12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 27, 1960 potatoes will cost the govern ence between Crown Attorney; Feener laughied softly to Wim- he did not see apy pos ity PANGEROUS WASTES Commission plans fo dump : ment shout eight million pounds eener ug §, A, Caldhick and Gerald Evans, self several times during the Feener obtaining # lawyer hetore. MARSEILLE, Frence (AP)~ radionctive wastes into the Weds this ar, This money wi president of the Porcupine Law hearing. A crowd of shout 100 bis trial next spring. Al thet time Two leading scientists and the 5 ; : 4 y Hervanemm E th sole mayors of Marseille and Toulon ven w/) BRITISH BRIEFS Rected 10 Duy Wp the ua Society, Tuesday failed to Dnd persons milled shout the court- We presiding judge will probably i a estimated at ahout TH 000 tons earing anyone willing to act as Feener's house PPOInt & counsel for im, seid c joined In # , they , AeRgers Farmers are digong ahowt legal counsel Mr, Caldbick said Wednesday Mr. Caldbick kgainst French Alomiec Energy would persist, one and A ha tons per acre TIMMINS (CP Owes BN ETIIHAE . - - ---- Ld Jobless Figure [= fim dist oti Because of this unusually large "Ih inurdering Kev Chowinor | 4 op id : . oe on fos 2%, was committed for trial Wed (crop and the low prices (REMErs coqcy citer a 89-minute prefim ® . jor receiving, the government inary hearing n er orma tas agreed to finance an early The burly miner also faces a ] Ws buying program to ease pressure charge of causing indignity to hw PE A i SUPP ies o ¢ White i ee with] Br. MINTYRE WOOD (dorsi. Tose workers are 127% 00 oe ers, inte an, remene Jn nnecion vt | NA RAILS Special to draughtsmen, scientific workers, 77 hoe poi pl ' ner Ka / jew | The Oshawa Times clerks and administrative person on i par and Wing words) wanes Kathy Esser, 4, of New|} STORES LOCATED FROM COAST 10 COAST LONDON Figures of wnem. nel. They are asking for in * 4 TAs. ' v ose decom ployment for October show aflgereases Fanging from Sev en STAND ON APARTHEID dich Ly a hig R ound tn the increase of 23.589 over BSeplent- shillings and sixpence for young LONDON A rughy foothalli y a Ney Brunsw heh ber, 'o reach & total of 28 Bh workers to 21 shillings and si%- referee. John C. Hatch, has ask" LE 2 wred at the hear people without work, or 15 per pence at 21 ed not to be considered ps a ref-| PP . 4 of {ing without id A confer: cem of the working fovee. Unem- . SEE vee for any of the malehes of ---- ployment among boys and girls, DISARMAMENT EFFECT the South African touring team mostly school-leavers, fell by LONDON : Preaching We Si now in Britain. Mr. Hatch is a ular, and we expect the number B74, This, however, was more hauls Coie (8 Jaan f Au member of the London Society of of pestle using it to Inérense ' than offset by a rise of 31463 or PC Rughy Foothall Referees, and! In the drive-in post office, mo- in the number of adults out of Mlelenr ai SArmame m by Bri ia i has officiated in country cham- tovists can buy stamps and post : ; ; A : work / id eWay 1h A vonship matches their letters from the comiort of | "my we ministry of labor, how. #04 settled peace Unilateral Me is Dn he slates, has their a ph a 4 i : di k "j J # i ver, says that this increase in Armament would probably in the oF CLC ce of the apar ; er fo e ewe or nstance unemployment 1s about 3500 less M8 run, have the opposite ef PERMANENT HOME ; employ men Ah foto d theid principles which govern the ia FOR ROYAL / g 2 pr. 2pm 7), than the normal season rise at '€ct lo what was desired election of South African sport this time of the vesr Britain would then cease to he Logi LONDON -- Following the ex- ; y , ve , : . J) : Our wonderful wearing "dress sheer", In 400 needle, 15 an effective member of NATO EV i 5 3 E g hh eounterpart, | COLOR TELEVISION sald the Dean, and to all intents " c pre | AIRIE Of its Beottis | " 4 y LONDON The British ond purposes would surrender | IAYing iid CARPE] the Royal Agricultural Show of || / denier, misre-mesh, in @ rainbow range of colours, ,, § > A intrigue, bark, russel, grey haze, golden glow. Sizes 8% 10.11, ---- that it is ready to start televi- self to an eventual takeover hy "he British Transport Commis: g permanent home, instead of sion transmission in color as the Communist his Javing a £3000 Dlack maving all over England on a cir 4 . dives carpet" for Prince Philip lo use soon as the government gives it ope Pe cut A 500-acre site on the Stone " " STEEL PLANT PLANS yhen- he visits King's Lymn, Nor: (oof Some of our other BALLEY ; en he vi / leight Abbey Estate, Kenilworth " ; 'é y "8h of sheer", Prop d lengths permission to do so, In its an MIDDLESBROUGH EN( . 