WEATHER REPORT Partly cloudy and cooler Sun- day, with northwesterly winds 15 to 20, Fhe Oshawa Times IN TODAY'S ISSUE OF THE TIMES VOL. 89--NO, 239 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1960 ROGGY UN FACES LOADED SCHEDULE | E i" ch Items Include Authorized es Second Class Moll Post Office Department, Ottowe FE EIGHTEEN PAGES Candidates 'Would Use | Arms Proposals progressive stages of disarma- ment, bz SHOVEL HEGINS HOSPITAL EXCA | VATION 2 Eisenhower WASHINGTON (AP) presidential candidates place for President in their future plans In Los Angeles Friday the Republican candidate, President Nixon, told the newspaper forum: nin nap have "I am happy to be able to tell . I would have available the wise guidance and rich experience of President Eis- you tonight that NUDE JITTERS enhower |] Both Eisenhower night, Vice. # y | world &. | 3 atory by Nikita Khruschev and ) 22 other chiefs of state and gov- ernment, the UN General Assem- bly cleared the way today for work on a crowded agenda headed up by rival East-West |disarmament plans The world body must deal with | 86 questions including four sep { |arate items on disarmament, the |top issue of the session, Rivalling the arms proposal | Premier Khrushchev put before the assembly, the United States, a Britain also submitted a separ. ate resolution under which the assembly would recommend that technical experts be named now to work out systems for checking 'on various measures of disarma- back to the commission within ment and report disarmament six months, The assembly has 10 separate African items on its record agenda, Heading the African list are the explosive question of Algeria's six-year struggle for independence, the U.S, five-point program for African development and Russia's demand for an end to all colonialism, With the 16 new African coun- tries just seated in the world organization, the thorny question of racial policies in South Africa Is expected to generate more heat than usual 'Congo Official after fo con peace Britain and Italy put in a resolu {tion Friday night calling for re- {sumption of Fast-West disarma- {ment negotiations Like Khrushchev's proposal, iv. tha DD tio didate |the Western draft calls for agree Jody, the Democratic conde [ment 'on General and compte the United States. whoever he is : ' |disarmament under international should use the talents of Presi | inspection and control, dent Eisenhower in the area of DIFFERENCES OUTLINED world peace." p ' « | The competing plans, due to go In the Los Angeles speech, before the UN's top political com- Nixon suid, if elected, he would mittee next week, have three key call conferences with (1) defence i | differences, TO, tein 1, The Soviet Ey er PRISON WRECKAGE men and women, and (3) the leaders of the free nations Kennedy whistle stopping believed caused | injuring five, Prison. walls with guard tower are in background, The crane at right was used to "He will remain reads leaving the White House tinue, his herioe work for and freedom." Then, in Grand Rapids, Mich., an aide said that Senator Ken AT KITCHENER KITCHENER (CP isn't re to hare-bosomed helle Africaing, membe of Kitchener auditorium commis ided Frida early in January the n the Kitch the 4 Children 'Work Started Mother On New Wing Die In Fire | ir ton WABOWDEN, Man. (CP A Me need the work on the new wing Py nl at the Oshawa General Hospital F 20-year-old mother and four chil , { 5 ' 8. E, Lovell, chairman of the fi- fr the dren from three families died 1 Frids bl hich de. ance committee of the Oshawa ricay in raze WhCh Oe General Hospital Board, said thi stroyed their two-room shack in morning northern Manitoba, 460 miles| We are delighted to be getting north of Winnipeg under way so promptly especial Only one child survived theiiy because the fine weather blaze at Thicket Portage, mid- that 'is still with u he con way between The Pas and (ined. "With regard our fi 3 ( hurchill on the Hudson Bay rail pancing, 1 am sure the public Ye would like to know that when The dead: Mrk, Marie Dorion, (the official commitment is re wife of Albert Dorion; their ceived from the County of On "To relieve the public daughters, Leona, 3, and Darlene, tario regarding their muni ipal about the great demand for bed eight months; Marlene Dorion, 2, grant of $240,000 our financial ar-' I want to say that It Is our daughter of Solomon Dorion; and rangements will appear to be ex- ta have this building program 16 - year - old Louise Pronteau, tremely sound, substantially completed by De- daughter of Lawrence Pronteau.