to Furope for training, provid Canada Skiers May ing funds are available, Train In Europe |," os vet Included Can n Junior noridie and ERNON, BC, (CP) -- The alpine chamoionships Feb, 24.26 |western division of the Canadian at Jasper, Alta; Canadian nor. I8ki Association" recommended dic ehampl ships, March 35 of Sunday thet the nations) associa Revelstoke, B.C., Canadian al ition send Canada's representa pine cham: oships, Feb, 18-19 at tives to the world championship! Mount Orfc |, Que, 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, October 11, 1960 BIRTHS Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto GORDON ~ Wr. snd Mrs, Ross Gor INDUSTRIALS ve Nel Po w $ € Chisltn don (nes Cov) ses ROPPI 16 SRROWEEE Sales Wigh Low 11 a.m. Ch ge the birth of their Sevier, Sheviey han, 5 Whe. 0% ous.) on Tharsdey Slack Seles Wigh Low 1 sm. CW ge M Lest M pr Lo 1604 October 6, 1988 #4 Port Perry Com ud Ls ih Kg Bg = § Can Dev w Build Prog #78 y We 1% C Husky Burrard A L d d h f o 5 C Superior 41 ( ' na Exchange Sales » Sales Wigh Low ii a.m. CW ge Stork wack Wigh Low 11 a.m, CW ge " nw wn Yd Black Seles Wigh Low 1} a.m. CW ge Block » 2500 #41 +! " " LR Midrim Minne Wright "n # 4 --- Ll CG Arrow ARIn Marcus on YM and § Mosher Wortiid Hegeimn vp Corp op Man rind Lid napity Hospitsl ' a Del Mix Farge Home ON A I Vete Maitrans 175 wi 9 Mae zi0 wh PORLOWESKL---Arthar snd Kitty pes Kocha) sre Rappy 16 antounes the WHith of their davghier, Christine (Tina) igs ed wis, on Friday, Ost 7 1960, at the Oshews General Hospisl The prowd grandparents of thelr frst grandchild sre Mr and Mes. George Koche. Thanks to Dr wl Pow he p an Cam Mylams Yip.asing Moranda Joh and Marion nee Mackie) wish 16 SRBOuRes Birth of & son, Merlin John, on Bndsy Ogtober 10, 1960, #& Oshaws spital. Thenks to Dr. Anderson and 3 Y ichers Ross we SMITH My Cochshui Smith (nee Phyllis £5 the birth of a deughter, at the Oshaws Genersl Sunday, Oct. §, 1960 SCHEWAGA "Life's never dull for me anymore-not since | learned to dance at Arthur Murray's. At the parties which are part of the lessons, I've met plenty of friends and we always have & barrel of fun." he Hydro Car An (0 Gener Ph ( ' ' ' ' B.A Brown ¥, « ( ' ' ' ' Gas Orehan Osisko ew Expl ek Crow FEEL ros Abr Cue Cop hismont Roy slite South U Sub rine Frind ON Un Oils Wespac Ww Can Wehurne snd Mrs, Richard dRrdine) apn yhee Shelley x'pne Hospital, on STIRE » Lioyd and Jown (nee Tran) 0G are happy 6 snpounce the provil of a baby brother, Paul Gregory, for Pall) Lanne, weight 7 10s, | 07., oR Sunday Oct, §, 1960, st the Oshaws General Hospital. Many thanks te Dr, Cuddy, | | DEATHS BASHER, Col, George Wediey, Oil OBE snd ED Suddeply, at his| Imp Ol tate residence, 400 Fairview Dr, Whit Imp by, on Sundey, Oct, §, 1960," Col Ind Ac Advoente Akniteho A Arcadin Mi € Cop Atlns Yk Athin-Ruf Bankfield Everybody has fun and good times at Arthur Murray's, And Rank 44 learning to dance his famous harne 4 Base Metals 6500 . 7% by Iv wn) 3 "Magie Step" way is so easy! Bug 00 I v i ¥ po pe 8 - 5% Bideop 22900 Ie 0 " Tock ml Giver youn the key w all the latest fog ee ptr, OF oil iy fa 2 Ee EE Hon em Ye nt Ut Camp Chib 300 master it in almost no time at ' all. Studiosopen daily 1 PM 1010 PM. Visitors are always welcome, Hugh-am Int Moly Int Nickel J Waite daeotis Hon 7000 Horne Imp 7 4 i A trial lesson costs but $104 ARTHUR MURRAY Open daily 1 to 10 pm, = Air-Conditioned W. Marks, Licenses RA 8. 