The Oshawa Times, 25 Oct 1960, p. 7

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Mrs, Wilfred Jack: | Solemnized At AM Northminster Uni Church recently, Beverly Ar Hill, daughter of Mr. and M Roland George Hill of Oshaw hecame the bride of Mauri Carl Halverson of Foxomto, son Mr. and Mrs. Godirey Wilms Halverson of North Bay The Reverend H. A, Mellow ficiated, The wedding music wa played hy Mr. John Roheriso and the soloists were Mr, Ra Manson and Sheila Armstron Given in marriage by her fi ther, the bride wore wallzleng! white peau-desole Aesigned wit three-quarter length sleeves, | scooped neckline and a ful) gathered skirt. A crown of ri' Hants and pearls held her wails! length vell and she carried a cas cade of white roses, Mrs, Edward Hill was the me tron of honor in a rust velve sheath featuring three - quarter length sleeves and a seoop neck line. Her accessories were white and rust, Miss Irene Holyersop bridesmaid, was similarly dress \Halverson-Hill Nuptials RELIABLE BACHELORS TORONTO (CP)-Bingle men make Just as reliable firemen B¢ (do murried men, suburban Sear: borough counch decided, drop: ping the preference previewsly given to married men Bs Te {eruits, The Lownship's personnel director reported thet married status does pot altfect attitudes | shout shift work or permanency, , as had heen supposed, Northminster th carried 'cascades of yellow! bronze ehrvsapthemyms, The wer girl, Miss Marilyn Hill, ce of the bride, wore g full: ried dress of white nylon with rust sash and headband. She rried a posegay of yellow and mie chrysanthemums and yel W FORES Mr. David €. Downey acted as st man, Ushering were Messrs, rnold Bowers and Douglas Gan A reception was held at the Fly 18 Dutchman? Bowmanville, For he ocension the bride's mother hose winter white cashmere with wink brown accessories, The widegroom's mother was in dark owder Mue silk with black ae- essories, Both wore corsages of| 0ses | Later the couple left for a wed- ling trip to Ottawa and Montreal, | Tor going away the bride wore 8 innamon, brown sheath and natehing coat, dark brown ae sessories And A POSE COTSARE,| Pictured are the three Guides who were presented with their All-Round Cords, They are seen with their mothers who fastened the Cords on their daughters' shoulders, From left to right; Miss Shirley Tem» | perton, captain, 16th Guide Sixteenth Guide Company Holds Enrolments and Presentations The 16th Guide Company an enrollment ceremony hadge presentation recently Bt. Matthew's Anglican Church held, Frances and! first to be earned in the company Sparkes, These are the formed in March Ki, Gardner con i Mrs was Ww nee 1657 Mothers of the new guides and! gratulated the girls and Mrs, Wil Mrs. W. E. Gardner, Adelaids District Commissioner were prés en' Following the opening, a horse Mrs. N. V, Roe and Mrs, H. M, Sparkes fasted the cords on their daughter's shoul ders, Fach girl received the first fred Jackin shoe was formed hy candlelight! class pin and blue and white back following girls Shelley and the enrolled Edmunds, Bett Gage Jo-Ann Wehster, Carolyn Laughlin and Dianne Kinton McBain, Karen Class Judy Roe, Cords Mec: Roe and Frances Sparkes were! ground hadge from the company and All-Round Jacklin,* Jame These are the first to he earned in the Badges to Palsy Service Stars and hadges were eampany since it was formed ir presented hy the Captain assisted March, 1057, Mrs. W, E, Gardner Lieutenant: One-year: Jeanne Russell een Sereda, Lynda and Linda Duncanson Second-year star: Karen Crow ells, Sharon Crowells, hy the Cor-| Wilfred Jacklin Thackeray and Mrs congratulated the girls and Mrs Mrs, N Ros M. Sparkes fastened on their daughter Fach girl received the H |the cords houlders Judy Blen-| first class pin and hlue and white cowe, Judy Clement and Patti An-{background badge from the com drews Third-year star: Louise Macko Judy Dalton, Frances Sparkes Patsy Jacklin and Janice Roe Second Class: Elizabeth Whee er; Gardener: Jo-Ann Swimmer, Jacqueline and Patti Andvews; Hiker Tayler Patsy Jacklin received mer, minstrel, cook, hiker, han dywoman: and Little House Em Menzie blem. Janice Roe received swim«| (on | ! Bowler; | mens swim-| {pany The eonsisted of Louise Macko, Busan Preity areal Daniel, Dale McLaughlin enny McMullen and Sharon Cle color party ( P, Following the