The Oshawa Times, 29 Oct 1960, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, Octoher 29, 1960 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN -- --- CIVIC ELECTION CAMPAIGN LAGS Oshawa will hold a municipal election De Phat's right, the pre-vote campaign has been preity dull to dete, with little open politicking, or fiery speeches There was one delicate reminder of the vote this week--City Clerk Roy Barrand published an obscure little notice in The Oshawa Times, a notice of the posting of the first voters' list h While a feverish guess= ing game went on as to whe will run for the 12 Zity Council seats--rumors ran wall the way from Keith Ross to Cephas Gay, and included most of the present Couneil--the guess tion that overshadowed all others was: What will Christine and Lyman do? There's no doubt about one thing Alderman Christine Thomas and Mayor Gifford are the kingpins of the upcoming election and their degis~ ions' to run or not to run, will the sty of MAYOR GIFFORD the campaign His Worship and Mrs. Gifford have a big date Friday night at the Civic Night dinner--two oi days after this, he is scheduled to make an announcer ment regarding his future political plans include seeking the federal Liberal nomination in Op=- has been so widely reported, (Mr, Gif- ford, in hig only Federal (ry, w defeated by Arthur Williams, CCF, June 9, 1048 by-election here hy 10,301 to B,324) The letters-to-the-edito) some enthusiasm into Oshawa's municipal election cams paign this week, One irate writer gave Alderman Nor» man Down quite a scorching because Mr, Down attempt- ed to stop the Sunday movie plebiscite at Couneil level without putting the voters, It easy to see that Mr, Down lost at least one there R. T, Bryant's letter made high indignation at the current quality of movie censor= ship, but we found his suggestion that City Couneil take over this delicate task slightly if it was not offered with tongue~in-cheek Is Mr Bn) most of the year Is work schedule? It monium that would his suggestion was carried oul "Movie Censor Czar" More than likely someone like Alderman Dafoe (wha saw his last movie in 1028) or Alderman Walker (a great lover of horse operas) would get the post Mr, Bryant is right=its high time somebody Premier Frost what purpese Mr, O, J, Silverthorne serving as chief censor of Ontario Hilms Despite this eriticism, preservation motion picture industry is worth fighting foi it serve a high and lofty in our way of life pecially with such pictures as "Ben Hur") if some organizing is done, The ghances are good that some clergymen would to endorse movies If films were fashion next three which do not tario riding, as in a writers tried to pump issue up to the was vole nis sense, especially ludierous that City Couneil for bogged down in its to think of the pande- inner-Couneil circles if if Lyman had to name a ant not aware hopelessly is disturbing result in own asked of because Lhe can (es= res purpose go so far Sunday cleaned up a8 WHEN TAX TIME COMES, WE'RE REMEMBERED Here is a lightly reduced, in reply a recent column on eity Mr, Gearin: signed letter, to DUS On reading your account of the Apples hill watered-down hus "service I'hey haven't mueh to complain about, The people in Thornton's road north haven't any bus service at all. There are approximately 756 homes here, We had a but at one time, It would only come to the eorn= er of Thornton's road and Highway No. 2, 1% miles fram the north corner, It would there. If the people have to take their car to get to the bus, they will go the rest the way by With parking at premium at GMC proper bus service would be appreciated complain about roads but Thornton's read is in better condition than whieh they use Anvone without a car who wishes to go shopping has to depend on neighbor I wish they would into this may be out on the western outskirts of the tax time we Please don't area more than Just sit Cal plants They may of a a road, Stevenson's situation, We eity but at look are remembered Use my name "Over=Concerned" A DEMOCRATIC