The Oshawa Times, 11 Oct 1960, p. 6

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The Osharon Tomes Published by Canadign MNewspops 'age 6 ; Tuesday rs Limited, 86 King 1. E.,, Oshawa, Ont Oe er 11, 1960 Prevention Of Fire Duty Of Individuals This is Fire Prevention Week, and if ever there was a cause that justified some special publicity effort, this is i In Canadas last year there were BAZ) fires reported fires that took 886 lives and consumed $1205 million worth of property. In the past ten years, fires in taken 5356 lives 16,000 Canada have eriously estimated persons the mjured an The decade to the living and working places billion cost ol direct outto-pocket waste of more than the universmies and the St. Lawrence And those figures do not include the cost of Canada was One follars double tei-year ill ow colleges, twice the cost of of forest fires A ver probably large number 0! tho most of them, could | prevented, They were the result ol lesan es thoughtlessness, or del chance-taking. A report from the Di minion Fire Commissioner had this note The of all run down a definite cause simplest factor behind 90 per cent which it fires for possible 1 human care lessness and neglect That is why fire Hghters in ever Oi Check don't munity plead with the citizens sour homes against fire hazards give fie start; don't leave a place to our children alone with the hazards of fire; invite us into your homes to make inspections and accept our recommender tions for reducing your fire hazards, Here is the pledge the fire fighters would like every citizen to make '1 pledge to remove fire hazards from my home daily "I will kill by or being careless when | do smoke not smoking. wn bed I will not clean clothes or start fires with gasoline or other flammable liquids, 1 will not throw away matches with. out first being sure they are out I will check my chimneys and hest- ippliances at regular intervals I will not place hot ashes and coals metal container and in anything but a will not leave these containers sitting on den floor I will protect all woodwork close ti asbestos and metal pipes with an air space of at least two hetween this protection and the vill not do electrical repairs unless qualified electrician I will such not use pennies, hairpins, foil ind as electric fuses "I pledge to make Fire Prevention a year-round obh sctively in the fight to nnual death toll hy ition by - participating reduce Canada's " fire Assistance For Sport Canadians who want government stance for amateur sport particularly fine sports of track and held pleased Woltenden report Britain Committe recommends, as 1s top priori the pending of 10 million a year on sport nd sports facilities in the United King dom. The British people themselves eom to approve heartily of the proposal Our London correspondent, Melntyre Hood report writes: "Beldom has any such heen so sure ol official Both the opposition, in receiving yanetion , government and the L manifestoes, pledged themselves to con £8 the for the encouragement and development The Wolfen has the unanimou the recommenda thor their election tribute millien from treasury of sports for young people den report therefore support of hoth sides of house for any legislation putting its tions into effect," The lon be committee proposes that L35 mi pent by the government on the upkeep of various athletic arganightions Another £§ would be and associations million provided hy local authoritie wed on athletic centres, swimming pools facilities tor indoor athletics, training and | coaches it pleases British erities 1s that the emphasis 18 not se much on the athletic veen 14 and 20 tsell as on needs of people het VERTIS ued alter the which UK but this does Port TE Just Came in the mude a mediocre showing colored the findings British not to take to have irns the seriously and to expect more tendency With the lopment of international sport, i There is a wd defeat as a disaster it dey the Increase in Nas ind participating tions, success is likely to become ine creasingly rare. It is not the end of the vorld if British teams are defeated; still le is It a Umptom of national de. Cadence Its concern is with producing not great ithlete ly fit A con quency but young people who are physis ind healthily occupied, Tt says iderable proportion of delins mong voung people springs from lack of desire for suitable physical activity, If more young people had op- portunities for playing games, fewer of them would le eriminal habits," velop Reds Slice At Berlin A slice the old saying goes from a cut loal is never missed And that, obviously im Berlin New Communist strategy to nible away at the prestige and Western Allies without ver of the until the vhole loal is gone inyone hav mg made an putery In late summer the government of hriefly closed the borders West Ger illegal action East Germany Herlin nany. It was of East to citizens of clearly wi but to Canadians and the t at all most people in tern democracies----if