| 3 Schools (CAPSULE NEWS i OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 7, ee Suggested | Fleming Back | ByBoard | From Africa HAMPTON (Staff) -- M. J Hobbs, secreipry - Iressurer ofl oppays (CP)--Finsnce Minton of color television in Canada the South Darlington Publi ' ister wing srrived Thursdayiis "very Gisep, ing" to the fehaol Board Sbmitiea 2 id of wight at Uplends sirport sfier|Elecironies Industries Associa to Darlinglon Township ey spending » week in Africa, Two|tion, the association's genersi Thursisy proposing the bullding hanaians, Peter Bright - Asare manager seid Thursday, Fred) of three new eight-, or fvessoem and Emanuel Damenks, seeom- Badeliffe said thet if Industry | schools, According or Gow Danied iim, They will study had waited for ie demand the school hosra ws now | edicine at Dalhousie University there still would be no good |Whether W required > iieroom under the Commonwenith tech. movies, hifi, stereo or oil burn PE ror Tiare vs bd nical assistance Program ors, | : 2 |*1 think the school board should BIGGER DARTMOUTH SMALLPOX BCARE | decide whether they went five, HALIFAX (CF The provin-. LONDON (AP)-~Internations! low eight » room schools, 1% 18 Bot! cigl government gave formal ap-|QUATARting inspectors started in up to the council 1o decide what! orovsl Thursday to amalgems:| vestigations from Ceylon to Can they need" tion of the town of Derimouth 848 Thursday night after sn sir- Deputy Reeve Arthur Blanch. with seven of its suburbs, The|line passenger developed small ard wented to know whet the enlsrged town, to come into he. Pox, The passenger, # Dutch § ei ; ! school hoard was going to do with ing Jan, 1, will have & Dapula- | omar Alin, lo, 4 i ; WL ak sibs ih é : i ; abv ble 1 | : all the oneroom schools It tion of shout 40,000 double Mei CECCECE OC aes after sr THE WEATHER OFFICE | most of Ontario but In Que | cloudiness will prevail oday in |elosing up. He suggested it might | present size, and will be the se y | | Py Be igh gl gd ihe sensible to aeertaln whether ond - largest centre in Nova riving from Ceylon Thirty dive! says sunny, warm weather will | bec lemperatures are # ' pa ot hae [the present buildings were con-|Beotis, Halifax has & population|f€llow passengers of the British) cover most of Ontario and Que- | grees below normal, Slightly | with showers expe : {demned or . whether they werelof about 100.000 Overseas Airways Corporation) bee Saturday, Normal tempers. | warmer wenther is anticipated | Laurentian regions, {still servieeshle flight were requested to report tures prevail today throughout | in Quebec tomorrow, Bome (CP Wirephoto) |" Reeve Garnet Rickard suggest] BOMB SCARE WALTE IVT |(o the nearest medical officer for Led the sehnol hoard have s more, VANCOUVER (CP)--A Trans-| vaccinations AST definite propose) as to what 1 Canada Air Lines jet with #7 pas 'WEATHER FOREC rans rmer wants and what it intends to do|sengers ghoard returned to inter |with the old buildings, He ques. | nations! airport here Thursday] CITY AND . - [tioned the size of the new sehools because of a lelephone dq pom) an 8s only an increase of 54 pupils|scare, the third such hoax cs ine u umn Is expecied the whole ares! lo the control tower In as many DISTRICT LONDON, Ont, (CP)=A 5 in during the next two years days. The plane took off Bgan former explosion that killed & ownship clerk Walter Rundle two hours sfter iis scheduled i passer-by occurred after electric Bio "e the eost tforonce takeoff, after police had checked VINE DRUNK $50 Weather Seer 1 arcing changed oll in the trans. between five and elght-room the alreraft and found nothing William Haigh, of no fixed sd former to hydrogen gas. 2 KO. sf 4 dresk was fined $50 dad eost » oner's Jury was tol hursds ining Jin i M ved TINY TRIPLETS BORN fire heing th . ma place FORONTO (C)-=Forecasts " TRORAOR 111101110 4 % | ohn hy 3, of pr LB that a meeting be held. hetwoen OTTAWA, 1, (AP)=Mrs, Jo-lwhen he appeared hefore Magis. *ved by the weather office at b Kilidlos A . was (atally burned hy (lames the school hoard and the counetl | 5€ph J. Marzano, 17, gave ar) trate ¥. 