presentations, the Busan! guides carried on with the regu {lar meeting At campfire the girls shaved a cake given to the All-Round Cord girls from the Parents' Commit The meeting closed with mer, handywoman, hiker and pio- Taps, neer, Frances Bparkes receiver hiker, A special event of the evening the presentation of irst was Badges and All-Round Cords tof Patsy Jacklin, Janice Roe and SOCIAL NOTICES MARRIAGE The mariage of Audrey Louise, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Wil-| Arthur Sargant, | 15th Scout Aux, Names New Officers The October meeting of the 16th Oshawa Scout Mothers Auxil iary was held at the home of Mrs, William Richardson, presi dent, who presided The minutes were read by Mrs, The treasurers liam Bolley of Saskatoon, Saskat-| report was given by Mrs, HerheMt Mr. John son of Mr. and Mrs Ferries of Oshawa, took Saturday, October 22, 1060 in George's Anglican Chureh, Saskatoon, with the Rev erend H. W. Brandrick officiat ing chewan, and Ferries A C place on ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Cyril 1, Leddy of Bowmanville announce the en gagement of their daughter, Viv ian Marie, to Mr, James Ed ward Cornish, son of Mr, and Mrs, Ewart 1. Cornish of Osh awa. The marriage will take place on Saturday, November 12 in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Chureh, Bowmanville RECEPTION Mr, and Mrs, Clifford will be happy to receive of their daughter, Mrs Bazinet, RR | urday, November § and 7 to § on the thelr 25th wedding occasion ol anniversary, Clark! Dervent 1960. | les Murray Allan | Street United Church Pontypool, on Sal-| be home baking from 2 to 4land eandy sale Mrs, Sargant gave a re port on the recent conference at tended hy several members of the auxiliary Mrs, Kenneth Mossey, past president of the 16th Scout Aux iliary, installed the following new executive: President, Mrs. Ray Harrison, vice president; Mrs Leonard Fowler, secretary; Ar thur Sargant, treasurer Mrs A. G. Suddard; telephone, Mrs Joshua Bell; Mrs, William Rich ardson, Mrs, Charles Fudger elal, Mrs, James Scotl; responding secretary, Mrs seph Parsons; press, Mrs sick list, Mrs 80 cor Jo Char Joseph Dervent The new Harrison on the president, Mrs, Ray presided for discussion new business, Further Curtis plans have heen made for the ha their|zaar relatives and friends at the home! afternoon, October held Wednesday at, Albert There wi sale of work also a tea room were served hy Richardson to be on Refreshments Mrs, William company; | lin, Patsy Jacklin, Mrs, N. V, | Roe, Janice Roe, Mrs, H WM, Sparks, Frances Sparks, Mrs W. B, Gardner, Adelaide Dis triet Commissioner, Margaret Blears, lieutenant, 16th com. pany, ~Oshawa Times Photo The newly wedded pair will live in Toronto, ed in dark brown velvet with white and brown accessories, ome Jo Aldwinekle, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 25, 1960 7 1. Women's Editor PERSONALS met for a luncheon at the home end table from their three chil of Mrs. A. C. MeCulloeh recently dren. Among the guests was Mrs and after a short business meet: | Flora Smith of Fonthill ing went to Henry House Mu seum, Oshawa, where Mrs, Gor Mrs. Evelyn Bateman, Simeoe don Conant took them on a Lour|street north, had as her guest of the museum. The November 16| Mps, Gertrude Crofton, Toronto meeting will he held at the home of Mrs, Fred Wilson Miss Ann Kerr, 8 member of : ' the Oshawa Board of Health, is GG. D, Conant, president one of 85 public health nurses at- Oshawa and Distriet His: ending a week's refresher course Digl BA 3-0474 Mrs Donna Collins and Allan Mason Exchange Vows By Candlelight In Friday Memorial Collins and vere united in marriage by Reverend Clinton D, Cross The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, E, A, Collins and the bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs, C, J. Mason, all of Oshawa Mr, ¥ traditional Miss Lynda ang The bride a candlelight ceremony evening in Bt, George's Chureh, Donna Amn Allan James Mason the A played the musie Kitchener Reesor wedding Clark of was given in mar riage hy her fathey, She wore a long - sleeved, bouffant gown of nylon tulle aver silk with chantil ly lace and embroidery in panel effect, The skirt and chapel train were caught with satin roses, A crown of pearls held her veil of French illusion and she carried a cascade