11%2 SIMCOE ST. §. CANADA Deputy Seis "ait ' ( 2% 25 # 5 Minister of Reform Institutions), be Hproy i $6lp Sha : GC Sb wi 14 loved husband of Dors Stephens 9 Bas " & No dear father of Mrs, J. B, Mitchell 4 Er (Daphne), of Whithy; Mm DM phi ¢ s i ? " . Erin Warne (Hester), of Stoney Creek, Rest hE 4 44.4 4 # 4 airadd ing at the W. €, Town Funersl Chapel 1b Dundas Street East, Whithy, until Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 2.15 p.m, then tw All Saints Anglican Chureh for ser:| viee at, 2.30 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshaws Minister the Bev, 8B. Armetrong. Flowers gratefully declined, I desired contributions may be made to the Ontario Heart Founda tion nt ore nester rom Bellekeno Disevry Fen Glider Pilot 'Badly Hurt BRANTFORD (CP) Pilot Adolph Draeger, 30, escaped but passenger, Robert Caldwell, en suffered head injuries and a With ble broken hack in a glider NE ii near the airport here Sun. on its back Saturday during an Both are from Hamilton, |emergency landing in & rough pasture near here the Centralia Flying Club plane was piloted by Rod Me-| Kay, 19, of Hamilton, on rehab-| |Ditation leave from the RCAF at Centralia The passengers, all aged 19 were Sandra Latour and LAC . Candy Fir [J] Buys Site | Lawrence McKay (no relation to the pilot), both of Centralia I HERSHEY, Pa, (CP)--Hershey RCAF station; and AW Mary ate Corporation announced Grayburn, of Clinton RCAF sta 400 i f MB and PR 750 M Leal Mill BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT New Ideas On Taxatio By FORBES RHUDE Bowe British tax hited Merrill Bales to 11 am Wa 4 STAR WEDS | HORSES KILLED | WINDSOR (CP)--Brooks Rob! PAWTUCKET, RI, (AP) --~ Al inson, Jr., third baseman with least 12 we horses were killed | Three Escap the Baltimore Orioles, and Con. Sunday night in a fire which de Pl {stance Louise Butchern, formerly stroyed two stables at Narragan ane 1as lof Riverside, were married Sat urday at Christ the King Roman sett Park, The most valuable horse known to have been at the EXETER, Ont, (CP) Two Catholic Church and two women escaped track, April Skies, survived nothing more than a shak when a light alreraft flipped| DIXON (Gordon) At Torontn Gen eral Hospital on Monday, October 10 1960, Gordon Dixon (173 Ritson Road South) beloved husband of Effie Me Intyre, loving father of Mrs, G, Bwin dells (Marion), Oshawa; Mrs. R, Kerr (LAllian) Toronto; Ormond, of Hamil ton and Ted of Toronto In his 65th year, Resting at Melntosh-Anderson Funeral Home. (Funeral AFTARgements| later) | LOKIEC (LOCKIE) General Hospital on Tuesday, ! 1960, Andrew Lokiee (378 Avenue) beloved husband of Malski and dear father of Mr Moni (Carmen), Marvin and Lockie Oshawa and Fred of Toronto in his 75th year at Meintosh-Anderson Funeral King Street East, Requiem Holy Cross Chureh, Thursday ng Interment 8t. Gregory's Cemetery (Time of Mass will he announced Wednesday's Times) in Oshawa LL N { for « Prank felt Canada al find that tax Is ar msound---i them Mary Bir concession ¥ Vietor expert Lockie Re work The epic film based on Mikhail Sholokhov's classic novel In Color RUSSIAN DIALOGUE ENGLISH TITLES Frank he trie | Who WHS Kini for his in that field, disagrees with irdin he med further re trade problems Questia some current Ideas regarding Canada's commented "1 don't know can taxation He disagrees with the philoso the answer as to ide a United how live along high-w phy of using taxation as & mean you of think iis age economy (the irted and y JOHNSTON, Lett «AL Oshawa on Sunday, October 9, 1060, Lott Johnston, brother of Winnifred (Mrs, J, Collins) Utlea and Sarah (Mrs Cook), Man redistributing neome a) py W A wind to give