' sparion sweetheart roses For their wedding trip to West-| A persomal shower al the home| Irma Hoskin Wed | "Maid of honor was the bride's.ern Ontario and the States of of Mrs, Earl Ormiston, 108 Brock' Al . ' sister, Miss lla Hoskin, Her dress Michigan the bride donned a street south, Sa was emerald green in chiffon and navy blue sult with matching hat. A pantry shower at the honie of pam: lon Falls, will be the guest min At 1 ints {pean de sole with Empire waist- and fur coal, Mrs, John Hoskin, 1053 Ritson! Davida Wayne Ballard, son of iy ' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Movember 3, 1960 33 party on Tuesday ai the Sunday | senon hall. A fine time of fun and frolics was enjoyed and refresh ments were served, Prizes were given for game contests. Mrs Ross Lowe and Mrs. BE. A. Mae Millan were in charge of Mr. and Mrs, J. D, Tushing brated. Rev. M, C, Fisher, Fene- WHITBY PERSONALS (Continued from Page 5) | Out of town guests who attend turns of the day "pd the Vanghan - Hoskin wedding Miss Margaret Webber, Brock i All Saints' Anglican Chorch 8t. 5., opened her home on Mon were: Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Hos d.y svening in the United Church S Win, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs! Young People's Union for a cos Fierald Balsom, Mr. and Mrs. tuymed Hallowe'en party. Social All Saints' Anglican Church ine, ballerina length, She carried! My. and Mrs, Vaughan are road north, Oshawa, sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Ballard -- was the setting for the wedding ® White lace parasol with clusters establishing residence m Whithy, of the bride, Jayne Suzanne Ashworth) S of Irma Marie Hoskin, daughter|of red chrysanthemums and ~ o-- A miscellanpous shower given dsughter of Mr, snd Mrs. N, V us| Sentence * Os to Will Alfred Vaug dress was a white feathered hal munity, former home of the Karin Anne Rensink, daughter fts a - Mr yl Mrs. Aly with matching accessories Il bride, of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Rensink On Pump The Vaughan, Port Whithy Mr. Cyril J. Rich acted as delirey John Robert Barton, son} wy. cqpae ¥, 8, Bibs Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Hoskin, Johanne Hill roses. Her head by the Thornton's Corners com. Ashworth Mrs. 4. McMahon, Mrs. B. Me The double ring ceremony was best man with Mr. John I of Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Barton spended sentence and placed Closkey and Mrs, A. C. Smith El tended the sonusl Mission Dis Jack Macnab, Hampton; Mr, and games were enjoyed. Mrs. Web- Mrs. Keith Billet, Mr. and Mrs. her and her daughter served a * Raymond Sellers, Bowmanville; dainty lunch. Rev. A. M. Butler Mr, and Mrs. Vernon LeCraw, won the Hallowe'en costume com Norland: Mr. and Mrs. Herb seiition Mathews, Bircheliff: Mr. and Mrs William Walker, Miss Mrs. E. A. MacMillan attended Gladys Walker, Mr. and Mrs, a conference for CGIT leaders Ken Asling, Scarhore and Miss sponsored by the Ontario Girls Lorraine Lock. Toroma Work Board, which was held at Emmanuel College in Toronto last of Mr. and weekend Mrs. Fimer Treen, is celebrating Lo her Ih birthday today. Her Whithy Baptist CGIT group held friends wish her many happy re a herd time costume Hallowe'en \ AA Mane, danghier NE LOB C LOBLAW QUALITY MEATS OIN ROAST SPECIAL! LEAN IND LJ TENDERLOIN END 3vLB. AVERAGE 3V4.L8, AVERAGE w47c 57 SPECIALY MEATY play and (ea of the Women's Aux fliary to Catholic Church Exten sion held at the residence of Ri Rev. J. A. McDonagh, DFP, Roxborough St, Toronto last Sun. day Miss Henderson of Peterborough. and Mr. Glen Yenia of Richmond Hill, were guests of Mr Mrs. A C Smith Verna ine pear) oil. Si with Ihaby chrysanthemums and pinklorchids, and performed by Rey strong. Mrs sided at the organ by lengths gown of lace over Stanley Arm Hoskin ushered W. Marsh pre. For (he Thornton's road The bride, given In marriage school rooms, her father, wore a ballering bride's mother white Chantilly lace over satin satin with sweethearl accessories and ckline on princess style waist: cymbidium orchids ¥ wha chose matching Corsage held her llusion tulle er carried a white lace [an dress orchids, white also il eymbidium Ll RIORE... SAVE MORE... SAVE MORE. .. 