The Oshawa Times, 12 Oct 1960, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 12, 1948 Coll The Direct Clossified Mumber RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS BAM. to 5PM, MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 70 12 1---Accountonts YALE, FRIEDLANDEE, RUNTER snd pdr rs. |icrnsed £0, Aecoupi apis pnd Truster in Bawkragiey East, Oshawa; B. 1, Friedinnder, ® Comm £7 find Pahl Streit East, $3608 BOE CLANCY'S Sarviess offer services for small Stress West, Room | Residence, KA 3 I. BUMZINGH pecouniant snd suding, East or BA BA74 MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIVHL Cnarered Accountapis, BA 54 Slrast North ; Ann 4 King Swe Yuie, CA; ¥ CFA BOPKING and Company, (enti ALCOAPLAPE Oshawa, business, 184 Office RA 5999 LE 27 135 Sime 14804 WH. E DEWAR snd (9 and Auditors, Ceder Glen Bldg. tari Street, Oshawa. Ontario #222 RONALD F. DB. WILSON, countant, Oshaws, Opiare, 72 172 King Ontario. BA Ontane Acemming ompieie bovkkerying Fama pecradited public Bl King Stiest and we AseOUnLantE 1 On RA "Oharieren RA 13---Gardening & Supplies 1b--Insurance manure, cpitie ALISTATE Autos Invrsnce. Save wade. Phone BA 16 29 per went. mx months 16 pay PRISOnEL SREVIES #5 Your heme, RA 57413 17 ~--Money To Loan FIRWY IRIREMENS 22-~Radio Repairs 32 Articles Wanted GEORGE'S TY services ri Rtors SH ale moved, wired. Free estimates Pri ANd SUETOUROING dis trieis Phone RA Las or BA 17% 37 Male Help Wanted AMERICAN MOTORS (CANADA) LTD. for 41--Room & Board PORT PERRY, inroom hose, «on |venmianicns, centrally located, 3456 month ay. Phone YUkon 5759 rv and up STORM windows fog Phone BA extlar iw ad dd Fer uli CLASSIFIED AD RATES ' 26 worms or less Con Chorge 4 serials, (BEN manure, her wanwie. Two dd ores yard owe Pe LL ANTIQUES | silver, ei Aly $440 197 Cows ia Wing 14% for cam hina Dist RA ahi ead to ty heAgas Desivere mnies, WA gusranieed ANE CENAR o live pr trees fo Avy wie Free est Vib VOURKOON self-contained apart a 6 apartment huliding. Sew refrigerator, Close ta downiows, lathe Sovember RA 54560 unfurnished flat Charles on or OF, 577 {HCY ISERT IO! 6 COMACUTIV PERTIONS W not paid within 7k 1a0I8 FEPRINS Filwetrimies 192 (Fred er ah BA 225 248 fl # and " ght Bors amps, wipph hon Hovat Coin and Stamp Wes dad vil then ning wd second parehased OIE E FOR weed Wl nd sid ne nr SPIAYING #4 ran 378 4.12 mE of your AAA AVE EIRENE ANT 7 doys the wr complete Garden' Sery Cali BA Wek apa Henmick, Barristers, » / { } Charge rate will Goody BE6. Oshawa Home Landscaping Slreet Kaw, BA 27201 DAY OR NIGHT ! Above rates apply oF orignal § oe ind of sosaen ren by expert, WE WAVE clients' monies #vailabie T.V. ond RADIO | orders 167 CONBRCIIVE 11ers, rensonshie rate wu for loans on first And SCONE Morigages CA LL RA 8. 5286 | W a Subsequent lsertions raed 61 0 and wise purchase of mortgages and G167 AOI8 SOPINIIES & New &1IGNe agreements of sale, Lovis 85 Wyman i G eed « 0: SHAW A CTRONICS orie ww 71 King Street Kast, Oshaws, KA TELEVISION SERVICE CO. SCRAP $7.50 per mor fach eddtiong I RADIO-~HI-Fi RON METAL LTD GER EXPERT SERVICE IRONS ie METALS rent room reason YO Street. Phone 1) invites the following positions PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT wiedge of apphicotions SIPEervisory MEM SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO Waonts cor for oF wWoTeem apariment, five minites to four corners. Apply 172 Ce Street phone BA E1308 atier 6 hedrnom y 19.60G ina ™nH for wrecking, Ports D IGE 116 sought doy. Pr 89 BLOOR § furnished apartment pErsine, Al new Turn treadioom throughout, centrally Call Douglas LL. Gower Real for aprointment. BA BA65) WHITEY Bedroom apartment sive and tig Balcony, laundry facil Proven # arning, TV antennas. Apply Apt 10, WI Crayon Road, MO #4221 FOUR-ROOM self-contained apartment fully equipped, immediate possession BA 56345 between 9 a.m and 5 Gren ole, ols and o fon The home of Quality Dutch " [« BULBS Belle Gardens Zz a Bu ef f for 3 fine § & or ase Open ge daily oer meta tr ree tech ow CLIENTS money 10 loan on | . ' eiambly gage. Mortgage and agreement ed SHA mortgage Ranged Creignton, Fraser, Drynan nd Mur MONEY TO LOAN 5 ol oll I CEDARDALE