dhe Published by Car f VW SIE Wan HI Oshawa Times gd, B6 King ot. £, Oshowg, OM More Should Be Done To Help Good Students should be startled by figures released recently by the Domi Canadians nion Bureau of Statistics to show that only nine percent of secondary schoo) students thelr education to the level of & university degres, the Windsor pursue Star asserts Star's Ottawe Jefferies, some According 10 The Maurice educational suthorities estimate that at least 25 students have the capacity correspondent per cent of secondary school to attain » degree What percents « Not all loss of brains and ability 1 There happens 10 the missing 16 by any means, represent a the nation #re many occupations where an duals skills and talents do not re hut nd quire university training ean be other educations) offer brought out b institutions whieh do not degrees I that worthy students who want to pursue there 15 an indication, however ® university education ure prevented funds ishamed from doing so by lack of then Canaghians should be As My Jeliries points out, both majo Bad Driving Minister Yaremko w dri I'ransport in dangerou Re the years most Ing nths have arrived ords show that October, November and December lead the the three-month period n and highways ill ther accidents de he miles travelled, In the last quarter 25216 $29 resulted in fatalitie IB ARS on de traffic number treet pile fens int 1059 road ace there were ents, of whieh H402 in personal injury and in I'here 85 traffic deaths and 9339 peisons in jured during that erihd Analysi by the property damage VAS & total of of last year's accident records transport department shows that main reasons for the greater the of wd ased amount. of daylight and the corres the ha of autumn travel is decre increase in travel during hours The centuated by the lapse of daylight saving ponding of poor visibility condition is ac time drivers were Just not prepared for the change in operating conditions,' according to the minister It is are killed or injured in traffic the pointed out that more people Accidents {uring hours of twilight, darknes and dawn than in broad daylight during the although Heavy Load final quarter of the ves "here are very things which purchase today that does not carry tax of some sort, It all comes from ind other taxes down through the We Ne ale line purch I owe just see and meet the final price only knew the tax that i article would probably be Michigan the SOME we purchase we It hap the phed ) Up In arms pened in when some of store showed umount of the go mneluded the I'he tax which was mn ermmment purchase price of the article huyer admitted they shocketl Here | Telegraph has to say on the subject were what the Quebec Chronicle Faxes have contributed more to the Cost al hiving than most people imagine Apparently the royal commission even on price ads missed this point, judg The Oshawa Times WILSON, Publisher € GWYN KINSEY spre LI and General Manage Edie Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 polities) parties in the Dominion sre on the record as lavoring a nations! program of scholarships or bursaries to aid deserve ing students. There is pressure on the government at the present time 10 adopt such a program But the responsibility not entirely the Star Business and industry in whose service will make their in on the government BIEUES many of the gradustes contribution to Canads, must also take their place in education Many provided scholarships and bursaries and firms and individusls have other forms of aid to deserving students, It takes little ol act to become apparent to the donor in the form of some fine young ver time for the results such an Canadian whose talents have been deve loped to the full Too many firms, however, are IgNor ing ther responsibility to education Such a firm may be curtailing the edu fully firm's ation of a vouth whose talents might be that the firms developed every At ignoring Canada's salvation in future the ery least, such are outh and Canada's future Conditions less din done in the darker hours, My COMMON Sense ing Yaremko urges drivers to follow the rules Your for blo dow Customary speed may be too fast changed con. ditions Have double your car checked Irequently and cheek all lights He pedestrian ilert, Keep a constant lookout for vehicles with dim all, Don't the advamage and for lights or lights at wear glasses at