ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON "And he shall he Wee 8 tres planied "Blessed is the man that walketh not of Jan ; A In the counsel of the ungodly, wor by the rivers of weler slandeth in the way of Sinners soever he dosth shall pro The his dgfight is In the law of the ungodly pre not 50; hut are lke chalf which ¢ www Thank Offering a4 Service Held The Avion Thawkollering Wiroduced the |Bervice of the Women's Miswion Mrs, Here of wey Society wes held in 8. Jown's Charen Browghem The president Yrs, Linde opon-. The od the menting wand welcomed Servies was the members, md visors from 16, Claremont, Green ond HOLD RALLY Whitevile, | The speaker on therelors, brethren, ion. s of God, thet ye pre T-- pr THE OSHA WA TIMES, Sapwdey, Oorsbor 39, 1960 13 ns od ely ns 6 AREA I TT I your bodies » Wing ee, holy, neceplable unio ry 17 ERIE S57, Diel 53872 REV, W, A, McMILLAN, Poster d, anfl in His law doth he medic wind driveth aay - tate day and wight." Psalm 1:14 Pssgim 1:54 a I SI pee ---- -- BIBLE LESSON : Psalmist, Paul 'On Same Theme f By NEWMAN CAMPBELL, (God 3 ihe Praims Ly the God ¥ cing Sa ar 86d ather of the Lon esus | rT ae tam irs Christ and that godliness in the oily feel Notes, written by the Rey. [01d Tesiament have the same Li +H r, Wilhur M, Smith characteristics as godliness and lungodiiness In the New Tesla "Our lisaon pens ot the be! ent" ginning of the Psalms, the great) wmnal of socient Israel and of| "Blessed is the man that walk the Christisn church as well, and eth not in the counsel of the un concludes with a portion of godly, nor standeth nn the way Paul's letter to the Bomans (of sinners, nor sitieth in the seal which In some ways, is the very'of the seornful, But his delight no! ' foundation of Christien theolngy,|is in the law of the Lord, and Breat peril," hil Our Justification in placing to. in His law doth he meditate day haies " unt) hy gether portions of hook separ and ight," Psalm 1: 14, "And NE8s 10 our ¥ather & sted In composition hy ahoul he shall he like a tree planted by| In our dally living, Paul sald 1000 years is in the fact that the' the rivers of water, that hringeth"Let love he without dissimula per Psolm 1 248 ariveth away, Theriore the wi wdly shall not stepd In ¢ judgment, nor sinners in the eon shall perish," Peal Homans 8, Paul sald seech you therefore rifice, holy God," mein A, ward another, Mind not high rede fitted in thelr cars J things, but condescend to men of the Lord knowth the way of the low estate, Be nol wise In your (iileous; hut the way of the uh: own concells," =Romens 13; cgalion of the righteons, For J hy the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a Living see: pot overcome of evil, hut over aecepiabie unto come evil with good." Romans Homans 12: 1, That does 12; 20, Also, "If it be possible, as to go inte spheres of much as lieth in you, live peace: hut to dedicate owr ehly with all men and righteous 1%; | THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX ST, LUKE ST, PAUL'S £ | SIMCOE ST, NORTH Magting now in our new port KING §T Eb WILSON (Four Blocks fram King) able chureh, sormer of Nipigon 88 flan ' ' Re MA and Rossland Rd, W fever le RA B-6014 REY. KENNETH J, MATTHEWS Mr, Frank Walle t and Chair: Master ¥i30 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM Young People's Bible Class af Waoodyiew Park ie The fiohe Minister Mr. Bayvid Jenkins, Musical B. Mil ' A 445 Direstor Ore 9146 AM Chureh Sehool 1AM "Living is Giving" 7PM "Ta You Whe Wauld Preach" Church with a Friendly 945 AM Sunday School 11,00 AM "THE GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM First Baptismal Service 11:00 AM Nursery Class 11:00 AM Marning Worship fe Ernest Merron, of Nestleton, Ontario, A WELCOME AWAITS YOU Gathering You ars serdiglly invited I, First Baptist Church © Hortep at Glenwood Rev. N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A., Minister Mr. MH, Philp, Musical Director ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11 AM. and 7 P.M. Guest Preacher Rev, Harold W, Lang, M.A,, B.D, MeMaster University Nursery and Jr Chureh at IV am | [forth the fruit in Wis senson; Wis tion, Abhor that which te evil; CALA FOR DOCTORS lent miso shall nol wither; and cleave to thet which is good, whatsoever We dosth shall pros: kindly sftectioned one to another |... with brotherly love; in honor "Phe ungodly are not so; but PTEfErIing are like the hall which the wind Mens 1 90, words when, In our age of what| Within In his preaching to the once would seem to he miracles, cowld he sent to the home of &| "I he we are tempted to brag about! Person seriously i hrethren, our possessions or achievements.