THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Ostsher 31, 1960 23 - rt -- -- . - -- HIRST 50 M0. INNO PEYCHIRTRIST, WELL, IT GOES SOMETHING ----- e951 + (4 S AH WARN ~DUE TOTHAR berm 7 -- ELIT, ONCE THE 15 GNEEZED EN oo © Gar men | ( VALAon Toss Tae: am. | (OC rr | £0 BUT vous Fiend Uke, ove CELIBERATELY Yo wen | BOWLING NEWS * 2 WLIDHE? d ' ELTE (7 TASH OF /- [i ry : iD, (our DIFF mmr? we vornrces, BW of $= A eat 11 | Che, ytd 2 Cy Wi wo ALLEYS ISRAEL J TH FALLOUT FM THIS OUT LAND SUNK STUPEFIES YANKEE CHILLY GERMG~INTIL, THEY 15 LIBERATED BY A SNEEZE] ~ GERYS AN Jo FRAAVBITS OLAS 5005 504 0) TIS Top howler this weak was Belly March with Thi (318, 248, 220), OF 766 scores were Mavis Taylor TH (2 g 256, 204), Gen, Taylor 781 (267, 243, 231), Fred Henderson 72 (184, 249, @4), im , Ken Johns 05 (256, Ws, 21) "Mike Siblock TL (281, 216, 200) wn Vie Wilkiameon TOL 9 wi, 1%) 00 shooters were Stave Melnich 684 (253, 232), Fern Buechler 74 (297, a. Ly 7 Arlene Marshall #71 (236, 25, Marion nEman - ho (253, WT, , Ethel 549 (269, 27), Cork Hassel 641 (255, 210), Orve Lihgman 39 (289), Murrey (OVReilly 634 (221, #27 (236, 211), or Helen Pinch 6; arahall 624 (228, 0), (295, 219), Rose Jacks 0 ; hi i 7! SOMETHIN HAD rm 7H eHARGIN SoU Wa per #00 (100) wT BE GLAD Wi Ris Hh", i APPEND HERE WHEN KO SINE KITE HERE, it , 244 y gi" CAME ww sme ng were -- Juck Kellag vo VER #73, Boris Kopezynski L¢ Shells Fate terson 253, Carson Heard 252, Moe Fene ton 249, Milt Fountain 244, Isobel Tillin 244, Bob Beharvell 200, Rusty Howar 2%, doves Rihiy 229, #1, 1g, Clark 26, Billie Trivett 226, Art Merrick 225, rol A 3, Max. Rockert 223, 218, poh Roser 223, Frances Brash 224 and Dot | a y of the week are; for the |ndies ~~ ions Melnichuk 77, Edna Cot. ler #5, Mary Hulsman #9, and Vi Howard 9, In pe wironger (7) sex, we have Hank Lawson 89, Boh David 96, Ed, Mareh 99 pry Al Leavitt 99, LAKEVIEW LADIEN LEAGUE I the present scores are any indicas tion of what's to come, we should he publishing lots of 800 games before the season is finished These scores are tere rific, and we eah't possibly lst them LY, #0 please bear with us 200 singles; is Glover 267; Eunice 1 NEED I NEED r o, ho" " Bartesux 284; Zens Sheridan 263) $2 $6, DEAR ~~ TEER SW [= THE 18 NO 1 LIKE T0 BE Andres Findlay Boi Roherts Pint Ui; ooY - » esn Hu Ll i Noreen Larocgue WHEN I - 1 NEED REALIZE WHAT p oh " FAITIOUS, VISH! gE 220; Vivien Myers 223; Reva Parker SEVENTY» 4 HES | ! THIS WAY Ih ( ia June Keenan 211; Bark, Kirkham NOW, COUNT THREE # ' " WE'LL ALL RUSH 5b FIVE CENTS, : . POING ND : PATCH HIM UP QUICKLY plo mw li MAJOR and Delma Kelemen 207, IN TOGETHER rr SUT INTE po 7 y ) fr vc I HES ALREADY WASTED 600 Triples ~ Doreen Sinclair 683) p; Ly S50) x » 100 MUCH TIE GETTING / 4 Ann Northey 652 and Laois Gavas 636 : Hose Al High Aversge -- Byivia Newey 104 m WETAUMENTS i " High Triple -- Sylvia Newey 685; Hig OUT OF THAT SICE .. 3 Single ~~ Roberts Bint 320, Mh, £ : Team Standings Wildcats 815 Sal's Gals 30; Tooters 26; Glad Rags 26; Guts ter Rats 23; Cellar Dwellers 21; Rebels 10; Jets 13; Beetle Bombs 18 and Une touchahies 12 NOTE to League Press Reporter w= Do not repeat names in "200 Singles" if the sRME Person Is listed in the "600 Triples", Obviously you have to have one 200-game at least, if you total 600 or mare for three, Thank you, -- Sports Editor SHERIFF'S TAILORING LEAGUE The old saying. "Try, try again" was pushed to the limit this week ~ and it Sdn work for sa good many of us, ELIMINATE UNNECESSARY TIRE WEAR... .ELIMINATE "STEERING WHEEL FIGHT" RTE bk lucky one was Belly Hewitk with 613 COME TO CLIFF MILLS MOTORS FOR FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT! hi, let tt i 795 =" THE LONE RANGER INCLUDING COMPLETE FRONT SUSPENSION CHECK OVER, UP TO AND INCLUDING All