The Oshawa Times, 31 Oct 1960, p. 22

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22 TE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, October 31, 1960 BIRTHS Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto ' Wet hy Borhbee, The dal Soles Wigh Low 11 so. CW ge v Anvaniar, Ths. | ois, 8] Gr Weg 6 75 Wh Wh Outover Bi. 196, wt KIRESoN, Is Tov Lop 100 SU 6% t4 First Grondemid of pus w Life 0 We Ww. K iethom Ywp OF ws 0% oF oe Img Tow 56 ids b €G Inv ss imp Tob pr 06 bw § A € Pager ( Eo » rs BP 1 Brent p i ii raid Wet I Ac wis wo $05 Maret ww C Rellekeny wm CW ge Indive i pi paid € [nscovery Ww y i Br i CG Arrow Wh ~ Inter Ph, | a6 Fries br € Hallowell os +0 we Sow ie € Mereus i Jockey € 7% f mos dock € pr [7 ; ater | Latwtt AP Cone 4 Corp Latorge wie Frrinen Lakainna fnsio Am wih ro wind Calaita I » » pou Lot Co Bb €xl ka 4 Bick anionm Wh end FR eh of wis > 3 -4 fre Mase / 4 : d Fast Sul Mawes J y 4 Ly (1 Eider Meisom 8 . ww, y pisude) ' ar 34 ¥ loom Mahan § vi IEF sh gud Dram Gant VK N Hos B Dome Pete Grandeay WN & Car HEONG Grannis RO NGas For Phone Fags Hers Thank-Offering Service Is Held ZION In keeping with the and Mrs. BK. C. Siaintgn, My. snd season of "Harvest and Thanks Mrs, Douglas Skinnér, Oshawa, giving" the chureh was suitably all enjoyed thelr anniversary dine decorated for the Thankoffering ner Monday night st the Town service on Sunday, There was a and Country Club, Toronto, large congregation in attendance. My and Mrs, Fred Dart ond Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbott, family, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Dart, Burketon, Mrs. 1, McKenna, Ja- Judy snd Jay, Woodville, were mie and David, Oshawa, visited Sunday visitors with Mr, and Me, and Mrs, P. W, Davidson. Mrs, BH, Dart Baturday Mr. and Mrs, Frank Pascoe Miss Joyce Fisher who is at- visited Mr. and Mrs, Morris tending Teachers College, Peter-|Blern, Coldwater, recently, horough, spent the weekend with, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Cameron her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Harry and family, Orono, visited Mr, Fisher nd Mrs, Wesley Cameron, Sun p rs, M, 7 day. Billy ye. Lien Mss, Clarke Moore, Oshawa, ing at Mr, and Mrs, W, Frank, sent the weekend with Mr. and Toronto, Visitors on Sunday st Mrs. Keith Stainton Mr, and Mrs, A. Fisher's were, Mr. and Mrs, Archie Parrin. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Webster |der, Myrtle, Mr, T. Martin, North Little Britain, Mr, and Mrs, Gor-| Oshawa, visited Mr, and Mrs, A, don Fisher and Jim, Oshawa, Fisher, Saturday Mr. and Mrs, Lovis Tyler, Tren eT ton, spent the weekend with Mr IN # MINUTES and Mrs, H. Stewart, Visitors onl TORONTO (CP)-The inaug funday at Mr, and Mrs, P. W. lursl fight of the first jet service Davidson were Mr. and Mrs, El- (between Conada and the United mer Down, Larry and Roger, States by sn American Airlines Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs, C.llHoeinc 707 Sunday flew from Terry and Lorie," Maple Grove. Kew York to Toronto in 49 min- Mr, and Mrs, Keith Stainton, vies setting a commercial speed Mr, and Mrs, Jim Stainton, Mr. record between the two cities, "High note in Quality" The whisky thot has constantly retained Exchange oe Park Sales Wigh Low Il sn. CW ge FL wi w Ld Ld Ld TORONES 1 AM. STOCKS By The Comedian Frew Toronto Fock Exehange--~0Ot 3 raha ind canis wiese marked # ond jot; 44 Eni idend; wim Hw AW RITE INDUSTRIALS Seles Wigh Low Ii Af iy ne is Wh Aad AE 05 $i Hi ftw het vy id Alta [net I hd dim wa ROY Bank Weed J pr Cork Anion 0d Adlyaston Seles Nigh Low 1H ne ws Ve wm CWE oon Biwlorne Broui Hand Camp RL Casmar Fore Hales sis 75 wh ed 7500 ld 406 ed fn 21500 ed Wigh Low 11 a.m. CW ge Lo A ww vf BRA 0 9 - 1% 12% ~ % o 7 7 5 1» 7% 71% + we t w 4 ot the Aw fd aad LL $i 6 ¥ ¥ lad we