The Oshawa Times, 31 Oct 1960, p. 6

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Fhe Osharon Times Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited, B6 King 5. E., Oshawa, Ont, Page #6 Meondey, October 31, 1960 Canada At Saturation Point For Taxation The Quebec government's approach to the question of tex agreements be tween the federal government and the provinces is based on the belief that a point of saturation has been reached Mr. Lesage and his colle agues could go further: not only has the point of saturation been reached, but the point of diminishing returns may well have been passed relation to the economic heslth of the nation One of the reasons thet the Canadian auto industry is in trouble is the dis eriminatory load of taxes thet the Cangas dian product must bear, Other -indus- tries suffer in the sane way, and still others are lagging because there is no incentive for ambitious development, Governments at all levels, federal, pro- vineial and municipal, should examine the degree to which taxation has dis couraged people and companies from mn taxation n putting their money into new ventures because profits after would not be worth the risks and the extra effort involved The trouble is that none of our govs ernments has given much thought to the taxes development of a coherent philosophy of taxation, They have heen concerned only shout raising taxes in ways thet would raise the smallest volume of objection Walter - Gordon suggests thet tives to secondary manufacturers 1o im prove efficiency and to reduce costs should take the form of special depre- ciation allowances and reduced taxation" John G. MeDongld, Toronto tex spe: cialist, says Canadas could finance more of its own growth and help achieve some of its national purposes by tax incentives which would make it more attractive for Canadians to Canadian equities, Harvey Perry, director of the Canadian has talked slong the "incens own Tax Foundation same lines V.M. Scully, president of Steel Com pany of Canada, said recently: "Our tax structure is crazy, having regard to the size of the country and the amount of capital required to develop it, We are taxed as if we were the wealthiest nation in the world--which we're not" One of our troubles is that we refuse to recognize that only 18 million people live in the huge expanse that is Canada, Production On Farms A and thoughtful address was prepared for the annual meeting of the hy wise Ontario Federation of Agriculture the president, Gordon organization's What duction problems deserves attention by about pro- Greer he has to say urban workers as well as farmers "Almost daily we read or hear about someone advising farmers to follow the example of Canadian business in solving today's econamie problems, "he says "Perms such as 'free market', 'free en. terprise' and 'supply and demand' are loosely used to imply that agriculture does not operate In the usual manner of Canadian business, We do not doubt the sincerity of our advisors, but there are same widely-held misconceptions hoth agriculture which The law of supply within and without should be corrected and demand applies to all of us, but to different degrees. Non-farm businesses and industries use their economic power of controlling supply te werk within this framework to gain a return for manage: ment, skills and invested capital, Once the product is created, costs are de: termined and then it is marked with all of the promotion and selling resources available. Good business dictates that production be geared to potential sales at prices that will yield reasonable effort is made to reach o market tial. On the other hand, agriculture for the most part does not follow this pat tern, Farmers produce to capacity and hope to find a market for their products Production is not geared to demand, nor to our ability to sell at a profitable price level, Buch a procedure in the business world is recognized as economic suicide, yet the only major successful effort by farmers ta boost sales is the Dairy Farm. ers of Canada advertising program "And so, a basic problem before us is how to practice good business principles in the marketing of our produet, Can we develop a system that will permit pro- duction to a given market? The last 10 years has seen several methods in use, such as contracts in vegetables, acreage profits, Then a terrifie surpass the poten controls in tobacco, and quotas in fluid milk production, The more effective the methods, the more satisfactory the farms And these approaches to ers returns reflect 1] gearing supply to demand ins telligent business principles There is no doubt that this must be the path towards a sounder agricultural industry, Whether marketing should be directed hy compulsion er veluntary association 1s another argument, but in