Aluraay 4 RA 5-23 op sdy troming; metal his Joan [7 WGInting, mecher ote figure, 18¢ edo AGE nine any $ ond s wan word, Box cheige All Claes fed MUST be LRT fore phen 8-5, Setwooy B12 REGUAAT IOS The Othewa Times he r 5757 . as tor MA 3 Bowmaony Or embly, ome t end em-« he oay be wins; Baily by er Eve edministretior HERA FOREMAN p v i ? MODERN threeroom apartment, com HUGH EXDENENcE body pietely furnished, heavy duly stove, re ieerator, nk and euphoards, laundry Office 10¢ and up J Hardy Privet hell not b : she of be trim © fine! owembly 2 ee HUMPHEEYS Barnisters, Solicitors phreys, QC; 6G, 5, Boyenyn Willman, IAB; 3% King Phones: Office RA 51477 5.4604 or Whithy MO 8276); a loan sters Hum BA; W, A street Fast Fes RA 55200 Money KALFH JONES, BA Greer, Assoginte Bi 130 King Streei East 10ans wyailable DONALD BLAKE DODDS "nd 2s King Street Lelephone: Business RA 3-20) dence, RA $5374 MANNING F Bo itor Notary Bruce V H Thomas nd KA B-6246 and Hors Morgage Fas Resi Skier SWARTZ Barnster Money 10 10an, Asso Mackey, BA 2% King Street | Residence, dig] KA 08% FH FP, MANGAN Money to loan in tree East, Oshawa Residence, RA 5440 GREEK, Murphy and MacDonsld, Bar Solicilors and Notaries Public sireet Kast, RA 54717 Murphy and James A, MacDonald I. SALMERS, BA tor, ele 3 mene Off RA § Hesidens Bow MAN Br AA 14697 34029 Office 14 BA #4232 solic North 3534, 7 barrister treet HA rister 39592 741 DAVIDL,, outh o Soliel Imes Res dens e, RA 8.0264 JOHN A. CAMERON and Notary RA 32280 barrister, solic {ing 'nd 10 mortgages arranged MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first morigages, 20 Simcoe Street North HA 53366. Charles C. MeGibbon, QC; Fdgar I. Bastedo, QC CREIGHTON, FRASER ' MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg coe Street North, RA 3.3466; T, K Creighton QC N.C, Fraser, QC; GK Dyynan G | Murdoch, NHA ment gnges arranged THOMAS M, RUNDLE, barrister, soli aitor and Notary Public, 26% King wtreet Kast, Phone KA 81763 GREER Kell tors, eli Dial RA 1] I. Gree Mee Kelly Barristers, Soli street Soutn phone x 5 3968 RA & 2, and 7% Bimeoe 278. Residen BA, 5c. RA y PA, BCL, gm Nursing Services SOUMH HAVEN Nursing Home castle, Ontario. Private and vale secommodation now available for up or bed patients. Reasonable rates New building, TV lounge, organ, le Please phone Newcastle 4441, Visitors welcome at anytime 6---Optometrists F. RICHARD BLACK, In of Optom etry, the exmination of eyes, contact lenses, 136 Bimeoe North (at Colborne) evenings by appointment, KA 3.4181 CH TUCK RO, optometrist please pay accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk (treet, lvalids ex amined at home, Dial RA 54587. 7--Surveyors 6.7, HORTON and tavio Land Surveyors, Professional ineerin 106 Dundas Street W. Whithy, MO 8.5081, Ajax 728 DONALD RH, TROLLOPE, Ontarin Land Surveyor, 216 Adelaide East. RA 5.6881 DONE YAN AND vin Land Surve printing. 12 Bloor UH] New Associates, On FLEISCHMAN 0 mercial hive Street East, RA com---- "8--Building Trades WwW. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE PECIALIZING IN 30 TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563-~MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W PO BOX 329 DODD & SOUTER PAINT WALLPAPER ITING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For free timates call DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5.7426 107 Byron 5t. 5, Whithy PAI e NORTHEX GRADING AND EXCAVATING All types CALL FOR ESTIMATES TORONTO PL 7.5211 "GARAGES OFF COLONIAL HOMES 134 SIMCOE ST. § RA 8.4614 of earth-moving BUILDERS tiled bathroom supe and fixed, complete four fittings, Large range 20¢ sa. tradesman, Phone Ceramic plied with color First class anytime RA 8.1177 PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO DURA STEPS CURBING WELL TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Oliver 5.3311 Boyehyn and Hillman, HA Barrister Henry HA DEFrister Russell street private DRYNAN and w | TED VEENHOF Avenue | Bec and up CALI PAPERS RAGS : OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY FOREMEN DAY OR NIGHT A 5.3437 1% RA § . ble for aires "hinese Elm ments sbmitied otherwise writing, nor for more thar incorrect