The Oshawa Times, 12 Oct 1960, p. 3

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'Church Room Is Decorated i FIRE PREVENTION WEEK IS OBSERVED W. B, White Insurance fire pre. promoted the Grades 3 Shown ahove Rosemary Plow Cannon, 10, and 9. Looking on Is Grade 3 and 4 teacher, Mrs 6G. Clarke Cannon, #8 right, -8;: Bil Andres Conway Agency 4 and jun tudent magazine containing Among the first to he visited duripg & eity-wide Fire Pre. vention Week program were the | § students to the rank of children of St. Joseph's Bepa ior marshals Fach rate School. Capt, Leo smiti was given a firelighter's ha of the Oshawa Fire Depar replica of the ment, and Rop Wilson, of the ' men and Response Poor WEATHER FORECAST For Drives "Cooler Weather, awe Chance Of Rain students have taken driver education offered mem eld] yell ention quizes Ving thelr from Capt Bryant, 7 8; Bhirley left lo righ rece hats Wayne Latour marshal's Brith Chantal fire are il used b junior # Times Photo OBITUARIES CHARLES ANDREW PAPP Charles Andrew Papp died sud {den tamil 747 @ marh shaw the at aa) n residence Beaupre Pug Det, 11 Born in G 1906 M avenue 8 ula, Hungar Lb} the Sep! son of the late James Papp to Canada 10 three secondary bers of the Osha cation were old al a in the board room of Collegiate and Vocations tute, Tuesda) i It a George Hobert OCVI, said, "after the ery last spring that il diffieult rape @ gether this fall." Several announcement the driving had made at Central Collegl tute, the principal, H. ¥ sald, hut the response very poor After what through last spring, this really knocks the wind out of me chairman of the management commitiee, ¥', R Britten, sald Trustee Wather P. Coffey it appeared that a total of 47 stu dents in the three schools had enrolled for the cla The chairman of committee on driver Trustee A. Yanch, was asked by the hoard members to meet with his committee and bring an up to date report on driver education to the next meeting of the manage ment commitiee It was also moved (hal a letter should be sent to the Oshawa| safety League which had written in the Board expressing its will: ingness to continue Its support of} the eourse ne was and My meeting 0 Mr, Papp cami gars age and has lived in Osh howers Aa five of the 10 years he heen this country. While In Osha he was employed as a I'V technician with the Meagher Appliance Store. He w a mem Oshawa Hungarian TORONTO (CP wed Vv Lhe ED Oficial weal her thi Sunn fore: HU ho Cloudy and the I er neg [nsti- casts 1s ever with a few has ple thunders the nds hur fice ner scallered in Thursday weralure 16 20 NAZI noawer a d r Tue temperature 40 the change n 1 light shifting of cool dry Aretic night brought Ontario below principal of How public out day toda outherly g ACross near i to northwest hould be her of the Preshyterign Chureh He is survived h former. Magda Prenoszl daughter, Magda, and one hoth Hungary fing al the Funeral Home for Fhursday Interment Ceme Toronto south and frees north as a 1 continued to push Kirkland ian Bay \ nn Regional midnight haa Lake wen gions vith a few Clouding over or thunder ny morning evening Thursday in temperature day, southerly 158 Thursday shift ing to northwest 20 by ening Niagara, Lake Ontario fan Bay, Hallburton region onto, Hamilton, North Bay bury: Bunny with a few periods today. Inereasin this evening Thursda with rain, Little change perature. Winds light southern 15 Thursday Western Timmins ing Sunny increasing cloud with LABOR COUNCIL BRIEFS Clifford Pilkey, president of the H Oshawa and Distriet Labor Coun. | (AEReS) Hateman al Oshawa, and { 0 Tuesday | Ms, J, F, (Rebecca) Ballard of UAW Suid the counel} Tuesday | Columbus: and one son, John Kil ployed union was discussed at al #our, of Whithy, He i Sur special meeting of Local 232, last vived hy three grandehildren and veek. He said. "We may call onl four great grandehildren the labor council for support The body rested at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, Oshawa service was held today at 2 pm with Rev. W. G, Dickson of Cen tre Street United Church presid ng. Interment in Mount Lawn Cemetery in Oshawa GORDON DIXON to