Born Mario Moreno, one of nine|he has become & Latin-American THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Movember 5, 1960 13 children of a poor postal worker, entertainment idol and one of © er - [he set out to study medicine but world's highest paid performers, said They see both sides of Cantinflas is co-owner of (wo a a es {ren away from home and school Cantinfles made & hit in Mike life, But they prefer to look at film companies and also opergtes lat 18 becouse "1 wanted to do|Todd's Around the World in 80 the happy side--and to make sn 2000-ncre ranch near Mexico : ? something to help my family--io| Days, and hopes to duplicate that|happy the people. City, omic unn {make a little money." success in Pepe, his second ¥ng- "NO EASY" Like many comedians he is in hd | He storied os » doncer and lish-spesking film go io easy to make laugh tensely aware of the harshness of By HAL BOYLE Mexico's comic genius who Js/8erobat but struck a personal! In resl life Cantinflas drops the ie people, 1 have the big admir- He Jo Many, oid the i id NEW YORK (AP) What rated by some as another Charlie 80d mine when he created the air of the comedian entirely. Helation for every comedian, dh disagree," he sold Imakes a successtul comedian? |CMePlin role of Cantinflas, the clever and is reserved and polite cause | know they work 100 herd.| 0g Hee 10 see everybody "Any comedian has to have the '1 never took any lessons, Tllovable little Mexican tramp, "I think comedians have some- No, it Is not too easy to ma |wgree, be happy and have no feeling inside," sald Cantinflas, just had the feeling" "Twenty films and 20 years later) thing very serious inside," hellaugh the people." problems in this world, My | i. Jacqueine Kennedy, rig, | meet each of the telephone op. | maining in the capital during % A ] \ drops In at the switchhoird | erators and thank them per. | the fina sage of ie sampoign 2. room at Remocratic He: . 0 ' for the presidency hy her hus ji " emocratic Headguy onaily for thelr aid during the band, Sen. John FP, Kennedy of # B B a ters In Vigshington today 10 | campaign, Mrs, Kennedy is re: | yiasiachusetts Slate Sentinel, a Democratic 1 v newspaper, on July 21, 1841 J ® vYinbols Stan The Republicans used the eagle as a symbol soon after the Whig i Le party was revamped into the ¢ F . Republican organization in the or | J S P rt |early 1850s, An eagle can always . L] a 108 lick a rooster and local Re: publicans would tell their sup- By HAROLDIMORRISON Wh "Jack (son) ass," When Re. porters to vote for "the bird on Canadian Vres, staff Writer pullican Abraham Lincoln cam- the dollar." WASHINGTON yCp)--A small pakned in 1860, party suppories The log cabin made its first scale menagerie §y included In| cared placards showing a dead appearance in 1840 when the ' the U.S; voting sydem, These are|donky (0 symbolize defeat of the Whig party nominated William the animal and ph party sym«| Demyerat Heny Harrison for the presi fp bols which appearion ballots in| Th rooster, us a Democratic dency. A newspaper suggested f some states along Wh the name) symiol, first hocame prominent the 67-year-old Harrison might he of the politichl parting and their!in 140 when Democrat Joseph persuaded to step aside and re presidential candidatdy Chapdan was seeking a seat In tire to a log cabin for & pension The type of symbol Yavies from the hdigna legislature, He was and a barrel of hard cider : state to stale because, ynder U.S. advged to keep crowing instead However Hargison went on to law, each individual Yate sets 0 raising alarms. The opposition win the presidency, He originally its own voting procecdyren anfliried to make fun of this but had a five-room log house in has the say as to whal go onl Indiana Democrats took up the Ohio and kept calling it his log p the ballots used by its Rens battle ery: "Crow, Chapman, cabin though he had turned it For example, some tes may Crow." The rooster appeared onlinto a full mansion built around show the elephant fg'geon lie. /the masthead of - the Indiana the original structure 1 ans on machine AR printed bal 10h SHUT 5 4H (se the eagle or y - Bel Cc log cabin The rooster may be the symbol egro S 1 a i of Democrats In some slates 7 ; while others may use the star . The Democrats' oficial emblem Election Role the donkey, doesn't seem to ap pear on any ballot CAMEL TOO By HAROLD MORRISON ward the Republicans pus Mite SUL : Canadian Press Staff Writer One high officer in the National Extre bi Splinter parties also have theh ' ) Pr iy " Association for the Advancement i ud Fo bi paving ee " $, The Prohibitio WASHINGTON (CP) The. 4 i " 4 y hi . - rd - - Party has the camel, perhaps be-| American Negro may play a C,Cnored Peonie said he is at : OFge Tol \ [el VAR ®1 sT=Tol SR ARIS \ FET FE VATRISISIMVICIVIRV VIET aR RIN , Convenient your pivotal role In determining who y countrymen to favor Nixon magazines come by mall cause it