The Oshawa Times, 11 Oct 1960, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR An exclamation point writer to raise nis ej print, VOL, 89--NO & # Sen, John Kennedy prepares to run a cemb through his hair at LaGrange, Ga., following Kind Old Khrushchev Doesn't Want War Nikita NEW YORK (AP) Khrushchev, the tough-tempered TODAY enables a mn yenrows WIND-BLOWN CANDIDATE ride in open car from Warm Springs where he made a cam» paign visit, In background reg istering amusement are Gov backtrack from his latest de nands, He still wanted the West Soviet premier, 5 drawn this to get out of Berlin, overhaul the self-portrait: He's a peace-loving UN according to Moscow speci old grandfather who would never fications, disarm now and talk threaten war about inspection later Furthermore, he iid he | He sald Russia would have no convinced that the storm over alternative but to shoot down U-2 plane flights will subside in further spy planes time for the next U.8, president! But, he added in talking about to meet at the summit with him the U.2 spy plane furore in friendly fashion "There can in international re This is the folksy image lations be all sorts of aggrava Khrushchev sought to project tion Sometimes they can he across television screens and on very sharp indeed, but with the radio Sunday night during a two- passage of time such relations hour question-and-answer session, lose their rongh edge evi Except for a few brief blowups, dently (this) will happen also Khrushchev sof t-pedalled the with the U.2 Incident," campaign of threats and denun eR elation "he has waged since ar. POESN'T MENTION riving three weeks ago to lead Perhaps imificantly, Khrush the Soviet delegation af the tid nothing about his pre United Nations vious demand that President Fis "What do 1 want with war?" €nhower apologize because of the he rsked. I have so ma rand. 2 In ident hefore any new sum itd res ven great grand. Mit se n i wen a 3 n Khrushehev was interviewed hy elevision producer David Suss HE'S "ELECTED" NOW ind on the program Open Fond Khrushchev pletured himself a The show touched off protest the "elected" leader of a nation Hundreds of viewers phoned the who wants nothing more tk to studio to protest Khrushehey help his people realize their rance Other called to dream of heing friends with the complain about spot announce American people nents during the program which "We don't ask to get anything extolled the work of Radio Free from you, We only ant friend. Europe and "the North Atlantic ship and peace, that ls " act Khrushehev, however, did not' Khrushchev "just ol gid Violent death swept Canada Manitoba had five deaths, one In during the three-day Than traffic ing holiday weekend. The traffic] ny the Atlantic provinces, Nova toll was the highest in years A Canadian sur showed that at least 92 Canadia died accidentally between 6 p.m Friday and midnight Monday Fifty-seven persons died on the country's highways, topp hy six a 1957 figure, Ten were killed in hunting Ontario had 32 dead fie. Quebec counted 26 accidental deaths, seven involving hunters and 14 on the road Traffic mishaps killed persons at Argyle, Ont men at Thornloe in Northern On tario drovned ress vey person accidents 23 in traf three and three ree men were when a boat eapsized on a Brit ish Columbiadake Saturday Only Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick were free of fatalities TOPS PREDICTION The highway death figure top ped by 22 the figure predicted hy the Canadian Highway Safety Council Rritish Columbia had the h est toll in the West with f drowned and six killed in tr ( for a total of 11, In Alberta seven persons died accidentally, four in trati Saskatchewan wnted « dead, all but one on the highways CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-11 FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6374 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 Scotia had one death in traffic Newfoundland had two fatalities ne in traffic and one In fire Ontario dead David John Sheppard, 26, Tor nto, Friday when his car rolled ver on Highway 48 near Mark am Ronald C. Bean, 25, Toronto vhen his car smashed into a guard rail in Toronto Sunday Ronald Watson, 27. Toronto vhen his car which he was re airing slipped; from a jack Sat: irday Roy Thompson, 27, Rocklyn mt, whose car crashed into a iar near Owen Sound Satur lay Clarence Douglas, 47. Crooks m, Ont, fatally injured Friday ght when his truck overturned wear Belleville James William Baird, 53, Lake view, Ont, drowned Saturday in nches of ditch water near Id Webber, 18 months in aboutc 20 inches of er in the Kingston sub Fort Henry Heights Satur Amyot, 2 Maxville, Ont y n he ran into the 1 of a truck near his home Elyn Callister, 25, Toronto, Sat jurday night in a two-car collision near Paris, Ont ath, 27, Sault Ste day night when nto a rock-cut nada Highway Ont, } slammed y ( Marie Nis « Iran Wawa John 1 months, Louth Towns! Satu |day when struck by bread truck near his home, on th AT awrence Decalre LI { WEATHER REPORT Clear, balmy weather will con. tinue for 24 hours, Wednesday is expected to be slightly cooler, . She Oshawa Times Authorized os Second Class Mei Post Office Department, Ottows TWENTY-TWO PAGES Price Mot Over C 10 Cents Per Copy DIEF SHUFFLES HIS MIN OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1960 4 Lumumba LEOPOLDVILLE (AP) -- The said United Nations today refused tol We don't need surrender. Patrice Lumumba to|diers in the Congo,' the forces of Col. Joseph Mobutu.,! Mobuts sent 200 soldiers The Congolese provisional gov. Lumumba's residence Monday to ernment had demanded that the prevent him rfom capitalizing on st of the deposed Ms Bunday demonstration, The UN permit arres ; ' premier for unauthorized politi-| 1roops had orders to prevent any ISTERS Pearkes Appointed "I am ready to die for it any foreign sol ' to * Angry Koreans | cal activities one from going in or out, Storm Assembl ie . Congolese officials had threat Lumumba shouted defiant) Y : A Ve eu -™ vernor . ! Horii from his balcony I am not a i ened a military assault on Lu orisonor. I am still master." He " ; mumba's home if the United Na 1! Wer zed Mot ua ig dusk 1 WOUL (AP)--Angry, shouting | OTTAWA (CP)~Prime Minis- board, previously under the tions refused to permit Lumum.| Cb uae oe ondest sui Students twice invaded the South | ter Diefenhsker made 10 cabinet! trade and commerce department ba's arrest by 3 pm, today, oo oo iece troops turned back Korean sembly today, de ¥ changes today, shifting Agricul-| Mr, Diefenbaker paid tribute to Congo time several dozen Lumumba suppor: manding ffer punishment for Bure Mister Harkniss bb de Mr, Pearkes as one of the greal That deadline passed with Lu- (ors with their rifle butts, Later officials the ousted Syngman ¢ 4 snee bids din apyol en of est soldiers Canada has ever pro mumba still safely in his resi- the cordon was reduced to 5 sol he : d i 4 Pete ne 7 Minister Fearits : 88 duced, dence, with UN and Congolese djers ee ernmen ritish Columbia 8 new lieuten-| "yis devotion to his sovereign troops standing by Meanwhile Baluba tribesmen Thirty students wounded in the ant-governor and making Re- and his country have become a pe Inite AoRE B . hid 4 . revolution of last April--some sources Minister Alvin Hamilton legend in his lifetime." The United Nations announced eontinued on the warpath in ore 1 8 Ih mn Lumumba was under UN protec: rich Katanga province which carrying crutches and others = the new agriculture minister His administration of the de- tion and that he could be arrested seceded when Lumumba was vearing Jo pit nl gowns broke He brought inty the Sminet ns fence 7 2 I ] ment hd been | arliamentars @ The esmen swept! MO the lower house before ihe minister of forestry, to head a worthy, He had never faltered or only if his parliamentary immu. premier, The tribesmen swept! © i of 53ariled Eaters NUIstor_ O° SOPeRtey Near A VorLly, Be had nity was lifted bv a vote of the into Mibwaba, 150 miles north of : aol new department set up by es y Congolese parliament the provincial capital of Elisa. %¢l7ed di bd Hin tnd delivered last Parliamentary session, 61. Mr, Diefenbaker said Mr, ee B | B motions peeches viany ol ear-old Hugh John Fle Churchill will continue as gov. 5 atement si al! bethville, and killed at least six!® year-ole igh John Flemming, as 2 IN als m il political soldiers in a street battle Mon.