16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Movember 5, 1960 Coll The Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 fh ------ THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS 8AM. fo 3 P.M, MONDAY to FRIDA non" To 12 i. ~~Accountants 5. ¥, BOPKING and fied Public Accountants Sireel East, Oshaws, edit iy CLASSIFIED AD RATES 26 worgs of lew Cosh Chergs i Company, Certi- || 172 Kin Oniare. RB YALE, TERIENDLANDER WUNTER €o., Accountants snd Auditors, licens ed Trustee nw Bankrupicy, F. Friedlander BOB CLANCY'S 3 CONSECUTIVE i} Insertions 226 148 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 376 4.02 WW net pew within 7 days We ge rote will avy Above rote apply enly te origingl orgers for consecutive nseriions - insertions siaeied of 0 io1ar date constitutes o new 6riging order Frotessions BLomm., Ontario Accounting | Services offer complete hooks ne services for small business, 184 Street West, Boom |. Office BA 5-0997 Residence, RA 3760 MONTEITH. MONTEITH, RIEHL, ud Co, Chartered Accoun A 5 | on Simeone Street North; Asx Wi | ong Business | for 3 lines line $100 stings daiby oer BE. DEWAR and Cu, Ascomntants | nd Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg, 11 On taro Sirest, Oshews, Ontarie, BA #2221 MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIENL, Co, Chartered Accountants, BA 55 135 Simeone Street North ; Ajax 20890 i abbr eviglion counts a 0 additiong Ad sertisaments the day be re Baily Each initiel istier $ ond c vgn, figure word, Box charge 15 A Classities MUST be in by 6 pm fore publication, Office how 8-5, Soturdey 8-12, REGULATION Some The Oshawa Times shall not be responsible for erro in Gavertise ments submitied otherwise than in writing, nor for more than ene mneorrect insertion of ny edver tisement nor beyond the chorged for @ singles Inserticr the adveriisement in which error oceurs, And else reserve the right to classify advertising escording 19 ie own clgssificgtion in the cose of display gdveriise ments The Times will nol be held responsible for more space thor that In which the mn ere occupies. The publ endeavour tu reproduce ell advertising motile correctly but assumes no liability W eny inaccuracies in any form of advertisement are contained therein, nd 27 wi RONALD ¥, D, WILSON, Chartered Acotniant, Oshaws, Ontarie, RA 392 2--Barristers CREIGHTON, FRASER, DEYNAN and MURDOCH, Barnsiers, Soheitors, No tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg B Bimeoe Street North, RA 34466; T K Fraser, QC; G, K Murdoch, NHA mon BRges arranged DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Bay and Solicitor, King Sires Telephone; Business KA 32201 dence, KA $5373 JOSEPH PF. MANGAN, Q( solicitor. Mone to loan King Street East, Oshawa Residence, RA 53405 wer a East Resi ner barrister, Office 144 RA #232 reRsORRDIS Flas BA & eAges Delivered MA 3 CEDAR trees ov 0 ve. Any wis dope. Fioe estimates SODS Al fertilized Prices. To nor ik rolled Field sods wrilinge M., Va oH Teunton 9986 and OL FOR SALE GRAVEL----SAND * Filling RA 5-2156 AURORA SAND GRAVEL ( Brick, Sand £ Road Gravel fu d Pit Run f Phone Mobile Ope TEmple 9-254] The home of Quality BULBS Van Belle Gard East No MA 575 7* BA, Barrister, solic Street North RA 5-542 Bar, i 5imeos Regidence B---~Building Trades ; PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO DURA STEPS CURBING WELL TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED OLiver 5-3311 CUSTOM chainsaw work, trees and removed anywhere Free estimates MO 823508 or RA 33867 PLUMBING Office RA 3374) GREER, Murphy and MacDonald risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public 6 King Street East, RA 54717, Russel J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald BOWMAN David | Soliel tor, 3% Bimeoas South Resi dence, HA 60264 HUMPHREYS, Boychyn and Hillman, | Barristers Solicitors; RH Hum phe ( BAI W. A Hillman LLB Wu Street East Phones: Office. RA 7: Res, RA 8§:4006 or Whithy, MO B-2761; RA 55203 Money to loar | MeGIRBON and BAKTEDO, Barristers. | Solicitors. Clients' funds available for | first mortgages, 20 Simeoe Street North, | RA 53566, Charles C. MeGibhon, QC; Edgar F_ Bastedo, Qt JOHN A, CAMERON, barrister, soliel: tor and Notary Public. 