2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 21, 1960 YOUTH DIES IN EXPLOSION Kenneth at the basement clubhouse mins parents' home Erickson, 14, points charred remains of the in his Tim where 8 ! friend, Richard Paju, 15 in an explosion Wednesda Kenneth's father and a died rx. the at the time ed I in unhurt (CP Wirepholo) Malaya PM Seeks Bargain Closer Ties cP A call ordination of foreign nations of the Com been sounded by Minister OTTAWA closer policy by monwealth has Malay: Prime Abdul Rahman He told here Thursday that with so many issues causing deep concern the world, Commonwealth mem bers should consult more closely, | "so that we can have a measure of agreement and pr { these questions The 58 - year « old, Cambridge educated Malayan leader, here on a three<day goodwill visit, was asked whether his words were a|, call for eco - ordination of Com monwealth foreign policies, He replied: 'Yes, as far as this can| be achieved It was awkward bers of the community ling violently" over an sie India's Prime Minister and Australia's Robert had done at the United Assembly in New York This was a reference to the re cent quarrel over a neutralist| resolution, co-sponsored hy Ine dia, hower and Soviet Premier Khrushchev to renew contracts. | Mr, Menles played a leading co the a press conference amongst strong front a to see mem-|; "quarrel as Me nies Nations | ¢ for role Tunku | most of rights of Ne ourselves about this que onicondemn are wealth Cf Rahman sald N\ Nations king Chr 1aad to serious nition tionalist-held dependent country plan contribution to y in the We which led to the withdrawn tern mano resolution be the Con vehement Probably m aritie of South Alrice regation policie I laced in ernment into the South A more "blatant! disr "It is no use bein Lie Afric what at # Sout! condoning But he emphasied tha will not exerci bo block South Afri nembership if becomes and ountry Dealing with ( mar hold that { al ng nation refu provoca tion "confll of the Commun and regime must, ho onditional on recognition Forma gy | BH Earlier Thursday Prime Mini calling on President Elsen-|y,."nyotenhaker announced t Colomb Malaya th anada will make ear of $2,000,000 No Need To Change Name Of Airport OTTAWA (CP) Minister Balcer he saw no the name either port "The practice has been that port for as the Montreal airport is Dor val," he sald Malton Airport, which Toronto city council would like to have named Toronto International Air port, served many communities, a | Transport| sald Thursday reason for changing| of Malton Alrport to Toronto or Hamilton | and tradition| Malton 1s the air] . | Foronto, just the same| WALKING BARB GETS A ROL LS LONDON (Reuters Barbara Moore vegetarian marat visited an auto day to look for a sma Instead she was offs loan of a $22,000 Rolls to accompany her next trans-American wall Fritz Swain, head of a f of auto dealers, told her the car would make her easier She agreed and think it will knock a off my time for the w is a great relief to get out of the sun for ¢ rest." the B hon how T ed the Royee on her m that trip t he Mr. Balcer said, NEAT T PACKAGE Pam D'Orsay, decreed Miss Packaging of 1960, will reign as Queen of the Sth Annual Ca. nadian National Packaging Ex. Position Nov, 13 Ia Toroato Pam is wearing an aluminum- foll bathing suit that us doubtedly eye-catching sn't recommended for surviving =={CP Wirephoto) while | Paradise OTTAWA (CP)~Bargain hunt a field day Thursday al ers had depar on of goods y the er of faulty during the addressing Year containing almost nable - saw, boat women's| neck cleaners in the first auction keen bidding » day from crowds Highest bid was ag ima driver chain and toboggans to coffee ind on t perculators acuum 1e block day Officers : Charged In Meter Theft COCHRANE (cp) T'wo pro constables were ar Thursday on charges connection with the of money from police od here f theft in disappearance HMrKin meters Commi w Foronto, who came da { head the e officer oner H, Clark of here Wednes investigation have heen under Tue: Court on since day John Vere mstable Whall ind ippear before xt Wedneday miles northeast a in ol heen on. municipal ' nee joining the force 1959. Whall has been a patrol officer since De- r, 1057 irking meters were stalled business streets