14 THE OSMAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 7, 1940 i (BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT satis | Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange | Change Needed BUCHWALD ~~ Wi. and Mrs, Wermak FORONTH 15 AM. BIOCKS wet wot id ond Bachwiid are Wappy 16 apnoines God' v Be The Canadian Free Bates Wigh Low If a.m Ch ge Wark Bales Wigh bow 11 a.m CHE Sack High Low 15 5.m, EW ius Sales High how 5 Sm: OF op or Gamers WPA A 4 § EHange In 7 " a8 4 i LAN 708 mw mw mw ; Tidal f ¥ W . Macleod wm i] 31 ] : 1080 #1 the Olan s General Worpisl Visvomin Blok Whe ' yar Sat 00 400 5 AW ' { in i A matey for Cotieen and Cindy GPA AIne WB FARES GIIERS THE s ory yan a: . . 4 fy A f hI Madsen % 195 $ a fot «AYR Fa 0 5 g 1% 9 ' L a TE Bellin oo : 0 ho Masai By FORBES RUDE Owing (0 the complexities of win i Nahatt and douh (hee Bon , ' : ¢ ' 2 ny : . Canadian Press Business Edibor the Income Tax Act, it is be- eth of their Amsghiar, Badine Bin INDUSTRIALS 4 on h ' : MeWat 1 a | Private business feels that Coming increasingly diffieult for Ap AGA diy Min RI ds a ' i Pi of Sid / ' "| : We Wright present taxation procedures are A. laxpayer to know in advance a the Owhaws Gupey Sack Bates Wigh Low 11 am OW En bMS Corn B ' . : Murthy M14 somewhat loaded in. lavor of eo-|the ax status of any transac " h ¥ : ¥ Deken wy $8 Bb . 4 : 5 4 y / Atlin Buf : N Kelore 12 [operatives on DEATHS on" mn He ap oy ol w 95 9 ' Rarnat " Newlind Hdl Businessmen feel--as expressed "The Chamber recommends (one 0 $1 4 h Kaw bs . Nickel W6 al this week's meeting of the hel the department of nations) FITZGERALD. Coch (urald = Al ; 7 ont 4 A i ; ei Canadian Chamber of Commerce Fevenie fake under advisement Sunnybronk Hampitsl on Thursday, Oc) u VIB i pan . . Hunker p ig ri ~ihit changes should he made he ea ol iy of amending the ter 6, 1989, (ech Gernia Fitzgerwid " ' : 8d Ta 84 / Camp Cm 19 " in tax laws to ensure equal treat- Income Tax Act so as to provide Wm his Tiel year, Inie of 45 Birks ie HIE : . imp Bam $i i £ ' £5 iy 8 A Carminr a (ment # procedure whereby a taxpayer A wn lormerty of WE Jones Ave Ine Sow b ' Hud $s 4 p ! # . Cant wre on po 1} 1 : p not, orm elven husband of (he io Fab A 100 / v Tih ' Wy 16 ' busy yin Orehan 1 i | A Chamber policy statement on may, he ote or. after entering Tate Kathieen Holley, snd deny inther| wo Kal 100 é 205 841 Pape vi ' Cok Will aT lthe subject says into any transaction, obtain a of Mane (Mrs Burton Rodney) Osman Hank Hom y Bl 4 Comugne th #4 ; y | om. ruling on questions of fact only The Chamber reiterates its be aq 15 the taxability of any trans. Sohn, Dons (Mes, Bruce Bensonr, Ivy Bank 98 y 7 ' OC Maren 10 J f bi i Mes Las Senie i of Faromis, Brand et y Hr A 71 Con M and § 9 ; 7 {lief in the principle of equitable ..¢i ol iatnar of wurst Rodney, dean snd Billy] Rell Pho i : dase b 20 gb oH sign Lon 3 # 4 418 8 a 4 ' it a by fir Bie of oy have wction, which ruling shall be Benson. (With God seep Gunid ' hh y y : siulita i# i" rnigmt 00 7 : i d binding on the department and World War, Regi No. 9607, Mall wer ' : 2 ( RUIOE on : tn y 4 y Denon 45 915 9) 4 § {prices regardless of the nature (ho taxpayer unless appealed." sonny With the LARSEN Piven Corps ' 4 Lent Gard 729 1 h . fi 5 , Dome 74 YF rh of ownership, whether corpora: other ite oO " Wa Woria Wer, Regt. So WOR5 