The Oshawa Times, 11 Oct 1960, p. 11

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VOLUNTEER WOR City YWCA Seeks Ways To Serve Community Best 5 Children Baptized Thanksgiving There was a large congrega tion which almost filled the aud torium of Centre Street Church on Thanksgiving The Church was appropria decorated with fruit and vege tables and leaves. The choir unde the leadership of their organist Mr, Ronald Kellington sang "A Prayer of Thanksgiving", The Minister, Rev, Warren G. Dick son preached on the topic "Thanksgiving" and officiated at the Baptism of five little chil dren: Sandra Lynn, daughter Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Shackle ton, born April 13, 1960; Dary! Edward Andrew, son of Mr, and Mrs, Edward Knox, born August 24, 1960; Sandra Denise, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Daniel moyle, born June 30, 1960 beth Catherine, daughter and Mrs, Warren Abbott Sept, 15, 1960; Harold Todd of Mr, and Mrs, Alan Smith Nov, 22, 1959. The minister assisted by Elder George Den nis. He announced to the congre gation that next Sunday, Oct, 16 the Church would celebrate it 129th anniversary. The Rev. A F. Cowan of Owen Sound, a for mer minister would speak in the morning and the regular minister at night. Port Perry Choir would have charge of the night music and the church choir in the morn ing with a solo by Miss Norma Bowen, Eliza of M born born EMERGENCY MEASURES "" KERS CARE FOR felt work, leather work, metal craft or take lessons in painting and drawing The director of the Y, Miss Ruth Higgins adds to this: "The YWCA is all this and something more -- it is a Christian member ship movement, social agency which recognizes the value of all human beings regardless of race, nationality, sex, class or creed.' Many young people have found help and advice for personal prob- lems at the Y. Unemployment, fi- Feather YWCA it can of the Red in Oshawa the ways in which community best ther's Day Out is just one of mber of programs arranged YWCA program staff for ery day of the week except Sun- and to include as many peo- and as many different activi- por this reason the Y has be- integral part of life in and as its activities and es have never heen con- fined to the 36 girls who live in it and to whom it means a home from home I'o newcomers the Y is a place to make friends To many people in Oshawa the | a good place for a meal ei the n the caleteria or on occa at b receptions the cater A agencies one for e the M a hu a w the a day ple ties a For come the city ad ble an anta new inquets or arranged by AND MT, ZION The Active Service Class met at the home of Mrs, Lloyd Wilson Misses Gladys Disney and Janet Jone reports on the school for leaders at the Ontario Ladies College at Whitby, which they attended in Aug The Homemakers' Club did a skit that they had prepared for Achievement Day Mrs, Cecil Disney gave a talk on the 4-H Club Refreshments were served Around 75 gathered in the church basement to give Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson (nee San. dra Wheels of Brooklin) a miscel- laneous shower on Friday even- ing. They were the recipients of BALSAM girls and it means the Friday ety dances, the So-ed the badminton club or lessons of the city' gave ram room dancing number of little r n the eight to 12 group the Y means day camp in July and junior gym and games class after chool on Thursdays To many older girls and wo men the Y means the craft shop vhere they can learn to sew, do large Raid Precautions For Industries Looting and Pilfering -- or organized out- Industry and utilities located in the area of Ontario County may expect in the event of nuclear war a heavy pattern of radioactive fallout, Also in fringe areas of expected target areas such as To ronto, blast damage and danger of secondary fires is an addition al hazard, There must also be the accepted risk of a random bomb explosion caused by mechanical inaccuracies of the weapon or in tercepted flight, The policy for national survival in the Ontario County is that it appears the course to be recom mended as producing the most chances of survival is for the pop ulation to protect themselves from the dangerous effects of radioac tive fallout by going into a pre pared refuge or shelter in the basement of their dwelling or other available buildings. Those who do not or cannot do this may voluntarily evacuate to areas they deem safer, bearing ir mind that dangerous fallout be expected from numerous bomb bursts throughou! the industrial area of USA cover all of North Bay, As there probably will he a con siderable