The Oshawa Times, 31 Oct 1960, p. 10

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fad 8 very successhid tor owr association The new executive is as lows: President, Mrs, ¥. LaSalle, vice-president, Mrs, P, Hayes Mrs. C. Hopkins, recording retary, Mrs. J. Sage; eomve sponding secretary, Mrs, §, Tay lon, treasurer, Mrs. J, Souchs eneclive members the Kinettes leddilon we Bad our aonud turkey wssary in the community of supper in the church various Mrs, W. Gibb reviewed '5t, Andrew's WMS Kinettes Derive Much Pleasure =." under. book "Aries Disturbed" st 2] lternoon Aux. 1, Working For Children's Rid c= «ve see winds Woomter merit.» Enjoys Study Boo k 3 = Ca awherry Bridge, and 4 the chureh for # pot Juek netie Cub of Oshawa, | March of Dimes have ll benelil- 5 Bake Sale all help to raise nd & Christmas of members of the Kins ted finasiielly from the cub wily fon work December Club heen most wd Amu l Whoa ships are pre We greeted the New Year with work during the sented Lo \sudemts in the home members of our own Association economies Apartment at Central putting on a suiabie skit and mu s Collegiate Instituie and wt The sical numbers away the Dr. Donevan Colleginie Institus Mr, M, McCoy gremest ne it has been the primary sim o "The Three projects the Aub to as Kinstnen and Love derive whenever possih partner 'sineere Work car Wp Degen Auring he Chil- the Milk for Britein Fund mem- the Kineties proud - Public 1)- bers treats and heen able to comribute financial. 5 Kennet) ihe 5 remembrances on birthdays and | to the Kinsmen Memorial CONF Wr Stadium, playground equipment, "07% " he ambulance for the Jack Macdermaid Oshawa and the Eimer the Safety C1 eu Lioyd Flephamt Campaign ihe Wor when we as visitors members sChoNE of seven ehurches, and our wt ere ' Westmount WE 7 cin 0 "param Oe ] School in Trinidad Kecalls Fine Year The CGIT and Explorer groups of our church joined and took hie d # ee WOTE When THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, October 31, Maxwell Heights H&S Association the 0 UAWA Ladies' Auxiliary No. Holds Distinction of Being First | Sux ial so. 27 was first wr 1977. We were the first auziliary wn Canada veld # cortificale of nave givays Maman: i Iembershio in the al auxiliary. The aims of our ausiliary wre the women of the an workers (0 the principal rade unionism ship bs honored to retired mem yess the our This second year Jo supper Mase DEORE Soingh Ass wiition,. We have 65 members and an average tendance of 95. We held eight regular meetings and eight ex eciive meetings The meetings this year have provided a variety of interesting programs. Fund raising projects WEYE Very sucecessivl With the enthusiasm and co operation of #ll the members we di Dince the early Oye when we # Pres the heen CONLrega- man five Andrew hyterian year 1960. President I past pres Earl Southern; Is went, Mrs. Doula » president, Mrs secretary The executive for the 1961 Mrs, Arthus Aemt, Mi nw local ser fon women of 9 ands as follows yea ih Gunng sence ha nerested in ms rm , ary Many of the Altern Auxiliary are keen reader study books, the Book Shell, Mi Wonthly which our Mrs Jeuts at nave ll Ses Lek fis L's Lite in February message 10 wrk OM ey ed Mrs parent education, Mrs, BR, Pattie membership, Mrs, D, Barneit citienship, Mrs, F. Ba publications, Mrs, G. Dowling. one AEN IRENE # al Mr. ( means of of the We fd the args COATHIR One of 1 eh Lhe vik pre Lowe; Ind vice , Cordon Garrison Anthony Goeplric rs, Bruce rom fies men re a ed on by i 3 ne Flernation SHMAYY and suits Wns tary, Wary w hemi, ¥ ana ha ome Slater brought<to ws by # Lape recording, The hilletin Five Books