The Oshawa Times, 4 Nov 1960, p. 20

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SEE 0 Sed Om I TAPP EDICT ET BUD ed DTT BIL SI SS a TAS I SDT TT SD Sm 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Movember 8, 1769 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Coll The Direct Classified Mumber RA 3-3492 V-~Accountonts KE. T. BOVEKINE snd [Company Accouplants iz Osbawn, Onterie Cert b dale £8, Accoupliant ed Trustes FRIESDLANDER. WUNTER and Audiors Bavkiupley, Blaeet East, Oshaws: B |. Yale F. Friedlander, BLomm , EFA BOB CLANCY'S Services oie services boy Street West, Boo Residence, BA 376005 ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping flat sale at n mepls, Wwehme Lax, ple or nue Write Box 8 MONTEITH. MONTENIN. RIEHL Co, Chartered Accouplapis, KA 125 Simcoe Sisee North; Ajax id BE DEWAR and Ly and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg tang Street, Oshaws, Oplane LE MONTEITH. MONTEITH RIEW 0, Chartered Accounptah 135 Mimcos Street Norih 2085 Optans hm pete small business, 184 Mice RA # n. WILSON Oshawa, Opianiy. BONALD ¥ Accoyptant, Fe King BA Licens King Ch Asciibling ped ae Bona rd by uding stale al hice Oshawa Times and 5.3527 Acchuplahis i On BA 04 ; iA "Wh Chartered BA 13--~Gordening & Supplies BEN manure Bapure, wy 5-408) FOR weed KOLRE, Spraying and prin BE oF your Shrubs ARS RVEIgIRCRS or complete Garden Service £3 BA E56. Oshaws Rome Landscaving catia BA Wik Poona boise man yore loads CLASSIFIED AD RATES 2% or 8s Choige wor gs Ce 8 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 225 b CONSECUTIVE JSERT IONS i not pee within 1 seys he Chorge rote wil gppty Aoove roles gpply nly | orders for cansecutive tions, Subsequent insertions ordered 6 @ oie dete constitutes & nel eriging eras Professh ' ngs z $7.50 per Eger @aditiong 2.48 276 412 LANDSCAPING SERVICES treated, tielg op 9) mg ete £ W |, Free estimole ED KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 Weed "9 fill « PI Sery Grove sgnd ry OWEN BROTHERS TREE EXPERTS fore pulicatior Of - & seciolize wn Wr | ear BZ, REGULAT (ONS The Qehowe T Quilty work responsible for ef Jaa submitted othe hon in Phone RA 5-5287 writing, ner fer m ther oo ICOITREL inser fisement CO. LTD, ce planting Hardy Privet . 10c and up 2---Barristers CREIGHTON FRASER MUEDOCH, Bariiste tary Public, Bank of Com b Bimuoe blieel RA Cyeighton, Q( Fraser Prynan, 6G. | h gages arranged RONALD BLAKE and Solicitor, 26 Felephone : By. fence, RA 8537 JOSEPH FP. MANGAN, Wf solicitor. Mone to King Btyeet East Residence, RA ZT, SAL MERS BA Woy Les or, ele Simene ot Difice RA He wenie RA GREER, Murph Machonald. Bar risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public # King Street Ea RA 54717. Rus J. Murphy and James A MacDonald BOWMAN David | lor, 8% Simecos dence, RA 80264 HUMPHREY ys Bo Barriste phreys Hiliman, LI Phones: Of 54606 or Whithy Money to loar MeGIBBON and BASTEDO Solicitors. Clients' funds available first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Sireet North RA 5-3366. Charles Mefibhon, Qf Edgar F. Bastedo, Qf JOHAN A. CAMERON, harnsier tor and Notary Public. 18% East, RA 22 NHA mortgages arranged RALPH JONES, BA, and Greer, Associate Barristers eitors, 130 King Street East Mortgage loans available BOWMAN, DAVIDL., Brrister 8s Simcoe South. RA 5-0502 RA B-0264 THOMAS M. RUNDLE, bar gitor and Notary Public, 6'% Street East, Phone RA 81763 EER and Kelly, Barristers, Soliel tars, ele 71 Simeoe Street South 53-2270. Residence phones Greer, BA, 5c RA 5.3368; Ter ence V. Kelly, PA BOL, RA #5632 §--=Nursing Services ANDEN Nursing home pew ownership. Care for elder! ple. BRN supervised, Inquiries ¥easopable rates, RA 5.2530 6---Optometri 3 F. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom etry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses, 136 Bimeoe North (at Colborne) evenings by appointment. RA 3.4101 €., H. TUCK, RO, optometrist. Please pay accounts at Downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids ex amined at home. Dial RA 54387 orth N ( turd ow NHA RODNE, Bariisie King Blreel pess BA 32001 logn. Office 4 Oshawa 4h 5374 and st Sole Barrister ¥ uth 9562 and BA; W. A street Res RA § sh Ql MO 8-276) solich and Thomas H and Soli Soliei Hesi ister, sol under pen invited, Dshawa, 7=Surveyors HW. FLIM and Trollope Surveyors, 416 Adelaide Phone RA 56881 6G. 7. AORTON and tario Land Surveyors, Professional En gineering, 906 Dundas Street West Whitby, MO 8-508], Ajax 728 DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue printing, 12 Bloor Street East, RA 8631 8--Building Trades CUSTOM chainsaw work, trees out and pemoved