here and are patrolled 3 weeial town offfeer Commissioner Clark flew to the distriet headquarters at Timmins | Wednesday with inves tigators before driving here Most the Investigation was | Cpl. W. J. G. Bolton, in of district municipal and Wy units ago to confer of ne by Govt. Help Plan For Roads Urged TORONTO (CP)--A continua tion of federally-aided highway ruction as a prime factor in ring the Canadian economy ed Thursday by R, J president of the Ontario Builders Association Speaking to the road builders forum at the Canadian Good Roads oclation convention which wound up Thursday, Mr Pitts sald such federal aid should be extended to unde veloped resource areas, as well as to needy urban areas, in ac cordance with the pattern estab lished by federally-aided high ways in the United States. He said his association belleves completion of the Trans-Canada Highway scheduled for 1963 "should not mark the end of the sound principle of essential high way construction being finanei ally ment Allan K National Capital Commission in Ottawa, said "carefully designed planting may be used to accent danger points and is often useful in relieving the monotony of long tangents." A prairie more tario's example in discouraging wild bidding on contracts P. J. Kelly, president of the » Roadbuilders Association, that under Ontario's qualifi on system an independent board decides on capabilities of tendering firms and unobtru sively returns bids to firms not likely to fill contracts satisfactor in Highways Minister George {Smith of Nova Scotia was named president Dire ymmissioner sald it was a serious' case cons bolste urg A Hay road builder said cat rectors include David ford and E Dochstader w C both Marcha Bain and J fof Ottawa, A ment's an-| that it was from and | released on| aided by the federal govern | chairman of the| says] provinces should follow On. Dief Seeks | International Law Court KINGSTON (CP)--Pr Mi OTTAW ister Diefenbaker Thursda lealled for formation of sn |national court of justice \would have the same {law throughout the world a |ada's Supreme Court has domestic field PC's Meeting In Ottawa Today | WA (CP) Approxi-|party's propaganda machine to W Progressive Comery-i2et ihe story of ( TVA need here today ai thellive accomplishments across (0 nal conference of the|the electors through party chan power ( party's executives in 11|nels, . Can ) Mr principal object is to setjlario Conservative Asso ¢ and place for a 1.400-| lation meeting in Toronto on . BT: i national Progres Monday that more needs to be | Mr. Dictesbaker told S0BY sity ive Conservative Associstionidone to get the government's Ithat "an international rule of law meeting, expected to be held in story across, and that the perty wortid help thaw the cold war." Ottawa next Mareh has "just begun to fight." This is Underlying purpose of th e|seen as the groundwork for a fed- An honorary degree of docto to assess the party'sieral general election, although {of laws was conferred on Mr... to the light of re-the prime minister has given no Diefenbaker st the convocation party and CCF-CLC public hint of his intentions, The that also saw the installation current Parliament's life runs to John Bertram Stirling a rim Minister Diefenbaer March 31, 1963 new chancellor | address a closed meeting ofl Volume 1, No, Honorary degrees also NEre the nation organizational eom- page magaine, conferred on Mr. Justice D. C. mittee, composed of three or four tive Canadian, with Robert Me |Abbott, supreme court Judge atives from each prov-| [Cleave (PC--Halifax) as editor, Chancellor of Bishop's Univer are appointed as key was published in July, The third sity, Lennoxville, Que,, and nen between the partylissue came off the press Thurs mer Liberal finance minisi Mr. Diefenbaker, and the day, emphasizing the strengthen. IDr, C. 8. Beals, Dominion 48 party workers in the field {ing of the cabinet in last week's tronomer; James ¥, MacLare He will k Baturday fo a shulfle, Mr. Diefenbaker's "great 8 Toronto consulting engineer mbined sion of the organ- UN speech," and the "Liberal and R. A, Powell, chi committee and the execu-| flop at Kingston," MeGill University, Mo of the Progressive] The magaine contained & sub Prime Minister Association of Can-|seription vYorm saying 