18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 11, 1960 =i=] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [55 SATURDAY 8 70 12 1 fant (13--Gardening & Supplies 17--Money To Loon 22--Radio Repairs 32--Articles Wanted 41--Room & Board _ 'A4--Houses, Apts. Flots A44--Houses, Apts, ~Accountants - SSIFIE AD RATES Vues dita GEORGE'S TV service ry AERIS WANTED pane tn ent practice, BOOMERS or oom and howd for For Rent For Rent v Manure, Refs ah ' e IWS BJ and Ww Ans APRIL IER IRRVIRT Here he BRE Lei B, & " aM | " " YALE. FRIEpLANDEE WosTER sae | CLASSIFIED Eo LEN manure, Note --Manust, saith wiaters paired. Free estimates ry yay We oF regia Aa eman, 6iose to BGM. VIADt | ARKMENT apsriment, $95 MOBI [yyy Ey. . room apartments for rent, heat a, A basis and mndiiors. Liestied 5 wo ¢ ; MONEY TO Grrminding ois Sophy JA Wilson Road South. Phone ony' ier included, Apply 788 Simeos bunkruptey, #4 King we p Pr 925 or BA 37505. |PIANG want Immediately, an ROOM and bowid for two gentlemen ' ie Sires: South Bf. Yale, CA; ¥ ' edges, Runranteed y ' bo OAs wy single roams, gond home, cooking, FOUR . room apartment, heated, cen . 8 Lo CPA : y lve. An e. Delivered. planting - ' a timation Dive CREO o 7 King Street Fast I 5 schools and shopping, 65 month SEW duplex, available immediately, y es. MA 39005 N SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT 4 BY I ypmAR, LOL SARA large rooms. On Crerar Avenues Cert ¢ 4 i. pA or Canadian sive f nimediate a A 73, | $45 ' JAY Of MIGHT | iran SAAN SESE ROOMERS wanted, private Bath, | ie Sosmato) wiso very large storage place. RA ng " / br Wish Waeks fra downtown. App 116 A FOUK room house, 850 per month, 10 | 5.0000 g { RADIC il ro pe . Ontario. KA ' y o8 of your HIDE ana evergreens, T.V. and RADIO foundiana mekeis Members want Works fro nesde conveniences, suitable for Any Garden Service, Ch p wd fur 0 wn Cin Ihe . G. P # ro vO " one. Ci ater, cuphosrds etc. Phone BUNGALOW for rent on Stevenson 0 ACCounting Cha ' J - Home Tandscaping Ams ' ; CA LL RA 8- 5286 fbi ROOM ana howrd for #entieman ni ad Road, 595 monthly. Near school and smplete bookkeeping Loy fer Gp private Wome, central. App I Sum THRE unfurnished apartment, "HOPVIng. Phone RA 85770 # ' " " Garden work By expert snieed Je On urnieh parm business. 184 fond ! v . Jad of en: wos y ors ' / ve 35--Employment Wanted ! f ad wie bath, parking. avaliable now, FIVE room apartment, private on Office RA 50097 ) : 0 g ¢ J veco d )S HA WA RIS toys sell fuel » Oshnwn IN CLEAN home, Sood eds, Apply 2 Ritson. Road South trance and bath, all conveniences, very be a ¢ 4 9 4 r Y ag 5 4 " I i Wid y Cantinumis 4 7) EH 4 4 CTRONICS Times Want Ad. Call WA 4492 righ 9 i GAL and shoppe YOURTo0m basement apartinent, with PAH. Bimcoe South. Phone RA 50081 HUIZINGH, scered Le a pie ard iv | > nny 0 peer yor wd f Hand san TPA imidifie seit-comained. kitchen, Hola giant and auditor, 51 King Wireet ' na rk Hon Ph ' ' £ : ; EXPERIENCED d 1 8 ha op tuo piece bathroom. Apply US Bloor THREE - room apartment, new house, PM $7.50 per ¢ 4 4 ' 4 4 enperione Winucs shirtay MOOM and hourd. South district, clean Wesi continuous hot water, reasonable rent MONTEITH, MONTEITH, BILWL, and . Swartz, 26; King ' TV TOW dresses, ele, Phone WO 519% chmmodaium, - mnches packed. RA uy Dadivom ARTIS, Tn Spar Paring Space. Apply 30 Sandra Sires Co, € par GANA 3921 r. HOPKINS and Compan 4 A 7 WK RE. YOFAVING ABE PTUD a ach. ni . ho er e | LADIES leave your children w ment building, close (0 schools and F* trom orth Ajax ¥ aa : 3 449 : om Wie vou ha. or wrk. HRY a IM and howrd for gentleman, three shop ing, parking space, 530 monthly. MODERN two hedroom basement 40 pporing rH 5 Rassanaiin rata han