The Oshawa Times, 28 Oct 1960, p. 6

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~ Bhe Oshawa Times Published by Page 6 i Fridey Canadian Mewspapers Limited, B6 King October St. E., Oshawa, Ont 8, 1940 Soviet Union World's Main Colonial Power Only recently has the West begun to speak on the subject of colonialism, even though Soviet Russie hus been for years the only great colonial power the world. Western have permitted Khrushchev to rant snd roar, in his brutally shout western Communist wm leaders cynical fashion, colonialism, and in so doing have been pushed on the defensive when they should on the offensive, Even at the current UN ses sion, Khrushehev's outrageous talk about colonialism have been was challenged only in & tentative, slmost timid, way What is needed is more tough talk at the UN about the colonialism and expan- sionism of the Boviet Union. Bince 1945 no less than 38 nations have won or been given their independence from western of million colomal control tion This proce libera 769 living in an area of more than nine mil has affected people lion square miles, In contrast, since 1920 the Boviet Union has extended its conirol over 17 countries and parts of eight other countries, The area of this expansion, in which China has been in turn & victim and junior partner, is more than seven million square miles and the population involved upward of BOO million Brutus Coste of the North American Newspaper Alliance points out thet Communist propagands has succeeded in identifying colonialism with the domi nation of socalled capitalist countries over alien, overseas areas and peoples, Also, Communist deception has been at work; the Czarist colonial possessions havé been camouflaged 14 none Russian constituent republics, 19 autos 10 while the colonies obtained during and after the Becond World War have been disguised as sovereign "people's demo nto nomous and nationality districts, cracies" The sham of the "republics", autono demo Those areas and countries have been brutally mous territories" and "people's cracies" can easily be exposed suppressed and plundered by the Russ 18S he for i that should UN, if This Is 8 matter the propaganda value brought up In only Political Debate On TV I'he Nixon-Kenned the US paign have inevitably television debate m presidential election cam tarted Canadians wondering about the ilue of such and the possibilit of sort presentations something ol the same tried Btrong heing in Canada opposition to Cana dian adoption of the idea | sed the Financial Post most de (pre by which say tot TV method of selecting its political leaders That the leadership of the free hoped that deb Canada does not adopt ile ns & world should be to such an extent determined by dreadful palling Kennedy top-notch this device is quite ap and Nixon are both provid I'he both have I'he and glib tongues entertainment I'he quite remarkable memorie fast ng Are both top-notch debaters hoth have minds The trouble of course that these which anything to do with the quality of the 8 are not qualities have much if men, with their real understanding of affairs with their titeir In other Kennedy Nixon ood the presidential job if either of them writes judgment or with real wisdom words if either or proves to be reall at ¢& proud and honorable chapter in the ill vhich debates, It their time, it w the them good in the history of of not be because made will rv qualities TV to a degree, be in spite their debating performances The Sinful M sin, in the moral BENAE bad driving a * The Ontario Safety League quotes The the following views of a writer in Living Church In ancient times the Church classified behavior under the "seven They outline of the cause wrongliul ATE sound of deadly sins today a trattic accidents Sloth, or laziness, 1s the sin that makes a motorist unwilling to take the time to It prevents the taking of simple precau correct mechanical faults in his car tions, It is behind such crimes as double parking Greed is so obvious a traffic sin that the greedy driver has a specific title road hog, The greedy one demands more demands the than his share of the road The Oshawa Times WILSON, Publivher and General Hditer | B® € GWYN KINSEY Manage Tos od alse the loca t special Building, 44 ¢ forante 640 Cathcart Street N v SUBSCRIPTION RATES Whitby Parry Ontario Newcastle 00: elsewhers 15.00 Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 A has very youngster and adult who participated in high school or univers sity debating knows, this exercise in little to do It and verbal Jousting has very with either truth wisdom has a lot or dis ol totally do with The public to extravagance intellectual procedures tortion the debate are almost different to those employed by people who make big and important decisions It safe to assume that all Americans would thi all would be some comfort if 11 were regard as entertainment only and been said on the their forget that has debates. Then some of POISONOUS potential would be alleviated hij g I'V debate further him est evil of the will society But the that it still tem Is the number in our who can induced to participate in public atfairs--- and already the supply is terribly limited Already great the of life Hut to let it become establishes miseries publ are senior office the ed that all candidates for must expose themselves