'These touched only briefly on {have been years in which Cana national court, & project is A key subject of the eonference|dians worked more, earned more he said, since 1945 pecied to be stepping up the speni more and saved more than Later Mr, Diefenbaker {in any comparable years in the cially opened the story of Canada = 'DrunkFarm' M May Start John A, Maelk 'oncerning the Liberal par ion the Queen 15, Sir I mo {grew up in King problems (CP) Ontario At Roberts indicated there Is 5. African a Kvn meng the 1 Natives 1g Po bility of the ostablin | Talk Revolt |i orinkconen oftendors at a Kingston meeting the Lib erals between Sept, 6 and 10." TORONTO (CP)--Alan Paton He novelist and president of the onto Andrew's United {South African Liberal party d! Church farm for housing and lin an interview Thursda oyment would provide cus-| [tant Africans talk in considerable numbers of armed rising | 0963 ne ide the jail setting sessed $10,000 and costs Thurs Mr, Paton was interviewed by ié lar world probably be\gay for alienating the affection Norman Philli assists ably less expensive than! "pogina the waitress wife of A dd ' imum custody institu Ernest Hurley aging editor of The security pre y imprisoned briefly ear ar to be nec Mr, Justice P year while reporting from Sou \ presided over the Africa f prime Court hearing for 13 days Mr, Paton sald militant per: sibilit complimented the six-man jury sons are counting on its interpretation of the ev {independent Africa dence and sald training a force not disagree with thlack against white finetion made between white South Africans helleve in color bars jority who do His party believes rights for black and i Dietenbaker told an On in the F meeting is anization cent Liberal of meetin Queen's i 2, of a new 16 1 The Conserva repre nce for contac Spe olf er ers vative offi grey stone Sir ald Law Colle h conference « ma the n nat) magaine opened biggest egg in recept Ca ny TORONTO torney-General Thursday night told the 1) men's club of Tor In Alienation MILTON (CP)~Clifford Weyearsold businessman m Big Vas As terms of an " n 1 ou rf consider nt man ir Ho Ww long since elaborate J. Kelly, who Ontario WW D afford the pos engaging the inmates labor and educating work habits ae| an opportunity] "1 do periments with various| verdict treatment.' | Sydney Paikin now being car- ney,. who earlier pilot project using Justice Kelly's from Toronto's jury, sald an selective basis-- made in the sur when he turned the case over {to the jury, the judge gave them three questions in written form 1, Did you find the plaintiff lost the love, services and society of his wife Rosina? 2. Did the defendant (Biggs, by a wilful act or acts | cause or contribute to causing the alienation of sald wife's al fections from the plaintiff? | 8. At what amount do you as sess the plaintiffs damages such loss? COSTLY CASE The jury ruled "yes™ on the first two and set damages al $10,000, plus costs Costs are expected to be high. | The 13-day hearing was the long est In the history of Halton County, Hurley had sought $50 In a new development in a con.| 000 damage | {inuing controversy over the is.| During the trial the court heard sue of alcoholism In the eivil| that the Hurleys met in England] the association sald in 1045 and lived together until} the Ontario BR 1953, when they married just to plously lecture other peo wr to coming tv Canada to the dangers of "social live, nkin vhen it was, itself, liv off the avails of its own liquor arm would of on other new! n nation for a rey with in productive in useful y Our provide ito a no di few Biggs's criticized charge appeal may attor Mr the be Ihe 0 do not i] id and the OrK ma ried on a 0 drunks a yanded of a farm * He said the farm could have Councillor Backs | available In an advisory capac ity] the treatment and research staff Alcoholism Research n in equal Dor { white ould undin Jail on he ¢ Reporters' Rights WATERFORD (CP) eillor Aime D'Hondt walked with reporters when the) {barred from a special to Says Covt. sec Mav Cina or: TwO-Faced of lig the freedom of FTE yer wad amir ses ON) LicRUION | The the elerk - treasurer to call the | { 4] . {police to remove the pre ort AWA CP) Te ell 0 : oclation represe p ) A ) sald t Mr. Die ig ald ut the federal public works