i 5 7 A A . fd East Sul $i ! Rio Algom 14) ' tion or co-operative enterprise r lems in the "hamber's t we 2. WW ! ; ; Wider 700 Hohn 8. Rand whethe tel Sich long statement on taxation cover WARK. Ame Sophie Mar» 5' Pow 0 i" os 3 4 Giant YK 0 " or y (an wheiher privalery, pu he Yisuch matters as coss of sppesl prolonged iiiness at he Wiverdate Hos ph y i" Hi 4 y Gilen id " ig or governmentally owned, The gud charitable donations, witsl, Torontn, on Thursday, (come " wih * Wa EY ' Suna 4 (Chamber believes that all busi-l 1 recommends that the exe 960 Alma Sophia Laurie (of 196 " A ' ' 1 ' # hy Headway Wy di 4 bia, Alina powhia durile wt 194 Hollinger p iness, regardless of ownership, penses incurred in objections to f dens mother of Mrs i Hiskh 0 '0 vy IY w ' | should make its full contribution 4 ' Kao JUDE, and AR hy. n Perm #114 7 y wo peti to the & Fu of the ea and appeals from assessment une buh How 4 . Tw 4 nb 'gy : 4 (4 - b he tax revenue Coun: der the Income Tax Act be al her Sind year. Hesting of the W 56 3 Tommie y try Yawn Funeral (Rape, Whith LL SL i" we d J orks . lowed as deductions in determin. hod . ow | Its recommendations Include; joo (0 apie income, vies in the Chapel on Baturaay ' . a ; ) Bn en ivier Rev. i ho tv ' i a vr b : ol sironage dividends should be Aongd SIA 8. Armsironk x y y 3 ds . pense only wh asks changes that would take Bhi / . ih ' " they are paid out in cash Within) coonisance of years when a busi FA; hor | nm i 3 £ a : vl " ' 0 2 @ . | Cog Sie MURRAY Michael Jusevh a p i South 1 ' ; lh A Young WG 2000 12 months of the end of the fis pecs oneraies at 8 loss, and pers bi A " cal year to which the patronage . Pp Welt oso 8 orn Lawlor : iii . p sales tn 11 mm p PALIORBRE mit donations to be allowed - wees | i31end 48 apDleable; and against taxable income for the beloved hushand of ore Lawler : The exemptic { 7 . mption from tex for preceding year or the succeeding Brock Ra. N., Pickering township Wis Bist yest, and dens fables " 50---Articles For Sale 50---Articles For Sale Gi C three years granted to a newly: : hse fr for IED ADVERTISING poses vos -- open Sve Gontract NET EARNINGS fire eschamue omarpns ive pears." 2 70% RA gl Mg af BA BI l : pA : sth h hould he cancelled, or the same Any wae $ineran home. 1 CLASSIF or and wall coverinis net hens, "cae ona" weeren. FOI Warehouse S-- hold bu soucaled, on the sam y Kingston Ha, W., Pickenng, Aer y of discontinued patierns, Many cheer: teed for ane yess Trio Televi TORONTO: (CP The stock Privilege extended to sll other Thursday Boon, Funeral on Suiurds Continued from Page 13) ful demuns, reduced for quick S on, KA A478) WINDSOR Ont, (CP Ding: market closed on a strong note newly-formed business enterprise unnar ines Oct, Mh, » 11 fo Bi, Francis cents pi foot, canvas hacked inlaid . ( f ( Vy Ww Pp p ate I icnrny. forse neato, heavy" dy, Jong wearing, USED parte snd repairs lor al makes MOTE Construction ompeiy GL ERATAY Wik industrials strid: URGES HEARINGS quiem mass #4 116 mom, Interment " we vERUIAY 81.09 #0 ard. While they last, [of wringer type washer s HP motors indsoy Wraday was i ( ££ ahen aller a day ol ight The C do pols ; lem mask 8 aries Cineters "The 4BAutomobiles Wanted 50--Articles For Sale Ey Timm it Gh ants sh yard. (85 10 $10, gusranteed reconditioned |g $0 000.000 contract Lo construct (Fading Th hamher also feels that I rosary will he peciied at (he funersl A wakground, Congowall, % s womplete with wasiers and sloves, Paddy's Market 4 USE { of (taxation laws do not lake suff) home on Friday evening oi 830 0. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want WALL to will grapes: BEV SOURIRIO prde regula oper font, out Hampton, CO 3224) a bonded warehouse, part OF A On index, industrials were upicient account of inflation. It rec. TORONTO (CP) --~ Gunnar Drapersiown, Ireland, papers please ly jor wrecking Highest prices pai Cane. | on. HA 5.550 they uo, 44 cent A foat, Wilson's MODEL A Vord snd box. trailer. RA multb-million dollar harbor de- 2 M 46,25, with hase metals ognizes that the problem is a Mines Lid has completely re- py iA bl Furniture, 20 Church sireet 4 " velopment up 1 at 149.687 and Western Oils ¢ ) 4 ) hi 4 Wilf stern Olls complex one and suggests that tired its bonds and ne . NE Frigidaire hes fil ' ' 4 val 4 , d ow is debt SIMMONS = Entered (nia rest 10 YOU'LY be (hamkiul when you Eel ONE ear old, In wind condition, [3 ROOMS of furniture, only $290. This) "uo mm mmm mrp " Contracts for the de velopment up 4) at BI.BY. Golds eased 45 the government appoint a com- free, president Gilbert A, Labine the ehev 4 Denaral Ho pith on cash b 2 ir Classified Ad, | RA 3-458 Ing io chasterf i, ehah chrome a A Tate ull pr were signed hetween Gre a al 87.57 mittee of experts which would announced Thursday peloved wile of Peter Simmons, wn Call BA 33402 now for friendly help. oo and coffee le, Doudolr fe | he ate rtield dole hed. portable Likes Offshore ol a mss Papers and banks traded hold public hearings on the sub. Net current assets of the her Bird vear. Resting at the Arm Wh ) yr # mi, Plows, ¥2i (oy Y: Ladin, khest of drawers, baby er, Limited and John Morley o i trongly to give industrials a lect. In regard to depreciation, company totalled approximately guiong Funeral ilome. Omens Jnih SPOT CASH or with wringer, god | Guaranteed heat Voiel on ie wed don, England, representing the fustminute fillip or Instance, the Chamber says: $19,600,000 on Oct, 1." said Mr, Chureh October B, 9 #0 | PAID FOP " ith ends free Duyers, 5 Brock Breet (Inancial backer Totab const Go Great Lakes Paper found sup. IB many depreciable! Labine, "of which $17,000,000 was ley edn prigm ain o 4 0)e |] I net " J " 1 /@ oY » q "As 5 P| i fr Oe Bo HP Wr . Bn amas, Cwins [WE DAY Wihest p n the oily fo -------- 1 DECI! gatimatid 8! ( i (Port to lead ihe group higher property will have been acquired cash, shori-term and medium. Ladies Auxiliary of Canadian ¥ Good clean tor Trade up pin 0 wheel hrds and spring tween $12,000,000 and $14,000,000 with a gain of % al 30%, Anglo in earlier years, when the dol- term bonds." Plans ell evontually for Shree Canadian Pulp and Bathurst Al'8F represented greater purchas The $19,600,000 was after the camp " » VACUUM cleaner repmirs, all maker cORPORATION OF THI large bonded warehou Yhoth gained % at 45 and 40%, IDB power than the current dol-|retirement of the bonds and the PLLA LL 114 PARK RD sleeping bis, | les a ttnchments, rushes, KUAFAN J J JN OQ erve ocoa and lake freighters wud' gi awrence improved % 0 payment of a dividend of 50 cents w ore y 1.0479 rents Oshawa Hardware and ad rehullt machin ¥ mates free . ¢ o : § LCAWAY " » vias § AVS 4 Fn B day, Octoher 5, 1960, V ] RA val I Church Sirest, RA 