R . is i ] H i esii i FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN Le uray oss go POR OME OF THE EK : npr I wep irs --y i it Li ' | THEHOME (© Linh a Re A Sl a : : NE LTV DISPOSAL IN SEPTIC TANK (the Joints, oneeighthineh thick : pt, #.| QUESTION: We ere planning and sbout two inches wide; paint , to build 8 house in an ares or stain to match wall, bY (iiwhere we need a septic tank, We| would like to have a garbage dis- CLOGGED KITCHEN SINK Be posal unit installed if possible! QUESTION: We sublet our Can this be done with. a. septic] apartment for 8 year, On our re- fail Shalom {turn, the drain in the kitchen sink y hus) ¥h: Jo. A Jank pana] ed very and seem {enough to or the garbage ed clogged; botling water 'disposal unit should be provided down hasn't helped much, What sAnBTIR [ oe k... y ior, Otherwise, the Sons ight re do you suggest? STEED PO ed / " / i quire more frequent cleaning to oy . AYO » g p 3 fer ok dis. ANSWER: The grease trap Is a J: : | GUA, ort ki pr fring ho as ih 8 i i : Niy FUEL 5p? i i N Rg 3 13 i i § fii : Ld EN of le 2 ir 2 ; £ 3 § 3 i ; lest Wg fist, Joy a rubber : suct cup ea "plumber's a VISIBLE WALLEOARD BEA, i "; 'Dlace the cup over the 4 QUESTION: We partitioned | friend % Sy wag dil 4/1 yi Les Jon, sami nm) our fniog ares from the kitehen, S14 F430 and work handle dle vigor. Early American hobby horse, TLRRAC Ky using plasterboard, walls| no The head Is eut from 8» scrap AAO were finished with paint, Now the Sis dot the Stick. If to eh, oy eleven-and-one-half inches square. , soos a | seams Br to | ootash (not netic soda, Pattern gives tracing diagrams] 1 Pd [1] STUDY BL pe visible, Is there any way to rem.| stuistle Dats hat So 4 for a riding hobby horse, with ' 18e1in0 edy this? . 4d not In boiling water Sidach Tabel three wheels, Detailed directions LAUND + y : ANSWER: Probably you did not| reel] wg og od reinforce the Joints; this prevents directions, outlet "in 4 51 HEAT for assembling and stenelling In 4 king of the faints. At least|0llow to remain overnight, Use gay colors are all on pattern 287; { pov A ins os these chemicals with grest care vi. Di " rice 50c, Order direct from The one neh should have heent SOC id' spattering; they e A GA FUN ol a allowed hetween the edges of tho) P ; 8U8€ you can recommend (OR 82% SERVIC me Workshop Dept, The Limeum wallbosrds, the Joints cleaned out Purns and are destructive (o cloth-|" ANSWER: Many stores Times, Oshawa, sores LIL 1 ' | i " | and sized with thin varnish and| ns. Ihave "ivy bombs" with which you ; BRU i --. i shellac, then refilled with coment | If not successful, remove the can ev NO BARRIERS i : : " nded by the manufactur-\plug under the trap (lower part This w NEW DELHI (Reuters) --~When 4 UPPER PART OF LYNG er of the wallboard, The filled of U-shaped pipe under the sink); and there members of Parliament gave a i i 4 joint should be covered with spe-|first place a receptacle under- when the tea party for their servants at a A / cia) perforated tape, availabis at neath to catch any drip or waste Weed killer New Delhi hotel, 8 sweeper, a i building supplies dealers, and material, Remove clogging ma- this purpose, butler, a watchman and a gard- pressed into the cement, Finish terial with a bent wire and stiff, i ener sat down with Prime Min-| * | ; ! to match rest of the surface, If bottledype brush, McCULLOUGH deter Nehru, Caste bastiets Veto, ) tv eNTRY LIVING | the wallboard sheets were butted MOVING PLANTIC TILE ' oken as the s served tea bo +165 10°4 . Bi] close together cut out V - shaped REMOVING PL B \) ' the servants -- ye Br wf Joints, Nail strips of wood aver! QUESTION: I want to remove (ld MA STER LUMBER ---- 2 yA an ) 1 "OLD HABIT ' party oXp ores n Nol 4; PORCH GEMM NO-245, | (pe------ JRA LLL 1270 SIMCOE ST. NORTH America found the Indians) orn AIT RAs Rem LOWER FL» 756 SQ.FT, i | rrr ail UPPER FL. 450 SQFT: | "EALL PLANTING | "we Can Supply All Of Your Shaved spruce resin as # thirst quencher, HOME DESIGN NO. 245 1, pusiame Editor, A Real Estate POET tdi ko FOR u | PES5S 2 BUILDING MATERIALS dreds of requests f 1%. h " i : A on The Enclosed please find 91.00 A ies ¥ ond ie Soop ol SPRING BEAUTY i = A 0 0 bod 0 / Douglas