Insertion of ov adver tisement, ner beyond 1 f charged for a single television antenna ise of and warm. Abia Street Kast, RA 5-158 "ry ow 197 Elgin ry COpacity TWO turn wise three-room CT AND ARDS furnished tove, frig STANDARDS boards, Very ven Adults. RA $i MONTHLY, One bhedroon 0 ' ' BOWMAN At Teast: 4 and (rig, hambeo drapes, washer and M M srt ' snd 3 y M " , I! CAE OR SCRAP 1 1 dryer Howard MeCahe st KA p v sve 0 BROTHERS ger } 5 ASH FOR SCRAF HETIENGE 0 54 4164, John A, J. Bolahood / 4 / it Rity THRE one Roses, Ever L] © cup 10128 API 100 ANNIS ANI 59642 )Y EE PICK.UP perv # 59 DIRECT OSHAWA A 5-4 STREET MAN 4241 RA ne ove ments responsible that in whic secupies, The pub 16 reproduce all advertising correctly but assumes 1 f ony Insccuracies of advertisement heremn, 40-F EL MASTER TOWERS room unfurnished apartment ho ping centre Rent #30 King West BATTERIES Oshowe § 1.46 97 ean Wanted voce 0 CHAN! V. sher 4 He no rea adit South distr anehes packed "ean RA are ony conte noow ¥ 0 on, Phone RA 5.5287 one J CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND RTGAGE $55.00 LOAM mn ecunties Li ht TV. Ee Prompt Delivery RA 8-895] and hoard fo ro gentleman Corners hree Appl MONEY WANTED THF PERSONNEL mimes MANIACED ROOM and howrd for SALE AMERICAN MOTORS Na Se ia tl LTD ONTARIO 34---Auction Sale CTION 8---Building Trades es Bre BULLDOZING MO B12 Brothers, 2% ALL types of carpente chimney work, Term estimates, Phone RA § BULLDOZING and cavaling MO 85612. Free estimates, Ta Brothers, 26 villcourt Drive, Wh ALL types eRveSLIOugh walk ALL types CRIDENITY cement work, plastering, « envestioughing eatimates ladies or mown a or BAB THREE om Apartment private hath and entrance, heated, heavy duty Phone RA 33522 oom apartment and hardwood el, heavy RA 30130 and exseavaling Free Prive, Wh ANAL AMPTON A Tr] Viee Conroe arranged BF wiring THREE V OVERHAULS private en modern kit wiring, bus at . YOU'VE GOT A UTURE ing. IN TODAY'S / and e ond bi ) Jars see bill: Ted Jo CANADIAN ARMY out one 43--Wonted To Rent A THREE bedroom east end preferred 3 A834 GROUND floor tire MONEY OSHAWA SUB- | 4; CONTRACTORS | = BRICK BLOCK AND ment TONE WOR} hone MO B8-4122 or MO 8.4259 Whitby repairs, roof 000 0 #00 Gordon home, north or -- references, HA insu wd 3 RA 376 pairs brick ng, Free CARPENTRY terations and Call RA S884) ALL Phone ita ng WATERPROOFING vellars, For appointment 1255 Bowmanville FLUMBING tings, fixtures, new ing from septic tank cialty. Installations a Information and est type of plumbing | Foley furnished room by ma Journal ell recommended. re Cr on or near King Street or bus stop Deeply interested in further develop ment of Sunday Behools' service, Reply Box 120 Oshawa Times WANTED five or reasonable rent, for Phone RA 80765 | 44--Houses, A Apts, Flats For Rent ron impr 3 5--Employment Wanted T vi WOMAN would Iik ing. Phone RA 82618 nuren tio urbar finishing, » ales framing repairs mh plumbing and RA 53521, Harold plumbing, heating and 255 Bimeoe Street South ree P pRrL-Lime alter 6 pn Van Bchynde mer neating Summerland OPPO ~ I Y & (Hing » NOW in 1 IMCO oT ng days n week. Phone or for sir 7844 veer j Army supplies lie TUNI mom house November LJ rh girl will do bah or oh engineer AURORA SAND & GRAVEL nd ted North 68 houekee two ] ale RA wh 5.98 Roof tn i Bar specialists are for infants o Write Crushed Stone, le enrolment Pit FARM RD wl day, hour or wee ) rence The Royal Canadian Armoured Corps The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery Mme -- - 23--Women's Column A 19--Personal , A 82520 FECAL Heat permanent NYGIENK ' fruhhe goods) | ' i. Page Ha e Operator matled post paid in plain se Pine RA 55063 ht he KIDS to g Em Ne 9.254) velopes with price i iA f gente; M poder 24---~Market Basket bo Times Want - Hamilton M BLUE grape 0 ule Iso doo eu i | ih alno Ki | awny 10° place The Royal Canadian | SODS CAR Jeavi e Prine Fdward: Inland wa Call after 4 pom. at 1192 Cedar LADINR children w me Co of ¢ P A Thursday modate ile To rn a rps of Signals ' Phssengers Carrols the six-ql, or ping Reasonable rate Phone RA Foun tare { , fe Pelephone RA jy f ire now, or mail two-piece | ertilized ow RPLOIAL - 865 or RA B-0548 cou | Nir I. Children welcomed. RA 54434 AwWard's eau WELL DIGGINC prices. 