The Oshawa Times, 29 Oct 1960, p. 4

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4,7 os wt, HOME OF THE WEEK FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE "== +% WA Attends : seeps through the walls, causing By ROGER C. WHITMAN the brick to crumble or Nake off » ; Bodies Found | in many places on the inside of | CLOUDY CHROME tree surgeon or nurseryman pull the wall, There Is also much : | QUESTION: 1 have two chrome them oul and fill up the remain. alkali and salts showing on the 1 e uto |eoflee pots which | ooxatipnally ing ales heide. How, can Bigg of --r . luse. The chrome has hecome " . rea WK Walis, 8 Ms PORT PERRY The Woman's tive date for same is Nov BRADFORD (CP)-The Bodies cloudy and even aller washing WARPED TABLE LEAVES ture, ele, won't come through the Association of the Port Perey 19th An announcement wes made of & Barrie couple were found he ' " doesn't clear wp. What can | do QUESTION: We had several paint when painted? These walls Upited Church held thelr October regarding the meeting to he held side & car on & lonely road in ih ' " to polish and clean them? wooden table leaves stored in the Pave nol heen previously (rest: meeting in the Sunday School at Alex on October 21th, Mrs, 4, aearhy West Gwillismbury Town ou) ANSWER: If the cloudiness 1s basement because we use them ed with anything room In the lorm of a genersl C. Love and Mrs. Fred Crawlord ship Fridey. Police seid it was : 44 % on the outside x4 client chrome so rarely. Two of them have he ANSWER: Use cleaning and session ; were appointed as a special com. on #pDRTent murder-suicide = : ? ; cleaning and polishing prepara: come very warped and we tried th f " The president, Mrs. Ray Corn. Mitte to represent the WA al the " a oul " tions are wide! available al 5 hitenin them by lacing eiching liquid for concrete and dq the Provincial police identified the re " ' A , srmghiening WBENE po asonry, available masonry sup. 19h, opened the meeting, The sec Board meetings in regard to ' , supermarkets, housewares and them horizaatally on saw-horses 71 L ' M Murr will 75th Anniversary which is sched. couple as William Treighton, 25 , 4 4 f r ie fall fahe . plies deslers, to remove alkali TEIary, Mrs, MUFrRy Wiliams year-old Barrie accountant, and 18 1% B : jarivare fasion cottee stain "Mh heavy weights; it to Bo Gag" i Tiolawing abel instruc: read the minutes and several iled for 1961 ' ¥ . : ! 3 hecome cloudy, use. a eollee SLAIN suail. Is there any other way we 4 16 Mrs. J. Fortier must he com his wi p 4 Dlash . . I ems derived from same dealt J ¥ 6 wife Mary Loreen, 22, a rw : 4 remover for plastic dishes; (hs can fry ons, Worth experimenting with mended for her efforts as Dee. Barrie public school tencher id if ' : auid ¢ t - harde vepar. With. " d 4 v ? ' rE be an also he wsed lo clesn eof NRW & Hawa cemen AFOENING prepa , or the Phe bodies were discovered hy 1 en oo | ee make following manufac. ANSWER: Bleaming may he ation to see if it will stop the The financial statement pre OFRHAR convener for the Fashion d wired: this is best done hy a 1 0) g Edward Toopmamns as he passed {7 directions. These are alae Fedqilizel y rumbling, Otherwise, badly dis- sented by the (reasurer, Mrs 1 he esr on his tractor javadanis " supermarkets, house. Prolessnnal cabinet maker (1on integrated brick should be re- Charles Reesor, was (avorshly The devotions were carried out | wares dealers, ef 4 4 i # x sult classified (elephone direc: placed with a hard - burned brick! received by Mrs. RB. B. Smaliman and Mrs, Police said the couple had left i ar ih i Be tory), To steam at home: lamp and any cracked or loose mortar Reports 1 th oup FORAr Leask with the assistance Barrie for a