can go long periods with . . . hall win the U.S. presidency in While Kennedy's platform offer : pn Fill out cou pon hand to carrier or mail {ele FAVA. ® Your newspaper will be out a drink, The Socialist Worker more, the prospects of having delivered by carrier party has a globe with lightning and Socialist Labor shows an the Nov, 8 general election Naocaal Kan hb Ji Ig y po Propose ansle ; ® No money down " ") y v ral a o y arm with Ratu The Liberal All signs point to a tight fight ould seem brighter with Nixon party uses a hel hetween Republican Richard in the White House, he said EAS say the prigin of many Nixon and Democrat John Ken y " J syiubols oh, Juried American nedy, A fow votes each way may (he filibustering efforts of many ' ] § 4 bo mean the difference between vic he De. crats to block leg a A deeply that even iui fog Mh . southern Democrats to bloc [4 \ a buried. $0 yy a uel tory and defeat, American Ne: would make it easier for Negroes| tp er n S ovem er urry. party | RL ey We groes, with a voting potential of to get equal rights to better] fs ficulty tracing them about 5,500,000, could provide jousing schools and use of pub: | | It is believed that symbols yo difference i Win ia. and use of py were widely used in pioneer bal. "mq a ie Iacilitiea 9 1s, both the Republican and 2 loting because many volers De L h 30 es i 4 an Some southern Democrats, be ' read or vite, 'M emocra candidates are woo cause of their seniority, hold key couldn't read or write ANY in the Negro voter with fer » states now have literacy tests i \ Nope yi he var positions in congressional com-| ' J ests In wply 8 o , but the symbols remain in about ii a® BEERS ER GEOR Co mittees where pro - Negro bills " one third of the states urbed southern whites, both par ..,, he pigeonholed for years PRED ASTAIRE ] ties have adop ted platforms while it is expected the Demo: il LITT FROM CARTOONS promising great progress in civil erats will retain control of the! \ ------- As party emblems, the Repub. rights, which, boiled down 10 Senate in the Nov. 8 vote, Re- lican elephant and the Demo. essentials, means elimination of publicans hope to recapture the cratic donkey i Widesprend discrimination against Negroes House of Representatives, now | acceptance In the 1870s after a gay -- iso under Democratic control b nm car y MIXED TREND i f Nhe German-born cartoonist, Thomas N ! The majority party picks its own Nast, used them in political car Rut IXOn may gain more... ities chairmen toons for Harper's Weekly from this manoeuvring than Ken However, Nast was not the first nedy. Traditionally, the bulk of DIVERGENT OPINIONS to use the donkey. Back in the Negro voters favor the Demo I'he argument put forward by campaigns of Democrat Andrew crats, Some Negro leaders insist some Negro leaders doesn't Jackson in the 1820s, opponents this still may be the case in 1960; carry much weight among the spoke bitingly of those who rode others say they detect a trend to- Negro population, Democrats i - . maintain. While Negroes are still . {banned from unions in some cen: tres, including Washington, large al 1A 1Q1 1 as numbers are members of unions in many northern industrial com hi irgument springs from Mark an ""X* before any Four Magazines MAGAZINES MAGAZINES New Renewal New Renewal [2 J REDBOOK [J [J CATHOLIC DIGEST ] [] CORONET [71] CALLING ALL GIRLS LOOK (Every other week) [1 J) MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY CHATELAINE [J [) CHILDREN'S DIGEST MeCALL'S (oges 7.12) MACLEANS (Every other POPULAR SCIENCE week) 1 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING U.S, CAMERA PENS TRUE STORY EY LIBERTY 'e HI FI/STEREO REVIEW » AMERICAN GIRL . a 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 5 3 : 5 3 : 3 7 3 3 3 3 ARGOSY (The men's 3 magazine 3 "] POPULAR BOATING .... 3 MODERN SCREEN ©' 3 yr. -) HUMPTY DUMPTY wd ] FLOWER GROWER H 0 INSIDE DETECTIVE . ... 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 Oooo C oo ooo 000000 0000 > 3 POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY ATLANTIC ADVOCATE | PORT Ne FIELD & STREAM io PHOTOPLAY ' GLAMOUR M munities, These in the main Almost Eaten nurs 5.4 J One Negro writer suggests Bernard Dufresne, Canadian was sitting in a garden with his there are at the moment too Press reporter with the UN Tunisian assistant and a Congo. many imponderables to predict] force in the Congo, is visit lese radio operator when the lo- how the Negro vote will go, He ing Canadian detachments in cal police swooped down on feels Negroes generally will be various parts of the country, them, asking for the identifica: guided by the same considera Bn Shia 2 he eh " {tion cards tions that determine how other 'harles Bernier of Montreal, ricans >, a po and an ominous-dook. (WHOLE PLATOON ARRIVES Amgticats vole: agree the Amer ng kettle, They appeared satisfied and Neg J lal has zn went away," Bernier said. 