The Oshawa Times, 31 Oct 1960, p. 9

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lend. Mi KE 1! 4 4 4 i for the Indi oh in the AW hy hy (Carol Service iimmamaat sat. Yes King St. H&S Association me tor tog tian scodenthal THE OWAWA TAB, Money, Ocebar 3%, 19 3 9 Mis, BE, J, Wherry conyened the the ayersess missionaries i At Mary 8t. H&S oils 2 2 Proud of School's History wean en, Ladies Section, Oshawa Golf Club ences held in the spring in yar ithe class pletures which were pre g Liked By Parents sented to the Grade B students |= ious cities of Ontario 7 'Has I t fi ' Mrs, Leonard Warren wes in The land upon wileh King taught tn the sciool and the Ro ~The present officers" are = Long, n eres ing Mary Street Home and Bhool ooo "of arrangements for the Breet Beno was Will was the tary System bs used, President, Miss Madeline Bin Association Is composed of 8 New Mothers Ten whieh was held #f of the Mol aughiin Carriage The Home and School pro. chalr; first vieepresident, Men Golting was first introduced in; On July 15 the Ladies' Section riendly aroup of parents meeting in the schon In September and! C0, 0 Ton. 8 1911, The sehool,! grams are planned to be of In Alex WMusDonaid; wacom VIR (Oshawn hy # Bevtsman, the late arranged & Junbor Boys Invite: etter Mr, Harold Armstrong again Look Wilt by W. J, Trick Co, was lerest 16 parents of pre-adoles | president, Mrs, George Womb sty Somes Proven, when & lew ton Tournament when the Oshe wine times each year 0 hare of & very successiul Win: 0ned in September 1013, The cent children, The Wghlight of Lon: secretary, Mis, James Wl o iors were first aid out on Park awa Boys played host to more understand the functions of the ter Carnival In January, The {lowing were members of the the year Is when the pupils prag. | Henth trensirer, Mrs, Berl eq south near the CPR tracks. than 9 oilers f Home and the Schoo, The Octo Program CHalrman working| eRehing | wii; Miss Jenn Gar ent thelr annus "Yn ety Might' | Manigomery; Mipply seeTelary puis wes in the your 1995, and Ontario clubs, Wh Ningrous her "GET ACQUAINTED Wight CELE rious committee chate 7: principe) Miss Alice Law {in May, In June the association is Mrs, Arthur Campbell; Welcome | oo first president of the Oshaws of our Oshaws Junior hiys, Pills I8 the most Popper Meeting vite men, arranged programs of spe lor, Mins Iva Kvenson. Mis Lua. invited to attend the elosing ex nellore nd Home Helens, ors, Goll. Clubs Tadien' Section, Mrs ip Bradley, won the Lior. the teaching stall In charge, The me , Hie Everson, Miss | ret Cowl crelses of the school, AL this time WeCregor, Miss Grace y { hy, | wniunl Grade 6 Chrisimas Carol pi A ip oy Waneets arrow | Wiss Mabel Jorden and Miss ary ang letters, which the asa nedy and Mrs, William MeDon. Ey. Cowan, wis 8 member oly Trovhy, which was donated (A Seog A dd WFVOW A Anna EVs, The Bupervisor of | ciation help purchase, ire award 8ld; Giad Tidings, Mrs, Wilkam| huh, which finally closed due (hls event, yo A {to lack of membership he Ladies' Annual Guest service in December is sso pop pH . ! EVV [the 108061 Program Chalrman| vB : ular with parents, In December, 0 er have pn ole wy Mr, led and the Hislop Beholarships Callison te ack a ho 0 ten' Anal Guest 50, the Association began its A office was in King! " H -- J $oih yer of service 10 the schoo] Comuieted for his year's Dro gupecy "foil | erty pry A WA by i ' Thomas Henderson arrived IniOshawa Member invites & pid his was suitably remember Aram, whieh Dromists , have Miss ¥, M_ Holmes became of Grade # student in June St. George $ WA Oshawa with thelr gol clubs for 18 holes of play and | ed with # large Wirthdny cake at *meng oF Interest Tor WE DRE cipal "in (024 and continued] "Bach yenr 8 picture In pre They secured permission to put! The Junior Girls had thelr Dise the Founder's Wight meeting in "7% rem 8 SUCH WHEE her retirement IB! sented to the room having the Fvenin Br Studies i i few golf holes in un pasture trict Tournament al Oshawes on Vebrunry, Another esting was "ha As 1044 | ighest attendance st Home and g ' field oh Muxondin sireet, Mr {August 15 with girls Sampeting of particular interest during the Families Willin late Mrs, B 8 Melangh School meetings during the year,| + gy [Provan Joined with the Hender: irom Peterboro, Kawartha, P phst year when a member of the g Hn was instrumental In orgemz. We are very plessed to wel Africa Unlimited sons and the club house was Hope and Cobourg Golf Clubs, Oshawa Toastmasters Club eval y | D { D Il Ling the first Home and Beh"! come Mise EB. A, Found to the moved from Park road to the! The Ladies' Closing look place usted the business portion of the. 10 DONATE DOUAT | Asiciation in Ostinwa ot K ® oF I The Yvening Branch of the south est corner of our present on Ociober 4 with 8 Field Day dinner school this year as principal, The ) meeting y Birest Bohol In 190, THe, 14€ members of a Pudi 4 ary Womer A Wx iaty of 8 course which is sill located on gt 1,156 pm, followed by Assocation funds are raised by To H&S Treat Fund Mrs, B.C, Myers was te rst are Mrs, donct Barvand, Mrs |CC0rées Memorial Chureh, ON| Alexandra street, In November, a 7,30 pm, thw ¥ amily Donation Plan throug president Tudith Rdmunds, Miss Shirley) 8 meets on the first and third| i506, there were 4 members and, 4 ¥ ha EN whe Duke of Edinburgh Home|" ' | i nas, } hurediy of each month and #tlihe first Oshawa Golf Club char. 11 Official Closing Tes was y ch family the seh the y ¥ . | ie fir shawn Gol ub char ' whieh each family in the schoo . During the years honor has| Farndale, Miss Blells Hoss, MIN] of, eloek | ap held at the ( hi p tunity 1 hare | and School Association has com Drouiht to | chant L. Maveoch, Mr, ¢ son 1 eight o'clock in the evening under ter was granted, i [ ie Club on October Hs hi Wher Ava 3 are In pleted We seventh year, We had) "0 MOVER. | irr oupl » Yar AK Sayeon A K Ce ae | he lesdership of the president Eight ladies are first noted a, 1060, afer a Mixed Twoall eereintion for school projects ® Membership of 130 Ist yewr CCL SR oll al nnd Eovay und Dir. down Vouk, We appre: Te Gerald Blears lussociste members in the year | o'rsome lournement, The wy AR WOOL POE and at 6) meetings 8 good re 0 ARI Sip iy ') ¥. ohn Todi The group projects are worship! 1609, M 1960 8) ladiay Men's, Ladies' and Junior prizes Ywo rummage sales and a hake ( contests, Among these were El-|ciate very much the loyalty of . : M8 shows a lew { presentation of parents, The re d missionary endeavor J | , were presented ut this time by sale also helped Inst year to meet oie" meetings are held on the MF Badie, duck Lockwood, Drew the staff In stiending our meet 15 Study Be oH TOI Wide A olin os wel i presidents Dr, C, ¥, Mell the budget requivements, The fics Tuesday of each month and 28600, Donald Millard an d|ings and their cooperation at all Fhe bl udy Bank dos Completed spproximately 76 Junior mem Mrs pa hd vd veen and hidget adopted this year provides, oueoutive meetings on the fourth ¥Tonk dennings {times In our endeavors, gir 4h ited dining wh hi bers, captains "wir, Tom "dawn for such ma'or items as school Monday 4 The Dr, Kalser shield for best] At our annual meeing In Octo} 00 by re Gott Pen.