aN 7 | Is Enjoyed a Lu CHAVA, ONTARIO, OWDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1960 _ PAGE WHE A 8 well attended (all meeting, ---- / Wctowgin, Babiie. 1 OSHAWA'S NEWEST UNITED CHURCH IS DEDICATED wn p- A i » wy Cy #7 members of the Oshawa snd [hs ¢ 4 7 7 4 ¥ 7 ry y: : EAT cn She Osha Times SRNR trict Historiesl Society heard Kd. win C, Guillet, author and re search historian of the Deport ment of Public Records and Archives of the Province of On, Hario, speak on 8 subject desr 10! their hearts Mr, Guillet spends #8 grest desl of ime touring the provisce in order to collect ems of his toric interest for the Ontario Archives. Old pictures, maps,| diaries, even posicards snd Mere | opticon slides, he told his audi tence, are of immense interest in preserving concrete records of 3 the way of Ie of owr | ancestors, He urged that nothing! : | é Jd [In this line ever be thrown away w go when attics or basements are T$ DO GOOD TURN FOR COMMMUNITY CHEST (deed, rr" compete SCovU 4 We with the 19th century Is of great Boy Scomts from the 13th | town ares, ss part of # pro- | master Glenn Bhoril, extreme | io rig; Daan Korte, yf yo Vilue In building wp a history of "BB troop volunteered thelr | gram to boost this year's cam. | Fight supeTyises Balurdny's | Craigie, John Bchuermen #0 | He told of plotting, vie old services Saturday 10 hang Unit paign in the Greater Oshawa "Good Deed" The Beouls Wayne Cole ; maps ond records, the sctusl #d Appesl signs In the down «| shown in the picture are, left ~Oshawe Times Photo 'soot on which a certain ploneer's , . : -- S-- . - (eabin once slood and sure enough, | ¥ 4 Gr When be Vieted the place and! # a E ] Industr Founders Many CUPS Vishal She Sang e sete snd ar Y Y » ithe remains of the first eahip Bre Active {built by a Captain Bill, In » for) » ' corner of the same field were the t A V on graves of the capian and his a u gm n n 181 AT 0CCI (family, simple grassy mounds un. imared hy stones, precisely (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is kins of animals caught in the! He sold out to the Tuke Bro By SHEILA POLLOCK where Mr, Guillet's research had the filth of # series on early |district, From these skins colon. thers in 1853; they ran the busi Extra-curriewlar activities be: (old him they would he, This sort Oshawa industries, which will ists' footwear and leather harness ness up to the 1920's when W. J, gan at Central with the election of adventure, he sald, made his be vr ed at an early date.) lor horses were made Trick, (mayor of Oshawa in 1928- of the student eomnell For the work exciting, woususl and of By RON DEVANEY An industry which tends to as 24) exiahl) hed fa construetion iy | ime the wa 4 tie in the great interest WA the vear Oshawa be-lsert itself early Wm a commun. company and office on he gile, DUMDEF Of ) presemtatives, a y Georae W, MeLaugh-lity with its roots in agriculture wn En hman, Martin Bam. elected for #ACH party Phe final ¥ Horos PRAMED ot. aw lin wrote in the souvenir edition the furniture industry, South bridge, siaried a carriage hush vinner, the Delon party, won hy hay hie Filly) Ais of the Ontario Reformer of 'Osh- ern Ontario today, from Windsor a on Simeoe street south, not 14 voles 0 vey the Allon party on hy win A paren i; Ayid awa's fortune in the judgmens Cornwall, has. many woodwork: far from the Your Corners, in & popular vole basin y many people in Ontario who y wn of founders of early Ing factories turning out tables, 1846, He was a blacksmith by It was a hard fought campaign mi 4 pany pd and , halrs, chesterfields and cabin: trade and much credit goes to the eam. make a hobby of collecting old dearly all the principal fac: ets Vour years heofre, J, D, Hoitt|POgn manager Myma Ross of Photogravhe of ther disriel He tori n the past have entered The reason land has to he opened the first carriage factory the Del ons and Kathleen McRae men ond A m Bo dey of £ to products which were essential cleared for farming, leaving a in Oshawa, In 1644, Joseph ( rag uy ' this year's council has already collected ond ex to fman comfort and existence veluma of lumber ho un hn came od work In the Hout shop lare: President, Keithe Mosier; pressed a hope thet Mr. Bouck "his as certainly true of the|tn have furniture, Plus, the faci Craig and brother Hercules, | vice-pre ident ka Merringer- seé hey woud ion the deboriment dustry in the first half century, that the settlers moving into sou. mong vith. & ir, Hephurn, PESES : Wah Broad; Ahh v 2 " . 