-« She Oshawa Times Published by Conadion Newspapers Limited, 86 King St Page 6 Seturdoy, October "18, J , E., Oshawa, Ont, 960 Secession No Solution In South African Mess Secession will not solve the problems of any of the four provinces that find themselves in a republic in South Africa, The republic after all, is merely an aside in the real issue of maintaining their place in Africa that faces white South Africans today. As & union, the country's problems have been magnified by the vote which, however small, has given the Nationalist government the majority it wanted, At & time when Bouth Africa needs friends where it can find them, there is no certainty that it will be allowed to remain within the Commonwealth and will almost certainly lose the support that it previously hed from Common» wealth countries in the UN, Talk of the secession has come from Natal, which voted overwhelmingly against the republic and has by far the highest percentage of English-speak- ing people of the four provinces, It has no future on vociferous in Natal politics Most have been its own, three kinds of people: the retired pukka sahibs from British India; the British who found in Natal the nearest and most settled part of the "Empire" this side of the East where servant labor made it possible to lead the grand life on limited means; and generations of people who refer to England as "home" even when their grandparents were born in South Africa, Politically, Natalians are more re actionary than many Afrikaners, In an English-Boer racial relation, their ine transigence has been surpassed only by the Nationalist Afrikaners, This is not the mentality required of 8 multiracial country that may wish "to strike out independently in the Africa of today. Natal is the home of a million half Zulus, about half a million whites and a few hundred and thousand people of Indian origin who have their complaints against their treatment South Africa taken up annually by the Indian delegation to the UN, mn Vote On Sunday Movies Oshawa city council has' been quested to hold a question of Bunday movies re. the that plebiscite on Now the matter has been brought before the public, we believe the plebiscite should be held, 'At this stage it is not a question of whether or mot Bunday movies should be permitted, Rather it is a question of whether the people of Oshawa should be given the opportunity of expressing their opinion by means of a properly cons ducted vote - and we think they should That is the democratic, way of obtaining a reliable expression of public opinion. reasonable The request to city council makes such an expression desirable, clear the air, If it is not held, be a continuing and possibly rancorous debate between the supporters of Sune. day movies and their opponents, Each side will undoubtedly claim whelming public support, and the result will be meaningless argument, Let the public record its thoughts at the time of the municipal election in if only to there will Overs December, Comparison A thoughtful comparison of the mean. ings and methods of democracy and totalitarianism has been made by the Rockefeller Fund in a study under the title "The Power of the Idea," Here is what the researchers had to say, in part: "In the end, Is not a method for dealing with comp lexity, It is a method by which the des. Democratic the totalitarian method perate, the impatient, or the ruthless can come to convince themselves that life is simpler than it really is; it is method by which the weary can escape the need to think all, When frustration accumus lates in a society, it is intelligible that its members may be tempted to turn to such a But not an answer to the question of comp lexity, it is a refusal to ask the question, method totalitarianism is "The democratic method, is for the confident and tough-minded, It does not promise that all problems can be solved; it relieves no one from the pain of thought or from the respon. sibility bf facing as many facts and res. The Osha Times ¥. L WILSON, » or and General Manager €. GWYN KINSEY, Rditer The Oshawa Times combining The Oshawa Times festaclished 1871) and tha Whitby Gazette. and Chronicle (established 1863), I published daily Sundays and statutory holidays excepted Members of Canadian Daily Newspapers Publishers Anociation, The Canadian Press, Audit Ciraulation and the Ontario Provincial De elation, The Canadian Prgms (3 exclusively entitled 10 the use for republication of all news despatched in the paper credited to it or to The Associated Press or Reuters, and also the local news published therein, All rights ot special despatches ore ale reserved in contrast, Offices Toronta, Thomson Bul Ontaria Wing, 435% University Avenue, 640 Cathcart Street, Montreal, PQ and then at least the question of public settled, It may be argued that low votes opinion will be in municipal elections are not proper tests of public opinion. One can only assume, however, that those who do not vote do not care either way and are quite willing to accept the decision of the majority of those who do go to the polls, It is the democratic way, moreover, to give citizens the opportunity to