of pale pink roses and stephanotis Mrs, John Alexander matron of honor for her sister and the other attendants were Miss Catharine Mason and Mrs David Collins, All wore mauve pure silk over taffeta with draped waistlines and full skirts, Their | matehing headdresses were com: posed of leaves with pearl tear drops and halo veils, Their flow ers were white carnations and pale pink roses In cascades Mr, John C. Mason was hes man and the ushers were Mr Willlam and Mr. Robert Mason all hrothers of the bridegroom At the reception at Adelaide House the bride's mother ve ceived in an original model cham pagne chiffon sheath, topped with Guipure lace, She wore mateh accessories and a feathere hat and a corsage pale | was of roses assisted wearing deep Diane Purdie Sante Bortolazzo 1 Wed Recently he marriage of Diane Gloria Purdie and Sante Leandro Borto 1zz0, both of Oshawa, was sol emnized recently at ory's Roman Catholic Church The hride is the daughter of My and Mrs, John Purdie, Oshawa at and the hridegroom is the son of backs of dressers Mr. Vittoria Rortol v of Ttaly and The bridegroom's mother mauve on lace | pi pink | * | Greg: ha afraid to examine It, pat it, torical Society, has veturned from | in maternal and child health con a three-day seminar, a "Museim| ducted hy the Ontario Depart Workshop," arranged by the On: ont of Health in Toronto tario Historical Society, The work shop was held at Hamilton and| whe Friendship Group of West the hosts were Dundern Castle! point United Chireh met at the and Dundas Museum Historical ome of Mrs, Alfred Fursey, Boclety Saguenay avenue, for its first meeting of the new season, An Mr, and Mrs, Russell Mollon, evening of games and eards was Somerville avenue, and their enjoyed, Mr, and Mrs, Harry daughter, Miss Marlene Mollon of [geinei' Mr and Mrs, Stuart Toronto, were honored hy ten of Hall and Miss Helen Doughty their friends at a surprise Party| ope thanked for arranging the held at The Acres on the 0ecasion | oooning The group will meet on of their 25th wedding Anniver: Nouehor 10 at the home of Mi sary. After an enjoyable Ban: coq vies John Harris, Stevenson quel the party went to the home| ooo nonin of Mr, and Mrs, H, A, Young, Arlinglon avenue, to enjoy pic: Teas, hirthday parties, wed tures shown by Miss Shirley ding anniversaries, coming and Smith, Fonthill, Mrs, Young and| going of guests and your awn holl sheath style hat and corsage of rose Mr. and Mrs. Mason are spend ing their honeymoon in the Unit ed Slates and will return to make their home in Osha For travelling the hride donned an original black Chanel suit with white accessories and a corsage of pale yellow rose with matching Oshawa Delegates | Mrs, C. A, Weldon of Oshawa, day plans ave always of inter Mrs, Young read a Joon "The est in this column, Write, tele Of Pilot Clubs | Receipt for Twelve Month's Hap-| phone or visit the social depart nell presented the couple with al which there is no charge, Tele. Delegates from the Pilot Club|hassock on behalf of their friends, phone RA 8-8474, of Oshawa attended the Fall " " EEE Council of District 17, Pilot Club Eli b h Ak I Ww | Hotel in Bt, Catharines, Ontario, 12a et Joan er 8 October 21-23 Representatives of the Local T R b t FE T 1 f T t Club included Miss Lillian Beam 0 0 er ' ay or 0 oron 0 Mrs, Russell Futter, Mps.| The marriage of Elizabeth Genosha, The bride's mother, re Lewis Faulkner and Mrs, Fred| Joan, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, |eelving, wore soft gold brocade Lindsay, Reginald Frank Aker, of Oshawa, | with matching accessories and a and Robert Edgar Taylor, son of French eloche hat covered with inden she Souell, which featur: 4 avior of Toronto, was solemn: mother was wearing ice blue hro- of Gn Grciens wy We A SOYIMOUIjaed on Saturday in 81, John the|cade with a hat of light wood I, (niet, Ba Wor part go angelist Roman Catholic beige, e Lm of Beymour, Lam: | opapch Whithy For their wedding trip, the Vieholle. Mr, Bie yatous SPOKE On oiaied, Mrs, PB, N, Spratt played olive green with matching green 8 rece! trip 10 Hussla the wedding musie and the solo-|cloche hat and accessories in Mrs. Kiyoke Oshima, second ist was Mrs. W, G, Kinsman of dark brown vice » president of the Pllot Club!Oshawa Mr, and Mrs, Taylor are honey: Council, She is visiting in Toronto! ther, the