| ' ih, GOLDEN TEXT ~ Romans 14, Bel BRIGHTON, SUSSEX ~ Over doctors In Brighton, Hove one Bother," =» Ro. nd mid-Sussex are being asked ito Join a scheme to Vink them Contered In Curiw _ . . World- Wide Wn $aope © + 0 "Be of the same mind one tor with their surgeries hy two-way yoy 10 AM ~SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES, The man behind the ides, Dr John Baynon of Brighton, seid that In an emergency doctors could he contacied immediately Lot ws remember $i, Paul's olthough out making their eslls,| MISSIONS 7 P.M THE FAMILY GOSP 9.45 AM Bundey School for MI You are dweys welcome of the Fr & Life Mow, Listen Every Sunday, 9 am, = ot Rand | dk The Christadelphians balay rAd Invite seskers after Truth aw WV. "Ay $8: to for Free Bible [| "om wear Ang? ft rn | rn MO OBLIGATION MORY BeHooL CHRISTADELPH IAN BH koran i css Post Office Box 12) MORNING, Woks Osrows, Omonts A Hearty Weteme To A 4 an Let us remember, too, to "he GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Righmond 8, 6, of Codilles = Rev, GV, Freeman, Pave d Romans wo 11 AM.~"THE LAUGH OF FAITH" E. A Lovell School John & Centre Sts Rey: Carl A, Kartechner PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Telephone RA B:2426 Pastor: REY, 6, A CARROLL HN S---------- SUNDAY SERVICES Wednesday, 8:00 P.Ms=Mid-week Prayer end Bible Study | 10,30 AM | bY | M Welcome Cirstlan and Missionary Aliance | | WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH Mois BRAY (a 1 TH PTW CTS, 11:00 AM, The Service will he fonir A Scottish Reformation I 00 PM, Primary, dodarginen, Phunery EVERYONE 18 WELCOME SOUTHMINSTER "United Church 1109 CEDAR WY €. b Louis, Student Minister 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP "THE CHALLENGE OF THE CROSS" CL LEWIS, Student Minister, will preach 11:00 AM, om SUNDAY SCHOOL A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL 7 PM, EVYANGELISTIC _ SERVICE 9215 AM | Message "Harvest Time" SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 AM, MORNING WORSHIP WEB, 7:30 FM Bible Study & Prayer THE SALVATION ARMY SIMCOE AND JOWN §78, MAJOR AND MRS, MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers S------------ "THIS 18 THE LIFE REGULARLY ON Television EVERYONE WELCOME I I 11:00 AM. --~HOLINESS MEETING | CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH = 64 COLBORNE SY. EASY Branch of The Meiher Chureh, The First Church of Christ, Scientist TT SUNDAY SCHOOL--11,00 AM, in Boslen, Massachuselis Albert Street United Church REV, 5. C,H, ATKINSON, Minister MRS, BRUCE SEARLE, Organist end Chelrdeader 11:00 AM.~~CHRIST BREAKING BARRIERS WMS, Services 7:00 P.M.-~THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR "TROUBLE WATERS ~~ Brogdeast CKLD Rev, Philip Romer! of Blackstock, guast preacher ot both services, 9:45 AM =Primery to Senior Sunday School 11100 AM. ==Nursery, Kindergarten, Beginners, NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD DA a VAR 8 SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM SUBJECT 7:00 P.M. -~EVANGELISTIC RALLY | "EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT" Wednesday evening mesting at 8:00 o'glock Includes testimonials of healing through Christion Science, READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE, Menday 7:00 pm, ta 9:00 p.m Tussdey end Thursday 2/00 pm, ta 4:30 pm, oy CRYING WoL Tos Tuesday 2/30 p.m.==The Home League (Women's Meeting) Wednesday == Congregational Dinner JUSTICE IS THE KEY TO THE AGE Knew verily that knowledge Is of twe kinds; Divine and EVERYONE WELCOME Satanle, The one welleth out from the fountain of Divine Inspiration; the other is but o reflection of vain and obscure thoughts, For further Information Please Write: 29 GLADSTONE ~~ PHONE RA 5.7578 Carvany BartisT CENTRE AND JOMN STREETS Affiliated with the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada Pastors REY, W NIVEN AITKEN BAHA'IS BELIEVE 9:30 end 11:00 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL SESSIONS 11:00 AMON KNOWING WHY | AM A PROTESTANT Baby Sitting Service by Come Double Club 9:50 P.M.