ex- ballot on matters that concern their individual and collective welfare and way of life, Prohibition of such an expression breeds cynicism and, often, contempt for the law seeking to make the prohibition effective, press their opinion through the A majority of the people of Oshawa may think that Sunday [0 abhorrent and cannot, be Pid the city; they that movies no more dangerous on a Sunday than golf or television, We do not know, But some citizens obviously would like'Sunday movies, and' now the rest of the citizens should be given the opportunity by vote, Of Ideas pecting movies or may believe are to decide the matter a8 many human values as possible, But it accepts the difficulties of government for what they are, and it aims at a level of human achievement that is only possible when men face their difficulties squarely and overcome them honestly, "Such a commitment, risks, with their habits of prolonged public like any com. mitment, has its Democracies, discussion, have often been thought, even by their This fear is bound to be more insistent when a faced by ruthlessly regimes, which seem to determine their policies with speed and execute them with rigor, But speed, rigor, organization and dis- cipline are virtues only when the goals they serve are intelligent, "The arbitrary fixing and refixing of goals is surely a less adequate device for insuring intelligent policies than the protracted and self-critical berative processes which democraty friends, to be inefficient, democracy is organized totalitagian more deli. employs, "When there is weakness in democrac it does not lie in the inefficiency 'of the process by which democracy reaches its decisions, It lies in the values held by the individuals who take part in these decisions." Other Editor's Views COMMONWEALTH TRADE (Winnipeg Tribune) Trade is one of the strongest remain- ing links between Commonwealth coun tries, To sever that link in favor of a closer connection with Europe for OTTAWA REPORT | Ottawa's Chateau Now Institution By PATRICK NICHOLSON Ottawans, 'The Chateau" Is centre of the world, To all Canadians, it Is certainly the national crossroads The Chateau Laurier Hotel, named after that famous French Canadian prime minister, is sit. vated at the very heart of OL tawa. The huge concrete build ing, capped hy a green copper roof turreted to imitate the style of French chateaux Is Just across the Rideau Canal from the cluster of Parliament Build. ings on The Hill; it faces Con federation Square dominated by our proud War Memorial; it is immediately opposite the rails road station There 1s a saying that, if one sat In the lobby of the Chateau for a year, one would meet every friend and see every important Canadian from sea to sea How true this Is was shown last week, when Ottawa's fa. mous hotel was amply filling its sundry roles: the capital's sos INSIDE YOU To the cial centre and meeting place; Ottawa's prime convention site; and the permanent home-from home for upwards of 100 senators and MPs HOTEL'S BUSY WEEK The usual round of private parties and club gatherings was in full swing, One evening there was a fashion show in the ball room, which another day was the site for a luncheon meeting of the Canadian Club, Three hun- dred members and their guests gathered there to eat a typical lunch (soup, the famous "Cana dian National" chicken ple, "ice cream and collee no liquor served--for $1.85), and to hear the guest speaker, Canada's high commissioner to Britain, Hon, George Drew, whose tople was "Days of Great Adventure," that audience was smaller than a speaker of Mr, Drew's import. ance should have attracted from the membership of 1,600; but what it lacked In quantity, It Method To Give New Air For Old By BURTON H, FERN, MD DOUBTING Thomas; Say, Doe, aren't you a little big for dolls? M, D,: This isn't a doll; it's a dummy, Today we're going to learn artificial respiration, D, T.: Oh, I know! You bend over the back and out goes the bad air; In comes , , M.D,: No! That method went oul years ago, I'm going to show you the best way, Now let's lay the dummy on his back D, T.: You should have soaked his clothes to make it look real, MD: Lots of people in dry clothes need artificial respiration, too, Lightning, high tension wires, exhaust filled garages can all stop breathing D. Ta Okay. do it? ~ FIRST STEP M.D Firat, you mouth, You have to debris and thick mucus sean block the flow, It only a few seconds, See brush with my fingers? And you have to check the mouth frequenlty, Fresh mucus can clog the passage any time, HE'S READY RB, Tu Bo artitielal respiration? are ready for work M.D.: 1 hope your too Ri M.D So how do you clean the clear out which takes how 1 how do you My five hands mouth is, What? Mouth! - D, TM: Ithought T was hearing Ahings, Say, watch it! You'll break his neck, STRAIGHT PASSAGE M. D.: No, you have to bend his head way back to take the curve out, of his throat, This leaves an almost straight air passage, D, T.: Now you're making him look like Mussolini M, D.: That's right, 1 pt my left thumb in his mouth grip his lower jaw and pull up until his lower teeth stick out, This will keep his