and Wee PR wd Doreen (hes (& poRowRes the wr twain Lesa, 7 Ww Gstaber 18, 1000, wb Claws Hospital, A brother for Dews Br. lew id we Wap wie " i Fit 1% + 4 £4 " wh w " 7% Ld wn 14 od m inh wn ws 2% is int nw w 7% Hig Honk faméi mb or Thora 14 A Randy and Mary (nes Fann to FARR s he Hits The pA of # SR # Ostaher 8 hits 5% § 4h Cmawn Gonaywl Howpint, 7 hw 4 #1 166 i wes. A ile ther lov Crag i 756 Wi AY " JEFFERY 5% wid Yarie 1 Renown E the smi r, AoReis Jane dey, Ocioher BB, wt Hosprinl A mister gy thanks to Dy. A Bd wownes Bow ' fm Fone " Fr Bevo war SAIN wi wd Byivie me . 1% SRfRes The Pv ty, Otoher $F Hospitsl, A DEATHS Witham J 8 we # Wiiithy, oh Betardey, Ocoher 1 iii Drew Telaved Rush be and he Pros Ar rt 30056 Purdex Que Cop nekon diated Realm Renspar Rin Mgom Ryanor wan Ant Sheriith Bama § sen Blanrek Btarratt Steep BR Sullivan Taurcanie Teck H Territory Tomhill Tori GRner other Fiove Gas Hanger Beever Frese Blirnirine Tidal Un Os Ww Can ia in Ws W% HZ 12 H we wh Insp ration int Maly $0 Int Mickel n 2120 i Cop "in Jd Walle 2560 MINES Jaye Expt 1500 donemith 1666 som 17 ferr Add 1775 B00 kg wi 2260 yd Lid 6400 "a zn eld fon 10 wis PHEW Far a Chem 17h Bilverwd A 0G 200 8, ih psans 4 Blater on WW, brew in OF i4 5 Simville pr #t the Bavithim Whithy Spartan op Fussy BpRrtn #1 pom. HEE Slesi Can ARREOR wh Cemetery, Ohaws. Mimsler the Bleinhg A Anglo Hur /. BIR ler tr ris ih 5 A aia Fancord > » ih nr id For Dom : 2.0 Bol ld 1000 inn 4025 1h won Aliens Alba Expl Am-Lawdr oh 176 15 27 7 an wh "7 25% 25% oa 126 # #2 07.600 no6 hoa Nd 1506 2m i! Wr Harg ne 1 Young HG 3660 Belew to 11 a.m; hi Asbestos 12 " 1} v ville, visited Mrs Pres col A number of WMS ladies from HAMPTON here attended the Eastern section HAMPTON Mrs, Luther Vall Rally at Maple Grove Unit Allen and son, George, spent the ed Church on Wednesday market was a quiet affair today BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT weekend with Mr,' and Mrs Mr, and Mrs, Ken Caverly a5 the Index made the smallest Russia Can Drop H [Otter MeMullen, Wovlsoak, spent the weekend In Be Heville of movements Gold Price nar. and Mrs. Klmer WIBUP, | gug' were guests of Mr. and M¥E| tndustrials were off 12 at 483.38 J. D, Hogarth and Mrs . Is { Ld A i Reynolds, formerly 0 3 sam Dewell were among the visi 8 anion They also attended the While golds gained 34 at 92.65, metals 19 at 150,08 and tors with Mrs, Elmer Gibson, 4 at base first reunion of the Alumni a Blackwater, on Wednesday last Abe nt ofl 26 vestern oils 06 at 80.33, volume was 507,000 Mr. and Mrs, J, W, Chapman The Fall Church Thankoffer The 11 a.m compared with Friday's daily price setting of $1 above the! official United Slates rate Hudson Bay sod Mining Cor. poration of Canada Influenced the hase metals index, up % each at Wh and 11% Among western oils, Canadian Devonian tipped the scales up with a 20-cent gain at $3.95 HUNT SUSPECTS WALLACEBURG (CP) -- Por lice today were still searching for three break - in suspects who escaped in a midnight motorboat chase down two fog - shrouded rivers midnight Friday, Police Blater| were notified when three men ap parently tried to break into a ariety store here. The men fled is character, smoothness and lightness since 1859, NET EARNINGS TORONTO (CP) -- The stock OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY PECIALIZING IN Markers Comerstones ry f 8 KING §T. $111 or RA B-BB76 typé By FORBES RHUDE (be expected to have a good idea Canadian Press Business Editorihow, aL the appropriate time, Hu the biggest question|gold ean be used for good or il mark world gold situa-| My, Khrushchev added some ribald remarks about the possible offering gold for sale she ,cec to which gold might he put can quickly depress free market These can he discounted, « he down to the official 835) oquse it is not likely that Russia