RIGHT-WING VICTORY The recent sweep of the self-styled Right: Wing group in a local 232 election here to name delegates to the upcoming OFL convention in Terenta again stresses that Mr. Clifford Pilkey, (the bright, aggressive young man of the Canadian UAW world) has lost little of his vote-gathering magie in inter=union tests at least, Mr. Pilkey's feat of leading all 22 of his stand ard bearers to vietory in the GM division vote (while President Malcolm Smith went down to de feat) would appear to rep» resent an overwhelming win, the kind union lead- ers dream about, Such, of course, is not the case--only 716 out of a possible 10,000 members of Local 222 cared enough about the issue to get 7:16 percent of the populal figure at best, We doen't mean to take any glory from Mr, Pilkey, but the popular vote is significant----this was not a turn» out where the voice of the majority was heard THE STRUGGLE FOR POWER IN UAW Toronto newspaperman Frank Drea has an article in the current issue of Saturday Night on "Struggle for Power in Canada's UAW" He points out that Jerry Hart ford, UAW public relations director, has written that "political sniping" at the international union has not meant & good press for the UAW in 1939, Drea writes! "At the moment a rough estimate shows the auto work- ers almost evenly divided between right and left, with local unions representing 19,000 backing the unsurgents and others, with backing fram agricultural implement and aircraft industries, bringing the right-wing total slightly above this." The pub ow board of the UAW recently ruled that Pay Al Siren, former inters Democratie nee CLIFF PILKEY That about an impressive vole not oul and vote \ ¢ rey FREED FROM PRISON Mrs well York's | being re she languished for #% virtually forgotten hy court, With Mrs, Hallowell her attorney, Miss Mary Yule of New York. The elderly + Hallow outside New today aller the prison Hallie A] Civil freed ed Harkness Supports Militia OTTAWA (CP ister Harkness day his faith Any change militia Gibson Waves Jail from TORONTO (CP Chief Jus tiee J, C, MeHuer of the gh court of justice ruled day that Kenneth Oshawa can seek re-election president of Local 288 of the ternational Brotherhood of Tea sters (Ind Mr, Justice MeRuer rejecied a ruling hy Local 206 trustee 1, J Duke) Thomsen that Mr, Mae Dougall was ineligible office his dues paid on five Limes ri Defence reaffirmed in the militia "that may occur anigation" will tremgihening 1s ival role, he said in a Min ri as In m he na in aimed tional statement [ of national the primary armed lores It 1s of that arg al a nuclear attack val took place heeomd all vould task of he sald greatest import the Canadian Army Hi kept to strength/ and well trained because it must ue assist in forming the hackbone of our re-entry oF rescue forces," [date for office Mr. Harkness gave mo indica-| Mr, MaeDougall's tion of the reason for issuing thelleft off the list ol tatement candidates He said sub-units of militia in month, Results of the ame city regiment helwere withheld pending formed In towns surrounding ruling "thus forming points thelr reg! event of attack." would in no ur hecause were oul time " in | i Justice MeRuer MacDougall had as required hy the hylaw thus was eligible a candi paid hi Imilitia | up to he name elections may the court David union, held ma Fhe will counsel Tor election Lewis sald a jor urban centres rallying ments in the 16 "Their formation sense diminish the importance of unit centre of cite bt ale het 1 | PIGHT PATAL ft allt od nit' 10 TWO DEER tional capability | GREENFIELD, NA | Parley Mol drove Mail Money ix Wo pasture Possession huek Walter | Mp NEWMARKET, Onl his house William Arthur Lowe, 87, pleaded| PUCK guilty Friday to possession of] O0 money stolen in a $48,000 mail turned {truck last August, He I was remanded for sentence to POM Nov. 4 found Charges of armed rohbery hati) auto theft were withdrawn, Lowe ht has heen ordered to make rest) with tution ta the postmaster-general | Lowe said $1,000 found In his possession paid