number of move away from. the expected target area. of Toronto, the north ern townships of this County are designated as a reception area for a reasonable number of evacuees, Under emergency tions each industry must first ae cide whether its continuing ation is necessary to the diate future or whether an imme diate close down is possible unti) the situation is resolved : Under any plan adopted b particular industrial tablis! ment the following hazards ar apparent and some precautionary actions suggested Blast -- Based upon a 5 me tion bomb exploded as a low a burst, buildings would receive t following damage: up to complete devastation; 5 miles, irreparable damage 15 miles, reparable damage to 20 miles, slight damage Heat Flash -- Could ignite com bustible material or near buildings up to 10 miles Secondary Fires -- This is con sidered a real danger from brok en wiring. and damaged heatin systems or processes using open other Ontario south acuee war cond oper mm y mile to 10 10 to on flame or other potential ignition operations. Damage Phone At Library pay telephone from the wall, dismantled, and its coins removed at the Mc Laughlin Public Library It was discovered Sunday morning that a window on south side of the library had been broken. The window was of the Twindow type. and the first pane had been broken on Oct. 7 This however was not to the police. A further check of the libra revealed that everything else wa was ripped reported would |! and anticipated to b the; many lovely gifts, They are living in rooms at the Lloyd Wilson home A number attended the shower held in the basement of the Ash- burn Church for Miss Sheila Ham. ilton The monthly Women's Associa. tion will be held on Wednesday af. ternoon, Oct, 12, at the home of Mrs. Frank Disney. Roll call to side partic be answered with something on Panic A force to be reckoned From awn employees KIDDIES AT YWCA nance, divorce, pre-marital prob. Active Service Class Meets | Gratitude Expressed The daily importance of grati- tude to God was emphasized at the special Thanksgiving Day ser- vice held by Virst Church of Christ Scientist Featured in the service were expressions of gratitude by mem- bers of the congregation for the blessings which God's good- ness had brought into their lives, These voluntary testimonies in- cluded mention of healing of phy- sical disorders of various types through the application of scien- tific prayer "Thanksgiving' was the sub ject of the Lesson-Sermon for the day, which was composed of se- The Osha Tunes SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1960 PAGE ELEVEN Plans Completed |lections fro mthe Bible and from . | "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures' by Mary Baker Eddy The same theme of gratitude was carried out in the musical selections which included 'The Blind Ploughman" (Clarke) beau- tifully rendered by Mr, Robert Henry, 28 Traffic Fatalities i lems, social responsibilities, health, alcohol in the home are some that members of the Y resi- lence and program staff have Thanksgiving weekend took 28 tallied over with young people, Ontario lives, 19 in traffic mis. The Y's program activities are haps largely supported by funds from Ontario Provincial Police the community chest, Without Whithy and Bowmanville detach- this help the fees for different ments reported 36 separate acci- activities would be prohibitive to dents, but no fatalities most of the people who now OPP's in Whithy recorded three enjoy them. To a lesser extent, separate car crashes, with 14 in- the Y building and administra. fured in -21 accidents but only tion are also supported by com- three persons were hospitalized munity chest funds Extra police were placed at ---------- os two city intersections to direct | traffic flow as highway travel. lers invaded the city streets in an attempt to get around the tie. § Two separate accidents at Thornton's road and Highway 401 yesterday resulted in two persons going to hospital Thanksgiving, All are asked to. Mrs Gladys Mallory, Warden with where no control is present, Personal Casualties Unpro- tected personnel can receive rad ion burn blast damage, in- DARLINGTON BRIEFS juries from flying fragments of from collapsed structures and from residual radiation radioactive fallout) » Same protection nd property can from the following Dispersal employees to homes and shelters, time permit tin Sale from initial effects of explosion prepared and signed up in establishment An efficient tem and Under from taker A HAMPTON (Staff) The fol- lowing are the Darlington Coun- cil briefs: Burley Bus Lines