The Oshawa Times, 11 Oct 1960, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, October 11, 1960 A old on when Like the fruck took Appearance gray mere, a sway-hacked it broke in concrete Pa ul a load of Nashville today Flander two under blocks in trolman ( Plowing Contest Starts Today Ont, (CP International today near al tent PRINGIFIELD 47th annual Match begins "he lowing this v ready that ha into ilage on a site mushroomed a day competition annual ru in Ontario, will 'see 0 entries competing for t to represent Canada In competition for world title ored by the Ontario Plow Association, it brings lo gether the best plowmen from each province In the country a well as winner in regional a oclations malches in Ontario In addition to expert plowmen the match also features Youngs ters from 14 years and up al ready skilled in the exacting task of turning a clean, straight fur row Bunny The probably vent tour the higgest jal ¢ about 2 the righ the Spon; men's cool weather with alter noon cloudiness was predicted for the first match--probably the most ragged the 100,000 spectat ors expected at the event will see MAYORS TO COMPETE Some 30 Ontario mayors, many of whom have never driven # tractor let alone turned a strip of sod; will compete in the opener for the mayor's title. Port Colborne Fireman Dies PORT COLBORNE (CP)= Luigi Bernarva, 24, one men burned In a $10,000,000 il fire in Port Colborne died in hospital in n Fri for austri day, has anto Mi rexl hospital Hospital day night hurned in the Maple flour mill are Bernarva had heen trans fi from here to a Toronto withoritic iid Mon that five of the men the fire that destroyed Leaf Milling Company still in hospital is In serious condition fohn Palma Neil Barda, Marchanko ind Gerard Marchand Manuel Rodregue, wa I'aronto General Hospi hes Roger are 0jrae Another ken to al n eighth man, Roy 1% treated in hospital he \ d 8 G M heguin Ww re and saturday Macla executive president of Maple Leaf ld Monday night It has whether to re ehlan \ Hing not heen decided huild the mill s decided during the week that it will he a smaller if it is mill's rebuilt 450 employees paid up to Oet, 15 and dis sed, Mr, Maclachland sald expected they would get pref for jobs from contractors mills is rebuilt will he mi H erence I the Fireman Injured As Barn Burns NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP One fireman was injured and damage amounted to $6,000 Mon day when fire ripped through a large barn in nearby Willoughby Volunteer fireman Tom Som merville was treated at hospital for an eye Injury and re leased, Cause of the fire was not determined Missing Convict Fell Asleep KINGSTON (CP) Dennis Bowers, 23, of Toronto and Lon wm, Ont, was missing from Kingston penitentiary for three hours Saturday before giving himself up at the main gate He told prison officials he fell asleep on the job in the prison piggery an! missed the after noon count, He had served all of the 2) her it a-year for auto Ming A theft and breaking and entering with intent, Louis] He sald company! Tractors used the match supplied by farm implemeni Plowmen entering the plowing competition bring own animals, and In some ippearance of the horse judged the plow are dealers horse their event ] [] in About upplier 100d 250 firms, most of them of farm machinery and have tablished exhibil wawling canv city ( in the A mateh 'queen of Lhe 8 this year crown of furrow Contes will have have a knowledge of plows plowing as well as a pretty lace and trim figure to win the title Other attraction during the four days include daily cooking school for women and horsehot pitehing contests for men Springfield is 12 miles east of Thomas, feature will in the new he to ants com plete and B Crashing Plane Injures Boy DETROIT (AP) A single-en ined private plane crashed Sun day on a street in suburban Far mington injuring g hoy who ran 100 feet down a street trying to It had missed et out of Its way hitting a field The three occupants of plane were Injured severely Michael Wilson, 12 of Farming ton was clipped by a wing of the plane, He in serious. condi the was of elghttion Michael ] the power After plane pole In the plan Clyde Howitt, 43 sengers, Laverne