iste from Your Corners, Apply Phone OLiver 53611, Brooklin apartment, 15 Gibbons Street Available Co, Accountants t D5 NG -- ------ slvanized. No paint Charlo rent IX room bung Nov, 1. Adults or ehildren over 12. Ap- 5 1227 » gulow, near school, bus! 9% Glen Bldg. 11 On i y 30 vA B.Ohd 18--Loon Wanted ' th new Wave: | ol UMAN with wwn cement mixes | KOOM snd hoard for Tadies or gentle and path. siove and' sefrigerctor" s1ig| vy 21 Gibbons Street awa Ontario. RA if a o er 6 annel antenna ould Kike work, Vise sstimutes. Phone Per dovimtown and NGM. monthly. BA #6679 BASEMENT apartment, two rooms, : 7 A App gin Kast or KA B-364 furnished, linen, suit business couple ' §-12 \ \ Foot ' dd (HA 57966 . UNFURN nt , od RONALD F. D. WILSON, Cha | MONEY WANTED le and -- RNISHED three . room apart two girls or gentlemen, vacant, parks y y ! | for vaar. 350 95 EXPERIENCED duy cave tor children nent, ght wiring, no ehildren, suitable 200 Sonth! I A Oshawa, Ontatle d oe ' ' " y " ome or hats ating at ment 43-~Wanted To Rent for middle-age couple, abstainers, ve '"% Routhiawn Avepu y » " RTS H A Ry Tome oF vant November, R 7 'WW six-room x 8 % ---- TV Enterprises Phone TA 3 A THREE bedroom, "home. serch pr SCLEEEt WA DIN (NEY sietm dues spariment, come 1 earl end preferred, reference KA DUPLEX four rooms, heated, electric y 2--Barristers on" . , 253 Drew 64 36--Fomale Help Wanted 5 wove. Vrigidaire Available November #180 large furnished bedroom, RA 5956 p \ : "Corre y ce ; . : . 1. RA 53301 NEAR OCVI three rooms, tile bath, prie RALPH JONES. BA, and 'Thomes WH r f 2 3 GROUND floor furnished room by ma ' Ooms, ath, p sus ale ters and We 3 f . RA 3-3553 LADY'S help Agi gh nda of bhsd dnd ll recommended. Pre- FREE rent to October |, Heated four. YAe entrance, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, ' wet East, RA B4206 ged for 0 t d / ern ited wt a new Osh RA 59870 / ' b he | S0y OB OF ne ¢ SLICE OF bus Sop, FOUR Apartment, kitchenette, bath and f Jv ailah ' # " y A 8 Jul hen wp or C N : ' ¥sperience Deepl Lee phe hn further develop. laundry roim also heated store. Apart: BASEMENT apartment three rooms, NEM anes oi pisify g according 27404 TELEVISI a 4 ment of Sundny hennols' service, Reply ment 7, 63 King West, Bowmanyille, private bath and entrance. children mer: - anatity and split ar Bo i Wawa Time 1A 3-5096 ome, Also housekeeping room, 219 OS HA WA St J B MON E Y TO | OA ) J 5S E R VIC E CO. we wo ho ; / arger on WANTED " f oom house, MODERN two - bedroom apartment Celina or phone HA 85733 JD | IA - - - ; 2 easanable rem vovember 16. stove, relvigerator, dryer, TV outlet, STORE Main Street, well establish. py r\/ RA Ie HI-FI . » part ime Phone KA BA76 895 monthly Ravine Rowd, ed harhershoy, centrally located, suits ( y iQ ( Vi \ | T RA C TORS 00 00 ant. Tht wees | A 310 or RA B-5034 ible for ether small business, RA 3.4343 R : d IN ' EXPERT SERVICE wy tim ting 44 Houses, Apts., Flats (1 HAVE houses, apartments, and stores | #Her 5 DONALD BLAKEY DODDS Ba rama adve a a i ' ! Be F [1] t 0 rent. From 840 per month and up. [THREF room apartment private King Stree ' 4 Hg A A ; CALI RAGE avaliable or en To inspect, cpll Jack Appleby at RA bath, near South GM. Possession Oc Business HA 322 § i WW od d ! Kop hd VME or GUAR, Jdobn A. J. Belahood tober |, Apply 254 Malaga Rosd 8.547 Ad. Realtor 10 8274 advertisement are J "hone therein [* hone pURNISHED riment in Christian 0 R.4197 ¥ 4 MO B.4127 AY OF NIGHT Of . ome, Private hath and entrance. Ah ONE or two rooms for one or iwe MO 8.47259 Whitby J J J UAY © J ENERAL + ranted ' Fh iA B WO fou room, self-contained apart: virls, or three 00m apartment, heavy l04 AD) ¥ GEN Wh hose : A B54 . at decorated