southern vacation i ps #4 SOILED, DARKENED FLOORS [the leaf fo a sturdy, Drmly fas replaced with & latex patching Wing 4 Yom the varios, Sioun of several ladies from the Thursday Bradiord is about ¥ : QUESTION: Recently, during 'ened frame of (wo hy f(owrs. concrete, Then apply several A rs om gard the Te Group. Mrs. 8. Cawker acled as miles north of Toronto a long line | had a cleaning Bowly sieam the concave surface co 5 (5 of transparent masonry months proved guile interesting pianist in the absence of Mrs I found, afterwards, she "Ith a steam iron, tightening the waterproofing, following mami: ays. W. ¥ Harris gave an in. 70, Taylor, dr {had used a Viguid wax on the lamps slowly as the steaming 15 facturer's directions carefully, |ieresting commentary a won The flower and fruit committee wood floors instead of the paste Continued until the hoard flat carried oul In regard 0 our PE ented thelr report and stated vax | had provided, without lens out. It's a slow process! MORTAR BETWEEN 1065 adopied child, A number of calls el expenses had amounted to i WIS 0 y A ON ' " ton. | $120 | lean ng the floors before apply: paywy ovER STAIN QUESTION: | am buying an were reporied to the visiting con mw Y. B. Dymond. wat Ow | | I ------------ | woman ing. | have tried various recom ng rr, M R | In se weekends Vener [[ B. Smallman RR mended wax removers tn get off QUESTION: Several years ago od Sahin dor Jae We het Mra 8. Cawker gave 8 detailed Best speaker and presented wn the "a i fin incerseath ; used a penetrating wax stan mortar between some of the report of the number of cards WL avi ow can | remove fo finishing & cabinet, 1 would logs is falling out, What can | sent out and the thapk you notes | he ax and grime like to apply a paid finish now interesting monologue and colored slides depicting some of the scens es taken when on her trip In / A 4 15¢ 10 replace this? It looks like received okey oT Cima ANSWER: The only other sug- Can this he applied over the" 0 HOLD ELECTIONS featiand and ih ontinem with ® REALTOR eo For all your Reg! Estate Needs gestion 1 can offer is to have the stain? Th / K , ) BEY A we election of officers for the " A PHONE RA 8.4651 mA floor sanded and refinished | ANSWER: Just remove any ANSWER: A caulking com- in groups are lo he held at Dymond and family 4 i , " pound, applied with & caulking : The West Group served lunch: PLASTER HEADS urface wax, using a good wax!) iy / "8 the November meetings and the 10 fift embers 2 remover according to label di- Bun, can be used. Or the follow: ooo oy reports are to he prepar:|* 10 ifty members 3 QUESTION: | have two plaster: pections, or fine steel wool and 0g: Drive the lathing nails In 8.0" 50 "the December meeting --~ {pi plug hess from an! turpentine, Be sure the surface is Beatle red fashion inte (he SPREE opig h again will he held at the The only covered bridge in old hoolhouse I there any thoroughly dey and clean and that is tn receive the £himking Church. The parsonage commit- southern Ontario is at West Mont. kind of sealer I can use on | EM free of any trace of foreign mal IX lo eight inches apart is bu tee presented their veport as did rose, & short distance from to leave them outdoor Yhey ter such as grime or grease, as "Sual spacing, Dampen the area be bhazoer commitice, the tenta: Kitchener with water and fill the joints with LORNE GOODMAN | " . are starting to crack ell as wax, before painting A ANSWER: | don't recommend Phen go ahead and paint. If stain|® fairly stiff mixture of one pari PLUMBING & HEATING | | oa 1 % is 1 OF slalue expos: is mahogany, apply undercoat of Sloan Soarse gd wd one part | ' ed | 1 f wer continuou f ven ol Wyarals me LCOMMEIN aluminum paint to prevent