him for used in the for new mn th Irae his a Ie | on ahe a FAW he Friday and deer standing hole MoCahe tn get was still drinking haek 0 rifle, The appar |! went hi there when (8 20} re the 16 hen he huek MeC abe hit 200-pound deer the dead robbery why moved antlers those of eeond hody was mostly He estimated the had died in week hetore toad in andl entangled buck under eoond fight the Ame Vere # whose wale animal @ and the trapped pull was Car a had about viptar spot snes rigidly that several men couldn't them apart stealing the holdup Lowe was convicted in Toronto Thursday on a charge of posses sing hurglary tools, He was re manded until the same date, » from right was barred tared hi f i for ne entative of the UAW, methods and ha final arbiter Mr, Siren When Miss al the age of 1s i in any national office by improper to hold affice, The expressed no opinion on the elaim Communist sympathizer , . Stevens was buried here this the Oshawa Humane Society supporters There was no chore ease the sufférings of dumb animals acts of merey, in this regard, were known to many was a lifelong resident here and resided at 194 Celina repre I union, board was a Blsie week of 78, lost one ton heavy, taunchest ghe could Hey She St way NIGHT RUS SERVICE A HEADACHE? In response to vecent remarks here decreased night bus service to the Apple Hill Distriet There strong suggestion that night bu @rviee is hecoming 1 each day in mal | lad in annul Ine a e¢ of a headache y Calne of a drop in revenue tatement is John the C talked thi hecause far tn TY vhom we an elie Authoerit general RE Tran it y telephone mpring A S50 in y anadian week vi 3Q0TE of think that the night vice in ue 10 pay the it hall led vies { a The ston enough revel true of Sunday an Arantford have a limited eh had dec POX AW ame | and except foxy patron cand oh s¢ eased of late ed ake it, a PU( man answe nat 100 ma x Ad {the " expense 8 ¢ertain } 10 need such re | a the passe the \ 'Judge Supports MacDougall Bid Ontario Court of MacDougall oflpo to run for will not! bistriet two la find a new chairman found that of was hy union dissidents to bar James| presidential (Hoffa from taking office us pres in elections last/dent. In return for allowing Hotta high '0 the {tn $106, 100,000 'New Blast Hits 'Windsor Store | WINDSOR (Cp An oil fur-tiragic Mast would not have Bice blew up krigay st a block pened Mf contractors had oheyed from the Metropolitan Slores governing naturel gas building where 19 were killedVipsiahations, He made the site Tuesday ment tk & press conlerence 19) | he second explosion shuttered three plate glass windows at # . furniture and appliance store, No Connections one was injured A workman at the scene sgid a delay in Ignition of the furnace G bl Won hn the West, Hi said there am e was no evidence of leaking fuel! PRENTON (CP) J limes, Firemen are Invistigating Aug gambled the AR connec Puesday's explosion at the tion for his new home on & ques Metropolitan Blore was caused tion of principle, and almost lost during installation of a natural! A power shovel arrived to Lear gas healing nn up the connection Friday whem i Robert Macaulay, Ontario re was thought the deadline for Mr sources minister, sald Friday the Aig to pay for the installation had passed. But the shovel was Imagery held hack when the municipal en wis nest Monday Attacked . By Vanier Vr, Ave, a Trenton merchant earlier had sent town council # YUH cheque with the written pro vis (hal I was to be cashed only when similar payment was recelved "from sll persons iy LONDON, Ont, (CP) Gay emor-General Vanier, speaking Friday at the University of West m Ontario fall gonvoeation galled for a return positive * thinking and criticized the fm. The three paid up oulside the seryice pact on Canadian morals of film, Hele delivered his $200 to town imagery, Nal Just before closing time Pri hap He ing SOWE) " later that three homes outside th town limits had heen using ewers without charge for three (TE in and tele Vanier radin ison Gen tiowing meetings and a tour of the ende fired