25 EXTRA LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With Coupon and Purchase Of 12 FL. OZ BOT, 4¢ OFF DEAL Thrift Liquid Detergent YY coupon exp. Nov. 10, 1960 100 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN' STAMPS With This Coupon er Coupon Received With Record No, | CENTRE CUTS OR CHOPS » 69 and Purchase of Record No. 1 WEBSTE yy? "i%* RECORD Coupon Expires Nov. 10, 1960 50 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With Coupon and Purchase OF 3 LA ROX Gravy Train Dog Food YY Coupon Expires Nav, 10, 1948 50 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With Coupon and Purchase OF ANY ONE CAKE roan Frosh Bamana reception north Oshawa wore a teal blue gown, " She was ns A flower crown studded with!sisted by the bridegroom's moth a royal ROCPREOT ION of held at Sunday the matehing corsage of blue wooll and eymbidium er Was Smith, 301 Colborne with Mrs, Chuck Kemp 25 EXTRA LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With Coupon and Purchase Of ONE BOX, 12x25 FT, ROLL Tran: ant Saran-Wrap bhi ib YY coupon exp. Nov, 10, 1960 Bride-To-Be Miss Irma Marie Hoskin whose marriage to Mr, William Alfred Vaughan took place in All Saints'! Anglican Church, Whithy, on Sat urday, Oct, 22, has heen feted at nu number of prenuptial evenis A surprise miseellaneons show given by Mrs sireel Baptize Twelve At United Church Mrs, R, Just The Bacrament of Infant Bap. Daniel Gordon Mark, son of tism was observed in the Whitby Mr, and Mrs. B. G. Mark: i United Church on Bunday morn Brian Arthur Reed. son of Mr ing when the following children and Mrs. 1. BR. Reed were presented by their parents:| William Grant Broughton, son Michael John MeFaul, son oflof 'Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Brough Mr. and Mrs. M, P. McFaul ton W. B. Paul James Jermyn, son The morning sermon was en east, Mr, and Mre, J. H, Jermyn titled "Some Reformation Affirm sesisting, Gregory David Tushingham, son ations" and the choir sang the TN ae i anthem "The Bpacious Firma ment on High" Next Sunday morning, the 134th Anniversary of the establishing of {the congregation will he cele 1Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Coales; Robert Just, son of Dr. and of 25 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With Coupon and Purchase OF 4 FL OL TIN Ronsenol Lighter Fluid YY 10 coupon axp, Nev, 10, 1968 Ow Study any tense person and you will find that their hands reveal their condition more than any thing else, They hold thelr hands so tight, you would think they were going to lose them, they clench their fists, fiddle with thelr fingers, with buttons, jewellery or beads, Check yourself to see how much hand lepsioin you have when writing, holding the tele phone receiver, a book or cup You will be surprised how often | tension shows, in these simple ac tions While we are on the subject of hands, how do your hands look? Do you neglect your hands or do you, give them the same atiention as you give your face? Hands speak eloquently of their owner's habits. Now is the time to begin a dally routine with hand cream which will take you right through the cold months, With this wonderful hand cream you ican keep your hands soft and {white throughout conditions that {are ruinous to your skin, such as exposure to cold weather outside {and hot, dry air Inside. Hand cream should he massaged into [the skin, paying particular atten. {tion to the joints of the fingers, and working the hand eream into Few MP' 25 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS Nith Coupon and Purchase Of L 16 FL, OZ. TIN i Li Six Months fier wax YY1 coupon exp, Nov. 19, 1960 AVS °° 38 25 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With Coupon and Purchase Of 0 OL TIN Sani-Flush YY-12 coupon exp. Nov, 10, 190 By KEN KELLY Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) Twenty-five years ago Canada wallowed in the depression. Bread lines formed and hundreds of jobless rode the rods Against this background C dians voted in a general ele government of was defeated. Mackenzie stared a Liberal dynasty was to last 22 years, that | Clenched or Fluttery Hands [+] Indicate Nervous Tension C os Cont i David Charles Costes, son of three Whithy-Pickering town line youths, Robert Hibbitt, 16, David Sherk, 20, and Jack Weyrich, 18, on twe years' probation when they appeared for sentence on charges of theft, The trio was found gollly at an cartier hearing here of sical ing sump pumps and pressure syslems from vacant houses in a new subdivision near their homes All three were requived tn post a 85200 bond, report to the pro bation officer at least once each month and stay away from each other during the probationary period, - each finger. This should be done faithfully after having your hands in water