to tawdry spectacle of a TV debate will mean that many very able people whe could prob ably serve their country well will totally refuse he extension of the TV debate that to participate or will community only benefit in continuation system be for segment of any which 1s mainly distinguished by a gift of the gab otorists be first to ACTOSS an Intersection right Lust accidents in & sexual sense, produces some through one-armed driving and distraction, But lust for speed and excitement is deadlier in traffic Gluttony, particularly in the use of dulls the spoils weakens the the deadly killers an the highway alcohol senses reflexes dgment one of and just as deadly for the drinking pedestrian as for the drinking driver killer who resents being passed or being left Envy is a classic The driver behind at stoplight is being moved by envy to behavior that jeopardizes life Anger is a familiar I'he fault in the phenomenon in drivers other driver whether it be a real fault or an imagined resentment and often In traffic ane stirs pro okes hazardous response the petty irritation can be as deadly as the roaring wrath Pride driving sins lies the central sin of pride behind every one al these People hunger for a sense of importance Once steel, with the power of more than 100 strength, power encased in sheet gentle touch lifted horses responding to the of a toot, we find ourselves with a false sense of Anyone bie police atficer greatness driver, over feeble Ww. ther he another worked oF even a old person tottering across the street who in any way diminishes our exer cise of this greatness is a threat to pride So is the the very design of the speed sign, the stoplight highway itsell Bible Thought Blessed they the shall see God An ald with are heart 5:8 pure in for Matthew Mating precept savs a mar part clea The two together SQUARE PEG IN A ROUND HOLE OTTAWA REPORT TS ------------ TT hi | Canada's Changes In Twenty Years PATRICK NICHOLSON By I'he ong farmey Prairies typical jut-jaw on the the ne onger Cana e Aare ming~a nation word Publ David Walker i SUMMA { the im aver the ve convert predominantly agrieul tura an industrialized nation To Mr, Walker minister imple nister mense change coming from & race Canada as in his capacity n charge of our poli the continuing cities hursting al ais surrotnding Ma JOusing his hange present eadache of sprawling eams and the this our 1640 1,000 000) But switeh 1s population we have to 18,000 despite all mouths to feed, om foree dwindled 1,880,000 to around he clearly ptatisties grown from 000 inhabitants those farm teadil 750,000 In short today produce food for domestic they did in 1040 of this anomaly Is mation and inereased down on the farm grievous export markeis has heen on the too Is another mpaet of shown by Binge extra labor has from half as many twice as consumi The explanation all auto efficiency farmers muen ion as not oly 5 of down lo farm here side to this REPORT FROM U.K. Co-Ops Badly Hit By Supermarkets By M, MeINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) Correspondent The Oshawa LONDON Times Britain's 890 « representing a the are For 0-0p neietie pment of etall Trade inti uttering rom the inroaa of the whieh are Hritain into # way ipermarkets ip. all aver have gong figure out same power if competition, They that there amalgamation in order the ddie to neeting ni new and YE ecommended he a speed the societies elves if many of to defend thew against ipermarke ie Co-operative Union | bo he Oclelie members should than eport issued HLH at th 1) a i not more groups k up to form 00 larger, stronger FALLING BEHIND for the Union ALE racing year show are falling husiness inereased over cent, This to eight the a salls oports the aperatives battle for i, issued bh that the co behind Their 1 1058 hy only 24 the TL fixed in the f ales per five which as far below per cent inere on Alive had minimum oper factory i Trade fo the ew tha alll ued hy the Hoard of Heme eantirm co-operatives behind these High Street for 1066, the inereases stores ures i other the well in the show Ale ther firms Rattle. The ving Hie follo perecen for van types of Multiple wrtmont lependent nperative OU Ue mn cent cent of 190 cent cent per 2 per frm store |] 9 per per (8) i socletie I'he firs IX months vme trend; Multiple, department stores, 6 independents, 3 per per cent show ne Wr oent cent un operatives, 1 ASK FOR ACTION The Co-operative which was prepared ative figures isks the societies mation as the best Union report hetore the were oom to accept Answer oompa pled amali PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM wid Wa mn Hn be wondertul nseets hardier the Pay ded ¥ Ay wl ghiest dan O An end million Tut for There isn't the si if the warkd coming € ext HL Ay AR AsiPanamer ! 