Quinte Conference Branch! CGIT Board Runs | ' : Summer Camps in Seven Presbyterial WMS spiritual, Social Conference(T. A, Mellow, Kingston: Becre| Ag a city grows its whole strue- a h i AA Ly Sust east of tary, AMfliated COIT, Mrs, Wire becomes increasingly com " J |Giffin, Carleton Place; Secretary, plicated, This was true in the Affiliated Explorers, Mrs, 0. Ber, pin, of the Canadian Girls in trand, Belleville; Becretaty, Mis raining movement which oper: tion 8214, js. Ha a oy, ated first in one church and grad. 'a re OE wally spread to many, Al length Band, Mis, Seo. Young, Lanark there was & need for unity and rp inte Wi ATE: adi. conformity in the training of _ "8% oto 4 'Mrs, D, Du sirls to take an effective and re- . 17 or: con ven. | Warding place in their churches Pres s are min, Oshawa; Christian Citizen | es}: various groups, ship secretary, Mrs. R. Stevens Out of this need arose in 1077 there are seven Pres missionary societies, Cobourg, Belleville, Lindsay, Oshaws, gh end Renfrew, ! regretted losing our president, Mrs. J, H very Kaufi re Januar Kauffman has served the ociation in many eapacitic found it nece before she ary to ente elation vice-presi n and Mrs urer, Mrs re Brockville, a Bible Young Junior Departmental Secretarie of thi arious f( € sleee ere Ass goal for of ideas made an Interesting ion.| Bowmanville; Community Friend. the Oshawa and Distriet cer ship secretary, Mrs, J, Munday, Board which embrac es three de Bowmanville: literature secre- nominations: United Baptist and tary, Mrs, K, C. Hopkins, Bow-| Preshyterian, The area the board is- the oldest of the group|manville; Missionary Monthly serves extends to Lake Scugog slso the largest and since| and World Friend secretary, Mrs. | Pickering and Newlonville snd space would not permit H, Ireland, Brighton; press The Board, with an equal rep- account of the setivities of all secretary, Mrs, W, G, Melean. reccatation (rom each denom)- groups, perhaps we could give Kingston; supply secretary, Mrs. nation, arranges for leadership) MRS, RICHARD DONALD facts concerning the suxil-| M Pegg, Clairmont, raining and special rallies sug Perhaps the highlight of 08F| eued hy a National Board; if M R A D 1d the Branch there are 324|yesr is the School for Leaders,| fo ioc nolicy at a local leve 18. 1. A. Dona aries (including Federation) held at the Ontario Ladies' Colloq oionas voady to assist indi . | » membership of 9785, Dur-|lege, Whithy, in August, To the to 0 0 eo alied upon, The Takes Presidency ! the year they contributed school come leaders and prospec.i joo "cng most continous un- 402,50, When you consider the|tive leaders to spend five days of) PREECE JE TER Dn ions : | that we do not raise our/ Bible study, program planning jSeriaiing oy 0a Of Coronation H&S money by means of bazaars and| exchanging ideas, and trying to ope where TNF CAmDS BYE sales, ete, but that this amountifind a better way of presenting|lrymbls WOEE Fl PB BY€| During the past year, the esents voluntary givings, then|our material, Trained personne! Weld €VEry EUmMmer, abl Coronation Home and School As think, we should be proud oflcome from the United Church Five Wemjbers from each de-\icigtion has tried to bring it ourselves, 1 should mention here|offices in Toronto, giving valu nomination and three members members programs of interest t associated with the suxiliar-| able leadership. One of the most al large are appointed annually! (hat centered on a theme close to are 2301 other women, who,| encouraging aspects of the school to serve for three years, The home but still containing the ause of age, or health, or|is the ever increasing numner of elected officers for. the presenti main object of Home and School family obligations, do not take|teenagers who come (age 16 and year are; chairman, Mrs, A, Hw, an active part but contribute