The Oshawa Times, 28 Oct 1960, p. 7

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BAZAAR ITEMS Use leftover erochet to make the crocheted arth gr Bet include heart nap kin holder, three-mal and nap kin holder set, platier mats, | pot holders, McHugh-Strong cotton 1 rolling pin cover Solemnized in Port Perry vedding was United June of Mr A pretty autumn solemnized in Port Perry Chureh, recently vhen Ethel Strong, daughter and Mrs, Hugh Strong, of Port Perry, was united in marriage with Garry Allan MeHugh, of Oshawa, on of Mrs, Royce Cruickshanks, of Port Perry and the late Mr Mi Hugh, | The Reverend Mr Linstead officiated at the ring Aervice The wedding musie was played hy the church Miss (iloria Hastings, who aecompan Clarence E.R double organist, | Dainty pleces ". Al 4. 4 a gl | $e hool Cragle plus to the | self-addressed envelope ten cents handling, Needlecraft Department of thi paper, requesting BAZAAR ITEMS, Leaflet No, C8320 St. Gregory's CPTA October Meeting The October meeting of Bt Gregory's CPTA had & record number of fathers In attendance in Bt, Gregory's Auditorium The Reverend Francis Skumavi opened the meeting with prayer for Catholie Education Mrs, Gordon Dignem for your Vall Ba Christmas gifts to for If you would like instruc for your friends the ZABr or to have crochet tions, simply send a stamped, Nuptials Rites matron of honor are of lvel with Geer, of Utlea wore a streel-length peacock blue chiffon matching feather hat and car ried -a cascade of white car nations, The Misses Ruby, Joyce and 1sabelle Strong were the bridesmaids, Gowned identically in gold ehiffon velvet, with mateh welcomed the large attendance ing accessories, they carried cas and congratulated Mr, Victor Mc cades of yellow carnations, The| Adam, the October convener, for little flower girl, Kathy Bradi ithe fine letter he composed and more, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, [8ent through the schools asking Claude Bradimore, of Oshawa, |the fathers to take a more active wore a short fall skirted white/interest In CPTA work, The re chiffon velvet dress adorned with sults were most encouraging, handmade flowers of blue #nd| Mrs, Kenneth Broadbent, president re- ied the soloist, Mrs, Frank Hast-| white, She carried an olf-fashion-lcording secretary, read the min.| ings, who sang "The Lord's Pray. er' before the ceremony and the "Wedding Prayer" during signing of the register Given In marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a full-length gown of white embroidered or ganza designed with a princess style bodice featuring a scallop ed neckline with short sleeves The bhouffant skirt of double nylon net with lace and embori dered side panels was gathered into the fitted waist and she wore elbow-length mittens to match A pearl encrusted erown held her fingertip elrcular veil, Her eas cade houguet was white carna tions and fern The bridal attendants were four of the bride, Mrs, Bruce { alster Phe EMBROIDERED Here is a new idea for add ing a personal and feminine touch to your every-day apron, Ii is very easy to do, Just a matter of embroidered appli aque © PORE where handy things can be simulated, Would . you like dis to | ttle ed nosegay of shaded carnations, (utes, Sever The little ring-hearer was Ri the | Geer Messrs Geer and David McMillan Scout | ling, al letters were read hy | responding secretary, Mrs |Chester Borek, | Mrs, C, B, McAllister, Mrs, Ray Scott, Mrs, Leonard Wilson and the reception, held in the et. Morley Mitchell, and Mry hall. the bride's mother (BATTEN volunteered to represent a mauve lace dress with)' Hegory's CPTA one day a belge accessories, She WAS 8% month at the Hillsdale tuck shop sisted by the bridegroom's moth Mrs, Gordon Dignem and Mrs er in blue crepe with beige Ray Seott offered to attend the accessories, Both wore corsades Red Cross meeting regarding tuck of carnations, shop volunteers at HAN For the honeymoon trip to New Manor York, the bride wore a powder| Mr Max Ritchie, 81, Gregory's plue suit with pink accessories CITA apreantative on Oshawa | ih LF committee, gave a re and an orchid corsage port on UNICEF On thelr return the couple Will|™ Mr, Ray Scott offered (o assist reside. in Port Perry, |Mr, Max Ritchie on Hallowe'en at St, Gregory's Auditorium I'he Reverend Brother Kenneth i (won the parents' attendance prize for the boys' school and the Rev. | @ |evend Sister Mary Josephine for the girls' school, Mrs, J, A. Yanch will be con J [Vener of the men's booth at the #1 [Christmas bazaar on Wednesday | [November KJ 4 Mra, Gordon Dignem turned the meeting over to the October con Be |vener, Mr, Victor McAdam, who [Introduced Mr Barnard Lewis, di rector, Oshawa Children's Aid So clety, who spoke on Mental Health The Casuallaires, Roy Haber Harry Brockwell, Charles Murray and Victor MeAdam delighted the audience with some "barber shop" songs Refreshments were served In ; {the banquet hall by the parents of the pupils in Miss Teresa Murphy's elass, Mrs, Jack Dris (coll was the hostess, chy Or William McHugh was the cor man, Ushering were Robert McHugh, Bruce Mr he hest At hose Wy 3 omen Jo Aldwinekle, Women's THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 28, 1960 7 Fet to Mr, Jom Charles | take place this Satur day morning in the Roman Cath Chu Gregory the Crest been feted at several tial events girls of the Fngineering Department, General Motors of Canada, Oshawa, presented & swivel - rocker hostess ehalr. oli ch of $i PrEAup The Editor Dial RA 53-3474 PERSONALS Miss Marie Devlin and Mrs [Bryce Wiar were hostesses at 4 miscellaneous shower, Mrs es Devin assisted the host Skinner The Opera-lovers Group of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association met at the home of Mrs, James Skinner, Rossland road west, on Wednesday eve phone or visit the social depart ning, Mrs, ©, L, Chant and Mrs directed the study of Verdi's Rigoletto, by reading and recordings, The hostess served refreshments assisted by Mrs, C W. Larmer and Mrs, Kenneth Wage. Mrs, Nicholas Pascal and Mrs. KE, W, Coedy were conveners for # pot luck supper held at Dr, Rob ert Thornton School recently for company and Mr the Home and School executive members, members of the school board and teaching stall of the school, The tables were decorated with flowers and jack-odantern for the occasion, The Home and president, Mrs, Alex welcomed every one upper a sing song and of court whist were en Alter game joyed wed Teas, birthday parties SOCIAL NOTICES of Captain Edward 1 | Pyette IMENT Alex Russell of the engagement ENG and Mrs announce Mr AJax of thelr daughter, Mary Margaret,| John Payne James William Pyetle, son Pyette of Pickering and the late Mrs The marriage will take November 14, al Paul's United to Mr place on Friday, 780 pm, In BM Chureh, Ajax MARRIAGE and Mrs, John Burlack of Cando, Saskatchewan, wish to announce the forthcoming mar age of their eldest daughter Maflene Fay, to Mr, William rane Jeffreys, of Biggar, Bas itehewan, son of Mr, and Mrs dward Jeffreys of Whithy, The wedding is to take place on Nox 12 inh Bt, Gabriel's Roman Church, Biggar Mi Ki J i ember Catholic ! |elation proved to be very popular (eihes, he indicated that "we | possibility 2, 4 @ | | | BRIDE-TO-BE is ane Mary The engagement nounced today of Miss Margaret Russell and Mr James Willlam Pyette The hridedo-he, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Alex Russell of Ajax, is a graduate of class '60 of the Oshawa General Hosoltal, Hop flance 1s the son of Captain Fdward 1, Pyetie of Plekering and the late Mrs, Pyette, The marriage will take place on Friday, November 18, Paul's United Church, Ajax No High Ground Glancing back at Hiroshima, the co-pilot of the B-20 ex- claimed "My God! What have we done!" In November Reader's Digest, 10 action-packed pages tell the top-secret events which lod to the first use of the atomic bomb, Why did the general want hin instructions in writing! Did Truman make the right decision? Read thin new $5,00 best-seller, condensed in Reader's Digest, today, Get your copy now | in St, | in serving 5, William Carrigan and Helen Stafford entertained at a linen shower at the home A Mrs, Carrigan, Mrs, George Beott assisted with the serving Mrs, Charles Roach, Mrs, Wil liam Pichaleki and Miss ding anniversaries, coming and going of guests and your own holiday plans are always of inter est in this eolumn, Write, tele ment with your item of news for which there is no charge, Tele phone RA 3.0474 | | Donna Marie Lyons, Bride-Elect ed By Friends at Showers s¢ Donna Marie Lyons whose Patierson arranged a miscellane ous shower at Mrs. Roaeh's home where & bullet lunch was served, Mrs, John Johnston wae host ess at A cup and saucer shower at her home and was assisted by Mrs, Robert Hare in serving re freshments, A miscellaneous shower was given by Mrs, Weston Bonneville whe will be matron of honor at the wedding. Mrs, Harry Benson st whose home the party was held, assisted Mrs, Bonneville, From the staff of the Engineer- ing Department, General Motors of Canada, Main