indicated to Reeve Garnet Rickard that seven buses will be removed from their wrecking lot at Courtice within a short period Accounts pald during Septem. ber totaled $21,209.25. Of this $14,334 was the first payment on the Bowmanville Memorial hospi. tal. A total of $28,493.69 was spent on roads in the township during debris panic for be personnel obtained of area attack warning sys afety drill maintained September round prepared refuge Mr. Sikma from Courtice want. fa out shelters for care- od to know if the township was | plant protecti Laff responsible for the road allow number of First Aid ance behind his farm. The farm employees and in larger/is on Hancock road, at Crooked the organizing of a Hill. The road committee was any sponsored St, John Am- authorized to investigate the situ ind Nursing unit, an en- ation and to discover whether the ire-fighting potential township was responsible or not A debris clearing and rescue Dennis Shuttleworth and Mrs foree H. Couts wanted to know if some- Ah en force thing could be done about widen blv Scugog road passing the They termed the road very hazardous for children to walk. Reeve Garnet 'Rickard sug- gested brush could be cleared and a foot path built as part of the winter works program. The road committee were to investigate the problem and see if the road could be widened F. J. Donevan of Oshawa want ed to know if he was to continue urveying and complete plans for lot 35 on the second and third con- He has been working on {the project in his spare time since 11954 Charles: Campbell, 7 Pine street, Bowmanville, offered the council a property east of Tyrone between Tyrone and Ligkeard The council had earlier request ed an option on the property to straighten the road Herman Haas, RR 1, Hampton, Antony Back In Business LONDON (AP Antony Arm strong-Jones is working on his her five generation first photographic assignment were at the home of her since he married Princess Marg- grandson to greet her during the aret and gave up his bachelor celebration. Her three children, profession Fred, with whom she lives, The current job doesn't involve Fr ank and Alma Mrs. C, W. popping his flashbulbs in peoples' Kinsman Brooklin, were all faces or setting up a tripod in grandson to public Armstrong - Jones has agreed 34 to supply some of his pictures for six a new biography of the fashion great grandchildre. About able Italian artist Annigoni who made Mrs. painter Queen Elizabeth and I acquaintance during Princess Margaret lifetime called to wish her it' Lindsay during the un forgettable day 1N( | | Iheral od zation nee sore] f reed irged including warden taffs protection protective a controlling Ing the emergency group from school ory al decor super Pe nd measures drills ad Plant decon ill prepared. Emer down drill pro mination ed to employees nation d close for maintained Centenarian Puts Faith In The Lord Special) Mrs, Annie Pil Beeton, who elebrat cession th, of her Lindsay ove 100th birthday "in the weekend says to live to be 100 is to trust in the Lord Mrs, Pillsworth was born in Nestleton, Sept. 30. 1860, she lebrated her 100th birthday at #randson, Hudson Cambridge street od the way put one tt home Yillsworth north Most im of a Wh ! of of ome their } er mother 13 grandchildren randchildren and hor ple of START APPEAL a Whitby, Ajax and Whitby town ~ ship began an appeal today against an equalized assessment et by the Ontario county council in June. of this year The hearing was adjourned, by Il parties, to. Nov. 1 A three-man board is hearing 'the appeal. * CAR STOLEN Whithy OPP's found a burned 1" Ramble 5 lan on the 4 it Picker last Pp ald the aut was stolen in Toronto sometime ithis year, ng consen: of a of a oy bring used clothing to be sent to avenue, Scarboro; lacerations to the Fred Victor Mission head Mt, Zion turkey supper will be Carol Ann Steinburgh, 17, Mar- held on Nov, 4 in the church mora, fractured jaw basement Drivers involved in the first Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sadler of accident were Frank Mallory, Bowmanville spent a couple of Scarboro, and William Parr, St days with Mr, and Mrs. Alan Man Laurent, Que derson In the second accident, drivers A number of Boy Scouts were were identified as, John Hoyko, seen on Saturday on their 10- Oshawa and Floyd Steinburgh, mile hike to Chalk Lake Marmora Mr. Donald Lidgett and Joan Three drivers were involved in of Toronto had Saturday digner a late afternoon accident on with Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Disney, Highway 401 between Wilson Mr. Lorne Disney is working at road