32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Movember 3, 1960 ary was lorbidding the Indians toiment encourages such recreation Ww : P but & house that Is a certain ds, all with teenage families, two companies said the changes --- -------------- J n lrefisction of her personality and and two members of thelr staff t {were being made in order to ab square dance, He hes listed 0 Wis fingl stop is Trowt Lake omen Tove lthe way she pletures herself have grandchildren, ares u ies more passengers and ving short-haul 10 $s Close - bP Ld 1t1 Lif reasons why they should not, where dwindling = catches have iiving Tier find tumor 18 20 Ho says Mr. West, including one halied pickerel fishing and the Good At Sales "A & 3 me f I X ing thelr way alesman will show a house actions, ncrea In effect, the announcement reading: "Would you like to die. men are organizing for sturgeon that has the required three bed. + . dancing?" in the rivers VANCOUVER (CP) -- An #l- rooms and den, but often Wt ¢, kis fhm tie wa which od, a Se f B h I Mr, West contends the reasons Mumbling Ciec greetings, Mg, #omen real estate firm here 1sleaves a woman client cold, loved the house, PP pA willes pfs remain the us n 1ans sre & sheer play on Indien sw Swartman shakes hands with the" 10 Prove that women are the. wp woman shows a house that! "We had to sell the place with y nes same on flights between 400 and perstition -- anthropologists s8Y men, chucks solidly built women et SAesmel, 3 nas emotional appesl as well asa clause written in all the docu 60 miles, and he increased on By ABCH MacKENZIE World Wer, In 1099 he DeCame we woodland Cree were periiaps iis Va' Goin. calls Wiel. nthe theor y that women the required number of rooms." ments agreeing that the cat could WONTREAL (CP Trans flights of less than 400 miles, Canadien Press Staff Writer Indian superintendent of a region eo wi, calls DREN OR spend between ¥ and 97 per cont ¥ mile to live there and receive Corte EE dian The two airlines will also fn- SIOUX LOOKOUT, Ont, (CP)|far bigger then the four Alantic|™he mos. superstitions of Cana-lthe pretty nursing sister and con- of the residential real estate MEN NO PROBLEM under loving core for all Ws Gus ati oes SIG CAACHR crease the amount of baggage indian poverty in northwesternlprovinees, \disn Indians, We says that s fers with Anglican Bishop lla, Ais din Woodiwosth, Body pio Sports have natural lite," is er eines 4 A Afuouneel each passenger is slowed- to ? 1 Bow dens Shona ¢ y o Mrs, J Ash 4 i 4 w-- ---- . oar ry free Ontario 1s 8 fact as hard ss the wleparied missionary of eH, WM. ¥. Wives of Keewstin yiorionne" inneti formed thelr bands of their clients, J the SWIPTER PULSE North American routes_sedueing Lr" "torte, BL 70 i Doqogl surrounding Precambrian Shield; WATCHES WEATHER same faith--and is name lon't a 4 wall , tr on "Something more will have to| The AICratt is his Inspection ii vote 4 letter hack to an OE e, another Tusy traveller own business with an sll-women house Is structurally sound and. que gyerage pulse best fs 9 farus on long, sonsiop fights ae 66 from 40 pounds for first-class be done for some of these more vehicle, It's required for calling pnaian pv g the wish the through a large territory slat he is financially able, the MEH ner minute for an adult Women, ; d passengers, northern bands,' says Gifford ®t most of the five nursing sev, gic unless he mended his He drops in at the school to, Now, three years and five ad- Hoos, along with his wile's Choice compared to 72 for an adult a Lvision, Sehodiled to Jo The companies are dropping (Giff) Bwartman, 62-year-old for- which #7 Scho A bf ays, welch Indian moppets pausing ditional salesmen (women) later," Sv, Svary gave, mae, cludes 6 great extension of econ. the name "tourist class" for mer bush pilot who is Indian af ¥ ir i ig ' " Vir, Swariman, who speaks over summer lessons for a cup of hey are sven more convinced, A saleswoman, sald Mrs, ~~ ' = omy-class travel and introduc. 