IFES LICENCE IKEEY op {RY (Pete) P22 not negotiaghle when they learned | Council decided the cheque was who was awarded T4Y Eh an himorary doctor degree, disputed hug Aid 4,35 BAD DRIVERS It seems that images have al GET SYMPATHY currently used tained thelr eurrent vogue as a MO op "i esult of the success of the so BIMCOF, (CP) Privers called mass media," he said in| MAYE enough problems today, re COVE ation: airams with all the rilles and regula: tions they have to follow," ten le Velie hi Hg Magistrate John T Shillington on i, Valo, 1EIeVision, Nave! said Friday as he warned po only boa ign Atiombie 4 fone lee officers not to "throw the we wides a WwW APPERINE hook at motorists tn the I ast rational common de Critieiging three careless oninay driving charges, he dismissed vy thelr very existence #8 one and levied fines on re: presently constituted, these duced charges in the other two media provide a significant part) cases hi davton sting lt ne ta uring ¥ could mean a fine ol LI agaist modern communication! months in jail, or loss of |! (AF)==The UR is that it does not prepare us 10) cence for year, Magistrate Friday dealt the faee the realities of life Shillington said; "These eon manitorship ¥he Droposition that Sealven o. SOUENLE are Lon serious 1a inl only to he salistied may w lay charges of careless drivin that he found hy followers of mass ust id o the media (o he slowly eroding their WrONE side appointment of a/moral sense and their capaelly| vi don't reasonahlefor thought and action, the Gov: uyich SAYS man has erpor-General sald on his own side of the road unless on a curve or a hill, or Seminar Plan | {he etidint "s ¥ or Stratford vilue woman had heen sent lo prison in a ewill action tor re fusing tn give an aceounting of the estate of hre late daughley (AR Wirephoto) These vehicles WASHINGTON ) Appeal i Union fatal Feamsler a Diow ruled 2 (no | hie I'he either aourt Ile may velo the chalrman on grounds road of any Controversy ol the know mn law i] Bome observers interpreted ne decision possibly meaning he impaessible for Federal Judge 1, Dickinson Letts he un onjected 1a ap POA | former FRI agent Tere as on has fo slay own who receive and Mr | | A man was on the (SCHOOL OF NURSING wis broken and thet's what the Wait wink i known. | meen Busi ness. The code bs gong (0 he yal, I i is not, | will follow very avenue lo penalise those vie He i" wh TERRIER TIGRE W RET E RIE died and more then BW were He iraeton i] nied Vie plosion may force changes a the vigl ERs hil "My € of the con Lim ox Be ieee A Jessop PI WER ied iad resk aid the continuing invest) will likely reswit in offi legnl action pgminst those esponsiie for the dis Wis Inet the mele COMING EVENTS LLL P lar the ® nies Joh The Evangehst EWI, Batasr THE E. A LOVELL WHAGE BALE, Bimens Blieet pit HE § ASSOCIATION Chueh, Tuesdpy, Dovember "NIGHT OF CARDS HOME NURSING | BRIDGE ond EUCHRE CLASSES 10 be Jai Jo he OWE Spine SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Commence Tuesday, Wednesday, Nov, 2nd, 1960 November 1st $5.00 QCLOCK THE HOSPITAL Relreshments-- Tickets 796 BINGO CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, OCT, 29 BPM Alexandra 5t., Oshawa 7:00 p.m, 16 9.00 gn» PHONE RA 33 SAVE WED, for TURKEY DINNER n SEAGRAVF UNITED CHURCH Hot turkey and vegetables, plum pudding and pie ing starts at 4:30 p.m Admission Adults $1 F.5 Children NOV. 2nd 20 Gomes == $8 $40 Jackpots To fo $150 Jee pot To Go Bozoar and Tea FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4th AT 2:30 PM SIMCOE §T. MEMORIAL HALL Under the auspices of Aste Group WA £ Wry 5( 0 £ Monster Bingo 16 PRIZES OF $10 | EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29th ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS 2 EXTRA GAMES AT $25 CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED crossing, an mtersection or a STRATFORD (CP)~The Biral hridge, He 1s not careless un less he 1s endangering other ot up in lord Bhakespearean Festival next | year may include seminars on trafic on the highway." ulted from a? uit | the development of communities eulture and charaeler i.