37604 lg ii wil Repair Ber CITY OF OSHAWA using the St. Lawrence Seaway. gt 16% In regard to inventories it says per share on the same date son, widow of Herbert Allison Tale A Re oor anytime Mr, Morley 1s a native of "0 iiied Paver d AL part The last of the company's $19, We with H aper aropped i Phe inflated values of inven-| 500,000, five-per-cent first mort. and mother of My Joseph Mel ar it y INTED bookcases, onl I ann) axid 78 vears. nese atl HOUSTON'S GARAGE A of any piece of unfinished . . tarsi, India y Ba rr | mond, (Ann) aked Resting { 3 {any piece of unfinished |, fou © ior exterior, $2.95 gallon SALE ( )F LANI ) i Ws, ia Price Brothers eased] ories are carried into the profits gage sinking fund debentures was ) ) + AL 7% subject to, taxation, and those in-|retived by Oct, 1, the maturity P he Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa ny F furniture; students' desk $14; ehest 1 Wh the Armairons Funeral Home, Omablil AND SERVICE STATION rb re on unas, 00.0; vane All colors, Giarantend rmarke Saturday, October 8, ot 130 pm. IN| go pws CPECIALISTS, COM ty dresser, $26, Wilken Furniture, 90 PahAwa _llerduiie A . D upe t Steels were lower--Stelco off flated values do not represent date of the issue 10 mele y A A | re Bires A wi / 44 q 4 y { y wrment Oshawa Union Comets PLETE BRAKE SERVICI fire Street BY TEN ER 64%, Burlington off % profits realized or that can he] Gunnar, located in Saskatchews WHALLEY suddenly at Oshawa] MOTOR TUNE - UP AND al : while utilities were! realized sn long as the taxpayer|an's Lake Athabasca area, now y boudoir lame Lures election of or aluminum, free estimates, Term | General Hospital " Fride Detoher GENERAL REPAIR sore samples i diseontinued lines, Phone HA 3-4960 } arporation of the City anagers mixed Sani van Bed tke Athahuice dish: wow year. Beloved widow of Thomas Whal 67 KING 57 W Row aS ening LR at shih | WARENOUSE clearance of odds and Qshawa hereby invites of | The speculative novelty wore! The Chamber also regards as end of 196 and production con. ay, loving mother of Florence Jeni na RA 3.7822 ary end ome slightly mhrked, N for the purchase from it . off among golds as Dome and important its statement om "'ad-/tinues to average 2,000 tons per of Oshawsi loving sister of Leanne A hh i ih famous brand line of [ the following land Ire ine G 9 . Te J gs," H i OA ve af Taranto: ear STAN: Tm---- -- TING Tari Wo pay THe mous. brand Logs, 4 L wing lane ilant Yellowknife took the sec. vance rulings," It says; day, maither of Harold, Ted and Gary Jen S0--=Articles for Sale p I washers, PIANOS, rors, regular 850, speciil 3 : Cot 8. Registered Pi . . a tion lower with drops of % at 28 king of Oshawa; dear aunt of William For top cash offer, oon hist of Arawers. regular a 5 an LONDON, Ont, (C} ARN. SU and 11% and Walter Lave and Mis NEWhY 18 FT. canoe, good condition, reason: (get 18 Prince Street Phone RA B18) 0 2 Mi, and Mrs ( i naving a frontage nermarkel manager were each (Rose) of Toranto, Mrs. Whalley 18 alily priced. Apply 523 Montrave Ave Maple dresser, regular $120, si £7 ft nthe perma " Hudson Bay Jed base metals (ol rif shotgun, gun cabinet, ™ f I $50 hursday for keeping Kn i M olson Funeral Chapsl, 1001aue or phone RA 870% Ady kA pay Kil ; f ale - pe: $00; space saver davenporl, sn vel Ide f Myers " 4 {ore g pr 9 BY a the our a harrow win with a