| It was In 1023 that the associnte +i Toiltiars » magoznes, the Bursary Fund!" our fund raising eonsisted of fire drill was won frst by King| her the following officers were in THE embers Heat doviod A8véH ha Each year the ladies of the early attendance awards, the! o $1.00 donation from esch fam. Bireet Behool stalled; President, Mr, John!" : (dies as officers to represent the 4 ' June Graduation party, Grade Vly which was generously sup The | oath placed on the| Weir; vice-presidents, Mrs, A G11 Se io ork under Hu iudios section, with Mrs, ¥, W,[0Shene am, Cun are piviioted [Mathers Tea and the Winter Car: parted hy the parents, With these! Cenotag mnire Day 1026 by| Culley and Mrs, Alee Bourne; re: 00 ol ales which were COWAN as thelr frst Indies' presi: ompels tof the T, W, Dob» ival, ete, Each year, hs # spe funds we were able to give the Public f wins placed cording secretary, Mrs, Garth Gi) aT the Diocesan centre for| 960%, By 104 the offices of the D deweller Trophy, whieh is doe il project quite apart from the children a number of treat the pupils of King Street! lesple; corresponding secretary, |p oo dy tribution ladies' section were amended so nated each year for the La hudget allotment, the Association. A farewell party wis given te Behon Mrs, Randolph Mark; treasurer Conta wis made with the in. [they might elect a president, sec ies Invitation the Bassett Jews \ endeavours to provide some extra the boys and girls graduntin ' 097, the pupits| MIs, Lloyd Annis; executive] Sie pers of the congress: Peary and such other officers and cliers Trophy; The Margaret Me. 4) piece of equipment that will bene: tram our school, AL Christmas ou Sue Bpruce trees and members, Mrs, Lloyd Brown. on ny ihe Little Helpers' party, committees as we have today Hugin Bing A he Bronir-- HE the stall and students and Inilee cream was given to all the y on the | p Mrs, John Kirkbride, Mrs, Gor : ds i J The 1960 Ladies' Bection open phy we 1, J, Brown Tree ¥ planted noon the lawn of the| ) memhership eards and birthday) J hy: Fel . GOOD LITTLE SKATE June a radio was presented to the pupils, For the "Field Day I8|sehool 10 commemorate the Core|Gon Butler, Mr doseph La EE nis important enterpriseled this season with a most suc. Phy: The Felt Jeweller Trophy, principal, Mr. Gerald Waryer,| June, ribbons" were provided f0r| gation of | (ii, tn May|Rocques, Mrs, Normop WIN yay in charge of Mrs, J, (costal annumt "TeeOff Ball", fo well os the Club Cramplonship Little skaters will feel comfy | sized applique of a figure [107 Uke IN the CIAKEFOGOME spe: the sporting evenls and each 1449 (wo Veeping Birches! Miss ¥ " y PH "| Grieve which was held In May wt the ophy, AS won h and look very cute in this two | skater picking up the gingham ("18 Dayville screen and a sol of pupil received a hot dog And) 4 to commemorate MAyeoek and Mr, AR. Carel on (hase projects sere Oshawa Flying Club vear hy Mrs, William Murphy, piece set of washable corduroy trl is | 2 nthe: same remedial reading hooks have also bottle of pop. A skating party ol ihe visit of | ieoree VI and | michale La valsed by entering to weddings,| The official opening tea wa he 1660 Ladies' executive of consisting: of pants and top, | TM # hound tn the BATE {heen presented to the wehool in|the Children's Arenn was enoy:| queen Fils ] | 8 May Day Bale and Tes, cooper: held at the Oshawn Golf Club on| he Oshawa Golf Club feel this The overblouse buttons down | material and the elasticized | recent years In this way ed hy ill, A Kindergarten Mothers During | cond World War A illa McGre or [ating with the Afternoon Braneh|yay 14, 1060. followed by the '** heen a most successful year the