0 time ge Nat The Babble"? wilding 10 the decling In sales Some societies begun talks the report and profits have without already walling for report, completed hy Cooperative Union at its office in Manchester was fur hy Independent sion headed by Labor party Hugh Galtskell in 1058 The Commission, inquiring into eo-operative affairs, recommend ed that there should be a national survey to indicate the desirahil ity of linking up the many elles Robert Souther tary of the Say on the the head called commis lead an soel general Union, has subject Amalgamation ia that has been coming time. Our profits are factory, Amalgamation will put that right, It is the answer to increasing competition.' Fram the shareholders' view point, any mave that will halt the steady decline in dividends will be welcomed, These have been going down steadily in most soel elles over the last few years QUEEN'S PARK secre this to something for a long not satis farm picture, As Canadian work ere have switched to industry, we have earned higher - incomes And this in turn has enabled to afford a healthier diet, We more steak and less pie, Today we buy more of the expensive protein foods, such as meal and vggs and less of the cheap "fill rs" such ag flour tn its various furms, and polaloes his us eal Improvement should make us slimmer and healthier, But this influence ha been offset by our less active life and by new food habits such as our large consumption figgy drinks. So now almost a problem in our diel of sweel overweight | national health A comparison hasket foday with years ago shows nas improved Today, the average Canadian eats 60 pounds of beel, B2 pounds of pork and 37 pounds of fresh €4Es each year, compared to BM i and 26 respecitvely in 1940 Bul our average consumption of wheat dropped to a from 191 pounds and of potatoes to 185 from 213 pounds We eal almost exactly the same quantity of sugar (97 pounds) as in 16040 (86 pounds) BIG PRICE CHANGES The consumer strike against rising prices shows up in our les sened consumption of butter, In 1040 we each ate 30 pounds cost Ing & cents a pound; today, we have to pay about 70 cents a pound of butter, so we eal only 10 pounds each per year adding instead nine pounds of margar ine Costing only 11 eens a pound Prices of these chief foods have Joined all other prices in the up ward parade the last 20 Years feel of our shopping that of 2 how our diet has over for example from 14 cents to 67 cents per pound average; wheat flour has doubled to elght cents a pound and sugar has risen to six from three cents Our shopping basket average year's supply for one Canadian has in price to $133.22 from during the last 20 years senting both higher prices our better quality of diet. The prices I use are national aver ages, supplied by the Dominion Hureau of Statisties Records show that farmers 008ls have risen more than thelr earnings since 1940, But despite that drop in farm labor, Can ada's farmers' net income Is now running at just over $1,000,000,000 dollars a year, doubling the 180 figure of $470,000,000 has soared of an of each increased $52.20 repre and Shuffle Involves Three Capable Men fly DON O'HEARN TORONTO Three very and ahle people have shuffled around here Don Calling moves from deputy minister af transport to ehalr man of the Civil Service Cam mission Alan MacNab moves up from registrar of motor vehicles to the transport deputyship And Morris Earl moves into the next-door office fram deputy POgISIrar to registrar TOP EXAMPLES You ean plek holes in the On tario eivil service Holes? You oan find chasms if you look for them Hut there could havdly be three better examples than these men that there also is a lof of strength and intelligence in its ranks Each is a man you oan respect and one you would want for a [Triend IMAGINATION HERF¥ Don Collins, 37, certainly is one of the youngest men in the country to hold the responsibility he does now and has far some years past He has an ability, amd partion larly an imagination and ba lanced judgment, which any bus ness would welcome And alse he has lavalty He didn't take the chairmanship The motor vehicle Held nies heen particularly wa IVI service cammissic nas been hig baby and the transporé job has a lot more sex appeal But there is & hig job te be done with the ¢ivil service So he saw his duly. And the provinee will benefit. We will have a better machinery of gow ernment CHEERFUL TWOSOME Alan MacNab is about as pleasant a person as we have around these butldings For years now he has gone through. last-minute jams for cence plates, the endless tedious meetings he must attend and the general tensions of a very taxing Joh And yet he always has things under contral, He is never so rushed he can't put his mind to something and come up with a courteous answer And ditto for Morris Earl These are two men who have not contracted the well-known disease of civil service "'gripe' And they have had plenty of op portunity Alan has been a civil servant for 38 years, Marris 3 All three share ane quality They are always readily acces sihle and are not afraid to talk frankly The ReWSPpaperman's test of a nan anywhere is his willing ess and capacity to give a frank answer These thiee men are all big READERS' VIEWS Inquiry Urged On Job Chance Dear Bir Why is i thet sn organisation such ss the Employment Com mission cannot 8 least stiempt to make inquiries in the ety on behalf of the applicents or Pro vide them with & list of potential employers in Oshawa? Many thet were loid oN dur ng the summer @re re employed, hit many #re nt, Row do they, according to those whe BY-GONE DAYS hold supervisory positions in the mejor industries, consider sn im medipte or future recall Applicants according to law are entitled to & Job interview by the Employment Commission. This is the first step of many in Requiring a Job. Constructive criticism unemployment question in this ety hes not to this dey Im