gen-|over), This year over 40 regis- Dancy; vice - chairman, Mrs | 0 erously, These are the Associateltered. They come seeking 10 Lawrence Horne; secretary, ,.. Members, {know and to benefit from the ex-\nMrs, LL, McMurtry: treasurer Mr The Branch meets in the spring| perience of those who have gone ars Stephen Saywell; chairmen of each year (in 1961 in Cobourg) before them, and return to their | in ace Mrs. 8. Savwell: Toads to elect" officers, hear reports, homes eager to put Into Praciice| spin (raining. Mrs, Clarence Pen- pogion transact business and plan for|what they have lea ned Some fond: came. Min: Serztot Vor oH a bea the future, The president Is Mis, | decide to give full ime servis low; publicity, Mrs, Donald Rice |, Yow ing ; ; hi ) Jou BR Soper Smiths Pols Ria Pe Eure ar i over. 90, The past year's activities ir ne gi cers Pres dent "Mrs Mrs. A, M. Stewart, White Lake, Asso t0'" a VEApEL Service Mrs, 4 Kauffman 5 Immediate past president, Mrs. A, W, BICROrS as Junior dean Virst Baptist Church with 8 gent. "Miss, 1. $ugd vice - president, Mrs, L, Elott,|is Miss Netta Brownlee, Port apacily congregation; camping Norman Raike; trea Tweed; 2nd vice - president, Mrs, | Hope : for 192 campers, Through the [, ~ ghohbrook; recording se W. ¥, Young, Brockville; record-| Mrs. F. W. K Harris, Peter nations 'of local churches if (apy. Mrs, John Chi cor ing secretary, Mrs, Geo, Priest,|borough, is In charge of Senlor|was possible to replace a camp ponding secretary, Mr J Foxboro; corresponding secre Bible Bludy Hiding destroyed hy snow with Matthews; executive members tary, Mrs, C. G. Dowdall, Carle Mrs, W, F superior one for the director Mrs, L, Cobbledick, Mrs. A. Da ton Place; treasurer, Mrs, Als in charge o und business manager ison. Mrs, G, Hawker, Mr Beriver Peermrough hin Bucy " si Leaming, Mrs. G, Lean and A retary, Christian Stewardship 16 » R, H, McLeod, principal 'dwards, Lindsay; in charge | 1 sk y party was in adBig Mrs, relative to their department Weaving Draws [ A stul kotln pa t | Wa Beer Ys Ww T th held, On | jeld a; jh . ( rey omen oge er vere given a trea 1 May : Whi b U ited WA Began 1895 [pupil of Grade 8 given a it y ni 1 ' trip to Peterborough at the ex | From Wide Area [pense of the association, Medal . lions were provided hy the Asso To Retire Mortgage on Church | The Oshawa Weavers' Guild ciation to the various winners at vas formed in 1949 by a group of [the School Field Day, A very sue vomen interested | he & cess aaar was held which en The Woman's Association be- ada, create a greater andweaving he ive an of Sesstl buat i out these activi gan under the name of the La- which to work OWE 10 21 maemo (8 (No yam dies Ald in 1805, with the moto During the past 12 years, 15 surrounding territory, Ajax, Pick 'Every Member #8 orker , members have been presented ering Brooklin and Whithy This organization met In the with Life Membership Certificates Meetngs are held in the mem. © , Church parlors the second Tues: and pins for faithful service to| bers' homes on the third Monday| YE" VE day of every month except. the our Woman's Association, [of every month, Articles of wens The _slide from Londen Dis . 0 ers / 4 . b 4 ji eavers annua 1ibition ing ich Tuising money ye het i Bpring Bonet Tea tochmauen and. Gitloultiee. ars made another entertaining even nr p sponsorin e Lj y for the local church wb the Fail oy vol "Hol 8 is discussed, [INE : ; ; main objective being to help Ie on Friday, October 21, and are The group suffered a great loss The Guid closed the i Spring tire the mortgage on the church, preparing for a Christmas ba. this year in the death of Mrs, C {and winter activities, In June with Thé vision of the Woman's Aso tn "held on Friday, No Ross, one of the original and(8 tip to Mrs, Rei Bannister sociation has broadened over the ye. 4 : very active