and at hed time. Your hands will then be -supple and ready for some relaxation exer. elses to avoid tension First purposely ereate lension in your hands by lightly clenching them into fists. Hold for a few seconds, studying the feel of ten sion, and then let your hands fall open and hang loosely relaxed Do this four or five times. "en spread out your fingers stiffly, Hold for a few seconds then lef them go loose and limp, Breathe in, as you do this and hold your breath, then breathe out, as you let them go. Then, gently shake your hands for a few seconds and turn them backwards and (or wards, from the wrists, as loose ly as you can, Keep alternating in this way for a few minutes, shaking and twisting. Done regu larly, these exercises will help you to obtain hand relaxation and develop your ability to loosen them, at will, If you pay atten tion first to the condition of your hands, and then (o developing a relaxed pose, it will enable you to control tension as it affects your hands, and it will help you to con. trol this condition generally, s Left 4 From Tough Era | won him a place in the hearts of all members regardless of their polities, but particularly the younger Conservative MPs with whom he developed a sort of | father-and-son relationship, When he became external af {fairs minister in mid » 1960, he n jon had not been overseas since his 14, 1035, The Conservative service in the First World War, Aernot!I NEEDLES GOVERNMENT Denis was mostly silent, like Mr, McGregor, in his first 122 years In the Commons. But in PORK SIDE SPARE RIDS » SPECIAL! LOBLAW'S PURE PORK 49c | Country Style SAUSAGE u SPECIAL! AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS Chopped Veal CUTLETS » 59: ® FRESH FROZEN FISH--PAN READY eo Now only a corporal's guard of 1957 when he crossed from the the 245 persons elected in 1035 government side to the opposis remains in the House of Com: (ion, he blossomed as an MP. mons, Their ranks were thinned He hegan a continuous and fre to seven Nh the appointment to) quently - amusing needling of the a Senate NS summer ol vl g a ] fred J. Brooks, New Brunswick oy. ment over post ollice MP who became minister of vel. Yative govern nt after the Lib minislers, Mr. Martin and Mr, Chevrier also took to opposition Fhe surviving seven are Con: ike ducks fo water. Both equally servatives Howard Green, Van<' fluent in English and in French, couver Quadra; Earl Rowe, Duf- {hey entered the former Liberal fer in Simeon; R h el dial | cabinet on the same day in 1945, MeGregor, I A : J ' on Lennard, Wentworth: and Liber Mr Martin was a chief archi. als Paul Martin, Essex East; tect of Canada's great postwar Lionel Chevrier, Montreal 'Laur. @XPansion in social welfare and ier. and Azellus Denis, Montreal|@150 headed the Canadian dele. St. Deni {gation to the United Nations seve eral times, The former hoealih | THREE, MINISTERS {minister's 25 years in Parliament All except Mr. Rowe and Mr. Is being recognized in his home McGregor received their parlia-|town of Windsor hy proclamation mentary baptism in that 1935 of Paul Martin Week Nov, 20.26 election and three of them-Mr, (during which he will be given a |Chevrier, Mr. Martin and Mp, | testimonial banquet, | Green were to become cabinet! As transport minister, Mi E Iministers. And all now have Chevrier did much of the spade served on hoth the government work that led to the St. Law. | and opposition sides of the Com: rence Seaway and power devel {mons R ; opment. He left Piligment in Mi owe was a cabinet min. 1954 to become the St, Lawrence ister in the Bennett government Seaway Authority's first pres turned out by the 1035 election. |dent, returning to. the Liberal Mr, McGregor was first elected | cabinet in 1087 a few months to the Commons in 1926, a year hefore the election that made later than Mr, Rowe, but be. him an opposition membes. cause his service has heen con. , - tinuous since then he now is dean of the House. Mr, Rowe was ou! of the Commons for several months as Conservative leader in Ontario in 1936-37, Known as Silent Bob in the Commons, Mr, MeGregor has a reputation for remarkable taci HAMILTON turnity. He has spoken only a .okase valued by the union at Jew times in Lhe Jose in Mia Ll cents an hour is included in a pr 1) Pe " is ANCes a 4l.word effort last 4 youl Jontract agreed ln hy ile : h the "0 al 4153, United Steelworkers aegsion = was spiced Ni i. of America and Barber Die Casi EE or pariiament: .. Company Limited Tip a good many honorable Agreement came in post-con [members made fewer speeches ciliation talks, the climax of al lin the House, they would he most a year of negotiation here longer." The dispute remained unsettled alter three members of a concili SPORT PERSONALITIES ation hoard each wrote separate Mr. Lennard is one who has, reports the most part, followed this! The 90.