The Oshawa Times, 11 Oct 1960, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRIC Whithy Bureau Office; Manarer: Lloyd Roberison Thankoffering Meeting Hears Mission Speaker snkotiering Ani fissionary he assem ed Chureh on meeting of the aflernons H Hare ih & poem hanks tn nee of Wehher hse A ik he sed hromght Mma theougm Comparen in Ans, we much o give of oir ome in hr Women Nave and noida he thankful tor Foro of the d Ohser Mi iribhean Fhe subjer nidaad Youn Hu And i aken mn prefure Irs. Start Practices On Thursday By CLIFYV GORDON fanuge fvan Da Whithy Hillere Nar | wunced fn t practice Whith thi an al arena on 1 Aa i of week from i tn 1000 p.m Since the Whithy team is step tn J i the manager ahle Hu have work eut out fm ping 1p calibre Whithy nach thelr nis will them ind Giagnon Hike I in thix area to attend tended The local magsger would to extend an invitation to all BEF DIAVeET ation is Tuvenile players there will he no n Oshawa th eal vill he a good turn oul en player the Whithy Manager positions are A special vil tn All over J n Oshawa nee Ir. hoeke } here of last peeking team this Ivan Da open as herths on hut a all Far 1 SAVE ve "From the locals ex sich stars as Nicholishen, the scoring hamp of the league. Ken Rob eris, a rugged defence man and local team. Lyn another hlueliner, Is hack in the harness Alsn another top notch rear guard, Boh Tripp, may line up with the Whithy team if the local product fails tn make a herth with the Niagara Falls Jr team Up front have F md Mike eeking Inst year pect tn have hack Dave captain of the Middleton expected the I'ran Girey berths on all, the treated th Whithy Mike will team will Morrison also he out Whithy fans real the Whithy in nme hy In he fram hould I ng hooke VERT the I RB crest team dr. Hill games al night this nights as the way the local vill play their Wednesday against Monda n previol home on SEARONS Variety Show Makes Visit I'he opening of the ent fall and win al the "Wa te tainmient wal SARIN Whithy entation of the Onl he narked hy the pre Earl Adam ' varie Weely la n he ho how an mital aud | valuinteel entertainment un ive freely af their time lent show, which eatured a variety of aets includ local accordion ane | in the ng ql wa youns Yrimdad and of the wirk of ihe IIBSIMAT IES Schools are One quarter of are East Indian. They value edu cation very mghly, but there is a great shortage of schools, colleges and teachers The first mission Presbyterian 1870. Much is owed 16 the Cana Olan mi se hooks In thanking Mrs. Lapp lor fine interesting talk, Mrs ed that many of the shown in the pictures had in school when she Trinidad a lew yerrs ago, It heart warming to know that so many of them were aking part in Christian work and Prinidad til a he Canadian Cn most important the population wlarted m Was by a minister mn her Hare ahser yung ope heen pupils AUENL In Was he added that challenge fo ehurehes Hare also for heing helping with the music wis closed benediction Mrs. Whitehurst and group were tes hostesse BOWLING NEWS WHITBY MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUF Tuesday night at Count Major League took the with Burtinsky Florists tak from Hillere Mercantile nipped ssn for Marke! | irtice leweller ke Iwo Mrs Wehher vii Kind in The meet the hanked 0 with Mizpah owl th to Anes all point Whithy Bud Conke J Wilson's ¥ ne Ha ood Hambly Tire Boh Murphy fice Pharmacy was top hi 18) Niher Dairy twa point ood doing the f and in he from ( Pharma elt's had of point of Lour hooler of of captain he r compiling game 60 for La triple were rolled 783 (335). Manning 19 Ae 718 8. Jim Ca 711 (len mn a niece gon ny (ien Olliffe nold (267) Rora Dave sell warty 754 Hil Gryll heck 707 07 (259 2m nf Jack Moore 5, Doug White 277 Hephurn over 2M rolled hy 121, Ernie Patterson Rowden 263, Krnie fohn Breuchle 256, Al 256 | CANDY LEAGUE for the day: Allsoris 3 (tumdrops 4, Humbugs 0. Jelly Beans 8, Life Savers 1, Lollipop 4, Maple Buds 