half-point ing Street Weal for service in (he shared Then's citi a, erings, regular $59, special 836; arbor 100r ore LI J "lg 44 " y 4 Chapel on Saturddy, October 8, 4 p.m. DUCK BOAT, weight approximately wiles KL orted i's lit INK: in AG, CTO desks, remular $20 95, sale $19.95; | and a depth of stated in a city bylaw gain at 44%, while Noranda led p short lepres g q Interment Pine Hill. Cemeter Toron: 70 ibs. like 8 ca on water, 835, full shor pringtifled mattresses, slightly soled | " Ram ph, 8 depressing undertone with a 0, Flowers gratefully declined price. Fhone HA B0040 ONE chesterfield, one settee In 800d clearout $14.88; lovely arborite oofiee he manager of seven Lob half-point drop at 40 " 1 .eondition, suitable for recreation room, tables, regular $16.85, seven onl i ( } purchase of law tores were charged with 5 - OSHAWA MOUTON HE Sots rus ed "rele. Anply 163 Tyler Crescent valnut and lana pad tables plain AM ve | may be made tayving open Sept, § from 6:30 I oF phone HA 50964 BARGAINK Heavy duly staves, 86 aRed. Balen I ey $15 Ab liEht / ded® for that p.m. to § p.m, The manager of a MONUMENT. COMPANY |e MACY. WET ant, a fot bit tt, Mi 1, EAE) 2 doen. (pm vom Twniei + New Southam | oll spRce piece ANNE roam suite, record players : WPECIALIZING IN ery reasonable. HA 4.3 Pllion, now chenterfieids And. eh 1. Wilson's Furniture, 30 Church W.| J f Hall, Osh. [charged with a similar offence Monuments, Markers fret furnace. "Good Cheer", excellent 3% X h § NEW electric washing machine. Phone! f closing date for [Sept. 16, All pleaded guilty . Memorials, Cornerstones, oandition, steel top, cream enamel kit ig A HA H:4700 ne y pm. DST Magistrate D, B, Menzies com ppoin men s 4 » Matutary of all yin whe " rahue RT Ww. aden storm {UE re Bar CHIISTMAR . wid. by 3 October 1 ith 1940 mented that "it 1s certainly not 1435 KING 57. | windows A ody drods, by field fe choice, height and ) Il offers shall be sent v case of mistake or ignorance . : n 4 ACRES of lan Witahle fo Owing | # Li y |] L " ) Ph RA B.3111 or RA B-BB76 |BARY carriage, 810i Twin stroller, | 4 iy Ri price, Ge up. Nee What you hu | e City Clerk, City Hall, Counsel for one store said: *It TORONTO (CP) «RW $20; both in good condition. Wedding goon pruned Seotoh Pines, six and seven Whitby, MO Brie Oshawa, in a sealed envelope a5 A case of competition," Southam, president of the Cana- Think of Buying or Selling dress, size 10, Telephone RA 8016 ears, Hampton, CO 32378 after 6 FOUR spage heaters, nearly ney early marked "Tender for dian Daily Newspaper Publish.! FLOWERS FOR ALL |UAED tires, most ail sis, $1 and uo large, wo medium. Telephon pt fe fo a a Car Truck ? OCCASIONS hE Gurion Mares MATA | LEAVING THE COUNTRY [Fil gigi | panied by o certified deposit | 52~--Legal own Association, Thursdes: on or o on Hlores iron, hit KAT prices In town! Curity dinners heque pavable to The Cor | nounced appointment of R, A Mower Shop Coronation, 5S |\eriss Kalvinwiar eiriuerators , lole Furniture, and Appliances feat" quality, regi Wb per loren poration of the City ef Osh "ETO CREDITORS Barford to the staff of the pub IF sO INVEST ONE DOLLAR AND King 51. W. Bowmanville, . [noua Must Go At Any Price bir AD iarge full panel awa for an amount equal to NOTICE pd "9 ishers' association, Mr, Barford ATTEND THE Free delivery daily in Oshawa fieatly Bros) now sold al add GOOD