THOUGHT FOR TODAY WEATHER REPORT A i Bunny skies, with scattered woman ess JIKery to coms f : i ; cloud will bring excellent fall mit suicide than a man is, even eo Ye. oig a VERLNEr 10 Lhe ares, when she is the mother of five small children on a rainy day, thorized os Second Clos We EE Price Mot Over = " OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1960 Fost Office Deportment, Or1ows SIXTEEN PAGES VOL, 89--NO, 233 MCOME POE CODY e-- TRY CHANGE IN COUNT OF CANADIAN JOBLESS ! Layoff Victims 'Out Of Work' OVTAWA (CP The govern-|ties' monthly lshor force survey ment has approved a new yard- of 35,000 households stick of unemployment which, Effeet of the change, applied to would include persons on tempor-|the latest figures for mid August, ary layoff in the total of Canada's would give an unemployment (o- unemployment tal of 351.000 322,000 "without Nl DeGaulle Shuns 3 Assembly Parley LA TOUR DU PIN, France call President } e sald Thursday France will remain trictly a ¥Vrench prob De Gaulle recalled he hae dged selfdetermination to Al and did so eonvinced that the "absurd hargs future will willingly like dangers" of the UN General retain close links with France The announcement was made Jobs snd seeking work" and 20, mbly, "In this domain as in others, today with the publication of 8/000" on temporary layoff, This He is the only Big Your leader said de Gaulle, "we will not report hy a nine-man committee would compare with 257,000 for to shun the cwyrent assembly in permit a particular group, more set up last March to recommend mid-August, 1950, when there New York or less excited, more or less am the mast appropriate basis for were 230,000 without jobs and | The French president was Dtious, more or less totalitarian oan official national Wesslire of seeking work and another 18,000 clearly anticipating an adverse '0 Eve us lessons and to tell us , ploymen In anada on temporary layoff, vote hy the assembly on the What we should do in Algeria or The committee's basic recom.| Another committee proposal Algerian independence issue, He Bnywhere else mendations have been adopted, it being adopted will result in the made his remarks in a brief was announced in a joint stale-\dropping from the monthly re- peech on arrival here from MOSCOW (AP)--Ferhat Abbas ment by Trade Minister ( hur chill ports of National Employment dawin . premier of the Algerian rebels and Lahor Minister Starr, They Service figures showing numbers {Paris via Lyon exile government, appealed tol will be put into effect in the next of persons registered for jobs at CELEBRATE CHINESE ANNIVERSARY ato win Crohns, be, tan Thain ih iy evr oh he Jen i HER fs speech al neighboring Grenoble: a Tunisian reception to help Al po Inter this mo ts auto For the first time since 1057, | mal activities will be halted and | chek (left), president of the \wELPED FORM UN : gerian and other African people or of ey 0 by to aa ALLY ONE is higher Formosa will mark the annivers | 8n estimated 1,000,000 persons | nationalist government, walks |= gooalling his own role as pro. In their fight for independence layoffs of up to 30 days to the|than the labor force figure of y . e Re | Wil throng Taipei for celebra- | with his son, Gen, Chiang Wei- |yigiona) president of France in| Appealing directly fo Alexei total of those now listed as *'with-| persons without jobs and seekin sary of the creation of the Re tion of the republic's 48th birth kuo (right) and a military aide 1045 st the UN ch . wr. Koeygin, Soviet first deputy pre 4 0 Ww i 8 | 8 | da ! arter confer out jobs and seeking work work, At mid-August it was 363, mier, Abbas sald publie of China Oct, 10, All nor | day, Generalissimo Chiang Kai CP Wirepholo |o.00 in San Franc co, de Gaulle 1 You must look to Africas The latter figure has generally pis compared with 322,000 listed heen accepted as the measure of by the bureau of statistics as unemployment though official | without jobs and seeking work Slatements have never described The committee said the NES As » y " figures p 7 3 Thus the new figure, officially v arc inflated because of the temporary exclusion of peo » termed the total of "'unem ple who have found work or ar » 1 ts or "But we did not do so to allow! France has said it will break ployed," will he higher than the not seriously inter w Ap are n rica