The Oshawa Times, 4 Oct 1960, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Diane Augustus | Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manawer: Lloyd Robertson Wams Billiard Room Operators About Youths Magistrate Crawiord Guest has | Wed In St. John's | S$. John The Fvangelisti Mr, Collin Gallant acted Tel. MO. rn WW as stds tos RED WINGS CATCH SALMON IN B.C. The the Pacific Ocean feet and using the fishermen cohoe salmon they are Bill Roberts (Fer miles out in the Fishing at 200 herring as hall mostly eaught Left to right Bigg Johnny ish month Red last ven! Columbia Wings ont { coast to play in the Can Championship. In they found time fishing trip, 40 to the expressions the facks of these fishermen and hy the look their catch, the member the Whithy Red Wing team had a good Lime According of pride on {0 [ ida Lacrosse hetween games to go on this ol in Brit issued 8 warming to operators of | billiard rooms in Whithy to make! sure that boys under 18 are not permitted (0 enter without per © mission from thelr parents. His Worship gave the warning as hel dismissed a charge against Mur] ray Hicks, charged with allow. Church, decorated with sten- best man. The ushers were Mr ards of white shasta mums was John Augustus, brother of the scene of a very preity wedding bride, and Mr. Paul Martinson al 11,30 a.m, on Saturday, Oct, 1, nephew of the groom when Margaret Diane Augustine For the reception iWhithy, daughter of Mr. and John's parish hall, the mother of Mrs, Harold M. Augustus, Whit- the bide received the guests by, became the bride of Frank wearing a champagne and brown Stanley Anderson, Whithy, son sheer over satin sheath dress, WE A Ih-yearold boy to enter of Mr. and Mrs, J, (. Anderson, ,uatching accessories and a cor Owen Goldring, of Whithy, told |Whithy, Rev, Father Leo J. Aus- sage of talisman roses, She was the court that on Sept, 13 he had' tin performed the ceremony assisted by the bridegroom's mo- observed his two sons enter Palm The wedding music was play: ther who chose a Dior blue dress Billiards, on Dundas street west, | ed hy Mrs, P, Wilson, who accom. with matching small flower hat One sm, he said, was 15, the panied the soloist, Mrs. Ivan and a corsage of pink roses other 17. He sald thal he entered Davie Vor their wedding trip to Mont. the building himself and found Given marriage by her fa real and the Adirondack Moun. the 1i-year-old leaning against a ther, the bride wore a white tains, the bride donned a brown table ¥ | peau de-soie, houftant skirt which peaudesoie dress topped a He said #that he had asked fell in a chapel train, long lily beige tweed coat, with hrov Hicks on two previous occasions {point sleeves and a Sabrina neck-|cessories and fur hat to keep the hoy out held at Ht in hy n ae and ) Vi fable " he pul the several Fairview Residents Feted By Pickering The Pickering members entertained the resi dents of Fairview Lodge al a hirthday party. The evening party opened with community singing then moving pictures were shown New Chiel pl the Ontario Hospital Van Horne is shown al hi Russell Van Horne of replaces Richard Price who re Itebekah Lodge Rus fim Vienef| Peterbor ough), Boh Carnegie and team Buperiptendant sell | fesk Whithy THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdoy, October 4 1960 5 NEW CHIEF SUPERINTENDANT cently retired afler 45 years of service at the hospital, Mr, Van Horne has worked at the On. tario Hospital for 32 years, Oshawa Times Photo The cod in addi Ivan Davie lat caughl a rock manager hy Mrs. Johnson Corsages and boutonnieres were presented to each guest celebral ing their birthday, The birthday ter tion to a cohoe WHITBY PERSONALS cake was cut by Mrs. Shea to Set Policy For Town Hall Use ith Wh room offered room lying chambers has no money to equip the an alternative A hone of contention town council almost since the as announcement that the new between the council hall would not have an audi-| and the garage which al | means of ventilation hy a first town torium was buried, temporarily By WHITBY SPORTS PARADE ; daughter of Mi Peleshok For the Crystal Sleve her ninth birthday sion a party was arvanged the following nest Jo Slichter, Busan Milley Dunean, Belly Ann Jimmg, Gail Clark Maura Richard Debbie Majeher, Patsy the singing of "Happy Birthday to You" and gifis were presented to each of the eelebrants I'he evening closed with the inging Good Night Ladies and the "he thelr Ackeny Mag 00 $60 seal ol Queen following line, Her headdress was a full] On