class to Kapuskas gions Clouding Fhursday Fimmin Lake today high pre rea aero one Geo aboul ' re heen ale Insti Murphy had classes foreca Phursda Erie, Lake Windsor, London cloudy period tonight nower Clearing Little change Winds light to A unti ol Little Winds hecomin outherly 15 da Theodore in The Armstrong remains are re Huron han Sunny light re no lemperature $e Chapel 2.80 p.m vill he in Oshawa Union tery, Rev, Bathory, of vill conduct the BARKLAY KILGOUR Barklay Kilgour died in his #7th vear at Cedar Nursing Home Columbus on Monday, Oct Mi Scotland, and had been in falling health for some time He was the son of the late Isa hella and Barklay Kilgour and was married te Williamina Brown 1 years ago in Glasgow, Scot land Mr. Kilgour had resided in Osh awa for the past 39 years and re tired from GM in 1037 He was a member of the Centre Stree! United Church and a life |AF and of Progress Lodge #7 the 13 at log el n we weil Wl how he Forecast Low tonight Windsor 8, Thomas London Kitchener Wingham Hamilion 81, Catharines Toronto Peterborough Prenton Killalos uMskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Kapuskasing White River Temperatures hs Twi 4h 0 40 40 ers nning A day Ihe lL a towards services sald ' 10 | Georg | Tor | Bud cloudy cloud cloudy tem today oF the education special in Kapuskas regions this morning AF and AM in Glasgow His surviving relatives are vife, the former Willlamina {Brown two daughters, Mrs his About 400 unemployed converg sub. (&d on the office of al tional Hod Carriers and Construe ore Albert street Tuesday, Fred ne PRODUCTION VANCOUVER (CP) A stantial reduction in provin government rovalties on iron exports is expected to tl iple Brit ish Columbia's production within 18 months, spokesmen for the in dustry indicated da The industry plans thot $30,000,000 in creating an estimated COMING EVENTS BINGO Bathe Thursday 2 pom, Whist TRIPLE the Interna tion Labore on iso looking for jobs Reckstead, business agent for fold the Lahoy Dis lay Oshawa and Council Tue union triet development, night 1.000 jobs Fue to invest I'he Oshawa and District Labor Counell . approved a recommen dation to support compulsory au tomobile insurance under a pro vinclal scheme, Tuesday night, It| algo approved a recommendation 0 oppose any form of sales tax Gordon Dixon, 178 Ritson road The recommendations were sub: south, died in Toronta General mitted by the political action com Hospital Monday, Oct, 10, fallow mittee ing a lengthy liness ED BRIEF Se pr new Was Park, Eulalie Avenue Euchre Saturda onday, 8 p.m Angli Thurs George street on pw RUMMAGE Sale, © cal Church, Centre day, October 13, 1 SOUTH Simcoe Home and School As aclation Fun alr Saturday, Oc tober 15 § pom. Sewing, home bak Rummage ele RADIO Wednesday clubhouse RINGO, Union Hall nesday, October 86 and SA Six 8 Wodlih m P M WHITBY BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW Wednesday, Oct. 12th pecial Game 354 N leaves Oshawa Terr return, $1.00 ad Nos. 59 and NOVEL BINGO THUR EVENING, § | at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts) Games $6 2, $2 May be doubled or tripled $140 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door prize $15 DON'T MISS The general meeting of Darlington Ratepayers Association Sat, Oct. 15 8 pm at the Township Hall Hampton Let's aggregate opinions regarding Township affairs JUST A REMINDER ! was in his 65th year. He was a son of Lillian and the late Robert Dixon For meeting at the Association 150 Park October 1 a number of years, he Ron Bite Wed Education decided at a meet Tuesday night to allow teach of the Kingston Board of Edu cation to visit the Oshawa Secon Mr. Dixon attended King Street dary Schools, November 18, as United Chupeh and was a former requested hy the Kingston Board. | member of the 100F, He was pre deceased hy his first wife in 1048 He Wit Hived hy his wife, the former iffie Melntyre, two day, November 4, O'Neill Colleg daughters, Mrs, G YSindells late and Vocational Institute's {(Mavian), Oshawa; Mrs. R. Kerr commencement exercises will be! (Lillian). Toronto and two sons held December 2 Ormond, Hamilton and Ted, of The question