anywhere. Free estimates MO 82508 RA 3.3867 ALL plumbing and heating Phone RA 1381, Harold RH Lid, plumbing, heating and ng, 353 Simeoe Street South DODD & PAINT PAINTING & INTRA Land East Ontario Avenue Associates, On supplies Stark engineer SOUTER LPAPER ORATING TOF NAL DE b Free Est | DAYS MO 8 EVENINGS RA 4} Byron Wh OSHAWA SUB- CONTRAC TORS AND WORK 8.4122 or 9 Whitby alt 5231 5.7426 'MO 8-428 HOME COTTAGES GARAGES Phone MO Est Term i. € Lid RA 8-4614 WwW. WARD WELL DICGING MACHINE G IN 30" TILE ONTARIO - MO 8.3809 CHESTNUT 8T. W BOX 329 pn BY Sit A | WHITBY M ] 204 PO PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS "OLORED PATIO DURA STEPS CURBING WELL TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED OLiver 5-3311 PEYNAN and mart East Hes barrister RA 9282 solic North 5-9042 sell Hes E as Barristers for King Street private HA 86246. | King | ALUMINUM window chorgeda fo ine Rave f occurs. And gle resery y 10 classify RQyertising Qecerd Hs pwn CQ fication i the cose of 2 ments The Times ble for more spo which the o« a pies The publishe . y p pr advertising Gs3IMe a JIQLies rr any | advertisement ore senigined therein, 8c and up Roses Chinese Elm Tree Shrubs, Evers greens VERSLUIS RA play sdvertise w be held the LANDSC 5-9642 APING . ere deny oul iter lity m COMPLET GARDEN SERVICE Gardens ploughed aping, won RA B-1798 CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-895] FALL SPECIAL FRESHLY DUG 12 10 16 fr, Well Branched HARDWOOD MAPLE TREES Regular $12 NOW $5 Oshawa Garden Service B86 Taunton Rogd West RA 3-3222 PATIO, FLAG AND ROCKERY STONE STONE PLANTERS TOP SOIL AND 50D SUPPLY AND LAY OSHAWA GARDEN SE RVIC £ RA 3-322 land remo B8---Building Trades ALL types cAvEMIOUEN walks, stoops HARDWOOD Hoors supplied " finished. Old floors resurfaced WH 2.0654 WATERPROOFING cellars For # ' 1256 Bowmanvi BULLDOZING and exch MO 83612 Free est Brothers, 26 Hillegurt 1) ALL types of Sarpantry chimpey work. Terms arian, estimates, Phone RA § 36 ] BULLDOZING and excavating MO #5612. Free estimates, T avin Brother dillcourt Drive, Whithy PLUMBING tings, fixtures, new ing from septic tank clalty Installations at Information and estis pe of plumbing. Dial Foley building youking chine RA 8-0304, Go reps don Ma d and Ajax Roof 10 te Bo specialists tment Hillman, | Hum and Free Dial 2% heating and us 0 and HA BUILDERS tiled hathreom fixed, compiele fittings. Large 90c sq ft man, Phone Ceramic In plied and with four color range First class trade anytime RA 8-1177 9----Building Materials OP SOIL. | a, or) tL YARD LOAD 7.00 I Phone Nash Aluminum Lid (Ti--Business Opportunities| Phone RA 3-3162 roe whit apartment building, fully 14--Houschold Repairs vented and full en dR store with replacement v ol PROVESSIONAL ment aver $5000, falr turnovey hier, Guaranteed v could he tripled, Full use of meal facih Freo estimates, Al 'ties and some delivery garage, boat storage houks Fl RNITURE " repaired or good reason. $20,500 principal ered. See our m WA "80a Who ng. Bruce R. Dalton HA 37312 RA 5:8923, 480 Drew Slreel ully ipped, good con CHIP wagon, hilly Shipp CHENTERFIELNE rehulll. Thcovernd like new. Why pay more? Gur rales dition, Apply 206 Albert Street before are reasonable. Satisfaction guaraneed 4 pm. RA 80503 FOR LEASE two boy service station | Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery Co, 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA snack bar and living nuarter with 041 four-piece hath, established gallonage 0 highway No. 3 between Oshawa n hig CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re covered like new. Get the hest for less and Whitby. Rent to be negoliaied ¢ cular oa A Mi For full _particulaiy ga y at Modern Upholstering, 148 Simeone South Call RA 88481 for 4 free Cauley, Supertest Petroleum Corp, Lid Himate YEPRIVS to all makes and types of | storms, screens, window door 1-3 RA ue "painter paper hang and materials Caproy. RA BO0BE and ve-uphal for ih Charles Breet large h aterials ye Caves Weed | nd NO. | | 32---Arsticles Wented WILL pay ply and wp tor 1048 Canadion shiver Aoidss, and erin bype 8478; NEW BUSINESS BE ae TELEPHONE LISTINGS + cus ron scam 4 120 SECRETARIAL STEEL, METALS BATTERIE, "OVERLOAD | oe rotons SERVIC: Ope AI Dey Setwidey gq Typing, Short - MM. GREENBERG & SONS Dictaphone, Bookkeep- LTP 308 Blogr 9 Meiling, Mimeo- grephing. For fost gccyrote A #1 once MO BBIBI, NAW G CO. ee AUTO WRECKIN ) 17 --Money te Loon bd ots cers for wrecking | FIRSY apd Paris. for sale, else scrop iron BEIREIDEN ond metals, etc. bought. Open Soturdoy oll dey. Phone RA 5-231) 89 BLOOR E, ROYAL COIN AND STAMP STORE RA 8-322) 64 KING ST. W., OSHAWA STAMPS AND COIN ALBUMS, Regent sy all gnadian end Ameri Highest prices peid for old gold of the world. We buy stamp colleen tions TRY OUR BAR-BQUED CHICKEN Chic f chicken ond dogs, ken pote he french fries hemburg hore MODERN GRIL WE DELS JYER RA 5-3887 22--Rodio io Repairs SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT | iT DAY OR NIGHT! TV. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 Al Work Gueremeed SHAWA ELECTRONICS TV TOWERS 40-11. self-supporting toyer, Hot dip gelvenized. No pair Complete Wave allt " er ol-« tenng Ey Whitman, Minky olled ond « Wanted 10 $59.99 gree f 4 9 fish hot wiry chips milk £ RA 3-7335 eing, Direct ' £ 0% second MOrERRe, sale purchased ang sod. Hep ok and Henpick, Barristers, #1 King col Ep HA 37281 CLIENTS money lap, Hirst mon Mortgage apd sgisement of swle SHA morigage wprranged Fraser, Drynsn apd Mui MONEY TO LOAN for all types of mort: tor first ang 5 purchased Creighton duck with new honne! gr q nt I To price n feed 10 g VRE rigege ond seco agreements ] Apply 7 King Street Telephone RA TV Enterprises 253 Drew St RA 3-3553 23--Women's Column " yeas oi M f Oshawa 3.4697 35--~Employment Wanted YOUNG married man with high school eduration would Dkr plepdy employ ment with opportunity for advancement wovember GERDA'S BEAUTY SALON [Expenenced 1n hice work. RA 59977 RA 572% 621 KING 57. E REFINED widow wishes Nght work, shout tour hours per day, homes Pures Lanelin perms 7.50 up, Mons INE 0) housekeeping. Would cook dinper doy 12:30 7 al RA B-086 BOOKKEEPER typist Tuesday to Fridey 9 am. to 7 p.m to 4 desires permanent position compleie charge, own car p.m. For appointment call RA | 8-264] WH 2.525% 24--Market Basket YOUNG lady, 18, requires office posi Hop or part me work, Hes full High Behonl education. Write Box 211, Osh HONEY = white, amber and golden Hguid or processed. KR. P. Anderson, 28 Ritson Road North. Phone BA awn Time EXPERIENCED wrk by the how B24 | POTATOES, Field vin, $1.00 per bag {Allan Downes, Fontypos! B-2008 after 6 p.m RELIABLE experienced women hd (CARROTS, 50 cents bushel; onions (small) 81.50 Harge) k able for baby-sitting and home makin, Baby Siting Bureau, RA 3-402! Closed | bushel, Bring containers. W halb-mile east of Nicholls Thursday afternoons LAMIES leave your You Shop RF psonahle Courtice, Go north to first COFREY. | EXPERIENCED day care for children {ORDER early, avoid ridigulous "Winter | in my howe or haby siting st night prices. Store in fruit cellar, Gopd tI) Fhone RA 396% spring. Polatoes, wholesale he bags REGISTERED HAIRDRESSER bags, free delivery WA #1 BLUE grapes for sale, bu Aor, regu would like position in Salen as receptionist with part-time [Ir size. Call after 4 pm. at 1104 Cedar hairdressing if needed | Street [25~--Pets & Livestock WRITE BOX 219 OSHAWA TIMES PETER PAN Nursery School, children \THREY female tay lerries Telephone RA 54060, | 36~~Female Help Wanted ears. Monday to Friday, from $18|190F months old, Apply 57 month! Contact Supervisor, 581 view Bivd, North, Oshawa cor Street North, RA §.2604 RABBITS and ducks BOXER puppies, registered, 840, also | FREE twa furpished roams, rent Persian Kittens, 83-84. Call after § or free lo woman or couple park Saturday. 2431 Annis Street, RA 37576, time baby sitting, Phone RA § £0 3-240 ONE monkey for sale. Phone RA RELIABLE light d-4407 19--Personol CAR pi ior Halles Anyone meresied, wall between 6 and B pw LADIES match et ng Have your ouLlit, Bride trimmed hats made to] elours, vel: | also re §5-7008 56.50 Celina ou nd fu clean We from to p.m RA Permanent waves Beauly Parlor, § 37633 experienced ahle Lo Lake | Phone Alex SEECIAL ard Lire: and hlogk Soturday 9 a.m RA MRS, ANN PROFESSIONAL PALM READEF reader housekeeper or day. Phone requires RA ard advisor to her necessary and problem appointment daily from 10 AM. te pm. RA B-A141, 140 e Soul ELECTROLYSIS ol of superfluous hair Murduff be in 22nd and 23rd, Hotel appointment, your children with me work, day or eve rales. Phone RA Spanish Rern Marie £ awa, N will P e Genoshe on these dates for 21 Personal Service PURPIES, Orchard for sale, Phone WAGAR'S Driving School. Government fully insured, dual controls HA 8820, ligenee Call evenings HOUNDS for sale ¥ 867 house FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION'S CHRISTMAS PARTY AND BANQUET HOT TURKEY DINNER AT 5200 A PLATE INCLUDES MUSIC AND HALL FOR DANCING Smaorgashord, steak, chicken and other menus quoted on request RESERVE NOW DIAL RA 5-2737 woman to do th week, Write Box FART Hime atfice | experience Hy stenographer wanted for preferably with some legal | Apply M. F Swartz, law