4 idustay | he this way, When al thern Ontario found a well: bought Holtt's blacksmith shop pa Huhne organdie, Dian in tp Ju wn course, Wi. new territory or community was forested area which still provides and began manufacturing eal ton an "Dianne Hans, Tom promised that he would opened up, the first Industries|the natural raw material for the riage Wright. Rleanor Bowman, Dick! Prior to Mr, Guillet's talk, a were those which promised to woodworkers' lathe ; hou { CINE Doyle, Judy Moulton, Speaker short meeting was held at which make pioneer life easier for the HIGHLY SKILLED ? hel i Lada " a w ; for the vear Is Glen Lee Mrs, N. Gower gave 8 most en seltlers a 1648, ph "highly ok 111 ad : im tod i Midi oy AD. A hard time dance will he held couraging report on the societ v's| WARM CLOTHING eraftsman" named Richard Wl vea hy_counelt on Qct, 2 Honey Hom ' Museum of ich After | hasle needs food, lingtoa built himself a small eab:' Competition for the hustlin Phe J rene Gln poisored by flo JS sure Or " i shelter and clothing were met, inet ghop on the old Arcade sie. Bartle Brothers tannery cami vr { " tort and Mi Ig nee seed 14 the exhibits hs the industries turned to the manufac. Bimeoe street north In 1656 with the setting up of the a rh non a Hq as fol: large number of summer visitors| S ture of farm tools, such As axes The combination of erattsman- Warren Tanners Robert War kre Pre . ig Jacques Cham from many paris of the world hoes, forks and seythes, furni-\ahip and & demand for furniture ren, nephew of Jolin Warren, one Be land: vine i oninant "Leita ture, leather harness and foot: produced a flourishing husiness. (of the early mill owners in the piv BR treasurer Ri wear and brewing and distilling,| Pour years later, Wellington district, huilt Wis tannery on the Indu H ¥ ¥ Wh Fe %. a, A LARGE CONGREGATION | the members of Oshawa Pres. | the new church building, In the | of Toronto; the special speaks CHANGE CONSTITUTION attended the dedication service | bytery of the United Church, | lower are the clergy who took | er; Rev, J, Smith, of Whithy; I il REN Ald, Cecil Bint proposed a On Sunday of Southminster | as well as the church extension | part n the servieg, From left | Rev, 8. C, H, Atkinson, Albert AL first lumber mills treated moved to the south side of King site of the John Amsherry works chard Alkin ig is repr motion that an amendment hel United Church, Cedar street, committee and home mission | are ( w Lewis student min. Street United Church and Rev, the logs from cleared farmlands street east, on the present Holden a former blacksmith and tool phe' 1 Club had its first! made to the constitution to aljow| In addition to members of the | hoard, were in attendance, In | ister of the church; Rev, Dr, | John K, Moffat, Bimeoe Bireet to provide wood for the first Brothers Furniture site, and factory owner Phe Drama igor two vice-presidents instead of congregation a large group of | the upper picture is a view of | George Telford; Dr, G, Hunter, | United Church, bulldings, erected "extensive works, | (At this time, the Bartlett tan meeting this week and elected an executive, They are: President, one as at present. The motion | The woollen mills turned oul nery was owned and operated by gill Huzar, vice-presidents; Sally Was seconded hy Mrs, Ewart ° cloth from which warm elothing J. Robson and Wiliam Taueh:|Gutsole and Die Doyle; seere:| MeLaughlin | any tten could he made to protect the FIRST SNOW land, This business was the fore: |iary, Keitha Mosler; treasurer, The president, Mrs, G, D ' geltlers In winter, runner of Robson Leather), Myrna Ross; Council represen-| Conant, reminded members that| The grist mills ground the FALLS IN CITY William Warren, brother of (ative, Trene Thasuk, Staff spon-|the museum was now closed for iversary