8 CONGO FIGHTING REACHES BELGIUM A white helmeted policeman tried to take a tien from a struggling man during police | clash with demonstrators in | Brussels, Belgium, last week, | Man's Future Underground NEW YORK derground faces arms race continues more Years, according port released Bunday The Pear wih tre for the Institutions Banta Barbara Fund fi the written hy fessor | of California Institute of and James Real the ce If the the report ts fu (AP) --A mankind for to life un MH othe ¢ many are "Community released hy the dy of Democratic founded last Calif hy Republie, It Harrison Brown, prose geochemistry of the Technology a consultant report of Cen ' year in the Wh to nire continues it probably patiern seem clear in As B re it of the emergency of the eur rent for killing and ams will he tarted aimed at the evacuation the construction of fall in region ropolitan areas, the construction of limited under. | ground shelters , , , | "Eventually most human life will be underground, confronted by arsenals capable of destroy ing life oy the land aveas of the earth Arms race Bay 'a will ure broad outline capabilitie destroyin progr of eitie out she maj me | | all er SURVIVAL POSSIBLE? Americans tend to think that all nuclear war Is unthink able because il could destroy civilization, the study noles, But there Is a growing belief that, with a cale civil defence out large Congolese Don't Like Raises GENEVA (AP Many Congo. lese workers dislike salary in. creases they do unwelcome relatives, believing the one often brings on the other, an Interna tional Labor Office team of ex perts says in a report They also don't like regular work and look upon farming as an inferior occupation suitable only for women, the report Rays The Belglan government re quested the study and trans mitted the results to the Congo-| lese government in Leopoldville The mission of experts found that a widespread lack of inter est in higher salaries is based on a tribal custom they termed "family parasitism." "The mission was able to ob serve several cases where the workers feared a salary boost would just bring them another influx of barely tolerated and rarely. welcome guests." A slx-man team, including two university professors and a French government adviser, pre-| pared the report after seven months of trying to see how Id, 000,000 Congolese fit into a scale] of income brackets, | The expert team went to the Congo to prepare recommenda: tions for sweeping salary and minimum wage reforms, de signed to spur economic activ. iy The experts recommend a ware system to reward perform. ance. They suggest hourly wages instead of daily pay, Uniformity - 'Crushing' Education TORONTO (CP)--John J, Rob inette, treasurer of the Law So. | ciety of Upper Canada, sald Sat- urday modern education suffers from the "crushing curse" of uniformity. He fold a S0th.annl versary reunion of University of Toronto Schools Old Boys Asso. ciation that the schools' outstand. ing academic success Was due | as individualistic teaching tech niques of a dedicated stati, shelter severe able place to make ful able directed and nea ton becomes na I @ ne here ern Hkelithood unauthorized action allied than outside the! breaches and| lets" 'Dief Adresses -- | Schoolchildren | By KEN METHERAL prodigion Canadian Press Biall Willer Wim to call PRINCE ALBERT, Bask, (CF) stituents hy their first names Prime Minister Dietenbaker may Whitefox nen Nipawin * ihe LAURE RB Rew lef is Diefenhaker paused speak Canadian poles Mi non Friesen a anve | ua Commandments | re "Negative ASCOT, England (Rewlers)--A Church of England minisier says the 10 commandments gre Ro tonger the ha of Christian teaching and "lead to a negative altitude Rev, George Wilkins seid : i | "They are very largely respon sald Mrs. Friesen | site tor aiving Yon y waft " "Fd remember Anion any ides that the church is where," replied the prime mwin- blanket," Ister, He proceeded to recall that} Wilkins, who was commenting id first met them in 190% andi on an article in bis parish mags ast seen them in 1952, Mrs. zine, seid three commandments Priesen, too flabbergasted 7 no longer piled, "Thou shalt A speak, nodded confirmation nol make upto thee # graven of 11 rural communities slretch ¥ in bis public utter image" "Keep the Sabbath day ing from the town of Nipawin i dn Js il "holy," and "Thou shalt not covet the eastern end of his ding Lo|nces during the viet did el to gars house, or is wile] the village of Debden the! Prime minister doy even he) oF his Re | wesl, Ws brief off - the - cuff [AInlest hint as Lo the possiblity The last, said Wilkins, contains