King Street East, Oshawa MONTHLY, reliable woman for keeping position, live in, private Must be fond of children {DEER hound Oshawa Times "Phone MO 8341 REGISTERED TT uppIen Hin |W [Stake old, also grown stock, Cedar! loffice, 26! ew Kennels, Telephone HA 5.5062 HOARDING, trimming, bathing, defies: ing Wauhens Kennels, RA 5.6321 BEAUTIFUL haby budgies, ready for training, talkin, strain. Apply Mrs Broad, 114 Elgin Street East 26--~Farmer's Column LARGE quantity of hay and straw for sale. Call RA 5-405 fointered, Walker, $30 ronm ERAS) WORK NEAR HOME Oshawa RA 3.3742 between 8 and 4.30 A 1 PAINTING pm [STORE space 34 x 20 shop or store, situated tradesman. interior : Street. RA 3.2625 tone work guaranteed. Free HA §-3308 YOUR local enhimney neys built and repaired all Kinds, reason: 'sealed, furnaces vaguumed Md al A 3-200 RL ENER SERVICE Rug, uphol cleaners, wall washing. Phone [RA A-3541. "Our business is a satisfied lamer | PAINTING fessional guaranteed STORM Phone FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE | HM Lid RA 5-5954 Cleary $7 DECOBA ING hy ar exterior, Rexa: | stimates. | ised for Albert be 406 can at cleaner. Chim gas linir n Free est {T2--Dressmaking ALTERATIONS of able rate. Phone RA NRESSMAKING RULE DRESSMAKER We Childrer New Remodelling all fur price Mr 22 ROWE PHONE RA 8 6706 OPEN EVERYDAY UNTIL 2 PM and allerations. RA ann work al pape; free law NANEING, Pro estimates, work RA #0818 washed and put 26340 men prices and type peri windows Mark RA up Low Mackie ( Service plus TE ---------- - ut 13---Gardening & Supplies ANY King of garden work Casnnahie rate RA 100 CEDAR hedges, Ruarante a live Delivered antin 10g MA 4 labor wart ¥ SEGERS RUG AND UPHO! CLEANERS RA 5.7488 wall ta ny expert or ee eslimate SODS Al rolled \rees ny Free TERY weedirea Field vnline alizing In wall tertilized Price T north 9986 and OL 5.354 CHOICE LOAM FOR SALE GRAVEL --SANI A RA 573156 AURORA SAND GRAVEL Brick Crushed Road Gr avel, Pit Ry VALLEY FAR M RO Phone Mot TEmple 9.2¢ carpets Rd 15--Instruction HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY Tap, Royal Academy Hallet and. Register naw, 434 King West \ 6128 PRIVATE teaches [16 years' experience, Ad aw. RA 51004 PILLIAN Mag Marsh ghonl, hallet pre-school Masonig LEARN TO DRIVE At the Oshawa Driving School d by the Police Commisuio Fully trained instrugtons Standard, Awtematic tars RA 8-0091 DRESSMA XING COURSES re nday 7 10 9 Taunt Baton High RA stutlent onunselior hy interview only FILL erlucator hatan i \ Frigay 17803 dance tap ule HA ohitt Temple M Licen n Sand ile Ope 4) The home of Quality Dutch BULBS Van Belle Gardens East ' MA 3.5 . jo Howmany Qpen Evening between § Oshawa RA 8-577) Home Landscaping 16--Insurance c ALLSTATE Aula Insurance vn a ARR TLE L |W 30 per cent. six Wonths 1 NL, personal service al your home SEEDING, TULIP BULBS +H COMPLETE GARDEN [TT --Meney to Loan SERVICE " WE HAVE clients' monies available fog Call ans on frst and second mortgages And alsa purchase of mortgages andl RA 8.6366 agreements of sale. Louis § wa week lv Tue evening ' Ihe childre wh - m the J and Save Pay call RA QU. WF King Sweet Bast, Oshawa, RA ERIN LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH, Off Road North DEAD farm stogk pieked up promptly Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-378] {Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone {WELL rated manure for sale. RA #8058 OAT Haw for sale, 55 acres In field EARN TO $50 OR MORE PER WEEK Taking care of AVON cus tomers' Christmas Gift needs in your neighbarheed, Choose YOu Far Darling: ton Tewnship write £L MISS K. MacKEAN, 528 GILMOUR STREET, PETERBORO 37---~Male Help Wanted Harmony 22---Radio Repairs GEORGE'S TV service votators, towers, $60.95 and up | MO 8.314 Vals moved, repaired Free Lal 11} AI 300 Utility trae: anywhere in eity and surrounding dis: tor, torque ami lifier, power take off tricts. Phone RA 96335 ar RA 4.7581 fast hitch, 532 hours use, cost over IV. RADIO vadin repairs Al 53000 new, sell cheap. MO 8.4788 make Fhampson Electronics, "7 Fuel & Wood Elliott Avenue. RA 5.0702 (Fred). |nwy hardwood ends Hiitable Tar hy {RY staves, firep ele. 85 large load delivered Phone RA #0818 e-- WwW aera, awn hours car FOR' TOWERS OR SERVICE SEE U 40' Sampson Towers installed AC B-213 All:=Channel ntenna Vv no sales ex appointment, rv with A ONLY FREE Oshawa Whithy RA 28b--Hunting ATTENTION Hunters! Deer and out wp, hy experienced §4 per dear, Phone RA 5.5008 ENTION deer hunters. Established {hunting camp has aceammadation toy soveral deer hunters, meals, #uides, {dogs supplied. Far rates and informa: | tion, eanfael Young's Sports and Aube | | Parts, 30 Bimoas Street South, Osh IE | 30--Lowt & Found LOST -- Man's grey par onal al Ritson Road eoln laundry [day night Identity inside 14108. Reward LOST = hrown Callie dog, white chest, hlach collar, tag Na. 1033. Telephone RA 5.3000. reward | 32--Articles Wanted | WANTED Laan Tie for valet. Phone RA 3 PIANOS ~ Ten 60 AF apartment ster. WIL pay pash. State make and price, Write Box 34, Oshawa Times ORGANS wanted Slate slee and eon ditian. Box 117, Phe Oshawa Tunes SPECIAL WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY ON FAMOUS AND FEATHER TICKS . |. TURNER SAMSON | RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 TV TOWERS 40 \ skinned | hutohers, | 253 and 8th to 4pm | 38---~Male or Female Help Wanted TWO experienced hairdressers and wa | havhars, Guaranteed harninge Aaa eam. | | Miasion Call Rudy HA ® |39--Agents Wanted MEN {age 82 per hour sary. Wille Hawleigh's A003 Richeliew. Montreal |OWWINTMAS Card agents Sell Can | ada's best selection of periong ised greeting cards. Over 8h pards to hase | from. Special business cards. Welle for vour free album today. WL Smith | and assaciates Lid, Alas, Oa, | 41--Room & Board ROOM and board or twa Young gentle wen Apply 18 Park Read North. RA EVIE IN CLEAN Know see 4, | Wednes | Call RA! 28---Summer Properti TE == (NEED two men at ance POTTAGER sang faner JEEAfY It periohoe macksait: 'For \ Ake A : {miles northeast Tavente. Far free list telephone HA 8334 ling folio, write Bowes and Cocks Lim: CASH buyers are veading the Oshawa ited, Realtors, Peterborough, Riverside | Times Want Ads every day looking for | | 8-40 pamera equipment. Sell yours shay by | y [galling RA S0402 for a friendly Ad Vritel ; 280~Trailers } | $55.00 FANTED = Reliable man as dealer| WEY 0 TEE-NEE haat Waller, good oon: I Durham County and Oshawa, Bx: URVEY dition, private, Fhone RA 8000. 108 | 00 sionce "not necessary. A fine apport: | in Ring Weal Can he ween anylime. git io step intg ald profitable hisiness | SEE the new compact 13 Shasta Travel {where Rawleigh Products have heen! Bowmanville Trailer, sleeps 4 or & with Aravelling | sold for years. Big profits, Prodiets | ~ {a fohi Butane ight, three-hurner stove, | urnished on sre AL Jawiel a oven, 16 gal. water tank, pump, New Dept, J-3i0:-163, 4008 Richeliew, an! CIT Y 1.V. and used models, end of season prices. [1eal 802 Simcoe St. § Lansdowne Texaco Station. RA 5.0038. | 1 7844 jor RA 8.5804 = Tent taller py week 883) = APPLICATIONS FOR ] -- ois peaple. Phone MA " DRIVER - SALESMAN ¢ DID YOU SEE OUR Over 20 years of age, will be NEW ALL GALVANIZED taken at Tony' s Refreshments Ltd R A D E S S Bloor E. an Nov, 7th : Ql am and 2 Expert workmanship 1961 All Wave Antennae Did ¥ That We Have Same Day Service Employ expert Technicians Take Service Calls till 8:30 pn = Pleasant outdoor work. Aver NO experience neces TRY US Dept. LalaVV | T.R.1.0. TELEVISION 171 BOND ST EAST RA 8-678] '8 Chey quiet hame, good meals, and beds, lunches packed, hat water: | (parking, vefined gentleman. #1 Pay Road South NICE hoard TARY 4 ROOM and men {6 shave RA 51963 GENTLEMEN packed, home 18-2318 {ROOM OF roam And hoard, good meals close to Nath GM hana and tour! fenrners. Apply Ho Division IROOM and hoard for gentlemen. Vie minutes fram four earners. Apply Chatles Steel TWO friends to shave roam and hoard, all convenionces, IK 10 every ream Apply 336 Lamrame ar RA S118 | ROOM and board, close J GM | (hospital. Phone RA 5-238, without als Ba doar. RA vlean roams, with ay gentlemen preferred far vent. Bus step at Available far twa heads, S18 a week hoard collect) {collect single CEDARDAL | SCRAP IRON and METALS LTD PAPERS --RAGS WATURDAYS ALL RA 5.3432 FREE PICK.UP RESIDENCE = RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET lunehes RA Sood meals truer with ueture ivileges. Phone AC 2-13 all $59 95 com. and guaran wer le ad vitalled vear RA 8.8180 | OSHAWA TV | 361 GIBBONS ST, teed OPEN DAY nN ROOM ad bosil fox thald duties for family of two, five days | THREE ] | 41 ~Room & Boord BOOM and pois, 3 > home pas re PEARS South Kad, cose atte Peslose, Firings RA > 2 Fd ed ro Ms TRE, GE Rome Apis 1 Bing Blakel Eas. FURNISHED besemen Wise rooms as » wepbini. RA fan v_"_ym BOARD and rose ir A re peed +1 pare oh fo on Hey hod V1 Aeiinh, vigse 19 Aowpionn wha " Shieet East oF | hit Vy silat KOOWS and rent . ly isd 25 Bing Suse Bea Bod oA "oid board Tor Tor gem [rg EBS, CHBLBYONS (Arthas Sirest. RA ru i = we gentile men 1a hare home povieges, home oe lunches packed. BA 57043 JoF RARSIEIAR Vieges, Hor Apts, Flots | | For Rent HOUSEKEEPING oom lon oie or wp