0, Peppermints 1 Priples aver 5501 Gi. Wiles 99 I. Mothersill 682, D. Kehoe 666 \ Hewis 614, A. Mikacel 609, B Moase 50, T Shaw 686, DD. Moore 78, 8. Dilling 552 Ningles over 200: 250, 225; 1. Mothersill 283 ND. Kehoe 239, 233; A. Hewis 221; EK. Greenley 282; A, Mikaecel 270; K, Loyst 266; B, Moase 241 I", Shaw 235; § Dilling 284, 2M D, Moore 225; L. Riley 220; J Hilliard 218; B. Pascoe 206 and M. Bentley 204 LADIES' CIGARET LEAGUE High Triples V. Sandford 697-271, 228; C. Denyer, 672 240, 220, 212; RB, Heron, 634-251 208; M, Cadwell, 617-240, 218; M Rilidia, 06-298, 206; M. Mq¢ Cay, M7298 284; L. Peake, 37 {I High Singles: ©. Watts Mowai, 216: D. Caverly Sackett, 202, H Hewis Points to Date: Cameos parts 10, Players 9 fH, Winchesters 7 Points Wiles #26, 298 (¥¥] 299 AR} 01 12, Kx Buckinghams | Winstons 2 Garden Club Plans | Fall Flower Show | The Whithy in the n R October meeting the Carden Club will be held Whithy. Arena Rotunda on) ursday evening, at 8.00 p.m The speaker for the evening is hoing supplied hy the T Eaton! Co Lid I is hoped that turn out mo goodly numbers participate in the contest classes are as follows I Vase hardy 'mums coors modern arvange ment, any Howey aitlahle for huffel ar mantel: 4 arrangement of fruit, Howers and leaves: § tuberous hegonia three & mens in low containers vase of hardy 'mums or novices only | ol will tn he members a Qe \ speci fi BROC Now Playing Ad ¢ Nise FOUNDATION peasan INDE We LAPT OF We MARTY Ee ARORRD = Evening Shows at 7 and 8:25 Last Complete Show at 8:25 WHITBY Phone MO 8.3618 111 Dundas $1, West Tel, MO, 53703 WHITBY SPORTS PARADE By GERRY BLAIR an and stalwart defence men of the just recently defunet Whitby Dunlops, and fir al league game with the Fronteni wulfered a broken collar-bone night in Kingston, Harry collided vielousgs iv in the third period he a loose puck bounding "ler playing ni or Kingston on Baturday th profe | 4 # goal post ear ke tel at en len pled fe Fro ned desper carele behind the tenae netminder, Norman plely to the dressing room physi Dr, Blinks intended the actusl name), of consultations.and deliberation Harr ice, but CAUSINE him Jacques, Harry went in for examination by the club ngsloy Alter a cin {noe pun that Is few minis returned to the or with official to the ice of a obvious spit idelined for the healing neal Ke upon conclugio the game to delerming he extent of the nur a Mace Hl ery Harry will depending alter several prind WEE detected in the ne Wik hone upon he three approximately a mont Harry al fler the game tha nope CK Ir Ironical Har dent In the | i Bruin rap if SOT E informed u and to make it hb week al ble uffered & ol all po enoug) the season hip know the Lhe Het gnme commenced sponsor nf most of you Yoston athlete information of Harry game ol appointed nimber one more the the point Ere. A hig had when he received y until that moment iy tead game 1sual pin passing 0 to the delight of sttendance hitout the defend il j=0) for King checked d fa fontreal | 1060-61 sea Fronter kaled and had it JRO ral ehampon 0 n the opening game of 'the ton the Ro heen for aly not the Charlie Hodge and I'he Al nto the ee al evel tury the nel outstanding goaltending in heen much more decisive 12-31. with both clubs hot the could have al outeame nil earl heir nn gnal In 8 the Frontenars en ioved a | Ig aturday's e ol tremendous fan by the crowd Somethin have noticed In the e coniest Ont citing and plea other communities Ir Fi, WAs ecuted Lhe fine pla ARAN Change UIprising LIpon reaction to the mal Kingston plauded ¢luh, Time and time ap vigorous! the line and numerous pla [¢ hi standout pecially the work ol conclu tand for orn and impregnable defence the Jacque club a detected sion of the game people gave the pecial plaudits could be nevally the UNIMPressive ing avation, and Narman Jacque ¢ target of much CHRON ward for the K ame of Real Chevrefils, they accounted them and total icism during last year I'he Frontenac