back and has a Peler Pan | trousers are euffed In ging During 105060, a portable class. Ten wae held for the new moth-| = oy d considerable vl g Land Girls' Auxiliary Ladies' Opening Day on May 17 thanks (o our greenskeeper, Mr, eollar and small pocket piped | ham [room was added to the school to ©'% In the school and tem Wis | Lc e oney for various : 11 Contributions within the Year inion consisted of & two-ball?: Joberis, who has received tn gingham ruffle, with an over By Tracy Adrian [make room for the addition of a ** od if Jwihers } wh Joh ' § 10 the war of Evening Auxiliary were given to Overseas MTOR iu come at 8 pom. followed hy Many compliments on the fine - - kindergarten class, In May Mpg, View Lodie Th June @ BUItES SUP # ese donations and "The Roberta Tilton Fund, alginic" 3 entertainment at 7.50 ondition of our course, and (o Harold B, Armsirong took over °F Whe provided for the staff at 01 i League, Brit feel i memorial fund for alding retired | On May 81 p 0 sot. OU Goll professional, Mr, Harold 4 : the sehool, We also purchased T | 18 1ssion-iinae Sy Con. PM: On May 81 a general meet. |" nitwear Becomes oca ont he office of president and her ex Wirt: for those participating in sh Mi Prisoners of missionaries and Deanery £0 ing of the ladies was held at the Butler, for his assistance on mus ecutive and committee chairmen gu ' at Jy 0d Field Duy at War, Ch ws Cheer for British] Twenty years ago a group of ference club house merous occasions, as well as fo p s ' are ps follows: Past Presiden! in Yea Park y Children I Red Cross, Dit-imothers and business girls, who ' Blote of officers for, the year The annual Oshawa Golf Club! Men's Executive for thelr cor (Mrs, M, L, Morris; Viee Prosi ty Bag i" HMOS Oshawa [found It Inconvenient to attend Honorary president, 8, Cl | ! " operation the past year p We are looking forward again J ident, Mrs, Gerald|adies' Invitation Tournament n eason i) as 10Nn 1C ure (dents, Mrs, W, M, Broadbent and , Ra alton fd Cire Hellef afternoon meetings, Asked the Cros presinen | held m J I'he slate of offleers of the Osh [Mrs Bryce Brown; Recording '® Another successful year with | i oll Session. for permission fo form Blears: vice » president, Mrs, Was held on Tuesday, dune 7... gol olin Ladies' Section ) i Secretary, Mrs, Bruce Sonley | our new principal, Mr. EB, KIS nd Co yt mn BO aunilinry of the Wom. Paul Gulenchyn; recording see:| WHER OVOP 100 lady golfers trom) "eo President, M 4 oF gE By ELEANOR ROSS | laundered satisfactorily If done Corresponding Becretary, Mrs, W. James and his staff, Our slate Wi d fed and invelied. A on's Missionary Bociety of Knox retary, Mrs, David Hufeheon all parts of Ontario competed in A ht Senden, : A if Add dressmaker siyling and! pronerly-=and by hand PF, Baunders; T or, Mrs, Of Officers for the coming Lear LEC ° 15 Wi ved | Preshyterian Churel treasurer, Mrs, William Jackson: an 18 hole tournament | di Ter e president, detail to flattering fit and easy! Wirst, make a cardboard pat a vy ers Treasurer Mrs s as follows: President, Mra, [Kin eel pup who served Preshylerian Church Bp Tas Mrs. Tobert. On dune 15, "A Captain's Tes" Mrs, G, A, Taylor; second vices eure and you have three good tern of (he sleeves, hodice and by 7d Homleys Executive: Mrs. 6 "Jaokson; 180 vice-president, [In (he Mrs, Harold Reid, the wife of t10r0as SECECEYL eth avenar. (was held for the first time, This President, Mrs, A," C, Clitford; veasons why knitwear has be skirt, Then gently squeeze the 4} Tons Mu plassel iw Mrs, W, McGrath; seoond vice | in April 1015 there was @ me the minister at that time, was the LEVGE ey