A i it & TVR OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, October 34, 1968 | § i New Building Is Completed PORT PERRY --~ Once again Cor, Erving Boyd and Robrt hes ex- Kenny, Town Clerk John Raines and Hydro Clerk Brinson Cox, slong with the secretaries, Mrs, § 11] Ex=f SB i i i! ¢ 1 fad THis ek 8 : J : 88 3 3 Fe i] In i 8 ] J! iy x¥ E. 4 » = Be x FR x Jed | HH 3 3 ¥ # on B® ~ i : tacd xy Bare, 3 EER of i ; > Fe » 8 3 i ¥y Las Feix - 3 wy [58 CHRISTMAS PARTIES wo GON Jim Bourke, Mgr. Flying Dutchman Motor Motel BOWMANVILLE MA 3.3373 sal visitors were reeves, deputy - Gibson, reeves and councillors from Vert-| jong Raines 'snd Mrs, R, J. Cam] is Village and towns, leron; in the evening, Mrs, Don.|224 The bullding » Jed for Williams, Mrs, I. A, Boyd, Mrs.|C $5 B iful W, 7, Harris end Mrs, B, Kenny RB, Pascoe a and A beds en- presided. The catering was inl Welker m ni; {hance the modern entrance. The charge of the Seout Mothers' Aux-| Higgins 228, J. interior is finished off in wood {liary end members of the a A |panelling snd an attractive stair- |iliary did the serving, High Triples ~ g 1 PRESCOTT (CP)-The $10400t } freighter New Quedoc remained ri stuck 0 the mud Sunday after ing aground in the St, Lew. way twice In the atid pelt § now i 1 Her first encounter with shal "llow water and rough weather oe- "leurred near Alexpniria Bay N.Y,, #0 miles southwest of here, N | a way leads up to the spacious up-| ~ RTS ES | ko free, In the afternoon she hecame mired n . mudflat while turn 17'S A RELAPSE, ,, into laughter! '" for a specialist withe ApuLy bedside manner ENT, WHE BAIR AG MRLATI FSET i hay Sed 3 DOCTOR in LOVE ) IN COLOR MICHAEL CRAIG VIRGINIA MASKELL JAMES ROBERTSON JUSTICE CAROLE LESLEY nd LESLIE PHILLIPS NOW PLAYING B:30 - 7:25 LAST SHOW # P.M, The Police Department is hous led in the basement and consists of three rooms, a reception room, a consultation or interview room SUSAN HAYWARD AN ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE STARTING TODAY FEATURE TIMES; 1:45 - 3:40 » PHONE OIRAA Steering Committee Named For Hospital A steering committee compos. was studying the possibility of ed of 10 members and designed establishing a hospital in Whithy to Investigate the site, financing, within the next four or five years size of a hospital In Whitby was| Dr, Matthew B, Dymond, Min. organized at a public meeting at|igter of Health for Ontario, attend the All Saints' Parish Hall onled as, what he described as "an Thursday night interested observer Attended by approximately An official from the Ontario Interested reside nis, the meeting Dr, Pete, sald the Commission Organ Pipe [maine vr a's ie Falls During Church Service An RCA¥ transport techni | 8¢ Trenton, Ont. The vehicle | the 15th andiverssry of the cain (left) directs an Army Was one of many iransporied 10 founding of the United Nations, rvice Corps driver while e Congo for Nad op w om } loading a ps onto an aireraft | tions force there, Monday is CP Wirephoto from Nat, Def.) | {and of eourse, the usual overnight accommodation for "unexpected guests." Both Police Chief R, J n Cameron end Constable Don. Wil lame were on hand to show the points of interest in their depert-| / ment, They had on display the| ] Provincial town, "Dear Depart. speed trap and brake tester and e ts ed" reflected a comedy evolving explained their use to spy who u ouse I e around two sisters who were were interested. The fingerprint {squabbling over thelr dear de ng demonstration was enjoyed . [parted father's worldly posses- hy several, It Is Interesting fo] Id Pla S | sions, Much to their amazement note that the large courtroom is ree ul Y {the mournful sisters discover used hy both Police Court and thelr father to be alive and kick-|piyision Court and will be avail- Playing before a capacity audi-|Btevenson's bedroom, but the set Ing. shle for other groups, ss is the ence in the Henry Streel High ting was unique In that gt the! He eventually decides to marry small committee room which is| School on Saturday, the wht ithy same time, aud with the Li ona A widowed publican and his used as the Coumell Chambers, Theatre Guild presented three, black back-drop am 0 BPO daughters learn a lesson, A convenient kitchen has been|" pe ays, lights, two other scenes were j One first yy #8til Life," hy flashed on the stage "with the Paris in this play were acted installed just off the main foyer) ; Noel Coward, was directed by!flick of a switeh,"" by Lillian Lane, Sally Ann Gar. 80 thst belroshments may B > Joan Hil The setting for this, Mrs, Stevenson, played by Vy. réil, Reg Tompkins, Beryl Gar. served when requir ri play was the refreshment room vyan Gigeroff, is a bed ridden att, Marcel Jones and Cyril Gar. parking is provided at the side ! ND of a rallway station which was! invalid who learns, by listening '® and rear of the bullding, a A ON the secret weekly rendezvous of into a telephone call, that the The sets and backstage work! A hearty welcome was extend-| a ME : two respectable married lovers, bloody. murderers are planning for the entire presentation was ed to everyone by Reeve J, J.