gentlemen, sose to Pedlars, Fitings,! South End. RA 3262. #1 Flens bireet, FIVE 00m hose with bathroom, oi hepting, garage, Cadmus Village, Imantbly Marvip Nesbitt, Bi Ai MONERN ~ihiee - bedroom po kil 90, ImmEdiele peeupant transiesied. Cal) aller § SEVIE or RA BAG9 HOUSE ~ seven rooms. helween Me {Knight and Courtice ropds Ist ropd Lhorih of Highway M1. Inspection Fri iday night and Saturday. Vacant pow BIX - room, modern Apartment Shige piece hath, priviie entrance. Call 58770 after 5, sl day Betirdsy " Sunday SIX - room, two-storey house with § sake, Ioreed wir oil heat. Apply 14 ok son Blreet, RA 3-399) BROOM modern brick hungelow Cadiilpe Avenue Boulh, renting lor monthly. Available immediately tact 5. Macke Realtor, RA B46) THREE room hasement apartment | in apartment building. Ne children, Iplease. Apply 08 Wilson Road North, Apariment 3 FIVE Hom Bouth, available now STORE for rept, Simcoe established barber sho) other small business 5 pm THREE bedroom bungalow, Wilchen, combination living dining room, four: | meee hath RA 37606 |srrmACTIVE three-room aperiment veel level, private, three-piece hath, prin frig. Abstainers, adult me, central. BA 85676 evenings or Satur days Monk RN CiReiriealy equipped oom apartment, 11 Craydon Road, Whilhy, MO BRD {FOUR . ream sell-contain: ed. two-piece private bathroom, aval: | able now. RA 57763 NEW (wo + bedroom house, 488 Bloor Street East, oil burner, hot water tank Apply 76 Harris Avenue FOUR: and three room. apartment, | {heavy duly wiring with private hath | Telephone RBA B-5485 | Hop SE for vent, built-in phosrd, tral location, large yard, newly rated, four-piece modern AL RA 39211 or BA 5-544 FIVE self-contained {apartment | manthly [SECOND Flom bedroom, all conveniences te North GM and hospital hus at door, Phone RA 8-544 oom modern haseme Must he seen lo he Spire RA §-5018, | acketock | bungalow POSSEBHIR EA wh Con Donkalow, Ritson Ros Phone RA rir Bieet, well |g uh able for A 34048 alter keh roam Phone RA 8-50 furnished, Kitchen very apartment ciated. Can he seen 7:0 p.m APARTMENTS, houses, stores | age pace. Contact Aahony eloek, | HA flies or RA 5.4368 | Balahaod 14d, Resllor |WANTED one girl ta share Sr. RA central location. Phone RA 84484 alter y pm TWO unfurnished rooms, upstairs, hulit-in cupboards and sink, share hath Heal, hydro, walter supplied, use of| phone, RA 5-5047 FIVE room house for rent HM Street, Oshawa THREE unfurnished S00 a month, includes heat, water. RA 5:7885. FURNISHED three:ronm heated apart ment, large clean cheery roams ust he sean fn he approciated. East ond, Adults, Ahstainers. KA A TWO large room A eam pletely furnished, heat, lights paid Suit couple or three girls, $18 weekly, RA 5.2079 25 Brock West BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS and 2-hedreom Apart: electrically equipped best location. $85 and $100 monthly, 498 Simcoe St North, Apt, 15; RA B-8676 FOR SALE OR RENT BRICK BUNGALOW Two hedrooms, living ream, dining room, madem kitchen and bathroom, ceramic tile walls, wall-te-wall broadloom in living reem, dining reem Located on Melaughlin Blvd close ta scheals, ehurches and bus. Available Dee. 1st Phone after 6 pm, RA 3.2825 PAR KWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS ON SAGUENAY AVENUE (PARK RD. & KING ST DISTRICT) OPEN FOR INSPECTION Quiet, residential street 2-bedroam Apartments Staves, 'frigs, T.V. eutlet, drapes, parking, ete Rents fram $90 monthly Apply § Upsiairs roams, lights and One ments 3 RA 5.5787 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT elevates service, New building, Centrally toe cated in downtown area, Moderate rent. Lenses now available THE TIMES BUILDING Contact 1, LL. WILSON PHON RA 5.7272 Passenger , WHEE, RERRE, ve Hop , Sor red A ose i # store and ES ni | ed (4 EARCUTIVE do pve) Eom poe, Stn Ah THO moms, sompieis WF, RL DETER WF Ly glose 10 Bus, pa Foierhine BA RE 105, Bo eters, oA hd wh sib ELV CONTAINED in Thuze 7 vs wi (FOUR t fies won a Ld ed 4 hein bug haw A sown tor ime Besiemen | SM remiss 1 8s S00" des, a couple. Phone BA El nt ag 3 pe A and pirking, 16 mostly Vin he, hed [E00 jp-- font, Kooy ore a Bacal § TO dn Bt TEER oon 2 ah Lanize EE 5 fg = w io, PAGER rox I YE Averve yw, oF Ti Bw fd rng' a , BA La SK; room brick heves, ve pe 8) REL, | uer sion er of A BA S02 Wir FRREE larue, Yriumihed FROME, yale bath, Mibirist, cepty@d,| wood ayshiahie immedi siely hee, ira rf fp BF con SUM couple pn KA 89786 oh {THREE 100m FOO BRIER, prvMe Wb 2104 plter 4 hom sel contained apart ment, central location vember 1, 5% come, Phone BA B-6666 THREE - bedroom hupgeiow SEHR, PERK br vio Cont ALNEWLY Socorated three