members South honding " Sure ot intervening years 80 that now ye Executive for 1060: Hon, presi The Oshawa Weavers' Guild fs i Serve 2 delightful lunch by| contribute to Social Wellare lo dent. Mis. JM. Smith: past | affiliated with the Ontario Spin-| ny Bannister and returning in cal'v and Overseas Rellef as well dont Miv. JM. Soth; 208) ners and Weavers of Toborio and| Mrs, Ba ulster ah | os United Chureh Homes; many president Mrs. L. F. Richards %ome of the members attend this| The guild was most fortunate sards are sent and VISE AY oT Tice president Irs Rroup every month and hringl wave ag their guest, Miss Wan k, the shut-ins, } | n : hack some very worthwhile ideas, | "oils Ls : , made to the sick, in hosptl- A. Price; second vice-presi 9 | } 4 da Nelle Crafts Editor ol the aged and to those sided: for dent, Mrs, R, H, MacCarl; third], Ro Jin ef from here ate oy aialnine Magazine, to start of! als; flowers are Provicer God vice-president, Mrs, A, A, Archi al a on Show In To-| join all activities in September Sunday Services, a well-equipk "bald; recording secretary, Mrs ron o all clothes modelled were! "1" Goioher, 1957, the Weavers kitchen is maintained, the uy IF] R, Ward; corresponding secre and woven, Guild held an exhibition, demon Group are supported by our lea "tary, Mrs. E, R. Elliott; treas Last fall we were honored with! stration 'and sale of work for the) ers as well as financially and a urer. Mrs. E. E. Bond a visit from Mrs, J, Bell of To-| first time, being so successful it spirit of Christian Fellowship has Bocrotarios Church vonto a former member of this| has now hecome an annual event been developed over the years Miss L. Pellow: Upper Room. PBroup Mrs, Bell entertained the|This is held in Christ Memorial for the whole church. rig L _ i A 4 4 fare | LrOUP With slides from her trip Church and Is sponsored by the Our main obligation is provid-| Ns. L. Bmithi Boelst WEHEI: around the world, Mrs, Bell stay-| Afternoon Guild of that "church ing an attractive and comfort. Mrs. E. Killens; telephone, Mis. oq nine months in India as the This year it is being held on bulletin inister and|H, Quantrlll; press, Mrs, R. Halli| 40st of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mc. u yea WE BE able home for the m devotional, Mrs, R, H, MacCarl; Cluve of the RH Hospital fi Wedne day, Oct. 26 In the even ) organization is divided |visiting, Mrs, HT. Fallaise: Ratlam, India, Mrs, McClure is| The on groups with each group cards, Mrs, T. Farndale; pla-ialso a member of this Guild Miss Mary having a definite yearly objec: nist, Mrs. R. Rlenardson assigt: Two visitors from Nova Scotia,|Mrs, W, D. Arnold, vice-presi tive to raise and several pro): ant plans - i . WH o- '"IMrs, Reid and My Hatfield, dent; Mr Fred Lloyd, seere ects for Soclal Welfare There ing, Mrs ¢ K Broughton; hii members of the Weavers' Guild{tary; Mrs, M. W, Perkin, treas| are three main projects organ tian Education, Mrs. A. Robert ip Yarmouth spent an evening urer; Mrs, A, E, Hornick, librar jzed hy the Woman's Atnocis son, With this group and an exchangelian tion as a whole when a e Committees Vrs, ted to-| Anstey; parsonage, Mrs, E. Fair groups fully participa | yi pal rs, I. I ether, man; quilting, Mrs, ¥, Curl; so poe members carry out thelcial events, Mrs, F, Ollen-Bittle; alm and object of our organiza-kitchen, Mrs. D. Fallow; pro tion by helping to maintain a gram, The Group Leaders; nom comfortable and well appointed nations, Mrs, J, R. Ward House of Worship and Visiting coon Leaders: Good Compan members and adherents of the jong Mpg C Heard; Friendship, congregation to create more In\apug' A Archibald; Harmony terest in the spiritual life of ouringng © Jewell; Evening, Mrs, church; our meetings, am atiat- Cox ce to other organizations . 