8, Ebbs, Thursday am, EDY AUSLONA <1 eve s {that shot from & grating as he he oa fi A Thursday to triplet boys, al Synops Skies were portly North Bay .....0.,, 40 66 walked past the transformer The three schools involved are| Loli vos than two pounds DEPOSITED DIRT cloudy in Southwestern Ontario Sudbury cies 40 65 |ygyly 4 ) shin sé CUB A ARDED 13TH BADGE al Mike hell's. Corners Hampton, Coch The bhahies, all doing well Stanley Dimitry. of Motor City Thursday night and temperatures Farlton op + 8 | The Jury recommended that sh w and Salem, They in the low 40s were about normal Kapuskasing , 3 3h ----tm---------- Sena SE or ---- were placed in incubstors Paving was fined $10 and costs A fener 65 possible safety devices be used were born within 30 minutes, on each of four charges of defor the date, Northern Ontario White River ,,..... 70 lon transformers to protect the x |positing dirt on 8 roadway, when| temperatures ranged from he-\Moosonee i 6 public, UNHAPPY AT BBG RULING he appeared in Oshaws Magis. tween 256 and 35 Ides! autumn -- EE ohert Brown, 1, a mem: | Church Hall, Miss Margaret | 30 boys - attend the pack . : a of the 8rd Oshawa Cub | Patterson, Akela of the 8rd Osh- | meeting regularly Thursday | FIVE AMBULANCE CALLS Pack was presented with his | awa Cub Pack made the pre | nights. There are presently 33 | The Oshawa Fire Department f 8 ha sf {i 3 p 1 TORONTO (CP) The Board ios " wenther Is expected throughout dge in Wolf Cubs Thurs: | sentation, Robert is the son of | Cub Packs in Oshawa boasting (reported no fire alarms Thurs INT , trate's Court, Thursday ) Joige I No A of the | Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Brown of | a membership of more than 2560 day or this morning. There were of Broadcast Governors' recent {the province today and Baturday oe Street United | 204 Gliddon avenue, More than | boys Oshawa Times Photo five routine ambulance ealls decision mgainst early introduc LARGE POTATOES | Regional forecasts valid until pack at Bimeoe Bree Ts 4 | M, Bush, 110 Allan street, Whit: midnight Saturday | NOTICE T0 ALL EX-SERVICE MEN, by, paid a visit to the home of| 1.ke Erie, Lake Huron, Ni- OBITUARIES | Chama Fncup, neat Brockvile, whore tension nay omar: rivers WOMEN AND DEPENDENTS! | he was presented with two huge London, Toronto, Hamilton: i - ¥ potatoes, The tubers weighed Sunny with a few cloudy periods MARS, LEO ILLBERG two sisters, Mrs. Emma Lott and, | three and two pounds, respective: today. Saturday sunny and mild, | Mrs Alma * fouhia, fiherg, Mrs, Ella Me Mullen bath of Os : nt : : liy Winds northwest 15 today, lghtl] AWN ex-service personnel and their dependents are mother of Mrs n He rd of | aw one bre HF ; onteh | The Times Whitby office. died at|Cheesehorough, also of . Oshawa; 4 OFFICE ROBBED ought and Ratusday | Invited to toke advantage of o Toronto's Riverdale Hospital, [56 grandchildren, and numerous| 8 j ahah : > 8 Sergeant Robinson, of the Whit Yorthem ieorglan Bay, Hall Fhursday, Oct. 6, after & pro- great-grandehildren | J Ww \ by Police Department, is investi. Purton, Kirkland Lake, Timmins. | FREE LEGION SERVICE longed line ihe s¢ In| The funeral service was held] # bh / a gating a break-in on the night of | Kapuskasing, North Bay, Sud. her 83nd yea Phursday afternoon, Interment y k ai 5 Oct, 5, at the Lombank Finance Pury: Partly cloudy today, Sat Born in Turenki, Hustila, Vin wos i English Line Cemetery : ' Co,, office in the Brock Building urday sunny Warmer today and land, she was the former Alma ear Camphellford i Whithy, The front door of the of aturday Winds northwest 15 for} Sophia Laurila hefore her Toronto "» ' : p fiee was forced and $60 in cash day, light tonight and Saturday. | PY ® marriage in 1024 to | Hibey Vili, FLORENCE WHALLEY } : : j stolen | White River region: Mainly ee Of cyte. Mrs the gr 0. death Ee | adem NO SERIOUS ACCIDENTS |Win, M00, warner today and (Service Bureuu Officer from Yoramie) eran Chureh In Toronto, Mrs. Hb uy (he Oshawa General Hospita / AY, iy b . A ay, Chanee o ie berg had divided her 80 years in Bis morning of Florence os ] » 4 / 1 The Oshawa Police DEpAFLMEN! yareq showers late Saturday will be ot the Canada between Toronto and widow of Thomas Whalley, Mrs ' by! reported no Serious ACCIAONIN,| wie 16 today, southwest or i 4 Thur! orpir Timmins { Whalley who was in her 74h # ji A Thursday or this morning southerly near 20 Saturday LEGION HALL BRANCH NO 43 Surviving besides her husband | ooes "iad heen in falling health , f NO INQUERT ! ' and Saughter A € 1 e sl h rs and for. some time Assistant Crown Attorney Bruce Lo J est Temperature one hrother all in n an Born in Lancashire, England, Affleck announced this morning o might, hs T d 0 b h The hody is resting at the W, Ce Geconsed was @ daughter of Bl (hat an inquest wil not be heid gi or us oi 3 uesaay, ctober 1It Town Funeral Home, The jungle the late John and Barah Love, y p intd the death of George Taylor, 1 ondon he rer pid » service will he held on Baturaay, goo was married in England and " 4 3 Oshawa court official, An autopsy Rao " : i ® FROM 2:00 TO 5:00 P.M. head BR By trvice, came to Canada 82 years ago, ! ' / B® [showed that Mr, Taylor was dead wineha il 5 70 Armstrong will lake the Service. guo"wag a resident of Toronto p » ; -y or SY (before his auto was involved inj odiibhsitane : Interment will he In Bt. JOUN'S| pero "coming to Oshawa five bry iis ; i 1 the intersection ofl ge rion Shin 10 Also from 7:00 p.m. to completion of business Cemetery, Port Whithy 4 ¥ CR oh 3 s ; an accident at the intersection oli gs catirarines ¥ PIetio EET years ag 0 Bet Off : ; i A ; k / King street west and Stevenson Toponio 0 to give skilled advice on Veteran's Benefits, Any» MRS, ALBERT DUNKLEY rs valley was a member » " {isi ' Le FORC I Peterboron 4 , an A STERLING Mrs. Jane (Jen-(the Salvation Army, Rebekah SES go % Hrs 3 y | Peterborough 40 ¥ : one with questions on war disability pension, War nie) Anne Dunkley of RR 3 Stir: Lodge No, 8 and the Daughters (hy 1 ¥ oa ian STREETS CLOSE | : a veteran's Allowance (Burnt-out Pension) , , , Treat. ling, died Tuesday, in Belleville|of England yy i hd fh i 4 Phe following streets will be AUTO KILLS DEER ment or Hospital care is urged to call or write to General Hospital. She had heen| Predeceased by her hushand in 4 ; 4 ) In ) A Sioned for eonstruction toda) An auto, driven by Roy Albeft MR, B, JACKLIN, Business Manager of Canadian ill for the pa y years andl 1040, she is survived by a daugh Yo ; : bE ibhony street, ToMter, B14 Rowena street, Osh-I| Legion, Branch 43, 90 Centre Street, Oshawa, who Stevenson road north, from Ma: the third concession of Reach] WI arrange en appointment ship and lived in the area all her| lan avenue to Rossland road Township Thursday night, Minor | J " " 4 " thers, Leonard and Jack Love, of| west Wilson road south from| damage was done to the auto, | Hie