folly close 16 hospital, couple, availabe pew slove, 128 Elgin Fast TWO clesp wpfurnis ed [hott 4 Avply 42 Cadiliae SPACIOUS four -room Apartment, hospital, available now, ences. Ny children, BA '3 |FIVE IYReant, sink apd wales rege, $50 monthly APPly 34 Mill Street wo Unuous hol waler, near GM wll Eid business lady preferred. RA # bedroom apartment, {awe Ty with pap anlenng, reli er ator, available Np x month, Children wel im madi ou 00m apartment, furnished fio Bice ol furpish od Apphy or rooms with Avenues Bouth Romany |? om house on Colborne Biyeet, closet hepted by woves [3 tr YE, paved iil near bus, Shop Conti, 0 Kats BA 5299 {FOUR Move, Frigidaire, decorate to of parking space, Available fateh RA 5401, TWH bedroom ApFiment hui ent Bpartment ding, near ty oltlel p ed free washe wer | [Grains supplied. Available "nee APARTMENT, two bedrooms, Kitchen, HEATE made L./] | living mem, Walhreom, Wentworth and Ravine, Phone BA 5:4741 or BA 5:5042 evenings, | Bowmanville, THREE oom apartment, ed, all conveniences, nesr (4-481 1 {Two private hath, LLL LIL | HOUSE OAM Mill Blreet, avaliable healed A-BR5 wile b p.m downtown distyiet, S66 OPEN for inspection 36 apartment for rent, two bedrooms, yer Fryer, | AEA close to Shopping| WAREHOUS A Montrave, BA HAM 0 0 E tase ap i | (igeralor, stave, washer nlenns, entre, 0 J trance, balcony. parking, monthly, mature tenants J | NEW Sl room | private, age furnished NIX thigd floor, clase immediately, RA #46 [THREE | and tworreem frigerators, slaves, sin iFivale entrance, Child wel | Howard Lil FURNINHE private enk anes roam th tawn, 874 Centre Sires! private hath, heavy duty win leas steel wink. Phone HA § FIVE © roam house, pref dren, reference ply 186 Ehren FOUR | Blveet North ATTRACTIVE drool Phone RA 6-443 comfortable vale hath RA #1780 : AVAILABLE Jan, 1 hedraam desivahle distriel Very Heavy driveway Reasonable THRE ines eauple Rigistyed, A A URIY afte. 6 8 2 and (we ew slave and ve ratory, or unfurnished. RA frigevator sink Kitehen, THREE Private entrance, Division after 7 p.m room apartment, hath, adults, ment, ran 670 Edith THREE heated, adulis fille sipolied, J 8 Phone RB TAAME AN very ponied S80 #- lad THREE aan furnished S18 pov week plus eleptrig Anpointment after § pm. RA § NEWLY deeavated ment, gvaund faer, conveniences, bison od, RA B34 -- slave, large rooms, Slesteslly new ht om A heated, sett OW beliroom spariment lots ed "in Rew Lond large houses aye LR on prariment AoA at le iis os Lorene Set Cl HE Soom Tench eT EM BIE POSIRBINIR {Kony 1298 Werker Fn THREE om hepled appartment, [arate pov Ne wy " ¥ THREE Wilvinished rooms; Bathroom , semi -prvy ple Epi anes Ay Wing. Apply Sil Simese BA #1286 we rad FOUR oom prsriment nk» cophonids, on 16 Bilson flog ly wvailable now. Phone S916 alter THREE rooms Inelydi Kishen with wok and cuphosrd BA B0I8 hetvween | pam. wand ys yo FOUR - room apartment, sepsis fu irapee, ground Noor, arkink, wom, bus al boy Apply 185 104 Bogd. BA 330%, VACANT now, only 10 monthly for # cosy, sentially localed four oom RPRFLIERL, suitable 1or business Eoue pi A KBIss evenings BA 37044 TWO exive large rooms, upstairs, sink BRA cuphonrds in one, on bus Hine, ayeilanie pow, lois of sorsge specs, shared hath. BA 38402 NOW renting. New ols dite 3 mail lex, To ae ee eal dock ad ip fo or 4998. John A. J ot Vm ir, "ROOM furnished apartment, stove, Feirigeraior Private entrance, hath, bli 10g, washing facilities, waiter, Ights Ineiuded, adults only, RA 5-4665, slove and Fefrigernlor, in apartment building, Lad #valiable pow. Phone BA Bb: TWO - room soartment, central, fre Mehed, refrigeravr, Jlave: cuphoprdes, shopp a | enable rent. Ba B09 LL Cauip THRE Fd 71 I, BA Thoms and i roam. Tol Al, | partmnls tol sont nined, w fh awn ance, Apply dame ' 49 Celing Street RA ries i shld modern three-ronm, kitchens hatheoom, washer, monthly. | Phone MA 4-5006, Apt, 7, a RfERish: North GM,| GEOUN hus at door, 34% Ritson Road North, BA hivek hl for phos oom, "on a floor wi refrigerator, Parking, alse sing furnished vom, Very central, Apply 86 in spacious grounds, | avember 15, BA modern ENTI we sell-pontaingd, heat: rooms, second flogr, own en three: piece | bath, stove, refrigerator, TV outief, $60 preferyed, stor: | auiet household, Box 71 Port Perry ay ples Apertma bedroom, bi) Yoom house, plus we rooms an available ntl, com: SEFVIER, Windsor, frerim tments, "ii Feur room Apa ment, We hedraoms, wlan 178 after i pom. Adults or one baby welcome bly ne ehil avaliable Pee. 1 AP: [with modern (urniture in room apartment, 870 monthly, Fivale hath, available new a Simeone furnished nice self-eantained apartment