twobed. MEMS, new stove and refrigerator, fur. |dut Wiring. self-contained, TV outlet, pA iA . ISHAWA RA 8.4241 Aken, ho M 4 y ; 4 ied or unfurnished. RA B3045 or RA (couple preferved. RA B 1880 oi Fiat ----- AURORA SAND & ; WAITH ES coffee a A ashe did THREE rooms ne decorated base Building Trades ; el lan BOWMANVILLI Haury fo won | : ) located FURNISWED ~215 - room apartment, | ment apariment, fully or semifurs MANGAN QC. barrister GRAV ? J / ! wenosha Hote Frontenac Avene ate entrance, bath, parking, Stove, | nished, reasonable rent including hydro ven, Office 1415 ALL tof. Garon ~ . 3 ) > hn MA 3.3883 REG % Mth nd tent ¥ oc, IV outlet. washing facili- land water available Oct, 20, Apply Oshawa, RA 842 chimney work Te ' ( hal p Haver y castle, Om, [SELF -. copained Apartm RA Is, water included, adults, |562 Bloor Street East. KA 5.7418 Wr estimates "hone AB # £ Fit ig " Glite I i' on eemral 4 § coup ele 4350 23Women's Column in 4 hada wh 8 couple preferved, RA 5-4 |YHWREE room apartment, self-con- wenst) rooms, unfurnished, private, tained, suit couple, one or two 11 and Mac Donald, Bar muLLpO7ING ana atin, / A Y FARM R 19--Personal iv Heard and Notaries Pub) {IMO 85612. Free estimat 3 4 PEOIAL Hea permanent LLB | child welcome, $50 month and cuphoards, parking, rea: | children welcome $60 monthly " . RA 54717, Russell! yooingrs, 26 illcourt v L JpErator OLD, RUNDOWN tre ni e Haid eniing econd floor, ehild welcom onable rent. RA 54957. Apply 30 Elena Rosehill Blvd and James A MacDonald 1 oO N65 1s helt . n't " " " n y Street pol Cl tT grey ne [Emple 9-2541 * OH a A 6 Pine Avene. RA 53, - CHRISTMAS WODERN, hier roum. DAs Te aor | THREE - room unfurnished apariment, Ma I Lig BR wai dry. SIX room two - storey house, corner heavy wiring, private bath and en wislks, stoops, RA B 24. Market Basket . ne h de-humidifier to ensure Rossland, Carnegie, oil heated, TV ner. trance, couple preferred. RA 3.4274 ) A 7 ! A 55042 eB C BL HYGIENE ' ) | C C( A N 4 mrance and hot Water | gy Vigeal family home Possession 'No BOWMAN. DAVIDE ' soligh | ALL types of carpen ) ODS mailed post paid in . : Pe) i Al NG k. Phone RA 34218 Phone RA f THREE - room apartment, private ene th. #2 TOMATO} adi trian: i bathroom, hot water, h She aaimail Wok antes ) t iw four roo partment larare 20d hathrofm ter, heavy Kimeoe Si He nen ark Asterin y + I | : i / " Bd Rone room Wpartment, private anes, 400 bathroom, hot water, Hew A RO pairs, PRVesIOUENING, Ini oh i ' | arm d win ply 2 ance and bath, suit middle-aged | Apply 782 Ritson Road South : oodd fer ing. Free estimate { " b de Kou in ady. Ne children. Apply 91 JOHN A CAMERON, bi ole) J p Marie ; "Wo Eh EaraRe. paved Te a ' FURNISHED basement apariment, Pub ee CARPENTRY (ran d | J I Courtland ) i section, Phone HA Taunton Road, Would suit young couple, ME erations and ye ¢ Var ywod y well , 4 ud THRE oom basement apartment | child care if desired, $65 monthly ine ' Call In om t 5 Van Schon / f hn EC T , v7 IC 4 "ol osha Farms. | J in apurtment building, No children, | cludes heat and hydro, CO 3.2192 t NG " b y f i, in droom i alow plea Apply 103 Wilson Road North Kelly, Barristers, Solicl | sys "plumbing and he v p ) E L "\. RO bIRS] an ( J bedropm bUAERLOW please. App) won Ro OF: PAVE room bungalow for rent. 18 imcoe Street' South Phone RA 5.9521 Harold . ) p ei availab partmen 4 wim . Kawartha Street, Apply 1282 Simcoe Residence phones, J. M [yg oii ving heating and Onrpry | d ) F L storm wir . Binished Fe qn yy room Apartment, private | Street South 1 RA 53368; Terence V. ine" 255 Simcoe Strest th - - Y pric i vells 1 til ition room A G64 hath and entrance, heavy duty wiring, A BCL. RA 8.5892 RK H AWA A ME Pola {he V. antenna, yours