de- ae # BY. authorizing partment sald Thursday that the Df OD Dyaw 8uN0M ario government is suffering schizophrenia in its liquor| indat Coun out n cour meeting third read pur bl istrial| ndicate | chase 104 land owned which, he members are hareho Mayor Hare sald th not done him the | finding in advance hether the special meeting wa the press m Charge Man =o "| off last spring hy Di G. Lald Shot Teacher 1 i veh itrist in the eivil| ol acres of said 1i¢ Ing m a three cou der ESS courtesy of out whooved open to ment pl da n h ach had two children by prior marriages | Hurley came to Canada first,| settling in nearby Bronte where he was living when the family| joined him in 1954, They moved) touched was R | association thet women, because Court Awards $10,000 Clifford a for bi ORGANIST Johnny McMann NIGHTLY 9-12 HOTEL LANCASTER DRIVE geau Valley TONIGHT RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runne as ance Installation by our own mechanics 174 Mary Street RA 8-4681 Mr, Justice Kelly then recalled the jury and gave them further instructions During the trial David Hurley, 20, accused his stepfather of forg.| ing his mother's signature to family allowance and navy allot ment cheques, Mrs, Gloria Fill man, Hurley's daughter, testified gainst her mother, | I'he trial was a sensation In this tiny community 15 mile north .of Hamilton Biggs was prominnet In Bur-| {lington, where he lost the mayor alty race by 18 votes last Decem| er Hurley ran unsuccessfully for council in Bronte in 1956, GET THE BEST For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTERING 142 SIMCOE ST, §, RA 8.6451 or RA 3.4131 OSHAWA ONLY 10% DOWN UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY For Children Gold Gambling ren N the new system Thursdsy which), occulstion in i which has year ended March 31 was £700, four 'years ride free i sccom.| * 08 Is happening is that in- free if they don't occupy @ se +| $35.00% at which the treasury is ren between five and 12 years) American demand wos said to told an evening banquet of the| word of an impending change had) experience were the second pest there Is no thought of Increasing best and most courteous, {course of action that si actually and 750 000- miles of professional] Pounce a higher price for gold in Mr, Halliday seid immigrants| US dollar's position in interna put children on a bus with Nixon facing an election Nov, 8 lem |p ty to such an extent inister Verwoerd, Foreign in- Action 0 early 70 Negroes were killed in return Biter going to Burlington| community's worries charge to the Jury, price, it would be an instant fi-| testimony of his | JACK PAAR S VIEW they were contradicted You gave no counter repeat showing of the August 22nd BE SURE TO WATCH THE JACK PAAR PROGRAM SION NETWORK, follow, TORONTO (CP)--Most Ontario Intercity bus lines will establish ri n £5 ; orries i new fare structure for ehila-| Nov, | - ! By DAVID ROWNTREE nancial tonic, The value of South The Ontario Association of] Motor Cosch Operators Canadian Press pall Writer [African gold production for the reached a feverish level in Lon. 200000 of which £236,800,000 was will sharge ha fame dor dren {don an Toronto, hes many po-| exported, yea are 1or tROS€siiioql and finencial implications, over 12 and let children under |vestors are gambling on the pos- ov ne adll. clure lets | sibility of the United States in p e Wh Flereasing the fixed price of children under five years ride al prepared to sell an ounce of gold, fad Shapes them balf fare but ut only to foreign governments Half fare Is charged for child | {and central banks, to $40 or more | be behind much of Thursday's ng 2 oo ver 1. Toronto, Phenomenal advance, This gavel Ontario's bus driver of the year, "eto some suggestions thet ileaked out in Washingion, The! U.S, Treasury repeated, as it has| of their timidity, snd eommer-| cial travellers because of their|!® All similar speculations, that| : the gold price, Grlvens on Wgwans. truck and However, it is not unknown for long distance bus drivers as the Bovernments to vigorously deny a z taken a short time later ' He is the first wioner of the Politically, it would probably be west bus driver award instituted |, oossible' for the U5. 