18% King Braet | East. RA 32260. NHA and priva mortgages arranged RALFH JONES, BA, Greer, eitors, Mortgage loans available BOWMAN, DAVIDL., Brrister, Sollel tor, 3% Simeone South. RA 5.9508, Resi dence, RA 8.0264 THOMAS M, RUNDLE gitor and Notary Publi Street East, Phone RA 8:17 GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Soliel Simeone Street South 3 27h Residence phones BA, Sc RA 55368 FA. BCL, RA 85632 Barrister RA 5050 and Thomas NH ' barrister, soli be King pipes; fit chang a pe and heating tings, fixtures, new and used ing from septic tank to sewer elalty Installations at veasonable rates Information and estimates free on an type of plumbing. Dial RA 54241 Foley noe V. Kelly S----=Nursing Services ACCOMMODATION for gentlemen at Lyntonhurst Phone Orono 1308 ANDEN Nursing home new ownership, Care for elderly peo ple RN supervised. Innuiries invited reasonable rates. RA 52330 lady and two J Rest Home Oshawa, under | Repairs aluminum and dor RA § 41 ALUMINUM window repairs to all makes and types of LOrme, screens, window Phone Nash Aluminum Lid Me 6---Optometrists RICHARD BLACK, Dr of Optom the examination of eyes, contaet 196 Nimeoe North (al Colborne) i eo ia evenings by appointment. RA 3.4161, | IOLA ILL anatinerl uiCing WH. TUCK, RO, optometrist, Ploase store with replacement value account Downtown Daminion ment aver $5000 ii Street, Invallds ex: could ne tripled, Full use of nn al Dial RA 5.4887 ties and some delivery garage, host storage house for good veason, 520.500 principal RA 35-8083. 480 Drew Street [FOR LEASE twa hoy snack bar and living quarters four-pieee hath, establizhed on highway No. 3 between Land and Whithy. Rent ta he nego East. |For full particulars call ( A Cauley, Supertest Petroleum Corp {Oshawa RA 33742 between 0 and |» m STORE shap or : iness Opportunities fully groeer of ean which il fail IArke Dich Maerifige only A fal turnover Burk home or amined 7 Surveyors DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN tario Land Surveyor, pommer | Mae printing, 12 Bloay Stree! §-5632 H. FLIM and Trollope Burveyors, 216 Adelaide Phone RA 5.6881 6G, T, HORTON and tario Land Surveyors Professional En gineering, 306 Dundas Street West, Whithy, MO & ony Ajax 788 DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, op. 2000 tario Land 5 commereial blue printing, 12 Street East RA 3.5612 8---Building Trades ALL types eavestroudh stonps service station with Osha tated My Lid 4.430 Ontaria Avenue Associates, On 20, ean he used for at 406 Albert space #4 x More, situated RA 4.9 Rinar ADD $4,000 TO $8,000 TO YOUR PRESENT INC( with Capital roofing, | de Gordon May building ohimne RA 8:0804 replaces IMI walk ALL Phone Lid in RULLDOZING MO Bool and heating Harold WH heating and Street South hin supplies Stark engineer f Small plumbing Investment mene Dial Taylor Whithy and cavating estimates it Ditve aunderetle BEN WASH d 15 Ww 1 Now King Koin | equipped with PHILCC DIX COMMERCIAL ERS and DRYERS ai ing full time time a problems Launderette Q doy M19 ¢ 3 Hille and Free conorete anged Wo earpents fel ar ne RA 83 ING ] th pare manageme This is eredit KOIN vou 24 hours a wee Labor eliminated ment | BULINOA MO » Kir work 7 ht NO cas Whithy laid and Alax Bro tt Drive PARDUOORN doors supplied fin Old Moers resurfaced Wh WATERPROOFING and far hed he of days Roof to te Box pectalist vent. Wy nt becay ) BUILDERS tiled bathroom Hx fittings 20¢ man in metered and erated by customer Plus Coin Operated Dry Cleaning Machines up compiete Large sa ft Phone ed 1h tou 1 ranae Firs! class trad anytime RA 8-1177 DODD & SOUTER | PAINT WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For Free call DAYS MO 8.5231 EVENINGS RA 5.7426 107 Byron Whitby OSHAWA SUB- CONTRACTORS BRICK BLOCK AND STONE WORK Phone MO 8-4122 or MO 8.4259 Whitby "HOMES--COTTAGES GARAGES "Norden! Aluminum Glider 8 Windows, Custom-made Kit chen Cabinet Free Esti mates, No obligation, Terms Long Sault Consten, Compn, Ltd Complete infc location able help phases planning, financing and pre mating a KING KOIN Laun derette is available from the leading coin laundry distr tor in your areq top in your area, valu in al of WRITE, WIRE KQIN LAUNDRY f SALES PH t LTD ( itimat 20 College 1 Ontario WA 5.4515 ee oronto at Telephone a-- 12---Dressmaking DRESSMAKIN RA &08s2 ALTERATIONS able vale Phone [REVERSIBLE skivts a jalterations an ladies wear. Caner of Elmgrove Park Road South, RA 3.047 DRESSMAKER Women's, Children New and Remodel oll types of pel ces, perfe and alterations. Phone all Kinds, Ee of RA reasan specialty, alse and ehildren's Avenue and 3 ng Low ue 22 "ROWE" ST. PHONE RA 8.6706 OPEN EVERYDAY UNTIL 9 PM er ---- WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE G IN 30° TILE "WHITeY. ONTARIO 563 -- MO 8.3809 EE! T 3. Wh Nod SOX 129 HEN manure manure, we ho yard we y . Te loads. Pn ne Ra wed | Killing, Ar) HE WAXING and rR io Service. Call RA Shaws Home Landscaping 9---Building