his son, James, 13 The Wilsons and Michael are not related. Howitt said his plane developed engine trouble clipping slammed into the two 7 pilot pas and were and Wilson " SHE AIN'T WHAT SHE USED TO BE veys the scene AP W |Halifax Man Charged for {tion irephoto Baby Sitter Saves Children : GEORGETOWN (CP) year-old baby sitter carr children safety Mon fire broke oul the lo in ied hx lay alter hasement of the duplex they lived in Albert Bweezey was children of Mr Thibeault when It a the John tarted hasement confined |¢ taking care and Mrs fire the the ) Stray Bullet Hits Passenger CATHARINES wounded irl he wa bullet Guelph a Queen in her Ann Bpenr ahd Mr released doctor ow with three ray ear-oid hest Bund along the near here Barbara of Mr Spears, wa pital mall wound The came oul again Doctors said been two Inches have heen falal Mrs, Bpears Mr, Spears was holdiag up in the front seal youngster complained ol in her chest, Mr, Bpea blood on her clothing Police have fired the The pent, apparently car through the window ler after if the lower vas driv shot CEMETERY WATERFORD, N.Y, ( cp Elizabeth parents' from hullet when five the ing Way cal daugh Gordon hos ed up a stitches a in dr bullet glanced off a rib and had It might ing, and Barbara the pain found | & rs not discovered who hulle ente open no-draughl t, nearly red the VANDALS AP) Po lice sought today vandals who de secrated Waterford Rur tery, opening one cask turning about 15 gra and strewing hones from the cans ket and empty heer a hurial vault, The dan discovered Monday by 1 tery - caretaker. Locks al Ceme el, over vestones, cas ARC Was he ceme. on the steel door of a private vault were hroken to gain entrance Marx, Stalin Join Buddha In this article, Ronald Farquhar, who has completed a 2L.month assignment as Reuters correspondent in Pe. king, describes how the Chis nese have added a touch of R0th-eentury polities to a na. tional shrine more than 1,500 yoars ald, By RONALD FARQUHAR LOYANG, Honan Province Reuters) The prophets of world communism have an honored place among ancient Buddhist cavedemples and images at the Dragon Gate, near Loyang, a former capital of old China Larger than life colored portraits of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin hang on one wall of a red-pillaved pavilion perched on a cliffside pockmarked by more than 2,000 caves housing price less Buddhist relics Similar piletures of present-day Chinese Communist leaders, in cluding Mao Tseung, Liu Shao chi and Chou KEn-lal, adorn the opposite wall About 100.000 idols and statues were carved by hand out of the solid rock of the hillside between 1,500 and 1,000 years ago in this (world-famous treasure house of | Ruddhint art, Work still 1s going {on to uncover some buried with the passage of centuries BUDDHA FIGURE BIGG The biggest figure of all is a di-foot-high Image of Lochana Buddha in a huge, vawning cave known as the Feng Hsien Temple, just beneath the top of the eliff Thousands of craftsmen with hammers and chisels chipped out this delicately-formed and beaut! fully-propartioned masterplece vellow and pink 1.5300 Year ago 'hey burrowed about 113 0 the -cliff face, hollowing out {alcoves and screens and pedess tone nearly feet ni Lals ures of attendants high, as well as images and creating eight other , nearly 40 feet scores of ig smaller The work took them only three vears and nine months, the years 672 and G75 LENGTHY TASK Many of the other « images took longer, Wor lasted for 2M years, The figure 1s only inch high aves hetween AD and kK on one smallest soven-tenths of an The cliffs housing the caves are on either hank of a the Yi, a few miles which now is the site Soviet-designed tractor it wa the ry In olden times, portant centre of religion with nearly hist monks and nuns lv monasteries and eight ¢ Mal Yichang, curato Dragon Gate relies, told §,000 er called from Loyang, Wf a new factory § an im Buddhist Rud: Ing in 10 onvents r of the this cor respondent that about 800,000 peo ple, come including university every year to caves, A few old pec come to pray beside th of Buddha NEW NOTICES Ton Notices In some « visitors that some sculptures are they were "stolen bandits" and now