bride wore a floor | make their home in Toronto, during October, Miss Lynda Sug- length gown of original design v witan, a student from the Philip;| The bodice of taffeta was styled nes who is studying at Me with a rounded neckline that met RIG TIMEPIECE MAIDSTONE, England (CP) Ontario, on a Pilot Club Inter: sleeves, The skirt of silk organza national Ruby Newhall Scholar-lover taffeta was accented hy " i k ship also attepded French lace at the walst and wi Ahinks she may have the Miss Lillian Beamish gave the down the front, A. pearl tiara argest dining room elock in the country, The 17th-century clock is 26 inches In diameter, Attend Conference piness'! and Mrs, Almond Brint:| ment with your item of news for International, at the Ques NEWAY | ish, Miss Beverly Btorie, Mrs,| Approximately 150 Pilots al-(ny and Mrs, Percival Frank gold feathers, The bridegroom's pard, Goldring Young and "qe Reverend L. J. Austin offi: bride donned a costume suit of of Tokyo, was a guest at the| Given in marriage by her fa-lmoaning in Haliburton and will faster University nn Hamilton, in a V at the back and short Miss A, J, B, Everist of this Kent invocation at the Saturday lunch. held her fingertip veil and she carried a formal cascade of tephanotis and ivy trails centred hy twa white hybrid orehids with yellow throats The maid of honor was Miss Lueille Tombari of Toronte and the other attendants were Miss Rita Goodyear, Toronto; Mrs KR, G, MeKay, and Mrs, William Howie, bath of Oshawa, They gowns of autumn rust silk organ za aver taffeta were styled with streel-length, belled skirts, scoop necklines and short sleeves, Self eon, Mrs, Fred Lindsay was i charge of the publicity and pub lie relations workshop of which committee she is district chair man, CHOOSE FOR COMFORT To learn about furniture, don't move it ahout and sit in it pare the underside Com of chairs how legs are joined and if arms wohhlg The Myrtle Women's Institute Mr, and Mrs, Mollen received an| [carefully into an open sack, after { AT THE RECEPTION Pictured after their wedding recently in Bt, Paul's Chureh, Alax, are Mr, and Mrs, William Hill, Formerly Miss Donna Eliz: aheth Johnston, the bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John Best Way to Deal with Skunks Is to Leave Them Strictly Alone #0 fresh, so feminine YARDLEY ENGLISH LAVENDER $1,265 10 43.50 Emerson Johnston of Ajax and the bridegroom Is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Hill of Markham Park Lane Studio, Toronto MITCHELL'S Dugg ry s/o 4 9 SIACOE 87 ¥ Nohody need he reminded that fensive, On the contrary, they de- the best thing to do with skunks Stroy Bul if worms, white grubs and the larva y . " skunks around your home or gar-|0f many other Insect pests is leave* them alone den are causing annoyance, offi large mwmbers of el cials of the Ontario Lands and Forests Department ean tell you the hest way to get vid of them Tha malodorous skunk has a sweet tooth for eges, and eggs ean he used as hail to trap them provided the egg is broken, Place the egg hall in a hox trap or # steel trap and the unwary skunk will usually fall for tee lure Bays a Depariment official; "If a steel trap is used, where there ave no. neighbor's pets to get into it, the chain should he attached to a 10-fool pole, so that the skunk may he drawn gently out of the hole and lifted off the ground," ! What to do then with the lethal little animal? "He may then he carried to water and drowned," the official explains, "or lowered | which the trap may he freed, | "Onee in the sack, the skunk may he disposed of as wished, | This treatment should produce] no gmell, or if it does, it should | all he in the sack, Live traps should have a slide door, permit-| ting the skunk to he released or shaken out into a sack for later disposal, A sacked skunk may he drowned in a pall, or carried far away and released." YLive-trapped skunks may also he gassed in the trap, Place the trap In a larger hox and use automobile exhaust fumes." | What should you do If the skunk gels in a parting shot with his built-in atomizer? Use tomato julee to wash off the offensive skunk musk it's the nearest thing to an antidote you're ever likely to find | But the official emphasises that | skunks ave best left alone, "Some: | times," he says, "they develop a liking for ears of