connie ose to ONE nice room and kitchen, single ! - WATERPROOVING alist O .) ) C / t J a 5 om | vent, oll heat 1 nt ing ooupl close V Pe 2 1 ; Land 4 erson preferved, good sident 4 WeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers. coin oF ARROIN an: 1 . ' A vssion, on Division hospital and Mary Street, RA 3-210 P prefer good residential dis eg p / AB not Tow y ) f all RA 84245 after § Client is available for 1955 Bowman iil \ 7 [5 )sha y f ir Alice. Near North GM. RA BBS 4 pty i trict, Call Clients" funds available do Bowman HAUL AGE LTD. Phone Grrl ut i Ag : ; HREE completely furnished rooms " L clean, cents tor dependable couple "0 ( \ phon PLUMBING and heating p hickson Road a ' 3.4% f Charen CSc Givhon PLUMBING and heat wil Phickson Road oom furnished apart Phone RA 3.3310 BUCKINGHAM H astedo, Q AM RA 1 ' ) ton Roa £0 t . i centre and : ng from septic tank to . ) a ne 0PPINE cen THREE Toom apartment, newly re MAN CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and | jo On Sint 80S rea Pp r f Good bus service, ApPlY 77 yuodeled, private hath new gas stove ANOR MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors No: fniormation and estimates ) \R and golden . iibhons tie cated, parking, South end. Abstainers APARTMENTS P Bank of Commerce BIAK,.[yne of olmb) i i ' j i Mn Bib (EE » §5 hans ce theRtO RA 33466; T, K. iygle Si Viambing R A 3 3528 y titson Mou i. Phone HA ar 4 4 aa 2 One and 2-bedroom Aparts ¢ C. Fraser, QC; G, K E ind more ISHy | 0 i ea pital, RA B35 LARGE four-room modern apartment ments,' electrically equipped nh furdoch HA mont i ¢ -- f how vane style bungalow, Private, close to downtown, parking q aly pped, i - p | t a " 30, HA 0360 best location. $85 and $100 Bis a | OSS ¢ )5--Pets ivestock ) ( ' to bus, schools, shopping and adults, 36 ano THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, so TED VEENHOF 1. CROSS TOWN A o 25 & Li . f " , GM. Immediate possession. Ap STTRACTIVE (hree = room Apartment monthly, Jimcoe 31, North, eitor. and Notary Public, 26's King | SOD SUPPLY lr BEAUTIFUL figien, ready H , time J # Weoker Drive between 7 and treet level, private (hret-piece bath Ap. 15; RA 8-B676 treet East. Phone RA 8.176 VELL DIGGING ODS J A tral op ) ove, refrigerator, abiiviners. adult ne 44 DI -- LEAR. CO | f 3.41 4 f ef Ka n FURNISHED (hree-room apartment in| ome, central RA 5.5676 evenings or CENTRAL, ONE-BEDROOM "5--Nursing Services DEEPEN { ed it th COLLIE : eaanable jet. pler wit holli business couple 7 f f delivery -- J xD r reasonable. North Oshawa, RA 51005. ¥W0 . voom furnished apartment, cen A P A RTMEN ITS ROUTH Avi N Nursing Home, New OMPRESSO ) ) X N w | ered 1] ' el FOO thirva ral, clean, duiet, close to hosgytal tr PI a al | a ) 21--Personal Service ING ; well manners end r V EE Ee na aa monthly | ARUIY 304 Simcoe Street North tab f j Immediate possession Bin dl Lad By RA 8-3864 RA 5.8504 FOR you ng 1 CGIRTEIRD Ba I on af ential. Apply 143 Agnes Street MODERN new five - room apartment, one RA f hund pups and { em a p Coupples only, ow building, TV lounge, organ, ele pha R/ ig peacock. Telephone RA 8.13 1 t FURNISHED basement apartment, |18rge rooms, electrically equipped, PF y Please phone Newcastle 4441, Visitor Y ; - -- I -- ta ' and: hi a good location, No objection to children welcome at anytime CLIFF BROWN 14--Household Repairs WAGARS "Driving Sch : t two black and white to oy ama ahd hath, In quiet home, | gos monthly, Arthur Weinboraer: Rea) LLOYD REALTY 9800 evenings nent leence, full two deer hounds, two f 00 evening tor, Call Mis, Irene Veinberger, RA 6--Optometrists GRAVEL & SAND storm « ndows washed, painted, But trols, Call evenings, RA ; y 1 in OL 53931, Ro Hamiltor