L. GOW | the trsnt yard win s ong | Homes For Canaans" (Viens make remtanes para TOP SIZE DUTCH BULBS | AGA 7 UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY the front yard with a Jong to The Oshawa Times.) TULIPS CROCUS f 'r You WISH planting box beneath its sol ny ° PY ® REALTOR 4 4s [| Base front is pot No, 1 in| Nome ,.... satkiriteressivey sree ietsnrintasiiees RI ® DAFFODILS ® HYACINTH. hor peur fo) Estate gers [ this home's favor, along with Aoi ----------i-------- ® NARCISSUS oD PHONE RA B-4651 | tho iovely rear terrace, ies | 4" ® SNOWDROPS TE ,---- Special Cash Prices On Request true that one feels like work- ing where there is good trafic | circulation and this is signifi | '. ; RA 8-4688 ohesey cant in the kitchen - laundry | Ll 71, / 7 i which uw wal M, Free Parking -- Friendly Service | lighted. Also of interest on the | 7 Ne 3 YOu 4 16 CELINA ST. RA 33012 | LERRITIRRIVASIVIT i ik bh fbi 11 : 8 W.BORROWUDALE xo the rootlets, cause them to wither Sow td PRE LORNE GOODMAN first floor Is the stone fire. lace with woodbox and the PLUMBING & HEATING igh living room ceiling, Note YY We are Experts in ol too, the convenient lavatory GR, 4 Plumbing problems near the study. Eoin is a Ww master and seco room, y ' 7 RA 5-1044 both including walk-in closets, Standard Builders' blueprints costing $9.75 a set re ghiain. | able in Canada for this Design Sheet Metal No, 245, Now avallable from | address below a new and en. Ty larged 1960 Book of House De. MODERN signs énijiied Z Now Seicetion SHEET METAL || Gina 'rice 100. Contain . " aft or mam . storey, 1h sorey, two-siorey, INVEST IN THE BEST HOME and split - level homes, plus white £1: Why Bg I BUYS AVAILABLE . . . NOW ments, Order your copy today, Also Included in this Design Stop throwing away money on rent, Plant those month! Rugs and Book is full information on how y y | to order the blueprints, payments where they'll grow , , , In a home of your Carpets CEMENT MAKERS own, It's your finest financial investment, See us for Value of shipments from Ca. the best buys, nadian cement . manufacturing] IF IT'S RUGS . , . CALL firms in 1050, at $98,778,000, was NU-W AY 12 por E or Gan oy R You Can Depend on A Realtor eu Valtte- Well Brondloom | RIP iOPaTan move OSHAWA and DISTRICT Canada's Board of Broadcast 171 Mary St RA 8-4681 Governors has approved an REAL ESTATE BOARD RCAF application for a low: . wer radio station at Bird, Flooring 'ji LEGGETTE Hardwood Floors eo LAYING ® SANDING | + FINISHING CALL , . . RA 5.685) Mi ROSS E. MILLS €0, LYD, 80 SIMCOE ST, N, RA 8.6218 Beautify your home the modern, func. "Flooring Our Specialty" tional way; clean, durable ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS last a housetime, Inquire Heating I now. I ms... McLaughlin Heating for | eo FUEL OIL eo STOVE OIL da "I'm first... after all, this used to be OUR clotheslinel' FURNACE CLEANOUT | o OIL BURNER SERVICE o INSTALLATIONS Clotheslines make dandy skipping ropes. And that's about eZ that can be S000MAN HEATING SERVICE said in favour of clotheslines in this modern world of electricity. | What a "Cinderella" change has come over our woman's world with IT'S DIXON'S For the BEST in FUEL end Meating, Equipment today's weather-proof automatic electric dryers. Never a care about the HYDRO SIDEWALK SLABS weather on washday , . . no more heavy laundry basket to lift . ; , no more is yours FROM tedious, back-breaking "hanging-out." Brooklin Concrete Products Ltd, Your surroundings change too, when you own an automatic electric dryer LIVE BETTER E ii. no more drooping, dripping basement washings . . . and so much more LECTRICALLY I -- by GENERAL MOTORS 313 Albert St, RA 3.4663 Building Supplies space in the yard for outdoor living. MARLEIGH. SUPPLIES 4 3: = \ HONE Isn't it time you made some little "skipper" a present of your clothesline? OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.3012 ) $id 3 3 : OLIVER git Lib -- y \ FOR THE MATT." Moon ES : % 5-331 1 For further information on your electrical problems contact your electrical dealer or . . . ator dl| [ EAN THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA "RA 8.6218 : WM. BODDY, Chairman GEORGE F. SHREVE, General Manager