grain to produce four fer bread, Robert. hoeame the tannery own (sors are Miss Sissons and Mr, !the winter and that work was he: J The tanneries processed the] The first real sign that winter ley in 1466, He operated the fac:|Hagerman, The Drama Club is Ing started on the installation of wes | 18 COMING to the Oshawa Area |io.u until 1895 and the husiness| currently trying to persuade Mr,|a furnace hy the Lander » Stark At Knox | hecame apparent this morning |oided a few | | years later, Prob: Carson to re-join the group, Mr, |Company, whose tender was the when the season's first snow |. J ' about the time a disastrous! Hagerman has already started lowest of those received recently| Large congregations were In| . : ongress flurry started shortly before 9 [pie ar the Robson-Lauchland tan: casting for Macheth hy the Oshawa and Distriet His: attendance at Knox Preshyterian! A large congregation Sunday|were presented hy the contractor| Under the ministry of G, Rad: am nery ford the owners to move! The Forum, sponsored hy Rob: torical Boclety, As soon as the|Church on Sunday as the ehureh| afternoon attends d the dedication{to the church trustee, The keys jot, the new congregation grew In Oshawa, the snow melted 1) "g0 ih" Och awa, ort Sheffield, held its fivst meet:| furnace is installed, stated Mrs, | marked the 85th anniversary of|0f Oshawa's newest Un iied|were than placed on the commu: and in May, 1080, the church ex A Boon as il hit the ground, | They took over the former homeling this week, The topic on the| Conant, plans would be made for (its establishment, The eelehra [Church Southminster United nion table hy the supervising tension committee of Oshawa S hut In the Columbus-Raglan of the Cedardale Scythe a ndlagenda wast Should Canada be: opening the museum on Kpecial tion will continue with a congre {Church Decar street, Attend | Pastor, : Preshytery purchased the pres. area, the ground WAS White [Tool Works, now the location of come the Sst state of the United oceasions during the winter | gational supper this evening ing the service were a large nim With the congregation standing ent site at Hil ¢ edar street, Uns when residents started AvIsING Le Robson Leather Co [8tatos or should the U8, hecome| months when exhibits of unusual| The services were conducted|her of the ministers of Oshawa passages of scripture were vead der the ministry of Rev, W, G, Cars, entering the eity from we [Canada's 11th province, The ex.| interest were available by Rev, R. B. Milroy, pastor of and members and officials of Osh- as follows: eoncerning prayer, Dickson of Centre Street United the northern outskirts, were (oi \ ¥ - teak 4 wolal| Awa Presbytery of the United | Rev, 8, C, H, Atkinson; eoncern:| Church and Rev, Mutton, of | ecutive of the forum consists of the church; - while the special A 3 A ing the Word of God and Preach:|Cedardale United Churel \ . President, Connie Johnston; . . speaer was Rey, Dr, Hugh V € hure J ng the Word of God and Preach: (Cedardale nited wreh, the Hy LLOY FLETCHER that winter is on the way was 1X ere vice-president, Dick Doyle; see: Davidson. of Toronto, secretary! Following the processional|ing, Rev, Dr. George Telford; congregation grew until October, With the initiation and eleetion bls o he Dore and there, retary-Areasurer, Donna Hobbs; 1ssionary of the board of stewardship and|hymn, the keys to the church ARE baptism. Rev. Job Jo | Whe He I Jomo miskion concerns finally over the OCVI pan Hy tim Ja age oan | a organizer, Glen Lee; council re hudget of the Preshylerian tion, Mr, Lewis, the student pas:|at Emmanuel College, Toronto, in is now hugzing with congressions a Ie a He yy "ame otf | presentative, ~ Bonnie Crouter Chureh in Canada, Dr, Davidson | stand for what the ehureh should for concerning' matrimony Hev charge foie Nh al husiness ny exper enped nN a ne 0 wee Meetings are held Tuesday even is a former pastor of the local he in the world, He hased his re John Smith concerning burial of Plans are under way to huild The week began with a cabinet Holy Cars to get to work on ings heginning at 7 o'cloek ee e chureh marks on the three seriptural| fot, Fat