1 mile awards PVE GENTLEMAN with own cement between § and 7 p.m Stree 17694 y ( p p ) ) y 3 CLEAN OUTS AND wh of Toonton Rd, RA and P woul Ni Froe ARMY RECRUITING RNINHED apartment, includ DEEPENINC ida Glaspell and HAE TATION stove veri erator, sink in kitchen COMPRESSOR WORK 9986 and OL 5.3545 MRS. ANN pr) EXPERIENCED d are fo ) \ J couple, ates or tone Ba 507 ( ollege Street Toronto, Ontario RAB.3864 | OSHAWA ACME cor oli ft, | rote One = QUIKBRIK | HAULAGE LTD. | iu: heated regde Ne: appointmer nec LOAM GRAVEL 10 (Under new management) trom 10 A RA B.4141, Fil STONE Jimeoe | MAKES OLD HOMES : | BEAUTIFUL HOMES RA 3-3528 youth Let us show you how | pemivaly your home 'can be | CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY ligation NO DOWN PAYMENT UP TO Ax) 36 MONTHS TO PAY Soe | RA 5-8372 or RA 5.959] 1 1--Business Opportunities MELF-EMPLOYMENT on a full [or part time basis, No merchandise to bu Possible earnings in the 515,000 1830,000 category, Write for free details [Consolidated Industries, Box 34, AY Grove id YALL! Kun ellen rele pipe fit ed wer and heating ind 0 THRE) in apartment please. Apply Apartment 3 THES room hath and entrance ry nlenna oung hospital and Mary Street basement apartment building No children, 103 Wilson Road North, off y 4 A whe wled en. 306 AVENE Isekoeping, weekends yeasonable 0680 free on an RA 54241. J $1.00 ibher | BALE samples Osha Dial , wz wll fast through Ad, ( RA 3 right apartment, heavy duty couple private wiring, close to RA 32104 FOOm upstairs apartment, with bath, 860 monthly, available all leave your Re hop of 0 veed treated ond Field ed dug Froe No cha bh Fis sod N Permanent wa as, MW 5 Celina mine Phone wnline feintosh, ( ourtland Farm Townline North of work Limite ( Son HA dren night home or hah, RA {ll men FOUR lnrge vale bath after 6 LARGH ground ) 8S a " Please a me, without ob 522 RA 5-685 ligatior career | 4 A MODERN, three-room huasement apart PROTIUNITE ment, with dehumidifier to ensure dry. Army eparate entvance and hot water Phone RA 3.3218 ISEVEN + room house for vent, |ins Immediate possession neir Alice, Near North GM after 6 p.m. ' mur room all convenience eparate immediate possession, Apply wm, 472 Drow Street FIVE . room brick bungalow for rent S05 monthly, immediate possession, Call Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Lid, RA # 3148 [FURNISHED bachelor apartment, bed iting room, kitehen, fully equipped, built-in eupbourds, stove, refrigerator, TV outlet, hus stop, business couple MeoLaughlin Blvd BASEMENT apartment Apply 74 Wilson Road IA 325 3-5325 FOUR . room house, $50 per month inside conveniences, suitable for to one, City water, cupboards ele (| RA 3.0608 UNFURNISHED three room apart: {rain you. Must be neat and | ment, light wiring, no children, suitable Fixcellent enumeration, | for middle-age couple, abstainers, va peed essen [Cap Important nt nol essential, Parti cant November, RA 5.4887 | tme or full time. For appoint p Ae hE prointment calli yy wCEX four rooms, heated, electrie stove, Frigidaire, Available November | "V 1. RA 53301 39---Agents Wanted : {FREE rent to October 1, Heated four MEN room apartment, kitchenette, bath and age 82 per hour No experience neces. |laundry roim alse heat Apart) savy, Write Rawleigh's, Dept, 1:31 ment 63 King Wes Wan 4005 Richelieu. Montreal MA 3.5096 CHRISTMAS Card MODERN two Ada's best selection of personalized | stove, refrigerator, dryer, TV outlet Kreeting cards. Over §0 cards to 'choose | parking, $05 monthly. Ravine Road from, Special business cards, Write for | RA 5.1310 or RA 8:3034 vour free album toduy, W. L, Smith and associates Lid, Ajax Ont |1 HAVE houses, apartments, and stoves _---- - {to rent. From $40 per month and uj 41---Room & Board ROOM and {To inspect, call Jack Appleby at RA 15-6544 or 3.0308, John A, J. Belahood |Lad., Realtor | Ing to share TWO four + room, self-pontained apart 195 ments, new stove and refrigerator, fur | ROOM and wilt Rlahtd or unfurnished, RA 8.3045 or RA| ing to share Al RIAN ' HOARD separate FURNISHED churches winter | p Thi til RELIABLE work, on housework