Vote ne Sa 0 0 il So te Tat a An Sig » Org ion 2 al d " immediale work,' Rr if ipports Algeria hels I'he statistics will continue to|™; . into a sort of permanent scandal it supports Algerian rebs atl Vo TA TRS he based on the bureau of statis. The commitiee said the defini JOHANNESBURG (Reuters)--| This fact was seized upon by 18 0 with emotional speeches, absurd . tion of employment should in. South Africa today assessed the Dr, Jan Steytler, leader of the AT aT dangers PRINCESS IN NIGERIA { clude persons who meet two cris . f Y si Ire y 4 ) lend hersell aria: TI " possible far reaching conse. opposition Progressive party, in . ur France does not lent arce ost i teria: They must be without work quences of its referendum chang: assessing the results of the refer: n SRBOROUGH i had and to that, and will not lend herself Princess Alexandra of Kent | joint meeting of the House of Ievos au S and they must "have an immedi. ing the country from & constl-|endum retain his nost as leader of Hei]. Pe Gaulle said the UN has no wore a headband of diamond | Chiefs od he House of |ate interest in finding work and tal J as lea Ie princess serve tional monarchy with the Queen 3 solare: x ren role to play in Algeria, and X ' ow lowe ac | Assembly . 2 ~ B p to al Tongs hy i h . bi . Ho = fared he H fer on dum aln's Labor pariy, has comelt™ play L ate oost stars among other jewelry as as Queen Elizabeth 11's vepres arty nquiry be iling to scopt suitable work Ls ' a Lk Jd 4 YJ a ug », : ' with a president Prime Minister Verwoerd's Na. /Pouncing hack from his defence she rode through streets of | sentative at ceremony last week | The committee sald that per- Unofficial results In Wednes:|tionalist policies of white domi policy defeat M the party's an Good Weather Ihadan, Western Nigaria, Mon in which Nigeria achieved its | QUEBKC (CP)---Yves Prevost, sons now listed as on temporary nual eonferene She was on her way to the | independence from Britain interim leader of the Union Na Jayoffs of up to 80 days should day's referendum in which only! nation. He said the vast majority i A day i 1 : At Thursday's meeting he " nnounce lf Va to addres hot P lonfer a ; . white persons voled gave pros|-the non » whites could mol RD elionl. victory what This Weekend ite legislature to address a AP Wirephe tionale party defeated at the pe included under this definition, } - remarked . I was once one of the found. Where people are dying for lib . . G itskell ers, along with four other great|Crty so that people will not feel plnions ary a powers, of the United Nations 8lone and people may count on the USSR, so that imperialists organization We brought oul ad support to that institution will leave us In peace f ' . 4 republic forces a majority of {make their views known scored a polls last June, said Thursday 10,117, The total bro » republic) gieytler called on Verwoerd to woposal that the party clarify its] TORONTO (CP)--An excellent OTTAWA (CP)--An increas night a royal commission of in te stood at 850,724 to the anti pr Canada's pi g 38, 11 quiry to investigate his 's h ' | representing all sections of the " BraeBlnd Bas A s making as al tok i , Was d f h 0 mson | rep 1 economy to avoid "unnecessary seems to he in the making é Creation of the royal commis Y The result of the referendum population to plan "the govern misrepresentation' by its oppone high-pressure area in the middle annotinced today hy the post of ] the conference recognized his was seen here od a per sonal vic {ment of our multi-racial coun ants west extends its zone of influence fice flubarting ni wh will he the Sion Wes Jinounced by here) y 9 . [ 08 oe 1 J Je SARE ) ™ 10FY ou Jatlona a Bm Wy Firy | He sald the party should not to Great Lakes areas, A warm Yuen wh Ta g ih lion. vost doy B Osage ednes oF " he i Woghd mn greg Ht "4 CONDEMNATION IN U.K drop plans for further national. ing trend will probably reach tsi Go adjust ih "and , "Spe cifically, it Is to Inquire d Io Apart ili Ahn bo 'W§ ) jon ization hut there were "other peak Bunday with temperatures hy ol ACAD ol Hire Opposition forces considered In Britain, newspaper opinion ] ' 1 Into the 70 cost ineresses were given as the Into the 1057 sale of publicly the vote a had omen for the @/Most unanimously. condemned of achieving public owner. rising ell Into the fo, { Bat. Teason for the change in rates, | OTTAWA (CP) «= Altormey- arate consideration of the rans: swned M ntreal Gas distribution e vole & a € 0 he ¢ y ) a! y skies are foreca J . Y g ! bontry anerving with it thelthe referendum. Some newspa hip These in luded ¢o-operative Sunny Ekits 4 . for southern At the same time, the depart-|General 'Kelso Roberts of On: fer to Canada of the British Par: system fo private interests. and wo Pa ers 4 8 OF . 