tongue from drop. ping back and blocking the pas. sage place each hand behind the jaw and push it up, Your thumb's free to keep the lower lip out of the way, You don't need to pinch the nose, Tiny tots need less alr ~« a little leakage won't hurt, And your lips can cover a baby's mouth and nose, D. T.: And then you blow hard? TWENTY TIMES M, D.: No, gently! Bables need only puffs from your cheeks, Just let go when the chest rises and keep it up 20 times a minute D, T.: What's so super-duper about this breathing? M, D,: It's easy to learn, you learned it without any trouble, And no other method keeps the air passage so clear, You're right at the head to check the free flow all the time, D, T,.: Great! M, D.: And you don't nave to break your back, You can keep this up for hours. Why even a youngster could breathe alr into your large bulk D. T.: Say, do you think I'd be good at artificial respiration? M. D.: It's a breeze! With your wind, you ought to be a spe clalist! BY-GONE DAYS 30 YEARS AGO Oshawa Kiwanis Club gave a banquet for prize winners in the Junior section at the 1930 Oshawa Fair, JL, penny mouth = to « mouth Even Littlewood, banks, was in the inspector system in the vily schools, Seventy local merchants cos operated In a prosperity week merchandising effort to promote better business of they were of time they were a to divided help implement the penny bank same ratio as those who made choice, the above figures become: ECT | made up In quality, with Prime Minister John Dielenbaker, cab. inet ministers, ambassadors, commissioners eivil servants, lawyers and businessmen In another private dining room the newspaper publishers of Cane ada gathered at luncheon be tween their important but often stormy - sessions at their half yearly convention, Among the 100 s0 delegates from Canada's visiting Ottawa dur were Tom Wilson Cy Binder from Don Hamilton from Hogan from Pem- broke, and Harry Sutherland from New Glasgow, N.8.,, who will be president of their asso- ciation next year. Another inter. esting personality noticed was Ray Barford, former publisher of Thomson newspapers pub lished at Sarnia and Vancouver; he will shortly take over as Gen. eral Manager of the association when Ian Macdonald retires after 20 years of invaluable service, FAMOUS VISITORS PASS Among the many other visitors passing the huge white marble statue of Sir Wilfrid Laurier in the lobby, one might have no- ticed Transport Minister George Hees on his way to his regular evening swim in the magnificent indoor swimming pool ($1 per swim); British Columbia's attor- ney-generdl, Bob Bonner, on his way to attend the Dominion-pro- vincial constitutional conference, accompanied by Ontario's attors ney-general, Kelso Roberts; the famous Welsh-Canadlan lawyer, Leonard Brockington; Paul Des maris, the brilliant young star in Canada's transportation field; Health Minister "Monty" Mon. teith and his charming wife, Mary. The Inadequate (550 bedrooms) and old (hullt in 1911) hotel will be enlarged under the plan to re build the heart of our capital, It will spread to the 16-acre site now occupied by the railroad station, which 1s to be moved out to the suburbs, But many will regret this step, as likely to detract from the charming Individuality of the fa mous "Chateaun," operated by our nationally owned railway company, the Canadian Na tional, In this comfortable and GALLUP POLL ea lulie Ania or dally paper ing the week from Oshawa Port Arthur, Galt, Jack U.K. OPINION Defence Policy Lacking After Conference Vote By M. MeINTYRE HOOD pecial London Eng.) Corr For The Oshawa Times LONDON ~~ What seemed to escape much attention at the time of the Labor Party confer. ence at Scarborough, but is com ing out in the post-mortem com ments on the conference, is the fact that the party Is now offi cially without any policy on de- fence, This Is because of the re- quirements of the party eonstitu- tion The constitution lays down that "no proposals shall be Includéd in the party program unless adopted by a majority of at least two-thirds of the votes recorded." The result of the voting at the conference is simply this. The official party policy presented hy the national executive was der feated, Therefore it no longer exists, The two resolutions pro. posing a han on nuclear weapons and unilateral nuclear disarma- ment by Britain were both care ried, But both of them fell far short of having the twothirds majority required by the consti. tution, Therefore they cannot be written into the party program, POSER FOR MEMBERS With a session of parliament due within the next month, this situation presents quite a poser for the Labof members of the house, They have no policy which they can present and say 'This 4s our party's program," The probable result is that should there be a debate on defence in QUEEN'S PARK Doctor Shows the House, individual opposition members cap express their own views, but cannot claim that they are expressing the official policy of thelr party. The next move, ft would sp. pear, would be for the members of the shadow cabinet, the na- tional execuiive of the party, and the general council of the Trades Union