tion in museums in Boston and Kansas thers are in Japan On a yellow entrance to on cave Ww tains a 1400 . year Buddha nearly red characters proclaim the great victory of th general line for m " On the missing hy poasite sic | an « \ support democratic movements America." aves images tablet outside 30 feet high building the students visit the ple stil) 0 Image 1 \ 121 and hecause American are on exhibi New City York while the hich con old stone bold "Salute © party's social alls upon national of Latin miner from Halifax reigned in court Wednesday on a ' death of redhesd Key Chouwinor ", #2 remote night, fering indignity to a dead body marry Conrad Walther, in the New Brupswick Toronto dress designer and + mode! Esser found on & hevk of the St River negr nection with pearance of Dolly Kirkland Lake, Police across On a service tario are checking unsolved mur der cases (have heen In Two Mystery Deaths | TIMMINS (CP)~ (Mickey) Feener not heen able le His parents Veene Brawny Owen have 25-year-old ex will be ale and 4 Mr iF RCMP the cause of Miss death has not been estal whose body was found. near The woman had been de bush road Saturday four weeks and was ide ernation of tes WE ar- Max ye Fredericion said olficials E hed ad ahou fied by barge of murder in the slashing fe 3 7 who ap of erates a farm near Bradford, th of Toronto, She had started ome to clear up persons) affairs the wedding John Miss Chouinor had eight broth last evs and sisters, After her father death 15 years ago, her mother Timmins police said Feener left the family and the girl, nen will' be questioned today in con- 11, brought up the family almos last year's disap- hy herself Woods, 16 She will be buried today alter attended hy the eight heathers and sisters Two of Kay's brothers, Arnold 23, and Roderick, 20, work in 5 in mines nearby Schumacher Veener is also charged with of death Miss was hetore Catharine Essers, #4, decomposed hody Fredericton week y om where young women vietims ner was arrested Oct, at Kirkland Lake on a year-old tral- Also expected al the fupersl are fie driv car, The Toronto woman had left and Isoble, 15, for SAYS GIVEN HIM cided to A or's 'purse and identification pa around | [| found to be red sports Phillip Cornwel hoth of rs Roselle Armand, 16 and Joseph 25, and Fred, win violation and wa 2, ing Miss Fssers 0 and h Ba of Blurgeon Fails whe look in Kay, sad cherished the tastelul hom £ hort A, Ve now Ig, her Hasgow in 8, Bept in Mrs, Glardine, motherly interest d : ii read Ji outdoor hl Feeper told police he ha ngreed to accompany Miss F sers home but while driv the United Blates she go to California in to him If and wore pric 2 ciothin Pl d NEONENH ' intense an ly moral 10 kept a stack of v and religious She rarely dated party in her closet fei car over musi and turned the p Timmins police a red sports car in with Miss Chouinor earance Oct, 4. Chief jeacock read a news count of Feener's arrest and rec ognized him as 8 man who once worked in Timmins mines, Apparently distrusted tnem Police discovered Miss Chouln- and their motives, Bhe was sen body in a birch grove 10 sitive about her reputation and milesmiles northwest of here al never considered doing anything questioning Feener, Her clothing that would damage her even disarvayed and a man's shirt glightly found near the body Mrs autopsy showed she had previously discouraged Kay go truck on the back of the ing out with the man who called licad and stabbed at least eight for her on the night she disap imes, A small hunting knife peared, He w wearing cowboy found near the scene, There was boots, Jeans and a windbreaker no evidence of sexual assault He very good looking and Miss Chouinor had worked for 4 smooth but he couldn't the last three yea) a mad (a0) me," Mrs, Giardine said for a Timmins surgeon and fe, Dr, and Mi Joseph dine, Mrs, Giardine said the a withdrawn, religious per tmen roims pr Parked Cars so oe Damnable' RCMP officers went ith Yooner GODERICH (CP) to the spot where the body was d ound. Police found Miss Chouin clergyman told a conference of foun young church members Sunday hat pre-marital sexual experi: ence is the rule rather than the exception for the present day teenage