4 y 8 munigipal owners \y # ; i . nt sal i threat of expulsion from the|Pers called for Britain to take a enterprises, miniGipa atn| Ontario and much of central Op. Ment said in a statement that &tiario said today he believes the liament's power to amend the the purchase of shares in the new lead In excluding South Africa and public investment in private Ontario a present there is "definitely mo . . 4 corporat hy gover ) - Commonwealth I \ valth the nCerns tario ; y provinces and the federal gov. British North America Act and corporation by government mem ta {from the Commonwealth, Others concery L 1 ksalving Day |NOUghL" "of any changes in or of a formula for making amend. bers and officials, It is also to] LONDON (CP) « The Times MAJORITY DIDN'T VOTE {insisted that the union remain in| Frank Cousins, general BOOK Monday ; hank : vin A dinary letter rake These rates, ernment have moved closer to ments in Canada examine purchasing practices of adds its weight te Fleet Street ih p 5 y y i I'v ) i 5 IM }! asin n Hig, hs Afrikaners, who are mainly of the Commonwealth as a republic, ta o the bi Frasen rt Work wa Ridin ing Tas Ve (four cents for local letters and|gether as a result of Thursday's However, he agreed to discuss the colonization department and rumors of big changes In the g t | cader of 10 cloudiness and wi I va 4 i wer, he agreed to discuss | . Duteh descent, outnumber Eng Ihe Guardian of Manchester OFS nlon ane e : ( Wilh id aR aT five cents for out-of-town mall preliminary discussions on eons! (ho question of wiiting a new of the purchasing bureau British newspaper industry, lish-speaking South Africans 55 said Britain should not leave it to defence policy revo RR¢ fo the Pacific approaches the" introduced in 1054 titational velo constitution if the provi i "We want truth and justice to] It says two Sunday newspapers to 45 per cen! Ghana and Malaya to determine Gaitskell Wedneosd a5 again 4 ne ee 4 ome examples of the parcel y aired 8 'e provinces de. me out," Mr, Prevost sald at|published hy Roy Thomson, The fhe big majority in South|/the Commonwealth membership fought the leader's stand Ake post change. The conference continued (os 8 a press conference, Sunday Graphic and The Empire fv Zaroes | 1851 I'he new rate for a one-pound day in an atmosphere which Mr Ontario and Saskatchewan ™ we 'helieve D Africa the 10,000,000 Negroes issu I News, are "believed to be about and those of mixed blood--were! Britain should make It clear parcel mailed fo a destination in! Roberts sald promises results, | made public their opposition to a [to disappear," The Sunday h . ' the same province will he 28 + { } this © stage-by-stage approach Thurs. Graphie fol 1 The Em not allowed to vole that any nation that "repudiate / I'm optimistic that this con ) # I p | Graphie would fold and The Em. the traditions which we and our an 1 a cents compared with the present ference will come to something,' day, They were joined today by 0 ers sca e pire. News would be absorbed hy 16 cents he told a reporter as the meet. Alberta and New Brunswick, : The News of the World, another Train-Car Crash [Sunday paper whose circulation, fellow members claim to oh A NBC P am Rerve is no longer welcome in The cost of mailing the same jy. gor under way, "There seems Because the federal govern: | rogr the Commonwealth, The Guard parcel to an adjacent provinee--| "po a aeater desire on the ment found the idea of writing a TORONTO (CP) Erie Whit-|approaching 6,500,000, is among hb ( J 5 e J ) ¥ \ 1 an sad OI econ oun PrOVIREn Are considered kanes In of all to make this question New, Wholly » Canadian constitu-| eley, 20, of Peterborough and his |the largest i the world C 1 d H Fate wokting oh increase to j 42" live one. alain tion mare appealing to the prove brother Frank est aped without a The Canadian-born Thomson, cents from the presen 7 cents nees than