|them were weeping, After about former premier of New Bruns. ernment house leader, The job of glgniiane A ae Seniral Lovers. day 20 minutes they withdrew wick trade minister and government ave enjoyed Me "i ay, TEN Et Bloyed. prolettio y ad Later, after the House ad GEORGE R, PEARKES, for- Other new members of the house leader has heen too great to where Bi Wh Siond in the oolith APPEALED FOR AID journed, 'more than 100 youths mer defence minister, today |cabinef are Walter Dinsdale, 44.8 load for one minister, Mr. Dief- » Ad at relat on po ol Before the tribesmen cut com- smashed the main entrance doors. was named lieutenant-governor [year-old MP for Brandon-Souris, |enbaker sald ea er is or in atio 0 CAEN munications, the troops in the and gained entrance to the empty of British Columbia, Agricul. | minister of northern affairs; Noel Mr, Churchill had been res other town urgently appealed for aid.|chamber ture Minister Harkness was (Dorion, 56, MP for Bellechasse,| markably successful" as a trade As the deadline passed Col, Mo-|A small UN patrol Is in the] soanyhile, some 10,000 dem. shifted to the defence portfolio secretary of state; Ernest J. Hal: minister, the prime minister John Patterson, left, at Alaha. !butu had withdrawn all but a town onstrators were on a sitdown out.| in the cabinet | penny, 57, MP for London, min. said hat had been a bleved in ma and Sen, Herman Talmadge (dozen of the troops he had thrown| giont Furopeans were found|gide the building CP Wirephoto [ister without portfolio, the department must he attri of Georgia around Lumumba's residence (oriured to death in. northern Other changes [buted In considerable measure to | AP Wirephoto 'Monday Katanga Trade Minister Churchill, 61, to Mi Churehil, Exports from Can ; . {minister of veterans affairs and ada to the United Kingdom this > " y > g g lg | CONFERS WITH UN In the neighboring. Belgian chairman of the privy council| year would be $180,000,000 more " trust territory of Ruanda-Urundi . | Shortly after 3 p.m, Mobutu wi icon "of Ruanda protesed committee (than in any other year in histor) himself was conferring with UN 2 ho anda 1 Transport Minister Hees, 50, to Mr, Churchill, in the velerans fficials at their ngainst what he called an enor pry mous buildup of Belgian military Since he was ousted as premier forces in his kingdom, The king trade minister affairs portfolio, succeeds Sena. Solicitor-General Balcer, 42, to tor Alfred Brooks, 60, appointed to the upper house Sept, 12, Mr, headquarters, Formosa Defence | last month, Lumumba has been! said he did sot want to he transport minister, I A guarded at his residence hy Gha-| dragged into the "Congo deba ; Mininte without. portfolio, Wil. Fleminiug is 4 candidate Bb he plan and Moroucall troops of 1x cle," WASHINGTON (AP) The and not satisfy" Communist ap am rowne, % om | wick's Royal constituency, loft J and, ee pe 1 general, | Eos, Pave pan i Democratic and Republican can petite "ak Walter Jorgenson, 42, from|vacant by the appointment, readiness to battle the UN sol BIG DADDY |didates for president have The whole issue rode into the proyencher constituency in Man:| Mr, Churchill also was named (with anger when an aide passed diers, and the Ghanaians at least clashed again on defence of the campaign Friday night during itoha was named as a secondlas chairman of a commitiee on [him a note during the show tell: --whose government backs Iu Chinese offshore islands the televised presidential debate) parliamentary secretary to Agri-| scientific and industrial research ng him ahout the Radio Free mumba's claim to the premier DIGS DOUGH | Senator Kennedy, the Dem. When a question was asked about) oyiture Minister Alvin Hamilton, | Appointment of the 72-year-old Europe announcem ats. Su skind | ship--could be expected to put up PRNTEY 'ald a cratic standard-bearer, sald he defending the two islands If the| this will give Mr, Hamilton Mr, Pearkes to the vice » regal aid later ! stiff resistance to any attempt to VENI( ' Calif (AP)==Like | nnot believe the American peo. Chinese Communists should try|geeretaries from both Eastern| position in B.C, follows the res Vics Bukhadrov. bis. interaarrost Lumb the empe 0 Nera reclining ON {ple will put their confidence in a|lo grab them and Western Canada, Present|tirement last week of Hon, Frank preter, relayed Khrushehev's! (There was no immediate com i imperia gouch | 16 MAN party and a leader who commits) Quemoy and Matsu are Nation.