| DRIVE-IN , True to life drama and comedy to eliminate a woman, After mak- completed by Egon Fehr, Johm Gibson, Deputy Reeve W, T.| F : SIDEWA K 3 was portrayed by the talented ing numerous phone ealls she Mooney and d Alfren Hill, Harris and Councillors Arthur ; . east, realizes too late that she is the -- sib Bhi bis BI bib Those taking part in "Stil11|vietim, | | FROM Life" were as follows; Jean| Acting In this play were] . om, CLOSED FOR THE SEASON! Farquharson, Gwyn Hoag, Nancy|Vyvyan Gigeroff, Jean Farqu Beer, Peter Ames, Tom Parqu. harson, Tom Farduharhon, John harson, Alex Gigeroff, Helen Mec. Mooney, Eunice Beer, Helen Me Knight, Ross Gibson, Marcel Knight, Jan Norwood, Barhara NOTICE wk WouLD LIKE T0 TAKE THIS Brunnell, Beth Rutherford and Powell, Nancy Beet, Joyce Wain- unice Beer, |wright, Joan Hill, Hermann Hes. SURPENSE silink, Bert Heaver and Ross) OPPORTUNITY 70 THANK OUR MANY Directed hy Gwyn Hoag, the Gibson, | second play, *"Serry, Wrong| "Dear Departed" by Stanley PATRONS FOR THEIR ATTENDANCE Number," by L, Fletcher, held Houghton and titetted by jan he audience in suspense through. Heaver was the final play of the| ' out itn entirety, as oa pus of WH DURING OUR 1960 SEASON, WE ARE 4 _The scene of the play was Mrs, | et in a house In an Englis LOOKING FORWARD T0 GREETING You FINEST IN FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT, TODAY AND TUESDAY ONLY! See today's weather report page_3 To The Citizens of Oshawa! - THE - Oshawa Kiwanis Club WILL HOLD THEIR Annual Apple Drive STARTING Tonight, Tues. & Wed. There Is still time to get your sow tires, We are staying open until 9 , tonight because of the emergency, Extra servicemen on duty, ,, no wait ing . + , no increase In price, DOMINION TIRE STORES 48 BOND WEST RA 5-651 DOMINION ROYAL WINTERIDE The QUIET Snow Tire | SCORCHING | AS AN ASSAULY | LANDING! ADULT R ENTERTAINMENT Starring JEFFREY HUNTE DAVID INSSER DAMONE PATRICIA He sald public enthusalsm was one of the most Important things that those at the meeting should encourage, His department was influenced, very strongly influ. enced hy seeing A strong repre-| sentation of community spirit, he The entire congregation of Said. : | @ Whithy United Church were wit-| The steering committee, chaired nesses to an accident during the by Dr, F, A, Cuddy will, aside Sunday morning service, which from trying to establish a prelim. | could have resulted In serious inary plam for a Whitby Hospital,| B consequences elect an executive | A 20-foot metallic organ plpe| Several interested eltizens fell away from Its fixing andithought any plans for a hospital landed among the church choir, | in tt p 1a 1 Although the 20 members of the|'® he near future would confliel choir had no warning, the pipe with Whithy's contribution to the| divided the choir in twain and|Oshawa General Hospital's bulld mi acWiously missed the en ing fund, 'ble It was then carried away hy The problem will be studied by the male members of the choir the steering committee, and the service continued | The pipe struck Dr, Cam Me | AI. Kay, on the shoulder and Mrs. | b -- Willlam Pringle on the nose and DANCE lodged behind the keyboard on| | THURS,, OCT. 27 the church organ ANAAAANAN Organist Mrs, Jack Be savs IN PERSON ph she had a narrow escape from being hit AND THE HALLOWE'EN JUNIORS | MASQUERADE American Bandstand DANCE Friday, Oct. 28 ; | TWISTIN' COSTUME DRESS US.A. Also Music by THE TORNADOS NAAAAAN ® TWO APPEARANCES o EARLY « 9:30 PM, LATE « 11 P.M, RED BARN ADMISSION 1.50 [CHARD EYER + JOWN LARCH + MIKO TAXA o SESSIE RAYAKAWA & wry ine "MICKEY'S PARROT" NEW COLOR CARTOON FEATURE SHOWN DAILY: 1:30 +» 4:00 « 6:40 « 9:18 ton A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE w EASTMAN colon Sp Us sn rt "me LIER CECT 8 LONELY? "I've got a whole new sland on life since I joined Arthur Murray's, People are 80 friendly there and we have such a lot of fun at the wonderful get-togethers, I'm never lonely anymore!" ML, hui Ea at] oa 20AYS p-- PY Kiwanis Charitable Purposes! - NOTE! - OSHAWA KIWANIS OLUB MEMBERS WILL BE CALLING AT YOUR HOME WITH APPLES FOR SALE ON THE ABOVE Life is never dull once you're a ood dancer | And learning to A 3once at Arthur Murray's is as easy as ABC, His famous "Magic Step" gives you the key to all the latest dances, Studios are open daily 1 p.m, | to 10 p.m, Visifors are always A trial lessen welcome. Come in now, costs but $108 ARTHUR MURRAY W. Marks Licenses Largest All-Canadian Consumer Loan Company How muth do you need? From $50.00 to $2500.00 N (sometimes more) NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED xi -12- GOOD PRIZES © Fancy Dress © Comedy * Couples ADMISSION 1.00 Advance Tickets at 356 KING ST, W. = RA 31004 RED BARN Ontarie's Favorite Pun Spot WILSON & LEE LTD, ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES 0-0 Mon shih = 9. . Branches throughout Ontarie | Mw m-- -- ww ® wn © ume © 12 8, Open Daily 1 to 10 p.m, == Air-Conditioned 11%4 SIMCOE ST, §, RA 8-168) NIGHTS . . . PLEASE LEAVE YOUR PORCH LIGHTS ON!