py room St. Gregory's CWL Reports SHOW! mei eh sme Participation In Many Services ; res iw | % eup Calif, Burgundy or other The president, Mrs, A. C. Love, to attend were requested to con inner presided st the October meeting tact Mrs, A, C. Love or Mrs, AJ pid wine of Bt. Gregory the Grest Council Yanch, Chopped parsley of the Catholic Women's League] A substantial cheque was pre-l Core and eut tom into leld recently in the parish sudl-l 4 10 Very Rey, Paul Dwyer, nick slices, Melt apdlos | . torium, who thanked the members o,ce skillet, Stir in salt and men' - Reports were presented by the Jo Aldwinckle, Wo s Editor Dial RA 3-3474 treasurer, Mrs, Thomas Levesque, warmly for thelr support In thelprown sugar, Add tomato slices AL ree | ge gions conveners, On work of the parish and outlined ouq saute quickly on both sides THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 12, 1960 7 | membership, Mrs, George Fair briefly a few of the projects just until » Rn begin to hart, reported 215 members; on planned for the parish in the im- soften; Add Burgundy; simmer PERSONAL S immigration, Mes, CC, Murty mediate future |Sust: until tomatoes mre tender reported four calls made and ar-| As delegate from $t, Gregory's firm but do not lose their shape, rangements pleted for two Council to the 13th Provincial Baste often with pan liquid, birthday parties, wed: Mrs, Grant Bird, Mrs, Stewart children to attend school, Convention of the CWL held in|Berve in sauce dishes with some Mrs, James Conner Teported 18, North Bay recently, Mrs, C, C.|of the wine sauce, Sprinkle with patients visited at the Oshawa Murty presented a report, The pepper and parsley, if desired, | Makes 4-5 servings, Teas, ding snniversaries, coming and Alger, Mrs, J, Norval Willson oing of guests and your own and Mrs, George Ansley, | oliday plans are alweys of inter- Hospital during the last two theme of the year is "The Chri est to this column, Write | Mr, Ard Wager of Calahogle|yecks of Seplember, Mrs, Con- tian Family Apostolate" and fn|™ phone or visit the social depart. @nd Mr, and Mrs, Guy Wagar of igers also reported that the hair. speaking on this subject the Most| iyo FALSE TEETH ment with your item of news for Kingston were holiday weekend|gressing equipment had been set Reverend Alexander Carter, Bis. which there is no charge, Tele- Guests at the home of Mr, andlyy of Hillsdale Manor snd six hop of Sault Ste, Marie, impress. Rock, Slide or Slip? phone RA 3474 Mes Russell Shane, Park ro#dlpours had been spent there in od pon his Hatenats that spirit. YADTED a et seth io 50 hairdressing, She asked for|usl planning should be an im-| pe d Nurses from all across On Brigadier Armand A, Smith, |assistance from all members pro- portant point at sll meetings, | Roi Falke sooth mre Army mn piace; tario gathered recently at the CBE MC and Mrs, Smith, of{Dclent in hairdressing, profes At the end of the meeting Miss) Do 0s slide, elip or Fock Lo Surf provincial headquarters of3ahe Winona were Thanksgiving guests sionals or just good amateurs, Roberta Gates, assisted by her H¥¥ ns alatine (non |, Doss Registered Nurses' Association of of Mrs, G, D, Comsnt, Buena and reported she had made three| sister, Miss Loretta Gates, clad in| 10% : Fisianter' {dens Ontario in Toronto to attend a Vista, Simcoe street south, smocks for use in the beauty the native costume of Hawall, deus counter, wih two » day Institute, Miss Gwen "7 > of Vort Aet parlor, showed colored slides of their re- doiyn E, J. Leask, president, Mr, Fercy Barr of Por ur o cent rrip to that island, Ontario. County Chapter, RNAO, Pid 8 flying visit to his first Rig pxiponse to 4 Seuent trom ent grip to that island was one of the participants in Cousin, Mrs, ¥, M, Shepherdson, |, .." cop at Hillsdale, Mrs, Jo-| the Institute, Bimeoe street south, at the week-| ooh "Riordan, Mrs, ¥rank Hill end, It was their first meeting in y out of Town guests at the 65 years, % Wand Mrs, Frank Copeland volun- teered their services, and they Garrard » Rusnell wedding were p , / : |Gasard Mr ein ar Mr, and Mr, G, KX. Drynan,|will also represent $t, Gregory's nan, | § and Mrs, arry Jardine, M Masson street, attended the wed.