Tr allonage | va | ps | Bo ile Open Evening Oshawa Home Landsca SPECIALIZED IN PLANTING AND SEEDING TULIP COMPLETE SERVICE Call wmany S001 Bl (13---~Gardening & Supplies ANY King of garden fA py expen PRT wining 39% weedtreoted ond Low ile RA 3+ CHOICE LOAM FILL & Aone, VALLEY FARM RD, r Dutch ens ping FALL JING, LBS, GARDEN RA 8-6366 OWEN BROTHERS CO LTD TREE EXPERTS We ng ialize in, tree planting work pe free fre moving PHONE cavity RA LANDSCAPING SERVICES treated, sad, ail fill. Complete control, Free Weeds gravel service estimates field nursery re 5-5287 and | eed | ED. KNOWLTON RA 5.6047 COMPLETI GARDEN Gardens ploughed landscaping removed RA 8.1798 | d cut woud SERVIC E ed tree CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SA LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-895] FALL SPECIAL FRESHLY 12 16 16 ft HARDWOOD Regular $12 NOW Oshawa Garden Servic 86 Taunton Road We RA 3.3222 PATIO ROCKERY STON MAPLE STON PLANTERS TOP SOIL AND SOI SUPPLY AND LAY QSHAWA GARDEN SERVIC RA 3.322% NO. 1 TOP SOIL 6 YARD LOAD 7 ND hed TREES $5 e FLAG AND I t 00 wgreement NEW BUSINESS TELEPHON E LISTINGS 28b--Hunting ATTENTION 37--Male Help Wanted _(44--Houses, Apts. Plots |44--Housss, Apts., Flats Hunters! Deers skinned WE have two openings in our sales | And cui up, hy experienced tohers, Af Tor the Nght men, Guarsniesd | $4 per deer. Vhone BA 5.502 SHIREY DIS COMMISION, Rr essentis) #11 vert round position with sdvanes. ATTENTION deer hunters, Established ment. For appointment cull Colonisl RB, BUBLIng camp has accommotation (or 54614, 134 Wimeoe Street South, SECRETARIAL OVERLOAD SERVICE Specializing in Typing, Short: hand; Dictaphone, Bookkeep- eng, Direct Mailing, Mimeo- graphing, For fost eccurate office assistance MO 8.8181, TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half with french fries, chips, hamburgs, milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER--RA 5.3887 chicken fish end hot dogs, severnl deer hunters, mesls, guides, NEED tw IST ------ i © men 4 ORE, Be Ries ex dogs supplied. Vor rates snd intorms tion, eontagt Young's Sports and Aute PENERCE Recessaty For sppoint) Parte, 209 Bimeoe Blrest South, Osh. DEER MOOSE Haliburton Highlands Excellent Accommodation Reasonable Rates, Guides, ielephone BA 82983 CASH Wiiyers are vending the e Oshawa Times Want Ads every day camers equipment, Bell ues ei Sing BA 33492 for Write ie, EA. : i ATL clonal Toma TS Alex, Soi IE FY alam tour' I Ty -- Jil willanais 22006, Ajax. FIVE - ros room, 0 Jp viss: hruesios some 19 izagia, suron. lad WANT -- Reliable rian i A S9076 evenings or ou Durk. County Oshawe i errant Soamoary A fine ovporia. WODVRN wisririenily ond | or Bi wo, ed {nity ta step into old profitable business bedroom Ssertman, 111 Craydon Road, | 15--Instruction HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY Baton, Tap, Royal Academy, Ballet, High land. Register now. 424 King West, BA +hi22 PRIVAT [16 yenrs Act now teacher, student counsellor experience by interview only HA 51054 LILLIAN Mae dancing school Wie, Pre-Sehos) Masonic billet, tap, baton character, ¥nd Temple. RA 37255, wer turday LEARN TO DRIVE! At the Oshawe Driving School Licensed by the Police y trained instructors Sandard, Automatic cors RA 8-0091 DRESSMAKING COURSES Monday 7109 your own pats w for the whole the children to u 2 days weekly Tues dav evenings fo cut and from Learn terns family adults Call between 5 and 7 RA 8.577) CMM sion 22--Radio Repairs Le |GRORGE'S Ww [rotetors, towers, $50.95 and als moved, repaired. Free here in city and surrounding dis tries Phone KA 30525 or RA 3/7521 nN RADIO, car radio repairs akes, Thompson Aectronies, Elliott Avenue, RA 34792 (Fred) TY service, up, Aer Al Marsh, dance educator, TV A011. tower ized 213M all-channel stalled, guaranteed | $5 30-11, roof aerial, ol Expert workmanship ROLLAND TV 90 Cromwell RA 35-4649 TOWERS hot dip golvan n year, $32 FOR T.V. TOWEKS OR T.V. SERVICE SEE | Us 40" Semp with A( Antenna ONLY $55.00 FREE SURVEY I B21 owers installed A-Channel nn { | ir Oshawa Whithy Bowmanville 16--~Insurance ALISTATE Auto a 20 per cent Insurance. Save 414 up wx months to pay. For| personal servige al your home, eall RA CITY T. V. 802 57844 IMEoE RA A 8 " 17--Money to Loan WE HAV) and alse purchase agreements of Ql 3-414 of "mortgages sale, Louis 8, Hyma i7 King Street East, Oshawa, FIRST and second purchased nick and Henniek, as HA CLIENTN money gage. Morigage purchased, NHA Creighton, Fraser, MONEY TO LOAN for all types of mort. gages first and second mortgages on all types of real estate