2 4 7 nual report, the BBC claims that MI DL 78h OUGH, ENG: folk, on November 16, It is a new waryickshive, has heen leased os seamless Brands "Evening sheer" in messed lengths, brief, midd, its new studios at Television Cen. HANH pansion plans In- road B60 yards long, to take the! from its owner, Lord Leigh A y ' tre have heen designed so that volving capital expenditure of £36 place of a bumpy track of mud For a start, the lease will bh N \{ $1.19 » td $2.90 $1.29 » am $2.80 gn 80 1 > yy } ) 4 y * olor transmissions ean be intro Willion are heing put in hand L. and rubble for seven years, so that the di a N a i a Oma A) an IMPEN @ YOR 0 A > i 4 ied al any time introduced. the Middleshrough iron and stee Fhe road is to a Rew 4 i , ectors of the Royal can assess REITMAN'S; OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE---King 51, W, & Stevenson Rd -- RA 5-436) fore eolor is sduce rivers chemir actors h Ara os The. firs . ore Joo 8 WI he group, New projects, Which ave pyinc, isit, The Transport 5 advantages. The frst sh 29 SIMCOE §7, 5. -- RA 5-622) STORE Hous; 4:30 om 19 Lid om Mon, Tues, Wed. & Thm, ho ri 1h 30 am. te 9:00 p.m. Fri AITINES) ns the land, It for the following five years, The om. In 7 7m: Fi } addition to a seven million made on whether British televi- £ a ; ¢ 0s Pond expenditure announced in y 3 id heen planned 9:00 am. te 6:00 pm. Saturday pe ie J 4 NNAIRER 1661 show Is to he at 8 id dge sion will change from the July, will increase the group's the work is onl h d di 8 OMY and that of 1962 at Newcastle £ Broadeasting Corporation states the Communist bloc, opening hei England is 10 he established in ", " BALLERINA 968, an will be held there in 1963, and STORE HOURS 9 om. 19 6 p.m Mon, Tuss, Wed, Thurs. & Set standard used in this country to the continental 625-ine standard, DEoduction potential hy about |, " forward fo $00.000 ingot tons A year Prince's nvenienee LOAVES TOO HEAVY Among the main objectives BOLTON, England Because are modernization of rolling mill LONDON Air Chief Marshal it Id two overweight loaves, facilities, and an increase in Sir Hubert Palch, is to vhich gave the customers more Cenacity in the light product a special panel of experts sel of handling the for their mone the Bolton Bak. field up to find wa ery of the Co-operative Whole 0 : y > dense streams of jet aircraft ex : sale Society h heen fined two ( AMPAIGN FOR itd ii A ected tn he flying over Britain pound The two Ilnaves each Ba phd 4h rE bot : Benttin from 1065 on 4 veighed 11 ounces, The prasecu: " AMPpAIEn of hoost BCOWISH po nag heen asked to pay spe 1 exports Is under wa The Beot 3 tion elaimed that under the bread tish Council for Development cial attention to the increased order of 1933. loaves must weigh Lp '® hazards of coping with super tk A I. putting into action the following 4 A . either up to 10 ounces or in mul three-point plan aimed at raisin oni airliner and military tiples of 14 oundes po it plan aim at raisi overseas sales hy 10 per cent; | Fhe defence pi adel that the More trade missions overseas. DRIVE-IN POST OFFICE CUROMIErs Were ACIUAIT ME 2, Expert advice on foreign A : . 4 more than they paid for, but the (pade fairs. 3, A huild up of LUTON, England Motorists strict application of the law the council's own export commits oY heen huying stamps at the brought the fine tees i rate of 2000 customers a week 2 208 ' a : Lord Polwarth chairman of the and 300 stamped letter cards and WHITE-COLLAR CLAIM ji stamp hooklets at a new drive-in d x council, says: "It Is vital for ost office. which has heen. €% SRNDON : Claims fon sub Scottish industry to increase its : sted In Lat Te Te inst stantial pay increases for abou 5 oll If hn export sales if it 1s going | kind in Britain, and Is op 500.01 staff ) ' > " of Its ).000 staff of white-collar" prosper as it should erating as an experiment vorkers in the engineering indus try have heen submitted by their GLUT OF POTATOES Postmaster William Clark four y LONDON Monster erops of says: "The office is proving pop unions to the employers' head planes THURSDAY FRIDAY D AY SATURDAY Don't Freeze HISTORY MAKING Y Yourselves This , Winter... While HANGING OUT THE CLOTHES! To the Ladies -- Purchase your Simplicity Dryer NOW! You save $50,95 WHILE THIS OFFER ALL EXQUISITE LASTS, Pay anly $10.00 down with pay: ments as low as $2.50 weekly, Your clothes dry faster, fluftier with ne bother DAY or fuss and you stay warm and cosy N00. indoors, You ewe it to yourself to ins FRIDAY wligate today. LIMITED TIME COMPLIMENTS OF THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MERCHANTS SPECIAL memes SIMPLICITY DRYERS = | " Reg. 249.95 | DAY a FRIDAY and ROW 1 99 SATURDAY FOR THE CHILDREN WATCH FOR THE CLOWN P40 : HE HAS ONE ESPECIALLY For A Limited Time Only FOR YOU! LOOK AT THESE FEATURES frm ® HEAT TEMPERATURE CON. ® CONTROL-AIR SYSTEM , | TROL, All temperature set- JUST 2 SIMPLE CONTROLS, tings are thermostatically con- All-Temp contrel for variable tralled n. Whe heat you need heat for all febricy ooh Simp { rom "No Heat" te maximum amatic timer easily adjusted X heat of 185 degrees. for any desired drying time to : THE MOST ® FREE FLOW LINT FILTER Mit your type and size of Nj COLORFUL ® PORCELAIN CABINET TOP load, FRIDAY ® SAFETY DOOR * ATTOMATIC OVERLOAD fi DISPLAY ©. SPECIAL MODEL D30. Similar to above but with 159.95 NIGHT FIREWORKS 3 heats, Limited supply, ONLY . 3 heats. Limited supply. ON AT - v EVER IN OSHAWA Budget Terms $10. down as low as 2.50 weekly 9:30 P.M, pe HOM THE REAR OF THE DANCY bata | ; No 88 KING WEST RA 5.4543