girl { Leslie Barclay based h tatement on the results of tests he suid made by an un named doctor on hundreds of HAS DAUGHTER young women Feener is married and has a, He was addressing one-year-old daughter but police rally of the Hamilton synod Presbyterian Young Killing In Ti red were ook er room conned 5 disap though there were dres Gordon NANEIng AC: MISTRUSTED MEN Kay grew up an aver sion to men," Mrs, Glardine sad paper with she ors T as Giardine sald she had An heen Wi "an wan talker us hig Glar girl Wie on nen Monda Chet pers Chief Beacock have stripped clothing, hair stained sections crime lahoratory sald RCMP offi the and and the on car kin to in cer ent 4 le hlood RCMP lawa were the fall London Peo one conclusion ean he reached ries Monday on a television set fo marry a girl who has had it blood, He was taken to the prison! kind you work with. Street walk ple's Union Mr, Barclay described the au lomobile as a "damnable fea ture of modern life and said only| » San Quentin when one sees a couple in a car parked on the roadside late al SAN QUENTIN, Calif, (AP) night one hundred San Quentin prison. "Men seem lo want pre-mar ers were watching the world se. ital experience, hut do not want in the prison gymnasium he said Suddenly Edward Ybarra, 31 When he asked the doctor what a los Angeles robber, stood up kinds of girls he made the tests and staggered toward the door. on, Mr. Barclay said, the doetor His shirt quickly darkened with replied that they were "just the hospital, where he died from five ers don't have pre-marital tests," tah wounds Rev, W, Henderson of Walker Prison officials sald question: ton told delegates those who are ing of all 100 convicts produced opposed to capital punishment no clue to the killer are forgetting society as a whole the Colhorne i " auto collided with two others A Windsor; Car Racing Brings Charge Eoggoniin TON (CP) A Hemi youth was charged Monday ow) ng & S-mile-sn-hour chase! Brough aowntowr Kenneth Ward IFgea with and with twe counts of 18) remal Detective George Frid sald the chase sig hen he ordered a to stop because it was rac with twe ofthe The he 8 Carel Fv ne ted ar ng vehicles fore the chase ended blind alley, Arab-Israel Meet Hinted UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (CP Isreel challenged leaders Monday to meet with Premier avid Ben-Gurion in a Middle East summit conference to seek peace settlement, lsrael and Arabs have been under arm we since the 1948 Palesting m Argh a the i war, Israel's Meir told er-Gution mediately, t Foreign Minister Golda the General-Assembly eady to meet im without any pre-condi the United Nations or tions, i nH : any other place She Pri amon UAR heen that had President Khrush pointed onl ident Va er ne ng Eisenhower and Premier those wu i to meet U.AR delegate ejected Mrs, M He d me wold ot Omar Loutf propo with the Is compared ' 4 he vith an Elsenhower-Khrushehe meeting because Israel had com mitted aggression by K.gypt in 1956 Poles Attack Red Arrest TORONTO (CP) The Cana dian Polish Congress annual con vention has denounced the Palish government for the arrest las month of Tadeusz Koyer, Polish born Canadian of Montreal Koyer, a former member the underground Polish home army, was charged by the Com munisl government in Warsaw with the wartime slaying of nine eft-wing partisans More than 800 delegates al the meeting, representing 400,000 Canadians of Polish descent across the country, cheered telegram from Prime Minister Diefenbaker Mr, Diefenbaker said the gov ernment had already taken steps fo bricg to the attention of Polish authorities its deep concern ove the welfare of one of its citizens He sald the government would ooptinue to watch the case closely and provide all possible assistance ( of Happy No From Oldster BRANTFORD (CP) Brant ford man, 90 years fry Sunday attributed his exceptionally good iealth to perpetual optimism and a helief that the world is getting better every day, People say the world is get flug worse, but I think it's get linge phetter," sald Richard J, Mc Millen, "The work that so many organizations are doing for the common good 1s not being wasted." Rifle Club To Commence Once again "Old Father Time" has