including vacant lands; short term mortgage for bullder first and second m ond agreements f purchased, Apply M. Swartz, 2614 King Street shawa, Telephone RA mortgage, and sold Street 10 Lom), first mort. Ant agréement of sale mortga, Arranged, Drynan M nies for rigages ale Ee | "4697 19--Personal COMPANIONSHIP of a home living from information Whithy CAR leaving for Halifax 11. Anyone interested, call between 6 and A p.m LADIES mateh vet model woman retived Apply good man 3] wood furthsy Ntreel Fa Perry November RA 57233 Have your hats made to ol outfit. Bridal, velours, vel fur trimmed, We also re. clean and block, RA 5.7908 SPECIAL 84.50 Kidward' Celina Nlreet. RA Permanent waves Beauty Parlor, § 17648 MRS. ANN PROFESSIONAL PALM READER reader, and Bring vour problems Na appointment necessary Open daily from 10 AM. te 10 RA 8.4141, 140 im auth Card advisor to her € ELECTROLYSIS of superfluous hair Murduff will be in Nav, 22nd and 23rd Genosha Hotel Removal Marie Qshawa Ph } one on lates for appointment Phone RA 3.3162 [Tiere tonics 14--Household Reoairs YOUR local chim nexs built and vepa stalled, furnaces vacuumed mates. RA yl ¥ PROFESSIONAL Guaranteed estimates painter work Al and Conroy Free FURNITURE ol Nee our Bruce R L213 repaired materials Dalton, and oy ng HA JURESTERPINLDS pobuilt {like new, Why pay mare? O are reasonable. Satisfaction gus Mattresses rebully Co, 10. Hone 0311 CHESTERFIELDS and old covered like new. Get the at Modern Upholstering South Call RA aan) estimate \ PAINTING A [tradesman interior or exterio Street West oh hest (LH for paper 7a Charle DECORATING Chim NINES in ree esh hang valerials RA 80086 re uphal Te Cover & Street cavered ur rates ALAN eed Oshawa Upholstery Dial RA hairs 1e or less Nimeoe a free hy rf, Roxa | tone work guaranteed. Free eAlimates IRA a 28a YOUR local ommney neys built and repaired stalled, mates furnaces vacuumed RA 3.208 RLERNER MERVICR Ory cleaners, wal washing HY B2531. "Our business is a customer PAINTING ana paper ARORA] work guaranteed al ¥ hangin extimate Wwe W STORM windows washed and {Phone Mack RA 3.2039 law N cleaner aor pain | 22==Radio Repairs Rug, him Tee eal wphal Phone satisfied EPO 5 werk RA &00la pt wp | FURNACE SALES | HM Mackie Co. Lt RA 5.5954 i Cleanout $7 labor Service plus SEGERS CLE ANERS RA 5-7488 Specializing in wall to carpets, AND SERVICE parts wall PETER PAN Nursery ohildven from $13 Jal Sime Sehool, Monday to Friday, Cantuel street Noth WAGAR'S Driving School Heence! fully insured, Call evenings, RA 88020 Vears monthly Supervisor RA 8.2604 0 dual avernment | controls, FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION'S CHRISTMAS PARTY AND BANQUET HOT TURKEY DINNER AT $2.00 A PLATE INCLUDES MUSIC AND HALL FOR DANCING wd, steak, chicken menus quoted on aMorga and iv request RESERVE NOW DIAL RA 5.2737 LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH, Off Harmony Road North GEORGE WILSON IV antennae and | eis. Wark fully guaranteed. Fop estimates, phone RA 833M DID YOU SEE OR NEW ALL GALVANIZED RADESS TOWERS manship nt work 261 All Wave Antennae That We Day' Service Employ expert Technicians w= Take Service Calls till 8:30 pm Y } \ Ow Have Same TRY US TRIO, TELEVISION 171 BOND ST, EAST RA 8.6781 clients' monies availabe for | loans on first and second mortgages | And A | wale Hen: Darsisters, 3 King and Mur: | ual iid Far SPECIAL ON FAMOUS SAMSON TV TOWERS 40-11 structure with single Radess AC 2.13 all channel head. $59.95 com pletely installed and guaran teed | vear RA 8-8180 OSHAWA TV 361 GIBBONS ST tower | SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT == DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. .and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Werk Guaranteed SHAWA ELECTRONICS TV TOWERS 40-11, self-supporting tower, Hot dip galvanized, No paint Complete with new Wave. Master all-channel antenna Total price, installed and guaranteed for year, $59 95 TV Enterprises 253 Drew St, RA 3.3553 serials, estimates 157 ROCKCLIFFE HOTEL MINDEN, ONT, Phone 9) 30--Lost & Found s blnek wallet coninining in Enton's Store, Thurs Hewsrd, Bowmanville where Rawieigh Products have been | Whithy, MO a sold for years Fa 7 FE SAE | FOU [oom spariment, self eoniain, Timmedinte bata' possession 57903, bedroom Big profits furnished on bn Write Rawle) $d, Iwo-piece fered A house, Bloor , oil burner, hot water tank, 'Dept. 3-310-163, 4008 Richelieu, 38---Male or Female Help | vat 70 Harris Avene renl Wonted | HOUSE for vent, built-in eupbonrd, WANTED reliable couple to manage {iri logation, large La, newly we. | rated, athroom, apartment house, some ogi Badd WA 39211 or RA 55484, Telephone Hate COND floor, furnished, Kitchen ad as HE: Bh aie, Yar [Two need hairdressers and two (to North # " re iting pine enrnings and com. bus at door, Phone RA & mission, Call Rudy, RA 82031, THREY room mater "Game apartment, Must be to be wpp 39--Agents Waonted cinted. Can be seen 79) pam, RA Sans, riment, Wo Pleasant pulaoor work, Aver.