one way or another controlled produ tion must be obtained, Devious Soviet Effort An international flimflam on the grand scale is likely to be attempted in the next few weeks at the United Nations The flimflam artists are the Russians and their friends and the trick they hope to pull off is te secure the adaption by the UN of a convention on freedom of infermatian that would, in fact, impose restrictions on newsgathering and on the free flaw of information thereughout the world, The Russians are now work: ing to mave the convention through final committee hearings and te bring it before the General Assembly, where they believe they can muster the strength to secure its passage It was back ih 1946 that the Assembly resolved that "freedom af information is a fundamental human right, and the Tye Oshawa Times TL WILON, Publisher and Generel Manage! © GWYN KINREY. dite mbining The Oshawa Tunes (estadlished 1871) and the Whithy Gazelle and Chronicle (established 1863), 1 published dally (Sundays and statutory halidavs exsepted) Members of Canadian Daily Newspapers Publishers Asssciation, The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau of Cuculation and the Ontaria Pravincial Dailies Asse ciation. Tha Canadian Press is exclusively entitled ta the use far republigation of all ngws despalehed wm the paper credited ta it of to The Associated Plass of Reuters, ond alsa the keal news published therein. Al rights of special despatches are abe reserved The Oshawa Times ¢ Offices: Thomaon Building, 423 University Avenue Teranta, Ontana 640 Cathéart Steasl, Montreal, PQ SUBSCRIPTION RATES ed Br ah Bot Pat Maple Grove Hampton, Franchman ool, Taunton, Tyrone Leskard, Broughham Manchester per week caren Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 e of Ona elsewhere By mall (in f delivery areas SI touchstone of all the freedoms to which the United Nations is consecrated." But relative term and it does not mean in Russia what it means, for Ten years ago a convention on freedom of infermation had heen phrased that wads supposed te implement the original UN resolution, This agreement was made up largely of well-meant platitudes and compramises, It had nearly secured Assembly approval when some delegates paused to read the fine print and found it provided authority to governments for restrictions comples tely unsuitable to countries where a free press is a normal and essential element democracy, It was sent back for further committee discussion and had re. mained buried until the Russians, out af the blue, recently revived it freedom 1s a instance, in Canada of policy has heen briefly apparently now to insulate thei territories completely from outside ins formation, Saviet jamming foreign broadcasts on a scale mueh the Nazis' wartime newspapers the Though the modified on occasion the communists wish ol radio ] than The world are larger effort outside even great ol not to be found on the newsstands beyond the tron Curtain, The only foreign papers displayed are the communist ones, and what a picture thé Russian formed of Canada citizens must the so-called news. paper produced By this country's coms munist party! have from In thew plan to secure UN approval for the convention en freedom of infers mation, the Russians and their friends do not sincerely seek to help the resis dents of their own lands or anvone else They hope for a legal pretext by which they may mere completely insulate and mislead their own peoples, and also in. duce restrictions elsewhere on the travel of correspondents and the transmission a news. [VoL@A 65 A Uo ks iy od ed 444 RIV e ' 70s TT ---- I og O55 / NEW ORDER FOR IRON HEELS OTTAWA REPORT » Big Achivements Of Paul Martin By PATRICK NICHOLNON Very lew member House of Commons earned thelr "Quarter - Cenlur hadge for 25 years of uninterrupted service The two longesi-time velerans are both Conservatives Hom Karl Rowe has the earliest asso ciation with Parliament, having first heen elected In 1025. Hult there was a hreak in his member ship heiween 1936 and 1047, when he hriefly led the Onlario pro vineial Conservative party Boh MeGregor was elected foy the first time in 1026, and ha held his seal since withoul a break Then come a mp who Hirst House of Commons al the gen eral election on Oct 14, 184 These include Conservatives How GALLUP POLL ol ow have group ol hve entered ow ard Green and Frank Lennard and Liberals Paul Martin, Lionel Chevrier and Arellus Denis, All of these have sal continuously, except Hon, Lionel Chevrier who had a brief hreak between 1064 and 1987 when served as President of the Lawrnee Authority I, MARTIN, EMERITUS Of these seven velerans of our Commons, the best-known te Lhe electors across Canada is with oul any doubt Hon. Paul Martin He achieved national prominence as a politician and world