IA B06; 36--Female Help Wanted REY Your Own wholess ¥ Anderson, to your friends Phone RA for your free Murgatroyd « Ont RONALD PARTIES in Whith, Alu Bowmanville, for Judie lines of plastic Time LADY'S help required to work ern variety located at a new Osh HIDNG horse, mare manne; Wil r HI he 2 Ter Pe a ol 3 : Reasonuble, Call Ajax Wiitehan 2-5250 on part | only, Fxperience | ~=Fersona ervice BOXER pups, two male, one tmeals, |" and aptitude ARN al RA ; (waa Driving Registered, 15 old Port Phone B.A. Ma fl ei YU ha RA #3751 ment Hoenee, fully insured, dual oon. Ie Y 14--Household Repairs nen : Th ' 0 hd 1d oa trols. Call evenings. RA A-#020 BOARDING, trimming, bathing, deflea GENERAL Waubens Kennels, NA ior ORDER » prices oid fruit nrly, # ridiculou cellar, Good ale, five bh. 70h ground floor, central, RA ilore in pris | part-time 52217 it | sitting Woman on to conve or day time ur problems 1 RA #100 baby house aren Nov enings ream Hill uilnhle wx College month da spacious oll heat 15, RA De Road Algo. pys, Macintosh On Thickson Taunton Road M to 140 ; th of pm detail on Jeweller t HONEY to do In the Canadian nd golden sell profits Send now. L, G Aginenurt, amber Proce 1] Hoid North ELECTROLYSIS [ful ; 25-Pets & Livestock PART nable BEAUTIFUL bab training, talking Broad, 114 Elgin Pr xeellent ness, catalogue . tank 0, Dept, Al Name oil heal on Division RA B-B483 inex LID, have Addr Port Pen to di Apply ' open rflucus hal Rem Marie Oshawa Phe these Mu Oct ITH ult 25th and Persian to good le W001 Kittens foy a A ¢ will | RA 100 A r 0 pliy Age Box 12 e in . basement apartment entrance after 8] homes elusive 26h Oshawn hudgie train vireel rend Apply Kant for ut My delivery fertilized sod prompt rates rolled dail ne Genosha Hotel n in mod h store Pr dates for appointment i ive Vor k ontract gd Telephone quirements are for '4 i Nehool Govern eels Phone erison Last | Grade successfully er mpleted wanted, good Call RA Bodl6 housekeeper time right person PAN nurser A352) wil da di 8.30 am. to 5.30 pom Contact 26-Farmer' s Column supervisor, S81 . Simoos Stree Oshawa. RA #2604 Children wished, painted, put! PETER E6013 R 200 35 vi Friday The North NTORM up, Mack windows HA Wik i ATTRENS 455 South monthly, Phone required for coffee shop. Hour discussion, Apply after pom MoArthur, Genosha Hotel NEGISTERED nurse Haven Nursing Home, in or five-day Newoautle open for YOUR Vir cleaner, Chim ne Ens Linings in talled, furnaces vacuumed, Free esti RA 3.2007 38---Male or Female Help Wanted SALISMEN OR ell Westinghouse food plan BALY, Wo ive WEL OAT MO B21 DEAD farm Phone collect Margwill Fur bi and repaired voted manure for sale. RA B-H052 wl any Phone | required for South Neweastle, Ont week, Phone a traw fo. ule, 86 acres in field TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half french frie hamburgs haokes MODERN DELIVER SALENLADIES, freezers with fin experience nol neces oul LCN EXPERIENCED typist work, telephone answering tionist duties. Good typing tial. Phone WH 2.6500 NEED extra money used household action Oshawa Time your list and phone CHEATERFILLDN ana (ot the Intering 6541 re lens Nimene a free] old chairs hest for M2 for and alterations. HA | 12--Dressmaking DRENSMAKING ILRLLLE GENTLEMEN! tock Hampton Farm, T ploked up promptly COlax 3372 rone Noles dictaphone and recep. AN chicken for fish hot The fall you know double-breasted not in style any more. Dre "Take your double hreasted of your cupboards. Let Hari make them into single breasted style I guarantee the best workmanship reasonable prices. | also do all kind | alterations on ladies coat tresses oi I lade i Kirt and slacks own Imaterial. 