duly slo frig, ™V Aerial, Jandy facilities sep: (A Adul CLEAN furnished Anariinent, slave, re in apartment, twa reams and kitchen, pri: No children. Close ta bus "ne ny ; It i am APATEMents, | furnished [{Eanee 48 or RA 4-8338. | Hilleraft Street double | LL] RA #010 TWO roam unfinished upstairs a at ¥ Vi a 8 ale made, parking, Apartment, Phane fav 1584 Sale ron | Jo Foamy twin beds. Gladstone Avenue, RA 37038 ar apply third flay aw all UPPER DUPLEX, wood and tile Ieleally ld Deluxe 2-bedroom new a ments, . Hollywood kite electrically equipped. b loom, drapes Vv locker ing included. Call Apt 1, 30° Adelaide St after 8 p.m 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT 851 LANSDOWNE DR WILSON RD. N living room, tiled bath kitchen with dining area balcony. Vacant now spection. Stove 3-1233 or ater 93874 3005 Bathurst Phone RA 3.3474 Toronta 19 or frig. washer dryer. Call Frank Hazlett, é RU L-shaped living-dining room, bedroom, kitchen and sun-roem, hath. room, nicely decorated, hard: throughout located, TV outlet EH RA 3.7908 or RA § parts hens, oad: outlet, hot water and parks Ne. West: RA 5.6606 before | pm. or IN DUPLEX AT 18h huge and mn RU 2) a | | parking space MONTH FREE RENT Immediate Possession | | Also store on Breet, twa bediooms, porches private entrance, cons tral, adults please, reasonable, id 11 THROM UREERIShed apartment | {Guty wiring, immediate possession, B ge, heat, hydro|? to 12 oath 780 Simcoe Blreet South WA FOUR . 4200, 8 a.m roam apartments, Wie bi central logation, private entrance, seph Bosco, Realtor, KA b+ WHITBY -- two - hedvoam Apartments slave and yefrigeratny Baleony, Iaune Ary facilities, parking, TV _ anten: mond, bb Fit 714 Abb, 10, 101 Craydon RA Ti, y main floor, een FREE 2 weeks rent in very medern one bedroom apartment with balcony. 105 Craydon Rd, Whithy, Phone MO 84770 Two bedroom apartment La Salle Court, available now. Phone RA 5-3815 or RA B8-6485, Ada--Rooms For Rent {ONE bright spacious hed - sithing F001, elean homey |eanking facilities if desived, One min, [ute 10 shopping toute Man only, 4 | Festi Blvd RA 4.7805 [LARGE voam gompletely furnished for light housekeeping, includes elecliio res frigerator and stove, heal, lig oan: HUnuous hol water, use of was and [Aryer, central to downtown and Shei ping Centre Bull husiness girl, Hh > | oh y RA 4887 | ONE ples furnished voam for pen ply #4 Royal Street ar phone WK. Bl --_-- al bh 5:0303 after 4 BW. [FURNISHER bedroom, Auiel camiarie ©. room heated apartment, bus [ARIE home, Ha hath dine BRVY wiring. | roams, north triet HA 4014 NICE yoo 4 #iils wa single light packing facilities, private near hospital, BA 81014 ar #1 k ARGE fully equipped | "iekeening ream, suit ene il, central il Nassau Street vaam. first floor ap walling TAR af Telephone RA sitting room, Wb heat, light, Water, JH tecliite Alners SINGLE olean HEAR ERPINE Taam SGM, bus al dong FURNISHED hed chen, private hath, television outlet, dies preferred, LARGE, "well furnished A ay spring filled mativess, continuous ! water parking, 68 Elgin East, RA &6 ATH AQ TIVE single yoam near preferred, Vel HA" 50804 FOR twa or three entlomen, Keoping voams, single beds, hath and entrance. RAVKIRG shace. ply 130 Division Street FURNISHED hed sittin onoking facilities, eenteal, ferred. RA #8307 LARGE roam. twa single beds, suib able far two ladies ar gentlemen, nak: [ing privileges. Apply Warren Aves {nue TWO furnished housekeepi Bedroom and Kitehen with » Apply 136 Ag FURNISHED taom, suitable fay (fies, Wats phone, eleetrigally | hed usekeeping dest is ly bh) Yon Street WO lave comfortable roams, use of pi Kitehen and laundiy ream, Reasananie Apply #38 Dearborn Ave Pause THREE he R roam: il irl pres on private bath and en anes, heavy duly wiring, avallable now, Apply 782 Ritson Road South FURNISHED hediaam on ground fk N in new home, ght housek hd avd living meow privileges, sohool and (ranspartation, suitable A acy ar gentleman. Apply 316 Chads {burn Steet TWO roms and Kilghen, Reavy wiring antainished. No ohildren, please. Parks {Ing Phone RA &3617 after 4 pm ONE laree furnished roam with private Bathroom centrally lacated. woman Olly 18 Warren Avenus, RA 1756 SINGER Tunished wom: we of Kiel on and wash shine, conival, clean aniel home. RA SH ROOM a A BOWS, Very central Ary mattress, swt gentleman. 108 138 Streel East SINGLE furaished Toam, Se oe fa nished tons with Hight eaak a Ha jogos, wie of phone a lnoation, ARRIY 18 Biyee Street TWO Taree whiwrnished teams, second {floar, sik With hot and cold wale CUPhOATAS, elosela, SIOTAES Space, 8 Bas Nae, RA 396

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