| Hithey men fram planning and rofensional roups met Friday to lake office, the union agreed mn the Festival Theatre to diseuss monilorshin to watch over he Idea under ehalrmanship of of Hoffa and 107000 Pearson, an official of the cleanup of the community planning branch of the Ontarie department of mu winlon, largest in P 8 nieipal affairs | Among the 80-0dd persons ex pected to attend such seminars] would be municipal ecounell and planning hoard members, eivie mployees and community het terment groups My, Pearson sald the seminars MoeBhane he monitorship was Ianuary, 1658, It compromise settlement of a vw RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom wall te wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runners, the achivities hring about a scandal ridden the U Deficit Slices i [Budget Surplus Ahern said he seminar OTTAWA (CP)--Finance Min|such groups to look eolleetively ister Fleming reported Pridayvint ways of making communities night that had SUL 400,000 better places in which to live hudgetary defiell during Septem |The festival was an example as her, reducing his surplus for thea successful community projet Hral six months of the present fiscal year to $24,700,000 At the end of the First Installation by our own mechanics 174 Mary Street RA 8-4681 ss he ] NORWAY TALENT Hinee its opening in 1810, the months of the fiscal year which Nopwegian Institute of Technol hegan April 1, Mr, Fleming had|ogy has graduated 6,300 engl accumulated a surplus of $207: neers and more than 700 arehi:| 000,000 I'he Beptemhber deficit] teet followed one of $101,500,000 in| four KINSMEN BINGO NU-WAY ¢ 20--$20 GAMES $150 Jackpet--=$20 each line plus $50 Full Card 5-=$30 Games; 2--$250 Jackpots JACKPOT NUMBERS 57 and 56 -Extra Buses TEAM 2 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION-=TUESDAY, NOV, 1st WOODVIEW PARK HALLOWE'EN SHELL OUT MONSTER BINGO PRIZES DOUBLED MONDAY, OCTOBER 31--8 P.M 2 - $500,00 JACKPOTS (IF WON IN 52 NUMBERS OR LESS. IF NOT THEN GAMES August which eut the surplus for the. Hirst Hive months of the year RED CROSS FIRST AID COURSE FALL CLASSES COMMENCE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7th | GENERAL MOTORS TRAINING CENTRE RICHMOND ST, EAST For Information Call RA 3-2933 In his My 000 Marveh 31 budget speech Vieming # F12.000 urplus for the full year end next Mareh 81 His monthly ment, Issned here howed that there 000 defieit torecast Ing reasury slate Friday night a $40,700 September, 1054 nd an accumulated defioit $104,100.00 for the Fest moths of the 1950-60 fiscal year The year ended with a $413,000 Was toy of BIN 000 detieit Prestige Homes from HARRY MILLE REAL ESTATE RA 8.1679 ' wn NT asi Designed with distinction, and situated in the desirable "Ansley" Est through this otfice SELLING PRICE $24,990 PHONE RA 8-1679 ate This desirable split-level home shown by appointment | { | RED BARN ARE REGULAR $250 GAMES. NOS, (53 « 54) CONSULATION $25.00) $300.00 JACKPOT 52 NOS. OR LESS. $150.00 CONSOLATION MUST Go) 20 GAMES AT $40.00 (IF WON IN 17 NOS, OR LESS, $20.00 CONSOLATION) 5 GAMES AT $30.00 $100.00 CASH DOOR PRIZES $2,350.00-PRIZES ADMISSION 1.00 BUS TO DOORS (IF WON IN GOOR PARKING EXTRA BUS SERVICE BINCO EVERY MONDAY-8 P.M, ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING E. AT FAREWELL 20 GAMES ~ 16 PRIZES OF $10 | EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 ALSO SHARE THE WEALTH GOOD PARKING EXTRA BUS SERVICE ADMISSION 50¢ EXTRA CARDS 25¢ CHILDREN UNDER 14 NOT ADMITTED WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITRY Wednesday, Nov. 2nd, 8 p.m. Bus Leaves Oshawa Terminal 23¢ Retum "1 CIAL GAME OF $200 (Must Ge) 20 each horizontal tine: $100 a full ¢ 28 ADDED EACH WEEK, NOW WORTH $273 If WON IN 57 NUMBERS 3 games at $30; 20 games at $20 TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES Vste=32: 2nd==32; $30 Consolation MAISSION INCLUDES ONE p Achmission Building CARD ckets Fund

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