woman with her two teen-age children posed on the campus of the University of Western On- tario while her husband took their picture. It was spring convocation, and the woman wore a cap and gown. Like thousands of adults all over Ontario she had earned a Bachelor of Arts degree extramu- rally. Eight of Ontario's offer work toward a degree in the evenings and on Saturdays, for the benefit of those who cannot attend the regular sessions. Seven of these universities have six-week summer sessions as well. In addition the niversity of Western Ontario has eighteen outside centres extending from Sault Ste Marie to Orangeville and from Chatham to Timmins, universities where staff members give lectures, at two week intervals from Septem- ber to April. Queen's University sets up classes within the area from Port Hope to Peterborough east to Smith's Falls and Brockville, where- ever the enrolment merits it. And the University of Toronto has an .extension centre at North Bay. This means that anyone living in southern Ontario is close to a city or town where he may attend university lectures. Three of the universities have correspondence courses that can be completed at ONTARIO TODAY Study can be carried on outside the ivied walls. ? 7 Graduation day is the desired goal, home, But no degree can be ob- tained solely through correspon- dence work, Of coufse the best place to live with a view to getting an education in your spare time is near a univer- sity where evening and Saturday lectures are given. At Assumption, Carleton, and McMaster Univer- sities and at the Universities of Toronto and Laurentian of Sudbury all work for a degree may be taken at evening classes. At Queen's and the Universities of Ottawa Western Ontario, attendance at one or more summer session is required, To qualify for enrolment in these classes a student should have stand- ing in 9 grade 13 papers for Tor- onto, Western, Queen's, McMaster, And Carleton, At Assumption Uni- versity, the University of Ottawa and Laurentian University of Sud- bury grade 12 standing is accepted, but more courses must be taken before graduation. However, the lack of a high school graduation certificate is not an absolute bar- rier, for at most of the universities persons over 21 years of age may enroll and proceed to degree work if they show the ability to do so. and With the scholastic attainment or the aptitude needed for enrolment money and time are the next big factors to consider, Fees vary from a low of thirty dollars a course at Sudbury to a high of $75 at Toronto, with $60 a common figure at most univer- sities, Then too texts have to be bought which may cost from $4 to $7 each, But now with so many paper back editions being used the cost of books is not prohibitive, As it is usual to take only two courses a winter the cost is spread over con- siderable time, Total cost in getting a degree should not exceed $1600 unless summer work has to be taken, It is estimated that the cost of attending a summer session is around $250. The average student earns a - degree extramurally in-seven years. The exceptional student has been known to get a degree in as few as four years by attending winter lectures and summer school. On the other hand some have taken the work as slowly as one course a winter, ; The stress and strain of passing the examinations is part of the cost. a Missed are college companionship and trading of views. Examinations three hours in length are generally written in the spring. More often than not they are the same exams that the intramural students write, Thus anyone who earns a degree extramurally earns it as surely as does any graduate His choice of subjects may not be quite as wide as the regular stu- dent's, In getting a pass arts degree, extramurally, sixteen courses are. required, after grade 13, They are made up of a science with labor- atory work and a continuation of a language taken in high school, as well as courses in English, His-. tory, Philosophy, Psychology, Geo- graphy, and Economics, . Most universities grant only BA degrees to extramural students, but at McMaster, Assumption, and Car- leton Universities, a degree in Busi- ness Administration may also be granted, The Registrar of any of the above mentioned universities will send any prospective student a free academic calendar, Later, school certificates will have to be sent in, and in the case of married women, a marriage certificate,