patina Soolai event proved such a siiceess it|recording secretary, Miss Eligns 1 oneal point of this sen! k i § row rs, Leonar ren, | 6 0 : 8 Bhd ging 8 i vi / Modal) h oth 7 ' Gor bh ud a a i (hia sour wit nS owarn oy Michasl TWeigR) Mr 4 H f hie a ", MIs ¥ w Halley More , of joing yy Urpin of tg sxtion convener M George Mac-was decided to hold It anoually oth Tazien po sponding see. 5 15 f ui . J a (I¥ 6 A orn winting In memory of Ly | ' ans AE py 9 N 8 t ' d } . Besides spanning the seasons NEVER RUB McMurdo, Committee Chalrmen Joaryary Mi Hy Nn, Maleolm 11 Robert fio was killed Inihome on Fehraary 18, 1040, G06 Millbr do nveney, Miss Dul fo further inttoduee it mem urer, Mrs, K, §, Peterson, beautifully the new knit dresses,| Never, never rub it against 1: Social, Mrs, Lloyd Roraheek and to garrespondl secretary. | France, Lieut, McRoberts taught! Eighteen attended, Mr Reid) Cle Miller; bY hers of oul £lub, A OW Convenes: | d : 5ON | ITeKS ng y ) A Ww, G, Coulhy; Little Help:(Member Night" was organised nveners: house committee, sults and conts offer a tempting|self-=and be sure to support It'Mrs, J, R, Dunk; Membership, Mys, J, Mark; executive mem:|in the school from 1046-42 and) passed away In June 1042 at Que: Co; tary Mrs. JR, Grieve, | a uw i Mrs, W, , Ross; playing eoms ariety of desig If i.| with your hands so that it doesn't Mrs, Stanley 1 Ad i | hee "Cit ers' Beorelary, MIs, 4 id for June 26 when a two-ball four yariely of designs, colors, pa / : I anley Duffiéld and Mrs, A hers, Mrs, J, Anderson, Mrs, CC. was respeeied | hee City layed. fol {hy a/Mittee, Mrs, BJ, Boudreay; terns and textures, The cholee | | streten from the weight of (he|J, Barclay; Finance, Mrs, W, M.| MacDonald, Mrs, L, Gouldbirn o Home and Behool Assocla:| The auxiliary was named for EAD (same waa ployer d 9 wa By prize committee, Mrs, M, 0, Ja- wide Heh tly. A Ww (Broadbent; Hospitality, Mrs, RB Mes, W, Kuch, Mre. N, Dolliok. | (jon hia wo of the teach: Mrs, John MeGregor, who al WINTER WORKS Al evening and refreshments. o ii wives and means, Miss M, There are precious silk knit nse gen 00, maintaining s McMurdo; Publications and | er wool, Miss E, M. [that time was one of the highly] TORONTO (CP) = A winter REMEMBERS WHEN |Viee; rules committee, Mrs, W y lar th y this ve in even, lukewarm water tem: Chil ' | . CME J | , Mrs, W, more popirar than ever this yeti tol Children's Reading, Mrs, R, J Holmes retived in 1946 after serv: esteemed members of the Senior works program totalling $260,000) gHERBROOKE, Que, (CP)==(A, Giroux and Mrs, G, A, Tayloj werighly textured wools, wool and perature wu vowell and Mrs, Wilbert Clarke; Centre St WMS ing th wnl as principal for 24 WMB, The auxiliary hes eontin:|was approved hy the Metropol: | my , veil: Junior devel thetie blends I ehie O Next, blot in Turkish towels to| py RB » | ' . 4] Mrs, John Johns, 08, first presi: Junior development, Mrs, R, A, fon Wy wa, yi peed drying and Toy the Haren Mes FE Ball Program years, In 1031 Miss Velma Kak ued to meet once every month|ian Toronto and Region Conserv: ident of the Fordyce Indies' aid|Patte; press secretary, Mrs, K, ons J C J 4 x ! { / ay i y i ll A aE Aridnberti a "tio Chairman, yo Manatil Qervow Small But Active ser retired after many years of and Doe 4 Domb rehip of 15 " ation Authority, whieh adminis society, attended & meeting R, inh; honorary commities, (Citizenship, Mr, Frank J, War tepehing in King Street Behool, #8 Isobel MeConnell, RN tors large park areas surround-marking the 40th anniversary | J, Gordon and Mrs, H, THREE PIECE SUITS cardboard pattern to control 18 paent Education, . Mr. E, 