of Moses as narrated direc. hy Carlton Heston at the Maren Allen Canning, Ws, meeting Mrs, fan Me (47 Pigaen, Mes. (orm Ierature 0 e0ucle # OATRIVE Gervow Wi Donald Lake Norman Deckes dren's Ad urrently ihe are fo have the Oshawa provide sped Being ihe pre deals of Weer number of oH na {r rary me of { IVE B ii Mere on COMMUNITY repre ehurehes rahyyiLe large meeting took the missionary meeting April of a haa City Additiuma) underigking CH 0 Mrs, Rob recently re adding a Bin ENOUED 16 enterism Ihe annugl Pre i Aid PROJECTS 'ey Robinson septation on or: a members to Labor Couneil ser Christine Fhomas on City Council, Sister ¢ Reardon on Wellare Board 4 Reading attends and reach our allo fhe Kinetle Club "ye and wo members " ig [hrough tree will and ¥ Koller. hiss a membership of 49 and one council; Sister y ded recep! from our | nono member, Wi the repre 4 4 oupE and a from 6G. Russel) ho Cross Home WA. Our officers are conti end helping nd President, Mrs, J, |, Pegg. see J Phe Oshawa retary, Mrs, C, A adie H al ( wer, Mrs, M, D, W hyterial meeting ' We ani Fiman in room by See our selection of smart millinery for all occasions, We ha turn as required support #ll departments of wus meet regllarly on i COM Thursday of each aniation Nhs Bik comfort FUE, # ial ha the largest « Ey 16 Made wn the organ ation of the March of Dimes or whall of the Rehabilitation Vow lor Poliomyeiitis and Or George thopaedically Disabled. Last yea to the Kineltes raised $0 from this we Lo exceed. thi they will sponsor this again in January for the wth on consecutive, year. The Kinetis sided the Public Health by eorry. tik In October we wt. Gregory's CWL Reflects tos soot i 2 Members' Devotion and Loyalty | In order ou he ganized as a unit fort b Ion £ ol the (} ehildren montn at 2 p.m cation ein F le aation part in the May meeting Once again the end of the year came along and we met once for a supper followed hy the meeting, the theme of prayer year we eatered to hanguets, had #8 a turkey sup fair exhibi assisted with expenses ' Detenes the hm e MeNell Js fied vamimitiee Woman As ation ha and profitable leadership of Jackson YER) the husy endeavored he en President, Mrs J The fall Se ple mber donation are keen approximate, inde ane VIOLA McDOUGALL Millinery 52 SIMCOE 57. N. wheneye € om more regular whieh penker During the minister, weddings and L. Birawbherry Bupper quilted for he and generally and manse Gener Yimocoe The sim with yer ehason opened meeting la ad a Worley ind anced ry Hall Buildmg ¥ charitable or CRMPAIEN wi and the To Hospital past year 0 of our main Wie donate 0 a b 5 in Osha and Wak Children's KEARDON hen we Rev, W Our [ BISTER ATICK emidven al Christma Gibb, our es and other # helped the Local home mas party and & pienie to Oromo Hos: Park for Locsl 222 retired mem hers and wives Our Auxiliary cream in August Age Club's pienic In the past year we Building fund © 10 Wedding . banquets ee hold two hing i ( ad a J } Pahvas Pry oud nd help Local 222 at thelr ear altel i Joundetion o th neral Wospital, | i ag ik 0 Atholl ) om oul ) ) given lo Saturday teenage dance whieh | Lantus: oF ¢ p } to the publi October SLATE OF OFFIC ERs nembey nip m President, Alice Reardon 122,000 In 1600 dent, May dioceses aero Canady I seCreLary, For and ( old depts at Fairvie al secrelar Hap ind its theme tor the curvent year Lodge Red treasurer Marge Christian Family Aposto- ( 0 Held ¢ atho { sanL-aL-arme, Rose 18 10 " " " u isis to Flo Lawton overlooked hy this of nd a to Slater, Ann Bla Education, Child Wel: home bereaved Hung o / and ( A Ac HEmiu m wo Amey: pre ons for the im, I or he cir tn Hillsdale Mano d