| Council at the official opening of ' 1 |Nola Holdaway, all of Toronto ding of Mr, Drynan's cousin, Mr, the Manor on October 26. {Mr, and Mrs, William Glover James Rapley Drynan, and Miss! The president announced that . | Mr William Glover Jr, M Carlyn Alexander in Kingsway- Mrs, Wilfred Hanley will replace Sylvia Glover, Mr, and Mrs, Lambion Church on Saturday Mrs, P, ¥, Morrow, who has re {Larry Gray, all of Peterhor- 4nd the reception which followed cently resigned as convener of OSHAWA AND AJAX # _ ooo | |ough; Mr, 2 Mrs, Ronald Gar. of the Lord Simcoe Hotel, Later, social action and health, 4 |rard and Mrs, L, J. Holdaway, Mr, and Mrs, Drynan left for| The next monthly meeting will 4 Bh ins HAH A ln A BRR nn eh Port Hope: Mrs. W, Rusnell, Strathroy to spend Thanksgiving ext i » SCHOOL FOR RETARDED CHILDREN PRESENTED WITH FLAG Probklin; iy? and Mes (olsun With his mother, Mrs, James H Joa pr gf Convmunion voaal. THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY HIRO ana Miss Arie Leaay rynan i 4 . " fhe school for retarded chil- | the Empire, Proudly receiving Making the presentation are | Mrs, George Wilson, president Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Mann, Bow 3 on Sunday, November 13 in the SPECIALS dren was honored recently at a | the flag are four students of the Mrs, John Vivash, member of | of the Oshawa and District Re. |manville; Mr, and Mrs. Ted Bar A delightful interlude during parish auditorium, The onvener presentation of a Canadian flag | school, from left to right, Ran the education committee, Gold. | (io Children's Association, |4 Stouffville; Mrs, W. George|dinner at the close of the Teach |°f education, Mrs Ray Scott, by the Golden Jubilee Chapter, | dy McArthur, Jon Lee, Wayne | en Jubilee chapter, and Mrs, ' na RCIA 0 | Bowden, Downsview; Miss Mar-|ers" convention last Friday has charge of the program, CHOCOLATE LOAF CAKE Imperial Order, Daughters of | Vennor and Richard Wilson Roy Sawyer, vice-regent, with Oshawa Times Photo |garet MacGregor, Hamilton; Mr,|was provided by Mrs, Jan Dry. "hich will include the presenta : . 39 In ha a {and Mrs, Ivan MacKenzie and gala who sang several selections ton to the winning students of with chocolate fudge icing sever vrivnes | HARVEST BOUNTIFUL iMr, and Mrs, William Rich, including a group called "Songs the two scholarships sponsored | . . . Joan Florek United 1n Marriage SOCIAL NOTICES October Is also a wonderful Whitby for Judit accompanied at the We Counell, p if BLUEBERRY PIE ¢ month for fresh western - grown! Miss Gail Williams and Miss [800 by the composer, Mrs The Ontario County South Re. i : 49 {vegetables and they combine 80| Marian Toluston, Divi oy street. | K. Drynan, glonal meeting will be held in made with fresh blueberries ..........04 . . Ww MARRIAGE beautifully with many of the are p ' Port Perry on Sunday, October | # are spending a week's holiday lr . pe Lil i ith Robert Clare Elliott Mr, and Mrs, H, Neilson of Osh- | foods that are having special New York city, fia ' Mr. Joseph Hallk was master 30 at two o'clock, Those wishing br. Gortrid Roman Catiolicigrean: tlle. Rovets awa Anounce the, martiage of recognition during the weeks to Visa Dale Wo 5 : of set monies at the Elliott. - - - FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR , Gertrude's Roma F lie | gree ¢ flore weir daughter, Elsie Marie, tojcome, Bright golden carrots Iss Dale Morey, Bruce street, Florek wedding reception tl (er i i Chureh, was the setting for al Miss Diane Ciosk, small niece Mr, William Arleigh Hillman, sons nowy heads of cauliflower, spent the holiday weekend with which the Reverend F v ' a ter of Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Aber Shop at the bakery with the large variety, wedding at noon last Saturday of the bride, was flower girl of Mrs, W, E, Hillman of Sydney, | crisp celery, broccoli, artichokes, |!" Wneie and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, | nd Felix Kwlat. nethy, Sudbury, formerly of Osh- when Joan Carolyn Florek was wearing a short frock of bloosom Nova Scotia, and the late Mr |jujoy tomatoes, cabbage brussel | Herbert Nichols, in Ebenezer oy ski was a guest of honor, Al8wa, was married on Saturday » CADDARE, Polish orchestra played for the last to Mr, Colin Murray of Sud Specials are Also Available At united in marriage with Robert white chantilly lace having a Hillman, The ceremony 100k snrouiy, lettuce and other salad y Clare Elliott. The bride 1s the shor! sleeved bodice and flounced place in Albert Street United goaens will be in: local markets Pouring tea tomorrow