office, the future bride received an electric floor polisher | Following the rehearsal this evening the bridal party will bel entertained at the home of Mr,! Doris' and Mrs, Bryce Blair | Mr. David Cowie who will wed Miss Joy Lillian Ford tomorrow afternoon in Albert Street United Church was entertained at a pre nuptial luncheon and howling (evening hy his fellow employees of the Monarch Life Assurance James Piette who will be best man at the wed ding, was host at a stag partly I Mrs, Kenneth Wooster pres dent of the Woman's Association of Northminster United Church and Mrs, H. A, Mellow will re ceive at the Country Fair to he held st Norithminster United Church next week, Mrs, Vietor Cubitt is general convener. In charge of decorstions are 7 George Visher and Mrs, Kenneth Crone Conveners for the differ ent booths are Mrs, Robert La tham, Mrs, Frank Bennett, Mrs James Ewart, Mrs, J, C, B, Mac Millan, Mrs. Harvey Thomn Mrs, Norman Dunford, Mrs, C, ¥ Worthy, Mrs, Ernest Cooke, Mrs Mrs, Ira Gillette Because so many new or- ganizations are taking part and have sent in their re. ports of thelr activities, the management of The Osh. awa Times has decided to change the format of the usual Women's Activities re- ' The review will be pread over several Issues, full page regular news treatment, to accom many new organ- wish to take in papery modnte Jzations which part this year In 1960 over 100 organiza- tions have sent In reports, compared with #7 in 1959 and 61 In 1958 Most of b | the m these new organi Clubs Enthusiastic Response Demands Full-Page Treatment | | zations are the results of municipal growth -- new Home and School sssocia- tions because of the many new schools which have been built, new church groups started In the various new subdivisions, and so on, As there are over 100 re- ports to print in the annual edition and most of them run from 500 to 1000 words, it would have heen impractical to cover all of this at one printing, Beginning Monday, October 31, and continuing the following Fridays and Mondays, look for the report of your organization in the regular issue of the Oshawa Times WED IN DOUBLE-RING CEREMONY ter of Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence H, Muldrew and the bride groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Harold M, Whitbread, all of Oshawa, ~Photo by Ireland Pictured after thelr wedding. recently at King Street United Church are Mr, and Mrs, Don | ald Arthur Whitbread, The bride, the former Miss Marilyn Evelyn Muldrew, is the daugh- | ay room will he convened by Mrs, Gilbert Jack and Mrs, Jack Shepherd and Mrs, Robert Peter son and Mrs, William Taylor will have charge of the "1Little Thea tre" room for the children Ten "I don't think that anybody can argue that the greatest influence n the life of the child, is the in fluence of the home," Mr, H H Simpson told over 140 parents at the regular meeting of the Osh awn and District Home and school Council last Tuesday Mr, Simpson, who was man of a veloped working papers for the Canadian Conference on Educa tion in 1958, stated that the fam ily has always held a very Im Honoring his approaching mar riage, Mr, John Charles Devlin was presented with a stainless steel eake stand and a monetary gift, at a stag party at the Alr port, given by his friends | chair: Parents, Teachers Get Acquainted At Sunset Heights The first "get acquainted" night sponsored by the Sunset Helghts Home and School Asso human development of small Individual groups {with a large attendance of both now talking about the | parents of a family of nations | Mrs presid "In this, | Ing, and have seen a transformation and {ing Kelvin James the guests 1) welcomed It was decided at Hallow'en, Mrs, Lloyd Akin|problems have arisen that jest speaker to be Mr, George|lessionn letcher, a member of the Board but whic Cf parent and the citizen, Referring to a recent remark # of Fducation, The Junior room prize was won by Miss Grace Trull's room, the made hy Dr. Jackson, senior by Mr, Larry Puskas'| Director of the Ontario room | | Mr, Lloyd Welderick, prineipal,| ropolitan | welcomed the parents, expressing an 1Q of over the hope that they would gain one In six went on to highe {more understanding of the aims| cation and. only one in two of the school by hearing the high schoo [teachers of the various grades/ed that "this explain the course of study, The|squandering parents retired to thelr childrens' (sources i classrooms | Refreshments were served Inlthe early life of man, the child the auditorium by the mothers of [learned a!! that he knew within |the children in Miss Grace Trulls'[the confines of the family, But as and Mrs, Edna Coulters' rooms.