'economy class." fairs superintendent of a huge hospital of ea he vate, o Doth tongue « twisting Ojibway milk and vitaminized biscuit, In. "Women understand what Linnell, "must look at a house POEN'S VAMILY tion of seasonal excursion rates!" agency covering hundreds of Vo ng ' mw, asls 4 DEOL i Cree, has blunt advice for Gian health service supplies de- women want when it comes to a With some of the same emotion {ord Tennyson, the great ¥ng- on Canadian routes 25-per-cent GOOD FOR YOU square miles from the CNR's fosslona ve at the gy a fn? Chief Noah Benson: Don't pay signed to bolster diets which may house," sald the vivacious Mrs with which her clients will view fish poet who died in 1802, was lower than standard economy Beans, rich la protein, are main line on past the treeling to PE10F€ CHAE ring A Ti as 0y attention (othe proposed featiire fea, hannock and fish or Linnell, "A woman doesn't want)! Nonchalance is out one of 12 children of a rector in fares among the most nourishing types Port Severn on Hudson Bay, dw Slit 1oF 4 AH Wan 0 mile square-dancing ban, The govern. just fea and bannock In winter, just a house with so many rooms, The partners are all in their Lincolnshire, A joint announcement by thelof vegetables, none, 1000009 Jakes melas. . Wound for Cat Lake next morn ses-black in the shadows of yel. 0g the pilot -- Mr. Swartman Eree i Cree Gropped his pilots licence in 1030 , lowy-green fungus of torest, Cree lands for s quick snack with a} > 4 2 Ojibwa Lt only a few and Ojibway exist ony fisherman to ride out an electri years away from the teepee a i Furs in winter, fish in summer C81 storm, Once at Cat Lake, the ment relief forestal) ©8ll is brief, . 2a Loven ou om. John Prince, 23, of yy Anglican student minister in for ALWAYS POOR the summer, orders recess and Mr, Swartman has some 4,000 his 20 pupils charge the landing Indians in his agency and up to dock to greet the plane, Mr, March 31 this year's reef bill Swartmen ascertains what cbil- was $33,408 : dren of migrant parents are--or Most bands are Cree, mem- Bre not aitending the three-| bers of the tribe running from month school, northern Quebec down into the _,. : Prairies uh they had arrived SCHOOLING 18 PROBLEM by the late 18th century in an Whereas in southern Ontario armed invasion, Conflict and the emphasis is on providing smallpok ended the march, more integrated schooling for| Slarvation was never far away Indian students, here in north-| even when moose, caribou and Western Ontario the struggle 1s bear were more abundant, Bes. for schooling of any kind for ver is the key fur catch and dis-|children of migrant parents ease has stopped trapping in| Besides the Cet Lake Indian some areas despite transplanting school, the only other visible programs in the last decade, building is & rough church, bril- Fur prices dip as fashion dic./ lant scarlet inside, with fresh | tates--a whim expressed over raindrops from the leaky roof the counters of Hudson's Bay 8listening on the benches, On the Company and other trading posts altar, in white anguler Cree syl- in the amounts of flour, lard and labics, are the words "Holy, tes that the trapper ean buy for Holy, Holy." Hn P y The next stop is Round Lake, PRICES BPFECTIVE 200 miles north of Bloux Lookout, ; FISHING MAY HELP where # crowd of about 35) : NOV, 3, 4, 8 Fishing is the sole alternative lounges in front of the white : Mr, Bwartman can push on 8 Hudson's Bay Company post large scale aside from incidental Most are fishermen, ET guiding, limited timber and min-| Back of the waterfront post are ing work, churches and clusters of the| SAVE AT LOBLAWS Production target for allisturdy log dwellings ~ { agency fisheries next year 1s painted--put up by the govern-|§ . 