Whe ot \aken ware Dillias 4, Gio ADJUST CASTER, CAMBER AND TOE IN ADJUST STEERING BOX AND ALIGN THE STEERING WHEEL, 2 TON PICKUP TRUCKS ONLY LJ font wig 5, Glows 41 Jokes 1h ces hy Droopers 18, 4 And now Roll Call for the Lemons = = oo (Kay Middlemas 80 (we'll excuse her WE WERE LookiN'| [How come vou WELL M LLTO0K NO CrncEs 1 andl ta Same. wisevar p/ worms #i Aces 3, Jets 1; Jokers |, a All. OVER FOR WEREN'T AROUND P| | FOR T SPENT T Marg Dafoe herself with 8 and 06, LOOK, BUT, THAT §1LKI GUY'S GOT Us STUNPED, Jit + | SRR }AV YOU INVESTIGATED | SURE, BUT HELL TALK TO Yoll YEGTERDAY, oe OOM SEVERAL DAYS IN BE soul Anne Stsinekt ¥, Carolyn Pole HE'S PROBABLY CONTACTING FOREIGN AGENTS v dT PL ANY OF THE PERSONS HE BI GRANDMA / SO you unlucky kid, 84, 65, and Eleanor bs R ALKS h Watson, down from the twe hundreds with an 83 game, One more night in UNDER CUR VERY NOSES, MATH : TALKS TO Ee ! ' ; the section to redeem yourselves, gals, WT WERE GETTING a I un, TE ; $f Rel WA anaes, . A DAY! ! ' \ 04) R / #0 lot's wot rolling! WHERE, 1 hii CATHOLIC LEAGUE We a new team in first place this A fd Glles took three points and now leads two other teams by one point, Once again Theresa Powers ob the high ladies triple with a 632 Is dred Rolfe bowled a very nied single and Gilles Neault rolled 264 for the men, John Martell had a good triple for the men, 680, Nice work, Team Standings -- Giles 14, Hallk 18, Houston 15, Powers 18, Harriman 10, O'Malley §, Burrows § and 5 n Games over 300 F. Flynn ith B, | -- Mothersit ii) Ro Rroaks 814, ne on BUT AUX INVITES TROUE | HB You Alle 'M OKAY. Resiaey gore h enna Bia, B, Dionne. 318, A Korkush AUN FIRES Mie PONGRPA CH BRICK PONBR-AUNGK DRIVES HM ASANST THE TR a wih JNingiea iT Hail 4 ih No po RTLEABGS AM INSTANTLY 1 D KNOCKED Oui don, aio, 1. Harslman 9, 80, ©, Ward - y 208, B, Flynn 201, M,, Melynehuk 201 gi Mokena alo, A, Legere 208 and WELL VN NO. BL LL) NO 1 - \ : A 1 Lamon Levguers = n Waits » Na n - . OT YET ANYWAY | WELL...OKAY BO! TLL WAIT! | E a A y ; ERD oHere gordman 88, 01, J, Harris IDEA THAT 8 AONE | palVEME THREE OF FOUR DAYS, )| | BUT ROT ANY LONGER Man) \ IW) Lp pres E" Wrox 8 And J. ions ol, a1. THAN TVE GOTI T mn d Y NGA FEW DAYS | wh ( he : NOTE 0 League Press reporter we STILL THINK T v go : { wr & Since one has to bowl at least one good OUGHT TO RES . "Al _ ' F ~ J KN . = 1300" score in order to have over (00 Fh © RESIGN| i | -- - ra 4) . gt ! \ y or more, for a three: game total, please a - f : Fr fa i = nL do not repeat names In your "Over 300 A y 8 4 Hist", If they have already received spe: lal mention fo i» having ad the Rahta ] hest triple YOu, = Hditor, MOTOR OIT MIXED BUSINESS Madeline Morrison deserves congrats ANNIE = AY g i | i! ih), Lily Rae also tik 6o0DNESS i 1008 MR. FLING =} THIS MOMENT : 1 . rn EA ARGE BOCK OR STOCK IN. eng fulied u lovely, 78 (i. 34h. 21), Nice lf ASSOC | Sire WER Mabe A HE "EVE N TOOK puke YOUR WALL ET { Sand | BESIDES YHALY A NITY £0 LIKE To ORDER A NICE, Big, olen Wigging 660 (334, WALLS (rs iH DON'T FEEL, HRN OLY AMBULANCE 10 To nee i |i 4) le ht, I VERY WELL» | § 0 \ il ox ut ti, 200) and Muriay Lewis Cn My # My) are Russ Me Pc a WR J 254, Of Bart Jaa. hires Lafont RA : ' 0 aber § ir 307, Jim Norrie Ws and By Eo - IBS TUES, || : : ateman = ont Fug Pte iy [| fr-Eil \ q IA 3 y (4 4 ! "dM Team standings ith one more week in the section are as follows -- Strikers 10, Hopeful Six 16, Bikes 13, dhymdinge fi 11, Easy Aces 11, tak 8 trikes 1, shots § and Rediets SURS FOR PENDER BOSTON (AP)---Ralph (Tiger) Jones of New York was named Thursday to replace ailing Paul boxing bau agaibet Marcel Pisod | arcel Pigou of Paris Nov, 8 at Boston Avena, t chame , Massachus sotts and Europe, was to have fought Pigou in a nonstitle bout, but has a respiratory infection,