MATERIALS supplied for handy man|g:3i43 evenings, HA 3.7844 _1o Simcoe St. N, RA 8.5123 d antl wife y " PETER PAN day nurser ) I , and manage centrally ONE apartment suitable for couple - J NiNOr repairs, y Athol H | 440 F RICHARD WI a 4 Pe Da LOA M YOUR loca mney cleaner, Chim all day o da | eo Walker and Blue Tick Iocited rooming house business, Excel: |!Adies or gentlemen. Day cave given to o--Rooms For Rent nination o 9, p " i : I) - . y hb | . y f 0p " ¢ ) gd 510, RA 81330 RIS [ MAS child while mother works. Apply 128 ; . nd repairet % linin in 8.00 v 0 \ 4 ont ame nol in suitable cou A CLEAN furnishe he Simcoe North (at Colborne) 1 Pi , & lini r : am ) . - DD \ ' ¢ I tentinl for wv ile ¢ Elgin Street East LEA urnished rooms, sngle, p v » rv talled, furnace aouumed. Free est) VUPETVIsoL ' to he given away lo nle. RA double, twin beds, cooking facilities, appointment, RA 3.418) Prompt Delivery RA 5.299 North, Oshawa RA Hl 5 0 ¢ weeks old. Phone 2 _-- on unfurnished basement | THREE © room, apartment, share bath, central. RA 8.8402 RO. optometrist please RA 8-895 | EE ts ca A S COMING avariment: $00 monthly: plus. hydee Quiet Je. couple only, 175 Athol LIGHT housekeeping room for twa a downtown Dominion ~ CHEST! y I y \ TRY QUF BOXER 0 male. one fmeale bs Telephone RA 35-9742 J pm Kentiemen tu share. Apply 261 Celins gu RL Yul a - oy i : 4 Leg ste oeks old, Phe Yor N od 1001 itchen- [or RA 8.308% home Dial RA 5:4387 fodern Upholstering 2 Si BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN lies : I. Phone Port THRE] roomed apartment, ground Hl RNISHED bedvoom with Kitchen. [or bd 4 f 3 ' \ f ¢ (0te, suitable for light housekeeping y 7--Surveyors nite Chicker | BOARDING ning ay bak deflea Rea onable pply 762 King ply 235 King Fast 1h. | Vaubena Kennels 56 #1589 ; » p; I PAINTING. DECORATING with ' \ J ne J | a ' : , (FURNISHED front bedroom, quiet, DONALD HW. TROLLOPE, Ontario Ulidas wa A: La MNTING. DECORATING chips. hambi dogs, a ---- XECOND floor apartment, four rooms FOLK = room apartment, builtin "RA (Kood location, central, parking spac Land oyoi, '316 Adelaide Avenue dae W. menage tone work guaranteed, Free estimates bs, 26--Farmer's Column ¢ I t ith bath, private entrance, Forced air B0tdn bathioam. North Oshawa RA 5.5748 East, RA Hef Ry ids mi ake heat. Immediate possession, Phone RA 77 : f A nadia FURN ) be: DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On MAKES OLD HOMES MODERN ( for sale, 33 acres in field ) w wn w 1.2185 ONE double room and one single room FUR] WHE] bedropm FoRkiRious hot Land evor, commercial blue BEAL UTIF ul HOME PAINTING and paper hanging, pro \ 4 § : close to hospital and bus, NGM, cook § ling, 12 East. RA v d free males. work WE DELIVER d inve SUB-LEY two + bedroom apartment, re. €105€ 10 howpital and bus, NGM, cook. | 5.040 printing Bloor Street a Lot 4 Redd [ : | . yada farm ie : Sh ron frigerator, stove and drapes, Telephone Ro vicki "LIGHT Pho eet, Hampton "x 3m t | 02 FURNISHED three oom apartment ) J | h RA 37027 ! par i vely Y d d ) t you painted 22--Radio Repuin ! V Fur Farm Tyrone utilities paid, good location, $63 per dy y : Ie ' ! | month, RA #3054 iW attic room, (wim beds, springs 4 4 hy Troon 2 Nassau N 3 a) ment. ground floor, private entrance filled mattresses; garage; fo neon Dundas Street" West,| [igatior it A mikes, | Thompson | cctionicn, 187 27 Fuel & Wood [ile arking. Reasonable. ABBY 703 APARTMENT -- two large rooms, bed (od mallresses: garage; cooking uri Whithy. MO 8.3081, Ajax 7 NO DOWN PAYMENT Elliott Avenue, HA 3-4702 ed RE Ramis wn itanle for fur AV King Fast. RA 8.1550 sitting room, Kitchen, cupboards and [or 'oho AWE SCE [FURNITURE repaired and reuphol