night finted they offer in cutting glare is more than ffset by the disadvantage in, reduced vision your on at the first hint light helore Turn they really Lights others the of darkness "re tHumination by help necessary for road needed for identification ire hefore are needed to driver see Dim your lights even though an on driver dim his; by Coming fails to main tain control your cal looking at right shoulder of the Wl lights betore the highway He turned ure on your car are on you pull on to a thoroughfare at night, Never stop on the travelled of the night, Of Taxes criticism Mis time portion highway at by ane of Walton Walton sul Speaking re mace WR Mis report ng trom i members ol At minority National the the the l'oronto the mitted a ently to the Dairy Council, she remarked that commission cen interest CONS of market cold fred it on Ing such a TOrnge advertising and packaging 'Mrs, Walton ha Undoubtedly a very latter good pont here these factors have contributed to the spread between the to the producer and that paid Hut uns Price hy the consumer the amount in olved in taxes 0 8 tremendous level Al every ind do Ihe portion ol stage in the line of produ ton tribution, some tax is in valved tarmer includes in his price Oe the tax he pays on his real estate, machinery, and so forth Hq mneoms so includes some provision for his tax hose who transport the the farm make similar total ram The No stage sv exempt, The fabricators woods pro vision tax begins to accumu late slaughter houses and other companies the market add More perhaps a distin tood tor the that prepare on thew share of tax trans portation nvolved butor and a wholesaler, and more trans hefore the shell product ends the « portation agamn on the grooer's From ach h provision jor Whether feder he cation Ae ngs that ¢ anddler receives, there is taxes of Wome sort il, provincial or municipal lds lo Wl of We how retailer himselt on an for taxes, and then to top nt fl MOST provinces there 18 some sor tax the that the sivles on many ol ems doudt anyone can estimate much of purchase price of any one but of that afticle wn earmarked lor taxes it were possible. we may be sure t people nt I i $ n of the sost of hving" MEMORIES oF THE PROVINEIAL ELECTION FISHING bey 5 Thate. OCTORGR BY.ELGCTIONS 7 nr 2 OTTAWA DUCK-HUNTING SESSION QUEEN'S PARK Lessons Learned From By-Election Hy FORO ARN Con DON O'HE (0) he )" from DERN On met 1 y ty in Cent dh \ The Liberals SIDE the other hand the (SATIRE had dem tion that hard Wk alone enougr f thing to talk abou GALLUP POLL he CCF must ne onde iether the extra money and He labor will be ng of enol make their new party SUCOE I'he seats they n Ontario all eal held ihials noid at pre are persona on hy ind Aid there no dication wn the Va Centre or Tem the in Simeoe new party, as pulling kaming that trong party, of course not formed lon. nol too mueh 1 though the Bimeoe Centre can dicate did ts label F.C, UNRENT? Coming on top of the meeting of ciation on Oct been and these Vere ol at rn unde voles the Ontario 17 will be annus Lh PC A nleresting [ ( time in the re tor ounger been OTH AMOong the element party, Majority Vote Against Increased Immigration By CANADIAN OF PURLIC Most INSTITUTY OPINION iNadians do pot wan nerepsed immigration for the ount X AL Bn Hime ink unemploymen mportant problem before the nation, 67 per cent Heve iL would be unwise (0 bring new eit Ll) in A larger number o in 16] egment of object 0 Increased der i, when ALY Lars Ihe mis co points of Wiis as today most opposed people in the en Aying close behind the AINE lon't AN Ion in the Maritimes 80 per Question used b enorters fi A aie the lected sample of ing pub ne t 1 WOULD YO DISAPPROVE 1} DIAN GOVERNMENT CREASED THE NUMBER OF IMMIGRANTS COMING TO HIS COUNTRY NEXT YEAR APPROVE HE ( OR ANA IN he, 1054 Today Approve Ji] Disapprove W Qualified 3 No opinion 4 100% 10 ALHitnde va only from West to East, but in different of oupations, Strongest disapproval for entry of more potential work ers lies in the vanks of labor where almost three in four want no increased immigration. Most lkely to think more citizens would be a good thin in in fobs Here nour of eategoris Among and 18 per not are those ales, or white collar the the vay opinion hold main occupational busing executives professional ranks vould like increased 61 per cent would those in cent immigration not In rank "white Approve coll more do not cent oh je ale and 0 per immigration Labor has Approving (4 ] Hon Amon wani cent nee sample or have ter Warld cent cent 19 per cent 52 per only ber armes MN per immigration; 64 In each group 100 per qualitied opinion on cent mole pet bal cent total Answers the mat do not the give of no Reser Copyright ved REPORT FROM U.K. New Towns Provide Living With Light By ML. MeINTYRE special London Correspondent The Oshawa Hoon (Eng) 1 11 Faw Times AWAY the ext Wil mam centres, and I have visit od a imber of Has ¢ large Indu Lomton in pa ~ al wa an Pe hese ne d Ma N ( S wold 8 . Vi val od tenements from which most. of \ fe inhabitants of the new towns hey have provided ditions rable have cow vin comp. which with those of are quite workin las adian res FREE These omes with They ama of DOCoOme industrial peaple oly for this Wn he and country werage Ca that spells pro OF SLUMS new WON Kle own plenty entirely areas whieh No dark mills are of 11 EY SM. As There are po rows of ugly, tum biedown eottages whare the chil mg stren I'he Ia this Rom the KAI LIB PLATY ORM? I'he Lib i BY-GONE DAYS #0 YEARS AGO He + J | I St, John was elected Whithy Min ingtord, rector of Church, Port Whith president of the terial Association Ihe 43,667 mount outlyin tion o for population of Oshawa wa while West and the district had a popula 4313, The 1030 ass city totalled Harmony A orth Oshawa ment the 816,665 510. Thirty-two unemployed were given work by the city en gineer's department the first eivie step to cope with the relief situation men Harris Toronto, presi League of Can al the the club formation ol ham dent of the ada, and Oshawa to sed Navy guest Kiwani the Corps fpeaker ged RPONSOY cadet mn Oshawa he belng public education Penny Bank installed schools em was Oshawa of in hy Lhe the hoard Orono Iwostlay ir wa tured hy the in its eventful léa large attendance history Bowmanville the - Bassett the champion competition Day held at High School won emblematic of hip of Inter-Schoo! annual Field mndra Park Cup, in the Ale Chamber ol Commerce & nounced the Westman Machine Work Toronto w tablish Ing a plant \ road north where several be employed of ore ¢ on Ritso local men would St. John's Bowmanville anniversary Anglican Churet celebrated its 95th Bowmanville's Canadian Branch formally eam with BM. Cotton the Legion no being president he Course taken Co, otal Golf wesl was Bob-OLin) the first popular liny Tim on King street over by the and were tur Wellare Toronto day rece od over to the Oshawa Fund dren lack have for the of any othe play EW ter Placed alongside pace 0 play in the Nany industrial oities Hive strikin Britain has older hese towns how far elal planning industrial n 113 evidence of moved in so the day revolution, and nee of the indeed Quarter of a century SOMETHING in with LACKING spite of all the amenities hers whieh the reside of new towns 10 be One 1 are provided oem something ackin em dent o Mm fine pl Oo whom | spoke WAY is a has this no sou may W" much towns regunenta Hritish hese lowa al ore or and many eslrictio } Wha an and oan not be do ln any given are I ¥ 1 UR n is and unpla bake na 3 XN atiiue ow selghborlinesy. INSIDE YOU Cold Sore Caused By Virus Invader By BURTON H, FERN, MD You're all set for 8 date with that dreambost you mel Bl the beach and now a cold sore has blistered on your Hp. Are the fates against you? Yes, A tiny virus nightmare - like blister dreambost of a dete The fever blister story ususily begins before you can read, The cold sore and sil its social com plications stem from a tiny virus which doctors eall "Herpes Bim plex". Almost everyone hes met up with this virus but herpes simplex complicates few lives Most children take this simplex virus in stride. They remain healthy and nobody recognizes these invisible invaders UNLUCKY ONES Many children aren't so lucky they feel the full, blistery blast Clusters of tender canker sores speckle fiery red gums, longue and mouth which sting and burn than they look that your links to The clouds of frustration down hoth eneeks rattles with yearns for food and but stinging mouth sim fo spit oul eve He how So tiny Lears toddle hunge: arink Io stomach He his 06 poontul implex omplicate mplest need OTHER SYMPTOMS Al his sO it witom § edch of % reviation system § hed nd PLisé hig « flood e blister we deep into the germs his drench ind nh hrob