™Marliamentary secreatry is L.|Ross, lieutenant-governor for five comment, It 'wa "To dare ment at UN headquarters on the! ktiowp as the hig > dy of the the United States to defending|alist Chinese territory, located Blston Cardiff, MP for the On. years, you!" But in a few seconds the threat from Mobutu's govern. en a Reration paid Ms 300 ["two rocks off the const of/Just a few miles off the Commu-|tario seat of Huron, The newcomers to the cabinet Soviet leader calmed down ment.) Jou A onto a dilapidated mat: | in, » Kennedy has said he) hist-dom inated Chinese mainland.! Transferred to the agriculture were not surprises, All were Well, do anything vou like. The ultimatum was Issued) "nr } fr " would defend them only in de|The UB Nationalist Ching mu. ministry was the Canadian wheat| mentioned fn speculation several We will win, We will win, ' Monday night after the fiery for.| | As {| heise wi dhe | BAS | tance of Formosa, {tual defence treaty does not) = Tr m----T Hmes In the last several months, Khrushchev told Susskind. mer premier reasserted his ike ag fhrouih bis up. Vice-President Nixon, the Re pledge the UB, to defend them But the extent of the cabinet - : claim to head the government in Kale a a § Haley publican nominee, reaffirmed his) Shelling of the Islands hy the Red| shuffle -- biggest since the Con. BRISTLES AT BAY a surprise tour Sunday of local| "limon nile ave hums stand to vigorously defend Que LS ase for several months in awrence |gervatives took office June 21, Khrushehey seemed determined bars, escorted by Ghanalan and| ' any moy and Matsu and sald the next| 1958 caused a erisis, but the situ LJ 957--and some of the shifts of | *I don't want anything more | moO) tion there has been relat 1057--and son not to let any of Suskind's ques Moroccan soldiers to do with them administration must make sure| Atl jer as been relatively existing ministers caught many tions anger him, He bristled for! Cries of '"emeri" (saviour) "They're sponges, Leeches, [the U.S, is the strongest country | duiel of late, . Ld observers by surprise, few seconds when he was ac- greeted Lumumba at many of woo viody wants to be a beat. | In the world militarily "whatever| Nixon said Monday night in a 1 0 S a Mr, Pearkes' successor In the cused of "baying at the moon" his stopping places i nik these days. They all fall [the cost may be," Salt Lake City speech that the | defence ministry, Mr, Harkness, hy rehashing the U-2 plane case 'I am taking the power," he ooo neve and ask: 'How do 1 WHET REDS APPETIT islands Mout he defended vigor . |37-year-old member for Calgary become heat? * ig hd d Wal {QusLY, he Rover you make {North, cames to the portfolio with * * Big Daddy savs he 1s dis To give up Quemoy avd ! hd sOnce on 10 them the Commu e ay 1pS a distinguished record in the S Af I d carding beats for a sugar |NiXon said, would "only whe i Tt oa 2 Vuela Ll Alpe [Second World War my y 10: eace; " . ORE : ' rica, naia daddy--1V It is the road to war, or it is| MONTREAL (CP) ~ 8, Law.| Mr. Harkness, who rose to th Having joined an actors : : the road to surrender, or both," |rence river pilots today called a| rank of Houtsnant colons], served gulld and landed a few TV hit C { : Haer, 0 overseas from 1040 to 1045 in Si. anadaians win Kennedy in Pittsburgh, again series of general meetings dof Lely, Italy and porthwestern Fu. aN " ( lash At | IN paris, Jord. iol he's Joiner called the Islands indefensible their members Which could Jel ope ree ; 2 alinkingolos and said he thinks Americans up shipping on the length of the| -- - Breen Aan Lhe Hinkingotes Plow Honors want a president "who is liberal | river and through the St, Law: UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (CP) [freedoms for all, without distine:-| bongos ROME (CP)-- Canadians placed a home 2nd careful abroad fe rence Seaway 'Baltika' Cre n It was a brief, sizzling meeting tion as to race, sex, language or In Beatnik. circles, this 18 [fourth and fifth Sunday in the ®10¢ SVIXOD a Fan who Is a The pilots--represented by the wma of fire and lee when an Indian religion?" | heresy, But thesix « foot « six [world plowing championship, won goRtaprya ive ol ome and a risk: Federation of St, Lawrence River and a South African clashed on 1ouw said he was speaking out| owner of the "gas house'- by Britain's John Gwillam with an abroad, Wel [Pilots announced the first meet Defects To West racial matters in the Unied Na hapause of the many new mem.