CHET Atkinson a permanent ehurch pil the site meeting an Monday followed Wl US Ly Lo the " The girls' choir, under the di In his sermon, at the morning texts: "Ye ave the Balt of the| og oonoboning iio Lord's Supper, |in three years, Even foday the an opposition meeting Tuesday! tL Wi APEC BAW 0 rection of Mrs, Stuart now has A large erowd attended (he service, Dr. Davidson based his) Earth"; "Ye are the Light of the| gos ""ny "meifond "Rey, John|building fs inadequate for the night, This prepared the Iwo qa you Ranven ah hondy 1C 15) Ss hetween 0 and 60 members, MY poiday night meeting of the Mis. "emarks on "The Three Symbols World" and "The Kingdom of got Mh ponte' was the Spes| rowing community so the eons sides of the govemment for al VILE U0 UNH REAR oh Winkler is trying to get 8 hove' isionapy Conference at Calvary|of the Church', He sald that thei God is Like Leaven' |elal speaker, : gregation is planning for greater number of lengthy debates at the Po" ¥ oo Au i? n hi, t | Three additional Oshawa ticket [choir organized and later It 18 ganiist Ohupoh "iwords = salt, light and leaven =| Special musie was presented atl" py Fool veh 1s a moderns] service, first sitting of the And Congress is ree ) MOF holders have drawn horses in the hoped that the two ehoirs will A tape recording was heard {both services under the direction) oiviad "frame structure with al The Sunday School is a highs ' L 4 { » "RS y 9 il ph y ' 1 } i . , 3 " ve! ) "APE 2 ) 3 ) § d § dueatio on Thursday night {fortheoming Trish Hospital's combine as one A ssl from June and BI Davidson|the messtwe for the evening on of David Jenkins, organist and) oaoqoiiv of 200 people in the sane:| light of the Christian Edueation The newly formed Inter-House Sweepstakes to be run Wednes:| The band, under Mr, Winkler's son | JJ aoa choirmaster, At the morning ser The new building also has! progr f the ehurel reo \ Wednesday! Who are working among the Do: | Obedience, i J % tuary, The new building also has| program of the ehureh, On recent teams have heen entertaining the " " day in Newmarket, England direction, meets om 0 ne way arih Indians in the North wesi| The highlights of the Confer vice the choir sang the Anthy w a large assembly room, kitehen,| Sundays the attendance has been students with thelr noon-hour ni e a ons Phe latest drawing brings the from four to five, Anyone Wh |Perritories "ence today are a panel discus) The Heavens are Telling" bYiyesiry and washroom, The build: more than 80 children which ames. Alexandra Park was the total to six In Oshawa who have plays a musieal Instrument, be TCE 4 sion meeting for all men at 9.0|1faydn and Mrs, E, Drygala sang ing is heing rented to the congre:| taxes the existing facilities to the site of an exciting football game drawn horses on the race for|gardless of whether he or shel The pastor, Rev, Wm, N, Alt am. with Rev. Peter Letehford|the solo, "0 Lord Most Holy! gatlon for three. years by the|limit, The Chureh School is under hetween OCCT and the vietorious uppor e Y Which $0 a. 0 prige money will takes the music option 1s wel: ken, road a Jotter Ki frosting of The South Africa General Mis: hy ©. Franck, At the RYoning 50% Home Mission Board of the Unit-[the direction of A, Thomas, OCVIE Juniors on Thursday 0 distributed, based on the run: come to join fram Rev, and Mrs, Vernon Hurls| it ely i |viee the eholr sang the anthem, ed Chureh 5 \ 98 y Club ac Hivitios were y A ning of the Cambridgeshire In assembly this week, the bert who are serving under the glon as special speaker and a la Shelley and G, Gogel sang the Mid-week activities include an " ] ot ve ars aon Erbloraor: GR a ) 4 dies meeting at 3.00 pom, follow " HR 0 Not yet two years old the con Explorers' Group, directed hy this week, The Senior Freneh 0 hawa Baha [States vomposite band, made up from Sudan Interior Mission, telling of fot 8 : solo, How Lovely Are Thy|..ccation has made its influence| Miss M, Masterson, which has an Club had their and hens h 8 18 An Oshawa ticket holder "Ab: |ihe three high schools, presented | their work in Africa, ed by a buffet supper at 5,00 p.m, greg i e| an i Dwellings", fol