recogni tion as a statesman hetween 1946 nil 1957 In those years, he piloted the hullding up of our department of national health and welfare, aver which he was minister, and he often served with skill and distinotion as sub he Ll Six In Ten Can't See Image of Li By CANADIAN INATITUTE OF PUBLIC OPINION Canadians are Just as puseled on what the Liberal Party stands for, as they are about Conserva fives, Beveral years in the Oppo sition has worsened the image the Liberal Party has in the public mind, as today 62 per cent can't find words to describe the Party compared with a7 per vent who could nol do so in 1053 I'nose who with a definition of some Kind are most likely to speak in term Liberal interest in the ordinary man Of assistance to | farmers, students, and of the employed. But only about one ten volges do thi Hust over one quarter of the eleclorale a whole ean find favorable (mage with which to deseribe the Lib eral Party, This compares with today, can came up ol ah un mn NY] alives Can't think of anything desoribe Liberal Paris Favorable deseviptions Government lar the people for labor for farmer health henelils student ald; relief of unemploy ment Progress and prosperity valsing standard of living well-managed economy Other: (free (rade; freedom ekual rights: lead in in ternational affairs; good government) 0 P'otal favorable. deseription Unfaverable descriptions arty of hig husines italistie Party Por reoord; out fen selves. spend ton freely don't keep thelr promise Other ol progressive middieo-the road don't stand for anything: pro American) them fatal unlavorable deseriptions Other camms nts Note: Some gave more than o Cf Warld Copyy beralism ane itth wha could do this for the Conservative Ai one of a series of political checks on Party standing In what many helieve may he a pre election wear, the Gallup Poll asked a national cross-section this question "SUPPOSE A YOUNG PER SON JURT TURNED 21 ASKED YOU "WHAT THE LIRERAL PARTY STANDS FOR TODAY WHAT WOULD YOU TELL HIM Apart tram he sliok of fayorable and unfavor ahle images, those who belong fn various political groups have strongly contrasted ideas as the columns below show. Con sorvatives are rather more com plimentary than eritieal; CCF and Social Credit adherents are more oritioal than kindly. Among Liberals themselves, practically nobody (s ovitieal national yard 1 he CCF and Nocial Credit TOTAL CANADA ser, Liberals LAL 4h Wl LN 1" Mey | 1% h ne description igh Reserved) BY-GONE DAYS 2 10 YEARS AGO Oshawa Lions Club fwipished a reereation roam in the CRA haikd ing for local members of the Ca nddian National Institute for the Rind, George Wilson, president made the presentation Westmount Recreation Associa tion presented the awards to the various ball teams of the how Al the annual banquet held in Woastmount Public Scheel Members Dept Oshawa Five oily offtelals were given an aerial ladder de monstiration hy representatives he La France Fue Eagine of the and othey During the manth of Septembey the enrolment at the OCCT was 6 student at OCYL AW dent and 3312 pupils at Awa's eh public sehools Mr and Mrs. Alex G af Oshawa Missionary Chureh par wr Sou Osh Chaban College were tendered a favewell prior to thei departure th Afvica, M Uhoban Was to be production ma or of the Sentinel Publishing ¢o., near Capetown £ An historie home at the soath aasl corner of Kimeoe south and Rruce streets was acquired from Be, CO Miller for the erection of 3 gas station, stitule for Mike Pearson as ow foreign minisier I don't helieve Paul ever actuglly lived in a lo uahin, although his father wore for an Ottawa Valley lumbering company. | don't know whether Pau lifetime ambition lo he the head of onr government, But in both these respects, as in many oth ers, Paul comes close to selling a Canadian pattern in the Abe Lineoln tradition The lifetime trail of this #7 year-old campaigner seems (0 me to he especially notable for two remarkable achievements In the first place, despite whal was then the severe handicap of a father's slender pay packet the young Paul managed lo pit himself through not one hut five colleges, He graduated from the University of Toronto, he qualls fied as a lawyer at Osgoode Hall, and he studied at Warvard Unie versity, at England's Cambridge Univereity, and at Switzerland's (leneva Hehool of International Mudies. 