of equipping the Yornte SE Board's home ecanomics rooms , MAO aurviving 8 his mother with gas stoves will be put on the HM : an Trick, Lindsay agenda for a future meeting the ™ 1 Sraudeniidren Board decided. In introducing the Ry Ma I, JRon 1s resting subject, Trustee F, R. Britten said A the Melntosh-Anderson Funeral fie was nol out to sell gas but he y ought it wise considering its Nuria. an HQ M 2p in Ron availability that should 8 ¢ iY, Minister a ng I0ATA 10 se Edn S0VES AA ARBIE tae aqiutoey puro tl SOUIUE ances. The supervisor of building 3 A and maintenance, R Lan Cemetery, Mariposa Township, ney, was asked to provide the) Board with information on instal} ation and cost of gas appliances, | of but on ae retired Peacock Lumber count of ilness, 1056 Co he jackpots. Shave the ng Bu 35 9) SUNBEAM CHAPTER OEF lackpat NIGHT OF CARDS Mason Oshawa 1960 at 8 ¢ funch and good prizes DAY A Commencement at Central Col Temple, Centre St legiate Institute will be held Fri Ne Tickets ST. MARY'S BINGO WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12th 8 PM AY ST. MARY'S OF THE PEOPLE AUDITORIUM N students bic STEVENSON RI ga WATER T ENGIN. 5. ATER TREATMENY Lethbridge, Alta, has treated its water supply with chlorine for Hoard members will be sup. hearly 80 years plied with monthly architects' Bus tum FOr audit King street Dus ot will be waiting at after bingo is ove son Kilgour was born in Glasgow, | ell for Home for service in the Chapell BLACKSTOCK The Christian Education room of the United Church was stiraciive Tuseday 85 I wes decorpted with baskels of Bells of Ireland, Mauve and glow "mums and corcises ach tes table had 2 small con teiner of similar flowers and candles, This was for the Talent Tea, sponsored by the WA Many useful and decorative articles were for ssle as well as farm produce, white elephant, candy, and & fish pond, Besides the many articles sold, orders were Laken for similar goods io be made by Dee. 6, when another ee is to he held were present from Whithy and Oshawa, ss well 8s local points A delightful lunch was served from 2 io 4 pom. and 7.80850 lpm. Mrs, C. Hill and Mrs. |, yers poured (eg in the after ingon snd Mrs, John McKeen {the evening |™ ne. ener COMMITTEE The energetic committee is to Ibe congratulated on the success 1 of this initial project Mrs, M, Wiseman Prseident, was guest speaker al the Women's Institute meeting held in the Communit Wednesday afternoon with Frank Btaniland and Mrs Wright hostess After the oper minutes and correspondence was read and discussed, Blackstock WI members are invited to atiend & short course in millinery sored by Nestleton Wi Oct land Following the ireasurer ] port, It was decided donation to the Jamaeian and to send a subseription The Family Herald io the WI in England. Treasurer CAPSULE NEWS District exereise spon 21, 28 to make a fund of ter report Schools May Loan Books | | Or Tue ena TORONTO (CP ere Ligne Behon requested ol dents homa clals here day in Inve Ing high next Beplemher dle of man, made the hoard's managemeni told Grade 9 lexis $18 a year and 814 in Grade honk A Wm chan schon hoard request after the commitiee vil cost stu dent 10 PLAN ONTARIO COLLEGE STE MARGUERITE, Qué (cp The Canadian Osieopaihi Ald Society 18 planning a $2,000 000 college of osteopathy to built in Ontario, i reported Tuesday. 1 COAB hoard of rectors, holding a one-day meel ing here in conjunction with conference of the Canadian Osie opathic Association, also a resolution calling for free poste opathie health care for ugder privileged and handicapped per Ons he qr Hi a passed TOWN OFFICIAL COLLINGWOOD (CP Mus vay Talbert Williams, 63, deputy Reeve of Collingwood and CNR station agent here for eight years | died Tuesday. Mr, Williams, born at Sunderland, worked for the {CNR for more than 40 years | served on Collingwood eouncil {for five years and had heen Imember of Bimeoe County coun If months DIES SUNDAY SPORT VOTE HAMILTON (CP) City coun eil voted 15 to Tuesday night {to hold a plebiscite Sunday [sports in conjunction De ecemhber's elvie election | $1,000 MERMAID FORONTD (CP) Shapley model Lana Phillips won $l on with