and $500 to the fund pir CAmMpH had (a who in Lo Our gue showed nis continent October social evem per tion ehuren with Lhe cine 0 the in Lo tarry the ser uring the summer unding provided jee Lhe Lakes an a Municipal, Pro elections Organization {he for Golden The 8, Gregory Great needy tamilies, baby clothe ¥edergl Couneil and Wis or nd used clothin tm nthe Iroeerie Arehdineesan ( Women 1922 iH the Counell of League of Toronto He have Caley Our helped canva f the and EXECU ive Hospital plan to Catholic luncheon and nada In on also coming Community tance was Blso Blood Chnie RECREATION | We have #8 howling ¢lub which pres | I { 4th Ear of eonsecu- Ing five It is also the oldest (nan in Oshawa, A few row from the orig: serg the presi guide who Mary Irene and Pilke oh anpda h i on al Donor approximatel | onsiderahle dressin 1960-61 4 parishes and 52 amo me TOIT ent | Turner; record pent in h mada' fo Frances 1 notte 1 Cod wiley { and a n at the howling inteen thers nen Engle There | le Action tanization reporter, Vi Mf Immigration on at all level have Ie npaet of coneeried act Catholie women of ( through the national 'organization In The Bt, Gregory The G Counell has a total of 227 King St. Happy Doubles Promote , ee Spiritual and Social Unity the surah and hs acu a I'he conveners olf Ihe Various tion, the ( ™ n n tanding commitiee od hy the pre I'he recto Imm ton covered of our howlers are : the fuding Thomson league ne ter Ethel (arian ind Hh iy Council assembled a Ne enleritgin our membey { i on hy the funeral par ind recited MAGA the rosary for the deceased the field of citizenship a real total of 15 ed ol the Lor of organiza member of mem hoards of (he local imately 600 huted to 1 I's Assocs Bociel I'l Ihe Red nie ely rion an Appro hour ore com anizations as the nee are appoint: Community Che Blood Dono ( Red Cro ewin children's py of llow the Was each ye Double Club United Church Fehruary club 1s lo en in the home fellowship | the and loyalty its hegin ame ge and the follo the 1960 a The Happy ng Street ident Cro Fhe roup ofheey Ie mary of typical Ihe regula fd on ¢ first Thursday of 1st cach month, with the th Boigsom day being set aside tor vari I PV. Morrow bre of ) total of M0 recreational president Yl Robert NOV: fith Bre Pack The 1060 movie: treasurer, My hos, Le: 34 Honmorar eque; recording secretary, M In Bum Corre and Dorothy KC} presidents, Ka committee ind hein vice-president Booth; see, treas,, Bob and lyn Elston; welcoming commit tee, Juck and Kdoa Tisdall cand MY Helen and Nell Olive music Kelly DeGray; Girl Guide Mrs Seymour and Marion Bigwood: 1 J Duquette membership press reporiey Stan | Cieorge Fairhar tele Gomme Mi ( Harper: mn The pattern of the re ANd report (oem Janse Social Action monthly meeting Health, Myps, Wilfred Hanley short business wi My James Connon iteenship which the iba ini I il Liniigeat/on vi I | 3 Nr hoy apd Bit) Bos 0 the BOND : Radio, TV an oh ; parish standing highe tin Grade yl un Hohert Norma ek aueation. 12 and continuing to Grade 13 Viv Ray Scott; Pre Mi K oand a ery ful Fashion present a program then Connolly how had the pro serve a lunch, There is a differ Report the an 15 to he financing ent group in eharge of nual meeting in last, re ng and a ected a busy grams Is obtained ear and a sound The regular meetings from featured programs such a shions in Review" a vie of 1060 elub ac hoggan party en hy eluh present the er) dent. M Lave vice-president Ww | } ( econd pre ined | ahject of the ge religious life good made 75 pairs ol juma meetin I" pre ounell sponsor | Guide Troup and the th a tolal of 0 promote { the members chureh, Bince