1 have husiness for half onals cleaned, glad ed and relined, Harry Sheriff and Gent's Tailor, 37 Prince A estimate 27--Fuel & Wood nardwood Loves delivered wit and dog with chips milk no mode it A+} trade tone work RA B2058 FAINTING PAINTING DECORATING by interior or exterior, Roxa guarantesd. Froese estimat | end fireplaces Phone siitable ole nA for fur 85 large #0818 Sell no long items with fant Want Ad, Make RA 3.0492 today man our GRILL RA 5 al load ol WE 1887 ee | 28S UMMeEr Properties COTTAGES, camps, beautitul Kawartha northeast folio, write Realtors Ploasant outdoor work, Aver: hanging estimates, work prices, RA 8.0818. painted? Let Andy | 220 Nassau | and ork at paper (ree suit pro of ille auaranteed low homes, acreage in Lakes distriet, #5 Foronto, For free list Bowes and Cocks Lim Peterborough, Riverside » $50.00 earns my or your NEED and m ed b extra money heen in the tailoring oentus J resalyle want ME Carpentt 22--Radio Repairs fepall: gg | oui TV TOWERS Street SRNL} upstairs, Tele phone RA B6731 FURNITURE repaired and reaiphol ¥ stored, Nee oup materials for ve.pover 40-11, self 1. Broce Dalton, 75 Charles Street Hot dip ¢ Complete |13--Gardening & Supplies 1 Jus Master all HILLSIDE Total price, like new, Why § are reasonable. Satisl Mattresses rebuilt. 0 guaranteed for year, LANDSCAPIN DICAPING TV Enterprises RA 3.9020 26 v ¢ : 253 Drew St, wod delivered, laid to, 10 Hond Street seeding up RA 3-3553 patios hedges, SPECIAL PAINTING and greens ON FAMOUS SAMPSON TV TOWERS 40.1. rower single Radess AC 2.13 channel head. $59 95 pletely installed and guaran teed our house work" Kroontje, re, can easily he ps mile agents, Sell Can bedroom apartment, | or repai Andrew our fabulous aifts,® toys, urs colour gue it get plenty of orders necessary Write today of free Card Ave ing howing d Chri ard and ting mas « rm ---------- friend neight upperting towr N new Qur exe full [{2B8a~~Trailors APACHE tent trailer vi good condition 85 Churchill Avenue 0700 evening FOR RENT accomodates 1.3263 n jalvanized paint with Wave channel antenna installed and 59.95 Christmas catal make loops four May be seen or phone RA easy to Ne Send ne for samples fast-selling catalogue Co., Dept Hamiltor CHRISTMAS IS COMING" extra rebuilt recovered Our rates clion guaranteed awa Upholstery | West. Dial RA| exparience board for gentlemen will money Kood locality, Phone RA Tent trailer by week $25 | on approval six people, Phone Si items and Monarch 47 East hoard for gentlemen Rood locality. Phone decorating, Free es RA 3772, FURNACE SA! FS COMPLETE AND SERVICE GARDEN SERVICE RA 5.5954 i Cleanout Service ut $7 labor parts 15--Instruction PRIVATE 16 yoars' Act now HARVEY Tap, Royal 1 Regi wl pom apartment, | RPO Co (private entrance, bath, parking, Stove, and cave for elderly ladion | yopigerator, TV outlet, washing facili rooms, private home, close to shopping, Whitby, MO 8.4369. ties, lights, water included, adults, } ie 8 | Working couple preferved RA 54535 ROOMS and hoard if desived, close to 3 * ay THREE rooms, unfurnished, private, downtown and NGM Avpiy Fad Elgin bath, sink and cupboards, Sire A parking, vea.| treot Kast or phone RA 3-74 sonable rent, RA 5.4937, Apply 30 Elena ROOM and board for Street gentlemen all conve p ne cooked meals. RA 8:0; IX © room two - storey house, corner Avene sland, Carnegie, oll heated, TV aers (ial, ideal family home Possession Nov ROOMS and rent without | 1. Phone RA 5.3179. hoa 0 . 0. 3 baa Road King Stroet near Rit [NICE four « room apartment, private entrance and bath, suit' middle-aged ROOM and board for gentlemen, good [couple or lady, No ehildven, Apply 91 meals, continuous hot water, Apply 248 [Ritson North Arthur Street. RA 5.2006 16 t ~ 29--Summer Propert os For Sale THREY room cottage, all furnished 1500, Myer Lake Maddook, Call be tween 7 and 9 pom, RA 57181 COTTAGE, 10x Thurstonia Park very reasonable quick sale, For in armation, wiite H.' Gallagher, Maynooth, Ont 30--Lost & Found LONT Shotgun, Remington automati saturday, October # corner of Scugog and concession the Township of Darlington. Will find ef please call AMhurst 58044, Searboro Howard psoil trimming, ever clean walk fertilizing i a0, at for | two or es, ho an Gladstone (R hyd ed with or Kast, Gardens ploughed landscaping removed RA 8-1798 LANDSCAPING SERVICES field gravel us wood trees pid model if 1 with all m tructure the ict well you want pre student eounsellor by interview only teacher experience RA A 1064 DANCE ACADEMY HRaton, Academy, Ballet, High or now. 434 King West, RA that Wi wn and single beds, | vooked meals 57043 | Kuropean O06 or TWO gentlemen to share home i Immediate occupancy, or Nov, RA Ist Attractive two-bed room