8§ The Association was most happy | sister-in-law of one of the original ing the eity proper, Work|ihe Srgantation, It started in her smn Shaltmay hme A commitiee, sre the three-piece sults With 00 gunthoetios are mueh easter to|Visual Aids, Mrs, Glyn Mor an wilh Chureh 1s a small @roup| ong of (hese (oahcers at special] nell, keeps the group Informed of "Among the most exciting styles! shape, {Alker; Health, Mrs, A, B, Venn The WMS of Centre Btreet| § ny host to many former pu: presidents, Mrs, Robert med of | ia fos flood control measures and tree planting, with 18 aetive members who meet the second Wednesday af |ternoon of each month, In 1056 K , v re aame th first Reno Our worships are taken hy in Oshawa: Grades 7 and § Are nights held in thelr honor, the Fron yierian Marion work In| Jobat, India and Mrs, Mildred wit Street Se y | v "a ng Struct 8 hoot | Gehman, RN, B.Se, a former | CHOICE FURR ordinated pullovers, skirts andiyeen"olaan, because so many of | ) ' fae t ¥ of Religious Kdueatio) mw, W, ¥, either tailored or dressy Jackets, | hose "aan he machine » washed | Feohel" ation, M There are sults just vight for| sea" qoied, too, 1" Grade Mothors for the various travel, as well as sults perfect y af | member and also n former Public] PRINCE ALBERT, Bask, (CP) for afternoon wear, There ave| With all these henefils allract: rooms are an follows: Mrs, Harey| ooinbors of the group, also thi Health Nurse in Oshawa, writes|A number of choice beaver, | 4 ing her, W's no wonder a well | Kove ten 4 a handsome Aidoos a! ions and) essed' woman treasures her Revet, Kindergarten pon) R Mo study hook, We always plan to] : ) a [from Vallore, India, Mrs, Lillian) mink, squirrel, weasel lynx and ' t l ( I x' sven knitted raineon [knits from morning to night Maldes: Mi ' have i special speaker for Was: | see the "Easter Story" visit mem: Digkson also sends news from muskrat pelts from the trapping FN A " «, Resides having designer siyl|2 | Maldes; oe Busan. Lalrd's| or" Mothers Day, Thanksgiving [bers who are ill and visit our | Formosa Free Chinp eason here next winter will he -- ye tng, some of these hulky eoats {Grade 1 room, Mrs, Yelle Hak ,nd one Sunday each year we associate members, The officers) Wark is also studied on bur own shipped, with pelts from other| are insulated with a new Nght COAL IN BLOT Li wl Mis pi aah have a special WMB service, We ol our George are as follows: (Canadian Mission Stations, Gift | provinees, for exhibition at world welght washahle polyester] LONDGN (CF) British house #8 Margaret Purdy's Grade 1-2) 5150 have a meetiag=when we in| WMS officors for 10601 Pres, boxes are packed at Christmas fur shows in European eentres foam---which helps the fabrie tolwives will be able ta buy coal FO0m, Mrs, €, M, Root and Mrs, | vite our junior ne and the Mrs, Percy Flefoher lector. | - oF OSHAWA SHOPPING OENTRE hold Its shape and also provides! from street vending machines J. Andrew: Miss Ferne Led: mothers when we plan to have al Mrs, Gordon Wonnacott; Se0re:| samme AAA AAA pulkless warmth ext year, It will he sold in small get's Grade 2 room, Mrs. Bam: suitable film, During the year tary, Mrs. Ace Abbott; (reasurer | ~~ AAA Rivaling these knits in popu packets costing about two shill uel Rowers Mis, Btanley Woodilwe send new and used clothing] Mrs, William Noble; Christian larity, are eye-catehing dresses ings (28 cen Similar ma Min Patricia Taylors trade 3 to the Fred Views Mission ' h h lend hip and A Wid i hoo. ( iL] e i nouse In LL 4 arence 4 ¥ wile for Overseas Missions and a Mi Wil reneh Jers COUTURE TOUCH shines. are already In u | Mrs, R, FF, Hall; Miss