Ev He looks like 8 we of the TV miser) sinu 1nd feet which pills 1 es Aspirin. of frst bout with the little more than Logs Retrieved By Skindivers ROCKCRO¥T, On 00h) ndivers have thei into un mone They retrieve Peterborough erprise for a in ry Kame i busines serviceman, and an electrician, have ghout 400 logs from ompany holding pond in iugn Lake W mile west of Peterborough of I'he pine, maple hemlock and oak aver the all useable log bireh drive and lar from yeai I'he von last Are to try thelr time Working as a team, they Lhe Consists wooden cedar floats lake bottom of lengths of SCrews al rope on the the I'hey drive BOTOWE logs, then surface and winch to break the mud before hauling ashore for large and the use the # new method tic alr bags Use @ compressor raft to pump air into I'he alr forces the surface dragging to the ropes on thelr ice bags the with the them During the summer the earned almost enough to pay for equipment the they worth of bought $1,400 have (CP) Twa turned making sunken lumber ma Gordon sal the Mis north pop SANK 40 wo men decided early this to defray expenses of hobby and dive at the same dive and find log butts in the mud at Thelr equipment with end urtace into the suction of the logs sorting and marking More recently they developed They attach plas then serv the bags to logs two # childish Nu with gnawing pain that prevents gnawing CAN'T HURRY IT The illness is Ineurable; you have to walt until it goes sway by liself, But you ean esll your doctor to find his favorite way to make Junior more eomioriable Aspirin and lukewarm milk often combine to make an excellent throat-seothing pair After a week or ten days the Infection burns itself out, Now the youngster is chuckful: of antl bodies fo guard against 8 second bout, Bul what looks like vietory is only a truce As long as you're in top form these virus Invaders remain eamonfiaged, Bul the delicate balance cracks into open war at the slightest disturbance, A mild fever or the first sniffles of a eold can let loose the blistery fury of the simplex invader Too much sun, indigestion and the menstrual flow have al] frig gered hostilities between compli cated humans and simplex virus. és, Even emotional upsets ean flare this cold war into heated hostility NOT HELPLESK But your defense shattered ull intibodie ule betore his bend aren You ean to contain the he moves in from And so, instead of and overcooked er blister or so com still in pletely hegd ri moutl hod only a fed develops he sore iehes a little, burns a little, but torments your ego especially If you're trying to fas cinate and captivale Here again, every pel treatment He may do nothing except re you that all will be well in doctor has ni RESUTE # day or so. Or Tie may presere #5 ointment to soothe the sore and kill bacteria which threstes to invade behind the viruses, Camphaor containing medics tions often numb the pain snd may speed henling Soon all's quiet on the simples front. The blister fades snd you're back in the stalemate, But if defences weaken, sim plex may once again e your dreambont cruise, you ~ steamed up #8 8 battle ship! oing To Hamilton! Make your visit a pleas ant one by staying at the new DIPLOMAT HOTEL 7379 KING 57. EL in the heart of Hamilton AN rooms oir-sonditiensd Wallto-wall corpet 21" Television Telephones Shower - Bath Free customer parking Commercial end Group retes Dining Fosilities next doer In Roberts Restowrent , + » Homiiton's Finest! For reservations soll Jackson 50715 "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" Quy & Sovells 0SHAWA--BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY "We Send Medicines To Europe Postage Free' Tou think of lim TOs 4 tin 00. feasionally rained end specifically licensed to fl your prescriptions, Bit beyond thie pharmacist lo # friendly counselor , , , @ man you confide in with confidence FRIENO---tnd wt Know you join with ws in honoring them during Neiiana! Pharmagy Wook 29 great whiskies in one brand \ Years ago Adams distilled 29 great whiskies, each with its own distinctive characteristics, and then aged them in special oak casks, Now, Adams has married these 29 rare whiskies to create the superb flavour of Adams Private Stock. This custom blend is presented in its crystal decanter at a popular price. Private Stock CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Adams "a Adams Distillers Ltd Toronte