The! 000 job as & mermaid in a travel | the top of §ddd-feot Mount Marey day and sald he will not vesign agency window fashionable Bloor Street Tuesday, A hevy of | beauties sought the job hut there was only one mermaid sult and {Lana's eurves the only that fitted CANCELS VINIT LONDON (Reuters Premier Khrushehey poned a state visit Korea this month Inews agency Tas Tuesday night CELERRATE REFORMS EDINBURGH (Reuters) on were lanes Soviet post to North the Saviet announced ha he Members of the Oshawa Board was employed as a shipper at the| 400th anniversary of the reforms! that turned Scotland Protestant ini was celebrated in the presence! diplomatic protest is being made of the Queen Tuesday. She ad dressed the meeting of the gen eral assembly of the Church of |Seatland, now commemarating the Reformation of 1660 when Scotland rejected the Church of Rome MISSION ARRIVES THE HAGUE (CPA 15.mem her Canadian trade mission ar rived here Tuesday for a two TO PRINT PAPERS To produce the newsprint to print U.S, newspapers for a year takes newsprint requir ing approximately 140 million trees if you're up a tree for hall day cash, sell items you aren t using with inexpensive Oshawa Times Classified ads Dial RA $302 ta place your | Guests! Alber! a Women's Association of Northminster United reports an building progress Trus. ee Futher P. Colfey said. Build ng supervisors had been send. ny weekly reports to the Board's office, he told Trustee G. Drynan he question of the ar reports at a previous 16 GAMES OF $8 1 GAME EACH OF $10 $20, $30, $40 SHARE THE WEALTH $50 EXTRA 2 CARDS FOR 25¢ OR 10 CARDS FOR $1 ADMISSION 28¢ PER CARD EHILDREN UNDER 14 NOT ADMITTED Church have their plans and Auto for their held 2at2 who ralsed chi meet well underway to Wednesday, Nov p.m. There will be baking, aprons country fair be ng N Let us restore the original bea A letter fram the City Clerk sug gesting central purchasing de partment far City Council and boards and commissions will studied hv the Board. Addi i nlarmation was asked for hy Board who will hold their decision on the suggestion watil the November meeting you'll be surprised how little it home gifts, at he tic treasures. little theatre th We room for the | and supper children, tea Carpets ~ Rugs ~ Chesterfield EXPERTLY CLEAN Why don't you phone today and ask about RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS 442 MILLER AVE, OSHAWA Upholstery ED ervice ty of your rugs ang ¥ ou » Costs RA S.J408 'Will Promote U. Courses The Oshawa Board of Educk tion bes decided to actively pro- Wale upiversity prlension eoulses od a donation hed been sent to #5 PATE of its Bight schol pro-| he Adelpide Hoodless homestead Bram at the O'Neill Collegiate, fund, Since ne one wished to go #04 Vocatimal Institute by bus to the Ares Convention tn A & meeting of the commitiess Toronto in November, President of the Board Pueidany night, Wis. E. Larmer and Mrs, Percy Tru M. Sparkes, asked if the Von Camp were appointed dele Bosrd was doing all i could to gales, the Wi to pay hall the enable people o take university LEPENSEs Plans were Competed EXLERSIN COUrses for 15 ladies to attend West Dur Gewrge Boberts, principsl of ham District Institute 60th aani- OCVI, sald the University of To versary Oct. 6 in Hampion | Fonte would be very happy to pror| " n (vide extension courses. Three VEADERSHIP SEEN group Ee being supplied this year and! leader, presided for the program. | 07 Supplied the room, Fo go Roll call, A popular song when Wher, the Board would have to was 0 my 'teens, was well Mvertise the courses, The Upl-| answered, The motto, Friendship! Ero provided. the conrses i i is the only cement that will hold Pad an enrolment of 15 students a community together, was re he. added plied to with 8 short paper pre The Bogrd moved thet Mr pared by Mrs. 1. Dorvell snd Roberts he empowered lo out read hy Mrs. 8, Van Camp, 8B Poster aavertising university 5, Wiseman wrged the eon. extension courses with the ex veners Lo have their reports in at planation thet if 16 or more stu: early as possible and dents should apply to the OCYI asked the public relations officer and