CONDITION li nyaul Yon nn, 10 f the amount offered AND OTHERS will succeed I. H, Macdonald and Bowmanville. Phone MA Market Hampton. A compleie line of ons. SOM: high chairs, 87.88 The Corporation of the City when the latter's resignation as! 3.7141, after store hours [ARDUARCEN a1 hard lo heal prices CO Household odds and ends free 15 aie rs' sah. Wilson Furniture, 30 I Oshawa reserve right IN THE ESTATE OF EDITH |general © manager takes effect 4 " MA 3.2944 " to purche of ldrae items, [Chureh Breet 0 refuse any or all offers LYNCH, late of the Fairview [after the annual meeting in April GUN, ammunition and hunting sup « = plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent a Hral t. East DUCK season special, migratory hird whether such offer is the Lodge, Whitby, Widow, De 1061 ' sheasanis and partridge mounted at vik . LOC KE'S FL ORIST Wor 1 on Sore 4 Bong FeavonAbl 3 rates Paul's "Sporting ceased Mr, Barford has heen a senior 25 GRENFELL NAR SHOUPING RA 8.5179 - ] street West, HA A611 0 BOARD Good 9 Albert Street ) . 3 " lL executive th three CENTRE) Funeral arrangements and ELECTROROME RCA Vietor, Admiral UIT HA 8-5708 f RAND Those having claims against account executive with three ma i Service : is party who died dvertising agencies in East: APPROXIMATELY 100 CARS OFFERED FOR floral requirements for all |The finest in IX. HUH And Seite RS USED 17 and 21" TV sets, as low @ ity Clerl this party ho died June 101 ac $ Ja nighest tradedn allowances al Parkwa M - NT 171 Bond 10th, 1960, are required to ern Canada, He Is a former pub Y. EHAWA SHOPPING oor an isnt Mant North FOR RENT, ns ad lhp. Trin Televiniot {file proof of same with me |lisher of the Sarnia Observer and AUCTION -- 1950 TO 1960 MODELS ODDS y dle. | Ww, (Or (aris ON YANKS INCREASE | before October 24th, next general a 1 d ' elevision, waln Canine ONE western saddle, lke ne A J € ' genera manager of Thomson . CENTRE brit aah an in aly ol Sahinal MARINE STORAGH pony or horse, best Phone BA. NEW YORK (AP! Now after that date the estate will Newspapers Limited, He also TERMS:~50,00 Cash -- Financing Arranged for JR PHONE SERV an coll " 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE noth in very excollent condition. HA and SUPPLY Ltd apd 3 York's 163 rout of Pittsburan| P¢ distributed having reaard served "with that company as balance, RA B.6555 80408 id he. Miho 10° RAMA after I'l | #1) only to claims then known general manager of the Scots 2 OOK No & reasonable, Phone MO RABE after 6 wsdav to eve y | N ' : ELECTRIC vagor service. All make RROOKLIN ONT, OL i641 wirsday to even the world se Dated 1 Bi dov.af Set man Publications in Edinburgh, | pm h » ) i Yorkers 2 R Milas poed-flok rarer Moa REE bed apr ads, completely new GERROW FUNERAL Hr Re dl susan THREL bod sbi wh co/ihieiel dine the 17:10 favorites to win the 'ember, 1960 a ' ! ¥ will hold 8 service an Friday evening A § Cheap In quik sale MA ised furniture, Pred Used Furniture 52-Legol SALES #7 Em he tore, WA 33271, 444 Bimeos Bouth fown, Liens p DODD MOTOR TATE PRICE lamp sale, trilite able and OKDERS taken for storm gnhe and Wing heads, cords, ele. Ses the new ries at 141 made the New CALF single, o | CHAPEL WALLPAPER for every need "| laminae 0 Lin at thy bor, Vows auntie HA § 1001 he hot boven classi The Yanks D. L. CONSTABLE, O.C. dnar Economy room lots and ex um A REMINGTON