speeches--average length 17 min of a general election in 196) "ihe intolerable assumption that ules = were devoted exclusively] The word election wasn't even' 5 wife is to be Included among to #tudents mentioned man's goods and chattels," For the most part, adult con stituents had 10 he content Fith a brief handshake and a friendly greeting | "#= Nixon Starts On me 'Victory March' as 8 Liberal party. stronghold |did the adults command most of) {his sitention, Even here, In i thet en hundreds of con MM Mr to # memory "me Bagi ig CRIMPRIEINE wih #l Be BENG -RER level The 'most siriking lepture of the prime minister s Bret swing through Wis sprawling Prince bert riding since the 1956 general {ahection has been his precccupa' pq tion with school children | In # twoday whistiestop Low you don't remember Not once Wn i By HAROLD MORRISON Nations to take the islands under Canadian Press Ball Writer [its Wing, HARTFORD, Conn, (CP) f ho Vice - President Richard Nixon A NEW CRISIS lbs today opens whet his aides de but while Nixon Fhated Wy scribe as Wis victory march to the Quemoy Mutsy issue, he 1s a the White House--a final three. PIL dampened by the new ergs week campaign in which the handed him hy his own running scorching Issue will still be Que- Male Henry Cabot Lodge, In maoy and Matsy order to win the Negro vole in A call by Senator Jobn Ken New York's Har lem age nedy for a truce in the confusing pledged that a Negro WOM and dangerous feud over the de wrought into a Republican cab fence of these two Nationalist|inet, This shocked many while Chinese islands is likely to be ig | Republi an supporters in the nored by the enthused Republi. #$0Uh : can leader as he motors through| Lodge had to backirack ond this New England state and then there nee pepe ALA ies to Buffalo, N.Y., for a night) sharp lecture irom F al ¢ Bulla ; liwo met with campaign advisers There's a feeling of elation fn|In @ strategy huddle in this state the Nixon campaign party that! capital Sunday, Nixon told re he finally has pa re an is poriers he has not decided sue that will pay rich dividends whether to appoint & Negro to a in the tight race for the presi-| Republican cabinet if elected dency, Nixon hopes to nal Ken He wouldn't make his choice nedy repeatedly with the charge Simply om the hasis of race that the Democratic candidate 1s color or ereed me Munich-type appeaser who The Democrats obviously are would weaken and surrender happy with this Republican econ freedom to the Communists flict, for Negroes comprise ahout This is the kind of attack| 10 per cent of the Amerisan Nixon had used to advance him | population and could play a key major public appearance at the lopening of a new hridge acro the North Baskastchewan River he deparied briefly from his pre ared text to tell children in the {audience that Canada held un limited opportunities for them M {they were prepared to work fo it, He repepled the message al every student gathering The warmth of the receptions accorded Mr, Diefenbaker would have brought little comfort to po litical opponents Before he arrived here last Wednesday, there was an under current of feeling In some loesl political elreles that some of the [ » Girl Dies lustre might be beginning lo dis F F il appear oh the Dielenbaker or ami y the pring minister | name, { Although ce Twelve. remained aloof from the recenl par-old Patricia Doan lost her Saskatchewan election, this feel life Sunday when she threw her-|ing may have heen due In part to elf aver her 22day-old twin half| the failure of Progressive Con hrother sister them servative candidates to win a Hake fom a apartment fire single legislative seat, In Prince the twins Albert, won by the CCF, the Con J and Joseph, burned but! servatives finished a poor thir ; h alive, under the body of thelr! But even to the casual ob self politically from the House| role in 'What appears 10 be alf-sister in the Ossington Ave, server, it Is apparent thal John"|of Representatives to ths vice close presidentia igh in west-central Tor his constituents rarely refer to) presidency, which he a ssumed d tried to hreak cordons to reach the Parliament build ing but were driven back (AP Wirephoto) The incidents occurred after a mass demonstration by former eolonial and settlers against the government's Congo policies The demonstrators police servant TORONTO progran county ould survive and recover from nuclear attack | [ ARI his que on is debat Were the In Hive yi and to save in Allpck raging wi Firemen found ars no prepara would on reco ih Anne ry he extre I do In America the minimal resent lng apartment ale report goes on, onto