he live people sndance of 85, Cul 1 Bo m" Chip | lk _ 4 ' Sank Y Special emphasis is placed on di iy elt in the lives of many people) attendance of 45, Cubs and Scouts Thursday noon under the super: , he Baha'is of Oshawa; as part hie ci, drawn Hoket PQHO7MA Itself to the students of thal Ferne Blair RN, with Chinalme Yonih meeting at 7.80 p.m. | | who have shown a response to the| have heen formed under the leads vision of: Miss Edmondson. Mp. [of the Baha'i International Com. |f | OSSONEOr, A horse on for the first time this year, UnGer yang aission Overseas Fellow:|when there will be a showing of Christian gospel, Southminster ership of Mrs, H, Dressing and Hutehison and Mr. Drolet. Under Unity, are supporting Baha'is in/ Which the odds are listed as 25 «he combined direction of M 4 L | wy h ] 7 5 ' ship, brought news of the work in ; Ne Ty has, within its pastoral over: K, Wells, There is also a women's ki . nr Afulaan i bid ) the film "Dead Meh on Fur ama | the direction of Miss Lyle. ski en. [their work in the 14 new African Fi Galins Francs, Mr, Reeson and Mi | Malaya, [ough" followed hy a message by sight, 165 families, Some of these|association headed hy Mrs, I, atl NO ; " 3 another Oshawa! Wink! the hand meets on Ime . y 9 uty i! b) thusiasts is Wee nations recently admitted to the not inkler 1 ™ . y ean remember the oceasion two|Barteaux and a Fellowship Club Wala met this week to form jot Nations tloket holder, has drawn: ticket Wednesdavs from five to SIX fhe main speaker of the Con: Rev, Norman Lewis, Missionar I thei new executive Haha'l community centres have PNAOAIGL on Tender Colt, a horse! The Junior Cheerleaders were| ference, Rev, Norman Lewis, ies will he speaking at all Sun:| Sears Reo Jehen they et It 4 va ier the presidency of Mm. R. Lot's hope that in the Rites, iy oon esiabiished in hoth urban WMEh is Tisted as a nonstarter, choson this week after almost a continued on the theme, "The day School Classes on Sunday as| n Re el, ™ hha A iy Ie an IVikios wil ¢ Snibke wh nd rural areas In these coun The third Oshawa holder 10 have month of preparation, They are Word and The World" oentering| well as at both regular services hown In starting them (ries, Tn the urban areas, vigor. # HERE SFAWN FI the latest draw fglen Dehickl, Rosemary Fuses, ¥ ous assistance has heen provided dt Dublin, Ireland, was Cars iflen George, Elsie George, . a orners one the more primitive peoples en son ne re Hohe Point irene Tham Candratulations | h t A Ias es Asn or 10 non starter ( es SS18 e ahling them to successfully inte: AN Tender girls! The Senior Cheerleaders | 0 snow-covered, Other evidence | grate into the more highly de | are: Barbara Buldvke, Letlela An estimated $1760 damage re veloped sooieties aires other ticket holders from Hussaniek, Bonnie Crouter, Nan sulted from four minor aceident Since a findamental prineiple xl RW Whose tekels were pulls lou Wsposita, Angela Minacs and reported hy the Oshawa Police er ree BE apatite bry' S11 OR ORS Hoke "ae Gin Ath Y ed ] a 2] 8 Depariment during the weekend . "Paverty Strieken® kp N " \ a ; for all, schools at various sehols va nsndie an 1 ~ ks i) it ket! Phe Girls' Athlete Association No one was injured, An overflow eongregation ats world , , ; and lo, T am with you astio levels form an Important Rk OVER LIATAIANG [hold {ts nomination meeting this | "Tust Onee.™ ticket PPHOGATS y " R Roa | ROKR Pie A car driven hy Bevan Hughes, | tended the anniversary serviee always," We cannot expect others hant a A pig ponding kK HH and H Y akg mn week i", Jo ig N hy ake J ay Vid Sel | RASC ' Tew, was opened In #67 Mary street, was involved in Sunday morning at Albert Street/to have the concerns of the world educational program for adults a y ; . v Wx next Thursday a a'eloe All ; ' | " A OR ol VATS \ hure x service FR Aig Ty i Sueationi prog iW ison A fl south, tieket @irls with activity cards should at munity Chest headquarters Sal Similar parades were held in|® collision with three narked | ars Walle! Charen, J he orvice Wht vy thei he at W in hiies Bach Baba'l community endea. MTT on Marshall Tudor: ond the election meeting and |Wrday morning