-member union voted #7 He also speaks rarely but pér cent in favor of strike action {in his opposition days he could after the hoard's position wa he a hiting opponent with his made known late in October interjections. He 1s a former, Details of a new rate structure president of both the Canadian are being worked out. John Dow! Rugby Union and the Ontarioing, USW staff representative Rugby Football Union sald new rates would be based Mr. Rowe has been. much more on the $1.51 minimum which was vocal, An unrepentant protection in effect when the previous con ist, he is one of the last of theliyact expired last Dec. 31 Sideatyie Dralols, w hose Tolhcking) The settlement includes a lump A ell" | Speeches '© sum payment of four cents an ened many debate") vigor ue Teracive fo Jan 1. 00 ous \ § BOIS OWRIA three - cent - an - hour increase horses at harness racing meets. iil {ake Be Dor of roan Mr. Green and My Denis ing, anticipated to be h he reached the peak of shel careers joy ans eq 1 li) By only after 22 years, when they| § EE rine crossed the floor of the Commans| Comat hout ne ial will be. with the Conservatives' 1957 elee-!, eetive on the day follow tion victory ing the first anniversary date of . Creen'< | SIENING A flowering of Mr, Green 3 na 5 public image took place when he became . works minister and MOSCOW SURWAYS House leader. While effective in! MOSCOW (AP) -- Tass News his long years in opposition, he Agency says the length of track was a dogged and dour MP. As/in Moscow's underground rails Soon imtoo aod wage il be crease cor an 85 miles, from the present night and his homespun qualities!'s), by 1968 r Sara Lee or Frozen Chocolate YY2 Coupon Expires Nov. 10, 1940 Mrs. K. E. Holmes 231 Latchford Rd, Ottawa, Ont. Mrs. H. van Pelt 95 Hiawatha St. §t. Thomas, Ont, MISS 50 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With Coupon and Purchase OF 6 FL OZ BOTTLE Dandruff Remover Resdan Ang Hair Conditioner YY3 Coupon Expires Nov, 10, 1960 LUCKY GREEN GAME NO. 50 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With Coupon and Purchase Of 14 FL, OFZ ROTTLR Cleaner And Pine-Sol pisinfectant Coupon Expires Nov, 10, 1960 SPECIAL! CHOICE COD FILLETS SPECIAL! AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS COOKED SMELTS [ 29c 1.95 39: 19 87. 25 EXTRA LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS 29: With Coupon and Purchases Of TWO 15 FL. OF. TINS i Peas Ib. pkg. Pride of Aig olen Yy4 "JUST HEAT AND SERVE" |h, TRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With Coupon and Purchase Of TWO 2 ROLL PACKAOGHS White or Coloured White Cross Thins Coupon Expires Nov. 10, 1940 LOBLAWS FRESHLY ROASTED PRIDE OF ARABIA COFFEE LOBLAWS TWO CUP COFFEE WHITE, WHOLE WHEAT, CRACKED WHEAT LOBLAWS FRESH BREAD .. ut... LOBLAWS QUEEN ANNE CHOCOLATES 'LosLAws HOSTESS ICE CREAM PIMENTO MANZANILLA Club House Olives "0 29 E. D. Smith Pure Tomato Paste 2*%3* 27¢ Heinz Baby Foods 3 mm 32 Gerber Baby Cereals we 25¢ SARAIA Le, BAG LB, BAG 67. Yys Contract Talk | Finally Ended Bare A Waaed Pape TRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With Coupon and Purchase Of 6 OZ, JAR Pride of Arabia YY4 a Instant Coffee Coupon Expires Nov, 10, 1960 (CP) - A wage Banquet yu, YY.13 coupon exp. Nav, 10, 1960 SPECIAL! HOSTESS SULTANA SQUARES na 35 pe Cg " 25 EXTRA ; 25 : ons 80 EREN { po -- 25 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS Nith Coupen and Purchase Of 1" oz Lh . on Uncle Ban's grain Rice YY-14 coupon exp. Noy, 10, 1940 PASTE uD WAI PKS. Appleford's Save-All Waxed Paper ™"\:** 33¢ ; Super Fab 05% A ee 69c . Brillo Soap Pads... 2% 27 Crest Toothpaste We 37 Master Meat Loaf Dog Food ......... 3 #2 49¢ . White Cross Toilet Tissue .... "»% 290 Healtho Dog & Cat Food... 3 1% 29: . Solt-rite Toilet Tissue ... 29: "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS ot With Coupon ho SPECIAL! WESTONS AUTUMN CREAMS ee 33: Hostess English Mints YY:15 coupon axp. Nov, 10, 1960 Wat aes Champ Dog Tend Bios Beek Cordag Dan 25 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With Coupon and Purchase © 3 Lb, Poly A Fresh Co YY-14 coupon exp, roe fant rROLL Swat Pans wv. Dome PKS. Wage Lin! Comand Hom