2 ' la eR church help to develon a Auditor, Mrs. W. Pringle program, of Christian Fellowship : Ct and service; our increasing know-| lege of, and interest in the proj. Mary Elliott Smith ects of the United Church of Can | . --|Is Mission Circle First Baptist WA of pirgt Baptist Has Long History slon Circle Is a missionary or The Women's Association of the|« nization of the First Baptist First Baptist Church. was first Church of Oshawa, and meets "organized 'n 1801, At that time tithe second Thursday of the month| was called The Ladies' Ald Socl- in the afternoon. This group of ety. About 14 years ago the name women meet in each other's was changed to The Woman's homes, and while not too large, As ociation.™ ) presiding officers are Maclean, president Flowers, Mrs, J, BEFORE YOU | BUY AN | ELECTRIC | DRYER. . 7 Be Sure To Drop - In and See -- The Mary Elliott Smith Mis contribute a record amount ta the One of the first presidents of Baptist Women's Missionary So the WA was Miss Marvetta Hall.lciotv of Ontario and Quehee, A Miss Hall held that office for number of their women subscribe about ten years and was ato the paner put out hy th staunch worker until her death a ciety, called the Link and Visi few years ago. tor, The wark of this organiza The work carried on by the tion is carried on by the free WA which is catering to wed:|will offering of the women, and dings and banquets; quilting, and has been operating for a good he 2yt home bake sales, The pro- many years, First started in the eeeds from these various activiold church on King street and ties is used for the church tojnow carried on in the new replenish the kitchen and the church : pecossary things which are re ou. meetings are held once a quired, . month and at these meetings we slate of officers for 1960 have a topic, sea a AVEL gre as follows: President, Mrs, nog husiness. Such topics as New Walter Nickerson, 2M Oshawa iundiand, Grande Ligne and Fel.' boulevard south; vice - president, jor stitute, The Work In India, Mrs. Cecil Wood, 85 Kenneth aV-Igoivia and our newest field gove; treasurer, Mrs, Gerald spioa were given. 3 auike neath: nl Resides our regular meetings, fary, Mira 'ter Other activities consisted of pack in Press rehorter, ing a food parcel for India, m KE hs y ide In arcel for India, mak oo E, Pearson. 31 Adelald Ing articles for White Cross work 00 pist, Mrs rold Aud 169 fans rs. Harold in India. . During the summer joy, 84 Gladstone avenue; devo +h Bay Be) .: \ , hs th fonal, Mrs. W. Collins, 358 Park Mon! * Fioidowg a_i oad north; flower convener, working on quilts (OSHAWA) LIMITED thas , i ete, and have just sent a box to Arthur Houta, 168 Nag Feller Institute in Quebec 90 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 5.5332 Your Frigidaire Degler in Oshawa fog 23 Years The All-New 1961 FRIGIDAIRE Prices as Mrs. Darcy and Mrs. E, Pearson; At Christmas time our society p leaders, Mrs. R. Britton, looks after a Home Mission Pa Roxborough and Mrs, Arthur tor's family, supplying them with ard, clothing, toys and something for There are 50. members in the their pantry, Woman's Association and the We trust that God will continue meetings are held on the fourth to bless our organization and that feesday each month in the we may be able lo carry oi shternoon, - ithe work for His Kingd St. Matthew's Guild! Is a Busy Group $t, Matthew's Church Guild was formed five years ago, and since that time has been a very active and busy group, This year, we provided the kit chen of the Church with drapes, purchased cup dispensers end towel cabinets, assisted with the purchase of new Prayer Books and helped to re-stock the Chureh dishes, In the spring, we held our an nual "Tulip Tea", and two rum mage sales, We did some cater- ng, and this year, for the first ime, we presented a "Fashion Show", We welcomed a number of new members this year, and although