| conditions changed, the educa. Mrs, E. G. Storie thanked Mr, [tional problems changed also and Welderlck and the teachers for|instead of the child their eo-operation In making the|more dependent on the parent evening such a great success very often the parent went to iL] of a human FOR SUPER VALUES! REG. . APRON LADIES' WATER REPELLENT SILK SQUARES Many exciting patterns and designs Sale Price 39- 5%9¢ THE CADILLAC INVITES YOU To enjoy its quiet, relaxed atmosphere and supurb hotel service. You will find here the finest in dining room service, spotlessly clean rooms and a friendly dignified attention at the most attractive prices, MODERN ROOMS WITH BATH SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES We Specialize in BANQUETS and PARTIES of all kinds. Make Your Holiday Reservations NOW ! And Avoid Disappointment ORGAN MUSIC NIGHTLY have the easy embroidery in structions? Simply send a stamped, selladdressed enve lope plus ten cents for hands | to the Neediberaft De partment of paper re questing Embroidered Apron Leaflet No, E7392, DOWNTOWN OSHAWA this 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE CADILLAC HOTEL 394 SIMCOE SOUTH, OSHAWA PHONE RA 5.3743 tudy group which de-| Influence Of The Home Theme Of Talk To H&S Council | | portant place in the whole life of stated that "in Tracing Its{habits and developing of charac. history through the developmentiter; In the esathlishing of ideals andland in the whole outlook of the are(child, the effect of the home in the 20th Century, we that cannot be replaced," proceeded with the business meet: a development that mankind has| to "accept your children for what to place never known before, Throughout they are or what they can be." UNICEF boxes in the classrooms| this period of fast change, new | He urged parents "not to try to not make of them something that they outlined the program for the next/only must be faced by the De: cannot be and are not fitted to be; meeting, Education Month, the| partments of Education and pro-ito instill in them the knowledge| | | educators and schools,(to be themselves and to be the! h must be faced by the best of whatever they are is the!' Research College of | son pald tribute to the excellent Fdueation in Toronto that in Met | work of Mrs, E, A, Mounce and Toronto children with/the late Mrs, R, 8, McLaughlin 115 per cent, only Who, prior to her death, was hon r edu. orary president of the National finish| Federation, He sald that Oshawa I, Mr, Simpson suggest-| Was unique in that of the 27 life tremendous members of the National Federa-| re-| tion of Home and School, Oshawa | siducationally," he sald, "in| hecoming | * CHRISTMAS SHOPPIN BUY NOW at CHERNEY'S | PAY NEXT YEAR Get the jump on "Santa", Do your Christmas shopping early, or buy what you need now and take advantage of Cherney's special terms, If you don't have an account, now's the time to open one BUY ON A BUDGET ACCOUNT Pay a small down-payment, then pay no more until January 1st, 1961, Cherney's will open on account for you In @ matter of minutes BUY ON A CHARGE ACCOUNT No money down == Payable in full by February 10th next year, CALL IN , , , BROWSE AROUND someone more competent to train the child and tutors came into being, Gradually, we have come to the point where we have a sys tem of compulsory education under the control and auspices of society as a whole which sup posedly takes care of the needs of every child," Mr, Simpson emphasized that while the child has four teachers, |viz,, the home, the playmate, the community and the school, the greatest teacher is the home, 11 the setting of the earlier and continuing on into the later years has an influence Mr, Simpson called on parents highest goal to which they can attain," Prior to his address, Mr, Simp.| Selection! Better Prices! Better Service! Better tot TT [had two, NE HE 5 ELECTROHOME VALUE CANADA'S OWN ELECTROHOME THE BURNABY: Lasting beauty and performance emphasize the Burnaby's superior quality, This 21" console is powered by the performance-proven Elec= tromatic Mk || chassis for pictures of outstanding depth and clarity. 2 speaker hi-fi sound system with variable tone control has 2 phono jacks for TV sound output and hi-fidelity phonograph input, THE TRADE-IN DEALS ARE MOST GENEROUS AT MEAGHER'S 'MEAGHER'S 5 KING ST. WEST RA 3-3435

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