Dovothy | good quantity of new clothing and| secretary, Mrs, Dickson supply Now In economical Introductory kits hese are no longer Just sim |Armatrang 4 Grade 4 room, M tavs to Simeoe Hall for Christ: secretary Mi ! Clark | Miss le ribbed skirts with matehing a A i, RH, Burns ane I J. Gloclmas. We supply the vounger| Monthly Re T ) Orvis; ule 8 or Jacketlike tops, hi HONOR NUFFRAGETTES ver; Miss Geraldine Van Deurs groups with Word Friends and Pre reporter, Mrs, Karl Hannj stead, they are either one or two. LONDON (CP) A memorial en's Grade 45 room, Mrs, A. J [any needed supplies, We have a Planist, M lrene Winter; sees piece styles with a couture toueh| plague to the suffragetie move. Atkinson and Mrs, Robert Stuart; mother and daughter banquet [retary for Younger Groups, Mrs, and many have their awn mateh ment was unvelled outside the Mr, Wayne Junkin's Grade 5leach year and also fill our alloca (i, Wannacoll Mission Rand, ing jackets or coats building where the Women's 80. room, Mrs, ¥, E, Conboy and, tion to Preshytery, {Mrs Clark; CGIT, Mrs, Vann; You ean even find beautifully-|elal and Polltieal Union had its Mrs, W, F. Frohel; Mr, Gerald! We visited other WMB groups! Kxplorers, Miss Nina Kirk; Baby designed knitted evening dresses, (offices 50 years ao, Harper's Grade 6 room, Mrs, J. and went by bus to Torente to' Band, Mrs, Percy Fletcher In addition te thelr outstanding - " -- -------- -- wel fashion qualities, all 'of these new| knits are now done to At as carefully as fabrie garments, but do not wrinkle like fahries which makes them Ideal for packing and wearing while en route And they are sa easy lo care for, In most cases, suds will do the trick [ ONLY A PRECAUTION Although some manufacturers advise against washing woollens this 1s usually Just thelr precau tion against those who earelessly | try to maohineswash wool knits Actually, these garments ean he | unis! fl i F || peri re Time is an Illusion Pi v Re. A } " . " Ya Po NE . Don't Get | with Elizabeth Arden's Essentials Stuck 0S HAWA wOO D PROD UCTS | fo bring the very finest in skin care inte your life, Miss Elizabeth Arden offers a special . . With Tire | S introductory Essentials for Loveliness kit, Tro uble There are 4 Essentials for Loveliness kits, Eaen on The || "AT HOME WITH THE LADIES" | mimi iiondi combination or eily . , , and the kit for you is ighway EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT 10:30 yours at an amazingly low price : OVER RADIO STATION CKLB 4 5 00 Especially for the petite figure Only Listen to Barbara Pollock discuss Home Improvement Topics (Normal, Dry, Combination, or Oy) ALL WOOL SHEATHS ® Two styles At Walker's ® Green, Blue, Slate | Purple, Red, Brown 98 Ww or Black L I M I T E D ( odin lic s ¥ atlment ® Sizesé to 16 Downtown Showroom : Main Office and Showroom |} CITY WIDE (FREE DELIVERY Especially styled for petite $4" and under, one of 84 SIMCOE ST, S.--RA 8.1617 COURTICE--RA 8.1611 | EF ANAESS OSHAWA, Sion Ka5 34a Walker's most outstanding numbers for before and PHONE after tive weal tailored with dressmaker smarts 8-6221 ® 9 OSHAWA TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU » | ROSSLYN PLAZA - RAS qGe8 ness in two styles straight cut sheath -- *'v* a . AL SG BvADESY Gv y 3 neckline back, three quarter sleeves and back RITSON 8. BOWMANVILLE---MA 3-2130 AJAXZEnith 2.9600: CS ORES IN BOWMANVILUEE ARE WHITEY SL Dis per or, sheath in Jumper style top with white dekie, SHAWA button to waist fror s Hus ) DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. at ar age uatrated greg Whar} 1 .

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