ma We are Exports In ol Y ie plaster will ahsorh moisture any eol Loed in ; y i gh sending 26 cents oo BSuperin Plumbing problems £ 4 10gany ner Nn ¥ ough by ' , nd deteriorate, Using two coals pe finish eoal tendent of Documents, Washing RA 5-1044 " - TN of good quality spar varnish, will ton 25, D.C, for & copy of 'Build ) - : ery { ive some protection; but will CRUMBLING BRICK ing with Logs' (No. A. 1.88:579), --_-- . also yellow the statue ome QUESTION: I am remodeling containing information on build: ad AAA So- . rs - . whal, Be sure the surface is free an old dwelling, purchased in| ing log cabins Douglas L. Gower Jers LIVING DINING 0 he 13% d PR PA-- of any trace of grease Wx |grime, ele., helore applying the / 39-0 : : . |eoating MODERN REMOVING TREE STUMPS 45 . x > SHEET METAL Excellent arvangement of | tonal garage. Blandard Build Laing 114 designs including one QUESTION: Irecent!y eu 3 space, with a pleasing and orig er blueprints costing $9.75 a Lore I Lore Wii = store ame Price (roe ahout in 2 L { S T 313 OLIVE AVE inal brick exterior makes thi el are obtainable In Canada and split level homes, plus inches in diameter. Now | would home on even par ih the for this Design No, CH616, Now much uselu nlormation on like to remove the stumps to at OSHAWA he tw f available from addre helow a building terms and require least helow the lawn level, They ver) hest 0 la RA 88163 RA 8:8163 hedrooms and bath with a util new and enlarged 1960 Book of ments, Order your copy toda we approximately two to thre ity or third bedroom fully House Designs entitled "A New Also Included in thi 1 no inch ahove the surface of the % equipped with closet and linen | Selection of Low Cost Homes for | Book is full information on ho gund, It has been suggested | ; 0. ~0p space, will fit in perfectly with | Canadian price $1.00. Con to order the blueprini drill several holes in the stump J 3 A the average family need A pour saltpeter in, then laler burn separate entry with large coal it. What would you suggest? J E I closet leads into the huge liv li Balding Editor, ANSWER: This is effeclive, but i 4 4 | ing, dining area with fireplace AW equives several weeks for sall NOW! | while the roomy kitchen with Oshawa, Ontario peter to thoroughly impregnale 4 IF IT's RUGS CALL plenty of cuphoird space, and Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of ood, Kerosene can he vasd in a hasement which has room for House Designs entitled "A New Selection of Low Cost fead, and ij nited Amma inte y NU-WAY | 2 tere vcrenton ma com. | Howse Designs ented 4 New Heleotion of Low Cou | job 47, FULL flores" plete the pleture of this con ordinance against thi proce Wallte- Wall Breadioom venient and beautiful interior to The Oshawa Times.) dure, and that Carpets ir Runners, ote Notice we lovely pieture n ame cient removed from huldings 171 Mary $¢ RA 8.4681 | dow and vaniing bos unde | NO" [Tu sims to move he | WE'LL LOCATE IT FOR YOU ! ree are sult Blueprints include construction Address tumps 1s, of course, to have a detal fo hullding in either 5 "frame, pills an ¢ Start making plans for the most exciting wididiiiloidlo Bi Special Class Christmas ever , , . spent in your brand new worksHop | Caution Urged LDecovilone home! See us today; let us do the "leg with a age to fit every need * Floor CITY THE HOME EVERYTHING 70 DO WITH night ton many school hoard HARDWOOD FLOORING" CALL 've RA S430 eagerness to provide special pro Pay For Interior Painting N\ You Can Depend an A Realtor ee) og Wr rams for gifted and hand , CONCRETE FLOOR SERVICE ; A United digi gh AT ber Custom-Made Colors | nook PRODUCTS LIMITED A J land professional groups in thei LD rovied children are movy | | bow MWe