naces. stoves, fireplaces, ete. 85 Iarge | | sink, stove and refrigerator if desired Ee -- H ¥ " i J drooms stove " "4 8--Building Trades p stered, See our materials for recover . Races. stoves, firnpia hoy APARTMI two hed [$12 weekly, heat, hydro included, sec: ONE or two gentlemen fo share room. ly 9 { UP TO n 1. Dalton, 75 Charles Street SPECIAL ielivered. Phone. RA. 00818. COSMETICS and frig, Vacant, Apply H and K Hard: (oq 'nel n Yo {0he (TON 00 ee. min. single beds, close fo SGM. RA 59008 36 MONTHS TO PAY ware, $37 Simeoe Street South, Oshawa. | en (Cnt CTO GM. RA 8.5217 after 4,30 p.m WwW WARD aK pA A & OF CHESTERFIELDS rehu recovered ON FAMOU 28- Summer 'Properties » 1 four-room self-contained apart: | yoo RN, (hree-room apartment, pric TWO furnished d rooms, suit bachelor or RA 58372 or RA 5.9591 W \ ( Our rates SON COTTA) py, homes, acreage in' oil Ah monthly, Get br Pls vale entrance and bath, heavy wiring, cou; le, alo two hoarders wanted, parks Wi ie -- --- - 150) wotion g od " awartha Lakes distriet,- 85 ---- 101 Church Stree p * il Wd hardwood, bua, clase to North |ing. RA 37560, 300 Pacific Avenue WELL DIGGING BY 11--Business Opportunities "|" hava 1 whaler SAMP ' I" Toronta. For free list. 37 =--=Male Help Wanted Chute Street aM TA, h i Row. 350 Adelaide Bank ONE bright spacious bed - sitting roam MACHINE ' nd Street West, Dix " - ERS . write a WOR An Cocks | n JAZZ pianist or electric ageordionist THREE 'and two00m apartments, re with modern furniture, in clean home, | l l FISHING and Hunting ort TV TOW od fo vg ers, Teterborotigh, RIverside fvoquived, for small group. RA 8.1362, | Ivigerators, stoves, si uphoards. | RENTING cooking facilities if desired, One mon re A BY ONTAR 0 lodges, lakeshore lan PAINTING a " ¢. Free es i w EARN A private entrance. Child welcome. 53 He a SHopning | Conta, tne don N ment restaurant y mates Kk guaranteed. RA M7 4 ft r } } 28 i m rr ------ t il hs Tequire fo Sibi 1 Ad Street $95 MON Th iL Y on I Fernhill Blvd. RA 5.7208 g 63-MO 8.3809 stores, in booming Kawi i a-Trailers ract work of housing projec \ ' N ) cor Ste won Road and Car. FOUR room apartment, modern, S05 \ " ' ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avails NUT Y W dintric Write A \ . ! 0 RA Y ipartme N ollo, Bowes and Co ni t - " a 7.9 om FOR REN on I hy week § tier Avenue onthly, available No 1. Phone 4 and » at \ private hom 82 Park Road BOX 329 Haigh bi Be FURNACE SA! FS y od Intes "MA LREIL Quon, stove ' ort RA 8.8071 Phone SHOE repair man, part or fu woter and heating i" an ) ! " A wy B - i THREE Tnvely 100ms, downstal v | \ ONE room, housekeeping \pletel INELE-EMPLOYMENT on dT vet Must be qqualitied. Apply Baron's, 426 This ds m sekeeping, completely SOUTER Or TAI a ann No AND SERVICE ) | icon Steer on, aT a \ cupboard Kiichen,| drapes, washer and nT | stove and refriger. ALLPAPER buy, Possible earnin 6 RA 8-8180 29--Summer Properties | PRODUCTION Toreman Wavy duty wi NEgay V0t0 entrance. appointment call Howard Mc: fator. suitable for one gentleman, cen tor steel auto: 'yapy pentral HA RA % 544 tra Apply 237 . Athol East / : $30,000 category. Write : \ | motive trim business. night shift. Appl Cabe aot R 4 y hi $ . , ECORATING [Consolidated Industries 3 RA 5 59 54 . For Sale Ajax. WHitehull 2 0430 FIVE vaam hose. with or without! 3.4164. John A J. Bolahood, FURNISHED room, $5.00 per" week. TOR | ft OSHAWA TV ruins sme i Re as ee si on AS Lar fier WOR] Re hr 3 i > it wie LOAROR alt mates call 12--Dressmakin $ Myer Lake Maddock, Call be week, Box 848 The Oshawa 1 ! bi FURNINIED room, twin bed with ; \ RA agp r plus pa 361 GIBBONS ST por nd 9 pom, RA 8.7131 3A_Nin% spring filled mattresses, may be share ) MO 8-923] IDRESSMARING "and witorations RA oe COTTRG re Immediate occupancy, or Nov. (ed, private kitchen, (iliaaive, close to , RA 5:7426 . 