they noticed it seemed hardly worth bath Next the and ari ihout horder was closed indefintely natter to Again int eemed oo petty a risk forceful objection Then in late September, advancing the The Oshawa Times FL WILSON, Publisher and General Manage € GWYN KINSEY. Bditer SUBSCRIPTION RATES Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 German Western Allies had lost their occupation 'rights plan oi ore step, the East press ile the elaim that the East in the city and threatened that Germany would move to control traffic in and out of the eity Foi bloc no ction a victory as the expropriation of Allied rights in Bers lin, The city is under four-power control, Aritain Russia guarantee the Communist other would be as great France, The the shared by States overeignty United and the tour-powel ireements Allie with Berlin, and there are Allied pledges to West give up this position before German reunification in freedom, If the Western Allies are uns ble or unwilling to defend their clear, legal Berlin, it will be ad. not dependable freedom of communication in and Germany not to rights in nission that they are is allies and no longer are ranking powers in the world the ernment had abruptly enforced a blocks ade of Berlin, the challenge to the West heen obvious and forceful have been essen It in August East German govs would have counter would tial. But mes that each small illegality will be uns whion the Communist strategy assus challenged, and provide precedent for the next infringement, Whether the plan was hatched in Moscow or in East Berlin 18 unknown, but there is little doubt it Bast ow is a combined action Germany's Walter. Ulbricht Russia just betore the East Berlin border closed to West Khrushchev iS ane more means of attacking spent weeks In was first Germans, Possibly Premier proposed the ide he West, or possibly Ulbricht suggested sone way of implementing Khrush two-year old promise of handing over to East Germany the Soviets rights in Berlin 9 AN PARTING 15 SUCH SWEET SORROW Tuat I coud SAY FAREWELL WTI -- WoL MAYBE AROUND CHRISTMAS /[ oe RUSSIAN TRANSLATION oF SHAKESPEARE \Z READERS' VIEWS Schools' THE BALCONY SCENE, Shift System Answer Den I would like 1 oa to the recent stalements ir Crood Lvenin umn When Wi AS J ecentl m the T. RB Ww m Hopd ion dale Is No 1 phift Classe stated in m enol Noho | comple (HTH) ined for the Adelaide Behon ) I Sept, 30, 1960, for the addition, Now | fail tee Brow core ol mpletion d and dale all dt once Tro ceiving elephone from the tudents they th ale an hift he dates ea many of the parents affected aid parents ave desp no Know en the tem will end. Well 1 th quoted should give Bom some name do nol have he I'm dell ed or SOM have failed to read the report on approval and com pletion dates that heen printed from time to time in the parents have were the only then | If Oshawa schools on shif em vould say tha nething very wrong, hut Whithy and B manville and man plhce that 1 could mention also are the shift system, and when that Ni 16, 19060 date for all comple notice latest the three schools mer As | ated heen able to conguos distance and he has hellevable . problems cally with all thelr putive machines, but in all this, man ha the place of solving the my helore and Uh mathematl PACE solved huge com ipite of of human development. 1 clear, when Trustee Hro fhe hoard to ole ou maltle ie Hrowr ment on thi think that outsider Frustes and not hoard atteadin neetings; he ike matters and makes motion declines as he wishe 1 soi what information he part in he would like to pul before the public thal the hoard has falled; he seems to forget his place that he Is an elected member and Mi any matter that arises instead of condemning the actions of the hoard when he 18 a part of it It was stated that this was a chance for the hoard collective ¥OIo do a Bod public job: to ease the fears of parents hy coming out ntelligent report, 1 am 0 know of any yx iet le ind then the est can give guldanoe ACT) relations nxious with ay amaied parents who have fears o statement goes did {t do (meaning the board asked the ehatrman of Public Re lations: 10 prepare a statemen for public release. | wonder Trustee Hrown forget that it was he who moved a motion that the chairman of publie relations pre pare a statement on the shin system, apparently t did not ame up to Trustee Hrown's ex. pectations, and was olassed as a masterpiece of confusion and evas and that ten Philadelphia awyers could work all year with out entangling its double talk. 1 am surprised that Tru Rrown could not handle this ane am no Hrown On to Say, s0 wha does sion \ 1 guess 1 in the ¢ Prusied ever eager fellow trustee in fault vould be much eagerness turned to a bet of handling his desires express the knowledge of that may ¢ manner in the with IH to be to step on finding bett ation future th past, - Conk ) n \ Hoy Cedarda : Senior Schoo Fanny sn't Hrown property commit ustoe whe Is AY tof the not alert Alhert