-"FRIENDLY eal, WITH MR, MELLOW 5 over LJ mm ------------ 945 AM ==BIBLE SCHOOL for oll ages 11,00 AM-~~MORNING WORSHIP "AIR MAIL FROM HEAVEN" I, TO EPHESUS 7.00 PM, --BAPTISMAL SERVICE "THE UPLIFTED CHRIST" CKLE w= 9:00 AM Calvary Echoes Praver & Bible Study Sat, B00 pm, == Prayer & Fellowship Report from Berlin PEOPLE COME BACK TO CALVARY PARISH MISSION ALL SAINT'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, Sunday te Sunday, October 30th to November 6th MISSIONER: The Rev, Canan Roland F, Palmer, 58), PD, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30th 9.00 AM ==HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 AM=MORNING PRAYER: The Rev. Canon R, F. Palmer 7:00 P.M ==The first of the informal gatherings of Wed, 7:45 PM the Mission in the church, A I ------ ---------- 7.00 P.M SUBJECT: "HEALING FOR THE HOPELESS" Personal Testimonies of Healing By Prayer A Speciol Feature of This Service Choir=Special Singing----Music -SUNDAY SCHOOL For Transportation RA 5.0318 PRAYER FOR THE SICK 11,00 AM. SUBJECT: --"THE DEAD ARE RAISED" 2:45 AM REV. GEORGE TUNKS Outstanding Bible Preacher RUTH TUNKS Swedish Seleist SUPERVISED NURSERY. TINY TOTS SHURSHAMPMT OFF STREFY PARKING EVERY EVENING, Monday to Friday, 8:00 to 9,05 "p.m Adults (and Teens), Questions and Answers before 8:00 p.m. as people are being seated, HOLY COMMUNION==Monday, Wadnesday and Friday at 7:00 a.m. for students and those on their way to work, w=Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10:00 a.m, CHILDREN'S MISSION Monday to Friday, 4:30 to 5:08 p.m, in the church {7years and over) PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 248 SIMCOE STREEY wee REV. JAS PIERCE, MINISTER Telephone RA 3.4477 10.00 AM. ~=SUNDAY SCHOOL Transportation RA S5-4558 11.00 AM==MORNNG WORSHIP 7:00 P.M ==EVANGELISTIC RALLY r---- rr -- Tuesday 7:30 p.m ==Young Peoples 1130 pomo=Women's Missionary St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER: REV, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A, DD, Organist and Cholrmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, A. T.€M, 11:00 AM.=~MR, J, HORNING OF THE GIDEONS 9:50 AM Senior, Intermediate and Junior Classes 11 am =Nursery, Baginnars and Primary Closes 7:00 P.M,=JOINT SERVICE IN SMCOE ST, UNTED CHURCH Rev, J, K, Maffet will preach CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev, Warren @ Dickson, BA, Minister Mr, RK, Kellingten, Organist:Cholrmaster 10:00 A M==SUNDAY SCHOOL, 11:00 AM --"THE MOST MYSTERIOUS WORD IN THE BIBLE" 7:00 P.M,==YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION EVERYBODY WELCOME Wednesday 8 pmo=Prayer, Praise & Preaching Thursday 2:00 p.m.o=Women's Prayer 7100 p mo=Crasader's Friday 4:30 p.m Children's Chureh 8:00 pmoe=Men's Fellowship We extend a sordial Invitation © worship with us ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES §T, GEORGE'S CHURCH Cont Rev. Clinten B, Co Ly Ay Boat vee , LTH RA 3: 2004 TRINITY 20 Y Ke A 11:00 AMe=MORNING PRAVER w= REV AW Leo 7100 P.M ==EVENING PRAYER ~ REV D WI CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Mary end Hillerafh Stastny HB Claverdon w= Phone 5: 3793 800 AM, == 11:00 AM, == 7:00 BM, HOLY TRINITY CHURCH omer Court Iraq! Bloek Gast of Albert ' ahead 1H Clty AM =HOLY BUCHARIST ORR WM, N . #00 11:00 AM==30 Foo bp 9:00 AM ww 'SEE TALENTED YOUTH IN ACTION 12 YEAR OLD DAVE PORTER Plav--Asondion we¥Y EC. Chol wena Shake webloar Ant Dumen with a message Nr today wala w-Qlen Stetson, Baritone Singer of Toone YRC w=Youth Skinner at the organ weSharon Darling ot plana ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE nEumbent ov. RA Shae = RA 5: 7084 a 8:00 PM Tem 11:00 AM, -- 7:00 PM, ST. MARK'S CHURCH STEVENSON RD, NORTH ON BEURLING AVE, Rev, A Wealtoth = RA 8.3083 $00 AM HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 AM ==MORNING PRAYER Nursery Facilivies 100 RM EVENING PRAYER ALL RALLIES AY ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29th 7:45 PM, Diveever Steve Dube SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Churgh in the heart of " sity with Shas is heort, ISTER: REV, JOWN K, l um of NY. Mn RG gant, ry 11:00 AM~"THE 'BURDEN-LIFTING' CHRIST" Secrament of Infant Baptism The Minister at Both oo. 7.00 P.M ="SAVED BY GRACE" Joint Service in Simeon $1. Churh SUNDAY SCHOOL 148 AM =Junter, Intermediate, You : M==infgnts saved for in the Mall wNursery, Kindergarten, . Ninn =heeel hited hal REV, MERVIN A BURY MA. BD. Ministe Mr Riyddid Withema, Chelr Direstor and Grpenist NURSERY "WEE seroon |. Harvest Home Service 11:00 AM.="THY KINGDOM COME" VOUTH DEPARTMENT 10:00 AM Guest Preacher the Rev. A, E. MacKenzie, BA, DD, Principal of Albert College, Bellville Special Music by the Albert College Chelr Directed by Dean J, WH. MacKay, BA, BPeed (Service broadeest over Radio Station CRAB) Anthems "1 Walk with God" (Nicholas Brodsrkvd "Onward Christian Soldiers" (Van Denman Thompson) ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AY THE PRIBNDAY FAMILY SNUREM Te