proved greatly the conditions many of the unemployed are sub jected to, Very tle or nothing is heard from the Employment 'y fission by the Jobseeking on the # YEARS AGO A Family Wellare Bosrd was organized by the Oshawe Assoc) pled Wellare Societies with Roy Bennett as chairman Rev. A, W. Small, pastor of First Baptist Church, King street, was elected pecrelpry - ireasurer gl the ministers' conference of the Baptist convention of Ontario and Quebec W. J. Trick returned to Oshawe efter completing the erection of ome of the largest hockey arenas in Ontario at Kapuskasing The Boy Beowt oy shop with headquarters in the fire hall was set nn for the purpose manutaeturing at Christmas operation of repairing and toys for the need) The Onlarie Government ap in gid of 1] a grant Work projecis proved making Oshawa relief cost $219,000 called Ww sel Duncan Melntyre wi the bar at Osgoode Hall and up his office in Whithy Fire in Tod's Bakery caused the explosion of an oll furnace, but prompt action by the fire de partment prevented serious loss C. Allehin, president of the C. C. Allchin Co, 14d, radio dealer, was elecied head of the Oshawa Radio Merchants' Associ atm at is organization meeting George A company of local formed with the objeet lishing & canning plant awa men wa of esiah in Osh of the were inl local branch of Grotto Club by Toronto branch at Lang appoint members lod ges Twenty-five Oshawa Masonic tigled into the the Rani Ghar officers of the a meeting, with G ed local organizer Young Peo the United meeting Anderson The ple's Bay of Quinte Conference of Chureh held its annugl in Oshawa, with J, ( of this city as president Canadian Painters In Gallery Exhibit TORONTO (CP) Four young painters are exhibiting their work at the Toronto art gallery in the first of a three shows designed 10 the public a broader acquaintance with the work of Canadian artists The four are Bhizueye Takas hina, 92-year-old native of Van couver who now lives in Toronto; Donald Jarvis, #7, Vancouver art instructor; Gerald Trottier, 85, of representative al the International ex of modern Christian art in Balgburg, and Jean-Paul Mous seau, 5 teaches al Mont real's Ecole des Beaux Aris The painting being shown from Oct, 7 Nov, 6, were se lected by the artists themselves series of glve Ottawa in 1058 hibition Canadian to applicants Young family men, readily avallable at spy remuneration greater then thet of wsemploy ment insurance continue to walk this city's streest making enquir- ies hoping they are the firsi to ly oy JOBLESS Oshawa MANUFACTURING Dear bir Announcement from the John Inglis Compeny snd Canadian Westinghouse about the joint proposal to build steam geners- tor seis in Canada is evidence that the Canadian Government does not intend to let Canadian manufacturing industry go down the drain Further evidence in the same regard Is the revision In the valuation for duty purposes of imported automobiles This may give Canadian-made automobiles a bheller chance In he Canadian market and may increase the Canadian eontent of automobiles produced from Ca nadian automobile plants That's the way to desl with unemployment in Canada, We cannot let our manufacturing in dustry languish we are to maintain and increase Canadian employment Ihe prospect of more employ ment because of the building of slesm genersior equipment in Canada is due nol to 5 changes in tariff rates bul rather to 2 re vision of the dassification. Up to October 18 steam generator sets carried i lower rele of duty then generator sels for water power, A distinction mey have been valid when practically no large steam gencralor plants were he. mg built in Cennda. It is & dis tinetion no longer valid Now to charge & rate of duty lower on slesm plants thes on hydro plants would be as absurd 8% lo charge a lower rate of diy on & brown sult of clothes than on # Yue sun E.R SEAMAN Bearbore Going To Hamilfon! Moke your visit a pleas. ant one by staying ot the new DIPLOMAT HOTEL 737-9 KING 57, LE in the heart of Hamilton All Wal 21" Telephones Bath rooms air-conditioned to-wall carpet Television Shower Free customer parking Commercial and Group rates Dining Facilities next door I» Kobarts Restaurant , , » Homiton's Finest! For reservations soll JAckson Dial away debt worries today phone for CASH from CITIZENS One quick telephone call to Citizens, and you ean arrange a loan of $50 (0 $2500 for any good reason, A down payment on that house, sash for ear bills, money for spring shopping , it's yours easily, sonveniently, Rely on the courteous, confidential service of your Citizens Loan office, Choose a repayment plan to suit your budget. QUTIZEN INANCE Whithy Plaza, Whitby, MO 8-583} Open 9 AM 10 5 PM Man thru Thurs OAM to B PM Fri Loans made in Oshawa, Alex, Pickering ond all nearby towns Loan Offices in all Principal Cities CERTIFIED B-YEAR.OLD CANADIAN WHISKY Original because it was the first certified 8 yea old Canadian whisky on the market. Fine Because it is aged for § years tn small oak casks for that fing, full Bavewr that only comes with age Canadian because it in made for Canadians and hy Canadians w= a whisky of wuly outstanding quality Gonecion OSchenley 2: "Rlatitters of @artitied Aged Whinkins® PROER MERIT, AGED 12 YEARS RESERVE, AGED 6 vEARS + SALOEN WEDDING, AGED & YEARS

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