| how an art gallery instead of a |141 19 points, not 0 ut dias A iT ud Wakiings will be held al\_Trols-Riv: tions General Assembly Monday her states in the UN--most of) coffee house--says there never |" Bob Timbers of Mount Albert. Hit men donee gay night dur iores, 70 miles downstieam, Fri] NEW YORK (AP)--An Eston night them Negro countries really were any true heatniks: ont. Canada's 1950 plowing Viosldor! RY Aiagram on Which day and Saturday, lan crew member from Soviet India's V, JK Krishna Menon, "Attempts may in the fulure| That's Just a word that lopamnion, was awarded fourth questions from a group of w Hoi Such general meetings would Premier Khrushehev's own ship 1s voice rising to p. on, chal: he made by this organization to| caught on with the squares, place with 139.16 points, Allan| praising Nixon Rrolp | r - A skirt federal laws which prevent the Baltika, has defected to seek lenged the calm, cool argumen' interfere in' their domestic affairs) Maybe we ought to call them [Hammond of Lachute, Que., 1959 mate. Hear Gebot Lone EL "Eliho federation from striking since|political asylum here of South African Foreign Minis: as has happened to South Af.| "'myth-niks." [runner-up, was fifth with 137.24] Hower said: "We phi pd its members are civil servants. He was Identified as Victor ter Irie Louw in defence of rica," he said points, found no two better men to head!. The move is the outcome of a|lfaanimets, 20, an oiler, Estonian apartheid (racial separation)| South Africa has faults, but the Republican ticket, By experi long dispute between the pilpts Vice-Consul Ernst Jaakson said law "national hypocrisy is not one of ence In both foreign and domestic|and the department of transport|Jaanimets had visited an Eston It was ironic, sald Louw, that/them," said Louw, a man of affairs, 1 think they are un.|/0ver pilotage fees and regula-|ian centre Monday night, attacks were being made against] aristocratic bearing, K Ex ecte (0) equalled y tions, The walkout is expected to] I'he -Baltika, carrying Khrushs South Africa hy countries where! Menon, one of the most color . Former president Truman sald |affect shipping on the seaway|chev and other Communist lead. racial or other diserimination/ful UN figures with his faring at San Antonio, Tex., that Nixon!/where navigation is hazardous| ers to the United Nations Gen- was "openly and extensively' [shock of hair, rose after Louw » is a man who "doesn't. know more than on the river below eral Assembly session, arrived practiced sald India was the leader in A ain what he's talking about--he never "'ontreai where pilots are not a/here Sept, 19, The vessel has a These countries salved their! these annual attacks" against a Tms g told the truth in his life," necessity, Ierew of about 200, consciences by asserting that the South Africa - discrimination was not sanc What country is without racial CATE. REAR " 3 (OP Rha . leaving for] i toned by law, the South African diserimination?** Menon asked UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (CP) Kh ushehey, eaving for home n rhetorically, continuing: Premier Khrushchev was ex: Thursday, suffered two defeats "1 plead guilty pected to plump once more for that the assembly by acclama % It was an accepted principle of «© "gu the difference Is that his total disarmament plan to.| Monday night when the assembly law that a person coming to we 'inderstand this to be against day with External Affairs Minis: voted to debate again Soviet pol- | court with a complaint agains! (he Jaws of God and man. ter Howard Green of Canadalicy in Hungary and Communist | nother must come "with clean! "Not only does Se uth Africa speaking afterwards as a pro. Chinese suppression of Tibet as wands say it is a God-given right, they tagonist on the Wesel ye, regular items. on its agenda, Could the 42 countries bringing prescribe it for the vest of the! The 15th UN assembly sched: ts a complaint against South Africa i " uled discussion on disarmament| TO TAKE UP U.2 rch n the UN