decided on the same course lo report fully all meetings, Her that i would be provided by the ubject, Current Events, was extension department of the Uni VErY INLETEsLing And conveyed sity of Toronto, the procedure of mest Seven Miners Trapped, Saved ultimate goa! there as well THURNBCOF, Mrs, Wiseman read poem, A Kitchen, and Beven miners were brought the surface Tuesday night on Peace, from the High paper alter heing trapped 2,000 feet un- a eavedn for 18 | fs @ dale much ing the 5 AL home # suitable Ve the 41650 A poem Bowmanville A i enol vent today will he tomorrow H, McLaughlin VE, accompanied hy lon irs, J. Rahm with a Smile, Mrs wucted an Van Camp Hoepilal current istiny England (Reut ba) Roy Taylor | derground hy oral contest, Mrs. hours reported on Port! (ne Auxiliary meet-| shock ot Lhe neen colliery aeial Yorkshire Ihe other out of the read miner, sulfering from needed help in geting out mine al the Hickleton one of the higgest In employing 2,300 men six were able to walk | pit | Ferry ing with The and a ed uneh Meeting elo 1#] alter Hime nich was enjoyed WINS PRIZE MONTREAL (CP) Claude year - old Montreal {, Tuesday night was an ed the 1960 winner of $1,000 prize of the Cercle du Livre de France. The Montreal publishing company awarded him money for his second novel i Corde au Cou (A Noose Around the Neck), Britons S |da nin, 2 {nove | | he | | ol tour of the nmon Markel eloser 1 part i rie ties nropean Cor coun to forge economic BENATORS IN BERLIN (Heuters roup | enatoy led Bb Drouin arrived night from Ham hree<ay visit during plan to hold political Mayor Willy Brandi BERLIN Canadian Viark nf ipeaker Tuesday wrg for vhieh they talks with alr By STEWART MacLEOD Canadian Press Stall Weiter LONDON (CP One of the the British government | SUPPORTS NIXON 16 placing Increased emphasis on VOR K(AP)--Life maga. the conventional aspects of Mt announced Tuesday its sup. armed forces, says a highly of Vice-President Nixon for| Placed source, is to help dampen presidency on the hasis of his|anti-H-homh sentiment Program For the last three years the defence ministry has been heavily publicizing the non-nuclear eapa bilities of its services, leaving no doubt in the public's mind that conventional battles are by no means confined to history At the same time, with mueh less fanfare, Britain's nuclear arsenal 1s continually growing stranger. he conventional bulld:up was not principally designed to fool the publie, says the informant, It was clearly needed and fully Jus Argentine reason | NEW § Zine port the aon SALARIES 'DISGRACEFUL LONDON, Ont, (CF)--Willlam toedde, director of library n depariment of Tuesday night of librarians in| and villages are raceful" My Middlesex County some small town being paid five A services education that small { "usually Roedde told gounell that Ihrarians are cents an hour VOTE FOR COLLEGE PORONTO (CP Canada's largest Salvation Army training college may he housed In sub urhan North York. With Ontario municipal hoard permission still required the township eounell {voled Tuesday night hy a major iy of Approve construe tion of the 00,000 college President aire en, Won't Quit founds were called In today fof ald the search for Vietor Flan BRUENOS AIRES (Reuters) dees, 8M, of Toronto who disap: Argentine President Arture Fron peared from a hiking group near qi a radio broadcast to the ald salaries town di $1 ong N I male Mountains IPATION City counell Frondizi made his broadeast voted 18 to & to|after army and navy officers mo employees to partied, hilized their forces and de ipal election eam. manded he erack down on Com pite warnings that munists and Peronistas in his would produce brib. | government Alderman Adirondack PARTIC op in the the 0 topple ir face of a threat military ALLOW in fram power TORONTO Iuesday allow 1 pate In palgns uel a move ery and earruption May Birehard sald extending the right to civic employees to e press themselves publicly an candidates was only giving the employees normal demo eratie rights NO FORMAL OTTAWA (CP) night it mun dos Frondizgl was under a virtual ultimatum from the twa armed forees to oust all officials with