Stan Maxwell for all three Chevrefils Boone of eight productive for Hine Ing the three and Budd gonl divided Maxwell one assis! maosi ton Wi Boone, As AMONg up ARKIN them a grand possible nine equally and picked two gained giving scoring points oul of a were held not allows their dilis lines fon with the remaining two were largely re Royals ingle relentle Although scoreless, they the visiting checking I'he youngest dall Miller, last ponsihle tall skating the Kingston wth Barrie, Tom formerly with the National 'Olympic Red Ouellette, a 'BR performer from loo who stepped right into pro ranks last kated mile thwart drive by Montreal with he Ing A gent and Ran Williams team and Waters with rin on roster Season U.S Junior SEeuRON the Frontena tn many a po tential offensive There are eight player Frontenacs under I'wa of $20.000 dialt alion 19 defenceman, from the Mon and Barry Ashhee, future with the parent of the eight are Tom Thurlby treal lated for Roston I'he Ie als VER! HEE ll choice anadien NHI, duty Bruin NIRgani in the neal hhes vinden Hull-Ottawa outstanding defensive "hur lby A Marr Picard, last ve a draftees ff ind n ir wilh ined Alin ramp ex-Whithy Dunlop the the n CARON, Wa dut Alf need in another working ready Tom oon, 1 Alf da) weight In and I'reen has been further condi installing he may he called upon to fill the gap left by out for lew and tioning him into the past to bring hi down hefore However Blan line-up Wren Sinden hy coach the manager injured Harry TOWN AND COUNTRY The Kingston club were In Kitchener last evening for their first league road game, and hoping to cease the two game winning streak Kastern Profe Hookey leader | first home game. Should the Reavers, they will pull and Hull-Ottawa, ereating tie. Hull-Ottawa experienced victory Sunday afternoon Hull, shuting out the Sault Marie Thunder. birds, 4-0. They opened the schedule with a 7-2 thumping aver Montreal We believe, that 1 he 1 Hull-Ottawa, and traight of the inhal League n thew Fron tenaes claim a victory from the with Kitchener three-way first place their second successive even " on in Ste the Royal trength. af the lies In possibly Kil Tust lea fram their tan victorie how g the Kingaton Frontenac ale 1-0 victor ran Man momentaril Walves 53 hardly be ascertaimed hy then nver treal having poiled verdict heing they hry Inst Montreal's that g up the re av thus fa debut all three game Sudbury home Sunday, with a BOOST YOUR SPENDING POWER! with & mbank Rooster Play LOAN YOU NAME THE NEED WE PUT UP THE CASH! OF WE GAN YOU NED MOM LOMBANK -- pA? x Lamba nk Finance (Basten) Limite 101 Dundas St. WW, Brack Bldg, 2nd WHITBY MO 8-338) Floor i | Fire Department Makes Plans For |Fire Prevention On Thursday, Friday and Hat srday of next week the Whithy Le Department will he open for inspection as part of the National Fire Prevention Week program Fire Prevention Week from Monday, Oct. 10 until Saturday yet. 1h and methods of fire pre ention in the homie will he pong ed onl tn the public throughout anada In a salement Chiet Bruce Corner ollowing methods of ire wm Fire is is likeable moods meals, heals your a nd rackles cheerily In fire but National Fire Preven Week is 5 goof time 1a re also that fire can turn endanger your life and of your family, and de air home and helong fimes tne The antlines preven 1 n oil # two-faced riend Oaks JUTE your Nnale wm memnher aiekly the hive rr ngs An estimated gerons fires break in Canadian homes, Adding tragie irony to the havoe they create 1s the fact thal ordinary precaution and good safely habits would have prevened practical) all of them. Here same good pon half-million dan out annnally are ip 1 on Examine foie sel electricity overloading cireuit cords under rug extension coros oo fe leave the electric vnen he Answers phone Cheek oi carefully re you run yink bo Do you os ron on he tele housekeep of one yO litle general be A CAUSE i fast keep oily or around et ean can feed Don't ra