apartments, hollywood kitchens, electrically equip: broadloom, TV outlet hot water and parking Call Apt. 1, 309 W., RA 5.6606 pm. or after § " home | year LOST Lady's Bulova wrisiwateh,| advertised, investigate the lunches packed RA 8-8180 NeLaughiin Howard Phone RA 3530 ROOM "and hoard OSHAWA TV TeLaughlin Blvd ROOM and board 361 GIBBONS and Phone meals, | red b Y RA 8.002) pportunit i Weeds treated opportunity [ sod, top soil fill. Complete ontrol. Free estimate ED KNOWLTON RA 5.6047 nurses ned ped Weed locker included Adelaide before p.m PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS ON | SAGUENAY AVENUE (PARK RD. & KING S7 DISTRICT) OPEN FOR INSPECTION available for two | 08 LONY Phone RA 5.1963 whit ST wes Labrador retriever - brown collar ans AVON in Ovonto area | VARI ay PIANO ovens alter now commencing, day classe Phone RA 8:-8693% weokends ARNON Black sontlemen to share chest Smokey, lost ROOM and board fo gentlemen, Mary A A00N COSMETICS 23018 ervi y hlage one Street or two quiet | distriel, RA dopo LILLIAN Alae dancing school obatic Saturday LEARN At the O oF Call Turney Reward vay ' Hop St Marsh, dance educator, | Port hal let. tap, baton, ac character. Friday, DID YOU SEE OUR LOST Lady's beige purse between [Two large furnished rooms, with sink, Temple, RA 3.725) Klin and Oshawa on Sunday, he. | Jl LE é 0627 collect {Irie and stove, very central, suit quiet NEW ALL GALVANIZED Leen four and 5 pom. Reward. RA couple ar two gentlemen. Apply 21 Col 10 DRIVE, West a - af . © a le Help Wanted and board for young RADESS |32--Articles Wanted Er I " subioon ply 131 Par ") awa Driving School . the Police a 1 O W E R S Apply 131 Park Road WILL pay tract work on new housing project pd Instructors RA 5.0312 dollar 0. 48, AT. '48 Ap) or Stevenson Road and Car y standard, Automatic cars ROOM and hoard aptional Newfoundland nickel tier Avenue Oshawa DRESSMAKING Home Landscaping COURSES SPECIALIZED IN § ALL OPENING OCT PLANTING AND SODDINC SEEDING TULF BULBS. | M | COMPLETE GARDEN / SERVICE i Call RA 8-636 ~\ \ Rig Grandview Sod We ized borne ROOM man phone Supplies A Pre Qshawa ¢ gentle. North or| pecialize in ternl { $0 "pt ¢ eld | pt de sd to 820 for Canadian silver also 1046 Members want Club Dial RA [snot Must be Hed good meals 10 minutes to Four Cor | for vont. Apply 340 Divi. | slon Streot | ROOM and board cooked meal SGM, home liveries vd Dis trict 1] tracts Id loading for tru i" Field loading \ a e part or full time Apply Bavon's, 43 Simvoe RA 32263 PRODUCTION foreman for steel motive trim business, night shift Ajax. WHitehall 3.0450 Wo $50 air man qaqualifiod Street South Ant Expert wor 1961 All Wave Did You Know That We Have Day Employ expert Technician Take Service Calls till 8:30 Pp ADULY TRY US AY ur Dio T.RI: TELEVISION i 177 BOND ST. EAST | | RA 8.6781 and special rat nnoe n now lunches privileges home noar home packed RA 5.5087 tudent practice regular acceptable for or plane "lee WANTED apartment {RA §-2087 VOUTH'S bedroom be auto Apply RA 8.8111 ame yervice wanted, Must reasonably wite and {ROOMERS or room three gentlemen, close RA 5.3088 and hoard 0 SGM for plant, 8 RAN] wood RA beds men to per week Times work Box JRL LE] pom, for modern Oshawa I'he oom suite Must he wanted, prefer | n good condi nn. RA S00 WANTED IRON, POULTRY EATHER TICK TURNER RA 3.33 ect) [ROOM and hoard for two gentlemen, | two single rooms, good home, cooking [Aves 202 King Street East | four plece 17 ey ROOMUERS USE THE Rt Te downtown VENIngES bath, two nday, T from Apply 118 Al 9 own pol the whole children ekly Quiet, residential street 2-bedroom Apartments Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outlet drapes, parking, etc Rents from $90 monthly | , t | board for i central 1-0B3R and home RA ur " gentleman in f Apply 118 Sum. | te OSHAWA TIMES [=i CLASSIFIED ~~ [meriinel"in EC & COLUMNS [Sains 1S col sna ah outh GM and shopping Road South | 4 PHONE RA 8.7272 RA S.5787 | FURNISHED 44---Houses, Apts, Flats For Rent TWO - hedrosn Apariment 6 ment buriding, stove, reingerator snd all eomvemience rensonable rent, Available Sov. 1. Newr North GM. Call RA #150 NEW duplex iu large ooms #leo very large 50 MODERN