| "The tenders accepted to date cember, 1961," said Mr, Lovell, Union Organizer Describes Work QUEBEC (CP)--An organier for the United Steelworkers of America (CLC) testified Friday that he was paid by his union's headquarters in Pittsburgh and that he moved about on orders « dpom his superiors havent Bouchard, 30, called as "8 witness in a $5,200,000 damage sult Gaspe Copper Mines, Lim. ited, has filed against the USWA, said he worked for the union in three Quebec mining towns and one in Ontario Gaspe Copper is trying to prove that a union can be held finan: clally responsible for the acts of its locals It contends pay for prope and loss of production during a bit tér, violent, seven-month strike in 1957 at the company's mine in Murdochville, Que dy watch of the Bal the ener sion de A date the grant available Ontario, troupe fror Direc Gu vith week com- have 1 within our estimate There has | arrangement of a de was ng of mem as been danci Republic on how for Count of Neverthele the Board of tor decided to proceed Lhe truction sumption forthcoming he for be weather ea but comm a } ha bers concluded the con based on the a too risk for th community ! I think this rm could leave sald chairman home it thi Low would be covered "We would but on stage would not Alderman Keith commission member, The troupe was forced to don brassieres in most North Amer- money urgent demand at how to perf resolution calls us open 1 the excellent building the t from of 0 criticism emendous the in th in su} Scol people to port rec citizen and mu vere the at thi immoral alitie rea An explosion ha ray ministerial main factor Arriving associations in n approved, gas decision we to through Michigan, said that, If elected, he would call a confer lift the roof and other debris off victims, anxiety the girls he," said Hymmen, he, men hope edited a union in Rouyn Noranda, Que, His salary was USWA, he said, "From Pittsburgh?" company lawyer Jean Martineau asked "It seems to me the envelope comes from Pittsburgh," he an wered The USWA paper paid by the in its defence the walkout was decided and carried out at local level, and that the USWA is not responsible what its Murdochville local says for did Defence lawyers Guy Merril Desaulniers and Louls - Phillippe Pigeon objected to Mr Martin.| hould 8 que nm the tness' background 'This inquiry meetings HEART ATTACK Voss the unio ns the director of musical suffered heart attack in his Toronto hotel room Friday. Doctors he war restin | Hart, damage Camelot not a royal " Mr. De What the witness did at ther places had nothing to with. the Murdochville affair Mr, Martineau sald he wanted j {My Lady hn y of 8S 0 y al « I! to show that USWA represent on of 0 oy it 4 pon ative was really active at the lo o A oy ow ity lh \ i a ast ek Lerne as cal level and didn't just have h v da hdl ] taken to a Toronto hospital token authority with a bleeding uleer blamed Superior court Judge Antoine . ! hd hd y on overwork, Lacoursiere permitted question ing on the witness' background but said it should not stray from the hang Business Plant [couse | Undecided WASHINGTON question whether States is moving ion comm sion aulniers said aid 76 atistactori ( elol, Broadway « bound musi written by and am il Loewe, do ORGANIZED LOCALS Lernes Mr, Bouchard sald he was not a member of two USWA locals he helped organize in Malértic Que., in 1956, one at East Mal artic Mines and one at Malartic Goldfields He also did organizational work at Val d4'0r, Que and Elliot Lake, Ont, he testified, and Atomic Strike Begins RIDGE, Tenn Some 1800 worker Oak Ridge's largest atomic energy plant went on strike early today I as negotiations for a 28-cent I'he plants are operated for the ' hourly wage increase failed AEC by the Union Carbide Nu. output of mills and Members of the Oil, Chemical clear Co * elinped 1060 and Atomic Workers 1 nion STILL NEGOTIATING A al walked off the Joh and threw A Meanwhile, at a similar ported that it picket Jine around the plant de at: Padueah Kv. negotiation ite pleas by the / oi METRY continued and a union spokesman Commission in Washington that said no immediate strike threat Fi