ven nu nu retaliator ear attach Doan Bammut ed Georgina against air Bamui mi e hase might ly 60,000,000 ye LL n jum ndo As the Russian militar ment onto clear! posi- bj dom: fer elow firemen Vil | fiy mare rescued by ' asset | t decade, and a Diane Doan tal Another half Ie 0, escaped down the i I perate, erratic, Jured ising p to hear on chological pre thi yhere re Wi aA naming per hrought positions ever vo other ans were de hy USB, and forces much of of discipline b reat NUCLEAR outh clor centre | Pretoria Ii fir planned for AM chance ¥ Africa near sald was al Chatham The i An eight Minister Says | Valley Skylumpers, swung help ii | He sald he was forced into #8 2nd Drowning | Victim Found SARNIA A i Defies Death In Air Drama PARIS, Ont, (CP)~For ergl lerrifying minutes Sunday, a ¢ student parachutist Leahied we. Cox hind an aircrait from #2 hell severed line while his instructor $id down the line lo rescue hm As instructor Alired Coxall grabbed bis pupil, the line, Both ap, He pulled the ripeord) Apart of the student's parachuie,| rns opened his own chute, and both) when he 4 floated down safely were uninjured Several hundred spectators ¥ ACING DE walched Hollywood-style arama' DEATH sod as from the ground as Zi-yesr-oMii | couldn't get to him," Coal, George Van Rovsmalen, makings "resident of this town ness bis fourth Jump with the Grand! grantford, said afterwards, He told pilot Donald Martin, of lane, Wis FEM canning, to keep eireling os long hy: Wis twisted! op possible If he fell before reaeh- ing Yen Roosmalen, and MH he Coxahl, a corporal with the had to land tg cut the cord first Royal Canadian Engineers, tried "If we'd enf him loose he might to pull Van Roosmalen ahosrd have heen killed Coxall ex the plane, but the momentum plained. "Bk If the pilot tried and the slipstream made it im: to land while he was still hang: possible ing from the plane they might i TRIED 10 CUT LINE | He smashed part of the plane wp man's bady dey mn Be Huron 28 nw Conds ' he "Then | pubes (977 8 nis pushed him away. | walk #l lew seconds to get clear, then! opened my own parachule" landed shout # yards in # field, Apart from caused to Coxall's hands For We Wer aid Col he rp ana Wen | oA Gerald ji # ve y I yeserve chute Polis npanio #len from ¢ hdleve the man Wis # of Ruth Gerbet, 47, Gary, Her leotard: eed hody » found 10 days sgn heside 8 ry dinghy sailboat, Police began the search alter aid down the line, both| Miss Garbel's abandoned cor was | found in Sarnia. She was Vacs: tioning with Lehem, dead TALLY-HO ROOM Braokiost - bunch - Dinner Business Men's Lunch 12-2 HOTEL LANCASTER lessly below the arm paralyred siatie ine DRIVE TO geau Valley TONIGHT both have heen killed, | Van Hoosmalen, #8 stockiaker (with & Woodstock deiry, said instrument pine and began saw-| afterwards; "I was pretty seared ing at the 1h-dool Line with & piece for a while, but fortunately | of glass, Van Roosmaten sig wes thinking straight, | fell as nalled that his arm was trapped though | was hanging there for and he would not he able to pul halt an hour, but Cpl, Coxall hie ripeord, tells me it wes only shout 10 The corporal, a veteran of 270 minutes," jumps, in cirens-siyle down the! "Fm sii) a hit shaky said line, As he locked his legs round the immigrant from Rotterdem Van Hoosmalen's body the ean: Holland, "but 1 think I'm going vas tape, about 1% inches wide, to Jump Again Ne t weekend snapped the weather's good No Fame For Old Cowhand LANDER, Wyo. (AR)=Clayton "I just stopped eating on those Danks isn't really unhappy--just bulls," he quips annoyer hi n't play snaps" he Mash conquERED FTEAMBONT Cowboy Hall of Fame Danks stil] holds, he claims, the As Danks understands the rules record for heing the only man BR 8 ido ie first who ever rode the famed buck. a fellow has to die firs ing horse Steamboat successfully, "1 gonsidered shooting myself ie rode the hrone several times to get my nami on the Hist" he to 4 successful conclusion and the |recalled, "then decided it Wash't ohamplonship in Cheyenne, Wyo, worth it and changed my mind." |in 1602 Danks, now B0, is one of the, Danks still rides in the Lander Ltruly greats in the rodeo busi-|and other rodeos and would ride Iness, He held, he says, the world | more often if he wasn't "ton lazy championships in the early 19005, to take care of a horse," lin roping, riding and other| Danks is an ardent and avid ob events. There was no such thing server of present - day rodeo then as an all-around champion trends and techniques, He fs, he or he probably would have held confesses, a hit bewildered hy that title, too how the hrone