15--Instruction DID YOU SEE Ol ' nable for auick sae. For in 38--Male or Female Help| APARTMENT ! Atigenive tvarhed Ning 40 Park Road. 9% Monirnve Avs t by Y3--Gardening & Su lies PRIVATE student counsellor ? tio chibi Wan | room apartments, hollywood : 9 PP pars' o by interview only. NEW ALL GALVANI; - ---- -- anted SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND kitchens, electrically equip wo rans Gh rent. one Shild el: NORTHEX GRADING oy : Articles Wanted SALKSMEN (JR - SALESLADIES, to ; ped, broadloom, TV outlet, |Soat. th RNIN. Phone teh \ ¥ A 'Lp p El hou DO ¢ , 2 ( 5 M W whi LG yn p \ AND EX AVATINC HILLSIDE ARE ANC Ay meliuiul R A D E $ S YOUTHS b te, wanted. Must oo Woestinghiuse tresses with - nt : nl iy $) 00 locker, hot water and parking ARG Sonianatle NY oom ' ) EAL ) { ne } Acader High -d ont aon ae onan sary, We train you, Must he neat and 3: P ng, adult 0 included. Call Apt. 1, 309 plate, dishes, wm nice distriet, Central, LANDSCAPING hil Re ' ¢ : oda R 9 ressive Excellent venumeration PHONE RA 5.3302 Adelaide St. W. RA 5.6606 Apply 12 Eigin Street East off Simooe, All t jrth-maoving \-61 ort \ of essential, Pe N\ Iau ual v y RA 3.9020 T 0 Ww E R! i] Ant LT bedroom suite wanted, prefe me pipet Bg) o Mimi nt cal before 1 pm. or after § FURNISHED room, new home, one or \ y [¢ TEC PIANO lessor ow commencing, da nib Bittoos.: Naat: bi 3 . two gentlemen. Bus alt door, Close CALL FOR ESTIMATES Sod delivered. gi pr Phone RA A-8895 Exwert w ai BY ur Bicoel Mui bE 18 good condi MO 8-331 L NEW p.m south GM, Park Road RA 8.0146 - TORONTO PL 7.5211 seeding, clean up. trims RE a primer 1961 All Way ANTIQUES wanted glass, china, 39---Agents Wanted SHOPPING CENTRE | ROOM for two gentlemen, single beds, patic walk hed .v ae h, dance edu "of to buy for cash. Dial RA PARKWOOD corner store Williain and Mary Street g tertiliz . dancing school, ballet, tap, baton, ac Did You Know That Wn. a 3477 MEN Pleasant outdoor work. Aver SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | Telephone RA 5.0006 ow eked up prom ils housekeeping room, central, I. MORTON and Associates, On pe y ------ -ry-- roo We mtaine part 0 Land Surveyors, Professional En.! made more beautify : ty r Lot Andy | ATR epaire, A THRE} ed self-contained apa I A Vhit , P qQreen ertilizing \ act Friday age $9 pe 3 » ' k y " ohoa V F per hour No experience neces i nsekeen 8 . 4 GARAGES Masonic Te mle RA 1.7253 Have r ) f supnlies bought and Write Rawleigh's, Dept, 1310:VV LIGHT Musakse eae Wh She COMPLETE Rg chiiians kal ats "van Wha Sp Slore. $1 103 epee Momo STORES FOR LEASE MANOR Ry fn uee Sw, 10 LC] OFF GARDE EN SE RVICE LEARN TO DRIVE 4 3 CHRISTMAS Bh pid 3 Sell & hi, AVAILABLE. FOR bod gh Ta 208 Chadburn Street or COLONIAL HOMES Gordes aid . he OS va Driving Sshosl RY US WANT ED Hresting cards, Dlec 3 eat ha ag CHRISTMAS TRADE APARTMENTS TWO large self-contained rooms. Child ploug your free album today. W. L. Smit) 1-20 FRONTAGE x Welcome, 360 Oshawa Blvd, South. RA landscaping, wood cu | b ce Commission AP RO} POULTRY and associates Lid, Ajax, Ont F-44300 removed i tra nstructors KLE k AND FEATHER TICKS S-- . ---- ) . Rit ON LARGE. clean, comfortable furnished - RA 8.1798 Vander, Auiomatic. So 1 E\/IC |. TURNER A1--Room 8 Board Yoke SAGUENAY AVENUE [ao immeaicion brome ma ov "ie BUILDERS RA 8-009] TELEVISION A 3.2003 Pea 3, NOON and board for gentlemen Wil Rankin as i bathroom sup LANDSCAPING . 