board here About the Street S He il 3 Were Bb ARLES a mitige meeting hy h of Public Relations wadance went after om we chairman Those tn at the meeting ) h tuation over and 1 Nock eadh one (hi that met thelr eye €n thal 1s in the Bouth end as Trusee Brown is con received orned of thinking #4 tru perform ino after thelr To may wa is a duly to en he or she look me to spare pieking hole i the other trusies Al | wld like to speak wha ) he Oshawa Haw) haskethall I feel that it J ery unfair to sa that a turned to thei 1060-54 Donevan mnasium You ne asking 820 a night tp instead of the Recent! committes up rental hought and eam cold onde a quest for the same as tes for the Collegiate renting of board is cluding $10 per game la the Public Relations held to draw rates, a deal of each . detall placed in order, in within their field. It trongly the Hawkes mbolie of 80 man ( toda find une ' in high and offi slammed in thelr face indulge In practice) meetings great given to groups were weeordance was expressed very tha the iment of een who i places doors the vant to competitive organized trustes they 1e that the WIOng duly to see that Is rented At A reason But the placing of two for deserving plaudi pir strong support of nave a shoot vous AWA fase Il seems to me nes that some trustees are understand, These | 1060 decided upon the Public Relations Commit brought hack for ap the board and were then bingo, at the first found and mis public, 1 notice of the motion made Coffey expressing hi that the new rental we carried out and at the end of the season when there Is a defieit, hen the board may assist in pays men md rental ( they proval o weepted equ lt represented to the ement hy Father vishe Ile There are always two sides, and The need for PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM The Cubar ih As IL IS) BAY mined Iale plank lor kin over | { Naval Base Chu omewhal comparable to I grasshopper saying mmediate plan Mountain ove Do Catehl copmel vey { me ' ndeed ve do, We wildn' nything for it, a the only thing we have 10 keep in ered ind member nip id ma of hieh have expired, it gettin hilltold fore up as A man ilmost as elut Noman handbag hen only one 1 need if mn falr, because some one person 0 in he very easily m ach that they earry om them by the eleot 4 fudged wrongly a (duty to ses the work intr mp « rustee ha fed to eltizens of whom they were od Mts. CLAYTON LE} Oslin Science Now Without Pain OTTAWA REPORT Help For Parties And Election Cost The high cost of fighting polit cal dections hes always been a tople on which the CCF feels i sell unigirly tresled, And not "nk Wil Tensor candidate for all of n our House of silage an ag campnign, 16 y 0 y $5,000,000, give tak Tift This is the kind which the CCF has na of money never had he oh Contributions to Ihe ches of the 4 comes from bu thai the bulk o CAMDEN big parties especially big businesses MEinesses COnrinme h of bota partic BHisitienng winen nave contracts from ihe government feel the touch es peciall in pover which has handed them those ti QUEEN'S PARK oil ained Large rom the party ven though A Competitive Wl wha matey Lo suppor obviously Hell of mare = Dus politics & ba stroy fvate enter in certain field Bo Donsld ( Ontario CCV, speaking fi proving fies ke provineis oid ana ternied the Conserva ' en) punii politica Hve ob use the up their This assertion the facts; hut Chairman Kennedy las Dilficult A n the aren to lose Benin nnedy in el Kennedy n doing an out mk lecislons ever are probably tougher we all of you will all of your fa when up in peo Ome. ation was m init there ersonal troubles lay cooking over ind { vith the mmunity you won' dishes") and le came governs 16 judge and releres nment ome toughest job of el there Is veal) LOVE rin of the On { own the community wt of balance lew money old hath-tubs, And vould soon get here Shrinks Piles Or Discomfort would he a Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids Yorante, Ont, (Specialy For new healing substance with the ability wo shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pain and iehing Thousands have been relieved with this inexpensive substance ght in the privacy of their own home without any discomlon or meonvenience In one hemorrhoid another ment WA by doctors' observations re very striking iniprove Pain was promptly relioved. And while gently relieving pain, actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) wok place And most amazing of all= this wprovement was maintained in eases where doctor were continued over a period of many months! In fact, results were so thorough | that the first time scienee haa found & | reported and verified | | wide use lor healing injured tase shservations | ullerers were able 10 make Piles have ceased lo be a problem!' And among these sufferers were a very wide variety of hemorrhoid eon ditions, some of even 10 wo 20 year; standing All this, without the use of nar anesthotios or astringen a of any kind. The secret is a