pushed another summer sea son past us and the time has ar rived for the Whithy Rifle Club to commence its indoor activities For the senior members of the ¢lub opening night will be Wed nesday, Oct, 12, at 7.30. p.m, al St, Public School in Whithy, Junior will enroll one week later at 6,90 pom, on Wed nesday, Oct, 19 : New members will also be wel comed on these nights Postal, Metro and Club leagues will begin Immediately, Thus early enrolment of members is {requested It is also desirable to [draw up a program to include all members to compete in their own | classification for trophies, These | competitions are expected to cover a six-week period The indoor range at the Col {borne Street School is a 20-yard {range with 12 adequately illumi "IMPECCABLE WOMAN DRIVER Mrs, Shirley Bowles of To. | Montreal ronto displays the trophy she | Bowles left Toronto at 12.33 captured for the second straight | a.m, Saturday and finished at year as top woman driver in the | Gananoque, alter covering 750 Thousand Islands motor car ens | miles, at 6 p.m, the same day durance run from Toronto and | (CP Wirephoto) to Gananoque. Mrs Rugs need cleaning ? lean them in your own home AL SEGERS RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS 442 MILLER AVE, RA 5-7488 Fast efficient service nated targets, In the initial stages new mem hers and visitors may use the club's guns and will get all the advantages of expert tuition from some of the best marksmen in Ontario invading their | *irard, 32 " brought INTERPRETING THE NEWS | Peacemaking For ' French, Germans By ED SIMON Canadicn Press Malt Writer To Premier Michel Debre UREOTIOTLBIN Weekend inter mediary between (wo strong witled old wen, the ides thet Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer enjoy a special part nership within the Western alli ance would probably offer a Wittle wry amusement, In wig two days in Bonn, the unfortunate Debre was doing his best make current French policies appear palatable to the sceptical German chancellor, Just to make his job interest ing, he was faced with the ad ditional problem of keeping up to date on de Gaulle's speaking tour through the French Alps and convincing Adensuer that some of the general's remarks weren't as had as they sounded STILL PALS Returning to Paris, Debr gamely telegraphed his host that Franco-Gierman alliance Js "firmer than ever' and the #4 year » old chancellor responded with the enigmatic tribute that he and Debre "remain good friends." In the an to he balmy atmosphere of last spring, when Nikita Khrush chevy was gently preaching the virtues of Kast-West smity, Ade raver and de Gaulle made com mon cause in urging their allies treat his blandishments with reser Khrushehev's behavio since the collapse of the summit last May has richly justified suspicions But today the two leaders are occupied with other issues on vhich they do not see eye to eye De Gaulle, faced by a new al tempt (6 debate the Algerian problm in the UN, has impat) ently dismissed the organization as "a pitiable platform for sens- ational speeches and threats.'t Shoots Son, Kills Himself WINDSOR (CP Monday they believe a double hooting near here Saturday was a case of attempted murder and lo Police said ide Dead vho police is Arthur Hennin, 61, ald shot his son Ge- in the back with a shot then shot himself in the head. The father died in hospital The son reported. in satis. factory condition in hospital Nobody really knows yet what ahout the shooting sald Patrick Roome, chief of the silburban Sandwich West Town ship police Were satisfied It an attempted murder," The shooting occurred in a run down tarpaper shack where Ar: thur Hennin lived CRICKLEWOOD 'UNION RULES Ry STEWART MacLEOD Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP) The bus service in London's Crickle wood district has been worse than usual lately .and Mon day an irate would-be passen: ger stalked into the depot to find out why One glance and he knew, The clock, which bus erews oper. ate by, was running an hour fast It last light un WAS wa eems no one set it back week when Britain's day- time ended The would-he passenger upset, The story reached new spaper N A reporter, gain an was the