expected, Thur 'al enrateh ih Fig v Y x Flee OA a e 0ax | WASHINGTON (CP) Pow: (Some commentatoss predict the Rates are sraduatod by single There were indications that ees ti y pected ay 8 serateh Thursday when a ( PR who moved into the Fleet Street leypulfs ave ready, Studio lights TV screen will give them a clue. pounds from one to 1 flor most of the provinces were op i nroke olf eariier "han diesel passenger train struck|picture in a big way little more \ ' iid, | , z I J n one 10 da, alle planned and today's session re-|their car at a crossing at nearby|than a year ago, told a reporter NEW YORK (AP The I | a , Vane he called politi Meanwhile, a series of daily 15 i y 'posed Lo a stage-by-stage reform ¥ : Li he tonal Wroadeasting Company FOR PREMIUMS ? 60 "low "oc Shows" goes on minute radio broadcasts carried er aie wil spun 110 bo onosel 'advanced by. Justice Sumed.earlior than originally in: Trafalgar, The impact pun the important developments are. » im imed Thursday both the net.| " 7 akon tonight with the same all: by 24 Texas stations is fanning Th all. Ro oh of the new Minister Fulton. It appeared the tended o make a day-long as: car around and forced it 76 feet minent," But he declined to ela . . Bel yw oR y Wall ht with 0 8 i 7 N{ i a; I f He ) y new ni ( ¢ \ n the pn \m. 4 . work and Ralph Edwards were LAKE WALES, Fla, (AP) tar cast seeking a presidential religion-issue fives smouldering, rates still is in the process of provinces wanted to move faster, ™ ult o e problem (backwards, i" borate, = the vietims of a care fully<t A Methodist minister here | jackpot Carr P, Collins, wealthy Texan printing for distribution to the MINISTER'S PLAN planned hoax" in conned wm with offering five trading stamps I'hi is the second of four Baptist layman why heads a public Mp, Fulton had suggested sop he This is your Life program of rounds in the Dick Nixon-Jack 'Texas-for-Nixon'" group paving Nay 4 lo each person attending SCH M elovision. debate. col for the hroaduasts. denies that he { NRC sald in a statement that! Sunday night services fered a crucial performance hy has raised the religious issue and Mis, Hetty Hahn, 44, the subject] Rev. Robert Boggs of the Republicans and Democrats each accuses Kennedy, a Roman Cath M ster or Se ol the pry m pontessed hey First Methodist Chureh said hoping to give their man an edge olic and Democratic presidential mle in the deception' to James nthe struggle for the White candidate, of trying to "martyr \ he is doing it because "i \. Stabile, NB( ¥ presiden : fi 4b S| House himself through his religion . lard } my impression that some y of standards and practie I'V network afficials estimate Preparing for tonight's TV de Mrs. H hushand Al feel mare at home where " X A ' Wr n Wshand wa trading stamps are offered that as many das 75,000,000 people bate, jittery party advisers were ham Hahn of New Haven, Conn N : 1h i | 0 hy po will he watching the debate, Poll. scanning the studios perhaps \ y do iy , y y has fled a $300,000 suit agains h A I" Bin Nhe normal Siers report it still is a tight fight belleving that a sudden slip of NEW GLASGOW (CP)--A body at Maugerville, near Frederle NBC in New York state Supreme UMUPOR Service Ith many voters undecided how the tongue, a flaw in makeup, found on a New Brunswick road. ton, The body has not been Court Mey'll cast their ballots Nov, & bad lighting or a had stance be identified ide my y linked he disap fore the cameras would give one $146 May he linked to | hi RCMP and town police ave re @ over the other, pearance of a New Glasgow wo: nopted checking descriptions of candidate an ed | Greatest concern is reported man, police said today, the body and the missing woman Q o£ 5 O ay famong Vice » President Nixon's Cathy Essers, 3, who came to but results of their investigation crew, In his first encounter with Canada from Belgium two years have nol been revealed Kennedy ae Chicago Sept, 26, ago, was reported missing in The attractive Miss Essers, a Nixon seemed nervous and--to Brantford Oct, 2 after telling a dress designer, left heve July 13 . his advisers--too eager to agree friend she was leaving to drive to for Ontario, Her former land n e 1 a vith Kennedy ving the Repub New Glasgow lady repeived a card signed hy lean candidate a sort of "me A woman's body was found her from Don Mills, a Toronto ton" character Wednesday in a roadside diteh suburb, Aug, 31 UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (CP) versy on the assembly's agenda! 