their return Mr Mrs In his own defence, Hicks ex {1¢ ngth mantilla of Chantilly lace,' Anderson will estab) dence Plained that at the time the inci | {She carried 8 prayer book adorn at 720 Dunlop street west, Whithy, dent occurred, the store portion ed with talisman rose huds and of the business had heen full of streamers {customers and he was unaware Matron-of honor, Mrs Eaward Commends Town the boy was in the billiard room Sheehan, bridesmaids Mrs, Bar until told hy the hoy's father, He hara Howe, Miss Bonnie Glendin F N C isaid that the light above the I ming were gowned alike in ruby or ew ourt ! had not een turned on for |red satin sheath with stiffened| Presiding for the first fine Zam petal over skirt of same material, over a court in the new Whithy He said that had lelhow length sleeves and sabring (own hall, Magistrate Crawford boy oul of the room on neckline. They wore flat how hi's Guest has commended the town Previous occasions matching their dresses and car- for its new building, His Worship ried cascades of yellow shila on Monday: presided over traffic 'mums. The Junior bridesmaid,! court, held in the council cham Miss Alison Augustus wore a her of the new building velveteen dress a shade lighter 'May | take this opportuni than the senior bridesmaids, full}, express my heartiest congrati {skirt white lace al neck and atijations (0 members of council {the edge of three-quarter sleeves. ang aif the fine people of Whithy She carried a small cascade con-on (heir immaculate new town sisting of yellow shasta 'mums hall said His Worship "A building so allractively » » landscaped with beautiful free Richard Price and a spacious parking lot adds much to the dignity and decorum . of the court Retires At "You have every right to feel proud of your accomplishment [ he said Ont Hospital | In eoncluding the cow " strate Guest occupi the Retiring after 45 years of Mayor's at the south wall ioe. Richard Price was replaced Of the council chambers, Police hy Russel Van Horne at Officers and defence counsel oc cupy the of council recently the Ontario Hospital Price, who was in charge of all male attendants, started to work at the hospital in Toronto in 1015. During the building of the IWhithy Hospital he moved here and tahle used hy members Judith Pine were celebrating birthday Mise Lottie Mr. James Blundel, Miss Sarah Bunting, Mrs, Florence © , . Foster, Mr, Rex: Lukes, Mr, John| Elizabeth Town, Palsy Cindy Matthews, Mrs. Mary Passmore and Wayde Bpratt, her cous Miss Mary Smith, My Robert| Michael Mikicel and her broth GERRY BLAIR Suspend Sentence, least, by the council member following a round table discus sion on Monday night. Council adopted a poli hat use will] mone he made of the council chamber tween here hy the publi 1d You The final poral's guard commitiee CLOTHES CLOSET I am opposed to on thal elothe and the garage couldn't get n there Councillor Robert Hasting amended the clause to add "with discrimination and meetings) semi-annual na Scobie calper for t Ontario A" } against the defending chamy Action gets underway I'he Meadowcerests hold virtue straight viel hur in Brooklin, tered Saturday Fall SWIinging Arena Intermediate NIARAI'A ticks munity pending an closet he he tonight A cor the rear of report read room the the council chamber be put in shape at the earliest possible time in order that It can be used of an annual or for public meetings." This would ture indicate that the council cham Councillor George Brooks bers will be used for council! slaimed that the room mentioned meetings and court only | was not a cubby-hole and would! The recommendation come guly cost $700 or $800 to equip for from the property . committee| public use. The room, he said, which had been asked to report|was so situated that it could bel crew scored an overwhelmir on three requests for use of coun-iapen to the public while the rest' 1.4 he chiefs oil chambers for public meetings. | of the building is locked up. | warpath on Saturday night PRESERVE DECORUM 1 the coumell chambers are In a discussion in a committee! BONE to be used for any public) of the whole council, Councillor| meetings, he said, they are going Paul Coath said that he was one|to be used for all minded member of council who adve.