viders do it now And how did determine. "Nowadays the riders seem champlons back the early more like ballet dancers. They sit days? high in the saddle and walt until "1 just weil out and beat them the horse comes to them all and they sald I was the best man," Danks declares OLDTIME SHERIFF | For 14 years sheriti of hi | home county, Danks made rodeo his T U » . tory when he became one of the | 0 niversity first cowpunchers to indulge ini LONDON, Ont, (CP)--The the gentle art af bulldogging--0r, hrary of the late John 4G. Mi as thé moderns call I, steer Bachern, a 20,000.volume collec wrestling tion deseribed as "priceless" has Rill Pickett, a cowhand, set the heen donated (0 the University of pace in the field when he started Western Ontario, leaping from running horses,| Dr. J, J, Talmand, chief Ti | burying his teeth In the nose of hravian, sald the eollection 1s la charging steer, and wrestling pectacularly rieh in Canadi-| the animal to the ground ana." | "I tried to be just as good orl Mr, McEachern, who died last better than Pickett," Danks sald September, taught at the London [ recently, "And I tried to be de: normal school now the London mr nt about it, 1 always brushed Teachers College, my teeth hefore I went bulldog. | wing' { , | $300,000 FIRE He later quit the nose-chewing| rmam. a y | hit and established the pattern WEST SUMMERLAND, Be for modern-day steer wrestling, (CP)=The packing house and |eold storage plant of British Co Cheated Blind ilu rut Woiepers Lisa ooth Attendant {night, Damage was estimated at STRATFORD (CF) | $300,000 Police are| seeking a woman suspected of tricking the blind attendant al a confectionary booth out of about GET THE BEST For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTERING 142 SIMCOE §7, §, RA 8-645) or RA 3-431 OSHAWA ONLY 10% DOWN UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL CONFIRMS You ON 4 $ & ALSO Abb OTHER TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS RA 68-6201 they mn Library Given BROADLOOM DRAPERIES INTERIOR DECORATING COMPLETE SERVICE ll PHONE RA 8.4681 NU.-WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY STREEY Oshawa & District Public and Separate Schools Red Feather PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST FINALS For the Henderson and Karn Trophies i il Woman Injured will be held in the Husband Charged | OENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM Gladys Wilker, attendant the boath at Stratford General | Hospital, sald a woman twice Baturday made small purchases and received change for what she sald were $5 hills, Miss Wil:| ker believes the woman handed | her $1 hills each time al a finger aver the muzzle of a 25-callbre automatie plstal and pulled the trigger, It wouldn't fire Suiting action to his words, Russo pulled the trigger, the! TORONTO (CP)--Mrs, Shirley Williams, 25-year-old mother of vear-oll mentally retarded boy [passed out "eandy" in a down town theatre Saturday, It was /'Wo, was in fair condition In hos mouse poison pital Sunday with a fractured Police said the boy stole the skull and a broken hand, Police twosounee packages of the poison eharged her husband, Robert from @& hardware store; then Frances Williams, with wound JUNIORS (up to and including Grade 6) WEDNESDAY, OCT, 19th, 7 PM, SENIORS (Grades 7 and 8) THURSDAY, OCT, 20th, 7 P.M, gun fired and off went the tip of the index finger of his lett hand Russo went to hospital for freatment "1 ean't understand it," he commented, 1 tried it before with 48s ang it worked every [went to the movies alone, One hox was dropped on the side: walk, The other package hel {transferred to a candy wrapper {and distributed it to children as) (candy, | | Police said a few children con-| {sumed the poison, but no hospi: | {tals veported any children were | altected, "DIOR IN DOGLAND? Dogged with fashionable | frock, worn over PRIMITIVE ABSTINENCE a ny lace Wim hy anything but his first/in 10562 as President Eisenhow . / of the more than 80 year off the Chinese mainland--should| Macmillan Prohahly view the islands are ind day President Nasser had told cent Peseadores Islands Republic and Britain hecause [ployee of the Montreal Museum Nixon's views are the same as Michener 000 collection of Van Gogh paint-| of the islands would be defined! leaving for Landon on his way il was struck Kennedy Sunday night of the National Assembly of the repeatedly on the souffle tipped off uniformed so the matter should be closed, [today for treatment of bruised divided on the Issue The elderly employee told po] showing that In the last two| hours after the exhibition closed] Chiang