RA B.6558 level any time they go above it regards gold lightly | If she wants to, she ean offer| I pF peture sheerly Jl her gold and force the United] One conjecture and rly on'ecture regarding the re States into either buying it or re 4 t ' sold pudiating her willingness to pur. Cnt rise In free-market gold chase al $35 |Driges, la that Russia is aetin On th sr to embarrass the On the other hand, if and when|8 # DUyer RU St an h : fi, hen United States, Bhe might do this enough, she can offer to buy gold either by positive buying, or st more than $35 an ounce, This withholding the amount she nor might force the United States nally released on western mar: | kets from current production E'S FLORIST and LOCK eral Sia 18 in the / 4 4 ngamenis Toronto, and Mrs, H, E. Tink |i0 corvice is being held on Bun-| shares day afternoon, Oct, 30, at 2.30,466,000 Guest minister, Rev, A. Ki, Bard: Bank of Montreal and ing of Bowmanville, Special mi aq industrials lower, off 1 each ie will be provided by the hor. san: and 20 with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, | b hy on Mrs Clarenos Tink under th dirgetion JB al duet, Senior gold producers were in a motorboat down the Syden Mr, Malcolm Reed, who has I Mrs. J. Smales and Mr, C,|scoring substantial gains, led by ham River, pursued hy Consta- pent a year and a half in Eng King of Harmony United Chureh Camphell Red Lake and Dome, bal Del Scott in a provincial po and where he was with the Lon A pleasant event was held atlup % each at 17 and 25%, Cana-|lice launch, The officer lost sight LES don County Commission has ve: o mownchin Hall on Saturday dian kilo bars were quoted at|-f them in the fog over the Snye turned home, and Is With his par: coe in0 when community friends, $36.00 to $36.25 following London's| River, : ents, Mr, and Mrs, ¥, J, Reed, |ioaine adults and children ---------------- rr---- Mr, and Mri Herh Prescott {turned out to honor a recent Roger and Erin, Enfield, visited bride and groom, My, and Mrs his parents, Mr, and Mrs, A Ronnie Clemens, Mr. VT, M, Chant Walle Solina, were Sunday visitors of Mrs, Joe Chapman Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Dadson Peterborough, spent the weekend GECAsIons {Hon OSHAWA SHOPPING | By CENTRI | 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE |"! Corby's ha Fil IB-T4 PG 0d 8) 1/ 14 OI IP HLM GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness yet | beyond price within reach of all RA 8-6226 Prescott probably through agreement {within the international monetary prices, or her position In regard 190 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM WA fund--to also ralse her to re gold In brief, Russia can pretty well {upset all our current attitudes to yards gold time she feels herself in strong enough position " Bt ROU RL the S-Wik Nb KHRUSHCHEY COMMENTS ok wha have lost can ter] Nikita Khrushchev sald without farewell, | Paris earlier this year father, | Gold we have, but we wound 18 ip Why? 1 don't really know | i of the moment he spoke his statement probably can be taken at its face value, However, Russian monetary experts may | 5€ to In lo and grandiather ed awn Haro Oetaher #1 us great, the shoes in we iss think the you save is " little know the sorrow within our hearts econeenled Insed and Blwa sghler treme i ndehildren yalhe, Judy, Maris § remember ed i son-indaw New Ronnie Nell, Lor | MARTENS In loving ngs and Brian . Mo ie Railway Reports 1! Oetaber 3 I 4] au 1} hut not targotten fn, our hearts "vou wit vemuin "| Soptember Loss | aeaed on Fr alo today, | taal Yiavde: Winnie MONTREAL (CP) Canadian Allan and Ronnie National Rallways today reported net defieit of $5,064,000 for Sep 1060, compared with pro fit of $485,000 in September, 1950 From January 1 to Sept, 30 this year net deficit was $19,080, 000 compared with $1,623,000 for {the same period last year | Viased MANTE NN In loving memory of a tember ishand and father, Harold ( seed away October ho § 1 e SAW you hed you fade 15 were h ha sinking AWRY almost broken dn sia nl TERE PT PRICES ed hy his wile and family fn laving Whoth ha el away Ootober 81 ) VOrY TORONTO (CP) Churning auhan, | ere im and butter print prices were reported unchanged today TORONTO (CPM) Wholesale fruit and vegetable prices at 10:45] a.m. today Apples, Melntosh | 280-4 a bushel, Baxter 2.50.3, Delicious 1.50.4 heans, green and waxed 4.4.50 a bushel; beets, | 1:11.25 a bushel; hroceoli, 1.28 per quart basket; hrussel sprouts, N) a quart; earrots," tM .28 al cabbage, 75:1 a orate; | $250 a erate; eucum:| American 24's 4; eg# plant, 180 a bushel; grapes hlue| iW) per Gguart basket, green | 18; lettuce, American 30's L758; mushrooms, 1.25 i ner Spound basket; onions, 1.951.048 pound bag: pars 0-68 per f.qguart basket vashed 2228 a bushel Anjou B51, Keiffer 38.50] wr 6 quart baske!; peppers, | American red 5.50, green 4.50 a) CHRD OF THANKS [I bint Mit oe it hasket: pumpkin, ple 90 mn --c-- ws w-- | | 2954 a dozen: radish TEVENS Ww ' n: spinach, Hubhaed ind penper 1-1.95 a bushel, but put 1.25; tomatoes, hot house No, 1 large 15.17% a pound turning, unwaxed 1, waxed 1.38 Wnound hag: vegetable mar 1 a hushel memory of Man. 104 MONAGHAN ed In her hame and always tded my path and helped me her footsteps | will never ily rome An daw Dog ef and lovin Dal y Sharan and Col Jdren Gare ving mory o hoth Managhan vith Him, Og MONAGHAN ) mather quart ( inh aniflowes | \ \ an and a Ww hetter fd never ma per oy LER | sadly ns Wik pea 2 bushe! wish to thank MN a do anil ihe Eh doi | | t 1 Arik 'lla's potentialities Miss Nina ton, D.C,, arrive ning for a visit Mr, and Mrs BIG RESERVES Russian gold reserves on which definite figures are not avallablé--are estimated at ahout §7,000,000,000, compared with United States reserves of nearly $16,500,000, Russian annual pro duction is estimated around $600, 000,000, nearly equal to that of South Africa and about four times that of Canada Prof, Robert Triffin, of Yale University, in his book, Gold and the Dollar Crisis, points to Rus in the world Mrs J home on from a visit Michigan State and pleasure w hy the kindnes Mrs hill Mr Douglas, ited My Oshawa Mrs, Terrill, ited her son, C rill and family end Mr, and Mrs Mrs, T, Balter guests of Mr Craig Talbert ¥ and gold scene Caroly He makes a strong case for a new set-up of international mone tary reserves which would in clude gold though with no greater and perhaps a lessened role than at present, He com ments, however "My conclusions would, I musi admit, be thoroughly upset if the USSR, decided to use agares sively Its vast gold stock in world markets, for economic or political purposes. Depending on the policies on hoth sides of the Iron Curtain, this could either save or definitely wreck the gold standard as an International mon etary mechanism.' Prof, Triffin apparently doesn't envisage that the question of gold being either "saved or 'wrecked is an Immediate one Mr oy ees In Mr, and Sunday Mr, and Mrs Miss Marie A. L. Prescott guests of My Eddyvean and Mrs attended Mrs Hodgson, Rn RETURNS HOME Hodgson Wednesday with Virtue of Tyrone and their driver Mrs and Mrs on Sunday and Mrs Wilber! | R Salem, and attended thelr HEUM IS church Thanksgiving service PAI MANY Wom anniversary Bowmanville Prescott and Orono Mis. Claude Kilmour, Bowman ol program ceremonies Was acted as master and a pleasing presented Alvin Yeo, on behalf of their | Hampton friends, presented them with a lovely occasional chair, Washing d on Sunday eve with her parents J, Hodgson returned | last week relatives in This privilege as made possible 8 of Mrs ) TO MOON AND BACK WASHINGTON (AP)=The US Alr Force is