strike be postponed pending existed rther mediation efforts The E. F, Hitchcock, a federal me- gucted diator, said that while no definite ¢lause talks had been scheduled for The today, negotiations would con: plants, tinue "until this thing is set! portsmouth, tied." strike threat, The plant try's entire lations here, produces, from uranium other things, uranium The current hourly pay principal explosive for at the plant here ranges from $2 bombs for common labor to $3.15 for Workers at other two skilled technicians, here are not affected by strike, union officials sald are represented by the a an to want agree not a must went into CP Wirephoto case at r pose EXECUTION I'he prosecutors are demanding the death penalty for Bayar, for mer. premier Adnan Menderes and 36 other leaders in his gov ernment, overthrown by an army coup last May. Imprisonment for 165 parliamentarians in Men deres's outlawed Democrat party also has been demanded Tarik Rona, director of a gov for quick conclusion of a treaty| ved By Yank for general and complete dis: LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuters) = armament, The Western proposal An American businessman rese would have eement first on cued a Congolese government of. ence of industry and labor lead-| © destroyed this slaughter Arms Measure Jeapable of early ficial from knife-wielding sup. ors deal with "the growing house outside the walls of the implementation, norters of Patrice Lumumba Frie crisis of automation--the replace. U.S. Penitentiary at Leaven | 2, Khrushchev makes disarma- day as they kidnapped two other ment of men by machines," | worth, killing three and ment negotiations conditional on officials - va revamping of the UN secretar-| George Whitman of Pittstown, | 2 . iat, with a three-member hoard | N J., went fo the rescue of Albert ANOTHER CONGO ! D of Communist, Western and neu- Ndele, vice-president of army ie e |tral states replacing Secretary-|sirongman Joseph :Mobutu's gow ican centres including Toronto {General Dag Hammarskjold, The erning commission, when 80 Ne. last year. But (his year, after : Western plan calls for no such gro supporters of the ousted | a ruling - from Britain's Lord ension TOWS Hot Pace change, premier attempted to abduet him Chamberlain that the ballet | 8 The Western plans calls for outside a hotel :. a was art, the girls have per " more specific control require- | The gang slashed Ndele's face formed naked to the waist "In ments, It specifies that controls With knives and tried to drag him "I'm a little afraid of it," 1 i " 0 eslda n idin should guarantee that armaments into a car, Whitman pulled him sald Ald, Hymmen, "After all are reduced as agreed and re: hack into the hotel and the ab- | Kitchener isn't a metropolitan | SALISBURY (Reuters)--A ban the townships at Salisbury main reduced. The Soviet pro- ductors grabbed two of Ndele's centre like Toronto." oi public meetings came Into ef- scene of riots which killed seven| PRINCE ALBERT, Sask, (CP) posal Sella only for wronirel, Sasi stanty and drove off with fect throughout Southern Rho- Negroes and injured 80 Negroes Prime Minister Diefenbaker bgg- from beginning to end," of theithem, : 2 desid today in the latest Sovern ad Whies last wetkindog pot. ged a duck, addressed about 1,000 ent move to prevent "another|ter aircrall dro i J 4d ul a Turk State a in this tense Central ing the move was to protect school children and shook hands hd African nation peaceful citizens and stop stoning With hundreds eof adults Friday rogress ac or . The ban, due to last a month, and looting on the third day of a whirlwind Trial GC was announced Friday as Rho. White militiamen armed with tour of his constituency, ™ oes desian troops moved into Negro rifles and machine-guns drove in| Throughout an action-filled day In Session Date [townships around Salisbury, Bul-fafter the Rhodesians and set up that started at 4:30 a m,, the 65. lawayo and Gwelo in a major|platoon posts, About 2000 troops year-old prime minister set a 0 e 0 S [show of strength. The ban ex- are being used pace that left younger aides]! OTTAWA (CP)--The next ses-/ter made Tuesday before flylng |eludes only sporting, religious or Observers here said the gull wilted and gasping | sion of Parliament now is ex: to Prince Albert, YASSIADA ISLAND, Turkey| cultural Hetweeh dhe White