Communist sympathies or back ers of exiled dictator Juan Peron | All 'troops were confined to {barracks and sallors were sum {moned back to their ships to trengthen the military demands \tmy secretary Gen, Rodolfo Montrealer Larcher handed in his resigna external affairs ton Frondizl Tuesday night Puesday, Mr. Kayer All enfor army officers naturalized Canadian, was ar. Oharged that he had failed to ested during a visit to Poland 0 their case properly be this summer on a charge of mur- fore the president dering nine members of & left Admiral Alberto Vago, chief of lwing Polish underground move | naval aperations, said the navy ment during the Second World was "fully suppoviing" the War ariny's demands PROTEST No formal the Palish armest of Tadeusz Kayes alielals said to he jovernment over (1) a ent Oppose A-War {has been THE OSHAWA COMMUNITY CHEST LEADERS | Cline, 8 member of the exeey- tive hoard of the Oshaws and b Labor Counell and chairman of the canvass of the industrial employees, other than General Motors, Is shown hots tom right. Harold Plerson, vice: president and gomptroller of Gereral Motors of Canada Lid, will acl as the ehalrman of the canvass of GM employees Oshawa Times Photo Saved Horses Wins Award BRANTFORD (CF) w= Kent Motheral of Brantford was pre sented Tuesday night with a cers fifleate from the Ontario Bociety clear forces {for the Prevention of Cruelty to OPPOSITION STRONG |Animals for vescuing o horse Anti « H-bomb sentiment has "vom. a blazing barn on a nearby heen running high in Britain for farm March 16 the last few years, displaying it: {8elf in frequent, well = attended demonstrations and marches. And sinee the government has no in: tention of renouncing the hombh, says the Informant, the wmosl practical alternative is to elimin ate all unnecessary publicity sure [rounding it, It isn't President of the Greater Osh awa Community Chest eam paign for 1961 is James Skin | ner, president and general man ager of Houdailie Industries who Is shown top left, Also haown are three viee-pre dents. Edward Blorie, viee-pres dent and general manager Fittings 14d., top right, also heads the canvas of the Indu trial firms In Oshawa. Edward | trongly f of tified, But the publicity surround INE IL serves as a useful smoke screen for the mare strategie nu always possible, of course, to do this, When the | British Blue Streak missile was cancelled In favor of the Amer {lean Bkybolt, the nuclear verbal hattle broke out in Parliament, | apilled out through all the news papers and was ealen up, often distastefully, hy the public Bush occasions, like the earlier adoption of the American Thor | missile, usually set off marches (and mass meetings to protest against the use of the atomie. powered weapons CAMPAIGN EFFECTIVE Between these unavoidable outs breaks, the defence ministry goncentrates its publicity an the growing effectiveness of its non nuclear fighting men. The new transport planes to be ordered hy the - RAF have heen given lar greater attention than the nu clear-armed strike planes he bought by the Royal Navy. And while eonsruetion goes quietly ahead on missile-carrying ships, [@ MORTGAGE INSURANCE the conversion of an alreralt ear-|e ERUCATIONAL INSURANEE vier into a commando troopship « PENSION AND GROUP PLANS well and truly pub lielzed, Military living quarters, | T™e small arms, uniforms and the grouping of regiments hecome well-known subjects when any| changes occur The informant says the pub. liglty campaign has proved ef | fective in keeping the spotlight off the nuclear arsenal | ! Bob McDonald BUS, RA 5.6564 RES, RA 5.7973 69 KING ST, EAST o FAMILY SEQURITY 0 OF CANADA ESTABLISHED 1849 time for a new SCOTIASUDSENSWISHER?* «NEED MUCH WOOD MCCULLOUGH LUMBER 1270 SIMCOE ST. N Can Supply All Of Your "BUILDING MATERIALS UP TO § YEARS TO PAY IF YOU WISH » » Special Cash Prices On Request RA 8.4688 FREE PARKING -- FRIENDLY SERVICE BDADAAADADDALAA SPEEDY DELIVERY 'washing machine, financed at low cost through SCOTIA PLAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Manager: Oshawa Branch, Kingsley M. Hume

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