reported to be con sidering the, possibility of build "ing a plane that could fly to the moon and back--hy scooping up tons of oxygen In preliminary flight 50 to 70 miles above the earth, Aviation Week magazine gays the air force Is asking for £20 000,000 in the budget for the project BACKACHE indlay of Thorn Percy Dewell n and David, vis Henry Goschl, Sr,, Oshawa, vis lifford, Mrs, Ter. during the week Harold Salter and were Sunday tea n and ANTON | Mount Rery and visited] Galbraith on| Mervin men are inary di A0LETIA ages from hen you ean feel tired and suffer from rheumatic backache, neh Around Seaga A clation or neuritis, For these Prescott bles, thousands ave finding wondroy and Mr with the urinary antiseptic Sunday] loving acon of CYBTEX J, 8 After ade mi hy A AW were Mrs | el} pains go and loop Is refreshing. You Teel younger and tronger, Get OYSTEX from your drug aL today and see how refreshed you fos) PORK : U.S. Marines Leave Cuba HAVANA (AM A special foree of 1,430 US. marines, whose eekend visit to Guantanamo Ray brought charges of aggres. | lon from supporters of Premier Fidel Castro, went back to sea at | am, today They headed for home hase on Puerta Rico after four weeks of | manoeuvres at aboard the sant arrier Boxer and 4 hours of shore leave at Guantan amo. Their visit, termed in Wash ngton a period of rest and relax: tion, served also as a show of ¢ Please Note Ww In effect tor Winn Memoriams, Cords of hanks ? AM I" AM DIAL SAME DAY EA SAME RA DAY 3.3492 ea FIND INDIAN RELICS TORONTO (OCP A. old Indian We de thousand: | oulture that of the wood of life and the begin on towards a more] Heed soclety, 13 be | evealad hy excavations near | ckering Township, 20 miles! of Walter Kea the Ontario ma m ad at th Eastery Ale Archeological Federation aatuivay, 8 ine ovaly farce Iroquois WRONG SPOT TUNRRIDGE WELLS, Eng {land (CP)-Dr, Eric Lyburn has asked the council of this Kem own to remove a sign outside his surgery, which he savs is bad for trade. The sign points the {way © the crematorium, : P here Rayal he AT Theast yon, of ndings wa. meeting of the SPARERIBS PORK SAUSAGES SUPER-RIGHT STEAKS OR ROASTS! ¢ PORTERHOUSE e SIRLOIN * WING THE GREAT ATLANTIC & FACIAC TEA COMPANY LTD, Super Mark MEANS Asp OCT, 31st, NOV 1st and 2nd Lean Mealy 49: Small Link, Tray Pas Pure 19: (£3 DEPENDABILYY 8 Simcoe St, South Will your child have the money he needs to get to college? You can make sure he will, In fact, you can insure it, Best of all, you can do it today-- through life insurance carefully programmed for you by your Metropolitan Man, As soon as the insurance is in force you can stop worrying, When he reaches college age, even if you should not be living, the money will be there. But even more than that, , , Permanent life insurance is a form of property, It can be your constant, dependable assurance that, starting right now, specific sums in line with your plans for the future will be at hand when you need Starting right now, you can be sure he'll make it them, Backed by the resources of the Metropolitan, Today your insurance can be tailor-made to the exact needs of your family--not merely for the education of your children but for the mortgage, an emergency, your retirement just about all the foreseeable financial needs you will face. Your Metropolitan Man now has the largest selection of policies, with the newest and most flexible provisionsand benefits, inall Metropolitan's history, T For your family, make sure now and for the future, Call your Metropolitan Man today, ) io. COPYRIGHT CANADA, 150 ws METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (A MUTUAL COMPANY) Canadian Head Office, 180 Wellington Street, Oawa 4, Ontario OSHAWA DISTRICT JOHN D, GRAHAM, Mgr. Oshawa, Ontario 1 Telephone: RA 86224

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