|hodies, whether Chamber of Com cated that no one use the council merce Garden Club or ratepay chambers but council and the ers' association o" court. "1 believe the dignity and HALF LOAF decorum of the building should Councillol Burns : said be preserved," he said that a half a loaf is hetter than Putting the room mentioned ni pone and she would go along with shape, he said, would include air (he pecommendation to use the conditioning and an acoustic cell: small room ing If that Deputy - reeve Warren Mowat| annual meeting, it must surely he clusion of the game when ti said that the council chambers! gz small group, said Mayor Ma fire on Brooklin as they had been furnished according 10 {in "The whole schmozzle is not| the use intended for the room, He worth investing money for the! said that he would like to see a jew people who will he able to policy set out since it now ap-|,ce jt, It is very little larger than peared that every application for {the mayor's office " the use of the chambers meant af session in council or committee Councillor William Davidson| said that he was in favor of pub lie groups having to mee in the town in the eounetl chamber FAVORS PUBLIC USE Reeve Everet Quantrill said | proved the motion that he favored letting the public above Added to this frustratin use the chambers for meetings. no adequate police protectic 'I am always in favor of using | ~ WHITBY | game, The home club are re any portion of this building, even obviously to it that cor DAY-BY-DAY this hallowed sanctum, for public] use,' he said looked He said that through the Tonight's council had heard complaints of FAULTY BRAKES to finish. as the Robert McGarvey, 20, of Scar. up they boro, was fined $20 and costs by Magistrate Crawford Guest in other public - bodies raising the rents on public auditoriums and A hands of Whitby traffic court on Monday | for having faulty brakes on his he could see nothing wrong with the council chambers being used car. His Worship was told that McGarvey's car had a hand for annual meetings of public ar ganizations brake which did not work at all and a foot hrake which went Mayor Stanley Martin said that he was not opposed to the coun down almost to the floor before becoming active ¢il chambers being used for an WHITBY tested affair, as the Bruin nual meetings or 'one shot" meetings of groups. But, he said Phone MO 8.3618 1-1 in the final twa periods Sinden and Charlie Burns he did oppose spending any George "Goose" Gosselin | goal, These two clubs meet Now Playing Evening Shows at 7 and 8:20 EASES ; the Limestone City Last Ra Show at 8:20 ahle netminder hefore the more respectable. However the Uke line out of two day night contest on e I'he Transporters were Shturday's in Prior to Morton when they th were confronted were Carrying eivie | male possessing a vile them make that th their possession because "our pieces." Judging fror moronic lady of the evening was to sre team I hy course Joyce oul boom. is used for pn A series of stick-swingir rooms Art fracas Morton which Trainer ing the spectators The only | for attack on the Nii Falls club From reports logical explar Mes Ie claimed thal Councillor Hastings' amendment calling for only semi annual or tf al meetings was diseriminat ing against organizations which} meet more often Councillor Hasting ment was lost and Councillor Burns calle of mannei the gara a place hut not hall give a things very much their own amend. | council ap outlined schedule and earlier play~of ered the superior Brooklin Saw years game promise Meadowoeres suffer hefore TOWN AND COUNTR advantage of inept goalten ville before a near sell-out five goals behind the incomy first period to take exchanged goaltenders and with an adequate man Ottawa Canadiens of the E minding. still suffered a 51 Rostan Bruins in Hull on Whithy Badminton Club hel evening at the Whithy Distr again on Thursday evening ANG. MASCOFR EDMUND GENEVIEVE QIN PURDOM - PAGE CERVI WA be HCOARDD PREOA + Bega sy ALSO: eat a5 ADULT SNTERTAINMENY THE RISE RAND FRILL OF LEGS WI Entertains At Lodge Here On Sep! Li Women's Institute | residents Fairview Lodge They all enjoved a car ride to! Rrooklin and were served a de the Brooeklin entertained 23 at 8:45 pm Meadowerests on Thursday and as a result the from Niagara Falls, game tongue friend, Was laste and players from more these blood«thirsty ecut=throats, Frontenacs an 8-1 trimming last Friday night in Belle. an early after the twine for Kingston it developed into a closely con and if W the Showing some | and accounting for four of the Bruins eight goals Sunday | badminton players are cordially with several patients The Ontario Hospital ai Whithy vas used as a military hospital during the First World War, It used for this purpose until Suspend Licence An Oshawa motorist was placed on suspended sentence and his li cence to drive was suspended for two years when he was convicted in the Ontario County Court at Whithy of failing to remain at the scene of an accident, John Michael Pollard, 18, appeared hefore Judge W, 8, Lane, in Whitby, following an appeal hy the Crown against an acquittal won by Pollard in police court on the same charge, His Honor up: Usher, Mr. Nicol Camphell, Mys,| Steve and Tim, Crysta Annie Taylor, Mrs, Clara Me.