Congress to sit down fo gether and try to draft a policy on which at least two-thirds of them can agree, And that will in all probability mean another dog- fight on defence at next year's annual conference of the party. RAILWAY STRIKE THREAT At the moment of writing, the question of whether or not there will be a rallway strike on Octo- ber 17 is still up in the air, with negotiations going on. By the time this appears in print, the re- sult will be known, But there is one angle to the rallwaymen's strike threat that is considered rather unusual and significant, This is the fact that negotiations on the strike Issues were re- opened only when the leaders of the Shipbuilding and Engineer- ing Unions' Federation threw weight against the National Union of Rallwaymen and against the strike, and insisted that fresh negotiations with the British Transport Commission should be initiated by the union The Union of Rallwaymen had heen sitting back and waiting for the head of the commission to make a 'plea for fresh talks This was not good enough for ie How To Give Answers By DON O'HEARN TORONTO Witnesses before the early sittings of the commit tee on drugs have left a bad attitude of both pharma. s and dentists gave the im- ea an they didn't think much of the committee or of its inten. tion to look Into their business Both groups seemed to think that their business was nobody else's business than thelr own Chairman Leslie Rowntree shocked them down to ante The soon earth Co-operate, he sald, will be at your door, The com mittee means busivess , , , and that means your business, RIGID CONTROL And of course thelr business 1s the Legislature's business, For both groups control their professions through powers they secure from the province, And these controls are exireme Both tentists and phasmacists, for instance, Issue suggested price lists to their memberships, This is telling a dentist what he should charge you for pulling your tooth There probably 1s no absolute ban on a dentist charging less But certainly this form of price control is responsible for putting dentists in the top income group in the country, And If private business at. tempted the stame type of com. bine it would be before the courts in a hurry, DOCTOR GOOD Perhaps surprisingly, the most coopezate witness before the committee was a physician, rep- resenting doctors = regarded as the most reactionary group of them all, Dr, Tan Ing Internal Toronto, He a gentleman, He was in agreement with the work the committee has to do or the law quite Macdonald is the lead. medicine man in also is unafraid and Democrats Keep Lead In Congressional Race By CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC OPINION PRINCETON, N.J, Republi. cans have made little headway in thelr fight to recapture the House of Representatives in the election Just a month away In the latest nationwide survey Congressional preferences, in which a total of 3241 persons were interviewed during the last month, the race shapes up as follows RACE FOR HOUSE SEATS «Second Report Prefer Democrats Prefer Republicans 39 Undecided 6 If the six per cent who said "undecided" at the interviewed, are the a 85% in approximately Pot, Prefer Democrats hl Prefer Republicans 42 These survey results show vine tually no change from results of the first survey made shortly Oshawa public library decided after the two political conven. to open the reading room on Sun tions The campaign for the 437 House the vote in the South in the latest survey CONGRESSIONAL VOTE IN SOUTHERN STATES (Today's Figures) Pet, Prefer Democratic can, 72 Prefer Republican ean, 8 In the 1956 election the Cone gressional vote in the South was as follows: 1956 CONGRESSIONAL VOTE IN SOUTHERN STATES Democrats Republicans As indicated by survey results, Nixon is thus running 22 pers centage points ahead of his party in the South, In the areas outside the South, the Democratic candidates for the House are preferred by §6 per cent: Republican candidates by 44 per cent. In the election of 1056, Demo- eratie candidates received 47.2 per cent of the non-South vote, Republicans 52.8 per cent, Out. side the South, survey data shows Nixon running 6 percentage points ahead of his party, From interviews on the presi. And he answ frankly and stand on artif His - attitude whether doctor kick-backs from typical He sald that had never But if it ered questions ithout trying to ial dignity to a query on were taking druggists was such a possibility occurred to him was happening--and here he was Indignant--this was highly immoral, If there were any good grounds for believing It was happening then the com- mittee should look into it, he pro posed, Despite the attitude pharmacists to date, one impression the committee #8 valuable job We might even pay less drugs as a result of its work of the has the will do for the Engineers' Federation, They were in agreement with Commis sion chairman Sir Brian Robert son that a railway sirike at the present time would be a tragedy and a national disaster. They felt there was room for compromise in the situation, They are now being given eredit for the re sumption of talks, which