80 it was little surprise that the minister of health, the venrold baby of the Liberal cabinet when he frst assumed that post, attracted an intellectual recognition regarded hy many ohservers here as unmatched among his oolleagues in that Liberal Cabinet RREAKING THE HYPHEN Secondly, Paul Martin bravely sed himsell as a guinea pig lo hreak through the unfortunate and immature tradition deliber ately fostered in his political party, treating English-speaking ind Frenchespeaking Canadians as separate and alternating breeds of eat Paul himself has exactly the ame parentage as his former leader, RI. Hon, Louls 8, Laur ent halt French and half Irish Paul was raised as a typleal reneh + Canadian Catholic boy through his teens, He then de. lheralely sets oul to deracinate himsell, to make himself an uns hyphenated Canadian, as we all should he Paday, as a Front Bench Oppo ion star, this stocky, bespeos tacled and neatly-dressed former cabinet minister poKkes a con stant threat to the government Alert, pugnacious In debate, of: ten a pieture of injured inno eenee when pulled up In a de liherate procedural infraction hy the Speaker, Paul is waiting in aur palitieal wings for the hid to leadership of the Liberal pavly and (a the primesministership of our country On Nov. 24, his many friends and admirers will honor this great Canadian at a banquet in Windsor, to mark his quarters eentury in our House of Come mon Martin Martin will ever achieve his es and bubble-gum bi INSIDE YOU Thyroid Controls Growth of Goiter By BURTON WH, FERN, M.D, Can goiter be cured? What can he done when medicines ail? What is golter anyway? i Goler Is Oe for » args thyroid, Uswally, this lies slong each side of the apple like & pair of plums grow. ng trom a common mem helow, You can't see these glands, he cause they creep and crawl into omn's every track and crevice inside ihe the neck, Fven doctors have lo put magnifying glasses on thelr finger tips when they lesl lor thy: roid treble But you don't always need 0-0 finger Hips 10 discover golers, They sometimes grow into small whiermelons bulging In front of the Adam's apple JUNT A SYMPTOM Yet goiter is not # disease only & symplom in almost any high school, you can find healthy girls with thy: rord glands overiilling thelr hirvise and collars, These gollers soon evaporsie, slong with all the energy and gusto of adolescence QUEEN'S PARK ws Like 8 soupsd-up sports car, the viol drives you inte all sorts of ke putuitery @ driver's seal beneath the brain, with # heavy ehemies! foot on (he gas, The pituitary Hand SeOTEIEs & special chemical That speeds up thyroid GREASED 1IGWINING Inside ench coll, & tiny piul tary-powered machine works like greased lightning. Iodine oils all the gesrs, Trouble starts when these gonrs bresk down or run out of oll mn unlihri cated gears soon heal up and ex pend; the thyroid swells Your home Lown can govern your thyroid qeogrs ly. Golers were common in rend basket of the United States -- until Dr David Marine showed how lodine deficiency reigned in inland states far from consis) walers, Since then, salt shakers have been rain. Captive Audience For Merchandiser By DON (VHEARN TORONTO The Depariment of Education is going out on » limb, ' Recently merchandisers have realized there is a wonderful ad vertising potential In school-ehils F And not only for selling wheats grown up goods If junior says the Hot-Shot 1s the hest outboard 8 least it ginks in with the old man And so there has been a drive to gel al the sehool kids, above the regular display advertising of now many years past REQUIRE APPROVAL The Kducation people realising this might get out of hand have taken on powers of restriction They are veitiog all material that is to he displayed in schools They have, for instance, given spproval to a Ishoratory safety amphiet of Canadian Industries Dimitea Also, in conjunction with (he Department of Transport, they have okayed a safely booklet distributed by the Canadian Gas Association And they have instructed all schools thal this approval Is necessary In all cases (plus the approval of the local hoards) - STOP WHERE? 2 Well! Ll The Fducation people are to be commended Bul eventually they may also be open to be pitied Wor where do you draw the line in this sort of thing Smac-Mag-Pops cereal comes along with a poster on Crossing intersections carefully on your bleycle Mac-8mae-Pops, PRRAGRAPHICAL WISDOM UPDon't confuse the sither with the old lute-shaped eitfern," ad vises a musician, OK we'll try not to which is » So-oalled "modern art' 1x ahout an modern as sichings made by cavemen on the walls of their caves and aboul as artistie "There in 8 marked similarity of humor and schigophrenis thinking," says a psychiatrist Can it he true that most Wise racks are perpeirated by erack pots? "What would you do If you were siddenly to meet a bear In (he woods? asks a hig-game hunter, We'd suddenly come out of the woods REPORT FROM U.K. Cattle Destroyed To Fight Disease Ay M, MeINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) Correspondent Far The Oshawa Times LONDON Ministry of agn eulture officials are gieatly alarmed aver a serious anthreak nf font and mouse disease 0 pattie hetds in the area between Leeds and Harvegate in York shire, One of the