relati tariff chester, in his 80th year Resting sl the Funeral Home of MeGuire and Low, Uxbridge, for service in the chapel on Wednesday, October 12 at 2.30 p.m. In terment Kendal Cemetery, Utica KILGOUR After a lengthy iliness at the Cedars Nursing Home, Colum bus, on Monday, October 10, 1060, Bar klay Kilgour, in his 67th year, beloved wishand of Withelming Brown and lov ing father of Mrs, H, Bateman (Agnes) John of Whithy and Mrs, J, F. Ballard (Hehegeh My, Kilgour is resting at Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street West for serviee in the Chapel on Wednesday, October 12, 2 pom, In terment Mount Lawn Cemetery MacDONALD Suddenly, on Sun day, October 9, 1060, John Ernest Mac Donald, in his Sth month, beloved son of M Vel MacDonald and the late John Basel, dear brother of Debbie and Garry, loving grandson of Mrs Ewen MacDonald. The funeral service was held at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel on Tuesday, October 11, 2 pm Interment was in Union Cemetery SOOTY At Hamilton Bunday October 9, 1860, James Thompson Seott, of Whithy, Ontario, In his 70th year, Dear father of Janet, (Mrs, Clif ford Wild) and Elizabeth (Mrs. Don An thony) of Oshawa, Marion (Mrs Richardson) of Hamilton, Resting at the Swackhamer and Hilts Funeral Home, 1841 Main Street wes Hamilton, Funeral service on Wed nesday st 1.30 o'clock, Interment St Andrew's Cemelery, Ancaster on TURPIN, Elisabeth Jane awa General Hospital on Sunday 8, 1960, Eliza Jane Edwards, be ) wife of the late Edwin John Turpin, in her 78th year, Dear mother of Blanche (Mrs, John Stacey) of Osh awa Elmer and Ira of Oshawa and Edwin (Ted) of Cobourg; dear sister of Harvey of Buffalo, Blake of Kingston, Charles of Port Hope, Mrs, Turpin is resting at the James Blacklock Fu neral Home, Grafton, until | pm Wednesday, Oot, 18, after which will rest in Colborne United Church for erviee at 2.30 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Colborne, Rev, ¥ Tay or officiating in Osh Oot OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers Memorials, Comnerstones Statutory of all types 1435 KING ST Ph. RA 8-311) or RA 8.8876 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Flower Shop Coronation, 55 King St Bowmanville, Free delivery daily in Oshawa and Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-714], after store hours MA 3.2944 -------- LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements floral requirements for occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8.6555 and all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all, RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM FRENCH = in loving memory of my dear hushand, James, who passed away October 11, 1984 Treasured memories of one so dear, Patient, kind, good and true; His memory is my keepsake With which I'll never pan God has him in His Keeping, 1 have him in my heart ~Lovingly remembered by ina FRENCH dear father 1, 1d Ma wife, In lov whe passe memory of a away October concessions encourage port He cept that must ac to fi education agrees fairly heavy taxation nance such thing and certain social services whieh can't be borne by the individual If tax point danger the ible However, he sees ation Is carried where It Is impo quately reward men of outstand ing ability, He says "It is the top one-per-cent ol the population (in ability) that makes all the difference between one country and another, and if taxation diminishes the that spearhead, then will do immeasurable He was interviewed during the recent the Canadian Chamber of Com