new heal ng sub Hio-Dyne) == the discovery of a famous scientific in Already, BiosDyne:is in SUeh statements a totes TIS stitute on all parts of the body This new healing subsianee » offered in suppository or oiniment form ealled Freparation NH Ask lov individually sealed convenient Preparation H Suppositories or Preparation H ointment with special applicator. Preparation HN is sold at all drug stores Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded TI hh ds How would | keep the family together if my wile were to die when the children are still young? It isa disturbing problem; one that is causing many young men to stop and think, \ busy father can't possibly play the dual role of breadwinner and homemaker Relatives are rarely in a position to provide a permanent solution, : A mother's love and affection can't be replaced, But capable help to keep the home going can be obtained if there is enough money to pay for i Most young fathers couldn't meet this expense out of current income 1 he ideal solution is life insurance on the wile to provide for the "cooking, washing and mending™ while the children are still dependent. For competent counsel in this very important part of family security planning, call the Man from Manufacturers. TTR PF. Andrey Representative OSHAWA Tel: RA, 3220 MANUFAC INSURANCE _r------ Job ever gow oul of Love from in happy nment has time to task told the na nent doe "hn free ¢ 0 But thanks to the propaganda of ness league Ne Are overdo tl is ind perhap nelined to on o run the personal wish Governmen ha Kennedy to do a lot of not an easy And Mi where he allin people tance, had a vole ation tion voted against Guu usiness # party Bas not gh 5 hove in winning the election" And specifically, bo Whine MacDongld a Temng WL PONRES, to build machine a distortion of save treasury Where time Nobody must ma freedom most aocording And it Is of Merritton the | waste is whieh help to 8 phidosopiy Cally to Bamstring ang de lew the the Ont re the fies and i the wold Outhouse lo even this up an likes heing sacrifice Hike hit polities! belief and busi ome of ire i lleence Oly tell wu in 8 for in Annex they from Big Bosiness could 8 party reise $5 000 0007 Everyone, especially puliticiens would he gad if the cost of sles tions could be reduced, Polis ticians especially would he hoppy to find out where money could be saved, The recent provincial eles thon In Quebec showed thet sbundent cash alone wiki nt win an election; for the Nations! Union spent what wes surely sn slitime Canadian record total in sleetion expense vel wae de Ienied There Is mo legal amount whieh soy party may Ann Hm w he candidate or spend on an election is 8 pity. There ho leg) requirement that candidate must report his shisisements sfier the he comp ation of those declared by eneh CEmpRign manager, are known around here a "Grimm's Fairy Toles" becuse { is doubled ¥ anyone ever re wecurite igure reflect ig both (he cash and the money. equivalenis comribuled and sper Yel it is 39 years since the allure 10 report expenses was pursued to the full vigor of the lew, and the delinguent individusl duly punished; the victor st Moose Jaw being msented, as officials here report ELECTIONS TOO LONG? One step which would reduce costs of elections, and also diminish the tedium of cam Pai ould be to shorten the period between the calling of sn and voting day. This hes eight and nine Ww conform to the require laws; Britain by that whole demo three weeks, Neighbors are cur. subjecting the world to the danger of » ven the presidentinl eand) pinner's assump. ever, the EVE olal 4 #ection EXPENSES, as candidate povie gn election to we weeks men i" cont et ween our iil handies Cratie process wn while rent) neonvenienecs our and Walls 0 » choosing of the dntes and the tion of offiee Mai Ie ih mo sight her the o'd Donald MacDon- financed by those racis from the gov who have received sive favors from the administration Collectors withorized or otherwise, are pass. ing the hat, And one of the hameful facets of our political pleture Is the number of hats which have a secrel pipeline di rect Into the collector's pocket, I'his abuse Is well-known to busi nessmen, and has contributed considerably to the low esteem of polities and politicians across Canada general election n nre he MM eharge Be wl com ermment, or or hope to re | mo OWES MUCH TO THE WORK OF THA FRENCH SCIENTIBTS, DAGURARE AND DEVELOPING THE ON A SILWVERED COPPER PLATE = ABOUT 1827. LEGEND OF PHOTOGRAPHY GORS BACK TO ANCIENT CHINESE WRITINGS IN WHICH THE SUN WAS CREDITED WITH PRO DUCING PICTURES IN THE ICR OF PONDS, DERN PHOTOGRAPHY NIEPCE, IN bi a Sl FOR EVERY NEED, 10 you kNOW P CAMERAS ARE AVAILABLE TODAY WITH SHUTTER AND LENS SPRIDS GREAT THEY CAN TAKE NEEDLE = SHARD PICTURES FROM JET AIRCRARY, WER FL Crosley Supervisor OSHAWA Tel: RA 32201 THE TUR COMPANY hc i | "Wife" Insurance in i Te Representative OSHAWA Tel: RA 322m

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