and Ritson road which sent Waterloo in United States, Mrs. Florence Head, of St, Cath Mrs. Lloyd Robinson is under arines, to hospital with an injured the doctor's care in the Oshawa knee and nose. Others were reat General Hospital ed at emergency and sent home, Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Jones had | Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. David Pagan of Toronto, Agents Plan Mr. and Mrs, Robert Miller and family of Hawkestone spent Sun. " day with Mr, and Mrs, Ralph C t Jones and family, P onven on Messrs, Grant Carson, Ronald, The 40th annual' convention of Jones and John Hill spent the the Ontario Insurance Agents' weekend in Haliburton district. | Association will be held this | Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in the Royal York Hotel, The Osh- awa District Insurance Agents'| Association will be sending Wal. ter Famme, President of the local association, Lawrence M.,| was concerned about his fence Murtry, secretary treasurer of falling into a pit that had been the local association and Mrs. dug by people taking sand from Ojive Petley as official delegates. the side of the road next to his| More than 30 local and district property. agents will also be in attend. Council decided to send four ance for the three-day session, delegates to the Industrial and Many problems will be discussed, municipal relations conference at including the new automobile Peterborough, The reeve Is to policy - improving the Assign risk! name the delegation plan, ete. One of the highlights The road superintendent and the of the convention will be the ban. township clerk were authorized to quet and dance on Thursday eve-| apply to the Department of ning. There is also a program | Municipal affairs at Toronto for a for the ladies starting with $5000 winter works program, The breakfast Thursday, luncheon at project will include brush cutting|the Arcadian Court, fashion show sod clearance of township prop-| and ending with the banquet and art) : dance in the evening, The Ontario A $1934 tender for heating the Insurance Agents Holby con new township garage at Hampton gists approximately of 2000 Inde- was accepted from Alf Har pendent General rell and Son, Oshawa Agents in Ontario, Our Oshawa The council' met at 1.30 p.m. district Insurance Agents' Asse and continued sitting until 11.30 (ciation was re-organized in 1039 p.m. Among other items discuss. with eight members, It now con- ed were road complaints and in. sists of 50 Independent Insurance ternal office matters Agents in Oshawa and district "land has been affiliated with the United Church YP Ontario body since 1935, . Elects Executive OWEN SOUND (CP) -- Ronald Stubbs of Toronto Monday was elected 1960-61 president at the three-day annual convention of the Young People's Union of the Toronto conference of the United Church of Canada James Muir of Noranda, Que., and Robert French of Simcoe, were elected associate presidents for the north and south districts Bruce Reid of Lim¥say is treas urer Named convenors were Sonja Petersen, North Bay, lan Stew-| art, Parry Sound, and Marion] Brown and Frances Braiden, both' of Shelburne COPS, ROBBERS TORONTO (CP) Detec- tives and police swooped down on a house Sunday night where an armed, masked man was seen enters ing. They found the robber-- with other robbers, pirates and clowns at a costume par- ty STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be closed construction today Rossland road west, from Steven. on road north to Gibbons street; Stevenson road north, from Malan avenue to Rossland road west; Wilson road south from Olive avenue to Shakespeare ave nue; Stevenson road south, closed from Gibb street to the CPR; Richmond street west, closed from Prince street to Chure gl Sunshine Rebekahs' treet, Whenever possible streets™ tion team of Oshawa he ! loca! traf Ajax, White D d Emergency ®onditions such as pect ntly to instal new officers weather could require the closing for the coming year. Members ts not on this list. | of te Sunshine Lodge are | for installa- | visited pt open fo \ Insurance ©ry's Church, Mrs, Simmons died Walter Beath, Stewart Murison, | James; Lieut, Fry Myer, Paul Sitter, | SUNSH Industrial Day | 200 Expected | For Big Tour Full program follows: Out-oftown guests only, am.: bus arrives at GM south plant, plant tour; 12.30 to 2 p.m,: reception and luncheon at Hotel Genosha, Intown guests Join visitors at Genosha Hotel at 2 p.m, 2 to 4 pom.: tour of Industrial Park and other industrial and residential areas of the city, 4 to 5 p.m,: cocktail hour at Lakeview Park (Jubilee Pavil- fon) 5 to 6 pm.: supper at Lake- view Park, 6 p.m,: visitors' bus leaves for Toronto, Route of the two hour alter. noon tour is as follows: Start from the Genosha Hotel, to fed- eral post office, McLaughlin Bandshell; Memorial Park; Mc-| Laughlin Public Library, city] hall, police station, Kinsmen|#® Wednesday is Oshawa Indus- trial Day. Some 40 industrial develop- ment specialists, realtors and ar- chitects, banking and business ment from Toronto will join more than 100 local business and civic leaders on a tour of Osh- awa's Industrial Park. tomorrow afternoon The tour will be preceded by a luncheon at the Hotel Genosha, tendered by the local bankers' association, Wednesday morning, the out-of town guests will tour the south plant of General Motors of Can- ada Ltd Industrial Commissioner Thom- as McLaughlin expects close to 1200 persons, including represen- tatives from Oshawa's chamber lof commerce, planning board, real estate board, public utili- (ties commission, railway and | customs officials, bank managers, city council and department | heads MAYOR GIFFORD : [ Campaign Endorsed Three factories in the Indus. trial Park will hold open house May I take this opportunity of to show visitors the modern adding my wholehearted endorse- buildings here. ment to the campaign which Is - Myers Cotton Products Ltd,, the being sponsored by our Board of new Union City Body company Education, during the week of from Indiana, USA, and the un: October 10 to October 16, and occupied half of Union City's which has as its slogan, "Every plant will all be thrown open drens' Arena, O'Neill Collegiate, | nomy Forms and Upright Scaffolds past prime industrial Oshawa Harbor, to Lakeview It 10/ thie break-in damaged, but entry was not gaine ed. A third door was opened but nothing in the office was distrib. ed, Entry to the building through up to Russett avenue to see Fco-|through a garage window, of Canada Ltd, |other IAd., | garage and the office, was also through Brookside Acres, up tol/broken, The office was ransack- Oshawa Airport, down Thornton|ed. A cash hox was pried loose road south to Lake Ontario and/from a soft drink machine acreage, the glass on a gum machine was hy General Motors south plant on|broken. Nothing has heen report. the way to Industrial Park, toed missing Tough Time For Thieves was a tough weekend for ves in Oshawa, An unknown intruder at the Metropolitan Building, 60 King street east, left blood all over the floor, after breaking a window fo enter through the Household Fi. nance Co, eral offices, but nothing was re ported stolen office, He tried sev. The word "cheap" was printed on a desk at Corby's service sti- tion, had ently nothing taken, However thief garbage can. That's money King street west, after it been ransacked and appar. the the the neglected look in where bag was stashed the Metropolitan two office doors to In building were window hetween the building Memorial Stadium, Oshawa Chil.|and the Hotel Genosha, At Corby's, entry was gained An- the window, between and Child in Sunday School." for inspection, Our citizens are becoming ad- dicted to an overpowering desire for security. They seek it through financial investments, through governments and new forms of legislation This desire for security in the me'erial things of life is a strict. Park for supper, Columbus WA mel no At Fall Meet If we succeed in transplanting COLUMBUS ~ The Columbus|Anniversary services will be held our hope for future security from WA met for the first meeting of on Oct, 16, The morning service the church, where it. belongs, to|the fall on Wednesday afternoon. will he conducted by Rev, H, G. the material things of life, we Mrs. J. McKenzie, president, Crozier and the evening service may find that our civilization will| spoke a few words of welcome by Rev, D, M, Buttars, BA, BD, slow down and resist change or nd read a poem entitled "Our| STM, of Pickering United Church, further progress. We must look to) Best'. Mrs. Roy Ratcliffe led in| our church and religion for our the devational program assisted Whit D security and for a better life by Miss B, Smith, Their topic By GRACE MILLS Each psi It was agreed to cater for the vach hour that a child spends jyneh and banquet for the plow- in the Sundav School of his or ing match to be held on Oct. 5 and will give him 'the basis of Sturtridge from the Dominion] AJAX -- The regular meeting that future security which he so Council will be guest speaker, |0f the White Dove Rebekah desires and will make him a| Mrs, Ronald Love presided for|lodge 379 Ajax was held Tues have