first farms on whieh 1 was discovered was that of the Princess Royal, on the 1300-acre Harewood estate in that distriet, The result has heen an order for the destrue tion af the majepity of the ants mals in the splendid prise-win ing herds of cattle on the estate of the Princess and her son, the Rarl of Harewood, This herd has heen valued at well over £80 000, and regularly took many of the leading awards in the Red Poll and Hereford sections of the major cate : he ministry of agriewlture has ordered the destruction of 68 Red Polls, 34 NHerefords and 440 sheep on the Hawewond estate Only HW voung heifers of the pedi gree herd of Red Polls were pe prieved. along with 3 Hevelord cattle and 200 sheep, including a number of the vare St, Kilda breed, These were saved from destruction hy the faet that they had heen quartered on an entive: iy separate section af the farm an! had not heen in contact with any of the infected animals was first confirm. show od in a group of 10 Hereford tle in the main herd They were housed. along with the Red Polls and a large flock of sheep on the Holme Farm. WW Wilson, diss trie veterinary surgeon for the ministry of agriculture, said 'Unfortunately, most of the Red Polls had to be destroyed because they had mixed with the Hereford herd at Holme Farm." OUTRREAK SPREADING The outhreak of this dreaded cattle disease is, however, spread ing, Two new outbreaks have heen confirmed on farms at Kast Keswick, twa miles from the Princess Royal's estate, and al Harewood, only a mile away, In these two cases, 114 cattle and 4 pigs were destroyed On another farm al Bast Kes wiek, 300 pigs and 13 head of cattle had to be destroyed Said My, Wilson "We are perturbed because it appears that the disease ia spreading. We have warned all stockholders within a radius of 10 miles to inspect their animals ax often as poss ih Meanwhile, the 3 servams and workers on the estate of the Princess Royal and their families are being maintained In guaran tine and are virtually prisoners wm their homes. No one is alloned mor out, and this was expected to be maintained for at least 'an deadly rival, also wanie fo get in on the act Bo It brings out a poster on how to eross an Intersection on foot And then the nex. company brings out one on helping old ladies across mud los Either you put billbosrds in ull classrooms or you have to make some companies very, very mad And what about the breweries? They have some very fine ad verilsing displays on safety, AL), OUT? The one sensible approach, of course, would seem to be to bar all such propagends mater ial, If we need signs In our class rooms surely we can afford to buy them. Or the many associa tions on safely and other mat ters can supply them, Leave it to the merchandisers and the first thing you know we will have neon signe on the blackboards and free giveaways with every correct answer Our department people, of course, don't think of these things when they do such things But they will learn , , . it Is to be hoped ing and pouring iodine Wo jride western mouths STEP ON GAS A perfectly Tubriested thyroid enn wise break down, Bomeihing inside iis machinery may gel owt of whack, Again, the subborn piluitary steps on (he gas and again the (hyroid swells Into » sizeable goer Don't confuse (hese worn-out goiters with supercharged over BELIVE ones When your thyroi@ slows down you do, 100, And so does your fuel consumption, You feel worn-out. Vou shulfle sluggishly, Laxatives become & habit as intestines slow Gown 00 ovis TIghE through you bo. oid els oi ennse of shu Eirouation and slow metabolism. Fluid thickens your skin with 8 weak stiempt at insulation, You need thet "Go" Rp whieh only thyroid ehemicals son give -- with help from that ex pert mechanic, your docior, As thyroid preseri 1] you wp, the goiter usually goes down, SPEED UF GLAND #inee thyroid pills speed up the thyroid gland istelf, you may need fresh lodine to lubricate the ma- ehinery, You're soon back te your old fast self When gollers persist, see your surgeon, He ean ent them down to shape, AS ual, somplieations and operations ereep when yo forget to use enough fodine! TRAVEL TROUBLES J, W, Graham 31 Rowe B, RA 5.7422 YOU CAN BORROW AT LOW COST THROUGH A SCOTIA PLAN LOAN ond repay In GORVENIent monty instalments adjust ~d te your family budget Yes, at any branch of The Bank of Nova Seoth' you ean harrow for worthwhile buy er refinance your careto furnich that new halve oF TOOMw=t0 pay your taxes of insurance préemiums=to consolidate debta==to meet medical or dental expenses And your loan will be life insured at no extra a0at to you, THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA A NETWORK OF OFFICES ACROSS CANADA AND ABROAD MANAGER: Oshawa Branch, Kingsley M. Hume v

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