testify that they were Assembly President Frederick at an afternoon session, The as:| But he could take satisfaction observing "human rights and Boland of Ireland announced that sembly's 21-nation steering com. tion decided to take up Soviet the apartheid item-and another mittee has recommended that| charges of aggression Again the relating to treatment of people of the Soviet premier's plan to de-| United States over the U-2 spy Indo-Pakistini origin in South Af-/stroy all weapons be referred to| Plane and the RBA? survey plane rica would be placed on the committee but Khrushchev has| incidents, Other items embarras. agenda of the 15th General As-|insisted that instead it be de.| Sing to the West included the Al. sembly since Louw had been the bated by full plenary meetings of | #erian rebellion against France only objector, the 99-member world body, | and South African racial policies, 4 The assembly also accepted Khrushehev's disarmament reso lution but the allocation of the item---whether to the assembly| plenary, as the Russians re. quested, or to its political com- mittee, the usual procedure--re- Car Hits Two Trucks, Three Dead | LATE NEWS FLASHES THORNLOE, Ont, (CP)--Three . mained to be decided today, | Northern Ontario 'vouths were Crackdown On Poor Auto Lights The same was true of Khrush- hey! N RL nN p killed early today when the TORONTO (CP) Police throughout Ontario have been chev § call for the immediate ar in which they were riding] instructed to prosecute drivers operating improperly lighted granting of indepe nosnce, to, co dammed into two heavy trucks| vehicles after sunset, Attorney-General Roberts announced |'% countries and peoples, war this vin 40 miles south of today, The instructions were part of a provincial police pros . Again on disarmament Kirkland ( grame for safe fall and winter driving Kahrushehev was expected to Dead are Francois Boucher, 20 d press his request that a special r 2 y . . y ' Se X n nd his brother Maurice, 17, of Buried Miners Reported Alive Ak y yi the Juelect elle Vall on of 12 mile north of . . one o Ms avo 8 8 hel Kirkland | ike, and Ulr le dos THURNSCOE, England (Reuters) Rescuers today estab somewhere in Europe, perhaps in olin, 19. of Judge. in the same 1shed contact with seven miners trapped 2,000 feet below | Russia, before next April, Area ground in' a coal mine cave-in, An official said it was only a Communist "delegates fought Cheir milotely: di matter of time "until we get them out," The rescuers hacked [hard Monday night to keep the jeir cat was COmpIeiely G6: away at 46 yards of fallen rock to reach the spot where the [Tibetan and Hungarian topics off »d when it 9 molished when it bounced off two; pay reported themselves safe and well in a 25.yard pocket [the agenda, passionately arguing rucks driven by men from Brad between two rock falls, The cave-in occurred early today, that both were "domestic af ford, near Toronto, as it came . fairs." Khrushchev wasn't pres: wt of a curve at 12:40 am. One : : : A é ent at the night sitting \ river wae siantly injured and Police Seek Handcuffed Youth TE on, UE Aine with 3 "oy me kwrecked STRATFORD (CP) Police today sought a youth, be: |abstentions on Tibel and 5 to 12 MAYOR PRACTICES FOR PLOWING MATCH Ontario Provincial Police said leved still weaving handcuffs, who escaped following a brawl {with 31 abstentions on Hungary ia was belleved the three victims, at a dance at nearby St. Mary's Friday night, The fight began [Canada voted for Moth, Most of Challenged to a plowing | don found no horse available, ; Plowing match being held at y occupants of the passensge when twe youths scuffled in the corridor of St, Mary's distriet {the new African countries,| match using horses by Mayor | Here he bones up on plowing | Springfield, Ont. Oshawa Mayor (car, were returning home from high school. It eventually broke out into a near-riot involving watched closely for reac lon to! Vincent Barrie of St. Thomas, | with tractor before the com. | Lyman Gifford also takes part la wedding reception at Earlton,! 23 youths whe kicked and punched police, least-west issues, abstained, {| Mayor Allan Johnston of Lon- ' petition at the International | in the plowing contest,

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