merce * In regard to tax concessions to encourage exports, Sir Frank says European countries, alte: having tried this method, find that it "doesn't work such conee olf one to to ade force ol taxation harm meeting in Calgary ol take econ sions, he said a cost part of the omy and puts it on another, and he feels this is not the answer to the problem | Asked if Canada's young econ omy and particular trade prob: lems. may perhaps offer a differ ent situation from that of the ma ture European economies, Sir | IN MEMORIAM KONOPACKY |a dear tather Konopackl, whe 1 Cost in loving memory of Dennis October and grandfather passed away 1984 We cannot clasp your hand, father dear Your face But let this Tell that we Ever remembered hy cannot sep little token still remember thee the family we | MILLER In loving memory of a dear hushand and father, Donald Miller, {who passed away October 11, 1050 | ~Ever remembered by June and fam: ily | MILLER In loving memary of a dear son-in-law and brother-in-law Don ald Miller, who passed away October 11, 1956 Ever remembered hy MaoKengie and the hoys naa In loving memory of a dear hashand and loving father. J. Harry {Higg, who passed away October 11, | 1933 True was his heart His life a patlern behind His presence we His memory we treasure Loving him always Forgetting him never Sadly missed by wife CARD OF THANKS COPPIN 1 wish to thank friends neighbors and relatives for the lovely flowers, gifts and cards and all wha visited me during stay in hospital |Special tha to the Priests of St gary's Parish, to Drs, Rundle, Gill and Taylor, special nurses Mrs, Dig men, Mrs, Bryant and Miss Hill, nurses and ward aides on 3A. Thank you all 0 much Mrs, Ross his actions Kind, | for these left miss, and family my Mrs. Mary Coppin PORRINS = | would like to thank all my friends. relatives and neighbors, fo the lovely flowers, gifts and cards; a special thanks to Dr. BR. Guselle, nurse and heir aides on 3C for their wonder wl care: also Father Myers and Fathe ikumavae for their visits, Thank vou fra. A. (Luella) Dobbins irself pursue liberal trade pol icles, 1 like to thin Just a ou people to think it oul would time t out have Name New | Falls Plant | NEW YORK (AP) the New York Stale All thority voted Monday name I'rustees of Power to that its board ed purchase Monday at Smith to ser Th the first expansion production outside the company's hometown No other details were given of a 680-acre site Falls, Ont, for a plant canopy e Canadian sales territory of dangerously high, Because of the Rod McKay sald a plece of the blew In and caused a drag which sent the oll pressure danger to make a Witnesses of fire, he decided forced landing i sald the aircraft, a "Tr Pacer, ran for about 200 yards after landing, then hit a WEEK-END FIGHTS cui rise in the ground, The propeller into the ground and the | plane flipped By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | Saturday Angelese=16en ! Philadelphia, Lane, 137%, the main generating plant of the! Vos project the Rob () Power Plant author not pre Niagara power stoppe ert Moses Moses 13 Kenny Mich, 3 Manila--Arthur Persley, 135% New York 133, Manila, 9; Teddy Da 146, Hartford, Conn, Tommy Romul, 10 Nia chairman of the ity and a trustee, wa ent, The trusted sald acted "after the timely sugge t of an editorial in the Ni Falls, N.Y,, Gazette the plant be ara the ior nointed for Manila Helfast agara sent 268 that Moses I'he scheduled Feb. 10, named Larry Baker, 143) Niagara Power to deliver 1661 project | vd af fiost 147, Belle Havana Hitehman, Buenos Alres 111%, Buenos Glacomo Rome, 10 Monday wer po Perez, Havana, 10 Ignaelo 110%, SETS WESTERN RECORD EDMONTON (CP Sandy Shields of Somme, Sask, set & record for the Alberta-Saskatche wan horse race circuit hy riding! 