'But ican Negro population has grown 20 minutes later a whole platoon "NOW about 18,000,000 out of a arrived, armed with rifles and '0'al 130,000,000 -- and with this sub-machine-guns, and took us to H'OWth has come better organi | the army camp. ation, stronger leaders and a rise "There WwW n n + in ero earnings Who Rave a recent story of ta: 1nev they bck me agai 00 SEER op, ribalism, were Just fooling Wie around. They tied a rope around Banization was seen in the sug hey tied a rope around his rh my neck and started pushing me C058 of the southern lunch-coun wd red Up a Rige ser peti and pulling on the rope ler "sit + in" demonstrations 0 3 : aig old electronics! "Then, while they hrought an Many sotnere Muse a: op who echnician from Montreal is thel0ld half-naked Congolese woman n Sy ously Aad. refused lo serve iv to dance some kind of tribal rit. !N¢ Negro at counters reserved wily Canadian civilian employed for whites mn have changed w the United Nations in this ual in front of me, some soldiers el iid ow have changed wpital of Kasi province, in the|set fire to kindling under a big "Nei policies, reart of the Congo kettle of water NEGRO ADVISERS And ever since he arrived in "For a while T thought that! Both Nixon and Kennedy use he Congo Aug. 6, on a three. Was it but fortunately a sergeant Negro advisers on their national nonths contract with the Inters|In the army recognized me from election tours ational Civil Aviation Organia- having seen me around the air Kennedy's top supporter is jon to set up ground - to - air{Port and persuaded the others to New York Congressman Adam! ommupications at Luluabourg|set me free. The whale thing Clayion Powell, who climbed on Airport, the slightly-built, grey-|lasted about seven hours, from 7'the" Kennedy bandwagon afte aired technician has had his| o'clock in the evening to two in showing some initial coolness hare of troubles the morning Nixon's top man is former base. ROUBLE FROM START NO TROUBLES SINCE ball star Jackie Robinson. When. When he landed at' Leopoki. Since then, however, Bernier ©Ver Nixon is booed in a Negro ille's N'dole Airport on arrival 58d, everybody in this small aldions 0 ne 3hidts his hecklor by rom Canada, the Congolese po. bush town, in which about 4,000 Saying the heckler is also booing ce were not satisfied with his Belgians formerly lived, have Jackie Robinson fentification papers a Capa- left him alone Ironically, while Kennedy an ian passport and ICAO papers They all know Mme now," he lagonized southern whites by in. and tossed him into jail, The sald. "And I've come to like the sisting on a strong civil rights IN got him out the next day. own, though sometimes 1 ask platform, his moves didn't seem When he arrived here a few myself whether I'm crazy to be to ignite any great pro - Demo ays later accompanied by a bere cratic demonstration among Ne- lane load of Balubas, sworn en Bernier's three-months engage. Eroes mies of the Luluas, he was ment ends about Nov. | and he Nixon on the other hand, ob gain arrested lan 0 leave for Canada. His tained a more moderate civil ALL MAGAZINES MUST BE DELIVERED TO THE SAME ADDRESS This time he was released afte fe and three small daughte yatform that has brought 0 NEW NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER (1 OLD NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER aylag a ine of 2 200 Congolese live at Terrebonne, & all t ess criticism from southern - errebonne, a small tow ¢ ( L 1 OD ER GR OE GD GE EE ED ES a anes ($3 out 20 miles northeay of whites and yet still seems satis Then one night in August, he Montreal. factory to Negroes. | BIE EEE O0000000000000 O Ed -" yrs. WL CAN, HOME & GARDENS LIVING FOR YOUNG HOMEMAKERS BETTER HOMES & GAR asus DENS SCREEN STORIES . ...... ys. [J] [ROD AND GUN A yr. [J [) LE SAMEDI (Every other ys. wee yrs. [1 LA REVUE POPULAIRE yrs, [J] 0) POPULAR ELECTRONICS yrs. %[ [7] LIFE (Weekly yrs, Please Note! If you choose LIFE--~select only 1 other magazine from the above list PLEASE ALLOW 4 TO 8 WEEKS FOR FIRST MAGAZINE TO ARRIVE yrs, yes. yrs. yr, yrs. yn. ADEMOISELLE ©. UIRE ol DOOR LIFE ARENTS MAGAZINE || ODAY'S HEALTH . ..... | [] SPORTS AFIELD ym, yrs, yrs, 00 a Oo yrs, By BERNARD DUFRESNE Canadian Press Staff Writer LULUABOURG (CP)--Charles Bernier thinks a bunch of Luluas, Do Not Write Here Carrier's Name Carrier's Route No, ......... Rall ou ciscoiviciscinansins Ue------ | hereby agree to subscribe for or extend m present subscription at current rates to THE OSHAWA TIMES, Oshawa, Ont, for 36 months and the magazines chosen for the term indicated. | agree to pay 60c weekly for 36 months with the understanding that this amount represents full payment for not only the magazines but also for the newspaper, var ners eves evans BGG vase res ADDRESS 'ane vavarvesnnys PRONG NO: covviven CITY vevvnrrnsrannrrrsnssss PROVINGE covverenesssranen GRDER TAKEN BY ....oiicorirnrarrsnsshunsssnnsssansansen Aa} ni