the membership has in veased to include 55 couples The Happy Doubles Club Is a | healt welive organ mA A one from whieh its members have been able to derive a greal Gea of satisfaction through its spirit ocial and recreational fa lent i } 0 PUT POSE nie executive 1s ident dent Ley fol He Doug pst Harrell Maxine their con Mavi. Mis, J, A; Yanch; leg Mrs, W, J, Boisson Kenneth Cole ocial, Mi lite the Le to Him Moving Pie sted regu chureh vestibule Schon! Radio, TV and Vilm ind hulletins from Decent elative pre re Forre and bh Eric and Loretto Gate WANE ature COreLary 1) ere on 0 Landing hown hy he (HIT ure Bpiritual, | Indu VE lar! in the hanguet Ienehe mn nal lation, elite The club's annual activities fol all parale city had been notified of a to the children of Am: | Pope John, Notices ofl] tanding TV program had posted in the weekly bul and $10 was contributed to the Sacred Heart program In Education two scholarship $50 each arded to the in the hroade ast erien hy fil.4 heen VIPs, Jetin and and Marg phone, olu ¢ L- In Peace. and Honor Rest You Here.... ion falph Har con { meeting ident | ind Led condi were a . fram Mt, Gre turned over |, mn eharge who econ hip service and eee and heen held ented at used in April and financial pre cach meet arshin piritual activi image Lo oui Shrine at Lacka pHgrimage to pre and a Cenacle He a Day ol ladies of corporate I'he PORE ig ni Lady of Victory wanna ND a made 10/ge Apne de He Lhe ! uecessiu (00d varie thus ol pro report on uded a p ton In the field of ( Health, 43 visits wer and recreationa lannary tn Ma Ia comic re Hivitie a ln colored Lion and osed retreat al House in Toronto Milrded Necolleetion for all the Lake On. the parish and monthi Holy Communion he ( ihuted a'gay outing: & wiener roast wa treat ta a at Pere membey NOWINE Flatgher's cottage various holiday trips | arlo during August members; a "Variety Ni I'he fall aetivitie enting different musical n oy vith our September Mel Sn held at Camp Pretoria in. (he Pup { orm of a corn roast, At the O« . on the thieel "Plasties (oher regular meeting, the pro. Ary priest in British Columbia in Evervday Living presented in the F'welve Christma hoxes were CARL CREAMER Hew 2 . Special activities during (hes completed chapel in Centen ih 10 miasionaries wn | yi N / R t on H & S months. were a Valenti "al Hall. Rev. N. T. Holmes of Qiatriets in the Canadian onl 1 9 {sponsored hy our club and held Harmony United Church was oui 7 Y Old at Oshawa Alrport; th for the evenin the Fifty-seven clothing quilt a quantity aol and #1 tation of the Pilgrim theme was "Thanksgiy "Charlie's Aunt 1 Ritson Home lay. October § Hele and on Group Nationak hureh Extension S250 to the the Catholie Chureh and 520 to a mission commenced meeting he. von {With special speaker from "The pany guest ing Counell ol 0m slension MRS mM Was pleces ol Loy and were waker seneral ne Centennial A hles WE Player n on thre ' far gnission boxe of the Banguet ponsihle althy Gregory work Com Intima [OCKINg oon tributed ecutive evenings I'he Hall; our annual May hanguet mittee Was 1¢ vith Rev, Clinton Cross a raat degree tor the he the school, speaker and the Motor City Ba position of § meeting hershop Chorus wnnlvin the the Ritson musical entertainment ma Home and The summer activities ine Tarento, ed a holiday weed | first projects the ass members held this year at Torpitt for dtempled was to buy dge on Sparrow Lak A for the playground, chureh family pienle held in June as no was the next item and at Kiwanis Camp. Club member had many money making and their families along with ects before it could he pur: Sunday Sehan) arent children