1,000,000 pounds of pickerel, stur- ment for the Indians at about SPECIAL! LEMON CHIP ORANGE CHIP, THICK CHIP goon, whitefish and lake trout, $2,000 each, Nearby, a portable 4 delivered by express as far away sawmill whines as it turns out| 4 12.51, as Winnipeg, Toronto or Mont: yough lumber for the houses IT OZ. JARS real. Bome Indians may earn #27 Powered by an old sutomobile| oF more # day In bursts, engine, it is ferried by air around | ut Mr, Bwartman says com- the reservations petition "is tough, tightened by HAPPY SPECIALI 10¢ OFF REGULAR PRICE high air- and rail-transport costs, COMPETE FOR SOULS ' Lake trout fishing ended this Mr, BSwartman has a local | 3 "4 ALMOLIVE OAP bons: Biss dames eAES SANDED year when the price dropped to problem here involving & mis A : . "om 2 cents a pound, Trout taken slonary of an evangelical church * from Great Slave Lake in the --new to the North in the wake Northwest Territories noses out of the long - established Roman SPECIAL! CHICKEN NOODLE northwestern Ontario trout for Catholies and Anglicans, but the Winnipeg market more numerous every year, The who have 4 Mr, Swartman is an example case indicates something of the) A TI of the seasoned Indian affairs confusion created in the Indian| field worker at grips with some mind by what has been called | steely facts of life and chafing the unending northern competi-| at the mounting paper work, He tion for souls, studied mining at Queen's Uni| Peter West, Ottawa teacher versity, Kingston, Ont,, where he handling the seasonal school at starred at hockey and football,|Round Lake for two months, and had a long flying career has messaged Mr, Swartman stretching back to the First/that the fundamentalist mission. | Canadian Artist Uses Plastic - In Colored Church Windows Bi By JUDITH AYER [doe in egg tempera on Planer - " : d : BRUSSELS SPROUTS SPRY CSP Ve Ea SREY + TOP-NOTCH PRODUCE FEATURES Lucky Gr een THE FINEST PROM CALIFORNIA! LUSCIOUS RIBIER VARIETY! LARGE CLUSTERS OF BIG BLACK 20 POUNDS [1 Proctor Steam Iron she received for 6 hooks of Loblaws Lucky Green Stamps. "I just liked the look of it in the catalogue,' says Mrs, Wilkes, "And it certainly lives up to its reputation, It's wonderful for ironing all the GARDEN FRESH! TENDER GREEN! IDEAL FOR COOL WEATHER MEALS! --- a IRON TREATS NEW MATERIALS RIGHT #® EE RNID IT Mrs, M, Wilkes, 114 Bellman Ave, Etobicoke, holds Mary | is . i HOW IAVS °° °JUO Canadian Press Staff Writer the traditional materials LONDON (CP) = Not content| Mural paintings, | with portraits, landscapes and] Around the 20foot central fig: drawings, Canadian painter Mary| ure of 8t, Luke-patron saint of | Filer has moved into a new|doctors and butchers--are epis medium: Plastic windows oles fron his lite, k The material she uses is a sec: ie Whole celling took Miss pet, internationally-patented subs Fila: x days to paint, She had stance with the color incorpor no mn p ated in it | Ie Three<dimensional effects car be achieved this way and Miss Filer, talking to a reporter, went into raptures over the richness of color the synthetic ean pro vide She was commissioned to do windows for St, Luke's Church, Prittlewell, and of the specified six, she has completed two Bach window has seven panels MURALS TOO MONTREAL WORK TOPS The Edmonton-horn artist also, Miss Filer considers her mural did the ceiling for the church, 1t|!n the Montreal Neurological In is a painting of 730 square feet, Stitute her masterpiece, It - de. : piets the history of neurology and was done in 1064, This, she (Continued from Page 31) sald, gave her the impetus for CLASSIFIED [Apt artistie qualifica ronon gs GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIAI NO, 1 GRADE! PLUMP, FIRM, RIPEI 2 FRESH TOMATOES ........:.. &~ 39 GARDEN FRESH FROM BRADFORD MARSH! NO, 1 GRADE! CRISP MEATY STALKS! LARGE 81z8 C RUSHED FROM SUNNY FLORIDA! TOP QUALITY! ZESTY BREAKFAST FAVOURITE! Karl Talpak, age 9, of 401 Mel: 6oop MARSH SEEDL do rose Ave, Mimlco, with the ex: : elting new Lunmex Mio ¢ mother recelved for only 34 f books of Loblaws Lucky Green SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Ntamps, LOBLAWS KITCHEN LOBLAWS : APPLE SULTANA WEBSTER CLASSICAL CARSON RINDER WELPS 4 PIE FRUIT Hi-Fi Recovds "1 saved them myself" says 18 year old Danny SOON TO BE 2 GOLF Mearns, shown with Car CART FAMILY Aon Xin Binder he fo Mrs. W, J, Thompson, 143 ceived for only 314 hooks || Una Drive, Etobicoke, has REO, RECORD NO 2 af Lucky Green Stamps, | problem, Since Peter PRICE 45¢ NACH 0 APROX. WE en . EACH It's a blg help organise | age 14, wan given this . ing by notes for sohaol,* || Golf Cart she received for NOW ON SALE | Danny, who 1x In Grade 7 || 74, hooks of Lucky Green . 