and tart fire ne paint soaked rid of them. Dispose of old paper MABERZINE Be especial) in storing flammable such as gas and kero und arefil liquid ENE BALLY ACHE THROUGH CHICAGO (AP I'he CAIeeT Rally Ache, top - win thoranghhred horse 1906) fn an ena NEE racin n ning m spparent! Ome showed no hone when the Preakness was pulled up during Batu $10,000 Gold Cup prep al vihorne, track bul his traine the horse undoubtedly | through with racing has L1H hroken win ner day Hi YOUR FIRST STEP 10 BEAUTY AND SAPRTY Call . : » DOWNEY CAB MO 8-815] FOR FAST BFFICIENT TAXI SERVICE Group Names The Bow lel Work and Pray' Ladies of the Fmmeniuel Re formed Church met in the church basement Wednesday, af #00 pm The meeiing order by the president After he opening hymn and prayer the Beriplure / ead by Mrs. WM. Zyisira, who also led in the Bible Study A Thankollering article was read by the president the called to Mrs. G wi flezelman hisiness plans were made for he Women's Vall Missionary Con ference of the Toronto Assembly fo he held in our church mm Ot 21 Flection of officers and those elected are Hezelman ident Ven Slaveren ioe president | H Wiersma secretary Mrs. 1b. Tukker, adjunct Refreshments were served alter which the meeting wa closed with singing and prayer During eaelon field Mrs, G Mi A Two Fires Mar Prevention Week Nationa! Fire Prevention Week n Whithy commenced roar rT ir the had with a Whithy deal 24 when Fire in ith hour Department Iwo fires mn than firefighters woodshed al On Sunday evening AR fire Coal pul onl in a Yard Peel little damage estimated (he fires to he caused hy a cigare! end which had smouldered In a sawdust pile for two days | While dealing with this fire the | department was called to the old abandoned Lighthouse | fighter ed that the ent wooden structure had deliberately sprayed with oil and T.V. AERIALS Bawdon on treet. There wa and firefighter nhser Moved -- Repaired Installed, INDEPENDENT SALES & SERVICE (WHITBY) LTD MO 8.2081 'Work And Pray "Toll Travelogue l- At United Church nee again the commpply Whithy is In be favored Toll traeviogue aimed to he the best one Le Roy Toll is we Rev. 8 1, served the Whithy Uniled Chwreh, Be and his brother, the late Rev, Flsworth Toll, went on several trips to the far east and to Beonith America and presented most interesting commentaries of their adventure Mrs. 1. Toll is the the late Mr. G. Goodfellow Whithy and Mrs. CG. Goodfellow whe now resides in Toromo Mrs, Toll attended the Ontario Ladies' College and the Whithy wo with a ine yi fie Tall the som of and My whe dangnier wl of Whithy pe first lo il seriteral blaze ignited was he and had handed the fire truck Once again the tire department was summoned to a CNR freight shed shortly after 4 pm. Mon day. This fire wis in the immed ale locality of the Sawdon fire Little damage was done and thi fire was probahl tarted: bh children playing mathe man ee he he fire the mil ngle prior in arrival of ih For all School and hoth Mr. and le Roy Toll were very in the Whithy United High Mrs five Chareh They are presenling & very of the Holy where travelled In in the Whithy Upiled Chareh Oct. 21 at B16 Ad mission = hy ticket only and tickets may he obigined from members of the Women's Avo: "atm timely raeviogne fand they 194 on Friday SHIRT LAUNDERERS MOTH AND BURN HOLES REWOVEN US. AID SUSPENDED VIENTIANE, Lang (AP) American military aid to Laos Premier Bowvanss Phouma an declined 1n comment on the temporary halt {of military help or suggest any has been Prince nounced Friday suspended He reasons for | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 11, 1980 s SEAT COUERS ary [PATIRFHE CONVERTIBLE 16.00 WHITBY RA 5-3555 There's no Substitute for Experience! WHITBY AUTO TRIM REAR-COUNTY SPORTS Stretch your shoe dollars with Cat-Tex! Amazing soles that oulwear leather over and ever again a real triumph of feience! Why nol resole all your family's shoes with this wonder working new material