128 winners this year, The pre: New vious record was Gerry Rasmu sen's 112 in 1050 Alves, Spano, pointed Yofk Rohhy 10 aver Bartels, 145%, York, Matthews, | Muskegon stopped San Carlos, (Tedtop) oul 136 New York, stopped Freddy Tiedt | 120%, Carlos Rody ou 2 12 The aircraft came down north of Highway B83 near this town 28 {miles northwest of London, | SIGN LINEMAN | BUFFALO (AP)---Buffalo Bills of the American Football League announced Monday the signing of | linebacker Joe Hergert, a 217 pound graduate of the University of Florida, He has played with '| Montreal Alouetles of the Big | Four, d| ' PARK & TILFORD appointment New York--Joey Donovan, 14%, won a split decision New FIRST BAPTIST TRAVELOGUE COUPLE CLUB entitled "Through Equatorial Africa" By ROBERT BATEMAN FRIDAY, OCT. 14th at 8 P.M. 812 Hortop Ave, ADMISSION: Adults 1,00; Students 50¢ H, H, FARMER Mr, Clifford T, Foley, President of TONIGHT! BOX.OFFICE OPEN 7:00 SHOW STARTS AT 7:20 FREE BABY BOTTLE WARMER SERVICE ! I 4 hn Ae | The Whole ETE) Story of the Any RAN Rock 'n Roll | ! ¥ Generation! \{ \ "BAN a ---- re hacky [a-- aoutr enverrainmeny oson. Wifes tine CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR CARTOC Canadian Park & Tilford Ltd,, is pleased to announce the appoints ment of Harry H. Farmer aa OntarioSales Manager forthe new Canadian distilling organization, Mr, Farmer brings to Canadian Park & Tilford 16 years of ex- perience in the field and a broad knowledge of the Ontario market, Born in Stratford, Mr, Farmer attended public schools there, as well as a collegiate vocational institute, A veteran of World War 11, he had a distinguished record with the R,C.A.F, Bomber Command, Married with two children, Mr, Farmer has estab. lished offices in Toronto to coincide with the new distillery's entry into the Ontario Market, The offices of the Ontario Division of Canadian Park & Tilford Ltd, are located at Suite 1519, 2 Carlton Street, Toranto, LALONE «= The family Mrs Edith Lalone wishes oppartunity to thank and neighbors of the late ake this friends Kindness relatives cards and special thanks ta Rev Kimmerly Armstrong Funeral Home | The family. | 0 GORCH 8 TENNESSEE CHAMP ELL Wonderful memories of one so dear Ave treasured still with a lave sincere, | Still in our hearts he is lving yet, | For we loved hm toa dearly to ever] forget | Always remembered by son-in-law, lean and Ron FRENCH win loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, James French, wha passed away October 11, 19M A beautiful memory of ane so dear We cherish still with love siheers Ever remembered hy son Jimmy Please Note Deadlines now in effect this column: Births, Memoriams, Cords of Thanks w= ® AM SAME DEATHS Ir AM DIAL I for daughter and DAY SAME DAY RA 3.3492 \ Bowery Boy daughiesindaw Alleen and grandson Ri SHELLEY WINTERS wand Ive wn UNITED ARTSTS has ap- tion p BIN .[0)isl STARTS TOMORROW! Led Gag "Sex Kittens Go To College"& "HOT ROD RUMBLE" Strikes Under Cover of Night, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT y~ ALA OG Last 2 Days SAVINGS BONDS are available af THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE More than 850 branches ceress Canmde te serve you a S| WRIT » ets no ors av JERRY LEWIS» sour enon ERNEST B GLUCKSHAN "+ JERRY LEWIS mooccren - « PARAMOUNT RELEASE Feature Daily . . . 1:40 3:35 5 7:40 - 9:45