3 [| at Queensway Puhliol Stamps, father keeps ho Sehool, says spelling is his | A ig it, LRA ° ok hest subject, solution," says mother <« "I'm now saving for an LOBLAWS FINEST ORANGE PREKOR - ---- Red Label Tea Bags em, 67. Pa Gly We: Catell acaron POLY BAG c Get the AV4W/ catalogue -Z Bright's Fancy Tomato Juice . "5 31c oe SE gr + pe Nabisco Shredded Wheat .. '& 2% Rylmer Choice Sliced Beets2 "i" 31¢ Instant Mil-Ko 2% + 37¢ ¥& 99 Kraft Dinners ................... ® "os. 3%¢ FANCY Be Libby's Whole Kernel Corn 2H" 37¢ FREE PRIZES me 1 -\ Stokely's Fancy Tomatoes "4 27¢ AT ALL : Vy Margene Margarine ned Shice bk. 2 9c Drawings may be viewed at Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Chapman | Domestic Shortening in > i 3 the office of the Architect attied in Jo, an the only af-| - LOBLAW MARK R wt wy BLACK DIAMOND y ond Toronto Builders' Ex. [fected couple still living in the L- ww change ' Village not prepared to say if w | oLp CAVE oLD CHEESE . fo a3: a - say Ve Lowest 8 qn " der nat would go through another cerem \ \ a) "e 16¢ nyu" 29: necessarily accepted. ony if it proved to be necessary," -_ bt Wy \ PKo. PKe, GEQ. C. N. TONKS, Mrs, Chapman sald. "We ave : i ' Architec quite happy as we are." RW 79 ~\ 37 Bloor St. West, A government spokesman eof oronta, Ont, fered a solution church authorities have \| Elven me a completely free hand and I did the sketches of St, Luke's life from my own inter pretation of the gospels,' Although the New York Times sald her work has "Pleasso-es-| que qualities," she describes it! herself as "a cross between Michaelangelo and Blake," It Is not dbstract art, but "expres | | slonistic " UNG 'EINSTEIN' GLURD TO MICROSCOPE tions, this tall, fair-haired young ADVERTISING woman, now in her 30s, has de grees in nursing, education and fine arts Next on her schedule in Brit 52--Legol ain, her home for the last four years, 18 a mural for a new Lon OSHAWA, ONT, don hospital for animals - R In November, she will return TENDERS FO to Canada for a visit, She would like to remain and work there OFFICE BUILDING "I am Just beginning to de. [Yatop and get into my stride as N an artist and there are many ex-| For the Ontario-Quebec |uiiing new buildings going up in| Conference of {Canada to which I should lave ' " Seventh-Day Adventists _|'0 fontribute Sealed Tenders plainly mark . . ed as to contents, will be re. 1 e Ings N, ceived by George C Tonks, eiiteer, not later Not Licensed WEDNESDAY, BYTHORN, England (CP) --A - village rector has discovered that NOVEMBER 16, 1960 N weddings performed in his for construction of an Admin. |ehurch ce 16 are not legal idtration yeion of Rev, Edward Lamburn, 60, 10% Bid Bond shall be ine made the shocking discovery id Yond shall he while searching through the par cluded with tender ish records, He found that his Plans and specifications may [church ceased to be licensed for be obtained at the Archi [marriages M years ago when the! tect's office on deposit of [parish was amalgamated with a $50.00. Deposit will be re neighboring parish turned to the contractor if | "An application for a licence all documents are returned [for the church ta be used for to the architegt's office in [weddings should have heen made proper * gondition: within 30 |then," he said. "Unfortunately, it days of closing of tenders wasn't," **TIUHOW IAVS "°° JUOW FAVS °° "JUOW JAVS °°