after: bride as she left her home for bury. Guests from Oshawa In ! f daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Stephen skirt, She wore a crown of Church on Saturday, October 8, . a noon at the Phoebe Scammell De ceremony in Bt, Gertrude's cluded Mr, and Mrs. Roy Well : Vlorek and the bridegroom is the white flowers and carried a nose. 1060, with the Reverend 8, C, H uth you o nye ¢ trast 1 (0 be held at camel Roman Catholic Church and|/™an, Mr, and Mrs William Wil BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and son of Mr, and Mrs, Clare El gay of white stephanotis and talis- Atkinson officiating emember that fresh vege of Mr, and Mrs, E, J, Umphrey, 5¢0In during the reception at the|son, Mr. and Mrs, George Wilson, | : Lott all of Oshawa Man roses ENGAGEMENT [tables are one of the major con vp Noh ploy Polish Hall, Olive avenue, Mr Jind Mi Kenneth Mason THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe Street North The Reverend Felix Kwintkow- Master John Closk was ring iEMEN tributors of vitamins an Ralph Vickery, Mrs, Oscar $ {and Miss Barbara Wilson and Mr ski of Bt. Hedwig's Roman Cathe: bearer for his aunt and carried, The engagement is announced as hich Bods fi Ty hi Th Wr Mills,| Miss Melody Abernethy, daugh- David Russell, both of Toronto, lie Parish performed the double-| the rings on a white satin cushion. \of Donna Marie Lyons, daughter This makes them doubly impor. " - ---- e-- ring ceremony and said the nup- Mr. Robert Keenan performed of Mrs, Harry Alvin Lyons of tant as a food group to be in tial mass. Serving were Masters the duties of best man and the Oshawa and the late Mr, Lyons, |cluded in fall menus with other Joseph Balinskl and Joseph Jim: ushers were Messrs Thomas is Mr. John Charles Devlin, son|foods to form the well-rounded ny, The wedding music was play- O'Connor, Ronald Elliott, brother ss Mrs, Charles Patrick Devlin|diet necessary for good health ed by Mrs, R. G, Booth and Mr. of the bridegroom, Thomas Wil- ov "newaws and the late Mr,| = sary for § health. Frank Rosettani of Whithy sang son and Dennis Hubble > " if : "Mother at Thy Feet We're] The wedding breakfast was Devils. The inarsloge 4 tae HOUSEHOLD HINT Kneeling" "Panis Angelicus' [held at the Polish Hall where Me goman Catholic Church on Sat Use a mixture of salt and vine: | a Ave Maria ; : . reception was held In the late urday, October 20, 1960, at 11|gar to shine bottoms of copper |]! Wven in marriage by her afternoon, To receive the 400 | . father the bride wore a full guests the bride's mother wore a a.m. pots and pans, length gown of carnation white gown of sang-beige chantilly lace, silk tafeta sweeping into a cathe: matching accessories and a cor diral train age of red and talisman roses The long-sleeved bodice featur: Assisting was the bridegroom's sno pe Sma cade of starlight white roses. and For the honeymoon trip the Stephanotis ; 2 . avelle aAuv Miss Christine Olech was mald bride travelled in a mauve . : 11 and the other attendants sheath topped with a short check ) * ™ of honor and the of od jacket a matching high hat of : J --- an it - 3 5 ii J Mis kh My by Ham Jawle, Miss mauve fur felt, with velvet and Rare ; "yelling accents, and a corsage of A V Mary Elliott the BL ! - ' 4 oe an A; te The wor white feathered carnations g X METOOM A JL LL A c. % ¥ . identical street-length gowns of! On their return the couple = yA | avocado green peau de sole, de. Will reside in Oshawa ' b signed on prince lines and com Out of town guests were win) Fo a portrait neckline inset with mother who chose mink tone] . 1 } ea tiny yoke. Motifs of chantilly|silk erepe with a matching lace| i lace embroidered in seed pearls bodice, Her flower « trimmed | | 5, accented the hodice and the small hat of French velour match il ; bi hooped skirt, A madonna head: ed her gown i a dress of seed pearls and crystal! gne wore a mink stole and pink | ( held her finger tip vell of tulle yoses and carnations comprised | y L 5 ; {lusion and she carried a cas-Tyon sopsage . | > 4 oi ' y - plemented. with short jackets, Chicago, Montreal Minnesota The low necklines were accented Detroit, Welland, Windsor, Ham TAILORED a . , 8 : x 4 : with overlapplr leaves They ilton, Toronto, Port Perry, Clin«| k: --- J wore veiled, matching bow-knot|ton, Cleveland, North Bay, Fd.! UNDERWEAR Ek 3 \ I pr headdresses and carried