ONE Hoav REGISTERED TRADE MARK Fann WIULTIPLE VITAMINS 100 days' supply in attractive Apothecary i neon | | bottle only 5 449 MULTIPLE | 0 'BE VITAMINS R MILES LABORATORIES, W710. | TORONTO, CANADA 'froducts for Better Health | { as Each tiny ONE-A-DAYs (BRAND) MULTIPLE VITAMIN tablet contains seven essential vitamins: e VITAMIN A e VITAMIN B, (Thiamine) e VITAMIN D "eo VITAMIN B, (Riboflavin) o NIACINAMIDE e VITAMIN B, e VITAMIN C (Ascorbic Acid) Have all the family take ONE-A-DAYa(BRAND) MULTIPLE VITAMINS. Each easy-to-take tablet contains seven essential vitamins, including Bia, that aid growth, help correct vitamin shortage and build resistance to infection. Look for the big 200 100 " o = - . | TABLETS TABLETS TABLETS TABLETS $8.70 $1.49 $2.76 $1.49 red ONE on every package and insist on ONE-A- LESS THAN 4¢ A DAY IN THE LARGE SIZB DAYe (BRAND) MULTIPLE VITAMINS by name. " _-;. MILES LABORATORIES, LTD.,, TORONTO, ONTARIO @ nega iote Max "Products for Better Health™ 20V23