determined to explanation, called depot spokesman, He got it, "There's a special departs ment that goes around setiing our clocks," sald the spokes man. "They haven't 'got to us yet." Well, asked the why doesn't some depot ployee simply push the hand back? "We can't because againgt our union rules e¢limb ladders," was the wer And the ol reach What happened after that is a secret of the depot, but later Monday the clock was running fead on time, The clock-set ting department hadn't been there, so there was widespread bellef that some non-certified clock setter scurried up that ladder The tainly sald, was! reporter, em hour it's to ans. clock out was Just depot wasn't with "We spokesman cers telling, All he magnificent * pride, adjusted it," a | indi (i saenauer ation 3 high esteem ECONOMIC VIEWS Adenauer coptiiues to favorably on proposals for broad ening the FEuropesn Economic Community, of which France and West Germany are members, into a Western Furop-| ean political bloe including Brit-| gin and other non-members the six-power trading group De Gaulle, jealous of any sur render of French sovereignty would prefer looser political ties Additionally, he has alarmed the United States us well as Ade nauer with his insistence on con trol of any nuclear weapon: based on French soil, Germany prefers a more tightly integrated NATO defence structure Under the circumstances, it | not surprising that & new Europ ean summit meeting emerges g a possibility from the Adenauer Debre talks, Despite the good of fices of intermediaries like De bre, it would be helpful if the chiefs of state delivered them 8 their views under the game rool VER Every holds the has £ he in DRIVE TO geauValle ONIGHT Breakfast « Lunch « Dinner Men's Lunch 12:2 HOTEL LANCASTER Did You Know , , , In the main Dining Reom ef the GENOSHA HOTEL you con o Full.course Dinner for ONLY 95¢. have GET THE BEST For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTERING 142 SIMCOE ST, §. RA 8.6451 or RA 3-413] OSHAWA ONLY 10% DOWN UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY look both! of) | 08 me show you how casy il. 18 lo safeguard your valuables in 11) SAFETY DEPOSIT Boxes "Believe it or ip there are still lots of people who cling to the idea t! the safest place in the world to store valuables is in a hideaway at home, But for every one of these people there are hundreds more who have learned the better way and are now=using Toronto~ Dominion Safety Deposit Boxes, T.D Safety Deposit Boxes offer you maxi» mum protection for such valuables as property deeds, mortgage docu ments, insurance policies, stocks and bonds, jewel- FOUR SEASONS n, TRAVEL & CONFIRMS R YOU ON THE ALSO ALL sroT OTHER TRAVEL RA 8-6201 lery and all of those small, important things that would be impossible to replace should they be lost, destroyed or stolen, Safety Deposit Boxes are located inside the maxis mum-security, fire-proof vaults you see in every Toronto-Dominion branch, Your valuables are doubly secure be- cause you are the only person who can open 600D NEWS For homeowners Oshawa and ve it (OMING THURS. 0c. 13 NU-WAY RUG CO. 174 MARY §T, ATTENTION RETAILERS Stores now renting in this Shopping Plaza to be constructed immediately, Ideal location on Simcoe St, N,, directly opposite the north A & P store. Store sizes suitable to any type of business. Consult Us For Your Needs HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 11 ONTARIO STREET RA 8.1679 the box, Renting a Safety Deposit Box is easy and economis cal, For less than two cents per day you ean enjoy the satisfaction and peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that your valuables are safe and secure, Safety Deposit Boxes are typical of the many con- venient services available at your neighbourhood Toronto-Dominion branch. Be sure to visit the one nearest vou soon, You'll really enjoy our kind of interested' service. See for yoursel! why , people make the difference ab TORONTO=- DOMINION G. B, MILES, Manager King & Simcoe Branch I. E, ERWIN, Maitager South Oshawa, 532 Simcoe South W. R, SINGLETON, Mgr, 366 King St, E, Brench | H. J, HISCOX, Manager | Whitby Branch

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