| WANTED one girl io share apa iy " ALT No experience neces. contral location, Phone RA 5.4484 after ary. Write Rawleigh's, Dept, 1310-VV m RURILMERS 3005 Richelien Montres) No oh + eontral, fect "room house | jection to children, 985 mo {Phone RA 52463 ven | EXECUTIVE 1] room home, arvovd, 2] mn dining and kitehen iit able November | TWO rooms, 2 te "hot water, hosting, bus slop and store mext (door. Sint person or couple. Phone BA MIX - room house for rent with mae rage, close Lo bus, immediate po sion, Telephone RA 39389, DOWNWTAIRS four - room seil-contain: ed apartment, $68, oil heated {1uundry tubs, use of hase {welcome, adults, RA 51953, Hh SELVACONTAINED upper duplex, cen. of 178). Three rooms and bath. Includes heut, 'water, electric stove, refrigers- tor and parking. 575 monthly, RA 3-458 Apply Salter six . |FOUR . room heated apartment, self. upstairs rooms, contained, sink and cupboards, tile Os Ludy sum of money wer noon zu MA in exchange for hits t, ferred, Wil has, re relerences 16 Box 221 Ons LOST = hrown Collie dog black collar, tag Neo, 1033 RA 5490, reward 32---Articles Wanted WILL pay $10 and up for 1948 Canadian silver dollars, und certiin type 1947°8)) #150 1038 and 1945 wanled, RA 55227 WANTED » Custom sadn for '56 Chey olet. Vhone BA 637 Fisxgs Will ps Write Bo ORGANS wanted dition, Box 117 WANTED CRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I, TURNER 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON and METALS LTD PAPERS RAGS ATURDAYS ALL RA 5.3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO {TWO unfurnished ooma, g upstairs, make an 0 are bi ] fines CHRINTMAS Gard JHA he dn cubonvds and dink sh A ne selection of Greeting cards, Over 50 cards to choos |whone, RA 5.5047 from. bpecinl business cards, Write for | FIVE room house for your free album todiy L, Smith 3f)) Street, Oshawa and sssoginias Ind., Ade THREY, unfurnished - 850 & month, includes heat, lights and floor, separate meter, hot water, 1--Room & Board water, NA 57825 or best offer, Possession Dec. 1. RA ROOM and board for two young gentle: | FURNISHED three-room heated apart. | 74145. 36 Brock West Avply 131 Park Road North, RA ment, urge clean cheery rooms. Must | SPACIOUS three be seen to he appreciated. y Fon ond | me wly renovated, and decorated, Sim- |: Abstainers, RA b-4 leoe Street South in apartment ares |TWO large room AT com. |PAmboo drapgs included, -1296 Park ht furnished, heat, lights paid {WIX room brick house, five years old, Built couple or three girls, $15 weekly. double garage, Park Road South, Pos without | BA 52870. 25 Brock West | session December 1 1 Phone RA 34212. also ga FOR RENT Twa-room apartment, |565--THREE large, unfurnished roo door, WA ground floor, private bath and en. [private bath, - good district, central, trance, laundry facilities, Wink, ap available immediately. RA 3.4788, bowrds, hot and cold water, hested on THREE. 00m 8 a partment, private bath {monthly or 845 furnished, Box 330 Port|,. i" cnirance, refrigerator, stove, $63 erry monthly, suit couple, RA 3.2104 after 4 oun lot, #55! p.m i Phone |THRVE RA ae ment, central location, available ™R room partly furnished | apart [vember 1, 855 per month, Children wel ne , entrance, hath, respon. (come, Phone RA 8.6066, ible couple preferred, 256 Athol Breet | ries bedroom bungalow, immedis 4 po session, near south plant, Apply ror room self-contained apartment 194 Byron Court and bathroom, unfurnished, heat and water included, #75 monthly, Adults 'or | NEWLY decorated Three fully furnish. close North GM or| coupe with one child, RA Befid3 |couple, available, close to hospital, WANT +230 | THREE - room flat, centrally owed, [new stove, 128 Elgin East, |W PD == a gentleman in a quiet private entrance and bath, heavy Wie: " 3 (home, altractive room, good board. {Ing Phone RA 5.3200. y 19:4 Sloss 2 Chad Adm Floste phona RA 91908 FURNINIED basement apartment, priv Sy ROOM rnd hoard, six days & week, |iwo 0oms, suitable for two gentlemen RPACION or working couple, 116 Adelaide West hospital home cooked meals, TV privile Rout ads close to Pediars, Fittings, FIVE - room apariment, separate en. ences, ROH sea Servi i {rhnee, hot water furnace, garage, in| VIVE an ard for two gentlemen, village on dhrvad, tu road, 15 minutes i sink and water, ¢ {rage $50 monthly, heated by sto: two single rooms, good home cooking, | Oshawa, CO 3 3 room apartment, Apply M Mill Street, Apply 202 King Street Kast [FURNTNI FURNISHED ba seme nt apartment, [private b Automatic laundry, col {three rooms and bath, in quiet home, | pre preferréd, 004 Grierson Wireet after | IND . room arartment, Vesaiuted, oon. 6 pm {business lady preferred. RA jeentral, RA 3.9800 after 6 p.m, HOARD 0 3 y Vi IL and oare for elderly ladies, IN BOWMANVILL TWO . bedroom apari (plex, TV antenna, relri separate rooms, private home, close to'four-room heated churches, shopping, Whitby, MO 8.4363, | bath nd entrance, dryer, paved parking ping Centre, GM, Adul |ROOMN and vent, with or without| 9995 {board 206 King Street Kast, near Rit FOUR room self-pontained FOUR - room duplex, heated, electrie Move, Frigidaive, decorate to sult, lots immed. {son Road ao ment, private bath, heated, ROOM and hoard Tor good | WASHING facilities. ' parking, meals, continuous hot water, ADDIS g4g| Nov. 15. Telephone 'RA 5.090, (fare 1 anor, Saint Arthur Street, 52008 FIVE room self-contained heal TWO gentlemen A share single beds,|"PArtment Sewitawy distriet, {home "privileges, home Sooke meals, | Monthly. RA 8:50: | lunches packed. RA § THREE . room apa [ROOM and board for a don. $0lf-contained, } tinuous hot water, home privileges, Ap: [S10ve. Apply 16 ply 341 Ritson Road South, THREE room apartment, private" o ! 44--Houses, Apts, Flats |smoie Favuag outlet: busine og |35--Employment Wanted For Rent Jam. ple prefer, TWO-ROOM oott | YOUNG marvied man with high school APARTMENT = furnished, heat ly furnished, oll educntion would like steady employ: |and water, television outlet, RA #-0125, ment with opportunity for advancement, | vate bath, RA 3.7083, | er - Experienced in office work. RA 50877 MODERN two bedroom apartm REFINED widow wishes light work, [equipped with stove, bamboo dra {about four hours per day, home nurs: refrigerator, washer, dryer, TV ou ing o1 housekeeping, Would cook dinner, | parking. Phone RA 8.6707, north end, ) (LIN Dinl RA #000) TWO « room apartment, furnished or BOOKKEEPER typist, experienced, unfurnished, refrigerator, stove d p dosivex permanent position, able to take vate entrance, centrally located, 0 charge, own car. Phone Ajax | monthly, RA 5.7279. [TWO furnished front room Ten upright or 04 prie Oshaw tite size and con The Oshawa Times vent ont, room apartment, nes 0412 IN CLEAN, quiet home, good meals, and beds, Junches packed, hot wale; parking, refined gentleman. #1 Rosd South NICy honra rage BA743 7 ROOM and men to share, HA 5-106) GENTLEMEN packed, home #2705 {ROOM or voom and board, good meals, close to North GM, hospital and four (corners, Apply 240 Division {ROOM and board for gentlemen, three [minutes from four corners, Apply 24 [Charles Street ROOM and board, hospital, Phone RA RA clean rooms, with or gentlemen. preferred, rent, Bus stop at for board, available for two | single beds, 516 » week, | room house, large ws ., y §00d meals, linches available immediately OPEN DAY privileges, Phone HRA! room self-contained arts No- with ts cars South ale, for wrecking also scrap iron bought, Open doy. Phone 89 BLOOR E, ROYAL COIN AND STAMP STORE RA 8.3221 KING 5T. W,, OSHAWA STAMPS AND COIN ALBUMS, By Whitman, Minkus, Regent, el Wanted to buy, ell carce Canadian and Ameri» Highest prices paid for old gold coins of the world, We buy stamp collec. tions Parts and metals, for ele Saturday all RA 5-2311 av room house 'n on King Street, | partment, private $70. Telephone MA 64 apart ted TWO + bedroom -- 865 partment uiding near cent rge rooms, electrically rd completely ved, outlet, free washer and vr supplied Hh supplied. Available Deer 1, ment can coins TWO room unfurnished apartment, rivate bath, gas range, dre hSluded, 730 Simcoe Street th, RA Ix + room, aclous grounds, ty allable los ; . Tiaht vember 18, R garage, pri: | apartment for rent, two Miron ro. 2.50 0| frigera washer, o| tome close ing to . 