1 this feeling rellected In the v REPORTED N NG | he United Nations General As. for fulldress debate, For nine! voting today, the outcome could MISSING : hep. Years the US, has succeeded in be elose, Ballotin expected to | Oct Brantford police ad : sembly headed into a weathe persuading the assembly to hy. start late in the day or early vised that Miss Kssers had been vane vole on Communist China pass the issue tonigh reported missing by Conrad Wal tixlay, & ballot fore shadowing the The vote last year against Pu RACIAL: ISSR ters, who a 50 Raed Mitaolf " a position of neutralist nations and (ing the Chinese question on the SS » 3 close [rieng My alters, bes testing the strengh of he Unied seonda was # Ny ) i By nine Khrushehevy and o Cam Strikers Riot In Schenectady loved living at or near Gormley Saes abstentions munist delegates bore down hand SCHENECTADY, N.Y ARM) rhe may and city man: Ont, sald he had not heard from Saviet Rh ehov on the theme al the US. d a declared a ite of emergency today after jostling, shout Miss Essers since her departure and his we I PRESSURE eriminat wgainst Ne The| ng and fDghting hroke out on pieket lines surrounding the large [for Nova Scotia to win Us f ra Hut this year, 18 new nations Soviet premier claimed at even] General Electrie plant, City officials said police were unable | It was learned that some time al diserim an elion predominantly neutralist in at UN delegates fram Africa had] to cope with the situation and all members of the fire depart later 'a local branch of the Royal nfluence the new African titndo--havé entered the assem: experienced ill treatment in New ment would be deputized and additional deputis worn in, [Rank was called hy one of | tions {y, Khrushchev has been work: Yo Thousands of pickets el 1 off GF main plant here for the [Montreal branches when a man Today's vole Vy tua \ on them, night and day Other major arguments qa second day wesonted a $70 cheque signed hy the mo ¥ Lan de and outside the UN \ t fo Red « \ M Ks to he cashed m hina to the w We Some African and Asian dele: PM Calls For Ideas From Labor | After the call the Montreal I i whether to § h WE OVE te dk Nol the Fa tw \ i | OTTAWA (C] P 1 ) wilted ie LT ~ N a \ had 4 ap and bitterly contested contro: resolution calling for persona 1 the Peking regime is the] Sohresent ve 2 ha M labor and industry associations to 2a | the sion tw y MAsEan tank ¢ talks between President Risen: legitimate goverment of ¢ nina Nn day conference Oct. MH to present their ideas m stimulating 4 \ iy hud en ne h heque hower and Khrushohev fand therefore deserves to be In fmplayment, \ Number of cabinet ministers w \ attend, The fh x & Rig \er signature in CITY EMERGENCY There were assertions that the the 1 N. prime m nister's letter invit e delegates said the conference WI ! US. used "parliamentary trick 8 Clande Corea of Cevien could resu ot only in the government receiving worthw hile DROVE HER CAR : 3 PHONE NUMBERS ery" tn have deleted from the in cement on disarma Suggestions. but the groups exchanging ideas among thentselves On Opt, 5 Kirkland Lake police, § Ep a | " ! w esolution: all rolt : : Rl : reported & man was found there POLICE RA 3.113% [ F al } RR China, He omen Re ies 1rom Srallad Fall sy died in hospital Foe R N tered in Wiss} 'SCAMP' ATOM SUB READY FOR LAUNCHING FIRE DEPT. RA 3.6 ne a St v ; y : \ og fo : lay - n i 5 : ered \ Pa I l earned immed The Navy's 21st nuclear | the buildin ways at Mare | Scamp is 252 feet long and diss N h hel resolut ic joining any ernatiomal arms ursday we and ' men including itely whether the man was hel Island Naval Shipyard where it Mace \ : ; BS J 4 J Mr Wore vy > Rag \§ Naval § é aces some 3500 tons, It has HOSPITAL RA 32211 lin ming it had lost all its mean. accor A a that entering the; Joseph Slack, of the house, were working » roof when the M Essers is not known ty Powered submarine, the Scamp, will slide inte Mare Island Jace of 3 feet < § oul we part he > n x Abi umi ' . p F a a w 8 Wold be part of the price stalioiding gave way, (have any relatives in Canada, ! i¥ seen ready and walling on | Channel at 3 pf Oct. 8 The | =AP Wirephote . : J » : : a]