boosting the Unit:| the hothouse at the lake and/On Olive avenue, Saturday a : hi | a f the Christian du ih © rig pi oy a he ' Labi, g f n p A 85 x as @ carnerstone o I} sl 1 he POSS, ey do nol ; vors to develop in its members a [vote for the candidate of their ed Appeal Drive for 1060, training consisted of cutter pull:|11.85 hm, Total daaage was es ation Building Hono, thoy do. kot have. the world point of view leading to A CELEBRAT choice A husy year is behind the 40 ing, whaler sailing, signal ing, mated at $450, cate By i ; : mre, | y do ne broader understanding of the) N In football, the Seniors have 0adets who belong to the RCSS( sounding procedure, knots and| One of the parked oars was Taking as his test, Ye are a , : Numan race, Thi serves im BIRTHDAYS won all their games and have Drake, the training headquartersispiioe, and learning the parts of owned hy Marten Lawrence Bir- Colony of Heaven," from Phils At 12.15 pm, the congregation human race, This serves to elim had only 14 points scored of the Sot 3 Ro Canadian a ship, ket, 186 Olive avenue, A secand ipplans 8:20, Rey, 8. C,H. iproceeded to the front of the new inate the traditional prejudice he against them. The Juniors are|S6A Cadets in Oshawa, y al 3 hey| The senior cadets, petty offie. Nem nations; races and relig ors and leading cadets, are the | The Oshawa corps has 'two!parked car was owned by Bdward Atkinson, the minister of the building where the ceremony of cutters and one salling whaler/8, Lintner, 150 Olive avenue, The chureh, stressed the ohureh's vale: the laying of the cornerstone was [have won one, tied one and lost Wing men whe actually run the for its practical boat work [third parked car was owned by in our own day, His sermon was held, The minister was assisted | Since 30 many of the Baha'i one Jos They are responsible to] The cadets were invited ta take John Bahij, 186% Olive avenue ed, The New Community", |i the service hy Arthur Howard, [aims and those of the United Na | Any club which has news they {ihe "officer. Lieut. H. Maynard, [part in the CNR cadet day parade At 12.10 am, Sunday, a oar|This new community made its in [clerk of session; Mrs, E, Cooper, tions are identical, Raha'l eom:| wish printed in the newspaper for 'the disoipline routine and! during September, Two weeks!dviven hy Roberto Gagliardl, off luence felt in {ts own day, un president of the Woman's Assos munities all aver the world sup) o 00) should get In touch with Shella', viving of the cadets [later the Oshawa corps came/287 Olive avenue, came to rest/through the centuries through thejciation, and Mrs, Ray Mock, port & vigorous program explain, Beech street, Alax; Wilma [pollock in Room 210 During the year, the Chief Petty| third out of a total of W compet: | against a fence and a tree, at 181] Middle Ages, on to the Reforma: chairmar of the building com ing the structure and purpose off HAD ie Advlaide street | 3 "|otfioer J, Kiwior completed a/!N& ©0rps In the annual regatta Olive avenue, Damage to the car tion, through Wesley up to the mittee, Rev, John M, Smith, of [the United Nations. an important ues ine ont rphy ; \ ! rN Quartermasters held at HMCS York in Toronto, was estimated at $250 present \ hen the young churehes|\y hithy United Chureh, represents part of which is the annual oh. HEA street east: Michael Toronto Man course in HMOS Cornwallis and! The regatta included track and| Two cars were involved in a of the world bear witness to theling the Presbytery of Oshawa, CHEST SPEAKER [ervance of United Nations and Olga Kresan kh Bvt PO LL, Morin, LC A, Peman, LO[ Held events, salling, cutter pull-ioollision on King street west atjsaving power of God officiated at the laying of the anowskl, © i {Human Rights Days Keith " : D. Robbins, LC R, Burnett, AR|INE races, drill and fifle shooting. [Thornton's road, Sunday evel Ho quoted from T. § Eliot, eornersione Speaker at a dinner for 330 | In the field of Human Rights Bith Yule, 306 Verdun road; * A . 