3 Montrave, RA 8 123, 10-ROOM "house » with two baths, close RESIDENTIAL asif-coniatned heats to downtown and Genergl Motors suit: {ed three rooms, second fi he one he able for rooming house or sub Jetting, | trance, balcony barking, | th ISe-lece Immediate possession, RA 3.3141 day: [ Ruth, stove, refrigerator, TV outlet, 860 around time RA 5.8043 evening. monthly, mature tenants preferred, | YOUNG Indy, 10, Teauires office posls| floor, refrigerator, move and ik np: roum * room apartment, bath, wiih |Jui¢t household, Box 71 Port Perry, [tion or part time work. Has full High plied: 163 Simeoe 8 Soul hot op "S58 bus atop, store and | THREE and two-room apartments, re- close 0p) entre, nd 87 Montrave 0 after oomple w [23--~Women's Column | GERDA'S BEAUTY SALON 621 KING ST. ¢ Lanolin perms 7.50 up, Mon day 12:30 to 7 p.m Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m. te 7 p.m, Saturday to 4 p.m, For appointment call RA 8.264) |24---Market Basket |{CARROTS, |onions (small) 81.50 bushel, Bring containers half-mile east of Nicholls Garage, Courtice, Go north to first corner {ORDER early, avold vimioulous winter! prices. Store in fruit cellar, Good tli spring. Potatoes, wholesale, or over, $2.25 each reg from 9am bushel; Spanish arge 2.50 W. Eymann 30 cents ai 82.30, Tab 903, free delivery, RA & UE grapes for sale, Ey door, regu iar MEE Call after 4 pom, at 1193 Coday | [25----Pots & Livestock KITTENS for good homes also a one year old part Persian male. Apply 45 | Adelie Avenue West RABY and ducks C03 Helo for sale, Telephone RA 5.8009 ROXER puppies, registered. $40, also Peralan Kittens, $3.81. Call after & or Saturday, 30) Annis Street, RA 3.7574 {DEER hound, vegistered, Walker, $30. Phone MO 8 2417 |REGIRTERED duohshund puppie Weeks old, alse grown stock [View Kennels. Telephone RA [ROARDING, trimming, bathing {Ing Waubena Kennels RA 3.3 BEAUTY baby budgies. ready (training, talking strain Apply | Broad, 4 Elgin Street Bast {26=--Farmer's Column DEAD farm stock pioked up promptly Phone collect, Hampton, COWax 3-279) Farm, Tyrone Toled manure for sale, RA 8.8053 he Straw for 'sale, 35 acres wm field | MO 83144 '3 INTERNATIONAL [1or, torque amplifier, power take fast hitch, 333 hours use, cost $3000 new, sell cheap. MO 8.4783 |27-=Fuel & Wood [DRY hardwood ends. suitable for far {Races stoves, fireplaces, olg $3 large load delivered. Phone RA 8.0818 for sale. Phone sx Cedar A062 for Murs oft aver |28--Summer Properties COTTAGES, camps, homes, acreage in beautiful Kawartha Lakes district, 8 miles northeast Toreats. For free list ing folie, write Bowes and Cooks Liv feds Redltors, Peterborough, Riversis 28a--Trailers SEE the new compact 12 Shasta Travel Trailer, siee or & with ne John, Butane light, Whee by oven, 16 gal. water tank, pump and used models, end of seasan Lansdowne Texaco Station. RA FOR RENT = Tent trailer by week S34 Mccamodates atx people. Phone MA A hav New ox five bags! detlea: | 2 300 Utility trae [Nehool education. Write Box 211, OW: |NEWOARTIN = five . 335 Lorraine Street, (rigerators, stoves, sinks, eupbo 8 p LE w= five he | 3 awh Times [anrtment, laundry facilities and dryer, | SIX = Toom Tanoh al style bungalow, clove foward rahe. welcome. 808 ¥ do Rix N( requires Phone 3036, Newoastle, to schools, shopping and Sout! h GM, Im a Ue. work by the Phone RA FURNISHED tw 8-2039 wiv HOUSEKEEPING Toom foro oor two Aipiy a Solar Drive, rent, private entrance RELIARLE oxporienced Women, avail: Nouth End. RA 3303, 47 Kiena Street anied apartment, wep: |Riinished able for hahy-aitting and home makin ance adults [Baby Sitting Bureau, RA 3.4031 Closed |L1%% room house with bathroom, ofl Wy. W Sot | Thursday heating, garage, Cadmus Village, $38 monthly, Marvin Nesbitt, Blackstook ohildren with me 44R11 work, day or eve rates. Phone RA|MODERN- LL hour 4 pm housekeeper or day sriment, around floor wash. Arkin, 0 Singles iy cen Apply afternoons, LADIES leave your while you shop or ning. Reasonable i apartment, two bedrooms, eavy duty wiring, stain. sink. Phone RA 8.1783 after dults or baby welcome, oom apartment, $70 monthly, no! i Simcoe THREE "unfurnished rooms; bathroom, semi-private entrance, Hi -three «+ bedroom bungalow, pa' witing, Awply 471" Simcoe South ventral location, immediate possession, |e {oveupant Nansterred. Call after 5, RA [EXPERIENCED day cave for children [38018 or RA 8.069% in ny hone Lo Saby Sitting at night | NIX « room, modern apartment, "three: [piece bath, private entrance, Call R "130770 after 5, all day Saturday and Sunday SIX + room, two-storey house with g. rage, forced air oil heat, Apply 14 atk son Street, RA 2.3031 A ROOM modern brick bungalow on Cadillae Avenue South, venting for $90 monthly, Available immediately, Cons tact 8 Macko tied RA 8.4601, FURNISHED room, por Gen. tleman only, Telephone RA 3.2003, WINTERIZED six-room house at News Whitby, OSHAWA TIMES castle Beach, Phone MO 8.416 36--Female Help Wanted |FOR™ RENT Som-atiached four| VA HOUSEKEEPER vequired to care for lave room house, two bedrooms, bath, Fk home