most of our meetings are busi- ness, we did hold a penny auction to which friends were invited nd in May we had a speaker from the Canadien Mental Health Association, At the present time we are busy ith plans for our auction sale » heing held (his montis, and alter 4 2 hat we will be assisting with St tatthew's Christmas. Fair CHARMING CONCOCTION Our officers are: president irs, G, A. Turton; past presi- fent, Mrs, Jack Edwards; vice president, Mrs, 'T, Anderson Jr cevetary, Mrs, R, L, Gouldhurn treasurer, Mrs, Donald Morrison Jean Patou, one of the most | me outstanding members of the he It is sc Parisian Haute Couture, erealed | forehead and | this intriguing cocktail hat for { profusion of feathers, festive oceasiq Made of gold sh, the turban climbs to lofty his alloped over the adorned with a By Tracy Adrian 'E, Balter, { THE OSHSWA TIMES, Mondoy, October 31, 1960 13 Grace Lutheran Women's Guild [Planning Kitchen In New Church | The Women's Guild of The Guild sends a donation an Lutheran Church was A organized nual 10 a deserving student of lin 1928 and of the origingl five theology, provides flowers for members, one member, Mrs the gitar on special occasions snd Ross MacKenzie, is still setively for members who are sick, Visits engaged in Guild work, n the sick sre #lso made, The Guild members have revised {their origingl constitution gnd pre busy making plans for the kit chen in the new church which is Friendship Group Does a Good Turn is the voces of being bil es The Friendship Group of North- #01, Volunteers have signed for minster WA has heen in existence service at the new Hillside since 1951 e have 15 members, Manor During the past year we had a The Guild activities during the bazaar and tea, a shower for one nast year have included eatering of our girls who had had a bad yp 5 wedding, an annus] hezasr fire in her home. We are now apd hake sale and helping in working for our bazaar which 15 other eongregationsl activities to he Nov, 9 in Northmipsier, The Guild meets monthly has Chureh 'an active membership of fifteen Our executive is ss follows: women snd the present officers Group leader, Mrs, M. Bosy; gre; Victor Hartwig, pres. past group leader, Mrs, G, Vish- jdent; Mrs. Selby Grant, vice. er; first vice president, Mrs, H. oresident; Miss Margot Knox, Chesehorough; secretary, Mrs, secretary; and Mrs, John Stef A, Creech; treasurer, Mrs, W. fen, treasurer, | Alexander; corvesponding secre AR Grace oy HOUSEHOLD HINT hi kitchen, Mrs, A cloth dipped in vinegar and press reporter, Mrs ubbed on the sole plate of an flowers and visiting, Mrs, iron while it is still warm re moves starch stains Balter; manse, ? Schell LS ------------ % 'm Increasing Donation to the Greater Oshawa A | will YOU DO THE SAME? 18 PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS ® THE BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION ® CANADIAN ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATIC SOCIETY. ® CANADIAN GIRL GUIDE ASSOCIATION ® CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND ® CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY ® CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND ® OSHAWA & DISTRICT CEREBRAL PALSY SCHOOL & CLINIC ® CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY ® COMMUNITY RECREATION SOCIETY ® JOHN HOWARD SOCIETY OF ONTARIO ® MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY OF CANADA ® OSHAWA & DISTRICT ASSOCIATION EOR RETARDED CHILDREN ® NAVY LEAGUE OF CANADA ® SALVATION ARMY @ ST. JOHN AMBULANCE SOCIETY ® WOMEN'S WELFARE LEAGUE @ VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES ® YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION LOCAL 1500 LOCAL 1817 UAW. LOCAL 222 UNITED STEELWORKERS OF AMERICA THIS YEAR'S OBJECTIVE: $210,921 Campaign Dates OCT. 26 -- NOV. 1 LOCAL 3767 LOCAL 2784 --------