eorn and have to be controlled, But around sub. urhan gardens they do no harm : family dog puts them on the de: i A Styled with the latest in and ereate no nuisance unless the From $80 fo $150 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON YOUR PRESENT TELEVISION RCA VICTOR TRADIN' TIME +++ time to save on RCA Victor TV | Trade in your present set for a big, new 3" "LIVING IM under and the late Mrs, Bollolazzo pressure, When you are buying The Reverend Paul Dwyer u upholstery st Are ficiated \pholstery, don't just stand there Given in marriage hy her fa. and laok at it ther, the bride ware a full length and sit down awn of lace aver nylon net and! fartable taffeta featuring short sleeves and a scalloped neckline studded with sequins. Ruffled nylon net , soallops enhanced the back of the Brice and value full billowing skirt. A matehing Most important lace hat encircled with seed ers your choice pearls held her fingertip veil and of Take off your coat Squirm around, eross your legs, take up a reading posi tion, After all your considerations there's one factor that goy eamiort Make yourself cam hows formed their headdresses and their cascade bouquets were composed of gold and heige ehrys. anthemums backed by dark green groton leaves, Royden Davis of Belleville was best man and ushering were John Aker, Oshawa; Michael Lundy nd Laurence Carson, both of Toronto A reception was held in the Piccadilly Room of the Hatel she carvied a cascade of pink roses Miss Arlene Sargeant was maid-of-honor in red nylon de signed with butterfly sleeves, a boat neckline, and a fully gather ed skirt, She wore a white feather ed hat and short red gloves and carried a cascade of white car nations Mario man the SHOP FIRST IT'S HERE Bizeotta acted as reception held at the newly wed's future home the bride's mother wore blue cash mere with matching accessories and a pink carnation corsage As the couple left for the wed. ding trip to Niagara Falls the bride was wearing a hlack me hair suit with a multi-colored {feather hat, green accessories {and a carnation corsage, Mr, and They grab and cling wink, WOOLWORTH'S AT OUR TOY COUNTER HUG-A-BUGS ONLY 98c AT LAST to you, Hug-A-Bugs Mrs, Borgolazzo will live in Osh. awa | TO DANCE AND SING Mr. Robert Crawford, president executive of the $St | Andrew's Society of Oshawa, met this past week and made nlans for the following two items, First | starting November & at & pm dancing lessons will be held in the YWCA for all those interested in leaning Scottish dances prior to {the St, Andrew's Hall, Secondly, ta formulate a men's choir with Society members, to he under the direction of Mr. David Jenkins i o he held in' Knox Preshy and his § 5 1 * rd i, ww Sy A wedding of Oshawa interest was solemnized recently in St Paul's United Church, Rowman- ville, when Mr. and Mrs. Pat. rick 8 Gould exchangid nuptial vows, Formerly Miss Carole | Diane Oke, the hride is the eld and Sucker SPECIAL Shop with conti dense where 19% this seal sativtaction, granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Holmes of Oshawa The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Perey Gould Bowmanville, and grandson of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Gould of Oshawa. The couple will live in tevian Church commencing No Bowmanville vember 6 at 2.30 pom. All mem ~Canadian Statesman Photo (bers cordially invited to attend, you ia of est daughter of Mr. and Mrs Morley Oke, Bowmanville, and SHELL OUT HALLOWEEN GRAB BAG Filled with handy Kisses, Chocolates, Gum Over 100 pieces 88c BAG OPEN FRIDAY NITE TILL § PM, for YOUR shopping senvenience 4 Princess heels, High enough to be smart, low enough to be comfortable, LN Model 23T€410 In softee black suede, with sephisticated Vamp accent, ONLY 379.00 * Big, rectangular, 23" picture * All 23% "Living Image" cabinets are same depth as most 21 sets, * Safety glass bonded to face of tube , , , easy cleaning , , , eliminates room reflections! Here's just one of the new Lady Hewetson styles now seen in increasing numbers on Canada's campuses, CO, LTD, CORNER KING AND SIMCOE §TS, We feature footwear by HEWETSON Come in during "Tradin! Time" People are talking about the temific trade-in allowance they got at MEAGHER'S! MEAGHER'S 5 KING ST, WEST RA 3.3425

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