two bedroom basement apartment, 15 Gitthaons Breet Available Nov. 1. Adults or children over 13. Apr ply 21 Gibbons Street THREE 700m apartment, newly ee modeled, private bath, new gas Movi heated. parking. South end Abstainers, BA 54352 NEAR OCVI three rooms, ls bath, pris vile entrance, Joseph Boses, RA 50870 BASEMENT apartment ~ three rooms, rivate hath and entrance children wel- come. Also housekeeping room. Celina or phone KA 8-9253 TORE Main Street, well establish. «d barbershop, centrally located, suit able for other small business. RA 34349 iter THRER room aparment, hath, near South GM tober 1. Apply 234 Malage yo ONE two apart. available immedintaly, On Crersr Avenues storage place. RA Jrivais for one or twe wirk three room aperiment, heavy duty wiring, self-contained, TV outlet, ouple preterved, RA 81680 THREE newly decorated bases men fully "or semidure rent including hydre available Oct. 20. Apply Bree East. RA 57418 oom Apartment, private en. and bathroom, hot water, heavy suitable for young couple Appl Road South FURNISHED basement apartment, Taunton Road. Would suit young couple, child care if desired, $65 monthly n- chide hea d hydro, CO 32192 FIVE AV arth eet or rooms rome apartment d sonable Jd waler THERES duty wiring 782 Ritson for rent, 19 1262 ®imeoe hungalow Appl Sith mice room and kilehen, single preferred, good residential dis trict Call RA B-4245 after TURES roomed apartment, ground floor, private entrance, ample parking, Reasonable, Apply 762 King East. RA 1550 SECOND floor apartment private entrance Immediate possession ON} person four rooms Forced air Phone RA with hath heat SUBLET two frigerator, stove RA 37027 THRE] ent hedroom apartment, re. and drapes. Telephone oomed self-contained apart ground floor, private ent ample parking. Reasonable, Apply 703 King East. RA 81558. APARTMY two bedrooms, and frig. Vacant, Apply H and K Hard. 437 Bimeoe hireet South, Oshawa, THREE and two-room apartments, res frigerator Love sink cupboards, private entrance, Child welgome, 558 Howard Stree! FOUR monthly, #1214 THREE love) decorated hany dut very central Ivy store heaut "A ITHREY floor, he central FURNISHED thee room central, HA stove room Apartment available Nov modern, §0§ 1. Phone RA rooms, downstairs, cuphoards in ki wiring, private entrances RA 54721 house, with or without used for harber sh ete. RA 33808 after hd vom he rlor VHT? furnished rooms, third y duty wiring, $45 monthly, Apply 145 Agnes Street basement apartment, and n quiet home, 10600 evenings MATERIALS supplied for handy man and wife who can deco; , make minor repairs, and manage centrally loented rooming house business, Exeels lent income potential for suitable cous ple, RA 5-1442 HIE a artment Telephone RA 30742 ONE apartment suitable ladies or gentlemen, Day child while mother Elgin Street East THRE) room apartment, share bath, quiet home, couple only. 175 Athol alter 6 p.m roam #60 unfurnished husement monthly, W plus hydro, for couple, are given te works, Apply 128 with kitchens housekeeping, Ar bedroom ette, suitable for light adults, central, parking facilities, ply 235 King East BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS and 2-bedroom Apart: electrically equipped, location. $85 and $100 498 Simcoe St, 15; RA 8 8676, il One ment best monthly North, Ap CENTRAL, ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENTS Immediate possession, Coupples only LLOYD REALTY St. N. RA 8.5123 APARTMENT SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND Redecorated stove, 'frig, parking $100, PHONE RA 5.3302 NEW SHOPPING CENTRE SIMCOE ST. SOUTH STORES FOR LEASE AVAILABLE FOR CHRISTMAS TRADE: 1-20' FRONTAGE x 70° AGE Xx 70" DEEP SIX MORE STORES TO FOLLOW REASONABLE PRICE RENT CALL JACK APPLEBY RA 3-3398 RA 5.6544 IOHN A BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR INSURANCE OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Pa elevator service, New building. Centrally lo- cated in downtown area, Moderate rent, Leases now ymeoe 101 S rooms, adults 315 enger available THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON Phone RA 3.3474 by +

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