and two children, live in. Phone 'aundry facilities, cupboards, sink, hot y RA 3.2430 and cold water, all convenience, TV i aevial, heated, $53 monthly or $63 fur Jos a3 ALE nished, Box 350 Port Perry ve -- eh Sl Rt oe To PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS 00 lo woman or couple fog time baby sitting, Phone RA 5.8397 SAGUENAY AVENUE RELIABLE woman to do light house hold duties for family of two, five days A week, Write Hox 317, Oshawa Times SI MONTHLY, reliable woman for Housekeeping position, live in, private room. Must be fond of children. RA yi (PARK RD. & KING $1 DISTRICT) OPEN FOR INSPECTION Quiet, residential street, 2-bedroom Apartments, Stoves, 'frigs, T.V, outlet, drapes, parking, ete, Rents from $90 monthly ghivale ,.To0m Aparinient, wink and you = DBR Ritson apy Breet" Nori. Phone R 3 | ATTRACTIVE comfortable furnished apartment, two rooms and kitohen, ih vate bath. Neo children, Close to bus, REGISTERED HAIRDRESSER would like position in Salon as receptionist with part-time hairdressing if needed WRITE BOX 219 room Fr re parking, Bhlsony. aun. , 10, 101 Craydon Road, MC EE + room heated Sit a 3 an ONE and two, bedroom Apariments, - -- ---- new stove and refrigerator, rmished ace, approximately 900 4 central, RA $1300 LA unfurnished, RA 8-305 or RA 39358, rtment, separate en. k oor, AbMrking, laundry ADDly 163 Verdun poi twin beds, Gladstone Avenue, RA NT now, | only 870 monthly for a 1 centrally located four + room ment, suitable for business eou RA 3 145 evenings RA 3.7844 TWO extra large rooms, upstairs, sink and cupboards in one, on hue line, available now, lots of storage shared bath, RA 3.8462 NOW venting, New apartments, small pis and large houses, new duplex. To in. THREE room furnished apartment, sect call Jack Appleby, RA 3.6344 or $13 per week plus electric, Phone for 0, John AJ Bolahood Lid, Rite appointment after 8 p.m. RA 1004, LY decorated three.room apart FREE Bai ground floor, stove, {Sanveniences, business couple R - RA 86906. 2 weeks rent in very modern one bedroom apartment with A 43 balcony. 108 Craydon Rd, Whitby, Phone Mo 8.4770 _ Two bedroom apartmen WA », ii mai fl a Gen. pear tment, stove trance, "arom in Kitohen, ped room, bus at door, Road, RA 3.3006, "| TWOroom unfurnished w upaiaire ap Spar ment, rangette su plied, [#70 Edith Street, Phone RA 5 sane (THREE rooms and sunroom, private heated, very central, modern, parking, $80, RA 8.0369, Ajax manufacturing firm following = qualitioations typing, pay roll and gen Write Hox 790, Ajax rent part | Baad UPPER DUPLEX, L.shaped living-dining room, bedroom, kitchen and sun-room, bath. room, nicely decorated, hard wood and tile throughout, Ideally located, T.V, outlet, 8 RA 3.7905 or RA Se | | SALESMEN | 3 full time sales men, of neal appearance, to sell a major electrical aps pliance, Earning capacity un limited. Leads supplied after Q proven training period, Apply on to 306 Byron St Whitby 10 and 12 noon Monday HOUSEWIVES on the big Fall and Selling ason. Be Represe n LE n We require | |. La Salle Couit, available now. Phone RA 5.3815 or RA 3.6485, er -- MONTH FREE RENT Immediate Possession Deluxe 2-bedroom new apart. ments, Hollywood kitchens, electrically equipped, broads loom, drapes, T.V. outlet, locker, hot water and parks ing' included. Call Apt. Ne, 1, 309 Adelaide St. West: RA 56606 before | p.m. or after 5 p.m, 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT IN DUPLEX 551 LANSDOWNE DR, AT WILSON RD. N. ~= 18 ft, living room, tiled bath, huge hen with dinir '9 areq ond | per N, E "RA 5.5787 orrice SPACE FOR RENT elevator PHON 5.7272 Bi tween | BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS One ond 2.bedroom Apart. ments, electrically equipped best location. $85 and $100 monthly, 498 Simcoe St North, Apt. 15; RA 8.8676 FOR SALE OR RENT BRICK BUNGALOW Two bedrooms, living room, dining room, 'modem kitchen ond bathroom, ceramic tile walls, wallte-wall broadloom in living m, dining om McLaugh! close to schools, bus Available Phone after 3.2828 Cash in Christime Avon 6-0827 ormaty wative Call collect mare . No obligation i7--Male Help Wanted APPLICATIONS FOR DRIVER SALESMAN Lo} wi an Passer New cated "n Moderate available. THE TIMES PINT yer senvice Centrally to. area. Leases now hood for building downtown rent, wn ki y * : ro 1" 1¢ pA Qt 1 Tony's Refreshments Ltd Bloor £ on Nov. 7th ond 8th ¥ to 1] am. ond 2 to 4d Leeated ¢ y, va diver, Call Frank Mazlett, 3.1733 or after 6 RU 9387. 3005 Bothurst Tc 19 nie RU H) St, ches and Dec, Ist 6 pm, RA ch FAX Contact T. L. WILSON Phone RA 2 3474