at the moment have created a hopeful feeling that the strike may be averted ACTION ON HIGH RENTS It has required only 8 threat that their properties will be taken from them to persuade some landlords who have increased rents by an exorbitant amount to back-pedal and set much lower rental figures, The borough couns ells of Bethnal Green and Step- ney, in the London area, were the first to ask for compulsory purchase orders. This was done because landlords of blocks of apartments had taken advantage of the unfreezing of rents to raise them to exorbitant levels, This action by the councils brought quick reaction from the landlords In both cases, 1 a vg e property companies were the owners of the Faced with the loss of through ecompuls which the minis ter of housing had advocated, they cut back drastically their proposed increases, which in some cases had more than doubl- ed the rents the tenants have heen paying, They are still ask. ing for increases, but these are 80 modest that the councils have agreed to withdraw their appli cations for compulsory purchase orders, Just the threat that they would be used was sufficient to produce the results wanted, GAVE AWAY £28,000 There considerable publie discussion of the action of a 30 year-old draughtsman, Raymond Smith of Bury, Lancashire, who on winning £20,649 in a football pool, announced that he had given the whole amount to char ity, Although in only moderate circumstances, he felt that he and his wife would not be happy with so much money, The win vas equivalent to about $77,350 in Canadian currency, GULF WINDS APTS. * 00 luxurious apartments em « wilt of Mexico's widest beach, lear fishing, golf, shopping, Q ottractions, Imperial House w= Cuisine & Lounge, Reasonable of rates for 2 bedrooms with (e) kitcheneties, Bring family, For f brochure ne writ wl }). € Gulf Winds, P.O, LT St. Petersburg x Beach ST. PETERSBURG properties holdi purchase, thelr sory is 6218) Fla ¥ Vanod ¥¢ BEACH 6:00 p.m. ask suite. 1.D.B.-- Representatives of INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT PARK will be in OSHAWA, TUESDAY, OCT. 18, 1960 \, call or telephone Genosha Hotel (RA 3-4641) from 9:30 a.m. to They will be pleased to answer en quiries, supply explanatory booklets ond discuss actual situations with businessmen, bankers accountants and others interested in What it is and how it operates for Mr. Dagg's Flavoured Children's Size Aspirin when you buy an 87¢ package of 100 tablets OFFER LIMITED! SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered Pickering, 8 Albert Maple TY Get it TODAY! Britain might be to put the entire cone days from 12 noon to 6 p.m vow I pinch his nose with ny other hand, Then 1 take a deep breath, press my lips around his Liverpool, mouth and blow. hard Qrona. | d, Broughham Burke! n, Clarem ) T Say, that chest really . \ Columb eenwood, Kinsale, Raglan, Blackstock, Bible Thought rises! But what ma kes the air go Manchester, Pontypool and Newcastle not aver 45 out? The simple believeth every word; but per week, By mail (in provinge of ( corrian delivery areas {2 00. ehowhere "RUBBER LUNGS" M D His rub b er lungs the prudent man looketh well to his going~Proverbs 14:15, your squeere it out, Human lungs are How much pain and anguish of spirit seats provides a good index of the relative strength of the two parties, Today's figures show how far Nixon must run ahead of his party in order to win the election Of particular interest is vote in the South, In the Gallup Poll report, Nixon Kennedy were found to be ning neck-and-neck in this area, Nixon and Kennedy each re. coived 50 per dent of the vote of those who expressed a choice Rev, R, B. Patterson of Christ That the Republican parly it Anglican, Church, was elevted "golf has not made any headway head of the Oshawa Ministerial in this region can be seen from Association, the following figures which show dential race made during the same month, Kennedy and Nixon came out even nationally each with 30 per cent of the vote of those who expressed a choice, From this it can be seen that Nixon is presently running & pers centage points nation-wide ahead of his party In the survey results on the vote for Congress reported here, those who said they "lean to one party or the other have been in. cluded in the vote for that party. The survey is based on two sampling units of approximately 1600 cases each World Copyright Reserved N/ by carriers in Oshawe copt of the Commonwealth in jeopardy, Incendiary fires in four homes in the Oshawa district caused much damage, and brought on an investigation by the Ontario Fire Marshal, the last and runs 1500 Public Utilities Commission proposed purchase of the lot at the corner of Simcoe and Mets calfe streets as a site for a PUC building Average Daily Net Paid elastic as rubber, too, Normals you'd blow 20 hreaths mir as of April 30, 1960 to keep it and you'd have to keep it up as ly ute for hours unless help arrives D, T. What about kids? Your fat thumb would block the whole mouth MD. could be avoided if men would use ordi« sense and a little thinking and weighing before they act. nary \common do For children, you simply