2 [H. Maynard, AR A, Doman, AR| The age limit of the cadets Is/ ine One car was driven hy|who desoribed. our world today! At ihe evening service, regular Rta 2 3 June wt 0 a Se Re ieee | Dies of Injuries) Mund Now of the cadets 18| ying, One car was : § service, res ol al wi A asaers of the [ae Ho lity ot men and a n i h Josten, " Rowena, 1e8 rie {F, Norsworthy and AR G. Tay " to Joie, Tach hi aa Robert B. Delves, of 84 Grenfelllas a "Wasteland, frogen into fin ]ly hroadoast hy CKLE, the annis reater shawa ommunity thas heen fiemly established in] ® nies ih wires . lor, went to HMOS Acadia for alovening 0) Arade ely AR Aha ¢ > ar 111} a g lack ofl versar vale! ONS , SOT Chest Tuesday evening will be fevery Raha community n The first five persons to in TORONTO Allen Kitchen, | k ba | tre, The driver of the atheljiility hy a benumbin ack ofjversary celebrations were oon vod | centre shaawa hou A n i 4 [tworweek course in advanced! Taining oentre on { \ par was David H, Anderson, 243 faith, afraid of the atomic pow tinued, The minister preached on Re Ny hael. exes ASO > form The Oshaws i 0, of W dale. died Friday |. " , ap N AV . ' 4 OAT Waa LV as y wig Bhai ; ) ) tov, L, Darren Michael, exeous [many of these communities sitw wm The Oshawa Times of {oadet training under the super 'evard north, Any bay in the "U0 a street, Total damage wasiers we have discovered, hecause!the subject "What is the ve secretary of the depart lated In primitive areas where the] their birthdays each day will In Torna General Hospital from icin of naval personel : ge group 1s weloome fol timated at $500 we have developed no correspond: Church? taking his text from ment of publie affairs of the [status of women has been very receive double tickets a the | injuries received in A In May, the cadets had a sue Join them, hi , y : a iver hy hawers of moral contral" tithe Song of Solomon 6:10. "Whe Canadian conference of the [low, women are now increasingly] Regent Theatre, good tor a Mihway accident Monday [opssful annual inspeotion in the The atm of the ROSC movement arly today, a « ® yi Ns {i POY or J t gl e . the 3° 2 a hat iy he Seventy Day Adventist Church [heing elected to sorve on governs] four-week periad. The current ! \ nlured when thelgshawa armouries. The spect ts to make better oitisens and i Arthue Thompson, 3 Rits a1 is 18 a hha estimate « N A 3 ; the a ¢ ; \ . ne Wt Wa, BH Walker, press [ing bodies. Baha'is are active in] attraction is "Hell to Rie sation wagon he was driving| ing officer praised the dress, instill confidence 10 accept ve road south, collided Whh a tral e said Mh Alkinson ther MOMRE, a hy vii Sleas ident of General Motors of Cane [the promotion of all fundamental] nity \ Mision With a transport| hearing knowledge of the Oshe|sponsibility in the young men/lEht standard at the corner. of this community is all the mare as the sun, terrible as an army eta Limited and an honorary [Human Rights, oven to the sant] Repartss on birthdays will traok driven hy Nicholas Hark awa cadets as well as the play: who join it, In order to continue| Bloor street east and Ritson road, jueeded, The despair of our eam with banners : Vice » president of the Greater [fice of their awn lives to preserve] he received only between the w, 9, of Otlaws on Highway ing and marching of their hand. this work in Oshawa, some sup: Damage to the car was estimated ilemporaties 1s the challenge tof The chair of the church sang Oshawa Community Chest, will fant uphold these principles on hours of 8 am. and 10 am, (11 on the outskirts of Orona| The Oshawa corps was invited port is asked of the public each|at $330. The light standard was our faith, It was to the fellow-/at both services and Ross Met be host al the dinner to be held [which the witimate peace and se! Phone RA SMM 0 va OPP investigated the!te Trenton when the new har year through the Greater Osh. bent. The light was broken fram ship of believers that Christ gave calle was the guest soloist at the a Hotel Genosha, lourity of all peoples depend accident, ipacks of the Trenton eorps,'awa Community Chest, {the top, {the promise, "Go ye into all the evening hour, Congratulations and hest wishes to the following resis dents of Oshawa and distriet Who are celebrating their birthdays today Mrs, Bernice Gallagher, 83 doing well this year too