10 aN. this yer, He sald after 26 years '™POsibie ior eB. 10 driving he would like to see more Bip eal 100 Wak, Suet 8 ive experienced drivers and more courtesy on the highway, the dollar, an admission that the vere the most courteous of pas Kons. finance is not strong engers and his biggest annoy. 8 P WAS, 5 was the grandparent whe With Republican Vice-President pockets stuffed with money, They|)t 18 inconceivable that the gov- stuffed themselves with candy at lernment would risk undermining the first stop and became a prob {confidence In the Republican Outside the U.8., a higher gold |price 'would have important ef- | fects in South Africa and Canada, For South Africa, the move would be a great assel for Prime |vestors have been scared away| and embargoes placed on trade in South African goods since hit Justiogion 1b. 197 nd later riots at Sharpeville in March, The Hurley d hi " referendum approving a republic urley sald his wife did nol\yae" sien increased the business in 1959 to sell their home, | But if South Africa could sell Biggs's lawyer said followir| gold at, say, $40 an ounce, nearly | Mr, Justice Kelly's two = how (15 per cent above the present You have a heavy pres | entation of the plaintiff's case,| with a heavy emphasis on the whether or not esentation of the defendant's . ' "" On Friday night, October 21st, "The i" : Best of Paar" T.V. Program will be a " "Jack Paar Show" on which Chiro- ' . " practic was given a friendly, flavor- able mention, THAT NIGHT, TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO WATCH WHEREVER THEY ARE, THE PAAR PROGRAM GOES COAST TO COAST ON THE NBC TELEVI. When Jack raises his hand in that I kid you not" manner, you may be asured that a warm and friend. ly discussion of Chiropractic's value to mankind will R. W. BILSKY D.C. CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE 100 KING ST. EAST For Appointment RA 8.5156 alth division of the na TILBURY, Ont cP) Wil! tional health and welfare depart liam Marchand, 44 Vear old! me in a report tabled | farmer was ited Thursday|in nt, who said Parliament that alcoholism | {and charged with wounding with had serious problem.' " {intent to do grave bodily harm in| Two ago, the Publie| ir arr hecome "a weeks the case of a young school|Works Staff Association, an af-| teacher shot In her classroom|(iliat the ( Service Fed last month on iid a four-man research Mrs, Richard Richardson, 2% |team had found only 11 alcoholics) spent a week in hospital after a civil service during a six man wearing coveralls, his face survey. The Ontario] shrouded in a stocking mask. |} department's Aleohollsm | Foundation described | oclation's report as 'dan on|gerous whitewash," I'he Ontario organization said that as a matter of statistical fact the| there was a minimum of 1,350 in in social drinking trouble sallant ymong the 45,000 civil servants head with the|in Ottawa 22-calibre rifle he carried The association, claiming the She told police the man On ario foundation's statement {still In the school when she fled,| condemned the civil service gen flagging down a passing motor erally for alcoholism, described it ist. The driver took her to a farm both an insult and outrage. | where she ous nonsense." | of ivi th walt! Re exam. | the a p.m Sea" walked into her where she {ination | Sept, 28 Mrs, Richardson 18 students rural school each thigh beat her one-room scho search was correcting papers about 5 who teache: in all grades in was hot ance Her nver the serious then wa as collapsed / Our Sta Give You Any Of The Following Services ! ® FURNACE CLEANOUT! © FURNACE INSTALLATION e FUEL OIL DELIVERY! © BURNER SERVICE! SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. you purchase ial | it Before a or renew your auto insurance we have spe Ww rate (1) You are at least 25 years of age and there are no male drivers under 25 the family. (2) Your car is not used for business purposes, (3) You have been accident free for 1, 2, or 3 yearn, (4) You have been accident free for § years, Y ou may budget your premiums if red, For Service Day and Night, Call Order Your FUEL OIL NOW! Is Only "JUST Around The Corner"! ff Of Experts Know Their Job And Can 24 Schofield Insurance Associates Lid. 6 Simcoe North RA 3.2265 MOORE REG AKER « DON ELLISON « JACK gi HOUR Service _ RA.3-7944 RA 86836 RA.3-3443 NIGH