - party until some strangely-con. flicting statements are heard, Nash, for instance, told a stu- going conservative In their attempts to determine how much more public ownership Labor wants, New Zealanders are obliged to study what is national ized now and what the govern ment shows an interest in con trolling, At present, state-owned enter. prises include the railways, postal and telegraph services, internal trunk airlines, radio, the reserve bank and the largest trading bank, most coal mines, electric power production, part of the for. estry Industry and many other activities, TV QUESTION Much controversy now centres on television, still in its infancy in New Zealand, The Government this year introduced re, equlgr 1v transmissions In Auck largest city, with a total of oe hours each evening five nights a week, Experimental telecasts wi start in three other cities shorty and transmission times in cities will be progressively ex. tended, But the government insists that all TV must be under Jovernn control, It has Aly ed ap for direction public at other hand, la. form of corporation for over-all control of standards, But it maintains that control should be free from politi. cal interference and that there should be scope for private enters TENDERS FOR OFFICE BUILDING For the Ontario-Quebec Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists Sealed Tenders plainly marks ed as to contents, will be re- ceived by George C. N, Tonks, Architect, not than 5.00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1960 for construction of an Admin- istration Building 10% Bid Bond shall be in- cluded with tender, later Rugged Dane Hits The Hay RIBE, Denmark (Reuters) Christian Rasmussen Friday celebrated the 10th anniversary of moving into his warm, com. fortahle but rather ticklesome home The 655 - year - old sheep breeder lives inside a hay: stack, which he has hollowed out. He sleeps on a hed made of bales of hay and the only piece of furniture in his "house is a chair, Rasmussen's hens live in the stack with him, creating what he called his only problem, "Sometimes they lay eggs on my hed." Plans and specifications may be obtained at the Archi- tect's office on deposit of $50.00, Deposit will be re- turned to the contractor if all documents are returned to the architect's office in proper condition within 30 days of closing of tenders, Drawings may be viewed at the office of the Architect and Toronto Builders' Ex- change, Lowest or any tender not 52--legal Re: Clarence Manning TAKE NOTICE thot as of Oc» tober 24th, 1960, | will no longer be responsible for the debts or credit of my wife, Olive Manning. DATED at Oshawa, this 26th day of Qctober, A.D, 1960, Hse to share in development of Television seems likely to he the major argument on publie ownership in the coming elettion, Kidnappers Sent Back To Jail HUNTSVILLE (CP)--Two men who escaped from Burwash ine dustrial farm, kidnapped an 80. year-old man and fled in his car were each sentenced Thursday fo 2% years in penitentiary, Larry Kiyoshk, 28, of the Wals pole Indian reserve and Roger d'Amico, 28, of Cornwall, were Sonvieted of kidnapping and aute [gd Police arrested the pair Oct, 81, three days after their escape, The men seized the car of Thomas George Thompson who they surprised while he slept n his car on Highway 11, south of here, They locked Thompson in a log cabin and fled after threats ening to kill him, LONG EXPERIENCE Phil Silvers, an entertainer for more than 85 years, started as a singing comedian in a Gus Ed. wards revue when he was 14 CLARENCE MANNING years old, necessarily accepted. GEO. C. N, TONKS, Architect, 57 Bloor St, West, Toronto, Ont, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF FRANK FOSTER WELCH, Contractor, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Frank Foster Welch, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Contrae- tor, deceased, who died on or about the 10th day of May, 1960, are hereby notified to send 'in to the undersigned Personal Representatives of the said deceased on or be- fore the 30th day of Novem: ber, 1960, full particulars of their claims. Immediately ofter the said date the said Personal Representatives will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then, have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 27th day of October, 1960. FLORENCE WELCH and DONALD WILLIAM WELCH, Executors, By their solicitors, McGIBEON & BASTEDO, Barristers & Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, 481 DREW ST, RA 3.98351 Bailey, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, CROSSWORD ACROSS 1, Remaining 6, Places (sym,) 9, Moon valley B, Stupefies 10, Small pies 6, Corrodes 8, Blandishes 4, Tellurium 12, Girl's name 7, Real B Later 8, 0dd ity 14, Encourage 9, Quant 15, Throw of paper from a 11, Tasues horse (med,) 16, Human 13, High beings poker 18, Drama hand (Jap,) 17, Malt 19, Building beverage 20, Secondary extension 20, Omen heading 22, Rooms for provisions 26, Small dogs 27, Sphere 28, Chinese measure 20, Hasily led 83, Makes amends, for 30, Heathen image 87, Medicinal tea 88, Pekoe and oolong 39, Find the solution 40, Smoothing tool 41, Negative voters 42. Pikelike fish DOWN 1, Pisce of oblivion 4. Mah's name ICIOIRTE] IRIOIBI IN] OE pieces AITIE] IC]1 T1142] a, Nloge CLIEANICES 24, Kin o i i Bashan 85, Grame E 29, Sand dunes (GB) 80, Perfect 81, Furnishes temporare ily 82, Otherwise 21, Exists 22, Chairs back Festerday's Answep Huropean ut eh ts v

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