portable typewriter, like are 3 10 2 choices | y Sire Kindness beyond price ry import 4 hundreds of patterns] best aualit at the best new camplels "With onse : $60 Phone third game at New York Satur | ; Blaae Seat. foot, oy in stock of regular and prepasted 4 fully auaranteed HA 40601 after 6 pom ; aronto yet within reach of all price / J ¢ EXECUTOR line Ask far Aree ardstiel at day Double hung windows only GIRL'S royal blue coat, grey fur eollas ny LL Pgar's Paint and Wallpaper, across 3 rt ' RA 8 6220 from Dominion Stare, 34 King West $8 Call now \ Hui ' ution A n and ine 6.001 § in io 190 KING STREET WEST COMPLETE stock of Hilltop's Rental Lymer Aluminum Co yess and ship, siee 18, 83. RA R660 CAMPING sauipment. Bargain price ist 3 a BIA 6.15 pm RA 8.5385 game 1st served b op Motors RA #0801 forved han ET ROTO Heol 400 for sale, alse two & voll IN MEMORIAM oar radios, RA R631 days: RA A4604 AWNING, IGT JiIors GHA WWE Aj gfuminum product oveniigs NOTICE Prompt serviee, Free sstimates now for early delivery, Chair and tanie| Doors, windows, shower doors, ta RTRRFT Ln Mite and chi ul p oN one No 4 walnut dining suite, bulfet, table ane TREVARL = In loving memory of our "ontals, Cleve Fox, 413 meee North awnings, TV towers, paving chairs, alse odd chairs, other articles fear mother Wha passed away October UNFINISHED, 16fool house traller One contract, nothing down. 2 Dwew Bireel TO Pelephane MO BR 56TY | > Sometimes it's hard 10 understand ! For free estimates call CHILI'S orib, excellent sondition, $10. ¥ ™ p10 USED GURNEY hotaly furnace. Very RA B6100 Bn 0s wut fd os land 00, somiton. Reasonanie: Fisuse al A | a Seal C ofa, TE ALL CERTIFIED GARAGE OPERATORS Royond our power io see RA 3.3008 after 4 uma hos a 0. wee PARLOR onat hii A day of remembrance sadly er BOY'S tweed sports jacket and Leow RA 5.9345 ANYTIM and metal, Partitions may he vallod lee 12 WiPl's oat, DROWN \ d N | Re Tank the Ht oy dah There will be a meeting at the Havelock Hotel an Thursday Without farewell she left us all 2irl's okel, grey tweed nmantied glass and wood par Ons Madly Mised and ever remembered coal ares fe All Nive 10 xeon SFE HOME APPLIANCES sismanied 4 BR No gals morning, October Thirteenth at Ten-Thirty, Havelock, Ont, ¥ fami oandition, NETH . / . . , ELECTRIC stove, four haimer, ¥ood OSHAWA LTD FUE Utiitles Commision. RA 14630 BB The weys and means to improve this trade for the benefit availabe. In sted parties. Oshav oven, WRILe enamel tn fnor, TeANN 90 SIMCOE SOUTH GIREA' spring and winter coats, party of the driving public will be discussed, F THANKS able. Apply 537 Mary Street | f R UC DA R dresses, 5 mouton fur coal, all sise CARD 0 LR | FOR FRIGIDAIRE = |dsaron, hy imouion hur "con, th SIX ples walnut veneer dinette sui SALES AND SERVICE The Garage Operators' Association of Ontario is recognized N goueh, nearly new, price 8 periact condition easanahly pros ARIGHT I wish (6 'hak av 117 Glendale Avenue Domestic and Commercial Phone RA 801 by all to act both for its own trade and for the protection of friends and relatives for sending ears, ONE lady's black velour RA 5.5332 TWO single beds, lamp, (hee pisce Hawers and gitta: alse those wha VISL giao 400 one lady's raspherey « hodraom suite. Telephone RA 5.201 od me during my say In hospital A pai and weal, sige 40; hath excellent y Bd COME spoil hanks to the nurses and