171 BOND ST. EAST : tect wi ROOM and board for gentlemen will v6 103 IX MORE STORES TO (PARK RD. & KING ST SINGLE furnished room, ventral, close fixed, compiete SERVIC - - M y a" R . TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. AEN ] al ¢ ) ng to shave, good locality. Phone RA ASONARL PRI RENT OPEN FOR INSPECTION . 4 fittas, LOGS | weeds meated, field nusenn | DRESSMAKING RA 8-678 SHAW tio REASONABLE SRICY =m VFOR INSPECTION ich, sink, cupbaard." rrtisraton 0" DEEP FOLLOW DISTRICT) to hus, Phone RA §8150 20 sa + vy tty range. adults 1 Drew off : od. te -~ n n - BOARD and cave for elderly adie CALL Quiet, residential street, King East (five minutes to four cor josman. Phone J y d : 4 AUTO WRECKING CO separate rooms, private home. close to a. 2-bedroom Apartments ors), Available Oct, 13 "B co trol § : COU RSES 40-FT Nar reck Part Shurthes Shopping, Whithy, MO #4363 JACK APPLEBY Sons rigs xia wo large unfurnished rooms, wpe RA 8- | 177 ED KNOWL TON OPE NING OC | | CHANNEL MASTER ¥ tq wrecking Parts ROOMS and board if desived, close to RA 3.2398 drapes, parking, etc stairs, storage space, ouphoards and rap iron and downtown and NGM. Apply 23 Elgin closets, on bus line. Telephone RA PRECAST RA 5.6047 - x a M i gay T1.V. TOWERS He bs, t } ought. Open Re East ov phone RA 3.7814 RA 5.6544 Rents from $90 monthly 3862 and board for two or three PHONE ONE furnished Hght housekeeping room gentlemen, all conveniences. home . { i A 1 yn n 8 » Wo 2 3 RQ & with use of trig Apply 1683 Simooe Grandview Sod Supplies d } PLL Ré 2311 89 BLOORE cooked meals. RA 80283 21 Gladston HN A RA 272 __RA 5.5787 Street South CONCRETE We specialize ten nd : rv IRON i BOLAHOOD a. Fi Bes: Stable 1 ane or a. Sor zed. field drome | : | uaranteed for Y ! oh Tria 3 Vs ! boa an Ring Street Eq ar Rit 5) OFFICE SPACE in Apply TR Carnegie SEPTIC TANKS | : liveries ¢ awe and | sm ND $55.00 METALS, BATTEI Trg TE A FOR Tr ed Mattmens, tugs SIDEWALK SLABS trict, Field 16--Insurance Nah TV ¢ tin A a -- Rn SUR ANG RENT \anabie. Apply 36 Contre Strot COLORED PATIO i i 3, ALLSTATE Aut 5 5 ' y 4 ™o { i ny 4 : gentlemen tn share single beds - ONE furnished oom for gentleman, DURA STEPS tra : DP 0er nent. x A WERMALIL ENBERG ONS ie iv Lome cooked meals OFF ICE SPAC FE Passenaer . elevatar. ervias APPly 820 Simcoe North URBINC RA B.81 N hi ) lib : LARGE furnished room, 'frig. central, 5 \ ) \Q f 5, for one or two gentlemen, Appy 108 gi A we, 1 JrKING SPACE / ] R RFE} ) oF WELL TILE Oshawa 17--Money To Loan peard optional. RA BE 10a AVAILABLE FOR RENT aed In. downiown oveu TORE ea Sinai ¢ L - R room for vent, suit sing! WE HAVE on lat EDARDALE ROOM and board Close 0 \ Ning Contra 1 oor, waiting Moderate rent, Leases now man Apply $30 Celina Street BROOKLIN Home Land Iscap ng i 1 aout ; } t SCRAP Duplute, Slaticanie, Dea roc onsulting 'and treat available SINGLE iurnished bedroom for busis Hyman v and t A € iitable for phy ness man, Apply 38 Colborne Street PECIALIZED N " 0 Ean Syma gS Pid : ) LTL ROON and bond \ shranean meals i on av he West after 4 pm Lh CONCRETE NG mo. pt' t A x : 54 V ROL \ETAL® rib - vailat {wai COnveN ia; huping THE TIMES 45---Real Estate for Sale COMPLETE ( ( . He Al ( ' ' gentlemen to share Phone RA 5196 PRODUCTS ves Sa wo iin SE of) ALY {SATURDAYS ALLDAY ROOM ax eurd ar toumg sanity, co ERASE BUILDING - [Wikies vi dove Si J la qh wodern Kitchen, C a" i. a we RA 3.031 DRY} u | hardwood and tile floors, Just steps te LIMITED C ge Bah ki 8 PICK-\ ROOM and hoard optional, ood m WILSON Tan Teh unt be 'sold \ ' | now for Rill Swarbrick at RA : i © arrange 3 A ) . NGM. 10 minutes to Fo ontact Call OLiver 5-3311 RA 8-6366 Creign + Pryor | : : have ly STREET REIS gAiage for rent Amy 30 Div : C3443 | Phone RA 3-3474 ARIE 0 SAMA, Jorn A. oh Bolahood ROOM and board {or two gentlemen to New building. Centrally lo ) sion Steet (Ld. Rig