combined to members then decided to the kitehen and a commit \ as up to purchase the i sary equipment he was great at time I many things, books and hook cases ware bought, Sev children were helped to bet evesight through the Kindness Home and School Associa fn purchasing glasses where the child could not get them Over the vears the Association has celebrated many birthdays, In Fel 1039, hte Association celebrated its 35th birthday. The dents were invited was wonderful to re ¢ ¢ memories of the associa for the past 33 years ee then the Association has up with the fine work that t members started years Recontly another plane Was to he used on the top school ft ear the Association used the $1.00 per fagnily plan as thelr money making venture The present slate of officers Happy Dou busy eluh vou oan see The Club 1s a very i there is still the annual Christ nas Party held at Redwing Op wards and the ohl Chit party being planned for thi financial | sehool 1024, Mr, H and Counel ade meluding hip 1, principal of he ywuary, 1984 woiation joined the ol Federation in antribution were -m hairman ot ; dren many worthy we CWI nd and the OAL national cholay CWL provineial buy ubstantial cheque || Club handed to the Very Rey WEE Paul Dwyer to assist in various We wel h protect to on rs. A warm) Gregory On November 5th, Canadians will honor the unforgotten dead who paid the Supreme Sacrifice in two World Wars, by wearing the blood-red poppy, immortalized by Col. John McCrae in his poem "In Flanders Fields', the symbol of remembrance ef their Every citizen should buy a poppy Saturday, November Sth, and in honor of Oshawa's war heroes, hud: year I'he year I'he 1961 husy ame any oup and veleome hip of our 1960 ) oal | ary. and a ong the Happy wel Promise 10 hy and exciting new couples assure them a the fun and tellow activities ion equipment Ap represented St Counell at the annual \rehdiocesan Convention in To ronto Lave B and sacrifice chased he nl make this wear it onthe sel need this They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow, a0 Ladies! Here's a Sensational "Buy" SEAMLESS ® Ist Quality @ Sizes 8210 II © Wonderful for all Occasions Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. ol the tion At the going down of the- sun, and in the morning, We will remember them, uary pe hack and it This Appeal Is Sponsored By The Following Oshawa Business Firms ! DAVIDSON SHOE STORE KARN DRUGS LTD. JURY & LOVELL LTD, (Oshawa) Ltd. 28 King E., Oshawa RA 3.4621 PHARMACISTS 3) Simcoe N., Oshawa OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE, WHITBY MILLWORK & BUILDING Chased of the RA 5.3312 installed at the anual meet on May 9 by Mrs. J. A. Ma ww follows: Immediate past nt. Mrs. JW. Hart: pres AA] can reamey vive Mrs. G Gillespie and Cooper: recording see Mrs. G. E. Jones; reas wrer, Mrs. LL. Devitt: corvespand ing secretary, Mrs, F. Tomalak executive member, Mrs. J. War nica. Mrs. G. Butler, Mrs. R, She mill, Mrs. J Kewin, Mrs, W Pave Miss RB. Morrison, My T Park and Mes, A, 8 Winter pal presidents Airs. E retary pring Special 2 PAIR 1.00 I. Collis & Sons 54 KING ST, w, RA 5.6311 COLUMBUS GARAGE COLUMBUS OL 5.3031 . ACADIAN CLEANERS 299 Bloor West, Oshawa RA 8.514) WILSON & LEE LTD. 87 Simcoe N,, Oshawa RA 5.4706 SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 Simcoe N,, Oshawa RA 8.6291 I. COLLIS & SONS $4 King W,, Ophawe RA 5.6311 JOE FLYNN SPORTING GOODS ? Bond W,, Oshawa RA 5.9740 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. COURTICE, PHONE RA 8-161) RUDDY ELECTRIC WHOLESALE LTD, 96 Richmond W,, Oshaws RA 5.3536

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