for miles-longer wear on every pair, See your Cat's Paw repairer soon By the makers of famous GAY'S PAW heels & soles and OAT'S PAW TIPPS, CAT-TEX = 60 JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST When you need Flowers You Need ls Phone MO 8.3324 124 Dundas 51. W., Whithy WHITBY CLEANERS LTD Phone MO 8.2345 For Free Pick-up Of Your Furs and Apparel WE OPERATE OUR OWN REFRIGERATED STORAGE All Garments Fully Insured 150 Colborne St. East UPHOLSTERING A. ZAYETTE Recovering and Repair ng For Old Quality Value With Madern Re ying Phone MO 8.2344 Whithy, Ontarie VIGOR OIL STATION Operated by "Vie" Van Luven Dominion Royal Tires The Hest Deal on New and Used Tires Phone MO 8.3444 S01 Brock So N, Whithy GEORGE H. HARDING Construction Co, Lid. Goneral Contraction and Builders Alerations Phone MO 8.1566 Repain YOU PAY NO MORE, standards, THE BEST STORES. See if your name is in one the and addresses of people livin advertisements carefully and found m Whitk en this With Ur Home h Page one of the and present wing that wel vou will rg jonds advertiser acvertiter they wish ta spend OSHAWA Ornamental Railings Metal Wark Omamental Furniture ---Railings Five Escapes Guaranteed Wark AE GIN AD Brack § 4 Oshawa Ph, RA 3.416) Whithy Ph, MO 8.2681 ALEX PEARCE Decorator DOME ST COMMERCIAL R h Roller Graining Painting Murals Paper prow Manama San 903 Bayview Ave, Whithy Phone MO 8-527" { 41) Fairview Drive Whithy A GUIDE TO VALUES WHITBY - AJAX - PICKERING BROOKLIN - PORT PERRY A More Personalized Service When You Shop Locally when you buy locally BUYS ARE ¢ advertisements. Th a page | Times tor a 26-week period and there will appear in the advertisement a in Whithy, Ajax, Pickering iF you tind your name Bro label have been purchased fr eve absolutely FREE a $1.00 ie n thi Winners must advise thew it along with a sale lip or nr Service page Ardler FREE 1356-00 LOOK FOR YOUR NAME RE.CHROMING Why waste time and effort looking for better buys in other communities? You pay no more at your local stores, Your local merchant is pledged te give you the same low prices te "be found anywhere else. Quality of merchandise that meets the highest MADE IN YOUR FRIENDLY LOCAL lip out the WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS ANNOUNCING "NEW FIBERGLAS FENDERS" For All Makes OF Can Specializing In All Grille & Accensorien--'32.'640 No. 12 Highway One Mile North of Whithy > THE DISTRICT PAGE GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE STATION George Popescu, Manager Try New FINA Gas For Pawer-better Mileage and Savings Licensed Mechanic Have Your Car Checked Before Vacation Trip Down Here Ron Beath, 212 St. Peten Phone MO 8.4232 932 Brack St, N, Whithy ROUSSEAU UPHOLSTERY FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our location of 216 MARY ST, EAST 1 hlogk North of Post Othe in Whithy Mast Convenient Your Buying Needs Of Quality Gonds At Prices That Save Is For feature af the Oshawa each week two names klin or Port Perry. Read the advertisement in which vou to The Oshawa office woany ong of the advertisers to be spe the veoh ly Times nt tor merchandise Oshawa Times on whieh STAFFORD BROTHERS Monumental Works Member af the Canadian Association of Memorial Crattsmen Distributor of Rock af Rare Granite and Eventide Granites Guarantesd Whithy Age Quarry MO 8.3552 J. A, VONDETTE Real Estate Broker Phone MO 8.3322 and MO R.484) WE SPECIALIZE IN PROMPT SERVICE Listings Soligited Industrial--Commercial Real Estate Hany Jermyn, Manager 104 Dundas Street West Geo. Hamers Lid, Plumbing and Heating * Automatic heating Automatic Heating Unit Gas and Oil Burmen Eavestroughing General Sheet Metal Wark Phone MO 8.3011 212 Broek Sv. 8 Whithy Whitby, Ontarie '52.'40, CAR-BUMPERS BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCES V. Graham R. Catton Weekly Specials WRINGER WASHERS from $109.00 118 Brock St 8, MO B.3707 Whithy, Ontarie

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