Sovernment Relaxed and smiling, Mr, Dief. pected to get under way about The timetable; (AP) A shaggy Afghan dog The troop movements caused and le Alri an portion' Cadersi enhaker appeared to draw fresh| Nov, 17, informed sources say Oct, 21:22---A meeting of some dominated proceedings today at|tension to mount throughout this | > hy 10 ur ari Roab annealed CNTEY from each encounter with) The date depends on the pro-(250 Conservative party execus he trial of Turkey's former gov. internally self-governing British}, po WN] pat Yo AL es his constituents, who, for the| gress the cabinet makes with de-|{ives and organizers from . all ernment leaders who face death colony where bloody riots and|PY telegram to 16 HrILSh BOVE most part, he was seeing for theltails of its legislative program, parts of the country with cabinet a" foi 4 \ 1ast| ernment asking for suspension of inet time e LO YOR hw . . Aa 5 Y A penaltics--on charges of violating strikes have erupted in the last SONERErs 'Rhodesia's. conatiorion rst time in more than two years, which will be outlined in general members on party organization the constitution week SOULS Ehvodosia'e Sons NUMAN DY " terms in the speech from the|and policy, ! I'he prosecution charges e " wolary. of the It also urged a constitutional "HUMAN DYNAMO Find at the opening ceremon iy pg ; nresident Celal BES ©x-| The general secretary of 10 oonference be held immediately.| "I've known John for more ped Oct, 2425--The prime minis. president Celal Bayar im: African Nationalist Democratic than 30 Years anc he's aloars ter's round-table conference on properly used his influence to sell party, Fnos Nkala, told report been the same," said Charles Prime Minister Diefenbaker, employment with 22 leaders of i (HOR it from the king of ops Friday: *This is a state of | Watt, owner of a hardware store "WV Visiting his home riding of industry and labor lor 20.000 Turki Be eDnkars #00! war It could lead to some oC - ar {at Canwood in the western ape. Rrines Albert, js eapecied to rel Oct, 27:28 -- Resumption of Basar. who laces Ian ooh. thing disastrous tion of Mr, Diefenbaker's Prince| '° ati Tor A i con. July's Dominion-provincial cons Bayar, aces far graver| «yf Britain does Albert riding, "He's a human|Preparation for a round of Cong enoe of premiers working to ehargess neluding treason -- an- (ther Congo, she C dynamo," {ferences on which the session's... ic" new "tax-sharing arranges wily told the cour riday Ha : ' " ' {progr i pend, ! ahead and put the. Bay te this African damands ap orpse Canwood, a tiny agricultural "O85" *™ Wil depend ments to replace the current on me, My worst punishment is|_ before the soldiers village hacked out of the bush| HEAVY SCHEDULE agreements which expire in being here." . some 50 miles northwest off The following eight days will March, 1962, The prosecution's stress on the YU® . | escr1 e {Prince Albert, was one of three witness the most concentrated| Then, on Oct, 31, there will be dog count plainly is for the pw Five Soldiers communities on the CNR's Big/and vet the most varied set of four federal byelections in of ridiculing Bayar and RUTHIN. Wales (Reuters) -- A River branch line visited by Mr, meetings the government has Royal in New Brunswick, La. coring an impact on the peasant . a8 ars od NW Nenad of Diefenbaker Friday, He spent| been involved in since it took belle in Quebec, and Peterbors masses in Anaotlia's bleak inter Die In ruc BE hail gd most of his time talking to school|office, It comes on top of thejough and Niagara Falls in On. ior murdering a woman lodger 20/onildren during the day's stops.| cabinet shuffle the prime minis: tario, WAINWRIGHT, Alta. (CP) vears agh heard a pathotegist| - Five soldiers died and two others Friday describe the mummified were injured in a truck accident body of the vietim found last May near here Friday night in her cupboard 5 Canadian Army Western' Com. Mrs, Sarah Jane Harvey list. mand headquarters in Edmonton ened as pathologist Dr, Edward Gerald Evans sald the mummy rock-hard as a statue -- "it even a hammer and identified one of the dead as Sgt R, Moody, with the 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian resisted Light Infantry, in Edmonton, chisel, Names of the others were not| Testifying at the second day of) ernment-run model state farm, [released the trial