| Was assisted in serving Nabh, Mrs, M. Lotton, Mrs, FE |Kate Wilson, Mrs, Ann ryan, Mr. W. Wiseman, Mrs. F | and Mrs. Louise Spratt Shea, Miss Katie Gorrill, My Jonathan FAOMDAON Mr, George stewart, Mr, John Hubbard and|®d the Anderson Miss Ellen Whittaker ding which took place - day at SL. John The with a parked car. The court was| Church were Mr, and told that Pollard had SOMEL waa) Civire Gaudreau. Mi on for three blocks, then stopped children: Pe his car, The witnesses said that Robert May Pollard returned te the area of and Mrs ¥ ransport, a hilligerent hand by the Brooklin Com th of the All acrosse championship serie vion Brooklin Meadowcrest invade he six game Out of town guest In 1922, Mr. Price was appoint ed supervisor of one of the male leoltages He remained at this job until 11955 when he was appointed chief BUpervisor Mr, Price's replacement, Rus sell Van Horne, has 32 years of experience al the Ontario Hos pital behind him A resident of Whithy, Mr. Van convietion, Horne is a member of the Whit | Evidence was heard that Pol:|ear and was sitting in it when well, of Wallaceburg, Ontario hy Garden Club. He also is onl lard had driven a car along Bond | police arrived the executive of the Civil Service! street west, in Oshawa on May 20] Pollard said thal he was nervy. Association, and his car had been in collision lous following the collision, August bh on a 3:2 edge in the serie ories last week, 21-10 and 9-6 a blood-splat vening in Catharines the mn Si for and Mrs My anley Jane 1 slon ey fired=up Brooklin Apparently this to the no match 1g victory as they in the Garden City Glen Ree tank in honor of Mr, and Mrs, son and Art | and Leland celebrated | K pefor i with] Ann | Robby Kay|# h Karen Collier, | McLean Loo pines in rs ther Mrs Mikicel who attend! wed last Satur Evangelist Mrs Glady and of King Lloyd Augus held the appeal and registered a the accident in a friend's car and) .c "Grant Rosemary and Alison, then returned to his own parked] of poponte, and Miss Biddy Balk: the former Miss Lillian Church Bun. with Miss Miss Marline hostesses, The al Almonds room and school Bell Weregard as Bandra Noreen happy couple received many loves ly gift hest accompanied with very vishes for their future hape Almonds' Anniversary Services will be held on Sunday, Oct, 30, with Rev. F¥, Lane of Oakwood as anest speaker for hoth services, Mr. and My Karl Pogue, of dackson, Michigan, have returned home after spending several days al the former's brother, Mr, and Mrs. Loyal Pogue, of High street, Mrs, H. A. Rogers spent last week in Toronto visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. W. 8. Row, Lynn, daughter of My, Fdwin Probert, 12th birthday and Mrs, is celebrating her today. Her school A community shower was held! companions and friends wish her Grant, many happy returns of the day, eo equipment and sweaters hy a over-sized fe and she promptly told ey had plenty bandages | boys are going to cut your n these well chosen remarks what followed during the | definitely premeditated slightly JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST When you need Flowers You Need Us Phone MO 8-3324 124 Dundes St. W., Whithy A GUIDE TO VALUES WHITBY - AJAX - PICKERING BROOKLIN - PORT PERRY A More Personalized Service When You Shop Locally A MORE PERSONALIZED SERVICE, when you shop locally, Your community merchant knows you, he takes a personal interest in your tastes, Often he will order special merchandise tor you, get scarce items, perform many little services which mean a lot in shopping convenience, These helpful gestures cannot be purchased, they are a part of a friendly spirit that abounds in Your home community, SHOP WITH YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS CONCERNS ig was climaxed al the con. ie Niagara Falls club opened journeyed to their dressing | knocked unconscious dur several minutes belween both clubs ation this wdowere Wa y accept d frenzied, un the inability defeat in for ile usual had gular the n us, the