Kal-shek to reduce oF jjge he was attacked by six men | ) or morale {would destroy Formosa liacked as he loft a others, tiate with the Chinese National car and driven lo an robbed him of about $A, CHICAGO (AR) Bruno with Toronta is that "has an| firearms nipeg during the weekend: "It is not A multitude of Lady Plushbots| Mr. Fread plans to open a Win pride was this miniature poodle | petticoat at doggie fashion [from food, drink, or sleep in the Sammut and name--holds a special place iniers running mate | parents of the the affections of the people In| Nixon has maintained that the three-storey tor hydro he defended at all costs because nd. Webs MEMORY the principle' of fre CAIRO (AP) Roland Mich: Wis greatest p Speaker of the Canadian land suggested that they be ex Elder! Man cluded from a new line of de Michener he thought he could y establish more normal rela . ha TOR Foils Bandits CLAIMS NIXON RETREATED |HePU0Ie Al rime Mins welear ve During the weekend, however, ter Macmillan "a man he could ) i? 3 ade the statement of Pine Arts Saturday night beat! those of President Eisenhower, i ma bh | off five handits police helleve who has maintained all along Saturday in answering questions ) y a to Montreal | N being exhibited! at the time of attack and | hp ourrenily being pati whether that attack was directed | Michener was here on a visit head with alae Nixon has retreated and| United Arab Republic revolver and savagely kicked bear he and Nixon support the guards and the bandits fled he said, He did not want to imply Robbed By ribs. He worked his regular shift] But then Kennedy Sunday, handing out catalogues discuss whal he lice he answered the hell. at a years the U.S, government had] CHATHAM (CPi--A B0-year , hdraw his forces from Que: early Sunday, driven out into for the day Salurday wit f el parly day, A youth wearing a telegraph | Moy and Matsy, But Kai-shek no country and robbed side and said he had a telegram, | "yon, 0d4y indicated that if he Is | HACK lists and perhaps get the United isolated road in Raleigh Town T i F 1 ship, The men tied him up, re. Inferiority SHOT OFF MOUTH Russo entertained a customer . Y ¥ inferiority complex SAVE TOS in his South Side tavern with P C dy [taurateur Hans Fread, who has olson an Russo stated that, if he held Mr. Fread, former owner of af {Toronto restaurant, The Sign off SOUr grapes Toronto sutfers from the urge to be 110 per cent toms are there hut they are nol patronizing the restaurant oper nipeg restaurant in February wearing a candy pink and | show in Paris last week {hopes of acquiring supernatural White striped "Raby Doll" AP Wirephoto) 'power, out of a third-'this area where he practised law! two tiny islands--just three miles AMAZING volved, Kennedy ha ' House of Commons, sald Satur fence of Formosa and it's adja tions" between the United Arab a site| MONTREAL (CP)--A frail em the White House announces talk to alk were trying to steal the $12,000, that U8 policy on the defence Al @ Press conference hefore R Trud 62 {at Formosa at the invitation of the president oma rudeau, og fore his cries and the noise of the administration poliey, If this 1s Trudeau was to enter hospital to Chinese Reds that the U.S, 1s went on to| . implied were| 1X en jo visitors, | secret congressional documents (wide door of the museum four tried to persuade Generalissimo! old London distriet man told po Us 2» grounds this] messenger's uniform stood out had refused on the groumn Murray Hay said he charged in, followed by fou elected, he may try lo ronego his own Imaved his shoes, heat him and -ALSO FINGER WINNIPEG (CP) trouble an outline of a theory about come to make he} home in Win HAMILTON (CP) The Steer, sald In an interview British. 1 had to close my doors, | {ators Many primitive peaples ahstain Yow can borrow $50 10 $5000 Without endorsers Hea. bhankable ida security Or Sensational Meat Features Tuesday and Wednesday Only! bride AN 331 Breakfast BACON Ib 59 SKINLESS WIENERS CLUB STEAKS LEAN BUTT CHOPS THE FASTEST GROWING ALL.CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY CALL AL REKUSH AT RA 5.6341 Branch affices throughout Ontarie. 17 SIMCOE ST, N, 9 PUBLIC INVITED » ADMISSION FREE ing, They found a hammer be side Mrs, Williams, | PRESTIGE HOMES from HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE $2,000.00 Down and One monthly payment for the balance. Take advantage of twner's transfer, spotless six room bungalow with attached garage, landscaped, A beautiful home and loaded with extras, == patio, fireplace, storms and screens, etc Call: CHARLES SMITH DAYS -- RA 8.1679 EVENINGS--RA 8.8234