here, Evans told the| testified today that several hun. It was believed the truck in court the circulation of dry air dred sheep had to be sold to raise which the men were riding, most ever the body might have led to an tu the mummification money to buy the dog for the/of them in the back, overturned '® : : board re. 00 o ig A on a gravel road. > "It was well-known in Egypt, ndustrial where people could become mum- mified when buried in hot sand. Another method smoking or kippering," Evans said. Shooting Ends |Family Fight OTTAWA (CP) Mrs, Jean Chartrand, 44, is in critical con: dition in hospital with a bullet {wound in the abdomen and the & man with whom she was living, | Charles Bristow, 44, has been charged with attempted murder| following the shooting in their| west Ottawa apartment early this morning Mrs, Chartrand was shot with a 22.calibre revolver following a President Yields' To Army Pressure {Pomestie argument at 2 a ARE Police say there had heen some BUENOS ES (APM) driniy army demands @ First to be his new war secretary concessions to the military in a series of more than 20 crises ants, Ken Killen and Jack Loch with the 'army since took over his office in May, 1938, man who were ordered to the Frondizi appeared weakened in the face of other yet unresolved address and found a man brand | proposals of "p generals, ishing a revolver. : (AP the into a sharpened today announcement that I'he United bu 1 was Trades and Labor Council which accepted, subject to member ap proval, a nine-cent hourly in se Wednesday AP at OAK Ane fol the utili in mines, lo a low reserve plant index of production moved de Sent to 107 verage, a -= LATE NEWS FLASHES ember per of is drop of four from January's peak of cent, In August ther disclosed, the two points instead previously estimated, A possibility of further in Octoher was sug fact that mi economic bellwether negotiations were con under a wage-reopening in the present contract Oak Ridge and Paducah along with a plant at Ohio, which had no produce the coun supply of isotopes Jailed Now Sue S. African Government JOHANNESBURG (AP) The Johannesburg Rand Daily Mail reports that many of the 2000 South Africans of all races jailed alleged political subversives during the emergency from March to August now are suing the government for illegal detention in an action that may run inte millions of pound one as decline ted by the | as ste operations, a have failed] usual normal autumn instal among 235, the atomic me of three i show the pickup, However, Roger Rlough man of United States Steel ration p i that Claim Bootlegger | Owes $15 Million NEW YORK (AP)--A man de scribed as the major distributor CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS of hootleg liquor in the New York city area was accused Friday of RA 5-11¢ tefranding tovernment o° V Romy ¥ Fraga more then $15,000,000 in unpaid "Nh Nate vitl 4 liquor taxes, John Verra, {pleaded not guilty and was r (leased in $5,000 bail, scale chal Cor © i 1 We Hunter-Killer Force In Pacific HONOLULU (AP A navy hunter-killer carrier Kearsarge, steamed through the Pacific today, plants | | for an unidentified underwater object that could be | the They Atomie ™ force, led hy the \ searching "some improvement" el output wi t quarter of the year t few months been consumed duced, he Governmen develop in t For the a submarine or a school of fish, By mid-day, nothing had ha been sighted by the big carrier, its sonar-equipped anti pro submarine airplanes or the four destroyers accompanying it, steel more than was said \ PPY SMITH FAMILY pitching ace, in a Pittsburg night club next week Surrouit,, ing Hal, his guitar, wife Shirley, and from left children, Micheal, §, Debbie, 9, and Danny, { vate ded econ for pr and omists have heen diy x Pitts. in their for the world champion. ship of baseball strums guitar & he is surrounded by family | with Elroy Face, F rates' relief President Arturo Frondizi and agreed to swear in Gen. Rosendo today. Grudgingly making gave me week aware of the shoot twa ambulance attend way lu the « the one of the heroes Hal Smith burgh Pirates light 1S were at celebration party in his home «wn Livonia, Mich, a suburh of Letroit last night, Hall will do plenty of singing, he's booked POLICE FIRE DEPT. RA 5-65 HOSPITAL RA 38-2211 ing 7 provement the beg i he pe- ENtered \& recession,