nurses' condition: $18 each. 18 Burk Street . OIL space heater With blower, alse oll ME te this meetin aides on Ward 3A. all the doctors 16m RA 58806 : A by ALUMINUM DOORS fUMace. NeRely new, selling cheap 9 ond he whet this Awociation is the Brookiin Medical Contre and Rev " RA BA0T6 doing te impreve conditions for all N. T. Holmes SICKROOM equipment for rent and far A | YO ' i Lawrrena Bright. sale, wheelohairs, hospital beds, invalid ND WINDOWS ELECTRIC guitar, typewriter, adding walkers, commades heath = lamps nachine Hke new, student desk, very MOORE = The family of the late STHIOheR, canes; alte | mil away beds Special Reduced | reasonable. RA 44M ALL OPERATORS will be WELCOME! tack and Pauline Monre wish 16 express afd erihs, Law rentals No investment > FALL bargam' Cabin eraser, 1% fool their sincere (hanks and appreciation ree delivery and piokup. Phone Ald or We Sell, Cash lols of aveessiivies," #0 HP Mereary 1 Relghbars, friends and relatives, also Rentals RA S080 y wiotor, Must he seen to he appreciated General Motors of Canada Lid for Whe FACTORY clearance. smooth ton mal and Larry Cheap for cash or terms and trade-in many beautifal Doral offerings. A vory asses. 290 ently, fabulous savings, | \ ER may he arvanged. Phone RA 4703 special hanks 16 Shirley friends, and guy bunk beds, sight meess CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE AGIERDGES IR Ihe VICIRILY OF Cochrane caiiniele. thie star special, $38: con street far money, flowers, food and pental beds guilted 12 anly, sing ALE V 1D Dine. Their RInARSss Wil Always D6 18! tne ovat Ta Ree S36r rot pas he X VAIDA wembheiod complete, special S148 Wilsan's Fur] mitre Company, 3 Chueh Street ' 48) DREW ST. RA 1.98%) the metarist in Ontarie, SEVERS We wish to express oun heartfelt thanks and appreciation ie oar frends, relatives and neighbors for Bg e Ria eR nga lg CERTIFIED 88-YEAR-OLD CANADIAN WHISKY & dear hushand and father, William J Severs. We especially wish 1a thank THE ANNUAL MEETING , Rev. William Linley far hs visits and Ml foral tributes and those whe seat | SYMPAIRY oars. THANKS to the Cancer Origina + because it was the first certified §.yean Sovisty. the harbor, My Alex Roos ax: fuemen Oshawa Navy Chwh ONTARIO COUNTY UNIT, old Canadian whisky on the market. Alan Queen Mary LOBA, Mrs Belty Atkins Eira vi | CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY (if Buy yous now, by instalments or for cosh, Jf Fine. tems svn mato a » WILL & Wael in t WRLD ON for that fine, full Ravour that only comes with age ---- a ne 1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1960 of ony branch of the "Royol B Canadian. because nis made for Canadians and Please Note in McLAUGHLIN HALL Deadlines now in effest for this eolumm 338 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA yr Rosi Gren oh go THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ffl Zest Aj ~SSchenley 2 by Canadians =a whisky: of truly outstanding quality N. CANADIAN ® AM SAME DAY THE GUEST SPEAKER WILL RE.MR BRUCE AFFLECK DEATHS Anvistant Crown Attainey for Ontaria County 11 AM SAMI DAY AN wha are mtarested in the work of the q DIAL RA 3.3492 Concer Society ame cordially mvited te attend 4 RRR uj ¥ ¥ ny mthhavaene Wily Refreshments will be served ' A : y ; PROER QF WM \ i SRQF MERIT, ABED 12 YEARS « RESERVE, ARED @ YEARS + GOLDEN WEQDING, AGED § Vian)