a vast number of churches awa, was the guest speaker. He Sens aieisied by Sister Eileen of different faiths in which I am gave an interesting and informa. Williams, VG, Visiting members were from CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth. days today: Brian _Roase, 115 street, Bowmanville; Mrs, Ada Shabatura, 1463 Simcoe street north: Barbara Devitt, 24 Ritson road south: Michael Frances Stepinac, 95 South. lawn avenue; Janice Reid, 86 Rosehill Blvd.; Edith Morri- son, 106 Burk street; Dennis Henry, 24 Elgin street, Ajax; Mae MaeMillan, 283 Verdun road: Gordon MacMillan, 203 Verdun road: Jane Beatty, 216 Oshawa Blvd, south The first five persons to ins form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre good for a four-week period, The curs rent attraction is "The Bell bov." Reports on hirthdays will be received only bteween the hours of 8 am. and 10 a.m Phone RA 3.3474, High Pp here and in the hereafter, was "The Test", her choice will teach him a bet- sng committees were named for ter relationship with the mem- game The Oshawa Presbytery bers of his family, with his par- WA is to meet in St. Paul's y b ents and with society as a whole, | Church, Ajax, on Oct. 27. Mrs Correspondent better citizen the program, Mrs, Lapp favored day evening, October 4, in the To the newcomers to Oshawa, with a solo, Mr. Lewis, the direc- Joop Hay, Pickecios Buse Youd, may I add that we In our city tor of the Children's Aid in Osh-|Sister Annle Woods, NG, pres. sure you and your families will|tive talk of the work being car ¥ be readily welcomed, and which | ried on in the County, |Oshawa, Brooklin and Pickering will meet your spiritual needs! The theme song and the Mizpah lodges. Please take advantage of them, [benediction closed the meeting, The ceremony of draping the [followed by a cup of tea and alcharter was performed in mem. | social hour, |ory of a deceased brother, David OBITUARIES | On Sunday morning members| Birrell, of Columbus United Church at-| The new officers for 1960-61 " 4 tended the annual world wide were installed by DDP Gladys Wis" Sak OF Communion service, The service Stonehurg and her staff of Sun- High Reculsn: Muss wes saldl L00 conducted by the Rev, J. K./shine Lodge, No. 222, Oshawa. ' High tequic m sass was sald Braham of the Scugog United These officers were: Junior or the late Mrs, Peter Simmons| Charge. Assisting were the mem- PNG Annie Woods, NG Sister Fi. Saturday, October 8, at 9 a.m. hers of the session, Roy Ratcliffe, een Williams, VG Marion Slugg, hy Rev Dwyer in St, Greg 'Arthur Smith, Grant Webber, pecording secretary, Anita ory 's y | A ; financial secretary, Vio.| Thursday in the Oshawa General| Irwin Ormiston, Stanley Webber|jet Meese: treasurer, Lilian] Hospital, Burial was in St, Greg-|and Ray Scott, |Milne; Chaplin, Pear! Andrews; ory's Cemetery and the funeral| Special music for the service|conductor, Alice Cook; warden, was carried out by the Armstrong was provided by Misses Grace Eileen Gilbert; color bearer, Funeral Home and Carolyn Webber who sang a| Gertie Boyle; inside guardian, The pallbearers were: M, Reed, | duet, They were accompanied by| Phyllis Gerrard; F. Grant, O, Pearson, H, Brown, Miss Margaret Webber of Whitby.|dian, Miriam Hancock; The Columbus United Chu reh| 8 Fa shown in the photo, Front row from the left, Victoria MaGee, DW; Flora Purdie, DRS; Lilian Pennington, soloist: Gladys Wenny Parry, PNG; Marie | back row, May' Skea. PNG: Stoneberg, DDP; May Wood, | Elliott, PNG; Dorothy Smith, | Margaret Henderson, Greta DM; Anne Coakwell, chaplain; | PNG; Elda Howard, financial ' Drinkle, Florence Greene, Llewella Pine, dep. treas.; middle row, Lena MacFarlane, PNG; Agnes Kemlo, PNG; secretary; Idella McCullough, PNG: Delma Hutchinson, PNG: Arvil's Steohen, PNG let Vice Grand Florence James, left support Manktelow, lins with dainty ed by Sister Gilbert and her com. mittee, outside guar-|gion Hall, will Right UAW Hall, Cedar port to Noble Grand Margar-|urday, October 22, at 2 p.m Browning, Left support to to Viee Grand Dianne Musician Alice Col. After the regular meeting was concluded, best wishes were ex pressed to the new Noble Grand and her officers chosen words from Sister Stone burg were added, and a few well A soclal half hour was enjoyed refreshments serve The White Dove Lodge ba. zaar which was scheduled to be held on September 24 in the Le held at the street, on Sat he ih _ nih nN -- INE REBEKAHS INSTALLATION TEAM OF OSHAWA ay gan, musician PNG, Gladys Mors Lorraine Hewat, =Plhoto by John Mills

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