She Yas bi caughter y the Toronto and three grandchildren, | Olive avenue to Shakespeare ay 4 -- ate Mr, ans rs, Gare 1808€ | 4 The neral prvie vil enue Stevensoln road south, | - YOrougn, and. was it g ( ooh ol he H at he Mik al oa PREPARING FOR CHRISTMAS SEAL DRIVE Slosed fom Gi street to the/ : Finer taste 18 Si t d 't . A us and. Albert Dupkley. at 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct, 8 Major! oo. of 8t Gerirude's |-the county, This is the third | deals. Shown above are Mrs. [Thi Richmond = sreet wes! bbnd 8a eagram raaviion ( i Allo : closed from Prince street to N " Jabline of Me Raivation Cathelle Women's League have | year the women of 8, Ger Frank Doreen, Mrs, 8. Step: [Chureh street. Whenever possible daughters and or in pre for the past two nights been | frude's have assisted the Can inac, Mrs. John Barne and [Streets will be kept open for lo deces sed Le Cemeter Fovonto assisting the Ontario: County ger Noclety in the preparation M I 4 Ne eal traffic Emergency eondi-| She is survived hy two son Unit of the Canadian Camper | for mailing of its Christmas ra, L, Coiranka during the [300 Cioh as weather could re and six daughters, The sons are| Society with the folding of | Seals, About 58 women, duripg | Tuesday evening folding ses |auire the closing of streets not | Earl Dunkley of Bit 3 tirling | Christmas Seals to be mailed Monday and Tuesday evenings slon on this list and Chasles Dunkley of Campbells) onors out to householders throughout | folded 125 boxes of B00 sheets of Oshawa Times Photo ford; and the daughter are {3 Mrs, Myrtle Wagner, My abel | are! Mrs, J, McFeeters, Mrs, W USE SUGAR CANE 3 { ie) . 5 Thrasher, and Mrs. Fred (Jennie | » » Cowan Mi K. Sumersford, Bohanan, all of Hoehe NY ive 00 Mrs. G, Sturrock, Mrs, G, Mor FIGURE CONTROL Mrs, George (Mae) Wickens of Iris, Mrs, D, Peters, Mrs, K. Sle Trenton, Mi Edward (1 lyn Fhree hundred and fartyone mon. Mis. G. Lander. Nite. M A new process How maken Rupert of Glen Miller, and Mrs. hottles of bland were collected at rou onvenes ly newsprint from the residue of Fred (Lorena) Taylor of Fort/ihe Oshawa Blood Doner Clinic ! [Lucas Mrs, A, Kicher and Mra.| * yugar cane after the sugar William, Ont, Also surviving are Thursday in St. Gregory audi W. Cobban has been extracted. Cuban orlum BOWMANVILLE (Stath vere the new exeoutive of the| C'as% mother chairmen of the] Papers are now printed on Rleod Donor Committee Chalr: ayane this paper 9 Stroud 1 toda than 300 parents packed Home and School Association schools are: Central sehool, Mrs To sweeten your budget this A ert te sald to 4 4 n y COMING EVENTS ma oher ¢ Yi the auditorium at the Lions' Cen They are: President. Mrs. R.|P Marsden: Vincent Massey] fall turn furniture vou aren't | f She was born in Thurlow Town.| Oshawa Also surviving are two bre was in her A0th vear ter, Mrs, Florence Jenkins, of * ih 3 ) A vig son road north to Gibbons street; awa. struck and killed a deer onl 2 - | predeceased hes nM i'w Interment will be in Pine Hill 41 bottles was only slightly un 3 § aveping for the amas, arto Na Tuer 0€0 Nis committee's expectation ye Thursday evening. manville Ames; vioe-president, Mrs, © School, Mrs, J, Hendry; Ontario ning inte oath with Oshawa Say, October 1. at 13 pm. ander The committee had hoped to Public Schools Home and School Henning; secretary, Mrs, A, 8a. Street Sohool, Mrs, J. Werry imek Classified ads ia Aubploes of Christ Memorial: Chaveh, gel between 930 and 400 bottles at! Assoeiation mells; treasurer, Mrs, C, Buidett. [Lord Blgin School, Mrs, N. Gin] RA 3-402 today lei Jud the Qetoher elinie Home and School Association] Executive committee members| son | Mr. Stroud sald the Thursday president Mi R Ames wel ho ST. JOHN [chine netted about enough DIOOA | oomed The assem ly and 0 RB | N G 0 to handle the bare minimum ve: them The home and school ' quirements for the month (sociation is designed to acquaint Carner BI Mr, Stroud sald 23 persons you with your school it's staff, PARKWAY TELEVISION games § i 8 i were rejected at the elinie, the it's problems, and it's needs.' Tackpat W . reason for rejects being due main: | She concluded education 18 our p.m ly to low haemoglobin counts coneern' Presents "THE KENNEDY" by RCA Victor Approximately volunteer A highlight of the evening was TURKEY SUPPER [Workers and 12 paid Red Crossly gramatised lecture, in which staff were on hand to look after Ihree facets of the rearing and Oct 8 at Myrtle it Band elinie will be held diseliplining of children were United Churet Thursday, Nov. 3 According to shown. Hob Kent led an audience My, Stroud, there is'a general participation disoussion of the dponsared hy the Women's hortage of all types of blood, | ideas in the play. The play direct Association. Adults $1.50 ed by Jean Sheridan was acted LOSE EXHIBITIONS hy: Margaret Lucas, Jean Sle i SOUTHMEAD PARK During the past hig BP _. mon and Jane Sumerstord . i3 ) tel | ¢ ! shy te A 1 OCINC lor Fughy team from Dr. Kent also introduced the CLOSING Donevan Collegiate Tastitute-lost) och 0 A manville . , ¢ an exhibition game to the senior! 5 ya aos ; ¥ af # . RD / mblic Schools 4 i SATURDAY OCT. 8 team from Trinity College ™™ A : . 2 O'CLOCK School, Port Hope, hy a scare of Supervising principal M A ? 4 0 ) 1¢ 18 to 7. The Donevan junior team Thompson introduced the prinel Rent for b ne Also Jost 10 TCS by a score of 8a pals of the Publie Schools oo Also presented to the meeting ad truth BINGO The KENNEDY 'New Vista" table model with "Full Picture® Screen. Super sensitive new vista tuner combined with highs CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE The Drug Store Open gam circuitry brings in stations up to 30% stronger and clear . SAT OCT. 8th--8 PM er than best previous reception. Produces 20,000 volts of b t h k . ' in picture power, In Walnut bi a as 9299 95 a ou Ww 18 y 30 games -- 38 Qak finishes Leas R . i WHARE THe Wi ALTH DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SWIVEL BASE: SPTIONAL BRYRA visit sasstessaren » 11] Mase this simple, inexpensive test at home: \ $150 Jackpot Ts BE Pout an ounce or two of Seagram's "83" into a CANADIAN WHISKY BINGO Thi SAT. ZVENING, Och. 3 --0 lo 9 pm * Nigheat Tradesin Allawanee * No Parking Problem glass, Add ice if you like, Then pour in clear, cold a ---------- WILL BE * 90 Days Free Servis Fram Owe Shep * Large Selection of 19% & 23" Models water* (plain or sparkling) until the mixture in just Al * Open Friday Evenings Till § PM ® See The World Series in Color. the right shade of pale amber. Now lift the glass and UAW A HALL KARN DRUGS LTD breathe in that clean, fresh fragrance . . . like fields : . of golden rye in the sun, That ia Seagram's "83" OCT. 8th 28 KING ST, EASY RA 3.46) PARKWAY TELEVISION an Seagram's and Nature made it -- with nothing 20 GAMES ; Five gir dawilown drun siorss suaaest that veu added but honest, all.revealing water, If it tastes GAM WOKE Fr Tore oy i RO TES Diy (The Finest in T.V. Mi-Fi & Service) Nun ina TURKEY } 2 better than any other whisky with water, then you'll distinguished new decander, IKEYS A t & pm. Saturday of eac k and vid o ' 4 games of $20, 3 ' tamenicns TY a d afy in 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3.3043 be sure to like it as well with any other favourite mixer. JACKPOTS, ONE GAME \ ene SHARE TH. WEALTH