Transporters WHITBY CLEANERS Phone MO 8.2345 For Free Pick-up Of Your Furs and Apparel WE OPERATE OUR OWN REFRIGERATED STORAGE All Garments Fully Insured 150 Colborne St, throughout the re until they way f rounds club g incident was the fact thal m was in attendance at the sponsible for this matter and wstabulary forces were encount over s to be a thriller from start ts will be ap il undue the striving to wr punishment at East Y Roston Bruins took ding to hand the Kingston UPHOLSTERING A. ZAYETTE Recovering and Repairing For Old Quality Value With Modern Re-Styling Mrs crowd, The Bruins pumped etent Norman Jaques in the lead. Boston and Kingston | the first twenty minutes | like Don Simmons ee if your name is in one these advertisements. This page is @ weekly ed for a 26-week period and there will appear in the advertisements each week and addresses of people living in Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Brooklin or Port Perry advertisements carefully and f you find your name found your name and present it along with a sales slip or label toe The Oshawa Times office in Whithy, showing that goods have been purchased from any ol the advertiser an this page and you will receive absolutely FREE a $3.00 order to be spent for merchandise with one of the advertisers on this page. Winner the Oshawa Times advertiser they wish to spend thet order feature af the Oshawa names Read the clip out the advertisement in which you tending | wi outscored the Frontenacs Ex-Whithy Dunlops, Harry plaved well for Kingston scored the Frontenac again an Thursday night ren Blair can obtain a suit 8 Emmy Ryan, 514 Perry Phone MO 8.2344 Whithy, Ontarie or Services one lone must advise mn which in > THE DISTRICT PAGE -- GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE STATION George Popescu, Manager Try New FINA Gas Power-better Mileage and Savings Licensed Mechanic Have Your Car Checked Before Vacation Trip Down Here Phone MO 8.4232 932 Brock St, N,, Whitby ROUSSEAU UPHOLSTERY FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our location ot 216 MARY ST, EAST block North of Post Office in Whithy Is Most Convenient For Your Buying Needs Of Quality Goods At Prices That Save STAFFORD BROTHERS Monumental Works the sociation of Member of As Canadian I Memorial Craftsmen Distributor of Rock of Ages Barre Granite Eventide Granites Quarry Guaranteed MO 8.3552 Whithy -- rere a---- an the should he Bruin flying, with dazzling passing patterns, | Hull net game SOO were VIGOR OIL STATION Operated by "Vie" Ven Luven Dominion Royal Tires The Best Deal on New and Used Tires Phone MO 8.3644 501 Brock St, N,, Whitby OSHAWA Ornamental Railings Omamental Metal Wark Furnitire J. A. VONDETTE Real Estate Broker Phone MO 8. NN and MO FREE 156.00 LOOK FOR YOUR NAME PHL, with outstanding sethack at the hands of the afternoon The d their official opening last let High School, They meet at 7:30 and all interested invited to attend WE APECIALIEE IN PROMPT SERVICE Listings Industrial--Commercial Real Estate Manager 104 Dundas Street West Whitby, Ontario Railings Fire Escapes - Guaranteed Work Oshawa Ph, RA 3.4161 Whitby Ph, MO 8.2681 Solicited Harry Jermyn { MOOKLIN CONCRITE PRODYCTE LIMITER Geo. Hamers Lid. Plumbing and Heating * Automatic heating Automatic Heating Units Gas and Oil Burners Eavestroughing General Sheet Metal Wark Phone MO 8.3011 W. Couke, 711 Brock St, 8 212 Brock St. § Whithy WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS ANNOUNCING "NEW FIBERGLAS FENDERS" For All Makes Of Cors---'52.'60, GEORGE H. HARDING Construction Co. Lid. Py ALEX PEARCE YOUR FIT ITER TO AFAUTY AND SANITY Decorator DOMESTIC Graining COMMERCIAL I C licious lunch Two of Fairview Lodge resi dents entertained Mr. Pickett plaved the violin accompanied hy Mrs. Mahel the plana ' N " allowed community n Nore Produced by MILTON The residents -veturned to the ° 2000 ETHER aon lodge alter a very enjoyable after DIAMOND lohnson at Brush Roller Specializing In RE.CHROMING CAR-BUMPERS All Grille & Accessorier--'52.'60 No. 12 Highway One Mile North of Whithy Painting Murals Paper Hanging 03 Bayview Ave Whithy Phone MO 8-527) and Builders Aherations--Repain Phone MO 8.3566 Whithy Call «+ « DOWNEY CAB MO 8-8151 Spray Signs Drive | | 411 Fairview BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCES V. Graham R. Catton Weekly Specials 23" TV, from $299 118 Brock St. S., MO 8.3707 Whithy, Ontario noon ! FOR FAST EFRICEBINT TAX) ankdind

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