cas. monton, Regina, Calgary and cades of talisman roses with Winnipeg I -- FOR THE | i . : Public Health Nurse in Yukon | wHOLE | With More Sensational Buys! Travels Miles in All Weathers | FAMILY £1 | CAR 4 nr ov dy of oi el, ny df, ns 1 rl he reat SMOKE SALE all this week with MORE SENSA eat SMOKE SALE. al this w TIONAL VALUES! Below are only @ very few of the DAWSON CITY, Yukon (CP)e|bring them in for their immuni. | i H What would be unusual elsewhere zation FOR GIRLS a, y becomes almost commonplace] [pn addition to nursing, Miss SON'S for a public health nurse in the! pufton could often be seen trav WATSON'S TAILORED IND! Rf hl 4 Yukon olling around to round up clothes UNDERWEAR for Girls, y Kathleen Dutton, a native oli for Indian children, arranging Panties and briefs that combine J ; FE Radville, Sask who recently| for foster homes for youngsters wearing comfort with style onl I i i { r ese completed a tour of duty In this| so q0at6 of St. Paul's Hos and economy area, had to travel as much as 1 Ty 4 ' 800 miles to care for some 3,000 pita} Vancouver, A Dufton : eople in her charge her public health nurse FOR BABY ! : JE con Phe h "visit od Polly River training at the University of Brit i Y Ii the ict od n 8 the distric " th sh Columbia. For more than a WATSON'S TAILORED \ if 1) ouT THEY E h y.! year she nursed at Leah Hospital INFANTS' UNDERWEAR GO! ac ® M4 kh ye in Honolulu and in 1056 went to Choice of four styles. Exclusive out a doctor, the hotel owner > " the beer parlor and 8. cleared out th parior andi yv oman Wells, NW.T., as an in turned it over to her for a clinic ' diaper tabs, Canadian combed I During the spring hreakup dustrial nurse cotton-super-soft supers : v if when roads were impassable 0sorbem=dries quickly, " | er she had to travel by helicopter JELLIED CRANRERRY SALAD § ¥ I ee ® ° to Klondike City to visit native] A wonderful idea for a molded families stricken with influensa. [salad is this tangy Cranberry 3 } COLD WEATHER GEAR Vegetable Ring that you'll find 4 1 : 3 | THREE-PIECE Most of the time Miss Dufton casy to make ' Nn : 1 Ii an on REGULAR 30.00 \ @ ® \J travelled alone, advising the 1 envelope unflavored gelatin RCMP when she expected to ar 4 cup cold water rive at her destination If she W cup hot water 3 I was late, someone was ready 10.) pound can cranberry sauce \ : I ouT set out to meet her W teaspoon salt Cy \ \ Regular 19 8 ' 1 | . THEY GO ® J Northern Health Serviese sup \ plied her with a car equipped tablespoon lemon juice with a sleeping bag, axe, tow|l cup finely shredded cabbage : t-- i chains, matches and emergency' 14 cup chopped celery 2 3 \ | rations % cup shredded carrot | ~ : 5 ® & a" 2 aver dvive The coldest I have ever driven \s cup chopped pecans fn was 32 below she said wouldn't start out in such al METHOD: Place gelatin in cup 3 3 v FOR DAD rature. It so happens the with cold water and let stand two $ % Ii : po set in Fig hd ~ minutes, Then dissolve in hot a | WATSON'S "sss* Hii AS LOW ! \ > h np | e oe : CRISS-CROSS FRONT, 1 water, Crush cranberry sauce % i 3 3 * i y J AS ® so 1 kept moving Patented sel k sel N elf-tlosing front, Communities she covered with fork, Add gelatin and blend RT i hd 3 cluded the mining towns Ri) thoroughly, Add remaining in 3 X 3 leg opening and ! camps at Elsa Keno, Mayo Gran. &redients, Pour into one-quart 4 ! matching Jersey, | § ville and riverside settlements Ing mold and chill until firm : i ® Yy (e] Regular 1 29 MOW ¢ 3 > N i . such as Stewart Crossing and Serve on crisp lettuce Makes 68! 3 § y Polly River servings, POLIO CLINIC MONEY FRUIT DRESSING Twice a month she held a well 3 TRARY paby clinic in Dawson City, at A fruit salad is good any time! © 3% 3 tending as many as 0 youngsters So serve your favorite fruits on # ia an afternoon. The last special] crisp iceberg lettuce and top with a i i campaign for adult polio inocula. this honey dressing NN \ 3 : { tion brought out 136 Dawson res. Mash 1 large ripe banana 'n WX 4 a WN \ I fdents and just about completed!cyp honey; add '4 cup orange Ra A i : the program here juice and salt, Blend in % cup A \ \ i "Everyone is so health-conscl sieved cottage cheese. If thinner rea," s dressing sired, ade iting i il qu he ree" en reg GR od a | 5 SIMCOE ST. s. OSHAWA RA 5-1321 | it . - white to protect fheir children nish with paprika. Serve over and will make every effort toifruit salad. \