OSHAWA and DISTRICT For Free Estimates rs ONVINE PoE ams used else {whe Qil and Rubber Bases REAL ESTATE BOARD Dr. Ray Graham, of Chicage Tl isa Hardwood Floors || os WO, { hy » LAYING | y [director of pecial education for k p | #2 [the state of Minois, said the de o FINISHING | PATTERN vd vd Imand for special Taellities for CALL . , . RA 5.685) || 258 ul (such children has heen so great I Ld A " --_-- . A REE, it is possible there may he ton oot 7/4 (3 ud i NEE id be) han tA WM AT WA \ ' . % 1 a SANDING . v By RUTH W. SPEARS much show and not enough posi " ROSS E MILLS Appealing cut-out ducks may he Ye ichievement 3 t N f 100 . used for toys as well as lawn "In many places there is an . Y 4 co. LTR novelties. Pattern 258, which also unwilingne to wall tor J 16 CELINA §T, RA 3-212 ' ' : » be 80 SIMCOE ST. N gives actual-size cutting and Search, study and planning," he . ' . 4 (2% paint-design for a smaller duck sald ¥ od RA 8.6218 and complete directions for the He spoke lo the Ontario Feder ; "Flooring Our Specialty' vheelbarrow is 0c, This pattern ation of chapters of the Interna 4 Ratton conc tor Exceptions [0° © COV VVVVVY is nine of four full-size patterns in tional Furnishings and Toys for Small Children Children Packet 61 all for $1.75 wAlirew' orders, to The Hom McCULLOUGH ws av | ASTIR LUMBER McLaughlin Neating | YARD Pl A | k 8 | SHUFFLEBOARC ¢ PLUMBER / 1270 SIMCOE ST. NORTH for sy PA f eo FUEL OIL +» STOVE OIL y * Prompt Deliver Ld)! k 104 King ag a an | GG NTS" Can Supply All OF Your [FURNACE OLEANOUT | IX La Jue eves Lo BUILDING MATERIALS # OIL BURNER SERVICE SICONAN REATIM : fy UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY | Yi wn ws ne | / 277 bg vou wish LS A permanent court for shuifle rr {hoard may be laid out on the IT'S DIXON'S rumpus-room toon terrace or - a Special Cash Prices On Request 3 A: 1 ; 4 " at / y ir £8 4 a! Wi) i ray poreh, Or the court may be paint For the BEST in FUEL end ol on canvas and brought oul | if Ral y # 3 y LA Heating Equipment when wanted. Patiern 408, which all i SPEEDY DELCO gives directions for court, disks, RA 8-4688 DELIVERY by GENERAL MOTORS cues, score hoard and two other 313 Albert 31 RA 3-466 | games nut Sho th > Te mw . Free Parking -- Friendly Service " more than a dozen games ' : ) : \ Yoitu fe ADDL ALLASASASAM Genuine Arborite's newest, smartest pattern ; : for $1.73 Suiding | Address orders to The Home Workshop Dept., The Times, Osh Supplies awa y Gay as a new Spring bonnet, Fantasy is the latest and smartest additon : . to Arharite's sparkling collection of Color. Magic patterns and solows NARLEIGN SUPPLIES Lo. Fantasy in four fabulous shades for hatiwoam vanities, kitehen THE ARDORIE COMPANY LIMITED (OSHAWA) LTD, > . ¢ saunter tops and suphoard deem, partitions, window wil, basehoords, MS Lofteur Ave, haba, Manian! ond a host of other household and indwetviol heaton. See Fomdeswy Plone wend we nae samples of Aeborite' ew Renkin pattera 1 Sr-------- ee OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE : A RA 5.3012 In oll four shades of you Genviee Arberte desler today. rk Pion RE GEINUING FOR THE FINEST IN PLOOR -- | Bold Fantew ROSS E. MILLS ¥ | RelA RE ORI TE 80 SIMCOE ST, N RA 8.6212 Beautity your home the modern, fune ih ee tional way; clean, durable ASPHALT DEALERS FOR ARBORITE PRODUCTS DRIVEWAYS last a housetime Inquire - BEAVER LUMBER CO. WHITBY vy i DUNDAS & HICKORY MO 8.5818 A McCullough Lumber Co. Ltd. | GET YOUR ARBORITE AT SRV SELL ARBORITE PRODUCTS || MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES Lid, "omawa | LAEREIUTIITY ; | 1270 SIMCOE N., OSHAWA RA 84689 || 1279 SIMCOEN. OSHAWA RA 8.6291 OSHAWA

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